View Full Version : [PF] killing an antipaladin

Cleric Cromwell
2012-08-20, 11:08 AM
so i think i need to kill one of my fellow party members
as you may be able to guess, he's an antipaladin
he started as a paladin and though he was a little boorish in following his code of ethics at least it didn't seem like he was taking our party in a bad direction
but after his fall, things have gotten much darker
but as a lawful neutral cleric/holy vindicator working for revolutionaries i've been willing to bend the rules a bit, i've moved from a letter of the law judge dredd type enforcer to a more spirit of the law picard, but our anti is committed to becoming emperor and i can't see that he will be any better a ruler than the mad queen already in power. so i think i need to kill him, it would be definitely in line with my character, and i think it would be better for the party and campaign that we didn't have a walking war crime leading us
my problem is that my stats aren't the best so i can't compete with him in melee, our party is notoriously poor in wealth so buying lots of potions or gear is out of the question, i'm the only lawful party member at this point, and his saves are so high that he's hard to scratch with big spells
any suggestions on how to crack this nut?

2012-08-20, 11:12 AM
Wait till he's asleep. Stab him in the throat.

2012-08-20, 11:22 AM
so i think i need to kill him, it would be definitely in line with my character
Rule of thumb: those two sentences tend to just leave everyone at the table pissed off.

But if you follow through with this, you could do something clever and overt with summons or Planar ally, but just whacking the guy in his sleep is easier. And chaining him up could be better still.

2012-08-20, 11:37 AM
Obviously we don't know that much about your character, but being that you said he's lawful neutral, maybe you should try talking to the antipaladin in game/roleplaying and trying to convince him to change his ways before you decide to just murder him. Deciding to kill someone who is/was your friend just because you don't like the things he may some day be capable of doing is a bit extreme I think.

2012-08-20, 11:54 AM
I find that the easiest way to kill a party member is to "fail a will save" in combat. Any time they are expected a certain combat role from you, and you don't do it...chances of a death are high. I like the Planar Binding, send the bound creature after him to be a cool idea.

2012-08-20, 12:22 PM
Obviously we don't know that much about your character, but being that you said he's lawful neutral, maybe you should try talking to the antipaladin in game/roleplaying and trying to convince him to change his ways before you decide to just murder him. Deciding to kill someone who is/was your friend just because you don't like the things he may some day be capable of doing is a bit extreme I think.


Good isn't on his axis. Lawful is. If he betrayed you, If he is breaking a law, kill him for it. If not, you are lawful, and while you may not agree with his ethics, you never cared much for ethics anyway.

Roleplaying is dumb sometimes.

2012-08-20, 02:56 PM

Good isn't on his axis. Lawful is. If he betrayed you, If he is breaking a law, kill him for it. If not, you are lawful, and while you may not agree with his ethics, you never cared much for ethics anyway.

Roleplaying is dumb sometimes.

Most people are neutral. Most people don't murder you if you disagree with them.