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Slii Arhem
2012-08-18, 07:20 PM
A long, tall, wide Wall, completely white at first. It's on Private property. Before the wall is erected a sign.

Feel free to write, draw, scribble, graffiti or otherwise put anything up on this wall.

The Owner of this Wall.

Near the base of the wall is spare Chalk and Spray Paint.

On this thread:
This is for fun. :smallwink:

In this thread, your characters may leave messages, notes, ads, warnings, jokes, gossip or anything else you might want them to. The posts themselves are the messages, you do not need to RP your character walking in and writing.

This thread is fully IC and the messages are written by characters and about characters, not by players or about players.

You do not need to sign the character's name, although people might be able to guess if they know your characters.

The Bushranger
2012-08-18, 07:35 PM
I am the Wall Ghost! BEWARE!

2012-08-19, 09:00 AM
Understanding that Remnant does not have jurisdiction outside of the city of Inside, I would like to personally offer a bounty for anyone who captures or kills a member of the Orthodox or Middling branches of the Dalachrechian cult, as well as a bounty for every slave or potential sapient sacrifice rescued. I know my views on racial mixing are unpopular, but I strongly believe that the behaviour of the Dalachrechians is abhorrent, whether directed towards humans or other sapients, and should be stopped by whatever means necessary.

Please contact Starling on <number> for questions or to collect.

((OOC: Check with Earl of Purple before sending PCs after his cult, please, to make sure he's up for it and that the power levels involved are reasonable. :smallsmile:))

((OOC: You can use the Inside thread for telephoning Brian Starling. I usually follow it, but poking me is fine too.))

2012-08-19, 09:16 AM
Anyone calling the number will be met with a pleasant, calm (almost sleepy) voice, quite unlike the deranged purple scrawlings.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 06:56 PM
You're just in denial..

What the... who are you? I don't have a sister! And don't talk about him that way!

It's none of your business! Why do you want to know?

Trissy, love, what the hell is going on?! Are you alright? I'm back!

2012-08-21, 08:34 PM
Oooh...A...A god? W...Where did? What god?!

Ain't telling where we got it.
But it was one hellofa struggle!
Yep. Took hours.
Ran outta bullets halfway through, had to finish him with no more than kitchen knives.
Tore an eyeball out with my bare hands.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 08:40 PM
...That power...could fuel all the Nexus for years...how much for it?

2012-08-21, 08:42 PM
...That power...could fuel all the Nexus for years...how much for it?

I believe they propositioned a fight for it.

Also, if you think it could power all the Nexus, get your head out of the clouds.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 08:45 PM
With the power boosts from the spirit engine and my assosciates magic, it very well could! How much.

2012-08-21, 08:49 PM
We said we'd fight you for it, dummy. No money in the world'd be worth more than not ever having to listen to you again.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 08:52 PM
...Hm...and what if I lose? Do I still win the prize?

2012-08-21, 08:55 PM
You really just asked that, didn't you.

2012-08-21, 08:56 PM
He really did.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 08:57 PM
Winning is everything. I see you've never met The Corporal Executive of Wing Omnicron/Clarke Tower Industries the Great Marciano Louv're!

2012-08-21, 08:58 PM
That's a long title. Overcompensating for something, I assume?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 09:01 PM
It's certainly not money...or power...or magic...or torture...or lemon candies...therefore, unimportant to me! So, no...Yeah.

2012-08-21, 09:02 PM
Pfff. Who cares? You're still an idiot, so, lemme spell this out for you;

If you LOSE, you will be DEAD, because the whole point of this fight is WE WANNA KILL YA!

Clear now?

2012-08-21, 09:02 PM
Yeah, I'd imagine it's pretty unimportant to you. You probably never use it anyway.

2012-08-21, 09:07 PM
Don't fall for anonymous scams! At Evolution Industries, we produce power units capable of catering to any and all energy needs.

We at Evolution Industries are proud partners of Remnant. If we're good enough for them, we are good enough for all.

Buy now, and all your energy needs will be met!

2012-08-21, 09:47 PM
Anonymous my foot, he's been putting his name all over the place. It's annoying honestly.

I'm honestly curious as to how you power something with souls. Do they burn like coal? Do you use them to heat water and spin a turbine?

Y'know what power Nexus could capitalize on? Wind and Hydroelectricity! I'm sure you could get some Poseidon analogue to conjure endless torrents of wind or water for something like, a sheep a month. Greek gods took sheep sacrifices right? Goats, sheep, cows, chickens, that sort of thing?

Slii Arhem
2012-08-21, 09:54 PM
Woah there little dudelinger. I'll have you know that real gods of power don't muck about with any of that sissy wind and water nonsense. If you want some real voltage, you tap right into the SOURCE! BOOM!

The last two words of that seem to be outlined in spidery looking burn-marks caused by electrical trails.

I accept all of the above payments mentioned, as well as eternal gratitude, praise to my name, and your sweet, tender love. RIDE THE LIGHTNING BABY! RIDE IT!

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-21, 10:05 PM
You know, you're even worse than that one war-god I threatened to turn into a goddess... Would you, perhaps, care for a duel, with your form riding on the outcome?

2012-08-21, 10:06 PM
You know, you're even worse than that one war-god I threatened to turn into a goddess... Would you, perhaps, care for a duel, with your form riding on the outcome?

If you are going to duel this mockery of Zeus, I would be glad to be your second.

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-21, 10:08 PM
If you are going to duel this mockery of Zeus, I would be glad to be your second.

Thank you for your offer. Though whether or not I accept it depends on his answer, of course, and what I see within you.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 10:09 PM
No, I won't be dead. There are several of me. Kill one...I can grow another! There's three of you...I get to bring two companions right?

Evolution! EVOLUTION! Bahaha! You know, your lame little remnant reliant pathetic excuse of a company cannot rival the size, power, or even reputation of Clarke Industries!

My name is epic. Duh. Marciano Louv're! Like an awesomely awesome mint candy! I like candy...oh, you burn them like coal, the ectoplasm produces magic whitch powers stuff.

2012-08-21, 10:12 PM
Just stop talking. Quit while you're behind.

2012-08-21, 10:22 PM
No, I won't be dead. There are several of me. Kill one...I can grow another! There's three of you...I get to bring two companions right?

Evolution! EVOLUTION! Bahaha! You know, your lame little remnant reliant pathetic excuse of a company cannot rival the size, power, or even reputation of Clarke Industries!

My name is epic. Duh. Marciano Louv're! Like an awesomely awesome mint candy! I like candy...oh, you burn them like coal, the ectoplasm produces magic whitch powers stuff.

It seems more like the name of an idiot to me. After all, you walked into an incredibly obvious trap once, if I recall correctly. And the experience does not seem to have given you any insight as to why you should not trust random strangers on a wall.

Also, I have never heard of this company of yours.

2012-08-21, 10:37 PM
Nah. No point in fighting you if you won't die. So I guess we'll be keeping this godly soul to ourselves then, maybe eat it or something.

Slii Arhem
2012-08-21, 10:37 PM
You're kidding me, right? You're asking me, Me! To put up my MENESS, in some fight? You've clearly never rolled, rumbled, or tussled with the Zeusmeister hotlips, or you'd know that my bod is the worthiest thing around, and there aint nothing you could put up as collateral that's worth that. So no deal baby-doll, I don't take sucker's bets.

2012-08-21, 10:39 PM
Souls are good with Worchestershire sauce and a bit of onion gravy. :smallsmile:

2012-08-21, 10:49 PM
Thank you for your offer. Though whether or not I accept it depends on his answer, of course, and what I see within you.

Killing deities that abuse their powers over mortals is sort of my "thing". Somewhere between a hobby and a career, with a slight suggestion of fate.

2012-08-21, 10:57 PM



I do believe I've just accidentally become an energy magnate...

Stop right there you second-rate charlatans! All request for duels with my new client will have to be submitted in writing to his manager: Me.

Zeus, you beautiful deity you, you don't need to prove nothing to these low-class losers. You're way too strong and smart and powerful and tan and good-looking to waste the two and a quarter seconds to watch these chumps hit the ground from fright just looking at you. You have way more important ways to spend your time. Like getting you established. Like so:

Ahem! To the city council of Inside, I offer you power on a scale you've never experienced before at a price formerly thought impossible. You can be powered by THE God of Storms for only one two farm animals and a measly twenty thousand dollars a month, which to any city the size of Inside would be a pittance in cost, and merchandising rights.

Oooh! Merchandising! Doesn't the word just make your mouth water Big-Z? Your gorgeous face on Action figures, T-shirts, children's sneakers, bedspreads, and anything else we can think of! You're going to be bigger than PB&J. They are going to write poems and songs about you! They already did, but these are going to be even better! Homer's going to look at those poems and think "Holy crap! How are these poems about Zeus so much better than mine?" Do you know why they're so much better Big Guy? Because he didn't see how awesome you are. He didn't see your awesome! Your Awesome! You're Awesome!

Hattish Thing
2012-08-21, 11:03 PM
.../\...Brownoser...I'm always ahead actually! My insight is awesome!

2012-08-21, 11:04 PM
I thought I told you to quit while you were behind, idiot.

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-21, 11:15 PM
You're kidding me, right? You're asking me, Me! To put up my MENESS, in some fight? You've clearly never rolled, rumbled, or tussled with the Zeusmeister hotlips, or you'd know that my bod is the worthiest thing around, and there aint nothing you could put up as collateral that's worth that. So no deal baby-doll, I don't take sucker's bets.

Who said that would be the change I made? There are many things I could do...

But if you would not risk your form, what would you risk?

Killing deities that abuse their powers over mortals is sort of my "thing". Somewhere between a hobby and a career, with a slight suggestion of fate.

Perhaps, then. It depends on what I see when I meet you.

2012-08-21, 11:20 PM
Ahead? You've lost every argument you've started and ruined any chance for success 'cause you couldn't keep your dumb mouth shut. It's getting hard not to kinda pity you, at this point.

So! I'll throw you a bone. Bring one million dollars to the center of the swamp of doom, alone, by twelve o' clock tomorrow, and we'll just sell you the damned soul.

The Alexandrian
2012-08-22, 12:21 AM
Anyone calling the number will be met with a pleasant, calm (almost sleepy) voice, quite unlike the deranged purple scrawlings.


Tihs rew ard is lods of emone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON-7v4qnHP8) is iit nutt??

Winning is everything. I see you've never met The Corporal Executive of Wing Omnicron/Clarke Tower Industries the Great Marciano Louv're!

Being a good sport while playing the game is everything and then some. Remember kids, there's always someone better out there in the Nexus, but nobody likes a sore winner.

