View Full Version : DC's Legacy of Fire II [IC]

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2012-11-07, 12:48 AM
Krog glanced around inside, glancing up at the missing roof. Glancing over at Grace, he nodded upwards. "Looks like you've got light."

Turning back towards the monastery, he glanced across the way, then back and forth. "So ... let's head right, unless somebody's got a better idea?"

Figure we can head south (down), then sweep across ... since we're supposed to make sure this place is cleared for the rest of the group.

2012-11-07, 08:19 AM

Grace makes a grimace of disgust and points at the ground.

"Look at that. Pugwampi tracks. Those creatures live here."

To Scrag, she says, "Pugwampi are small creatures, with hands and feet. Malicious tool users. They can use a bow and arrow and are cunning enough to trap a goat to use as bait."

"And Dashki from camp says they're very good at stealth. They won't be seen until they want to be seen."

She nods to Krog. "Right will do."

Assuming everyone agrees, Grace goes right. "Does anyone know if I should switch to my scimitar? I've never used a bow indoors..."

Perception: [roll0]

2012-11-07, 11:53 AM

At the mention of Pugwampi, she clenched her crossbow ever so tightly. "I don't think anyone would mind you using a bow in doors as long as you don't hit any one of us."

2012-11-07, 12:04 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor takes his place in the line, using his staff to walk with, listening to the others talk.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-07, 01:07 PM
Scrag walks along, humming some unknown tune to himself, his weapon and shield in hand.

Down Comforter
2012-11-08, 08:54 PM
As you patrol south then north, peering into each doorway as you pass you don't see any sign of life other than the occasional footprints barely noticed on the ground. The two northern doorways both seem to lead to an open air courtyard, while the southern door leads down a corridor with a number of doorways. To the north, you can make out the edge of the main chapel, though the dim light makes it hard to see into it without getting closer.


2012-11-08, 10:33 PM
Krog trumped forward, happy that Scrag wasn't engaging in idle chatter. As it was, this 'mission' was bout as fun as watching dust blow ... and he'd had enough of that for a lifetime.

Having seen no signs of recent activity, Krog pointed to the southern corridor. "Guess we can start here ..."

Recommend close inspection of each corridor for recent tracks. Might be worth it to aid another (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/usingSkills.html) with perception checks.

2012-11-09, 03:55 PM

Grace seems quite content to be the rear guard while the two half-orcs take the lead.

She has her bow and an arrow in her hands, ready to loose at anything that attacks, whether from the front or from behind.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-09, 04:18 PM
Scrag didn't find the awkward silence of the place very comforting, he was beginning to regret his choice of becoming an adventurer over an actor....

2012-11-12, 01:40 PM

She keeps quiet, a bit uneasy in this place. She tries to be helpful as possible.

[roll0] Aid someone else's perception

Down Comforter
2012-11-12, 04:48 PM
Just as you are all about to enter the hallway Krog hears the softly clanking metal, shuffling of feet, and what sounds like boiling liquids just around the corner to your left.

2012-11-12, 05:13 PM
Krog raised his hand, putting a finger to his lips for silence. Pointing at his ear, then towards the corner. Gripping his axe, he looked at the group for a moment, then pointed at Grace and Vikcara. With one hand, he motioned towards the corridor, miming walking on tiptoe, then raised an eyebrow in question.

Since both Scrag and Krog wore armor, he figured that Grace was probably the best suited to scouting, since the half-orcs wore armor, and Vikcara didn't look comfortable with any of this. However, both might be equally up to the task, so he left the option to them.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-13, 09:36 AM
Scrag stops when the signal is given by Krog, he feels a brief moment of giddiness when suddenly it becomes saddness when he isn't picked, Scrag was never picked.

2012-11-13, 10:42 AM

When Krog points at her, the ranger nods. She hangs up her buckler so it does not add to the noise she makes and begins to tiptoe forward and towards the corner to the left.


Taking off the buckler reduces Grace's Armor Check Penalty to -1.

Thus her total bonus to Stealth is +6 for now.

