View Full Version : D&D iOS apps

2012-08-22, 04:57 PM
Hi all giants,

I have an iPod touch and was looking for some useful apps for my character. Just in case i need to look up something on the go. If you could suggest me some apps free or paid that would be great.

2012-08-22, 05:50 PM
I'll share some of my experiences going paperless...

My current set up is an iPad, an iPhone, and my dice. There are some good, free dice rolling apps in iTunes (Dungeon Dice comes to mind), but I've found that I personally prefer the feel of real dice. All of my source books are in iBooks in PDF format, and a wifi connection gives you quick and easy access to the d20SRD.org website. If you are DMing, there is an app called DMHelper that can help keep track of HP and AC etc of multiple monsters to ease combats.

For tablet devices, DND Sheets is indespensible. This is a fully interactive, highly customizable character management app that has completely replaced character sheets for me. It's not appropriate for campaigns where you are playing multiple PCs, however, as switching from character to character can be time consuming. For core only games, Spellbook is a free app with all of the SRD spells in a quick and easy to search format. I say core only though as it does not include material in the Spell Compendium and currently you can't add spells to it.

If I think of anything else useful I'll add it later.