View Full Version : A Certain Infamous Book - Is It Worth It?

2012-08-22, 08:23 AM
Just in case the TOS are stricter than I think they are, I'm not going to say the book's name, but it's by Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel and Duncan Scott (and marks their only collaboration as far as I can tell). Someone who is familiar with this work, please advise me. Being the singular item which it is, it sells for rather steep prices; the cheapest I can find is about $75 with shipping, which is a lot for a book in my little world. Still, I do have a strong inclination toward wanting to find out what's in there, and possibly toward using some of it in a game (my players are all grownups and I have a modicum of taste, so please give me the benefit of the doubt on that part). Still, I won't buy it JUST because it is what it is; I can use my imagination and probably come up with much or most of what it has to offer, and while the nature of the work does not offend me, it failing to possess even the slightest degree of workmanship most definitely would. The last thing is another poorly-written, impossible-to-use book clogging my shelves, even if I didn't pay so much for it. Therefore, I am crowdsourcing the decision-making process.

The question taunts, tempts and torments me...is it even remotely good enough to be worth something resembling this high a price, to someone who would like to own it but is not desperate to do so? Assume that on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being "wouldn't take it if you paid ME" and 10 being "will work overtime for the next six months to afford", my wish to own this rates about a 6. I can afford a $75 pricetag, but the thing had better be worth at least a goodly portion of that sum. So, please give me a rough assessment of how much quality you would characterize the work as possessing. Quality (though not subject) of art, quality of rules, quality of interesting concepts and gaming advice...what's this item got to offer beyond the obvious?

2012-08-22, 08:41 AM
Do you mean BoEF? Because we talk about it (or more accurately, point and laugh) all the time.

And no, ~$80 is not a worthwhile price from where I'm sitting. To paraphrase Glyphstone: "BoEF has a lot of content that is balanced, maturely-written, or useful in an actual game - you can pick any two, but never all three."

2012-08-22, 08:42 AM
Hm. Well, that's about the same price as any book by WotC, isn't it?

That said: it's a very mixed thing. A lot of the rules can't really be used well, and the fluff ranges from cringe-inducing to pretty good. It has some good stuff, but I wouldn't pay full price for it.

2012-08-22, 08:42 AM
From what I've heard, the Book of Erotic Fantasy is generally not that well received. Not because of its type of content, but because the content is not all that good. It has some fans, so there is probably some value in it.
Not outright bad, but a missed opportunity.

Also, for some reason the "artwork" consists mostly of rather cheap looking photographs of real models instead of drawn pictures.

2012-08-22, 08:50 AM
If the book your talking about is, as I believe, the BoEF, then it's a 50/50 call.

IMO it is one of the better written 3rd party books out there and there is some relatively okay stuff in it eg; The breakdown of pregnancy rules, descriptions of how pregnancy affects the different races... And if you're gunna be using them, the rules for 'Under the sheets' activities are pretty easy and straight forward.

Just remember to keep in mind what it actually is. A 3rd party source for something that can become either a good addition to adding, and I hate to use this word, flavour to your game, or something that could just bog down your game with unnecessary use of time and multiple unneeded rolls.

And $75 plus shipping? Damn... That, IMO, is WAY too much for this book, you shouldn't, once again IMO, be paying more than $40-$50.

2012-08-22, 08:54 AM
Hell, I wouldn't pay more than $30. The little crunch it has that's useful has been discussed in plenty of threads already, as has most of the interesting fluff.

2012-08-22, 09:01 AM
Hell, I wouldn't pay more than $30. The little crunch it has that's useful has been discussed in plenty of threads already, as has most of the interesting fluff.

Have to agree here with the slight thing of telling you just to get a pdf. Or just look some of the good things up (I for example used the pregnancy chart and the "ab******" spells) on the internet. It's not like you can find some really nasty stuff in the internet already... also bring brainbleach you gonna need it if you search for the contents.