Stealth: [roll0]

2012-11-13, 01:12 PM

As quietly as she can the young magician moves forward and peers down the corridor.

[roll0] stealth
[roll1] perception

Down Comforter
2012-11-13, 06:40 PM
As Vikcara and Grace creep forward, the hallway ahead seems clear. As Grace turns the corner she takes notice of a weatherworn statue of a winged woman in the middle of the hall. She also notices an open doorway from which the sounds are coming. Peeking inside, you see what appears to be a large kitchen complete with walls lined in shelves and cupboards, a huge central table, and an enormous oven against the north wall. Several drawers and cupboard doors stand askew, and the floor here is a jagged field of broken glass, smashed pottery, bits of sharp stone, jagged bones, and discarded cutlery. Three of the dirty little pugwampis stand about the room wearing makeshift chef hats and busying about several boiling pots.

Just as Grace is about to withdraw, her foot catches an unseen bottle, which clatters away. The gremlins jump, startled, as they catch sight of her. With a chatter, they all draw tiny bows and dive for cover in the cupboards on the far side of the room.

Initiative order:

The Dagda Mor

The ground is covered in a variety of destroyed items and broken glass and pottery. The floor counts as difficult terrain and you'll need to make a reflex save to avoid taking minor damage. The counters and tables are clear of impediments however.

2012-11-13, 06:54 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor slips forward, staying just outside the door as he begins to focus on his powers quietly.

Manifesting Astral Construct. Won't come into effect until my next round.

Down Comforter
2012-11-13, 07:06 PM
As Dagda quietly works his power, the two of the pugwampi take shots at Grace from the cupboards. One of the tiny arrows whistles past out the door and another embeds itself in the wall, leaving Grace unscathed.

Pugwampi 1
Pugwampi 3

Grace actually has total cover against #1, so ignore that one.

2012-11-13, 07:46 PM

The young magician smirks as she twiddles her fingers, then rolls up her sleeves, "I think I can get this. Nothing up my sleeves..."

Standard Action: Start bardic performance
Allies of the magician gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks, concentration checks, and attack rolls with spells and spell-like abilities.

2012-11-13, 08:14 PM

As she trips over the bottle, Grace's face flushes with embarrassment visible even with her brown skin.

She calls out to the ones behind her, "Pugwampis. Three."

Then she readies her buckler and moves into the room, trying to avoid tripping over the debris and harming herself until she can get close enough to the tables to jump on them.

As she maneuvers her way through the incredibly dirty floor, she mutters a prayer, "Goddess, remember my name. Please don't let me trip."

Actions and Saves
As a free action, Grace speaks.

As a move action, Grace readies her buckler.

As a standard action, Grace moves into the room. She is trying to get close enough to the tables that she can jump on them and thus avoid having to make a Reflex save every time she moves.

Her intention is to climb onto one of the cupboards. That should give her complete cover from the pugwampi whose cupboard she is climbing while removing cover from the pugwampi hiding in the opposite cupboard, thus giving her a clear shot at it.

Reflex save: [roll0]

2012-11-13, 09:37 PM
It's my understanding that movement thru difficult terrain is a full round action to go 5ft ... If so, I think Krog will forgo four or five rounds of pincushioning! :smallsmile:
Krog sighed at the sound of the bottle clattering. Time enough to lay blame later, however ... now there were foes to kill. Stepping past Grace, Krog moved to the other side of the door, pulling out a javelin as he moved and eyeing the two other openings as he went. If no threats were imminent, he would launch one of his small spears at a pugwampi.

attack roll: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Oh well ...

Morbis Meh
2012-11-14, 09:58 AM
Scrag simply stands there and cheers on Grace "GO PREETY LADY SHOOT DEM GOOD!"

Quick question would Scrag have to roll a reflex save since he is in heavy armor? I doubt glass would affect his feet since it is covered in armor that isn't hide or cloth... Also I forgot to mention that i cast guidance on Grace so she get's a plus 1 to whatever attack/skill roll she desires...