Then again, from what I'm hearing you don't have to fuss over that second reality.

Don't fall for anonymous scams! At Evolution Industries, we produce power units capable of catering to any and all energy needs.

We at Evolution Industries are proud partners of Remnant. If we're good enough for them, we are good enough for all.

Buy now, and all your energy needs will be met!

And there's a prize in every box! One complimentary secret spy camera and transmitting array wired into every power unit free of charge! That's right, absolutely free!

Well, what are you waiting for? We can see you sitting right there on the couch! Get a move on and call today!

Anonymous my foot, he's been putting his name all over the place. It's annoying honestly.

I'm honestly curious as to how you power something with souls. Do they burn like coal? Do you use them to heat water and spin a turbine?

Y'know what power Nexus could capitalize on? Wind and Hydroelectricity! I'm sure you could get some Poseidon analogue to conjure endless torrents of wind or water for something like, a sheep a month. Greek gods took sheep sacrifices right? Goats, sheep, cows, chickens, that sort of thing?

Why of course the Greek gods took sheep sacrifices! Beggars can't be choosers, after all!

On a totally, absolutely, positively unrelated note, you've witnessed firsthand how Zeus hits on everything in sight, right?

I reiterate. Beggars can't be choosers.

No, I won't be dead. There are several of me. Kill one...I can grow another! There's three of you...I get to bring two companions right?

Evolution! EVOLUTION! Bahaha! You know, your lame little remnant reliant pathetic excuse of a company cannot rival the size, power, or even reputation of Clarke Industries!

My name is epic. Duh. Marciano Louv're! Like an awesomely awesome mint candy! I like candy...oh, you burn them like coal, the ectoplasm produces magic whitch powers stuff.

Reputation? Really? I've never even heard of your corporation. Speaking of, aren't you a little old for make-believe?

Anybody free tonight? I'm looking to organize a raiding party! Let's storm Clarke Industries! So, any takers?

Slii Arhem
2012-08-22, 06:14 AM



I do believe I've just accidentally become an energy magnate...

Stop right there you second-rate charlatans! All request for duels with my new client will have to be submitted in writing to his manager: Me.

Zeus, you beautiful deity you, you don't need to prove nothing to these low-class losers. You're way too strong and smart and powerful and tan and good-looking to waste the two and a quarter seconds to watch these chumps hit the ground from fright just looking at you. You have way more important ways to spend your time. Like getting you established. Like so:

Ahem! To the city council of Inside, I offer you power on a scale you've never experienced before at a price formerly thought impossible. You can be powered by THE God of Storms for only one two farm animals and a measly twenty thousand dollars a month, which to any city the size of Inside would be a pittance in cost, and merchandising rights.

Oooh! Merchandising! Doesn't the word just make your mouth water Big-Z? Your gorgeous face on Action figures, T-shirts, children's sneakers, bedspreads, and anything else we can think of! You're going to be bigger than PB&J. They are going to write poems and songs about you! They already did, but these are going to be even better! Homer's going to look at those poems and think "Holy crap! How are these poems about Zeus so much better than mine?" Do you know why they're so much better Big Guy? Because he didn't see how awesome you are. He didn't see your awesome! Your Awesome! You're Awesome!

You my friend have just earned an honorary mention in the Hall of Me as the best thing since sliced lightning. Seriously, where the hell was this guy before? You got one thing oh-so-wrong though, aint nobody can manage the Z-God's awesome mights and awe inspiring sights, you dig that duggy? I go strictly commando, and ride those ozone waves wherever the wind takes me. Aint no way no Zeus is bein tied down to some power plant like some Superman on a treadmill.

Who said that would be the change I made? There are many things I could do...

But if you would not risk your form, what would you risk?

A pile of phoenix teeth and a bucket of yo momma's dignity. If you wanna tempt a God into being stupid, try putting up a stake instead of throwing out challenges like you're a household name.

Why of course the Greek gods took sheep sacrifices! Beggars can't be choosers, after all!

On a totally, absolutely, positively unrelated note, you've witnessed firsthand how Zeus hits on everything in sight, right?

I reiterate. Beggars can't be choosers.

*Stage whisper* Hey duderino, I hate to toss bolts of heavenly wrath at your hovel, but you need to check your spelling. I'm almost positive it's spelled buggerers.

Woah, you guys ever been dangerous sober? I'm so completely that right now. 'Scuse me a moment, this needs fixing. Zeus OUT!

Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 09:28 AM
Killing deities that abuse their powers over mortals is sort of my "thing". Somewhere between a hobby and a career, with a slight suggestion of fate.

"Besides the obvious lightning-proof defenses, what would you suggest opening with for this one? Hypothetically speaking, of course."

2012-08-22, 09:48 AM
"Besides the obvious lightning-proof defenses, what would you suggest opening with for this one? Hypothetically speaking, of course."

This one seems stupid enough to fall to a honey trap, if you're willing to go for that. Depending on your scruples, you may want to open with turning his family against him or slaughtering his priests and razing his sacred sites (Knossos, Dodona, the entirety of Mt. Olympus). As a God of Sky and Thunder, he is theoretically weak to chthonic power. If you have earth or dark magic, try those and let me know how effective they are. His favorite trick, apart from the lightning bolt thing, is changing people into things, so make sure you have a defense against involuntary transformation. He bears a shield that is said to strike terror into the hearts and minds of the wicked and he may fight with a double headed axe. If this Zeus is manifesting his divine powers in a flesh and blood form, then massive trauma may prove effective. It couldn't hurt to start out by shooting him in the head and seeing how well that works.

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 11:03 AM
A pile of phoenix teeth and a bucket of yo momma's dignity. If you wanna tempt a God into being stupid, try putting up a stake instead of throwing out challenges like you're a household name.

In some places, I am...

But if you would have me put up something specific, fine. Myself, or the creation of a goddess for you. Will that suffice?

--Kansheri, Goddess of Change and Transformations

Slii Arhem
2012-08-22, 12:04 PM
This one seems stupid enough to fall to a honey trap, if you're willing to go for that. Depending on your scruples, you may want to open with turning his family against him or slaughtering his priests and razing his sacred sites (Knossos, Dodona, the entirety of Mt. Olympus). As a God of Sky and Thunder, he is theoretically weak to chthonic power. If you have earth or dark magic, try those and let me know how effective they are. His favorite trick, apart from the lightning bolt thing, is changing people into things, so make sure you have a defense against involuntary transformation. He bears a shield that is said to strike terror into the hearts and minds of the wicked and he may fight with a double headed axe. If this Zeus is manifesting his divine powers in a flesh and blood form, then massive trauma may prove effective. It couldn't hurt to start out by shooting him in the head and seeing how well that works.

Let me level with you guy. You just dropped a nice big strategy on a public wallspace in plain sight against the guy you've been insulting this whole time, while you know for a fact he'd be paying attention, and you're calling me stupid? Call up the sweepstakes and give the man a prize, because this guy must have the biggest stones in the universe here. I have never been drunk enough to be that idiotic, and I once fought Typhon naked, blitzed out of my mind, and in a chariot. Got my sinews ripped out for my trouble too.

And as for canned sherry, making goddesses is just another tuesday night for the King of the Skies hunny. You've got nothing I want, so go pick your teeth on some other god's nethers and leave me to my awesome.

2012-08-22, 12:32 PM
You my friend have just earned an honorary mention in the Hall of Me as the best thing since sliced lightning. Seriously, where the hell was this guy before? You got one thing oh-so-wrong though, aint nobody can manage the Z-God's awesome mights and awe inspiring sights, you dig that duggy? I go strictly commando, and ride those ozone waves wherever the wind takes me. Aint no way no Zeus is bein tied down to some power plant like some Superman on a treadmill.




I already have a jet-ski salesman on the phone and-Oh, screw it. Even if I could change your mind, I dig the free spirit thing too much to try. Guess I'm NOT rich beyond my wildest dreams, but props from a Greek god never hurt anybody, so this might be a net gain. You keep being beautiful, Z-Money.

2012-08-22, 02:08 PM
In some places, I am...

But if you would have me put up something specific, fine. Myself, or the creation of a goddess for you. Will that suffice?

--Kansheri, Goddess of Change and Transformations

Okay, this is seriously **** sick. You want to create a living thinking being to put up as stakes in a bet? You just toss that off as an option as casually as I'd toss a pair of earrings in to raise a poker bet?

PaleGreen, you really REALLY want to associate with these people? You can do better. A LOT better.

2012-08-22, 02:14 PM
Please direct all allegations of misconduct to the legal authorities. Evolution Industries is a law-abiding company and will cooperate with any legal investigation.

Evolution Industries power units are 100% spying free at no extra charge! We provide power that is not derived from religious sacrifice or highly illegal practices such as soul-stealing.

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 04:36 PM
Okay, this is seriously **** sick. You want to create a living thinking being to put up as stakes in a bet? You just toss that off as an option as casually as I'd toss a pair of earrings in to raise a poker bet?

PaleGreen, you really REALLY want to associate with these people? You can do better. A LOT better.

The message written below this shifts and writhes, cloaked in fog, making it unreadable for anyone save the intended recipient:

I am a literalist. When I offered to make a goddess for him, I meant only that I would create a new deity, and he would have some amount of input into the process of her creation, the extent of which would be determined by me, and likely, given what he has shown himself to be, minimal.

That said, my wording was intended to confuse him, so I can hardly fault you for misunderstanding my true purpose. My apologies for whatever distress I may have caused you.

2012-08-22, 04:42 PM
Please direct all allegations of misconduct to the legal authorities. Evolution Industries is a law-abiding company and will cooperate with any legal investigation.

Evolution Industries power units are 100% spying free at no extra charge! We provide power that is not derived from religious sacrifice or highly illegal practices such as soul-stealing.

Man, Lou'Vre. An ad-bot is presenting a better case than you and sounds smarter in the process. That's a new low, even by your standards.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 05:13 PM
I win all the time! Remember when I stole all that money from Dipsnot and co? (Sup goblinbrains.) And when I robbed that inn...mutilated that drow in front of his girlfriend...became a gazillionaire...and power...

Siege Clarke Tower!!! BAHAHA! Zeta will roast you!

2012-08-22, 05:15 PM
Ooooh, you managed to commit a grand two crimes and then blindly stumbled your way into a fortune. I'm so impressed.

2012-08-22, 05:18 PM
Let's not forget that he managed to butcher all of his employees with a beast that had got loose. Which... sort of counts as something, I guess. I mean, it could have been worse. He could have been killed, which would have been hilariously sad instead of just sad.

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 05:21 PM
...all of his employees...