2012-08-22, 09:01 AM
Yes that's the one. I was just being very, very careful about the "no adults-only material" rule, not knowing where exactly the line is drawn.

The consensus thus far does not surprise me. Still, I'm prepared to pay a bit more than the book is worth, since it seems to sell for still more than that (as I said, $70 was the low-end pricetag). For now I'll continue to hold off and ponder the issue.

Edit...the forum censors p******s of words now? :smalleek:

2012-08-22, 09:24 AM
I have it, and I've used it extensively in PG games, especially on my Healer character (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7317469&postcount=5). Anything marked "BoCFB" is actually BoEF - we had a running joke based around sanitizing the name, and it kind of stuck. In particular I'll point out...

Detect Disease (what it says on the tin; why isn't this a Core spell?!?)
Magic Probe (tells you what magical effects are active on someone; why isn't this a Core spell?!?)
Healing Sphere (low/mid level ranged healing spell; why aren't there Core equivaents?!?)
Mind to Mind (you get to see and hear what the target does)
Sanctuary, Mass (what it says on the tin; why isn't this Core?!?)

I hope this help debunks that Glyphstone quote that keeps getting thrown around. There's plenty of content that's all three (and a fair amount that's any two, granted, but the intersection is hardly empty).

2012-08-22, 09:29 AM
There's plenty of useful stuff that should be Core but isn't. That doesn't mean you should buy BoEF to get them. For instance, Detect Disease is in OA, a much better bang for your gaming buck.

5 handy spells, horribad art and softcore **** for $80? No thanks.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-22, 09:35 AM
Yeah, $80 is way more than the BoEF is worth if you intend to use its content. If you only wanted it as a collector's item, so you can brag to people that you own a physical copy of the BoEF, maaaaaybe.

But yeah - there are technically a very small number of items that break my Rule of Three when it comes to the book, but you can get all of them just by buying Spell Compendium instead, for less money and far more content.

2012-08-22, 09:50 AM
So, there are the kinds of things I would put in a book like that if I were creating it, let me know if there's anything like that in BOEF:

* More varieties of succubus-type creatures, with details on how their priorities differ by alignment (the succubus is a predator, while a Yugoloth variety prefers to debase her victims so they are incapable of normal sexual fulfillment, leaving them more hopeless and hollow as preparation for taking them to the Gray Wastes; meanwhile the CN sex-spirit is just a more specialized version of Bacchante who tries to induce the abandonment of all responsibility in favor of pure live-in-the-moment gusto).

* A doppelganger's analysis of gender issues, and clarification on how to run stories that involve a character getting intimately involved with such a creature...just how perfect is the creature's masquerade, and how likely is it to carry through the entire scenario rather than just attacking?

* Information on pleasure-cults and churches of deities with erotic inclinations (eg Sune in the Forgotten Realms, though of course a 3rd party book couldn't directly name her or any of the other published ones). The version written by me would include my homebrew Celebrant cleric, but I suspect BOEF has nothing of the sort.

* Druidic fertility cults, arcane secrets of sex-powered immortality, and blasphemous whispers of certain varieties of undead who rise not from hatred but from unfulfilled longings. (Drifting into BOVD territory, but going no further than that book did, and probably less so.)

* Naturally, some magic items, including potions and prosthetics of the sort that a wizard might get 500 "Special offer" Sendings about every day, if he doesn't put a filter on his crystal ball. Possibly some equipment that, ahem, calls to mind the contents of Savage Species, but without clarifying the implications too much.

2012-08-22, 09:55 AM
BoEF is very easily abused. For example:

Being an eunuch is a feat. That's right, not a trait, a feat. That means you can pretty much get a free feat for a male character with a precise and well-timed strike to the junk with a cutting weapon. Then use the retraining rules to retrain that feat into another one - by RAW, your junk is whole again, so you can do that again! Repeat ad nauseam, and I mean nausea literally here.