2012-11-15, 04:09 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dadga Mor's focus halters for a second, and coming into view thirty foot away from him is a smallish bird, made out of otherworldly material, that immediately flew in towards the nearest Pugwampi, slamming its body into the Pugwampi as it did. The Dagda Mor then steps carefully so he can watch his creation at work, being sure not to step in the room where the sharp mess is.

Manifested my Astral Construct with both the Fly menu option, and the Improved Natural Attack menu option.

Astral Construct
AC: 18
HP: 15

Attack roll [roll0]
Second roll [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Down Comforter
2012-11-15, 07:07 PM
Shrieking and howling, the pugwampi dive for cover as everything seems to happen at once. Krog's javelin manages to drive through a cupboard near one of the pugwampi, but it screeches and returns fire at him.

The astral construct lunges at a pugwampi, nearly taking its head off, but misses as a pile of pots somehow falls from the top of the cupboard and almost hit it. How unlucky.

The other two pugwampi, distracted by the sudden appearance of the astral bird, pay no attention to Grace as she nimbly dances her way across the kitchen, finding atop a small table behind a cupboard. The pugwampi not under attack take aims at the construct with its tiny bow and let loose. The one under attack by the bird drops its bow, drawing a dagger and attempting to stab at the creature.

Pugwampi 2 attempts to shoot Krog

Pugwampi 1 attacking the Astral Construct

Pugwampi 2 provokes an AOO
Attack by AC

Pugwampi 3 trying to stab the AC


2012-11-16, 09:49 AM

Grace takes aim at the pugwampi in the opposite cupboard and looses her arrow at it.

As the arrow flies, the ranger whispers, "Sarenrae, grant my aim be true."

Grace is attacking pugwampi #3.

Positive modifiers: +1 for Vikcara's bardic performance and +1 for Grace's Point-Blank Shot feat.

Negative modifiers: -4 because of the astral construct being too close.

Probable total outside modifier: -2

Shortbow: [roll0]

Shortbow: [roll1]

Arrow damage: [roll2]

2012-11-16, 10:06 AM
Krog hated these little beasts. Something just felt wrong about them ... and they were theluckiest little sh!ts in the world! With a grunt, he took aim a let fly a second javelin.

Attack: [roll0]+3= 17 to hit
Damage: [roll1]+4 = 5 or 6 damage
(I didn't remember if damage needed to rolls, too)

Frivolous - Vik isn't giving US a bonus ... She's a magician, so only spell stuff gets a bonus :smallsmile: Don't know if that affects the astral construct, meemas ... Hopefully it does!

After his throw, Krog took a step forward, behind the cover of the doorway.

2012-11-16, 10:23 AM

Carefully but quickly she tries to move into the room and getting in range, she says, "Presto," and casts her spell.

[roll0] reflex
[roll1] reflex
I think she can get to the square next to grace and cast chord of shards
15 cone
[roll2] damge
reflex negates

2012-11-17, 06:06 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor begins to focus on a second construct, while mentally ordering his current construct to slam into the nearest Pugwampi. After its attempt, it dissolves into ectoplasm, its temporary time on the material plane done.

Manifesting Astral Construct a second time.

Attack roll [roll0]
Attack roll [roll1]

Damage [roll2]

Down Comforter
2012-11-18, 04:58 AM
As the tiny arrow fly all about, everyone springs into action. Grace's quick shot at the pugwampi engaging the construct narrowly misses the creature as it ducks an attempted blow from the bird construct. The assault by the Dagda Mor's psychic summons has no effect as the bird dissolves in front of you.

Krog has quite a bit more luck and his javelin flies true, piercing through the remains of a cupboard door and pinning the now very dead beastie to the wall.

Vikcara advances, but an unfortunate stumble or two leads to several shards of glass and twisted metal stabbing at her legs and feet. Despite the injury, she summons a storm of glass from the air itself, which surges towards the gremlins taking cover in the cupboards. In some twist of fate, almost every shard embeds itself in a pugwampi's flesh, causing shrieks of pain and anger.