Wait, you mean people seriously went to work for this idiot?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 05:29 PM
Hundreds love, I own companies everywhere...other worlds...realms...everywhere...and now, starting back here! The Grundlekrunk? Bah...a failed creation. No one cares about a few dead miners.

2012-08-22, 05:38 PM
So, gonna ante up the cash and buy the soul, or what? Cause I think just trying to talk to you is making me dumber.

Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 05:46 PM
You know that everyone can read this, figure out who you are, decide to not have anything to do with you, and bring your company's value all the way down, right? Either by either leaving their jobs for places that will value their lives, or by buying wares from your competition, or some other third thing I can't think of right now.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 05:52 PM
Magtok! Hey! Nah, I don't need this worlds commerce really...soon, the only source of power can only be bought from me!

Yo, the dumbskateers, 'ow much?

2012-08-22, 05:58 PM
They already said they want a million souls or a fight. Can you even read?

2012-08-22, 05:59 PM
Two million. If you're as rich as you say, that's nothing for enough energy to power the whole nexus.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 06:09 PM
Course I can read! It comes and goes really...You want a million bucks? Gold? Oranges?

The Alexandrian
2012-08-22, 06:13 PM
Siege Clarke Tower!!! BAHAHA! Zeta will roast you!

Thank you for publicly pleading guilty to two separate counts of criminal activity against upstanding citizens of our humongous City of Inside!

My husband won't badger me now when I claw open your ribcage and nom on your still beating heart and your super-shriveled lungs! And the more clones you have, the more hearts and lungs I could feast upon! Could I use your cloning machines like an automatic food dispenser? Sweet! But not as sweet as your liver!

I think I'll have to stop by and give that a go some time!

And fyi, your pet chiuaua doesn't scare anybody but you, kid.

Hundreds love, I own companies everywhere...other worlds...realms...everywhere...and now, starting back here! The Grundlekrunk? Bah...a failed creation. No one cares about a few dead miners.

You do know that I care about those miners, don't you? I care and am glad that they're dead and no longer able to reproduce!

But seriously, why someone with the intelligence of a brick wall would work for Marciano is beyond me.

Oh. Right. I forgot. Imaginary friends don't have much of a say in the matter.

2012-08-22, 06:15 PM
One million dollars. What the hell would we do with oranges?

2012-08-22, 06:15 PM
Evolution Industries promotes moral technology! Our products do not include stolen souls, magical curses, harmful radiation, poison, or other such problems, and they are all produced through legal, moral means.

We encourage any with the monetary means to do so to commission the construction of Class 3 generator installations, which will be capable of powering large sections of cities indefinitely. Together, you and Evolution Industries can make a difference!

Don't sacrifice your morals for power! Choose Evolution.

2012-08-22, 06:16 PM
According to Marciano here, you could power the whole Nexus with a million oranges.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 06:23 PM
Zeta is the most powerful computer ever built...Capable of redesigning reality!

Eat me? What are you little hag thing?

You care about miners...they needed jobs...a few were women...slaughtered...aww...

Oranges? Make lemonade!

Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 06:26 PM
One million dollars. What the hell would we do with oranges?

Honestly, I think you're selling yourself a little short, guy. The key ingredient for an unstoppable super-whatever, being bought by a guy with more money than are grains of sand in Beachside, and you'd throw it away for only a million?

I'll give you ten million for it.

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 06:27 PM
Thank you for publicly pleading guilty to two separate counts of criminal activity against upstanding citizens of our humongous City of Inside!

My husband won't badger me now when I claw open your ribcage and nom on your still beating heart and your super-shriveled lungs! And the more clones you have, the more hearts and lungs I could feast upon! Could I use your cloning machines like an automatic food dispenser? Sweet! But not as sweet as your liver!

I think I'll have to stop by and give that a go some time!

And fyi, your pet chiuaua doesn't scare anybody but you, kid.

Are you just eating his body? Because finding a good source of life without getting Remnant on my head has been pretty hard lately, so if you are, I'd be happy to help in exchange for what he leaves when you kill him...

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 06:34 PM
Maggy, oh Maggy, my deal, stay out tin man. 15, 0000!

Hah! You wish to kill me! I'd be amazed if you could beat The Sanctum!

2012-08-22, 06:37 PM
Alright, fifteen million. Bring the cash to the edge of the swamp of doom by twelve 'o clock tonight, alone, and the power of a god shall be yours.

2012-08-22, 06:38 PM
The message written below this shifts and writhes, cloaked in fog, making it unreadable for anyone save the intended recipient:

I am a literalist. When I offered to make a goddess for him, I meant only that I would create a new deity, and he would have some amount of input into the process of her creation, the extent of which would be determined by me, and likely, given what he has shown himself to be, minimal.

That said, my wording was intended to confuse him, so I can hardly fault you for misunderstanding my true purpose. My apologies for whatever distress I may have caused you.

Pink spray paint is sprayed over the message. Seems the person really really doesn't want to read what they believe to be a curse or enchantment.

Earl of Purple
2012-08-22, 06:38 PM
If we're calling dibs on his body parts now, I want his skin. Mine's starting to get mouldy, and I go through loads of deodorant to keep the smell down.

2012-08-22, 06:40 PM
Evolution Industries products are put through many stringent layers of quality assurance testing, which never involve the deaths of entire branches of our workforce. The safety and care of our employees is our number two priority, second only to the quality of the products we ship to your doorstep. Products which are designed by the best minds in the business, certified and guaranteed to not warp reality!

We at Evolution Industries remember that people are more than statistics. Can all our rivals say the same?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 06:44 PM
Alright, fifteen million. Bring the cash to the edge of the swamp of doom by twelve 'o clock tonight, alone, and the power of a god shall be yours.

My clone will..Not me. I'm not an idiot.

Evolution...shut it. People are statistics, pawns and playtoys...for my delight.

Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 06:49 PM
If you're doing what I hope you are, contact me once you've got the money, greentext. But please, not right away, with the smell of swamp still sticking to you. It's the least you can do, as I did just ensure you'd make an extra fourteen million, after all. :smallsmile:

2012-08-22, 07:22 PM
My clone will..Not me. I'm not an idiot.

Evolution...shut it. People are statistics, pawns and playtoys...for my delight.


1. Fire your entire PR division RIGHT NOW. You'd be doing them a favor. IF YOU ARE FROM HIS PR DIVISION: Quit right now. Do not list him on your resume. If someone asks why you have no employer listed for this span of time, blame Nexus madness.

2. You. Are. Getting. Burned. By. An. Adbot. It's not even an advanced AI adbot, it's a basic context reading adbot. You are failing to the equivalent of Moogle ads. As in, cleverbot could outsmart that adbot, and you are getting /pwned/ by it. Trust me on this: if you want ANYONE you EVER meet to take you seriously, never post on the wall again.

The Alexandrian
2012-08-22, 07:32 PM
A computer is but a construct of man, who is himself flawed and incapable of producing anything but a paradox of perfection. You may toil to secure true perfection, but you will never have it!

Flout my power and prattle on your own! The proof is in the pudding! And you'll be in the pudding too, if I have anything to say about it!

And name's Clarissa, by the way! Clarissa von Smith. If that name doesn't ring a bell, you've been missing out, because I can literally blow your mind with a wink. And the last breath you draw before your head goes pop would be the happiest moment of your life. I guarantee it!

And of course you can claim whatever energies Marciano drops when I pluck his heart out of his mouth! Gods know I have no use for them! My keychain can't hold another, and I'm on a strictly soul-free diet. So have at it! Both of you!

Come to think of it, I can't comprehend why you'd want to dress up in garbage like Marciano as skin. Heck, his epidermal layer is more like that of a slug than a human! That's what ya get for crawling on your belly everywhere! Swing by Dave's free clinic in Inside. Tell Dave I sent you but you aren't going to torch the joint and we'll get you hooked up in the latest and greatest swag I can conjure! I can afford to share bits and pieces of my prey with friends!

So, where shall we meet up, guys and gals? Black Dragon's Den sound cool? Or is Trog's more comfortable for ya? I'm impartial. I'll also pick up the tab.

2012-08-22, 07:33 PM

Is our /adbot/ trolling this man?

I don't recall giving it trolling protocols.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 07:36 PM
Haha! Clarrissa, I've heard of you...You don't scare me. My computer is sentient. The perfection of mind and metal! I am...GENIOUS! Lame trolling...People take me serioudly when I make them swallow their own tongue.

2012-08-22, 07:37 PM
It's a collision of automated density and ...

I can't figure out what to end that sentence with.

In any case, I wouldn't discourage it. This is some fine PR for you. Even if most of it is in comparison.

2012-08-22, 07:43 PM
An excellent point. After all, I doubt a simple adbot is going to turn into the next emergent intelligence disaster.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 08:01 PM
I am powerful! I am strong! I own technilogiical marvels, a ton! of money, and I am a Genioas! Er...that's spelled right?

The Alexandrian
2012-08-22, 08:02 PM
Good! I don't want to scare you! I want to eat your heart and/or lungs! if you're already scared, I won't be able to taste the adrenaline on you when I crash your party and make a scene! And that'd spoil everything!

You also misspelled my name, meatsack! It's Clarissa. One 'r'. 'R' as in

RAWR! Imma eat your heart and/or lungs!

Also also, that whole tongue swallowing thing that people do whenever you talk to them? Yeah? It's probably not meant to be taken as a compliment...

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 08:07 PM
Eh, I don't think so Claarisa. If you're moderately attractive I might not have my stormtrooper riot guards shoot you right away.

2012-08-22, 08:10 PM
I am powerful! I am strong! I own technilogiical marvels, a ton! of money, and I am a Genioas! Er...that's spelled right?

The word 'technilogiical' above is crossed out and above it is written:


Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 08:19 PM
Eh, I don't think so Claarisa. If you're moderately attractive I might not have my stormtrooper riot guards shoot you right away.

She's married.

...I think? Or at the very least, with someone else already.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 08:22 PM
Yeah! Tha' Word!

Some Dave bloke...hehe

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 08:27 PM
So, where shall we meet up, guys and gals? Black Dragon's Den sound cool? Or is Trog's more comfortable for ya? I'm impartial. I'll also pick up the tab.

I would prefer the Den, as I'm already familiar with it, but I suppose I could use either.

Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 08:29 PM
No, I mean, her attractiveness is irrelevant. She's not a psycho bloodthirsty killing machine, she's a psycho bloodthirsty killing machine with a ring on her finger. Even if you have a buhmillion guns in her face, I don't think she's going to make out with a warty, foul-smelling toad man like yourself.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 08:34 PM
Eh, just shoot her husband, and make her watch! Breaking people is fun!

2012-08-22, 08:36 PM
"Hey drekhead, go make a deposit to the organleggers. Do the world a favor."

