View Full Version : Let's Play In Angband - Part 6: Nazgul Hunter - Mazes and Critters

2012-08-18, 01:17 PM
Latest part: 6 - Nazgul Hunter - Mazes and Critters (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13805011&postcount=250)

Hello everyone to a Let's Play of Angband!

Here we have a very, very dangerous and harsh game. It will kill you swiftly and cruelly if you do something stupid or you don't pay attention. The fact that it plays as a turn-by-turn-and-take-your-time rythm is probably only meant to throw you in a sense of security: before you know it, the text at the top of the screen piles up in a single turn of 500 attacks striking you and bringing you to death.

Therefore, this Let's Play shall continue with different characters, telling their tales of fortune and inevitable death. Because death IS inevitable.

You will find the rules here
The Let's Play will be of sequential lives of various adventurers. I shall have a character at least reach Lvl 5 both in character level and dungeon level before making him "count", unless the tale of an especially unfortunate soul happens to be quite funny.

I shall pick up character designs based on people's suggestions. I hope to have an acceptable buffer of adventurer designs so I can roll through them. Creativity is encouraged!

I shall require that you provide 4 information when submitting an Adventurer.

1- Race

2- Class

3- Name

4- Concept explanation, small quirks/challenge you want me to respect. Just know that if I find a certain challenge to be too darn hard to respect, I might just pass over your adventurer idea, or not respect it.

Also be informed that I shall NOT reveal what are the stats or perks of each species as is. I will talk about them when they are relevant to a story, but that's about it. The point is to play a character, not a Race/Class combination.

I recommend we alternate between 3 Adventurer Ideology:

- Powerful Race/Class combination (I hope I get far with them). ex: High-Elf Mage
- Archetype characters (for better roleplaying). ex: Gimli, the Dwarven Fighter. Favors the axe, lotsa Con. Might or might not be optimized!!
- Funny combination. ex: Belkar, the Hobbit Fighter. Or Pun-pun, the Kobold Priest. (I hope to write the most humorous posts with them).

Obviously, I will try my very, very best with every one of them. Submission in this thread will be used to start the adventurer buffer in the main Let's Play thread.

Legacy characters might very well be played again, if one adventurer turned out to be especially popular. These will always be identified with numeral. Just imagine Belkar IV striking down through Angband!!

Easily referenced archives
1- Hi! I'm Woody! You know I won't Last! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13749425&postcount=2)
2 - Embark and Strike the Earth! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13753375&postcount=5)
3 - Nazgul Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13768074&postcount=12)
4 - Nazgul Hunter - Down Under (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13772858&postcount=18)
5 - Nazgul Hunter - Beasties and the Boots (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13789055&postcount=20)6 - Nazgul Hunter - Mazes and Critters (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13805011&postcount=250)

List of retained and upcoming adventurers, feel free to suggest new ones!
Woody: Elf Ranger who focus on ranged attacks almost exclusively
Gimli: Dwarven Fighter, with maxed Str and a fascination for digging straight lines in dungeons, mining every gemstone vein he encounters in Angband
Bloodkill Murderrage, a Half-Troll Paladin who just darn like Locks and would never, EVER bash a door or a chest open. He can't leave any door or chest closed in his travels. May or may not do honor to his parents. Might have unreasonable high intelligence (for a Half-Troll)
Steve Irwin, a Human Ranger who wants to show you around Angband, and show you how its done!

All right then, let's get started!

2012-08-18, 01:36 PM
Part 1: Hi! I'm Woody! You know I won't last!

They told me I was crazy to go to Angband, home and lair of the Evil God Morgoth. Nowhere else in Middle-Earth is there a more vile of scum and villainy. But I have to go there, for there lies my destiny.

My name is Woody, and this is my story.


Very early I realize the people living over Angband aren't especially welcoming. Rogues and Battle-scarred veterans are crossing the streets, bumbling idiots and plague-ridden street urchins harass me constantly. I prefer to skip this doomed town sitting at the mouth of Hell, and delve directly toward my fate.

