View Full Version : [3.5] Animal Companion question.

2012-08-19, 05:08 AM
So it says in PH p. 35 and 36. That a druid can choose an animal companion from the following lists. The list is rather limited and I cant find anything that says you can look beyond these lists.
However when I read different druidguides it keep mentioning that I should choose fleshraker as my companion or others ofcourse.
Where does it say that I can look for alternate (apart from the ones in ph) companions?


2012-08-19, 06:03 AM
There isn't really a consolidated list anywhere in the books that I know of. Generally, if an animal is being added to the animal companion list, it's actually mentioned in the monster entry. For example if you were to look up fleshraker, it would say that they can be a druid's animal companion at level-3 or something like that. You might be able to find a list that someone's put together poking around google.

2012-08-19, 06:20 AM
The most complete list that I've seen is in PH2, in a sidebar on the Druid section. Note that this list may contain typos, and that the individual monster entries in their respective books should have a more complete text entry for what level of Druid may recruit it.

2012-08-19, 02:15 PM
I think this should be pretty close to comprehensive:
{table=head]Name |Level |Printed |Permitted |Notes
Badger |1 |MM |PH |
Barracuda |1 |Storm |Storm |
Bat |1 |MM |PH |
Brixashulty |1 |RotW |RotW |Halflings only
Camel |1 |MM |PH |
Caribou |1 |Frost |Frost |
Chordebvoc |1 |RotW |RotW |Halflings only
Chuckwalla |1 |Sand |Sand |
Coyote |1 |Sand |Sand |
Dinosaur, Compsognahus |1 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dinosaur, Rhamphorhychus |1 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dinosaur, Swindlespitter |1 |MM3 |MM3 |
Dog |1 |MM |PH |
Dog, Riding |1 |MM |PH |
Donkey |1 |MM |PH |
Eagle |1 |MM |PH |
Eel |1 |Storm |Storm |
Elemental, Small Air |1 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Small Earth |1 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Small Fire |1 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Small Water |1 |MM |CM |
Giant Ant, Worker |1 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Giant Bee |1 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Giant Fire Beetle |1 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Hawk |1 |MM |PH |
Horned Lizard |1 |Sand |Sand |
Horse, Heavy |1 |MM |PH |
Horse, Light |1 |MM |PH |
Hyena |1 |MM |Sand |
Monstrous Centipede, Large |1 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Monstrous Scorpion, Medium |1 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Monstrous Spider, Medium |1 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Owl |1 |MM |PH |
Phynxkin |1 |DM |DM |
Plant |1 |DR#357 |DR#357
Pony |1 |MM |PH |
Porpoise |1 |MM |PH |
Rat, Dire |1 |MM |PH |
Raven |1 |MM |PH |
Sea Lion |1 |Storm |Storm |
Sea Snake, Medium Viper |1 |Storm |Storm |
Sea Snake, Small Viper |1 |Storm |Storm |
Seal |1 |Storm |Storm |
Serval |1 |Sand |Sand |
Shark, Medium |1 |MM |PH |
Snake, Medium Viper |1 |MM |PH |
Snake, Small Viper |1 |MM |PH |
Snake, Tiny Viper |1 |Sand |Sand |
Snapping Turtle |1 |Sand |Sand |
Squid |1 |MM |PH |
Stingray |1 |Storm |Storm |
Tressym |1 |FRCS |Sand |
Vulture |1 |Sand |Sand |
Wolf |1 |MM |PH |
Ape |4 |MM |PH |
Badger, Dire |4 |MM |PH |
Bat, Dire |4 |MM |PH |
Bear, Black |4 |MM |PH |
Bison |4 |MM |PH |
Boar |4 |MM |PH |
Branta |4 |Frost |Frost |
Brixashulty |4 |RotW |RotW |Non-halfling access
Cheetah |4 |MM |PH |
Chordevoc |4 |RotW |RotW |Non-halfling access
Crocodile |4 |MM |PH |
Dinosaur, Dimetrodon |4 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dinosaur, Fleshraker |4 |MM3 |MM3 |
Dinosaur, Pteranodon |4 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Eagle, Dire |4 |RoS |RoS |
Eel, Dire |4 |Storm |Storm |
Elemental, Medium Air |4 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Medium Earth |4 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Medium Fire |4 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Medium Water |4 |MM |CM |
Giant Ant, Soldier |4 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Giant Bombardier Beetle |4 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Hawk, Dire |7 |RotW |RotW |Raptorans only
Jackal, Dire |4 |Sand |Sand |
Leopard |4 |MM |PH |
Lizard, Monitor |4 |MM |PH |
Monstrous Centipede, Huge |4 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Monstrous Spider, Large |4 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Peccary |4 |Sand |Sand |
Puma |4 |Sand |Sand |
Rat, Horrid Dire |4 |ECS |ECS |
Riding Bird |4 |DR#323 |DR#323 |
Sailsnake |4 |MM4 |MM4 |
Sea Snake, Large Viper |4 |Storm |Storm |
Snake, Constrictor |4 |MM |PH |
Snake, Large Viper |4 |MM |PH |
Toad, Dire |4 |MM2 |MM2 |
Weasel, Dire |4 |MM |PH |
Wolverine |4 |MM |PH |
Ape, Dire |7 |MM |PH |
Badger, Horrid |7 |ECS |ECS |
Barracuda, Dire |7 |Storm |Storm |
Bat, Horrid |7 |ECS |ECS |
Bear, Brown |7 |MM |PH |
Boar, Dire |7 |MM |PH |
Crocodile, Giant |7 |MM |PH |
Dinosaur, Cave Ankylosaurus |7 |Minis |PH2 |