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 08:42 PM
I think I robbed them once...

2012-08-22, 08:44 PM
You even know what an organlegger is, corpman?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 08:46 PM
They sell guts right? By the way, Clarissa, Flesh is weak, metal firm. You cannot beat me...

2012-08-22, 08:48 PM
Yeah. Go make a deposit.

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 08:49 PM
Eh, just shoot her husband, and make her watch! Breaking people is fun!

I must admit, he's finally correct about something...

That said, that's sloppy. And also not likely to work. It would be far more effective to induce a temporary blackout and flay/otherwise torture to death her husband in such a way that it seems like she did so.

Then you haul her to another city where she knows no-one, and preferably not even the language, wake her up, and convince her she did whatever you did and fled while temporarily insane. She feels horrible about it, and, since she's far, far, away from the rest of her friends, as well as possibly unable to make new ones, you become her only source of support, letting you play with her mind however you want to.

Sure, it's a bit more complicated, but it's more fun that way anyway...

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 08:52 PM
Hey...That's good...you think like Batiste! I like you...

Eh? Donate? Most me guts are fake so...meh.

2012-08-22, 08:53 PM
Context: Organleggers kill their targets before surgically removing the organs.

Notable exception: The "Wake up in a bathtub of ice with missing kidney" situation.

2012-08-22, 08:54 PM
Hey, who wanted to bag job this clown's corp again? Was it Orchid Text? Where we meeting?

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 08:56 PM
Hey...That's good...you think like Batiste! I like you...


To everyone else: Please don't judge me because of that.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 09:14 PM
Parliamentarian Batiste would be upset uf his second-hand man died...but, that's not going to happen! If you attack, I will blow apart all you hold dear...

The Bushranger
2012-08-22, 09:32 PM
Talk is cheap. Bawk-bawk!

The Alexandrian
2012-08-22, 09:41 PM
The votes are in, folks! Looks like we'll be meeting up at the Black Dragon's Den. Again, drinks are on me! Don't feel like you have to get too hammered before we roll out though! We can stop by on our way back with Marcy's head on a stick! Mmm! Kebabs anyone?

And I step out for two measly minutes to jack some girl scout cookies and someone's signed their own death warrant for me! How thoughtful!

Nobody could touch my husband, Dave. He's the king of Hel. On our honeymoon we had a traitor walk the plank into a vat of boiling acid patrolled by magical laser sharks! You know that nifty metabolic thing the sarlaccs do where their prey digests over the course of a thousand years? Well, we drafted up this punishment where I eat someone whole. They'd dissolve in seconds..if not for us casting cure critical wounds on 'em every couple of instants!

Good old Dave! Always such a charmer.

And we've entwined our lives in such a way that neither of us can die! So, nyah!

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 09:43 PM
Parliamentarian Batiste would be upset uf his second-hand man died...but, that's not going to happen! If you attack, I will blow apart all you hold dear...

The only thing or person I hold dear died five centuries ago. Furthermore, I slaughtered two hundred people in less than a week in avenging her death, so even if you did somehow manage to find something I do still love, it would be quite unwise to destroy it.

And I step out for two measly minutes to jack some girl scout cookies and someone's signed their own death warrant for me! How thoughtful!

Was that me? Because I wasn't seriously suggesting that, just saying his general idea was terrible.

2012-08-22, 09:47 PM
Parliamentarian Batiste would be upset uf his second-hand man died...but, that's not going to happen! If you attack, I will blow apart all you hold dear...

I don't need any fingers to count what I hold dear.

The votes are in, folks! Looks like we'll be meeting up at the Black Dragon's Den. Again, drinks are on me! Don't feel like you have to get too hammered before we roll out though! We can stop by on our way back with Marcy's head on a stick! Mmm! Kebabs anyone?

Well alright, omae. I'll see you there.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 09:50 PM
Aww...I'm scawed...:smallfrown: I'll kill you all. Easily. I want a spot on the council! More power!

2012-08-22, 10:13 PM
Jegus Krust on rye, you utter moron. You've just admitted to being a murderous, amoral, torturing, soul-sucking work where everyone can see. They're not gonna let you on the council! You'll be lucky if they let you live!

Hell, know what? I'm hereby offering to pay out a good price in platinum to anyone who brings me this worthless numbnut's head on a platter, extra if you can get me a few of his science staff as well, live 'n breathing.

2012-08-22, 10:15 PM
Aww...I'm scawed...:smallfrown: I'll kill you all. Easily. I want a spot on the council! More power!

Love how you needed to add that you're gonna kill us. Someone's never met a runner before.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 10:20 PM
Me scientists? They built the spirit engine and Alpha Defense 4...Smart eggheads...along with The Sanctum of Dust...My 'ead? I have many...Clones are fun...By the way, Maggy, I finished the engine, no thanks to AMEN.

(Written underneath is in a bright yellow paint)
Greetings! Rick Brutal has returned! Huzzah!

Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 10:27 PM
As a member of that council, I'm sorry Marciano, but there is no way in hell you're getting on it. No amount of shiny baubles are going to change the fact that you're completely out of your mind, and people without a brain in their heads don't get a say in the government, it's as simple as that.

...Unless you're GLoG's representative, I mean.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 10:33 PM
That's possible!,Who's the current one?

The Alexandrian
2012-08-22, 10:48 PM
Was that me? Because I wasn't seriously suggesting that, just saying his general idea was terrible.

Nah! We're cool. It's Marcy I'm after. Cosmic balance and all that. I underwrite all these terrible horror-ific deeds and then I do the universe a solid and that offsets all my EVIL! I'll be on Santa's nice list this year even if I'm a naughty girl when and where it counts!

Lord Magtok
2012-08-22, 10:50 PM
That's possible!,Who's the current one?

She's an Exalted. Good luck.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 10:50 PM
I don't like you people...I'll kill the ugly ones first...

Eexalted! Hah! I'm not even human anymore really!

2012-08-22, 10:51 PM
You hear that, guys? He's gonna do all the work for us!

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 10:53 PM
Clarissa...I won't kill you, you can't die...I'll lock you up...experiment...Grandfather always needs a test subject!

2012-08-22, 10:58 PM
Oh no. You try an lock up Clarissa an I'll have an army stomping your door down then stomping on your face!

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 11:02 PM
Ah, the infamous Dave?

2012-08-22, 11:06 PM
Nope. I'm Day. An I got more science in my little pinky than you could buy with your entire fortune!

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 11:11 PM
I'm literally made of science!

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-22, 11:16 PM
Nah! We're cool. It's Marcy I'm after. Cosmic balance and all that. I underwrite all these terrible horror-ific deeds and then I do the universe a solid and that offsets all my EVIL! I'll be on Santa's nice list this year even if I'm a naughty girl when and where it counts!

Ah, good. And given my nature, I can certainly understand having to try to balance things out.

Though I'm afraid that this 'Santa' you're referring to is not an entity or group I'm familiar with?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-22, 11:20 PM
You know, it saddens me...You all hate me, yet all I want is money and power...it can't be hard!

Little siege group, I have a cult of destruction, SCIENCE, and the power of amazing technology on my home turf...you're mine...So, unless you want me to go all angry, I suggest you just kinda say you're sorry and agree I am awesome!

The Alexandrian
2012-08-23, 12:12 AM
What's up, Day? How've you been?

You're cordially invited to club this meanie's face in! Me and a team of people united against Marcy are at the Black Dragon's Den sipping martinis and colas and just generally readying ourselves to kick Marcy's door in and give him a boot to the head! It isn't too late to join in the festivities! :smallsmile:

And Santa is this fat guy who squeezes down chimneys at night on Christmas Eve and leaves everyone presents to unwrap the next day! He's like a cheap knockoff of Mario from Nintendo video games! Or is it the other way around? Anyway, he exists every now and again, but not all the time!

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-23, 12:17 AM
And Santa is this fat guy who squeezes down chimneys at night on Christmas Eve and leaves everyone presents to unwrap the next day! He's like a cheap knockoff of Mario from Nintendo video games! Or is it the other way around? Anyway, he exists every now and again, but not all the time![/COLOR]

I think, rather than wasting both of our time further, that I will go acquire an encyclopedia now...

2012-08-23, 12:26 AM

Urge to bomb rising.

The Bushranger
2012-08-23, 12:54 AM
Oh, did somebody mention me? It's been awhile since I brought out the old daiklaive...or should I use my electricity? Decisions, decisions...

2012-08-23, 06:34 AM
If there's a course for immoral enterpreneurs somewhere, they should take photos of this conversation, show them to students and say "guys, whatever happens, don't do it". And then, if one of them were to fail and humiliate himself, he'd say "well, at least I'm not Lou'Vre".

2012-08-23, 07:00 AM
You know, it saddens me...You all hate me, yet all I want is money and power...it can't be hard!

Little siege group, I have a cult of destruction, SCIENCE, and the power of amazing technology on my home turf...you're mine...So, unless you want me to go all angry, I suggest you just kinda say you're sorry and agree I am awesome!

guys wen yiu kil him can i hafe the boddy?

Lady Serpentine
2012-08-23, 07:06 AM
guys wen yiu kil him can i hafe the boddy?

Sorry, but I think between the person who wants to eat him and the guy who plans on wearing his skin, we've got the body pretty much spoken for.

If you'd like, you can have some of my other kills?

2012-08-23, 07:09 AM
Does anyone in the Nexus try to solve problems without violence? :smallsigh: You know, people, murder is illegal and immoral, even if the person you're plotting to kill is a vile little worm who has no respect for life himself.

Of course a raid to rescue any endangered employees of his and bring the worm himself to answer for his crimes is fully justified.

2012-08-23, 07:31 AM
Does anyone in the Nexus try to solve problems without violence? :smallsigh: You know, people, murder is illegal and immoral, even if the person you're plotting to kill is a vile little worm who has no respect for life himself.

Of course a raid to rescue any endangered employees of his and bring the worm himself to answer for his crimes is fully justified.

buuuut i'n hurngryyy pink text lady...

2012-08-23, 07:37 AM
Try MagDonalds.

2012-08-23, 12:26 PM
Does anyone in the Nexus try to solve problems without violence? :smallsigh: You know, people, murder is illegal and immoral, even if the person you're plotting to kill is a vile little worm who has no respect for life himself.

Of course a raid to rescue any endangered employees of his and bring the worm himself to answer for his crimes is fully justified.

Well, when similar lethal forces are wielded by your opposition, it becomes difficult to solve any problems without violence.

And sometimes, there's no other way to further one's cause.