On the way, a daring squint-eye rogue pickpockets my spellbook! No!! This was a gift from my Father! I hunt the thief through the streets, killing anybody in my path, until I find the culprit again. They say Blood is the only true currency of Angband, I think I just settled my first check.

I get down the stairway into the fortress. Lizards and worms are infesting the place. My shots, true and through get rid of them easily. I start exploring the sorrounding, picking unknown potions and scroll as I go, until I step in front of a pack of rabid animals!


However, my shots are true and effectively get rid of these miserable creatures without much problem. On the same level, I encounter two other similar packs of Jackals, who all suffer the same fate.

I realize I am losing my time on this miserable level. No challenges to speak of, no treasures of note. I go down a flight of stairs.. into a locked room!

Immediately, I am assailed by Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog! It takes nearly a dozen arrows to take him down, but I survive the dangerous encounter. Anybody who let loose such dangerous creatures on innocent adventurers clearly deserves to be hunted down and killed.

By then, life experience allowed me to finally understanding the scribbling in the book my father gave me. I learn a spell which allows me to detect monsters in the surrounding. The spell lets me see there are two creatures behind the locked door; a Wild Cat and... Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog. Eru, save me.

The door won't open, no matter how hard I bash against it. Realizing I could chance a spell of Dimensional Door, to step ahead of it, I prepare myself...

After a few tries, I end up materializing right in the middle of the two pack animals. I try to run away but...


Well, I knew my destiny lied in Angband, I just didn't expect to die like a dumbass on level 2.

My name was Woody, and this was my pathetic story. Still better than Tydus's, I didn't made you suffer through filler.

2012-08-18, 01:56 PM
A half-Troll Paladin named Bloodkill Murderrage, in honor of his family's long tradition of naming children the opposite of what they want them to become. He's a erudite man, who has a strange obsession with locks.

2012-08-18, 03:11 PM
A half-Troll Paladin named Bloodkill Murderrage, in honor of his family's long tradition of naming children the opposite of what they want them to become. He's a erudite man, who has a strange obsession with locks.

Me likey! Added. Althought you might be disapointed at the level of his Int score, as we would be lucky to end up with anything bigger than 6. (I use point-buy).

I also added the character I am currently playing. (Don't worry, Fans of Woody, I hope to play a Woody II eventually). Gimli! Feel free to take a look. I suppose he is heavily influenced by my Dwarf Fortress passion.. :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-19, 10:10 AM
Part 2 : Embark and Strike the Earth!

The tale of Gimli, A.k.a. Urist McBadass, is certainly a tale worth telling. Dispose of your impressions of Wuss-Woody, and embrace the new Chapter of Angband:


While shopping around town for the heaviest and sturdiest armor he can afford (he be a dwarf after all!), our hero encounters a blood-starved killer. A wolf in sheep's clothing. The only man more devious than Sauron, who can send hordes of rampaging minions to kill you while smiling and pretending to be your friend:


As a true hero of the Dwarvenhold, Gimli doesn't wait one or two and strike down the menace before it can make another victim with his rabid dogs. This one is for you, Wuss Woody.

So I start digging into Angband. Immediately, my Dwarven senses started tingling..


By Armok, I shall search this entire level and find the treasure! No monster will be left standing, no previous shall be left behind! That be the Dwarven Spirit!!

And if you think Gimli is going to let something as trivial as WALL or TONS OF ROCK get in his way, think again:


All dwarves, Gimli included, can probably dig naturally 50 times faster than any other adventurers. While other adventurers might need digging equipment to avoid being essentially useless, Gimli is able to dig through solid rock with a mere dagger or spear.

Damn, why nobody told my dorfs in Dwarf Fortress?

No matter. The point is, Gimli considers the corridors, doors and hallways to be mere "suggestion". Real dwarvendelvers dig THEIR OWN DAMN PASSAGEWAY.

They are also damn fine interior re decorator. You have an annoying stone pillar in your way? No problem sir! A locked door is preventing your access to treasure? Gimme a minute, I'll show you lateral thinking at work.

Although it should be noted that after a (relatively) enriching 1st level (scrolls and potions, mostly), the next levels proved to be disappointing.