2012-08-22, 09:58 AM
Hm. So I need a regeneration spell, Dark Chaos shuffle and a real sharp knife for infinite feats. Good to know.

2012-08-22, 10:01 AM
Also, Metaphysical Spellshaper anyone? What the heck is it even doing in there, and did they get that from D&Dwiki?

2012-08-22, 10:01 AM
That is hilarious. The amount I'm willing to pay for the book just went up by 50 cents or so.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-08-22, 10:05 AM
BoEF is very easily abused. For example:

Being an eunuch is a feat. That's right, not a trait, a feat. That means you can pretty much get a free feat for a male character with a precise and well-timed strike to the junk with a cutting weapon. Then use the retraining rules to retrain that feat into another one - by RAW, your junk is whole again, so you can do that again! Repeat ad nauseam, and I mean nausea literally here.

I wonder, would you use the sunder or disarm rules for this? :smallamused:NOT ENOUGH BRAIN BLEACH IN THE WORLD FOR THIS

2012-08-22, 10:23 AM
Maybe a Shatter spell? :smalleek:

2012-08-22, 10:25 AM
I flipped through it out of curiosity at one point. I wasn't impressed, really. The aforementioned spells are about the only worthwhile thing there.

2012-08-22, 10:28 AM
I wonder, would you use the sunder or disarm rules for this? :smallamused:NOT ENOUGH BRAIN BLEACH IN THE WORLD FOR THIS

A grapple check followed by an attack with a light slashing weapon might be better. :smallwink:

2012-08-22, 10:41 AM
Crappily photoshopped nude cosplays just scream qualitude. :smallsigh:

And even if that doesn't immediately make you eyeroll the book to the floor, I have no idea why someone would use this in a campaign. It's mostly a couple guys' giggling house fluff, plus rules that probably won't be more pertinent than explicitly crunching out the mechanics of chewing and swallowing ("My dude was able to savor that pork chop for forty minutes. Aw, yeah!")

2012-08-22, 10:52 AM
A grapple check followed by an attack with a light slashing weapon might be better. :smallwink:

Just dispel his Shillelagh spell.

2012-08-22, 10:56 AM
Not outright bad, but a missed opportunity.

This is a great description of the book, in my opinion.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-08-22, 11:00 AM
It's mostly a couple guys' giggling house fluff, plus rules that probably won't be more pertinent than explicitly crunching out the mechanics of chewing and swallowing ("My dude was able to savor that pork chop for forty minutes. Aw, yeah!")

Wait. Swallowing I get, but are you telling me that the Book of Erotic Fantasies has rules for chewing? :smalleek:

2012-08-22, 11:05 AM
Wait. Swallowing I get, but are you telling me that the Book of Erotic Fantasies has rules for chewing? :smalleek:

"The Wizard offers you hospitality in the form of a brisket."

"I eat the brisket."

"Roll for chewing."

2012-08-22, 11:10 AM
Well, it has Shadow Life, a spell oozing with awesome fluff:

A life cut short. A quest left unfinished. One more task to be done.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-22, 11:14 AM
"The Wizard offers you hospitality in the form of a brisket."

"I eat the brisket."

"Roll for chewing."

Did you take the feat Improved Mastication?

2012-08-22, 11:17 AM
Did you take the feat Improved Mastication?

"Yes! I mean...no wait, I took the other feat."

2012-08-22, 11:20 AM
The actual content of the book and its impact/usefulness for an actual game I would rate somewhere in the 1 to 10$ price range.

For laughs an giggles maybe another 10$.

For bragging rights about owning such a piece of awesome item, well thats for you to decide what this would be worth to you^^

My absolute maximum for this fine book would be about 30$ ^^

2012-08-22, 11:26 AM
Sacred Prostitute is pretty good for a bard cohort. Bard 1/X 4/Sacred Prostitute 5/Sublime Chord X is a pretty good backup caster, with the ability to refresh your spells 1/day. You double your own slots (and have his/hers as backup) for the cost of Leadership.