Of course, in this case, I was simply expressing disbelief at his stupidity rather than a serious urge to kill. I imagine any 'employees' of his are probably actually slaves in need of rescuing, as I seriously doubt any would work for him voluntarily when he behaves this way publicly. (...Then again, AMEN somehow manages to cling to existence. Perhaps idiocy really does run that deep.)

2012-08-23, 12:28 PM
I would love to argue against that, but when a mushroom can develop a cult...

Lord Magtok
2012-08-23, 02:34 PM
Someone asked me to put this here for you all. If there's enough of a demand for the name of the person behind it, I'll put it up as well, but for now, I think I'll just leave it anonymous. Enjoy, Wall.

Below, someone seems to have slapped a piece of paper onto the wall, adhering it to its place with tiny little pins. Trying to remove or edit the paper is liable to get oneself electrocuted by the pins, so it's recommended that one not tamper with the thing.

In a world where gods and demons walk hand-in-hand with mortals, religion is something very easy to come by. Walking the streets, one can come across temples to all matters of beings and concepts preaching out their beliefs hand over paw over fist, each competing with the others to bring in more followers in order to gain strength and power. This is far from a new concept and is apparently quite a common practice across much of the multiverse. Here however, it is quite different in that religion and “gifts” from the gods are much more tangible than in many places, allowing some to even trade it as a currency or favors. I have seen some people swear by one god before turning their back and bowing to another. I have seen others wear the symbols of three or four gods or goddesses. The Nexus isn’t a place that lacks religion or belief.

No, from what I have seen, it is lacking in Faith.

It is my belief that even if people normally put the three words together, Faith, Religion, and Belief are all very different concepts. Religion is simply one person following the teachings of what they conceive to be a power higher or greater than them. Belief is the sureness one has that one thing is true (or false as the case may be). Faith on the other hand…

Faith is a different beast all together.

To me, Faith is the “belief” that something is more than real. That it is stronger than true and that when all else fails, what you have Faith in stands strong and looks upon the rest with scorn and disgust that they were weak. One’s Faith can be in their Religion of course, and one can Believe in their Faith, but not all people do. There’s been more than one cleric or priestess that has lost Faith. I have seen people Believe in Truth and Justice, but lack the Faith that anyone can deliver it.

It is easy to be religious when gods walk amongst men and it is even easier to believe in what should be unreal when miracles are preformed every day, but it can sometimes be the hardest thing in the worlds to know that something is the Ultimate Truth.

I know this, because I have felt such doubt, and even worse, had fallen into it.

In my moment of weakness, before I found my Faith in something greater than myself, I had accomplished a deed so inexorably wrong that when I had come back to my “right” state of mind, I couldn’t bear the thought of what I had done. Because of it, I had snuffed the lives of four people who did not deserve what I had done to them. I do not believe that many of those reading this have done similar things, but perhaps they have felt close to it. Even as I sit here, serving my redemption for the sins I committed, I feel that perhaps I can prevent such from happening to others if I explain what had happened to me.

See, what happened to cause such weakness wasn’t the events that took place prior. While I have no doubt they were a factor, they were not the cause. The cause of my weakness of spirit boiled down to one simple thing. Much to my shame, after I had ample time to think on it, I had realized that even though I had belief in what I was doing was good, I had lacked Faith.

I didn’t lack Faith in a higher power, for I don’t Follow any immortal being. What I lacked was Faith that the Good and Just that I had believed myself to be was True. I knew then, much as I know now, that I was a good person. I am kind and considerate, but now that I have had some of the childish innocence that blinded me taken away, I have grown to realize just how empty that feeling was. Now, in the walls of my penance, I have filled that emptiness with something that should have been there before. Not just Faith in being Good and Just, but Faith in knowing that I am better than that.

While I have done so, I am no cold-blooded murderer. I am not a brutal maniac bent on revenge or the insane logic of blood feuds. No, what I am is someone strong. Someone who should defend those who are unable to do so themselves. I am someone who will never murder another person in cold blood again for as long as I live. I know now that I am someone who shall stand between someone who had given into the weakness I had and the angry mob after them, believing that they will get what they deserve instead of a death to a group of insane vengeance driven people. Even if I detest it, I will do it knowing that I am Better than I was, that I will never give into such temptations again. When it happens, I will not care if the mob be made of mortals or superheroes for I know that deep within me, it is my purpose here to safeguard others. I will not care if the very Gods themselves try to take such a person from under my protection.

And know what I would do, my dear readers?

I would stand tall; look the Fates in the eyes, and if the time came, with the last breath of my dying body and defiant spirit, I would say one simple thing.


2012-08-23, 03:30 PM
There is a large amount of green smudge marks here, as if someone began to say something, smudged it out, and then tried to rewrite it. The smudged area is big; almost five feet high by three feet across. It looks like someone tried to write a full review, but smudged it out for some reason. There is one thing that is legible:


2012-08-23, 03:51 PM
re: the Anonymous Letter Writer:

This. So very much this. Morality does not require any so-called gods or higher powers. Morality simply requires respect for life and kindness to others.

The Alexandrian
2012-08-23, 03:52 PM
Does anyone in the Nexus try to solve problems without violence? :smallsigh: You know, people, murder is illegal and immoral, even if the person you're plotting to kill is a vile little worm who has no respect for life himself.

Of course a raid to rescue any endangered employees of his and bring the worm himself to answer for his crimes is fully justified.

Well, excuse me, princess!

What's this I've read? You'd have Marcy doing community service for twelve hours a week picking up trash and depositing it inside of a designated trash receptacle as reimbursement to the community for what he's done in lieu of a bloody execution? Hah! Not a bad joke. Not bad at all.

Violence is the most effective solution. In this specific case, it is both fair and swift. Marciano tries his best to stomp on our nerves and intimidate us and we squish him like the worm he is! Because his best isn't the best! If he had it his way, he'd do the same. To you. To your family. To me and mine.

Violence is simple and sweet. With it, he won't be desecrating the dead and he won't be carving or enslaving hundreds of innocent weak-willed people. And he'll learn his place beneath my heel. And maybe we can teach him a little respect on the side!

Think cost-benefit analysis. Is the going rate for the life of one caricature of a villain more or less than that of hundreds of civilians? And why spare him? So that he can give it another go? Not that the civilians are undeserving of death. All have sinned and gone astray.

And if we get a little something for our trouble when all is said and done, all the better!

Faith in the 'Good' and 'Just' or 'Oneself' never takes precedence over acting as you can live with. Good and evil are subjective. Just is a pipe dream! A matter of perspectives at each others' throats. If I had a child, hypothetically, and someone did unspeakable things to and murdered him or her in cold blood in front of me, it would not be evil to wipe the murderer off the face of the earth. If you weren't aware that the murderer had abused and slain one of mine, would you not believe that I were the evil one?

Do not judge others or you yourself will face judgement, they say. But when someone wrongs you, do what you have to do. Do what you can live with. If some boozed-up brigand takes the life of someone you care for, strike back. Strike him or her down. If another is willing to die for them, so be it. He or she is guilty by association.

And if you aren't willing to off the murderer for yourself, do it to protect the next victim all you "moral" heroes out there!

Everyone is someone's daughter or son, but some don't deserve the gift they've been given. Their life. Take it. And have some fun while your at it. There's no harm in that!

And I'll see to it that you're rewarded for it. Details to come. Implementing the exchange system is after killing Marcy on the agenda, but it is on the agenda.

Earl of Purple
2012-08-23, 04:01 PM
If only the Evil were willing to kill, Good would be a still-born dream. That's what I was taught as a child, and I practice violence so that people can choose not to should that be there wish.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-23, 05:06 PM
If there's a course for immoral enterpreneurs somewhere, they should take photos of this conversation, show them to students and say "guys, whatever happens, don't do it". And then, if one of them were to fail and humiliate himself, he'd say "well, at least I'm not Lou'Vre".

Bahaha! Funny! Not...

Say, happy pink-lady...violence is justice...harm is the only way to win. It is the most powerful urge, to kill. I know this well. Pink (Alexandrian): So...haha. I have butchered families for a few gold pieces...BeWhy? Why do I kill so many people?

2012-08-23, 05:29 PM
Try MagDonalds.

MagDonalds is horribly unhealthy. I wouldn't eat there if you paid me.

2012-08-23, 05:39 PM
Bahaha! Funny! Not...

Say, happy pink-lady...violence is justice...harm is the only way to win. It is the most powerful urge, to kill. I know this well. Pink (Alexandrian): So...haha. I have butchered families for a few gold pieces...BeWhy? Why do I kill so many people?

caus yor borign an you haf mommy issuus and yor a buttass an somones''s goinna kell yuo an if theys nice theill gibe me the body an il eet you
ist's nott that dificullt to udnerstadn really

Hattish Thing
2012-08-23, 05:51 PM
Uh? You lost me...repeat that? In Common?

2012-08-23, 05:53 PM
Woah. I just realized, this wall is an ugly ugly place.

I'm out.

2012-08-23, 05:56 PM
Woah. I just realized, this wall is an ugly ugly place.

I'm out.

Scrawled purple arrows point to "I just realized".
litell bitt layte ther pink ladyy

Ashen Lilies
2012-08-23, 10:02 PM
Rage quit!

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-23, 10:04 PM
Someone asked me to put this here for you all. If there's enough of a demand for the name of the person behind it, I'll put it up as well, but for now, I think I'll just leave it anonymous. Enjoy, Wall.

Below, someone seems to have slapped a piece of paper onto the wall, adhering it to its place with tiny little pins. Trying to remove or edit the paper is liable to get oneself electrocuted by the pins, so it's recommended that one not tamper with the thing.

In a world where gods and demons walk hand-in-hand with mortals, religion is something very easy to come by. Walking the streets, one can come across temples to all matters of beings and concepts preaching out their beliefs hand over paw over fist, each competing with the others to bring in more followers in order to gain strength and power. This is far from a new concept and is apparently quite a common practice across much of the multiverse. Here however, it is quite different in that religion and “gifts” from the gods are much more tangible than in many places, allowing some to even trade it as a currency or favors. I have seen some people swear by one god before turning their back and bowing to another. I have seen others wear the symbols of three or four gods or goddesses. The Nexus isn’t a place that lacks religion or belief.

No, from what I have seen, it is lacking in Faith.

It is my belief that even if people normally put the three words together, Faith, Religion, and Belief are all very different concepts. Religion is simply one person following the teachings of what they conceive to be a power higher or greater than them. Belief is the sureness one has that one thing is true (or false as the case may be). Faith on the other hand…

Faith is a different beast all together.