Me Dwarven Sense be tingling and telling me to get the **** out of here and go deeper. This is the dwarven natural reaction to poverty. It's also the dwarven natural reaction to hunger, sleepiness and alcohol deprivation.

Now that I think of it, maybe that's why we are a dying race.. Nevermind!

However, don't confuse desire to go deeper with pacifism. Here is an example of just awesome Gimli is.


That's right. I gained a level just by the experience of killing a creature I didn't even knew existed! I shall remember my battle to the death with "It", and always weight in how I blindly hacked in the air to bring It down.

I just hope It wasn't Tim Curry this time.

So... what's next? Hey! Lil' Weird Hobbit! How are you doing? Your name is "Smeagol", right? My Continuity Sense tells me you will play a critical part in Middle-Earth History. Since I already somewhat destroyed continuity by slaying Mr. Maggot-Sure-Im-A-Good-Guy-But-Send-My-Dogs-To-Kill-You, I think I will try to let you live. We can at least preserve Movie Continuity, right?

Smeagol reach for your pocket!
Your purse feels lighter. 45 coins were stolen!
Smeagol disappear in a puff of smoke!

What. The. ****.

Okay. Screw continuity. This is personal. Nobody steals 45 of my 2350 coins and live to tell the tale. NOBODY!!!

Gimli hunts the thief through corridors and hallway. At times digging its own to reach Smeagol. You might have thought "Predator" was a relentless hunter. You ain't seen nothing. Gimli is a mix between Screamers (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/Screamers?from=Main.Screamers) and Terminator (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Franchise/Terminator?from=Main.Terminator).

I. Want. My. Money. BACK!!!

With interest.

300 turns, 9 chase-followed-by-teleport later, the walls are now splattered of Hobbit blood, Gimli now counts the money back. It's all there.. ohhhh.. and here's the interest!!


Well my, thank you! Time to go deeper into the earth.

Oh my, welcome, Mr. Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman. You might hope I'd try to preserve continuity by sparing you, but I'm over that now. Continuity is now in a fetal position crying herself to sleep and hoping I won't come and abuse her again.

Which, sadly for the both of you, would mean I won't kill you for the nifty magic object you might carry!!


Meh.. Rather underwhelming. Sorry Continuity, I guess it didn't turned out as profitable this time.


Gimli is now wondering who the monsters really are, that far into Angband. He just reached a cave filled to the brim with Hill Orcs, which he massacred without asking himself too much question... Then he noticed this


Was one of the orc he was going to kill... about to marry? Did Gimli just stepped in and massacred an entire wedding ceremony?

Wait, no. The wedding ceremony would have 2 rings.. This was probably the bachelor party, and Gimli was an unscheduled stripper. Or bachelorette party, who knows with orcs?


Ohhh.. a nifty staff of Summoning!! Let's use it to summon creatures which I shall kill for loot and XP!! I mean, how dangerous can these summons be?


HOLY ****

Luckily for everyone involved (except the monsters), I had a handy scroll of teleport which I use to get out of there. I'LL BE BACK

... and get back with a better defensive position.



The enemy planned ahead, however, and they send in their shock troops! I've never faced such a dangerous creature before!


Since, if you remember, I am using a Maul of Burning, and the bloody Golem be made of Iron, we end up trying to hit each other and barely scratch our respective armors. After nearly 100 turns of battle did I eventually scratched it to death. I swiftly hunt down and dispose of the remaining monsters. Seriously, who is dumb enough to summon these kind of creatures here?

A-HA! I found who the culprits are! Mages, a score of them!


This level finally ends up with me attacking a mushroom. Usually, I wouldn't be concerned... if it wasn't that this specific Mushroom do what Mushrooms do best..


Now I know why Hobbits like Mushrooms that much. And why Evil Maggot wants to protect his stash.

I reach Level 13. At first, it feels like any other levels.. but I meet a compatriot! Hi there, fellow Dwarf!!


Damn... I heard of this happening before. A certain dwarf has so much mental punishment that he finally snaps and throw a murderous tantrum until he is put down... or massacres the entire Fortress. You know, I heard tales about Angband. The Lair of Evil...