The pugwampi with the bow out pops out of his cupboard briefly to let loose a tiny arrow towards Vikcara. It grazes her ear before embedding itself in the wall behind Krog. The other pugwampi drops his dagger, retrieves his bow, and fires at Vikcara as well, but his haste results in a complete failure on his part.
Pugwampi 2 is dead, with a javelin through its chest. Vikcara also managed to hit every single pugwampi.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-18, 02:24 PM
Scrag keeps cheering Grace on.

Scrag is useless here her only has 20ft movement so he will just stay out since he doesn't have ranged capabilities but hey casting guidance for +1 isn't that bad

2012-11-18, 04:29 PM

A small arrow hits the young magician. It doesn't land deep but blood still pools around the wound. Vikcara seeing her last move was more brave than intelligent decides an escape is in order.

She backs herself out until her back is leaning against a wall and fires her crossbow.

[roll0] reflex
[roll1] reflex

[roll2] to hit 1
[roll3] to hit 2
[roll4] damage

what is the range of this unluck?

2012-11-18, 05:36 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor's focus lapsed, and another Construct formed into being near where the last one had dissolved. The winged construct lurched itself forward slamming its body into the nearest Pugwampi, while the Dagda Mor held out his finger, a single shard of crystal launching from it towards the further Pugwampi

Astral Construct Manifested with the fly and Improved natural attack menu options again

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Thank god these things are immune to the aura. Will make me contribute a lot more.

Dagda Mor's Crystal Shard [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Crystal Shard is free as long as i maintain psionic focus, but cannot be augmented. Aka, its a cantrip.

2012-11-19, 11:41 AM
Grunting with satisfaction over the last throw, Krog shrugged his shoulders and threw his last javelin. Aiming for the one not engaged with the astral construct, he tried to take the little bugger out.

"Filthy, little, fuggers ..."

So, outside the door is one roll, right?
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-11-21, 06:35 PM

Grace drops her bow, swiftly draws her scimitar, and hops down onto the debris-covered floor so that she may engage the pugwampis in melee.

She maneuvers until she can flank the same pugwampi Dagda Mor's construct is attacking, then hacks with her scimitar.

Since Grace has BAB +1, she draws her scimitar as a free action.

As stated above, she moves until she can flank the pugwampi the construct is attacking. If she cannot flank due to lack of space, she just hacks with her scimitar.

Reflex save: [roll0]

Reflex save: [roll1]

Scimitar attack: [roll2]

Scimitar attack: [roll3]

Scimitar damage: [roll4]

Down Comforter
2012-11-22, 05:37 AM
In what seems like an instant, the two remaining pugwampi are torn apart as Grace, Krog, and the astral construct all strike the two pugwampi at the same time. Just as the bloody bodies fall to the floor, a quartet of baboons appears from a doorway further down the hall, drawn by the sounds of combat.

Initiative for the baboons

And we've arrived at the top of a new round of combat and everyone acts before the baboons do.


Morbis Meh
2012-11-22, 09:12 AM
Scrag quickly begins to pray in Orcish which causes a silver light to encase him. Ready for battle he moves forward and raises his sword in anticipation.

Casting Divine favor then moving 20ft striaght ahead
HP 11/11 AC: 20

2012-11-22, 10:11 AM

Grace looks surprised to see Scrag chanting and then glowing.

She hops onto the table and carefully makes her way back to the entrance to the pugwampi kitchen. She tries to avoid getting hurt on all the dangerous debris.

As she moves, she calls out, "What's going on?"

Reflex save: [roll0]

2012-11-22, 10:19 AM

Seeing the mad baboons around the corner she reloads her crossbow and fires at them.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] dam

2012-11-24, 09:33 PM
Dagda Mor

Ignoring his earlier construct, he'd turn on the baboons, and focus on a new construct. Shortly after his focus wavers, the construct dissolves into ectoplasm, and is no more.

2012-11-25, 02:48 AM
Catching sight of the approaching baboons from the east, Krog growled and moved towards them, pulling his axe free as he ran. With but a couple of steps, he was engaged with the first one, swinging his mighty blade forward.

