View Full Version : Pathfinder Force Hook Charge Question

2012-08-19, 06:18 PM
If a Magus Casts Force hook charge on a subject who is within an Antimagic field does he move to the last space the hook can go through or does the spell fail? And is the hook visible like Magic Missile because it is a Evocation: Force Effect like magic missile or is it invisible like mage armor?
Description of spell here:

Force Hook Charge
School evocation [force]; Level magus 3

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
Target one creature or object within range and you
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

You create a hook of force that strikes the target and drags you to a space adjacent to it. Make a ranged touch attack against the target; if the touch attack succeeds, the target takes 1 point of force damage per caster level. Whether or not the touch attack hits, the force hook drags you in a straight line to a square adjacent to the target. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. The pulling hook keeps you from falling as part of this movement; therefore you can use it to cross a pit or chasm, or reach a higher or lower elevation. If the line of effect from you to the target passes through an area that is too small to fit your body (such as a portcullis or arrow slit), the hook pulls you to that location and you take damage as if you had fallen the distance from your starting point to that location. If you are restrained, such as being chained to a wall, the hook pulls you to the maximum extent of your restraints but does not break the restraints.

If your travel to the destination is not blocked, you land on your feet, unharmed by the sudden motion. However, the spell does not guarantee you a safe landing space when you arrive. For example, if your target is flying or on a ledge with no room for you to stand, once the hook pulls you adjacent to the target, you begin to fall.

If you use this spell with your spell combat class ability, you can make your melee attack from your starting position or your ending position.

2012-08-19, 06:20 PM
Force Hook Charge fails.

2012-08-20, 09:15 AM
Since you are targeting a invalid target, I would think it would fail. The magic wouldn't have place for the caster to grab ahold for the caster to be pulled towards.