But how was it built? Why is the outside such a devastated wastleland? Who digged the first level of this Hellish Fortress? Maybe it was the Dwarves... It would make sense.. This place might have been, once, the Doomed Fortress of Boatmurdered.

... it makes so much sense now. I have to get out of here! Boatmurdered is the Doom of Dwarves, nobody should ever get in here ever again!! I have to warn the Dwarvenholds!!

Nar is clearly a superior fighter to me, and madness allows his to cast dangerous curses upon my being! I run away... to be cornered by a horde of Orcs, led by a chieftain.

Oh damn. While hacking my way through, someone sneaks in my back and...


Good bye, Gimli. May your history be remembered...

2012-08-19, 08:11 PM
(i may or may not continue this let's play based on the level of enthusiasm I witness from the audience. Sorry if you don't like my style, it's my first LP) :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-19, 10:24 PM
Well, the writing itself is interesting...
But I have literally no idea what this game is, what the goal is, what's going on, what sort of things go into making a character for it, and so that limits my ability to really make suggestions. Some gameplay exposition would be nice.

Is that about the most one can get out of "DIG THROUGH EVERYTHING" as a strategy, or is it possible to get more from it? I'd like to see that.

2012-08-19, 10:45 PM
Well, the writing itself is interesting...
But I have literally no idea what this game is, what the goal is, what's going on, what sort of things go into making a character for it, and so that limits my ability to really make suggestions. Some gameplay exposition would be nice.

Is that about the most one can get out of "DIG THROUGH EVERYTHING" as a strategy, or is it possible to get more from it? I'd like to see that.

Sadly, as far as I know, except bypassing entirely a room or hallway filled with self-reproducing vermins that grow faster than you can kill them, there is not much more use to the superdigging ability. It's just too slow to make an escape route with it.

I will try to be a little more detailed in term of technical stuff in my next Part, thanks for the input!

2012-08-20, 12:19 PM
Cool idea, I like it. LPs for roguelikes are awesome and there are too few of them, keep it up! Though I agree with Deme, some more mechanics would be useful, while I am familiar with roguelikes so I can pretty much follow it a lay out of how it differs from other roguelikes would be helpful.

2012-08-20, 03:54 PM
Hey, good thread! I'm a huge angband fan of old, though for some reason my current linux system won't run it (I get the launch screen, which crashes to prompt after I hit 'spacebar').

For those who are confused, Angband is one of the old-school rogue-like dungeoncrawl games. In my opinion, it's the pick of the litter. The website and free code can be found here (http://rephial.org/).

Saithis Bladewing
2012-08-20, 04:39 PM
This is pretty awesome, it reminds me of and makes me long for the old ADOM thread.

2012-08-21, 10:52 PM
Part 3: Nazgul Hunter

Hi everyone, and welcome to Nazgul Hunter, a special Let's Play on free display in Giantitp.com! (We thank Rich for his sponsorship that allows for this show).

I'm Steve Irwin, Nazgul Hunter! Together, we shall go on a journey of discovery and exploration into the depth of Angband, and I'll explain to you what's what!

Crickey! I sure hope we get to meet fascinating creatures on the way. You never really visited Angband unless you came face to face with a Stone Golem, an Ogremage, or even a Nazgul! Everybody thinks Nazguls are dangerous, but they are simply misunderstood creatures. I sure hope to get the chance to show you how to approach one without trouble. There is a very simple trick in discovering what is their sex, you have to get behind them and...

What? Oh, Terri just informed me we'd better keep this for a later episode, stay tuned! In the meanwhile, let's review what we need to know to delve into Angband!


That's me! Don't pay too much attention to what's written in the bottom of the form; I just made up something. What you should pay attention, first and foremost, are the statistics you see in the upper-right:

Strength - That's how strong I can carry stuff, how strong and well I hit dangerous animals to knock them down, and how quickly I can swing my weapon (the latter also considers dexterity).

Intelligence: That's how good I will be at spellcasting! Like all Park Rangers, I have access to the Ministry of Environment's approve list of spells which will make our job easier to seek out local wildlife!