Move action - 10 ft to engage Baboon #1. Free action - Draw axe. Standard action - attack baboon.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Down Comforter
2012-11-25, 11:01 PM
As the nearest baboon ducks a bolt from Vikcara's crossbow, it falters enough that Krog neatly slams his axe into the small primate, neatly bisecting it. The remaining baboons seem surprised by the appearance of a faintly glowing Scrag, but let out a shriek as they collectively charge at the group.

Baboon 2 attacking Krog

Baboon 3 attacking Krog

Baboon 4 attacking Krog

So that looks like six damage to Krog.


Morbis Meh
2012-11-26, 09:35 AM
Scrag howls a fierce battle cry and rushes in to aid his friend swing his sword wildly at the nearest monkey, who probably is much more intelligent than Scrag.

Charging the baboon 10 ft directly in front of scrag!
To hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-11-26, 10:56 AM

Grace exits the pugwampi kitchen and attacks the nearest baboon with her scimitar.

At the last moment, she holds back a little, using her religious training to deal the baboon a righteous but nonlethal blow.

Moving 5 feet south and 15 feet east, then attacking baboon #4. Using the Blade of Mercy trait to deal nonlethal damage to the baboon.

Scimitar attack: [roll0]

Scimitar damage: [roll1]

2012-11-26, 11:36 AM

She reloads her crossbow and steps towards the angry apes, then fires her weapon.

Move action:
Reload Crossbow
Free Action:
5' step to the right
Standard action:
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] dam

2012-11-26, 11:43 AM
Krog grunted as the remaining baboons rushed to attack him. "COME ON! BRING IT, MONKEYS!"

But in a flurry of activity, the half-orc barbarian was struck twice. Staggering back, he roared back, swinging his axe mightily. "Get your hands off me, ya damned, dirty apes!"

It had to be said :smallbiggrin:
Five foot step to the square directly west of Baboon 2
Dam: [r0ll]1d12+6 Irrelevant ... DANG I roll a lot of 1's on this site.

HPs: 8/14
AC: 17

2012-11-26, 07:20 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda mor's focus broken, a new construct forms right in the baboons face. With wings just like the previous two, it lurches its body into the baboon, slamming it with all its strength.

Astral construct right in the middle of the baboons.

Attacking Baboon 3 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Down Comforter
2012-11-27, 08:00 PM
With a burst of movement, every remaining baboon collapses to the ground. Silence once again fills the old hall, the weathered statue of the winged woman looking on impassively.

Well that was quick. 100xp for all, bringing you up to 450 in total. You're now free to continue.

2012-11-27, 08:31 PM

Grace announces, "I want to look at the pugwampi and their room. They're cooking something, and I want to know what."

She goes back to the room where they found the pugwampis and begins trying to clear the room of debris so the party can walk around without endangering themselves.

If it is impossible to clear the room, Grace simply jumps on top of the tables again to avoid cutting herself.

OOC, Reflex save, and Perception I am not sure if it is even possible to clear the room. I also don't know what to roll.

Just in case, though, I am rolling Reflex save here.

Reflex save: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]

Succeed or fail at clearing the room, Grace tries to look for any valuables or useful tools the pugwampis had. She also examines the contents of the boiling pots to see what the pugwampis were cooking.

2012-11-27, 11:49 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor focuses for a minute while Grace tries to clean, and molds out of his energy a broom for her. Rather than do the work himself, he hands it off to her, allowing her to use it as she sees fit.

Ectoplasmic Creation to make a broom.

2012-11-28, 12:05 AM

Seeing the moment of excitement is over she looks into the room that was across the way from the kitchen

[roll0] Search

2012-11-28, 01:05 AM
With the combat over, Krog reached down to where the baboons had struck him, wincing at the bruises. The others had suddenly scattered, all concerned about the different rooms, and he found himself staring at the statue of the winged statue. "What are you lookin' at?"

