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2012-08-21, 11:51 AM
I was wondering about making a fighter that specializes in killing arcane casters, most of the prestige classes that I have looked at have casting, so it takes away from the full BAB of a fighter. My GM will allow anything as long at the cover has the wizards D&D logo on the front.

But to get back to my question: Are there any Feats/Prestige classes that would let me get past a wizards magic defenses?

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-21, 12:03 PM
Sadly in D&D the best mage killer is another mage, they simply have so many defences that it is impossible to bypass them all (even AMF won't complwtely shut down a mage). Having said that there are some ways to try it, for example the Mage-Slayer feat tree (CArc) is a pretty good place to start.

Amidus Drexel
2012-08-21, 12:10 PM
Occult Slayer (Complete Warrior) seems about what you're looking for. The mind blank ability is probably the best feature of the class.

Edit: Pierce Magical Protection and Pierce Magical Concealment from the mage-slayer line are probably the best feats for trying to beat down well-buffed casters.

2012-08-21, 12:59 PM
Cloistered Cleric (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#clericVariantCloistere dCleric) 1/ Paladin 19+. Trade your bonus Knowledge domain for the Knowledge Devotion feat (CC), get the Inquisition domain (SpC), and for your last domain I'd pick Magic to use wands of choice spells. You should also trade your Turn Undead ability from Paladin for the Divine Counterspell ability in Complete Mage, you'll still get Turn Undead uses via Cleric. For your feats you'll need Divine Defiance (FC2), other than that take whatever you want. I'd also get Charging Smite from PH2 instead of a special mount. Be sure to get the Collector of Stories skill trick (CS) to boost your Knowledge Devotion checks.

When an opponent casts a spell, you can spend a turn attempt (via Divine Defiance) to attempt to counter it with Divine Counterspell as an immediate action. You don't need to make a Spellcraft check for that, and you'll roll a dispel check at your character level +3, versus a DC of 11 + the opponent's caster level. Apart from that, you'll still get everything a Paladin would otherwise have, plus you can use wands of any Cleric spells.

You could use the Harmonious Knight (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060327a) substitution levels and get a Badge of Valor (MIC) to add +2 to your party's attack and damage rolls, and maybe take Melodic Casting (CM) as well. Throw on Dragonborn (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060105b) plus Dragonfire Inspiration (DM) and you'll give your party +2d6 fire damage instead.

If you can fly (via Dragonborn, etc.) you can make a dive attack with a piercing weapon for double damage. Cast Rhino's Rush (SpC) and you'll instead do three times normal damage. With Charging Smite's extra damage on top of your normal Smite Evil bonuses, evil spellcasters won't even know what hit them. With the Magic domain you should put a Wand Chamber on your weapon, detailed in Dungeonscape, and put a Wand of Wraithstrike (SpC) in there. You could get a Wand of Rhino's Rush, but I'd just prepare it a few times and get a bunch of 1st level Pearls of Power. If you don't want the Magic domain, maybe pick up Travel Devotion (CC) instead.

2012-08-21, 02:01 PM
When an opponent casts a spell, you can spend a turn attempt (via Divine Defiance) to attempt to counter it with Divine Counterspell as an immediate action. You don't need to make a Spellcraft check for that, and you'll roll a dispel check at your character level +3, versus a DC of 11 + the opponent's caster level. Apart from that, you'll still get everything a Paladin would otherwise have, plus you can use wands of any Cleric spells.

A minor point, but I'm getting your character level +2, not your character level +3. Divine Counterspell makes you use your effective turning level as your caster level for dispelling, which for a Paladin is equal to his paladin level -3. A Cleric 1/Pal 19 therefore would turn/counter as a Cleric 16 (regardless of caster level - turning level is what matters), then you get the +4 from Inquisition (bringing you back to 20), then you add the +2 if you have 5 ranks in know arcana for a total of 22.

Of course, all that is before items, so it could potentially be higher.

In addition, you can only Divine Counterspell 1 + Cha times per day, regardless of how many turn attempts you have. When that pool runs out, you need to actually have dispel magic prepared (and turn attempts, of course) to continue using Divine Defiance.