Dinosaur, Cryptoclidus |7 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dinosaur, Deinonychus |7 |MM |PH |
Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus |7 |Storm |Storm |
Dinosaur, Protoceratops |7 |Sand |Sand |
Giant Praying Mantis |7 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Giant Stag Beetle |7 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Giant Wasp |7 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Hawk, Dire |7 |RotW |RotW |Non-Raptoran Access
Lion |7 |MM |PH |
Megaloceros |7 |Frost |Frost |
Monstrous Scorpion, Large |7 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Peccary, Dire |7 |Sand |Sand |
Rhinocerous |7 |MM |PH |
Sea Snake, Huge Viper |7 |Storm |Storm |
Snake, Huge Viper |7 |MM |PH |
Swarm, Centipede |7 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Swarm, Locust |7 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Terror Bird |7 |FF |FF |
Tiger |7 |MM |PH |
Tiger, Magebred Ghost |7 |5N |5N |Requires Breland origin
Weasel, Horrid |7 |ECS |ECS |
Wolf, Dire |7 |MM |PH |
Wolverine, Dire |7 |MM |PH |
Ape, Horrid |10 |ECS |ECS |
Bear, Magebred Brown |10 |5N |5N |Requires Breland origin
Bear, Polar |10 |MM |PH |
Boar, Horrid |10 |ECS |ECS |
Dinosaur, Allosaurus |10 |MM2 |PH2 |
Dinosaur, Bloodstriker |10 |MM3 |MM3 |
Dinosaur, Cave Triceratops |10 |Minis |PH2 |
Dinosaur, Cave Tyrannosaurus |10 |Minis |PH2 |
Dinosaur, Megaraptor |10 |MM |PH |
Dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus |10 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dragonhawk |10 |5N |5N |Requires Aundair origin
Eagle, Legendary |10 |MM2 |DR#351 |
Elemental, Large Air |10 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Large Earth |10 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Large Fire |10 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Large Water |10 |MM |CM |
Glyptodon |10 |Frost |Frost |
Helicoprion |10 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Hippopotamus |10 |Sand |Sand |
Horse, Dire |10 |MM2 |PH2 |
Lion, Dire |10 |MM |PH |
Monstrous Centipede, Gargantuan |10 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Monstrous Spider, Huge |10 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Puma, Dire |10 |Sand |Sand |
Shark, Huge |10 |MM |PH |
Snake, Dire |10 |MM2 |Sand |
Snake, Giant Constrictor |10 |MM |PH |
Tiger, Magebred |10 |5N |5N |
Tiger, Saber-Toothed |10 |Frost |Frost |
Tortoise, Dire |10 |Sand |Sand |
Vulture, Dire |10 |Sand |Sand |
Whale, Orca |10 |MM |PH |
Wolf, Horrid |10 |ECS |ECS |
Wolverine, Horrid |10 |ECS |ECS |
Ape, Legendary |13 |MM2 |DR#351 |
Bear, Dire |13 |MM |PH |
Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus |13 |MM2 |PH2 |
Dinosaur, Ichthyosaur |13 |Storm |Storm |
Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus |13 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Diprotodon |13 |Sand |Sand |
Elephant |13 |MM |PH |
Elk, Dire |13 |MM2 |Sand |
Fhorge |13 |FF |FF |
Lion, Horrid |13 |ECS |ECS |
Lizard, Giant Banded |13 |Sand |Sand |
Monstrous Scorpion, Huge |13 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan |13 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Octopus, Giant |13 |MM |Storm |
Bear, Dire Polar |16 |Frost |Frost |
Bear, Horrid |16 |ECS |ECS |
Dinosaur, Archelon |16 |Storm |Storm |
Dinosaur, Quetzalcoatlus |16 |MM2 |PH2 |
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus |16 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dinosaur, Triceratops |16 |MM |PH |
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus |16 |MM |PH |
Elemental, Huge Air |16 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Huge Earth |16 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Huge Fire |16 |MM |CM |
Elemental, Huge Water |16 |MM |CM |
Elephant, Dire |16 |MM2 |PH2 |
Elk, Horrid |16 |ECS |ECS |
Mammoth, Woolly |16 |Frost |Frost |
Mastodon |16 |MM3 |MM3 |
Mastodon, Grizzly |16 |MM2 |PH2 |
Megatherium |16 |FF |Frost |
Monstrous Centipede, Colossal |16 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Monstrous Scorpion, Gargantuan |16 |MM |web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040705a) |
Rhinoceros, Dire |16 |FF |Sand |
Roc |16 |MM |Sand |
Shark, Dire |16 |MM |Storm |
Snake, Legendary |16 |MM2 |DR#351 |
Squid, Giant |16 |MM |Storm |
Tiger, Dire |16 |MM |PH |
Dinosaur, Mosasaur |19 |Storm |Storm |
Dinosaur, Plesiosaur |19 |Storm |Storm |
Elephant, Horrid |19 |ECS |ECS |
Rhinoceros, Horrid |19 |ECS |ECS |
Tiger, Horrid |19 |ECS |ECS |
Dinosaur, Diplodocus |21 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dinosaur, Gigantosaurus |21 |DR#318 |DR#318 |
Dinosaur, Liopleurodon |24 |DR#318 |DR#318 |

PH = Player's handbook
PH2 = Player's handbook 2
MM = Monster Manual
MM# = Monster manual #
Frost = Frostburn
Sand = Sandstorm
Storm = Stormwrack
FF = Fiend Folio
DM = Dragon Magic
ECS = Eberron Campaign Setting
5N = Five Nations
Minis = Miniatures Handbook
FRCS = Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
DR# = Dragon Magazine #

EDit: Blarg. Cave dinosaurs.