Snorting to himself, he turned to tromp into the room north of the statue, where the baboons seemed to have come from.

"I need a drink ..."

Perception: [roll0]

Down Comforter
2012-11-28, 02:55 AM
Five austere beds line the north wall of this humble office and living quarters. A dented metal chest rests at the foot of each bed, and a simple mosaic pattern of red and orange glass chips brings some color to the wall. A layer of grime and filth coats many of the surfaces in this small room, and the redolent stench of dirty fur hangs heavy in the air. From the doorway, you can't seem to see anything that might be threat.

Three long wooden tables and dozens of chairs that once lined this mess hall are in shambles, mostly rotted away with the passage of years. Light shines through several large holes in the ceiling, illuminating a closed door on the east wall. Standing at the entrance, you don't see anything that might have a desire to kill you.


2012-11-28, 08:30 AM
Krog glanced over his shoulder and saw Scrag standing there. With a wave he motioned the other half-orc over. "Help me check this room.". Then he had another thought. In the 'kitchen' he called to Grace. Grab my spears!"

Returning to the bedroom, he headed inside, wandering over to the beds to check on the footlockers at the base of each bed. "So help me, if one of those pighumpers jumps out at me ...". He gripped his axe tightly as he searched.

Perception checks are at +7' if you ever need to make a roll for me. Krog will start on one side of the room, letting Scrag search from the other. He will check each chest before opening it.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-28, 09:08 AM
As the baboon feel from his blow a thought popped into Scrags thick head...your sword is no longer shiny... panicking he searched wildly for something to wipe it on until Krog's voice cut through his train of thought. Looking up he stared dumbly at the hand gesture then his eyes caught sight of the other room. Scrag can was off his shiny in there! He rushes into the room but looks both ways before entering, his mommy always told Scrag that he should look both ways any he time he bothered to move.

Perception [roll0]

Once inside he darts to the closest bed and wipes off his blade quickly "Der all better!" He turns his smiling childishly at Krog but notices the blood running down his new best friends wound. "Krog you hurt, let Scrag fix it, that what the nice people be feeding Scrag to do!" He rushes over and calmy places his hand atop the wound and closes his eyes.

CLW [roll1]

2012-11-28, 09:59 AM
Krog scowled as his armored hulk of a comrade rushed over to touch him. But the easing of his discomfort could not be denied, softening the glare he tried to maintain. Nodding to Scrag, he mumbled in orc, "My thanks, spirit-watcher," using one of the honorifics reserved for those of the shamanistic tradition.

2012-11-28, 10:34 AM

"Nothing in here," she calls out before she heads into the kitchen and helps Grace search. She is careful with the debris on the floor. Vikcara looks at the dead creatures and checks to see what they might have.

[roll0] perception

2012-11-28, 11:42 AM

Grace nods a silent thank-you to the Dagda Mor as takes the "magical" broom and uses it to sweep the pugwampi kitchen floor.

Mindful of the possibility that the spectral broom might disappear at any moment, Grace makes clearing a path through the debris a priority.

She also grabs each of Krog's javelins as she reaches them and tosses them towards the door where he or any other party member can pick them up.

As soon as the pugwampi kitchen is no longer hazardous to health, Grace exits the kitchen, picks up any uncollected javelins, and hands them all to Krog.

She also joins Krog in searching the "bedroom". She looks for traps on each of the chests, too.

As she searches, the ranger complains, "I can't believe we've spent the past two days fighting nothing but those disgusting little pugwampi."

"I haven't fought even one gnoll yet."

Perception: "Bedroom"
I've posted multiple Perception rolls here in case more than one are needed.

If only one is needed, please just use the first.

Perception: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]

Perception: [roll2]

Perception: [roll3]

Perception: [roll4]

Perception: [roll5]

If the Dagda Mor's broom still exists, Grace uses it to clean off the dirty red and orange mosaic.

Down Comforter
2012-11-28, 06:48 PM
Grace's work has allowed you to search unhindered by the mess covering the floor, but your efforts to find anything are in vain. It seems the room has been thoroughly ransacked.

