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View Full Version : Spells for a firearm-themed artificer

2012-08-20, 09:44 PM
I've been working on a character - a firearm-wielding artificer with some engineer/gunslinger flavor, and I was pondering on what wands and such to make for him.


what are some good spells that fit this theme? Looking for those that have something to do with firearms (or other ranged attacks that might be able to be adapted to firearms, like crossbows), projectiles, or anything that might fit the sort of gritty magical engineer sort of flavor.

Any input, as always, is much appreciated. =)

As an additional flavor note, the setting is sort of an emerging magepunk. I made sure to plan on taking a setting-adapted version of the eberron feat, at the DM's urging, that allows crafting of elemental vessels so that the party could be the proud new owners of one of the settings earliest airships.

2012-08-20, 09:54 PM
Scatterspray (http://dndtools.eu/spells/forgotten-realms-campaign-setting--19/scatterspray--1222/), a 1st-level spell out of Spell Compendium, might be nice in a standard action use wondrous item. You won't be able to directly target an opponent but it will certainly provide the cinematic style of a John Woo fight.

2012-08-20, 11:12 PM
Wands of Magic Missile and Scorching Ray are good bets, I guess.

Looking at the SRD, Acid Arrow, Delayed Blast Fireball (for Hawkeye-esque exploding bullets) Finger of Death, refluffed Fire Seeds, Flame Arrow, Inflict spells, Knock by shooting out the lock, Meteor Swarm for a cannon, Polar Ray, Pyrotechnics, Slay Living, Sound Burst and True Strike could all be useful to greater or lesser degrees.

2012-08-20, 11:20 PM
Seconding Scorching Ray. How much can you abuse metamagic reduction? A Twinned Scorching Ray wand does a pretty good impression of a machine gun :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-21, 01:39 AM
Well, considering artificers have the metamagic item infusion....

It's easy to flavor things as being like a firearm, and I had indeed planned on using scorching ray extensively, though I'm hoping to find spells whose mechanics or otherwise makes sense for a guy with a gun who builds stuff.

I'm aware of Named Bullet in pathfinder, which seems neat and Ricochet Shot, which seems... well, pretty bad, though it does mesh with the character well. Slaying Arrow works nicely with the theme, though I may have to refer to it as "Slaying Shot" or "Slaying Bullet" (the spell text mentions a piece of ammunition rather than specifically an arrow, so the RAW still works, though even if it did say arrow or bolt, I'm sure I could get it allowed to work on bullets).

Any others like these?

2012-08-21, 04:04 AM
Are you using PF books? Because Reloading Hands from Ultimate Combat is pretty cool if you're gonna be a spellcasting Gunslinger.

2012-08-21, 04:51 AM
Kelgore's Fire Bolt from phbII

2012-08-21, 05:15 AM
It's easy to flavor things as being like a firearm, and I had indeed planned on using scorching ray extensively, though I'm hoping to find spells whose mechanics or otherwise makes sense for a guy with a gun who builds stuff.

Oh, I see, you're looking for Ray stuff? Funnily enough, I just recently played a Spellslinger in a PF game, so I was also looking for Rays to cast through my gun. My character was only 3rd level so I can't give you advice for very high level stuff, but here's some stuff I was looking at:

Kelgore's Fire Bolt (PHB 2) - solid first level ray
Seeking Ray (PHB 2) - explicitly better than scorching ray levels 3-6, much cooler too IMO
Ray of Ice (SpC) - because even the ray mage will need some crowd control at some point
Guided Shot (SpC) - I love swift action spells and this is one for when you gun NEEDS to hit
Ray of Flame (SpC) - weaker in damage than Kelgore's Fire Bolt, but setting someone on fire is too fun to pass up
Swift Expeditious Retreat (SpC) - I pretty much always take this spell on arcane casters. Who hasn't had that one round where they really need 15-20 extra feet of movement?
Melf's Unicorn Arrow (PHB 2) - one of my favourite spells ever. The "unicorn" part is probably a little silly, but there's no reason you can't re-fluff it as some huge blast of force than you shoot from your gun and it bull rushes people.
Rainbow Blast (SpC) - The fun version of Lightning Bolt, this deals damage of all 5 energy types. Might also work well fluff-wise as a "railgun" type shot. Also, if you ever get to level 11, you will get to roll 5d12 for damage. I'm pretty sure that's more d12s than have ever been concurrently rolled in the history of humanity.
Sound Lance (SpC) - Another fantastic spell that could be fluffed as a "massive sonic gunshot" type thing.
Jet of Steam (CM) - Puts the steam into steampunk :smalltongue:
Incendiary Slime (CM) - Also works with steampunk. "Oops, I spilled this extremely flammable lubricant all over the place!"

I think I'll stop for now.

2012-08-21, 10:44 AM
Oh, I see, you're looking for Ray stuff? Funnily enough, I just recently played a Spellslinger in a PF game, so I was also looking for Rays to cast through my gun.

Yup - I actually dip a level of spellslinger - got approval to fire spell trigger spells through my musket. Very nice list, thanks! =) Perhaps I should scrounge around and find some lines or cones as well. PF's Cold Ice Strike seems like a winner, if Prophecy's Artifex didn't already exist to eat up my swift actions. Its a shame I won't get Craft Wand until 7th level, so I can't make use of some of the nice lower level nukes, like Seeking Ray. =\ Guess I could start with some wondrous items that do the same thing at around level and just use up body slots for them.

... I wonder if guided shot allows you to make touch attacks with your firearm at a longer distance that normal? If not, there's always mage bullets to throw away one of my small number of first level spells for the distance enhancement.

Also may as well add a few here for my own reference, if nothing else:

Hunter's Mercy (SpC) - DM adjudication ruled that it can work with firearms - great effect with the large crit multiplier they get, and I like the "aiming... almost... aaaand... BOOM, headshot" sort of feel it gives you.

Also, I long for the chance to crit with an Arcane Gun + Rainbow Blast, just for the chance to roll 15 d12s.

2012-08-21, 12:39 PM
Most of the Ord of X spells would work well, too. Especially if you can abuse some meta-magics. Admixtured, twinned, maximized, empowered X orbs can sting. Add in some Searing spell/Piercing cold for extra nasty.


2012-08-21, 01:13 PM
Abundant Ammunition (PF) makes a box of ammo infinite for a while. Make it an all-day custom item and fire away!

2012-08-21, 01:29 PM
When I think of firearmed themes, I think of a heavily modified M14 style.

If you are going TWF pistols, you can have two wand chambers ready for your firearms. Use one for something like True Strike, or another support spell, and one for a heavy hitting grenade launcher style. I really like the Kelgore's Firebolt idea, but magic missile for those really hard to hit people is nice to have around.

As for longarms, I commonly modify a repeating crossbow with a wand chamber, and then get a wand chamber in the bayonette that I also attach. I also like to have an alchemical spray thingy, that one from Dungeonscape, and having some alchemist's fire in it for a flamethrower type deal. Just change the repeating crossbow for a musket and your set.