Wisdom: I've never seen much use at that, really. I heard some Paladin or Priests are using it a lot, like my Beloved Terri, right sweety?

Dexterity: That will determine how good I am at getting out of the animal's jaws, how quickly I can move around, how quietly I can move around, how good I am at shooting with my knockdown bow, how fast I can attack stuff!

Constitution: that's how sturdy I am! It will give me longer to go without food, as well as increase my hit point total.

Charisma: That's how my public like me!!! Hmm.. maybe I should have raised that higher...

Then, let's take a look at what we're going to bring with us down in Angband!


You will first see my two main capture tools. A knockdown dagger and a knockdown shortbow, the standard fare for all Park Rangers who wishes to go down in Angband.

Also, since I am a proud member of our Human Race, I have no way to see much in the dark, so I will carry a torch on me at all time.

Everything else are little trinkets Terri insisted I brought with me. I can't say she is wrong, Angband can be a very dangerous place if you aren't used to it, and we want to show you how a trip in Angband can be a fun trip for the whole family: the safe way! So here I have a shield, a helmet, gloves and footwear. We sadly ran out of budget before we could by an armor proper, but I'm sure that problem will be solved quickly.


Here you can see my Park Ranger Ministry-approved Spellbook. It's been a long time since I have studied for the test I don't remember much what's in it, but don't worry about it for now!

The other stuff is very basic: extra food (never leave without it!), extra torches, as much knockdown arrows as I can carry on me. Oh, and a Scroll of Recall!

Now, young adventurers, you have to realize something. It's not when you are a thousand feet deep into Angband and you realize you have to get out to take a piss that you must think about buying a Scroll of Recall! These lil' gizmos allows you go get back to the Town at whatever depth you decide to read them, and if you read them into Town, it will send you back to the latest level depth you were. So if you are back from Level 20, don't go skinny-dipping into Level 1, or your swearwords will scare away the Uruk-Hai!

All right, enough talking for now! Let's start checking things down!

2012-08-22, 01:22 AM
Cikomyr, sir, you are a GENIUS. Seriously, I have GOT to get my Angband install working so I can get in on this hilarity.

2012-08-22, 10:39 AM
I am greatly looking forward to our lessons on the wildlife of Angband. :smallbiggrin:

Hiro Protagonest
2012-08-22, 06:58 PM
Your other thread is what got me to download Angband. Now I've gone through about 20 characters, a handful of which lasted very very shortly, another handful of which made it past level 5 (character level, I will call dungeon levels floors because they didn't bother correcting TSR and their lack of a thesaurus), and most of which died between levels 2 and 5.

I quickly developed a love for dwarf paladins, but my current character, a dwarf warrior, has made it to level 10 and is still kicking, two levels higher than my best dwarf paladin died at. Of course, the level 8 dwarf pally was also my previous best character, far outstripping any of my attempts to survive the low levels as a hobbit mage, and also beating out on the couple of ranger I played. So yeah, a hardy dwarf beatstick seems to be what works best to me. I barely notice the half-troll's increased regen rate, due to the success I've had simply using the Rest action to fully heal whenever I'm really low on HP and not in combat (and the half-troll's regen also isn't enough to save me from deadly combat, so it's not really a weakness of Rest). Also, dwarves have tunneling, which I've used a lot.

In honor of the dwarf paladins who died trying to clear the dungeon of monsters, I commission... a hobbit mage, just to see if you can survive that piddly couple of hit points at the low levels to come out on top with powerful spells and lots of mana. His name is Bando. He went adventuring because some kobold lunatics with spears came up from the dungeons and attacked the town. Even though they were quickly felled with no casualties and only a couple serious injuries, Bando decided to venture down to root out the source of the problem. That, and the guys that went down there and came back always had a decent haul.

2012-08-22, 07:28 PM
For one of the best use of the Dwarven's ability to dig, try out a Dwarven Rogue. Rogues are like weak fighters/mages, sure. But they have access to spells neither the mage or ranger have access, especially Detect Treasure.