Grace and the half-orcs
Carefully scouring the the room for any hint of... anything, seems to be a fruitless affair. No one manages to find anything in the filthy room. The chests seem to have been looted long ago, likely by the pugwampi as their are marks similar to tiny daggers around the locks and hinges. The baboons must have been living here for a while, as half-eaten fruits and meat cover much of the floor.

2012-11-28, 07:20 PM
Krog snorted, muttering to himself. "That's what I get fer thinkin' monkeys would have anything worth a cr@p ..."

Moving out from the room, he decides to check on the open doorway to the south. He nods a silent thanks to Grace as he collects his javelins and continues the search.

To save a little time, here's Krog's plan. First, look to the south room (Perception check, if necessary: [roll0]). If there is nothing there, then he'll move to the room north (with the closed door, it looks like). Perception check to listen before opening: [roll1]. Then it's back to the hallway, I suppose (unless there's a little passage to the far east that takes us up north ... I can't quite make it out on that darned shadowy map :smallbiggrin:

Morbis Meh
2012-11-29, 09:18 AM
Scrag was sad, no shinnies were to be had in the room but he consoled himself with one of the lesser eaten fruits, taking a massive bite into it he looks at Krog and smiles with food still in his mouth "Friend Krog, *munch slurp* duunt be *slurp* sad *chomp*. Have some fruit Scrag find, he always share with friends!" He holds out the half eaten piece of fruit in his hands, fruit juice staining his face as he smiles.

2012-11-29, 01:06 PM
Did you just offer me a half-eaten, half-eaten piece of fruit? What's this world coming to?

Krog glanced at the fruit, then back to Scrag with a raised eyebrow, wondering if the other half-orc was kidding. Seeing complete sincerity, he simply shook his head slowly. "Uh ... naw ... I'm good. Big breakfast ... filled me up ..."

Morbis Meh
2012-11-29, 01:28 PM
Yes I did :smallbiggrin:
Scrag shrugs "Okay friend Krog, just let Scrag know if you change your mind, der be plenty more here to share!" He takes another bite out of the fruit and smiles.

2012-11-29, 01:47 PM

"I found nothing, where to next?" she asks cheerfully.

2012-11-29, 01:49 PM

Grace once again takes her place as rear guard in the party lineup.

But she says, "If Vikcara can do that destroying spell again, shouldn't she be in front? It was very effective against pugwampi."

2012-11-29, 02:47 PM
Krog shrugged, having spent most of his life as the living meat shield. "Sup to her, I guess. Probably better to stay close, but if you want first hack at getting smacked, feel free ..."

That was about as close to concern as the group had ever seen Krog, except for the time he fell off his camel and was worried he had popped a flask (fortunately, he had only cut himself and the wetness he felt had been blood; the ale was safe).

Down Comforter
2012-11-29, 06:40 PM
In the southern room, ten bunk beds in various stages of disrepair fill the chamber, which must once have been a dormitory for students. The roof is mostly intact, and an open arch in the north wall leads to the large hallway you came from. The east and west walls both bear sturdy wooden doors leading to other rooms, and an open arch in the southeast corner of the room leads into a darkened antechamber, perhaps a large closet.


2012-11-29, 07:14 PM
DC - On the map I see a door to the west, and an archway to the southeast, but I don't see the door to the east. Is it north of the darkened archway?

Also, are those windows on the south wall?

Krog glanced around the room, then noticed the darkened area in the corner. "Oooh, boy. Another room. With more beds." Of course, if this were going to be a stopping point for the caravan, beds would be nicer to sleep on than the ground.

Stepping into the room, he walked to the west door, opening it to peer into the other room, then turned to check the room to the east.

Darkvision ... perception: [roll0]

2012-11-29, 07:19 PM
Grace once again takes her place as rear guard in the party lineup.

But she says, "If Vikcara can do that destroying spell again, shouldn't she be in front? It was very effective against pugwampi."


"I can do it only one more time today," she says blushing slightly at the compliment.