Pervirtuoso is a build that relies on Perform (sexual techniques) being a class skill for everyone.

Frenzied Disciple is a good idea for improvised weapon proficiency, if only for one level.

Unseelie Half Fey Something Bard 5/Fey Enticer 5/Sublime Chord 2 is not bad.

Pierced Mystic is alright, it's nothing special.

Voyeuristic Seer is an okay filler class for a diviner, if a bit limited.

Kiss of Life is a ressurrection spell for arcane casters, it's great. Or would have been, if not for Revify.

There are a lot of good ideas in the book, but most of them, unfortunately, are better done elsewhere. At lower spell levels.

2012-08-22, 12:16 PM
Sacred Prostitute is pretty good for a bard cohort. Bard 1/X 4/Sacred Prostitute 5/Sublime Chord X is a pretty good backup caster, with the ability to refresh your spells 1/day.

I totally read that as Scared Prostitute. Totally changes the meaning, in a hilarious way.

2012-08-22, 12:21 PM
Man this post was just in bad taste.

Big Fau
2012-08-22, 12:25 PM
Hm. Well, that's about the same price as any book by WotC, isn't it?

Last I checked only the Completes (sans Warrior and Psionic, which are less than 30 each), MiC, Spell Compendium, MM5, and Bo9S went for that much. The rest are around $5-$40 each, depending on how popular they are.

2012-08-22, 12:44 PM
NO third-party book should cost as much as a 1st-party one, let alone more. Even without the poor art and controversial, highly-niche subject matter, it could be banned from a large number of tables for that reason alone - leaving you with an $80 paperweight.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-22, 12:46 PM
I totally read that as Scared Prostitute. Totally changes the meaning, in a hilarious way.

Wouldn't you be if you were the second in command to a paranoid wizard?

"Quick, lieutenant! To the Magnificent Mansion! I'm running out of good spells!"

"But commander, you just..."

"Now go to my time accelerated demiplane! *plane shift* Bahahaha I have infinite spells and a girlfriend! Take that, fighter!"

Better than the Scarred Prostitute.

2012-08-22, 12:56 PM
My suggestion - find out if your group is interested in adding greater sexytime to their D&D. If so, pool some cash and get the book for the group, with the stipulation that anyone can borrow it to read through.

(And pre-ban Metaphysical Spellshaper.)

2012-08-22, 12:56 PM
"The Wizard offers you hospitality in the form of a brisket."

"I eat the brisket."

"Roll for chewing."

This is making me flashback to the time I tried to run FATAL on a bet.

2012-08-22, 01:09 PM
This is making me flashback to the time I tried to run FATAL on a bet.

Story time! :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-22, 01:14 PM
Last I checked only the Completes (sans Warrior and Psionic, which are less than 30 each), MiC, Spell Compendium, MM5, and Bo9S went for that much. The rest are around $5-$40 each, depending on how popular they are.

I meant new, really. Some ten or so years ago now, I actually found the 3.0 books (the German version) in a toy store here. They went for around 75 CHF, which is currently a bit more than that in dollars. Back then, the dollar was a bit higher, so it was probably more like 60 dollars.

If the books are so cheap now, I could try getting some actual physical copies of the good ones, then.

2012-08-22, 01:22 PM
Story time! :smallbiggrin:

Not to speak for the mods, but most FATAL threads I've seen around here get locked down pretty fast.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-22, 01:24 PM
Yeah.....better not. I mean, it's theoretically possible to give a writeup of a FATAL game session without violating any board rules, but I think it'd be like listening to a censored version of Eminem's Greatest Hits.

2012-08-22, 01:33 PM
This is making me flashback to the time I tried to run FATAL on a bet.

Because of this comment, I lost a good 15 minutes of my life looking up FATAL on TV Tropes.

