View Full Version : [3.P] Brainstorming Eberron horror campaign ideas

2012-08-22, 01:17 PM
Hello, all

I’m currently DMing a game taking place in Golarion, and it whetted my appetite for published campaign worlds. A friend of mine gave me his Eberron Campaign Setting guide, and after acquiring and reading Secrets of Sarlona, Five Nations, the player’s guide, and…one other book that I can’t remember right now, I think I want to put my next campaign in Eberron (with some elements of Golarion thrown in for good measure). I’ve talked with my players about it, and they seem on board as well.

Something else that came up during the discussion is that they’d like to play a horror-themed campaign, though I’m trying to figure out what exactly that means to them (i.e. cosmic horror, survival-horror, cerebral horror, etc.; there’s a big difference between a slasher flick and Let the Right One In). In the meantime, I want to field and find some ideas for an Eberron-setting, horror-themed campaign.

1. All of my players said they liked mysteries in their horror. One idea for a mysterious, more espionage-themed campaign:

This would be set in Zilargo or a major gnome community. Several important members of the Trust are compromised by (an) Evil Group(s) (like some extreme cultists of the Blood of Vol), who are using the Trust’s own methods of blackmail and intimidation against them. The uncompromised members of the Trust outwardly appreciate the party’s efforts to look into the deaths of several important members of the community (though they are assured that it is quite unnecessary), while secretly covering up leads that could expose the real threat of the Evil Group, but also potentially disturb the peaceful way of life that the gnomes have sacrificed so much to keep for so long. The horror comes in from a constant “hunted” feeling and helplessness as major NPCs are killed off (brutally) by both the Trust and the Evil Guys (possibly enhanced by agents of the Trust claiming that these deaths are all due to illness or monster attack). Overall, I like this campaign idea, but I feel like it should just be a part of a bigger story.

2. What setting do you think would be most appropriate for a horror story? I feel like Q’barra, the Shadow Marches, and the Eldeen Reaches (or anywhere not so populated) would be great for cultivating a sense of abandonment and danger. Karrnath feels like it would be good for undead themes (whether undead being controlled or nor). The Mournland seems like it would be great as a place for the climax of a campaign, but not so much as a place to live the entire time. The three D’s (Darguun, Droaam, and Demon Wastes) seem like they have BAD GUYZ LIEV HEER !!1!!1 written all over them, which I feel goes against the premise of horror that “bad things might happen to you in the same situation!”

3. Random idea while writing this:
Maybe for a one-shot: The players are in the Mournland when they get hit with a massive blast of energy, knocking them into the past, several hours before the event(s) that caused the fall of Cyre. They need to find a way to get Back to the Future ™ before they are annihilated themselves

More to come. What do you think?

2012-08-23, 10:49 AM

Nobody has any thoughts on an Eberron horror-themed campaign? Best place to set it? An idea for an NPC?

2012-08-23, 12:52 PM
I have little experience of Eberron, but I say talk to your players about what kind of horror they mean. I mean, in Eberron one could easily run cosmic horror with aberrations trying to free the Daelkyr from Khyber, survival horror by placing them somewhere difficult or causing some sort of apocalypse, or as you mentioned, a horror game with intrigue, which is likely to draw them in.

I assume you've read Heroes of Horror? Build up a constant mood from the beginning and it will be alright. Eberron explicitly has a reputation of: if it can happen in D&D it can be in Eberron. Think about it: an entire nation whose main forces are undeads? Eldritch abominations locked away deep beneath? The warforged could certainly go all Terminator-style if the Lord of Blades manages to bring them all under his control. If you want to do the intrigue thing then its explicit that all the nations have spy networks. And so on and so on. Hell, one could probably pull off a Strangers on a Train horror plot because Eberron has an actual train.

The idea of your one-shot could go horribly wrong if handled inappropriately. Time travel is iffy as it is in linear stories. Time travel in interactive ones such as tabletop games can go horribly wrong. I mean, you could pull it off, but stable time loops would be pretty much impossible.

Anyway, I suggest you build the Big Idea of your plot and from there build everything. Good luck.

2012-08-23, 01:23 PM
You have many, many options.

For cerebral, stalker horror, I recommend a xanatos gambit-o-riffic horror game in Sharn. House Tarkanan has had enough. The power of the aberrant marks is growing, and they are planning to use it. They've started to execute Dragonmarked Heirs, in especially gruesome ways. The PCs are tasked with minor efforts to find assassins, or protect heirs. And no matter what they do, it keeps getting worse. Friendly NPCs are tortured and left in public with their minds shattered, but alive. Go from their

For Cosmic Horror, two words: Xoriat Alignment. It pretty much writes itself, I recommend using Taint from heroes of horror, replace the two templates with aberration based templates for people go to max taint.