So they can detect every single gem/ore vein and items on the ground from at least 20-30 squares away. For most races this mean nothing. For the Dwarves, it means easy money!!!

Nazgul Hunter is back again tonight! I am happy to hear you liked it so far!

Hiro Protagonest
2012-08-22, 08:24 PM
For one of the best use of the Dwarven's ability to dig, try out a Dwarven Rogue. Rogues are like weak fighters/mages, sure. But they have access to spells neither the mage or ranger have access, especially Detect Treasure.

So they can detect every single gem/ore vein and items on the ground from at least 20-30 squares away. For most races this mean nothing. For the Dwarves, it means easy money!!!

My dwarf warrior has like, five scrolls of Detect Treasure.

And it doesn't mean nothing. It means nothing for any non-dwarf who isn't smart enough to get a pickaxe as soon as they can afford it. AKA, guys who are so dumb they should be dead already. :smalltongue:

2012-08-22, 08:37 PM
Part 4: Nazgul Hunter - Down Under

And we are back in Nazgul Hunter, I'm Steve Irwin, your enjoyable host in this adventure through Angband!

So what is on today's menu? Who knows?! That is the beauty of Angband, you just walk down stairs into a new floor level, knowing that the second you leave it, you shall never see the like again, even if you come back at the same depth. Angband is that amazing of a place.

Some people might ask why you'd want to get down there. I'll answer: why do you want to climb a mountain? Why do you want to get at the heart of the amazonian jungle? Why do you go at a Texan Rodeo with pink butless chaps?

Crickey! The challenge! Because you want to have fun on the way, and be proud about accomplishing something! And it's just better if you can gather nifty stuff on the way; people keep loitering the dungeon, so it's a good idea to clean up as you go, there might be some previous artifacts on the way. It's funny what people leave on the ground at time..

All right, let's do this thing!


Here is the first creature we've seen on the way. Centipedes are usually not dangerous creatures, but you have to be careful not to get stung too often, as they will poison you for a short amount of time. If you aren't careful, you might die while running away.

However, I won't give him the opportunity to get close! A single knockdown arrow manage to send him fleeing, and I gave him a hearty chase.

You'd notice I've explore a bit already before I took the picture. The only other critter I've met was a Fruit Bat which I accidentally swapped away (sorry Batty! I'll send a fruit basket to Bruce), and a little white mouse.

Now, you know me. Ya know I'm not the kind of man who will kill creatures in their natural habitat. However, it is often the best thing to get rid quickly of any worm or mouse you might come across. If you aren't careful, these creatures will start reproduce quicker than bacterias!!

From a single creature, you might end up with 4 in 5-6 turns, 8 in 10 turns, 30 in 20 turns!! The creatures might not be extremely dangerous on their own (sometimes injuring you slower than you can heal). But if there are dangerous enemies who can strike you from afar, they will prevent you from reaching them or even escaping. When the situation got out of control, it's sometimes better just to run away.

Anyway, what's next on the way?



A horde of jackals! Now, these cute lil' critters will surround you and tear you apart if you aren't prudent. They are currently sleeping, but I know I am not discreet enough to tie them all up.

Very sneaky adventurers in Angband, like Hobbit Rogues with high Dexterity are capable of sneaking up on hordes of sleeping creatures and taking them out without anyone ever awaking.

Obviously, we aren't going to kill these cute lil' doggies!! I will simply knock them down and tag them before getting on our way.


Hmmm.. We have the opportunity of going deeper into the dungeon.. I guess we've seen enough of the 1st floor! Plus, I thing I've heard something down-there... Let's take a look together...



You want me to exclaim "Crickey!", don't you?

I won't. Crickey is for happy exclamation. I'm not happy a bit here. I just hate to see Poachers in Angband. These people disrupt the natural life cycle of this biological paradise! They go deep into the Dungeon and hunt Golems and Zombies in their natural habitat! The horror!!! :smallfurious:

This is why I'm a Park Ranger, you know. To find these people, and charge them a fine. But this one won't go easy...