Lastly, be careful using this with Rhino's Rush, as countering a mage with your Immediate will use up your next turn's Swift.

2012-08-21, 03:57 PM
Well there is always ToB, a Warblade gets some of the best defenses against spells without going into a casting class...That I know of.

Actually if you go Evil (or fake evil?) And worship an evil elder you get 5 free feats... One of which gets you immunity to mind effect (or something like this) and I think you are level 5 or 10 when it comes online. (Deformity madness -4 to wis for blanket immunity to mind effecting stuff.. yeeah). Every character I have is LE now days (lazy evil) mwuahaha.

Get the manuevers that give you a Ref/Fort/Will save as a Concentration check, then you will be immune to a bunch of mind effects, have killer saves (+10 concentration item), refresh said manuevers every round, and be very very hard to kill.... Between your saves making a monk cry and iron heart surge... You should be able to put up a decent fight outside of anything TO. I'm not saying this is the best option but I'm not using spell casting or TO.

Oh and pick the right items of course...


Get plastic surgery to look like a relative of said mage, become a d2 crusader, give your "friend" a hug or a slap on the back...again...and again...and again...

2012-08-21, 04:10 PM
M favourite "mage killer" that I've seen involves loading up on a bunch of custom intelligent items (which, as Constructs and not items at all, arguably work fine in an AMF), one of which is projecting an AMF. Then shoot a massively powered up volley of arrows at a wizard within a mile and hope that it kills him. There was more to it than that, but this was the general idea. It was made by a poster named Little Brother some months back, try searching for it if the description tickles your fancy.

Mithril Leaf
2012-08-21, 04:30 PM
A decent build for mage slaying, although not really good against the mailman is a Paladin of Slaughter 4/ Bone Knight 10/ Occult Slayer 5/ whatever 1 has a very hefty list of immunities. Maybe something with SR for the race.

2012-08-21, 04:37 PM
I'm going to suggest Monk (muhahahaha) coupled with a couple ranger levels and the Favored Enemy Arcanist (won't get you the divine side, but it's something!) using the mage slayer line, and Ascetic Hunter from Complete Adventurer (to stack your monk and ranger levels for favored enemy). You could either take a couple levels of ranger for the BAB and favored enemy then switch to monk to get the saves, flurry progression, etc, or you could start with monk and then take the ranger levels and keep the unarmed strike progression while gaining a (ranger) animal companion and the combat mastery bonuses. If absolutely no casting is set in stone on your part, you could trade ranger casting for a few things, my personal choice would be the features in Complete Champion(?) that lets you give yourself a stat bump 1(?)/day or so.

I haven't sat down and played with the levels or numbers, but the basic idea is to have a save-making champion who sprints up and grapples the snot out of the caster. Of course I just like Monks *hides behind his tower shield*

Mithril Leaf
2012-08-21, 04:42 PM
I'm going to suggest Monk (muhahahaha) coupled with a couple ranger levels and the Favored Enemy Arcanist (won't get you the divine side, but it's something!) using the mage slayer line, and Ascetic Hunter from Complete Adventurer (to stack your monk and ranger levels for favored enemy). You could either take a couple levels of ranger for the BAB and favored enemy then switch to monk to get the saves, flurry progression, etc, or you could start with monk and then take the ranger levels and keep the unarmed strike progression while gaining a (ranger) animal companion and the combat mastery bonuses. If absolutely no casting is set in stone on your part, you could trade ranger casting for a few things, my personal choice would be the features in Complete Champion(?) that lets you give yourself a stat bump 1(?)/day or so.

I haven't sat down and played with the levels or numbers, but the basic idea is to have a save-making champion who sprints up and grapples the snot out of the caster. Of course I just like Monks *hides behind his tower shield*

On the other hand, you could just have a sorceror who shapechanges into a Gloura for Charisma to saves and AC. When your charisma bonus is +15, it's a bit more useful than having good saves from classes.

2012-08-21, 05:36 PM
The Witch Slayer PrC is handy, because you can stop people from using spells and spell like abilities for a round. The DC is really high when you first get it, too.

Make sure to take the Mage Slayer line of feats. They let you go through most caster defences.

Boost your touch AC as high as possible.