To me, Faith is the “belief” that something is more than real. That it is stronger than true and that when all else fails, what you have Faith in stands strong and looks upon the rest with scorn and disgust that they were weak. One’s Faith can be in their Religion of course, and one can Believe in their Faith, but not all people do. There’s been more than one cleric or priestess that has lost Faith. I have seen people Believe in Truth and Justice, but lack the Faith that anyone can deliver it.

It is easy to be religious when gods walk amongst men and it is even easier to believe in what should be unreal when miracles are preformed every day, but it can sometimes be the hardest thing in the worlds to know that something is the Ultimate Truth.

I know this, because I have felt such doubt, and even worse, had fallen into it.

In my moment of weakness, before I found my Faith in something greater than myself, I had accomplished a deed so inexorably wrong that when I had come back to my “right” state of mind, I couldn’t bear the thought of what I had done. Because of it, I had snuffed the lives of four people who did not deserve what I had done to them. I do not believe that many of those reading this have done similar things, but perhaps they have felt close to it. Even as I sit here, serving my redemption for the sins I committed, I feel that perhaps I can prevent such from happening to others if I explain what had happened to me.

See, what happened to cause such weakness wasn’t the events that took place prior. While I have no doubt they were a factor, they were not the cause. The cause of my weakness of spirit boiled down to one simple thing. Much to my shame, after I had ample time to think on it, I had realized that even though I had belief in what I was doing was good, I had lacked Faith.

I didn’t lack Faith in a higher power, for I don’t Follow any immortal being. What I lacked was Faith that the Good and Just that I had believed myself to be was True. I knew then, much as I know now, that I was a good person. I am kind and considerate, but now that I have had some of the childish innocence that blinded me taken away, I have grown to realize just how empty that feeling was. Now, in the walls of my penance, I have filled that emptiness with something that should have been there before. Not just Faith in being Good and Just, but Faith in knowing that I am better than that.

While I have done so, I am no cold-blooded murderer. I am not a brutal maniac bent on revenge or the insane logic of blood feuds. No, what I am is someone strong. Someone who should defend those who are unable to do so themselves. I am someone who will never murder another person in cold blood again for as long as I live. I know now that I am someone who shall stand between someone who had given into the weakness I had and the angry mob after them, believing that they will get what they deserve instead of a death to a group of insane vengeance driven people. Even if I detest it, I will do it knowing that I am Better than I was, that I will never give into such temptations again. When it happens, I will not care if the mob be made of mortals or superheroes for I know that deep within me, it is my purpose here to safeguard others. I will not care if the very Gods themselves try to take such a person from under my protection.

And know what I would do, my dear readers?

I would stand tall; look the Fates in the eyes, and if the time came, with the last breath of my dying body and defiant spirit, I would say one simple thing.



caus yor borign an you haf mommy issuus and yor a buttass an somones''s goinna kell yuo an if theys nice theill gibe me the body an il eet you
ist's nott that dificullt to udnerstadn really

Woah, I like you. What are your thought in weasels? We should hang out.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-25, 02:47 PM
HAHA! Bring it on little siege group! Marciano Louv're is ready!

The Bandicoot
2012-08-26, 02:16 AM
Here, written with marker in a font TOAST is written.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 11:34 AM
"Toast? Really? What the heck?"

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-26, 11:37 AM

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 11:43 AM
Who are you? ^

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-26, 11:44 AM
My name's Akoraun! ^.^

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 11:51 AM
Akouran eh? I'm Marciano...you want a job? >:)

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-26, 11:53 AM
Sure! Where should I meet you Mister Marciano?

2012-08-26, 11:53 AM
Warning: accepting his job offer carries a high risk of being devoured by a monster he's too incompetent to control or killed by one of his numerous enemies while he escapes.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-26, 11:54 AM
I don't know, he sounds nice! Mom says I can go!

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 12:06 PM
Shut it Dipsnot, the boy wants to make a living! Oh, Aku, I'm going to call ya that, who's your Mom? How'd you like to spy on someone?

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-26, 12:07 PM
Well, she's not really my mom. Like an really-older sister. I'm eight.

Ummm, okay! I'm small, who is it?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 12:14 PM
Oh? Who? Excellent! A group of people actually...in a tavern...The Black Dragon...Yes...

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-26, 12:16 PM
Her name is Nixa! She's a dragon too!

O-kay. What do I do when I'm done spieing?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 12:18 PM
Don't ring a bell...I need you to find out their plan...Then return to Louv're Tower...I'll have a reward, hehe.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-26, 12:19 PM
A bell?

Okay, thank you Mister Marciano!

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 12:22 PM
Hehe, you'll know the group when you see 'em, go now.

2012-08-26, 12:23 PM
Hey, Louvre guy. I've mostly kept my nose out of your business, but I really can't let this slide. How could you possibly be stupid enough to hire and instruct a SPY, who's job is to go UNNOTICED on a public forum. That kid is going to get caught so fast, and if he gets hurt you've got child endangerment on a whole stack of other things they are going to lynch you for. Kid, please don't do it. Go play or something. Don't get yourself hurt.

XoXo Blondie

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 12:27 PM
Blondie, love. I know what I'm doing, they won't know what the boy looks like! I'm already on the top of the lynch list, I might as well expand my resume of bad deeds, perhaps you'd like to volunteer?

The Bandicoot
2012-08-26, 01:10 PM
This unit is space known as Quiz

2012-08-26, 02:25 PM
They already know he's an eight year old. Not hard to pick out an eight year old in a bar.

And having a rap sheet is nothing to brag about. It just means you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. I'm happy you managed to find such pride in brazen incompetence.

If you want to go a round, fine then. Meet me in front of the front gate of Remnant headquarters. I'll be the guy in the power armor. Be sure to brag about all your crimes, otherwise I won't know it's you.

XoXo, Blondie

Hattish Thing
2012-08-26, 02:45 PM
Heh, sure. I can spend a clone to kick your ass. I'll be the one in the yellow and purple motorcycle. I've killed plenty stronger chaps than you. So, yer a Remnant boob? Fun.

2012-08-26, 10:25 PM
"Yo, gray-text, you wanted to talk, right? Got a phone number?"

Lord Magtok
2012-08-26, 10:36 PM
I'm in the phone book. Pick pretty much any business or residential number in the M section, and you've got like a 63% chance of it being me. I'm not posting anything here, though. You know the trolls will get my number signed up for catgirlfacts texts or something if I leave my personal number on the wall. :smallyuk:

The Alexandrian
2012-08-26, 10:56 PM
Don't ring a bell...I need you to find out their plan...Then return to Louv're Tower...I'll have a reward, hehe.

A) You shouldn't trust anyone who writes hehe at the end of their sentences and promises you an unspecified reward if you visit his tower.



HAHA! Bring it on little siege group! Marciano Louv're is ready! to get pwnt!

Your message has been defaced! And soon your skull will be defaced along with it! I'll take a picture, I'll hang it here on the wall, and I'll sip a dry martini while kids around the world rejoice!

"Ding-dong the smelly jerk is dead!"

Hattish Thing
2012-08-27, 10:18 AM
Heheheheehe. Jerk? Nah....I'm just...not very kind. There's a picture on the wall of Louv're Tower. See, get through that! uh...I mean, it's impossible! It was built by Medean Architects! Then there's a picture of several cloning tanks. See, I got these from a friend about three months ago. (Thanks M.) Sadly...two of my nine clones were just brutally slaughtered....one burnt up to a crips...another shot down by Remnant...jeez....I can't be that bad!

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-27, 10:21 AM
That's what SHE said!

Hattish Thing
2012-08-27, 10:38 AM
....Greetingsss Nexusss....

2012-08-27, 12:19 PM
Nexus Wide Announcement!


The following is a list of Bounties given by Remnant. Reward Guaranteed! Reasonable expenses and medical attention can be given.

Slave Traders/Owners: Wanted Alive OR Dead. Proof and documentation needed for reward.
Marciano: All clones of Marciano are banished from the city of Inside due to bomb threats and public incitement. Any seen in the city are wanted Alive OR Dead.

Bring each bounty to the Remnant HQ to receive the reward!!

(Anyone who wants a PC added to this list, feel free to mention so and I'll add them in. Assume there is a detailed physical description of each of the PCs.)

Hattish Thing
2012-08-27, 02:21 PM
Ok, so none of me clones. I'm still allowed right?

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-27, 02:22 PM
He's gotcha there.

2012-08-27, 02:29 PM
If the original Marciano Louv're would like to surrender to Remnant, fully disarm his businesses and purported "soul engine", and cooperate with robust and thorough inspections, then he should present himself at the city gates. Remnant will then provide an armed escort to our HQ. Otherwise, no.

-Major Delisle

Earl of Purple
2012-08-27, 02:30 PM
.enolc a ton er'uoy meht gnicnivnoc kcul dooG
?uoy lear eht evah meht tel d'uoy dnA

2012-08-27, 02:36 PM
Give Remnant some credit, they aren't idiots.

If you go yourself, they want to see to you personally.

below this is scrawled images of the common remnant power armor

The Bandicoot
2012-08-27, 02:58 PM
Oi, Marcy boy, sounds like you'll have every bottom feedin' slug comin' after ya now. Sounds like you might need another bodyguard or two. Why not hire a couple'a the best damn guards in town? That is ta' say, me an' other me.
I told ya! My names not 'other me' or 'Joe' its Larry!
Ah shaddap I made ya by cuttin' off my own backside I'll call ya what I want. 'sides I'm tryin' to get us a job here!

2012-08-27, 03:00 PM
Because evidence suggests that he would feed them to sharks for kicks and/or they are too stupid to know to avoid them and therefore unfit to work for him.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-27, 03:02 PM
Because evidence suggests that he would feed them to sharks for kicks and/or they are too stupid to know to avoid them and therefore unfit to work for him.

Sharks. Definetely the sharks.

Earl of Purple
2012-08-27, 03:04 PM
.mih yarteb thgim yeht esuaceB
.yltneinevnocni eid rO
.gninosiop deal fO
.stellub tsuj rO

The Bandicoot
2012-08-27, 03:12 PM
What would it take ta' convince ya ta' hire us?

Hattish Thing
2012-08-27, 04:26 PM
I dunno, a bodyguard with pink speech isn't that scary...you could be an assassin...sent to kill me! Remnant...you suck...You killed me...

2012-08-27, 04:28 PM
Seeing as you basically showed up at their base and yelled at them to fight you, I wouldn't classify this as killing. Suicide is more like it.

2012-08-27, 04:29 PM
Do they intend to charge him for the bullets used on him?
They really should.

2012-08-27, 04:42 PM
For the record, we didn't kill him either. He just happened to piss off a giant spider and our deal didn't happen to include protecting him from giant spiders.

2012-08-27, 05:11 PM
Wow, you actually did it.