This Poacher apparently knows some thing about the Divine Spellcasting, he put a curse on me own soul. Terri did told me that's one of the reason you are supposed to have "Wisdom"; it helps resisting dangerous spells.

However, just because I'm a bit nervous with the idea of confronting a poacher resisting Citizen Arrest, it doesn't mean I can't get him down with a Knockdown Arrow and handcuffing him!


That's what I call a good day's work!

2012-08-25, 12:43 PM
Don't worry people, I am still around! I just came back from a business trip in Winnipeg and had very busy evenings.

With hope, Nazgul Hunter is back tonight!

(you still like this?)

2012-08-25, 09:32 PM
Part 5: Nazgul Hunter: The Beasties and the Boots

Good evening everybody! And welcome to a new show of Nazgul Hunter!

So far in our little trip into Angband, I've captured & tagged a bunch of Jackals, a crawling centipede. I also tagged & bagged a poacher!! Getting in close with the Nature and ridding it of the bad guys is why I love this job.

But with any luck, we ain't gonna see any more of these darn poachers. Let's focus on the cute critters we can find around here. And talking about this...


Crickey! A Floating Eye! These little's cuties can be real troublesome if you aren't careful around them in your early character levels. It's not really about how much damage they can inflict, but if you ain't careful, they can paralyze you with a stare!

Which ain't that bad in itself, but 2 problems might happen:

- You might meet the Eye alongside other monsters. And THEY can kill you.
- If you get paralyzed, the Eye has all the leisure to... paralyze you again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Ad nauseam. And then you die of hunger.

So I'll just knock it down and not let it touch me. That won't be much of a problem, we'll be on our way after releasing the cute critter.

Oh not...


POACHERS!! :smallfurious: This is the oldest trick in the book. You'd think Teleport Runes wouldn't technically do much damage on the local wildlife, but I still find the displacement of critters to be a tragedy in itself. Also, such runes often displace the game into a poaching kill zone..


Like this one. Maybe they weren't expecting a catch so early, there's just one of them; an Apprentice.


Crickey! The man surely wasn't expecting Steve Irwin, Nazgul Hunter!

Let's arrest this poacher and disarm the trap, so that the local wildlife will be able to wander freely. I may have forgot to tell you, but Intelligence is also useful for Trap Disarming.


Indeed it makes me feel less sickly. Poacher traps are a damn shame.

Crickey! I just gained a new level, and realized I could crack open the Ministry-approved Ranger Spell list! Let's take a look...

There are 3 spells I can learn at the moment (in pale blue), but we'll go over every ones of them.


The first one is Magic Missile. It's a basic self-defense spell that throws a projectile of Force at enemies at any range. If you're a Mage, this spell is probably the most important to learn... But I got my trust Knock-down bow, so I'll pass. Maybe I'll learn it later, for emergencies or when my bow is out of range.


Detect Monster! Crickey, this is probably what I'll be learning soon! With this, you can take a look at every non-invisible creatures in the dungeon round you. It's a Park Ranger's best friend. We'll be using this extensively to locate exotic wildlife and hunting down poachers!


Phase Door. That lil' beauty is a life-saver, trust me on that. Any adventurer will get into pinch position. Surrounded and trapped by ennemies you can't beat.

Well, let me tell you one piece of advice: ALWAYS have an escape route. And make sure you don't have to way a few turns before it takes you away, like Word of Recall.

I repeat, Word of Recall is not a good escape strategy. Teleport Self or Phase Door are better.


Light Area. This spell illuminates the area you are in. (Duh). It's halfway useful, I have to tell you. A good adventurer never forget his or her light source. Plus, what's the fun in adventuring in something else than the darkness?


Cure Light Wounds. Oohhh... A life-saver! I don't think I need to explain much what this is all about.


Crickey! I love Find Traps, Doors and Stairs! This spell shows you where all the stuff are. When I will learn this, we'll be tracking down Poacher's traps, and locate all the secret doors.


I'd rather not be using Stinking Cloud. It's a rather violent spell, but it saved many adventurer's life. In large rooms filled to the brim with enemies, it may turn out quite useful, as it can hurt or kill a score of critters in a single blast.