I want a refund.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-22, 01:34 PM
Because of this comment, I lost a good 15 minutes of my life looking up FATAL on TV Tropes.

I want a refund.

There is no refund for FATAL. That hole in your life and brain is now a permanent void that can never be filled again.

2012-08-22, 01:37 PM
Censored Fatal...

"I rolled 3d100+7 to determine the bleep of my character's bleep, followed by 31d8 for the bleep of his bleep. Then came the background section, where I had to roll 1d100 to determine if he had ever bleep a bleep while participating in a bleep of bleep bleep bleep. My first magic item was the bleep bleep bleep of bleep's bleep."

2012-08-22, 02:21 PM
There is no refund for FATAL. That hole in your life and brain is now a permanent void that can never be filled again.

On the plus side, they have stats for the size and elasticity of that hole, and how to fill it both in and out of combat. :smalltongue:

Manly Man
2012-08-22, 02:24 PM
Honestly, I really like the book. Unfortunately, I haven't seen it in print since I'd walked into a Borders back in '05. I will say that it's very much worth it as a PDF, however. I really find the pregnancy thing to be helpful, and the ideas that they have for magical STDs can be very amusing.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-22, 02:29 PM
And of course, my favorite quote that I never miss the opportunity to bring up, "Love Live of an Ooze".:smallbiggrin:

2012-08-22, 02:34 PM
Censored Fatal...

"I rolled 3d100+7 to determine the bleep of my character's bleep, followed by 31d8 for the bleep of his bleep. Then came the background section, where I had to roll 1d100 to determine if he had ever bleep a bleep while participating in a bleep of bleep bleep bleep. My first magic item was the bleep bleep bleep of bleep's bleep."

I gigglefarted. I hope you're happy. :smallannoyed:

2012-08-22, 02:40 PM
I gigglefarted. I hope you're happy. :smallannoyed:

I think that's a result on the FATAL damage table for males who have been critically hit by a bludgeon weapon in the stomach.

2012-08-22, 02:47 PM
Without making any comment as to the value or the worth of this book, I would be willing to suggest a way for you to save about fifty dollars.

Just buy the PDF. (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/12195/Book-of-Erotic-Fantasy?term=book+of+erotic+f&it=1)

Grim Reader
2012-08-22, 04:07 PM
It made sex boring.

Otherwise, ok. For those who find their suspension of disbelief somewhat streched by the notion that every spell created by old wizards and sorceresses is for combat utility. Any kind of realistic approach, theyd be spending 80+ % of their time on spells like these.

2012-08-22, 04:37 PM
Doesn't the Pervertuso based on BoEF?

2012-08-22, 05:40 PM
Doesn't the Pervertuso based on BoEF?

I believe it uses Perform (sexual technique), which is from the BoEF, yes.

The fact that you can Inspire Competence with that is.... a little mind-boggling. And suggestive that I've been doing it wrong. :smalltongue:

2012-08-22, 06:48 PM
I have been convinced to wait for a better price (or possibly to buy the PDF if I get impatient, though it does seem like the kind of book which has a certain panache to keep on your shelf in the Material Plane).

Wait. Swallowing I get, but are you telling me that the Book of Erotic Fantasies has rules for chewing? :smalleek:

I think he ways saying that the rules for sexual performance were about as useful / relevant / etc. as rules for swallowing and chewing. Which I would disagree with, but I don't really think it should be a matter of mere dice either. Exactly what it should be I'm not prepared to speculate upon yet.

2012-08-22, 06:57 PM

That way, you can look the content over and determine if you think it's worth that kind of money. If you decide yes, then you can lay out the cash for a paper version, if you decide no, you saved a lot of money.

I have the book, and personally I don't think it's worth spending that kind of money on. I've only used material from it very, very rarely in a game.