Survival Horror is probably the hardest. If I was going to run a survival horror game in Eberron, I'd probably also tap the manifest zones again, but not Xoriat this time, this time, I'd go for Dal Quor. When dreams begin to become real, you get two seperate kinds of horror plot. One: Nightmares begin to walk around in the flesh, and you have to fight to survive. Two: Dreams are offered as perfect realms for those who will submit to the Quori. You have to make the horrific decision to let your world burn and experience perfect happiness, or refuse happiness and sink back into horror. NPCs who've been friends for years, are now willing to kill the party members in horrific ways, just because they will rewarded by the Quori. The party could turn against itself in order to get more power.

Eberron is Pulp, and Pulp can really do horror well. Now, FR horror, that's a real pickle.

2012-08-23, 02:22 PM
I like the Dreaming Dark as villains, and the Quori can really be great for the atmosphere of horror.

For Example:
Have the PCs start having strange nightmares, which you role-play out with them one-by-one, one each night. Remember that one of the scariest things in dreams is how ordinary things are twisted into strange mockeries of their normal selves, and seem more 'real' than reality. The dreams are all different, but feature a person unknown to all of them and imagery of some kind (giant black monolith, ash-storm which rolls in and destroys everything, a black sun, etc).

As the PCs investigate the obvious plot-hook, they run into people (mostly important people) who have been having the same kinds of dreams. As they keep investigating though, they start being stalked by strange psychic assassins, and the other people who had the nightmares start changing and turning against them. In addition, they start having nightmares and waking hallucinations, sometimes with blackouts and missing time.

Eventually the PCs will discover the truth; the Dreaming Dark is preparing Khorviare to be turned into another Reidra, using hidden devices to create manifest zones to Dal Quor and allow Quori to possess certain people through their dreams. If left alone they will use their new pawns to restart the Last War and then swoop in to 'restore order.' But can the PCs trust themselves and each other, since any one of them could already be possessed?

Basically, IMO, Horror comes down to; atmosphere of paranoia, scary imagery, familiar things becoming strange and disconcerting.

2012-08-23, 03:01 PM
I really like the Quori, but there's already some Leng and dream-themed encounters in my current campaign, so I want to shy away from that as a primary plot point.

I'll continue thinking about what's been said.

2012-08-24, 01:51 AM
The first horror themed campaign I ran actually used Eberron. I had the premise as the PCs leading a group of settlers re-settling the town of Desolate. If you're not familiar, the story of Desolate is that it is a town (the only town in fact) up in the Demon Wastes which was settled three times and each time the entire population mysteriously vanished without a trace. Very much a Roanoak vibe to it all. It provides you a remote location, endless monsters just down the road, and a creepy history, straight out of the box. Can't ask for more than that!

2012-08-24, 04:10 AM
Changeling conspirators. There are a lot of changelings in Eberron, enough that bumping off a few as you find parts of the conspiracy won't necessarily make a difference. Paranoia along the lines of anyone you meet could be part of the conspiracy - even if you've met them before and know they're on your side - could make for a useful horror setting.

Whether the changelings are warmongers or cultists or agents of Riedra or agents of some dragon is up to your imagination.

2012-08-24, 11:32 AM
The first horror themed campaign I ran actually used Eberron. I had the premise as the PCs leading a group of settlers re-settling the town of Desolate. If you're not familiar, the story of Desolate is that it is a town (the only town in fact) up in the Demon Wastes which was settled three times and each time the entire population mysteriously vanished without a trace. Very much a Roanoak vibe to it all. It provides you a remote location, endless monsters just down the road, and a creepy history, straight out of the box. Can't ask for more than that!

This is absolutely brilliant, and can fit in a lot of the other ideas I've been having (and that are suggested here). One of my players already made a "criminal" that would start the campaign in prison, and I wanted to have a wealthy noble buy the contracts to a group of criminals to use as muscle in some kind of venture. An ex-Cyran noble wanting to start a new colony in the Demon Wastes is PERFECT. Could have some cool scenes on the lightning rail on the way to the place, could have them flee to some of the surrounding countries a few times, could have the Zilargo intrigue happen with the Cyran settlers, could have a few kalashtar settlers that draw in the Quori, could include a changeling masquerading as one of the settlers... yes, yes. I love this so much.

2012-08-24, 07:33 PM
Sounds like you're on to something good there, have fun with it!