The best use for this spell is when you are overwhelmed with vermin like I mentioned in the last episode. Stinking Cloud really helps controlling the population.

Anyway, that's all for tonight! See you next time!

2012-08-26, 10:55 AM
This is a pretty clever tutorial we have going here.

For a character premise... I'd be very interested in seeing more magic, so...

Name: Sir Reginald Archimedes Terrance De Verres The Third (Shorten However)
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Basic Idea: Well, I largely want to see what magic can do in a big way, so the persona's not essential -- maybe a really snobby magical-elitist noble?

2012-08-26, 11:13 AM
Sounds good. Before I got the criticism that people had no idea how to play the game, I had started on Bloodkill Murderrage. So when Steve will die be indisposed until the next season, I am going to finish the Paladin, and then do a 100% mage.

Although if you want snobby elitist mage, could we do anything else than a High Elf? :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-26, 11:59 AM
True. OK, High Elf is fine by me.

2012-08-28, 12:54 AM
I love these kind of lp, roguelikes fascinates me, but I'm never able to play them.

Anyway, just want to remind you that you can't change thread name forever. After a month, the thread's name is locked. Just saying so that it won't caught you off guard.

2012-08-28, 10:58 PM
Part 6: Nazgul Hunter - Mazes and Critters

Hello again everybody!

If you remember last episode, I just learned the spell of Detect Monster. However, bad news! I sadly have not enough mana point to cast the spell (mana cost of 2, I only have a pool of 1).

Technically, it is possible to cast a spell if you don't have the required mana points, but it is hardly recommended. You have a high chance to faint (which, if surrounded by monsters, is hardly recommended) and you might actually have your constitution drained temporarily or permanently!

Therefore, don't tax yourselves kids! Instead, let the Ministry do it to pay for Park Ranger salaries...

All right. Let's explore a bit...


Crickey! A cute mushy-mush! Usually, live mushroom can provide for an easy fight, but it is likely it might release spores which may blind, confuse, terrorize, spill acid or even drug you outright!

The later is actually quite interesting, but too fuzzy for our family-friendly show. So let's avoid contact and just shoot this one from a distance... What's next?


I'd tell you that I am surprised to catch another one of these crickedly-poachers, but I promised I'd relay my adventures through Angband as honestly as possible. So no.. after all, where there's one, there's always more sneaking around.

This one proves to be quite a fight, but I finally manage to turn him away with my trust knock-down dagger, and I finish him at a distance.


Ohh!! A soldier ant! Not much to say about them, however. Still, it's nice to see variety in the local biosphere!


CRICKEY!!! :smallbiggrin:

That be a Kobold! It's by far the cutest thing you can find around here in Angband! Just look at this cuty and tell me you don't want to hug it? (http://e621.net/post/show/92336)

All right, no time for further distraction. I'm a professional here, let's go a bit ahead and see what's over there...


Crickey! Caught in the act! A Harpy and some worms ambush me...



I quickly take down the Harpy, but I did not intervened quick enough to take care of the Worms. Just look at what will ALWAYS happens if you leave this creature unchecked for more than 4-5 turns...


Time to go! What's nice about exploring Angband is that you can just turn aside and leave. In the case of vermin, you can always outsmart them with a very important Tactical Manoeuver.

I will only tell you if you keep it confidential. Promised? You won't abuse it?

Close a door to block their way with the command "c"

But enough with Sun-Tzu extract!! I decide to reach the nearest down stairway.. when a trapdoor opens under me and catch me!!!


Curses! I'm trapped here, and with near me...



Crickey! Let's see what we can do with these critters... See you next time!!!

2012-09-02, 12:44 AM
I dunno if every monster needs to be documented, but it can be funny to sometimes underestimate something only to have it cause pain through association with other enemies or just become a problem for your character.

Also the game is missing a goal. You know the point is to slay Morgoth, right? But who ever goes that far. Regardless, onwards!

2012-09-02, 08:23 AM
I heed your comments, but thing is, Angband is a very unforgiving game. There are few monsters you act underestimate and get away still alive...

But I'll see what I'll do..