2012-08-22, 07:05 PM
Oh, I should also mention that the sociology and life cycle sections are top notch. A dungeoncrawl won't need that sort of information, but in a high RP game with a mature group, there may be plenty of times when it's relevant to know how long Elven pregnancies last, or how a Halfling family is usually structured and how it might differ from a Human family, or what Rites of Passage might mark an adolescent's transition to adulthood.

You can make some of that up yourself... but you can make up a whole gaming system yourself if you want. The reason we buy gaming books at all is to have other people do some of that work for us. And then even if we decide to deviate from it, it serves as valuable inspiration.

I'll agree that the $80 seems too much, but I've gotten more use out of BoEF than many official supplements, even in family-friendly games. I'd consider $30 for the PDF to be a reasonable price.

2012-08-22, 10:17 PM
Oh, I should also mention that the sociology and life cycle sections are top notch. A dungeoncrawl won't need that sort of information, but in a high RP game with a mature group, there may be plenty of times when it's relevant to know how long Elven pregnancies last, or how a Halfling family is usually structured and how it might differ from a Human family, or what Rites of Passage might mark an adolescent's transition to adulthood.

Agreed, that sort of thing sounds like it'd be nice to have.

I'll agree that the $80 seems too much, but I've gotten more use out of BoEF than many official supplements, even in family-friendly games. I'd consider $30 for the PDF to be a reasonable price.

See, I balk at paying such a price for even the best of PDFs because they aren't a physically real product. And while I have no ethical objection to molten_dragon's suggestion (IMHO "try before you buy" ought to be non-optional for every business of any variety), I distrust the suppliers of illicit services not to be virus-spammers etc. in disguise; without some form of trustworthy oversight, such as that theoretically provided by one's government (that's as close to politics as I'll go), it's dangerous to go looking for products or services from unregulated providers.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-22, 10:19 PM
*Very studiously does not see people advocating or discussing pirating copyrighted content...*

2012-08-22, 10:20 PM
*Very studiously does not see people advocating or discussing pirating copyrighted content...*

Correct, I was just pointing out how I do not do such things (regardless of my reasoning).

2012-08-22, 11:13 PM
Never seen it, but my players in "Southern Comfort" have had occasion to use it.

A certain NPC was quite annoyed to find out that her taut, bouncy, dexterity score made no difference to her performance at all.:smalleek:

2012-08-22, 11:19 PM
The analysis of BoEF that I have seen is that the material is:


But almost never all at the same time. That is, some of the material is balanced, but it's immature or boring. Some material handles topics with something like maturity, but manages to break the game doing so. Other material would be fine if it weren't for the fact that those kinds of jokes are most often heard in high school locker rooms.

2012-08-23, 12:10 AM
The analysis of BoEF that I have seen is that the material is:


But almost never all at the same time. That is, some of the material is balanced, but it's immature or boring. Some material handles topics with something like maturity, but manages to break the game doing so. Other material would be fine if it weren't for the fact that those kinds of jokes are most often heard in high school locker rooms.
This was mentioned in the second post. I countered here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13769760&postcount=9) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13772476&postcount=56).

The sexual content tends to follow that pattern, but the name of the book tends to lead people to forget that there's quite a lot of content that's only tangentially sexual (pregnancy and the sociology of courtship rituals among different races, spells for determining ancestry, etc), and there's some that isn't sexual at all (many of the spells mentioned in the first point).

Honestly though, I think any book dealing with sexuality in an RPG is going to have a lot of content that could easily be labelled immature, or even outright creepy and unlikely to see play in most groups. BoEF does have some balance issues, like any 3rd party supplement I've seen, but I've seen more good content than bad. I'd especially review PrCs before allowing them in, but there's certainly useable content there too.

2012-08-23, 12:37 AM
This was mentioned in the second post. I countered here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13769760&postcount=9) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13772476&postcount=56).

"Almost never." Your handful of examples to the contrary don't counter the overall trend of the book. And when other, better books have the advantages you describe, the price tag in the OP is totally unreasonable.