Okay first of all, boo, I was hoping Remnant would capture you alive, but fine.

Second, Does anyone else find the way clones seem to rob people of their humanity a little terrible? A thinking creature died (yes I know it's Marciano, but no jokes), but because he's just a clone of one guy, everyone, even the cloned, treat it as no big deal. We start treating them like hand grenades rather than humans. I don't like Marcy, but if he actually died I wouldn't feel apathetic about it.

I don't normally get so deep, but it bugs me.

It's disturbing.

Hattish Thing
2012-08-27, 05:23 PM
There was supposed to be a soul...not a flame-throwing spider..I'll kill you three...

I was supposed to find Blondie!

There are like hand grenades. You killed two...seven left...Now I have to sneak through Inside...stupid Remnant...

2012-08-27, 05:54 PM
Allow me to explain what exactly occurred outside Remnant HQ, according to the descriptions my men provided.

Mr. Louv're's clone arrived, demanding to meet the one who issued a challenge to him here. Why anyone would respond so eagerly to Wall-based belligerence, I have no idea.

Regardless, some of my men, the navy-and-black armored ones you may have seen around recently, happened to be in the area and decided to attempt to apprehend the clone, due to the many crimes he has publicly confessed to. Despite the sheer stupidity and belligerence of such a thing, he proceeded to make a bomb threat directly in front of Remnant HQ.

As Remnant and its allies in the Altaran Irregulars take such threats against us very seriously, particularly from confessed criminals who do indeed seem like they would do it, the clone was neutralized.

Mr. Louv're seems to expect us to let him get away with this behavior. We will not. We will stand against him and all others like him, as Remnant and its predecessors have always done. We have faced far worse than the likes of him, and long after he has been dealt with, we will endure.

-Commander Vyrn Altaran

The Bandicoot
2012-08-27, 06:35 PM
Well that's the point innit? I don't look threatenin or anythin. So when someone tries to off ya they neva expect me to kills em!

Lord Magtok
2012-08-27, 06:55 PM
Wow, you actually did it.

Okay first of all, boo, I was hoping Remnant would capture you alive, but fine.

Second, Does anyone else find the way clones seem to rob people of their humanity a little terrible? A thinking creature died (yes I know it's Marciano, but no jokes), but because he's just a clone of one guy, everyone, even the cloned, treat it as no big deal. We start treating them like hand grenades rather than humans. I don't like Marcy, but if he actually died I wouldn't feel apathetic about it.

I don't normally get so deep, but it bugs me.

It's disturbing.

Don't worry, kid. My sources say there were gunshots, and not all of them were from Remnant. Even if he didn't have a bomb and they had proof that he didn't, he was still probably too threatening to capture alive. You didn't kill him.

You really do have a point with the clone thing, though. Oddly enough, it turns out such an insurance measure against death only makes you more likely to end up needing it in the first place. :smallyuk:

Hattish Thing
2012-08-28, 07:10 PM
Ooh....Siege group? I can't wait for you...to urge to hit something very hard is growing....

2012-08-31, 10:10 PM
Skeletal Minion Seeks New Master

Listen folks, long story short, my boss has been deadtimed for who knows how long, my space heater is broken, and that takes some cash to fix, and I only have so much left. For how much it'll take to fix the damn thing, it'd be smarter to just save up and upgrade. So I'm back on the market.

I'm five foot five skeleton, human (I think) in origin.

I have over seven years of experience in custodial work, two years as a lab assistant, two years as a secretary, and four years being able to set things on fire with my mind.

I'm looking for a work with a low likelyhood of death by siege, explosion, passerby adventurers, or holy smiting.

I would also like to work in a warm environment.

I'm untiring, clean, immune to disease, fire, and mental compulsion, punctual, and respectful.

For any further information, simply contact...

the wall...

This one...

I guess...

2012-08-31, 10:40 PM
How are you with espionage, information gathering, things in that general category?

2012-08-31, 10:50 PM
Afraid I'm 0 for 1 on successful espionage assignments.

I'm a skeleton.

I stand out.

Lord Magtok
2012-08-31, 10:59 PM
What kind of sick bastard makes a skeleton who gets cold?

2012-08-31, 11:32 PM
Fate? My powers were an accident. I don't get cold. I don't even get hot, technically. I feel the heat as it gets stored in my rune. I like it, so I usually sit next to my space heater.

See my dilemma?

Lady Serpentine
2012-09-01, 09:34 AM
...Huh. I think I remember you. You're the one who had the kitten in the Den, yeah?

Sorry to hear about your heater. I'd offer you a job, but honestly, I don't really have that much that wouldn't be dangerous, albeit for reasons other than the ones you listed there.

2012-09-01, 09:41 AM
i'd gife you a jobb sketelon mann but i don's havb moneys an the guy tol me my nektar iss bad an you coudn't drik it anyway
unless you want to be payied in bones
Huh, purpletext is more readable as of late... perhaps they've been taking classes?

2012-09-01, 12:19 PM
All fear the freak

2012-09-01, 01:53 PM
...Huh. I think I remember you. You're the one who had the kitten in the Den, yeah?

Sorry to hear about your heater. I'd offer you a job, but honestly, I don't really have that much that wouldn't be dangerous, albeit for reasons other than the ones you listed there.

Yeah, that's right. Thanks for the concern about my well being at least.

i'd gife you a jobb sketelon mann but i don's havb moneys an the guy tol me my nektar iss bad an you coudn't drik it anyway
unless you want to be payied in bones
Huh, purpletext is more readable as of late... perhaps they've been taking classes?

I'm very comfortable with my current number of bones. Thank you, chatty, hungry, crazy person.

Hattish Thing
2012-09-01, 02:08 PM
Beware the Rakari. Yoth-sothoh, ghur les ylera sans Medea adjanti.

2012-09-01, 05:20 PM

10,000 gallons of A-Grade Dark Amber Maple Syrup. Cash on Delivery.


Models Needed: 30 parts open. Strong swimming skills a must.

Earl of Purple
2012-09-01, 05:26 PM
What kind of models? I can swim really well; better than I can walk, really; I've done it for longer. But I'd like to know if it's open to all races or not, and also if there's a particular gender the models need to be.

2012-09-01, 06:19 PM
An addendum appears under the Audition ad.

All races and genders are welcome.

Earl of Purple
2012-09-01, 06:23 PM
Where do I go to sign up?

Ashen Lilies
2012-09-01, 06:49 PM

10,000 gallons of A-Grade Dark Amber Maple Syrup. Cash on Delivery.


Models Needed: 30 parts open. Strong swimming skills a must.

Sounds like my kind of party...

2012-09-01, 08:37 PM
I'd be willing to get in on this swimming thing

The Bushranger
2012-09-01, 09:35 PM
Maple syrup. Models. Swimming.
...I'm in.

The Bandicoot
2012-09-02, 01:49 AM
I'm in! is scrawled in three sets of handwriting that look very similar, but have slight differences.

Lady Serpentine
2012-09-02, 01:50 AM
I'll take a spot too...

2012-09-02, 03:50 PM
Both ads direct inquiries and deliveries to the Temple of Splendors in the city of Inside.

2012-09-03, 12:19 PM

Strong swimming skills a must.[/CENTER]

"Step aside, boys n' girls!"

Ashen Lilies
2012-09-03, 12:27 PM
The name of this particular iteration of the wall is suddenly becoming more and more appropriate...

2012-09-03, 03:01 PM
there is nothing here

Hattish Thing
2012-09-03, 04:33 PM
A party? I sssee....hmm...sssoundsss interesssting.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-09-03, 04:37 PM
A party? I sssee....hmm...sssoundsss interesssting.

Finish your contract with the drow first, Crossbone.

2012-09-05, 08:01 PM
Describe yourself with a movie title.

2012-09-05, 08:02 PM
Describe yourself with a movie title.

Real movie titles, or something that sounds like a movie title?

2012-09-05, 08:03 PM
Real movie titles, or something that sounds like a movie title?

((Real Movies.))

Slii Arhem
2012-09-05, 08:06 PM
Skeletal Minion Seeks New Master

Listen folks, long story short, my boss has been deadtimed for who knows how long, my space heater is broken, and that takes some cash to fix, and I only have so much left. For how much it'll take to fix the damn thing, it'd be smarter to just save up and upgrade. So I'm back on the market.

I'm five foot five skeleton, human (I think) in origin.

I have over seven years of experience in custodial work, two years as a lab assistant, two years as a secretary, and four years being able to set things on fire with my mind.

I'm looking for a work with a low likelyhood of death by siege, explosion, passerby adventurers, or holy smiting.

I would also like to work in a warm environment.

I'm untiring, clean, immune to disease, fire, and mental compulsion, punctual, and respectful.

For any further information, simply contact...

the wall...

This one...

I guess...

After a long absence of notice, a scribble appears beneath this want ad in unfamiliar green ink.

How are you with kids?

Describe yourself with a movie title.


2012-09-05, 08:19 PM
Describe yourself with a movie title.

For a Few Dollars More


Sorcerer's Apprentice

After a long absence of notice, a scribble appears beneath this want ad in unfamiliar green ink.

How are you with kids?

Fine, if they don't mind a skull-faced nanny. I can be quite warm.

2012-09-05, 08:22 PM
"We are not going to make that movie: The Movie."

Slii Arhem
2012-09-05, 08:47 PM
Fine, if they don't mind a skull-faced nanny. I can be quite warm.

Might want to check around GLoG then. They've got more kids than they know what to do with there, particularly around Rowan Cabin. Could be worth a look.

2012-09-06, 09:14 AM
A number of posters have been posted on the wall.

Wanted: Lance

A bandit by the name of Lance has been going around on a rampage on the countryside. He and his gang have been going from village to village causing destruction and killing its inhabitants. The reason for the bandit Lance's actions are unknown but he must be stopped before more villages fall.

Client: Concerned Lordling
Location: Forest Village(Outside)
Objective: Defeat Lance and his gang of Bandits
Bonus Objective: Determine the reason of the Bandit's rampage.
Reward: 10,000 gold pieces, Ghost Dagger(B.O.)

Wanted: Guy

The fey have gone mad! For many generations our people and the fey of the forest have never had any animosity towards one another but now many fey creatures wander outside the forest attacking anything that comes within their view. This must stop!

Client: Herbalist
Location: Small Hut (Weald)
Objective: Find and exterminate the cause of the Fey's madness
Bonus Objective: N/A
Reward: 100 gold pieces, Elixir

Seaside Cave Exploration

While wandering around on a beach I found a cave nearby. I checked it out and it looks like the cave has a few underground layers. I cannot explore it alone as that would be dangerous. I need someone willing to explore the depths of the cave with me.