And no, $30 for a PDF is still unreasonable. Paizo and DSP, who have actually good PDFs, don't even come up to half that amount.

Even Hyperconscious - nearly solid gold from digital cover to digital cover - is only $15.

2012-08-23, 12:47 AM
"Now go to my time accelerated demiplane! *plane shift* Bahahaha I have infinite spells and a girlfriend! Take that, fighter!"

Why Wizards are Better than Fighters: The Short Version. :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-23, 01:06 AM
Y'know, here's a first. Mr. Radical Free Expression that I am, I am nonetheless going to suggest that Glyphstone close the thread. I've gotten the advice I was looking for, more or less made up my mind about whether to buy the book (ie wait for a better price or live without), and we've drifted into dangerous territory. I see little point in leaving the thread running until it gets to a point where somebody calls in the scrubbing bubbles.

And to be clear, this is not in response to anything that's been said since the little "oops" earlier, I've just reconsidered my belief as to whether it's worth risking another, more severe blunder.

Honestly though, I think any book dealing with sexuality in an RPG is going to have a lot of content that could easily be labelled immature, or even outright creepy and unlikely to see play in most groups. BoEF does have some balance issues, like any 3rd party supplement I've seen, but I've seen more good content than bad. I'd especially review PrCs before allowing them in, but there's certainly useable content there too.

I have confidence that, if I had nothing better to do and had a few consultants to cover areas that I'm uninterested in addressing for personal reasons, I could create a book which deals with sexuality in an RPG, in a way that's both titillating and maturely appropriate, and would be satisfactory in the opinions of most reasonable observers (there will always be a few people who are completely squicked by the entire concept, I don't expect to please those, but I wouldn't satisfy myself with only satisfying the locker-room-giggling crowd either). Not, of course, that I can go into any detail here, but suffice to say it's something I've given a lot of thought. Being very much an idealist on the topics of both sex and imagination, I think that finding a worthy way of combining them is very much a noble goal, and do not doubt that such a book could be worth a pricetag like this one. I simply suspected (and y'all have largely confirmed) that this wasn't that book, nor does it very likely exist as yet.

2012-08-23, 04:08 AM
As a player the book isn't really worth the money, but as a DM I've found tons of usefulness for the book. Gestation periods, a cross breeding chart, Monster classes, cultural taboos and rituals, the works. Considering the amount of attention those sorts of things get IRL I liked having the option to add those elements to the game world.

From the player side not all that worth it outside of a few spells, and a CON based caster

2012-08-23, 04:27 AM
From the player side not all that worth it outside of a few spells, and a CON based caster

for third party, or first party con based casters there are also the earth shugenja from Rokugan(or at least I think that one is con based, it may be strength based), and the scarred shaman orc witch from pathfinder

2012-08-24, 11:43 PM
*Very studiously does not see people advocating or discussing pirating copyrighted content...*

There are plenty of ways to read something for free without pirating!

You can go into a store that has the book, and flip through it.
You can go to a friend's house who has it.
You can find someone who has it, make friends with them so that you can borrow it, and then stop being their friend later.


2012-08-25, 06:21 AM
I believe it uses Perform (sexual technique), which is from the BoEF, yes.

The fact that you can Inspire Competence with that is.... a little mind-boggling. And suggestive that I've been doing it wrong. :smalltongue:

But you can't.

While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance.

2012-08-25, 07:16 AM
But you're using an organ in the performance. That counts, right?
Sorry, can't help myself.

2012-08-25, 09:39 AM
But you're using an organ in the performance. That counts, right?

Bravo sir. Bravo.

The Glyphstone
2012-08-25, 10:16 AM
And depending on your particular...preferences...who says a musical instrument isn't involved at some point?

2012-08-25, 10:27 AM
What if it is a solo performance? Like, say, on the skin flute?

(I might really be stretching the limits there, please let me know if that is beyond what is acceptable)