Client: Wandering Summoner
Location: Seaside Cave (Outside)
Objective: Make it to the bottom of the cave and back out safely.
Bonus Objective:Find an artifact, if there is one.
Reward: 5000 gold pieces, Enchanted Blue Steel Daggers(B.O.)

Temple Guardian ((Taken by DoomITP))

I went inside an abandoned temple to see if there was anything of interest. Down a few floors in the basement area I faced a guardian-like creature. Unfortunately for me my attacks couldn't do much damage. The other floors have monsters as well but they are dirt weak compared to the guardian. Anyway I need help killing the guardian.

Client: Red Mercenary
Location: Temple(Inside)
Objective: Kill the Guardian
Bonus Objective: N/A
Reward:A whole crate of Red Steel

Gathering Supplies ((Reserved By TE))

My medical supplies are running low so I need to resupply. I would go myself but I am on an urgent task. A proxy will meet with you and give the details.

Client: The Black Mercenary
Location: Thick Forest(The Weald)
Objective: Gather the required materials.
Bonus Objective: Do not injure any fey creature.
Reward: 20,000(T.E. request) 500 gold pieces, Bravant IV(B.O.)

It looks like the posters are quests.

((If you plan to accept a quest PM me so I can place my character in the area where the quest will take place. B.O. stands for Bonus Objective))

Hattish Thing
2012-09-06, 11:18 AM
Describe yourself with a movie title.

...The Exorcist.

The Bushranger
2012-09-07, 06:19 PM
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Hattish Thing
2012-09-08, 01:06 AM
Doo doo doo doo do do doo doo doo do! I'M SINGING IN THE BLOODY BLOOD OF BLOhe heh hehehe OD! BAHAAHAHAHAAHA! See me now now now now...heheheheeheheh! Youbknow what the famous poem goes? Why is a desk like a writing raven! I got it! Cause its worth money! Money is EVERYTHING! Moneymoneymoney! Gold,crrdits,dollars! Link by lin k j jc Bahahahahahaha!

Lady Serpentine
2012-09-12, 03:57 PM
Recruitment is now open for a new theater group.

Prospective applicants should speak to Chandara Dyrr at Hollow Hill, in Inside.

2012-09-13, 10:37 PM
the Freak is coming

Hattish Thing
2012-09-14, 01:37 AM
Freak, eh? You should know that no evil that has come to the Nexus has ever succeeded in doing anything! Good is light! Evil is dark, the light always wins over the light, because the gods watch over us all!

The Alexandrian
2012-09-14, 01:25 PM
"Nope! I heartily disagree! Darkness is the absence of light. Evil is not the absence of good. It is the adversary of good. And evil does things all the time! Evil ushers forth death all the time! And we eat cookies! I think you're just biased and jealous 'cause you're a goody-two-shoes and that implies that you don't get any cookies."

Lord Magtok
2012-09-14, 01:34 PM
It's perfectly possible to be ugly without wanting to kill everyone, you know. Just look at Kirk's children.

Hattish Thing
2012-09-14, 01:57 PM
Bah! None of you will be rewarded in the afterife. I however, will. I am a servant to my god! My god is bigger than yours! Light is always better than dark....like the difference between black and white! Light is always better!

2012-09-14, 02:13 PM
Counterpoint: Batman

Lord Magtok
2012-09-14, 02:17 PM
My god is bigger than yours!


Someone please tell me this is just a troll, and nobody actually says thing like that.

Hattish Thing
2012-09-14, 02:31 PM
Bah! I do not joke about what is true! I am mighty, because the light keeps me alive! I have always been a force of good! Except when I shot REinholdt and made him into a vampire somehow...that wasn't the best thing I've ever done...hm....yeah...awkward now. Uh. Nevermind. I am still far greater because of my god, which is obviously better than yours!

2012-09-14, 02:34 PM
It is unlikely that he was intentionally feigning a lack of intelligence, sense, understanding of social cues, etc.
More likely, he possesses these failings in truth.

Hattish Thing
2012-09-14, 02:42 PM
Hmph! Fine! I am a great light on this world, no matter what you....mongrels believe.

Lord Magtok
2012-09-14, 02:46 PM
I am still far greater because of my god, which is obviously better than yours!

Suppose for a moment that I decided to convert, and now have the same god as you. Now, I've never turned Reinholdt into a vampire before. Not even once, even though the idea sounds kinda cool. Hypothetically speaking, doesn't this automatically make me better than you, by your own definitions of greatness?

Earl of Purple
2012-09-14, 02:47 PM
My Deity is dark. Very dark; humanoid-sacrifice-accepted-but-not-entirely-necessary dark. And yet, after my death, I fully expect to be honoured with a position of power and prestige, doing His will and enjoying myself in my spare time. As opposed to, say, being devoured alive in a sea of flesh eating beetles for the rest of eternity. This is because only stupid deities, regardless of relative light or dark, punishes those that serve it for the rest of eternity. Maybe if my soul was tricked from me, or if I didn't worship Him but murdered people for fun, or whatever, then maybe I'll be tortured for eternity. Especially if I instead worshipped a deity who claims to represent the 'light' and had a host of constantly singing angels. My deity, rather than forcing anybody to sing 24/7, gives its extraplanar followers tasks that matter to Him but most of all lets them do what they want most of the time.

Hattish Thing
2012-09-14, 02:50 PM
Hmm...lemme think about that...

Dude, trust me, just shut up now...they'll find you.

No, it wouldn't...technically....Mainly because my father was a high priest, and yours...was not I presume. Though....being a high priest didn't help him in the end when we found his body twisted backwards and upside down...stabbed with his own stake...ew....that was foul. My father was a priest, therefore I'm better by bloodline! That, and I've done my fair share of good deeds! Like....arresting that Aceford guy! And uh....killing whatshername...and...uh....killing those rioters...and....uh...

2012-09-14, 03:37 PM
My Deity is dark. Very dark; humanoid-sacrifice-accepted-but-not-entirely-necessary dark. And yet, after my death, I fully expect to be honoured with a position of power and prestige, doing His will and enjoying myself in my spare time. As opposed to, say, being devoured alive in a sea of flesh eating beetles for the rest of eternity. This is because only stupid deities, regardless of relative light or dark, punishes those that serve it for the rest of eternity. Maybe if my soul was tricked from me, or if I didn't worship Him but murdered people for fun, or whatever, then maybe I'll be tortured for eternity. Especially if I instead worshipped a deity who claims to represent the 'light' and had a host of constantly singing angels. My deity, rather than forcing anybody to sing 24/7, gives its extraplanar followers tasks that matter to Him but most of all lets them do what they want most of the time.

You worship a crappy religion. No seriously, you put faith in a cockroach based off of insect population and flawed theoretical ecology.

That it has any worshipers at all is disgusting. It is disgusting that people would worship something that would gladly eat their own brother.

Dalachrech worshipers are slavers and sacrifice sapient creatures. Spread the word.

2012-09-14, 03:39 PM
In a world where a mushroom can grow a cult overnight...

Earl of Purple
2012-09-14, 03:44 PM
When I was growing up, I had a choice. I could worship the deity of the man who saved my life, or the deity whose followers imperilled my life and killed my family. That is no choice. One of my titles is 'the Divine Cockroach'. This is because when I was eight, my village was attacked by paladins searching for rebels- or more accurately, anybody that didn't follow the monotheistic religion of the Lord of Tyranny. I was stabbed through the shoulder and left for dead; everyone else died. I was taken in by a tinker, who raised me in the faith of Dalachrech. Then, when I was twenty four, my homeworld was destroyed. Again, I was the only survivor. Dalachrech, again, saved me. My religion may practice slavery, but it doesn't in Inside, at my Temple, though slavery was not only common and accepted, but near ubiquitous. There weren't laws against it, but killing a slave, even your own, was murder, and harming one without the owner's permission was property damage, and both had hefty sentences.

Hattish Thing
2012-09-14, 03:53 PM
Dalachrech scum!

2012-09-14, 03:55 PM
Wait, how do you know that you turned Reinholdt into a vampire? Isn't that still a secret to almost everybody IC? Duuuude, don't you know there's a special circle of Hell for the sin of using OOC knowledge?

Wait, Jeanne, how do you know he's using OOC knowledge when you have no way of knowing who really knows Reinholdt's secret?

Decker, how do you know its Jeanne talking instead of one of the other people who use red text? Isn't that metagaming too?

Moff, who invited you to this conversation? Get lost!


2012-09-14, 04:21 PM
Wah! Wah! Sad backstory! Wah! Pathos! Wah!

A lot of us have sad history's, self included. Peddle that else where.

No that's not entirely fair. Maybe you were choosing the lesser of two evils at the time. Unimportant now.

We don't practice slavery. Talk to those other guys.

You also don't condemn those of your religion who do. Do more to separate yourself from them than say your a "reformed" dung beetle worshiper. Saying you don't practice slavery HERE means nothing. You have to denounce it everywhere. You also say nothing about human sacrifice which you should also do something about. If he doesn't necessitate it, than why do it? Condemn those who do or you are just as responsible

Slavery was totally okay where I'm from. Our slavery was totally nicer than regular slavery too.

Slavery is abominable. Regardless of the form. Objectionably abominable. If you disagree, become a slave yourself and see how happy you are.

I restate: Dalchrech's worshipers are slavers and sacrifice humans to an evil roach.


~Quid era die-in-a-fire

xOxO Blondie

The Alexandrian
2012-09-14, 04:28 PM
If your cult is as unblighted as you preach, why don't you relate to these good readers the other side of the story, Dalach-wretch-ian.

Your cult doesn't practice slavery in Inside because your temple would be curbstomped by Remnant if you did, bless their souls! You fear them. You conveniently neglect to mention that we slaves didn't vend ourselves to you! It wasn't our choice! We followed your priestesses or we were tortured with dull knives and barbed whips. And you could've been one of us. Doesn't that strum the shredded strings of your black, shriveled heart? Were you born under different circumstances by no fault of your own, you'd have spent your life in a cage. Like an animal. Treated worse than an animal until you were bought as a toy by a power-mad, curtain-addicted, and abusive witch. But that's not the worst scenario that we could've been trapped in! Not by a long shot.

I'm not launching a scurrilous verbal attack against you, but I am dauntlessly calling you out. Slavery is wrong and you know it! Now give us back our sister and we'll simmer down. If you don't, we'll see to it that you're persecuted by even the serpents that crawl on their bellies through the dirt!

And all you slavers out there, you're going to burn. Someday, you're going to burn. And the world isn't going to miss you. You'll be left for the crows and forgotten before your body is cold!