Down Comforter
2012-11-29, 10:26 PM
The small room through the southeastern arch seems to be the lowest (and now only) chamber in what was once a fairly large tower. All the wooden floors and the old ladder that used to comprise the tower jumble the floor here in a collapsed mess. The roof of the tower is gone, leaving the room open to the sky. Your scan of the room reveals the presence of a sturdy wooden door at the base of a small set of stairs. The door and stairs seem to be covered in a thick mold-like substance, with much of the door being covered in the stuff.

2012-11-29, 10:37 PM
Krog wandered into the room, noting the mold-covered door. He had been around long enough to know that not all mold simply pointed north, so he wasn't planning on touching it. However, he was curious about where this door led.

"Hey, I found a door. It's covered with crap. Heyu, can you do your trick again and clean it off?"

2012-11-29, 10:42 PM
Dagda Mor

"It is not a trick, and neither do i do cleaning. I can, however, provide you with the necessary material." He then took a minute to create a nice cloth, and handed it off to Krog, along with the broom he retrieved from Grace and had been using as his walking stick temporarily.

Manifested cloth to wipe the door down with, and gave him that and the broom. I've already used half my powers for the day, so i'm not about to make a utility construct for it.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-30, 09:26 AM
Scrags looks at the door and giggle "Hehehe fuzzy door! It kind of cute..." He looks over at the odd cloaked one creating items out of thin air. It was true that Scrag could heal and create water but he couldn't exactly make items.

2012-11-30, 10:36 AM

"Wait," Grace says.

"Let me look at this 'crap' first. It may be dangerous to touch."

Not coming closer than 10 feet, she examines the mold. She doesn't notice that her tongue is protruding from her lips as she concentrates.

Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

2012-11-30, 11:21 AM
Krog shook his head at the Dagda Mor. That guy is still a jackass ... or is it a girl?

Taking the cloth, he started forward when Grace warned them off. Stepping back, he let Grace look. He held out the cloth for her to use, but paused as he saw the look of concentration on her face. "Uh ... I wouldn't lick it if I was you ..."


Down Comforter
2012-11-30, 04:09 PM
Your study of the mold reveals that the distribution of the mold is extremely curious and far less random than what might appear unadulterated in the wild. The growth also appears to be much thicker than you initially thought, as every crack and crevice is filled with the stuff. It will take some effort to force open the door, even assuming it's not locked.

2012-11-30, 05:03 PM

Grace looks at Krog in mild confusion. Her tongue is still sticking out as she asks, "What?"

She continues, "Anyway... The mold is not dangerous as I thought it was. But it is still strange..."

"It's growing much more thickly than normal. And it's growing in a pattern."

"It is not just on the surface, so it won't wipe off. It fills every gap in the door. You would have to break the door and mold down entirely to get through. Or maybe burn it."

"I've never seen mold grow so thickly. I don't know what it means."

She looks at the ostensibly smarter party members, Vikcara and the Dagda Mor, to see if they have any insights.

2012-11-30, 06:30 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor, intruiged by what Grace said, looks closely at it. "I know not if mold can grow this way naturally, even given thousands of years. Magic, however, could be responsible for such, as it is capable of feats well beyond the scope of nature." As he speaks, his eyes begin to glow bright white, his vision now scouring another level of light to see what is unseen. "It appears to just be a result of the extreme passage of time, for if it had been magic, there would be some trace of it left."

Manifesting Detect Psionics. Its another psionic talent, so free to use, and with magic/psionics transparency, it will detect magic too.

2012-11-30, 07:44 PM

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I know anything about cleaning up mold." She points her finger at the mold and a small bolt of electricity arcs from her finger to the mold.

cast jolt on the mold

2012-12-01, 02:59 AM
Raising his hands, Krog shrugged. "I didn't say it ... the girl did." Glancing around, he grabbed a sheet off of one of the beds and wrapped it around his hands, then tried to push on the door.

"We don't have to open it ... just make sure it's secure ..."

Strength check? [roll0] If it doesn't look like it's budging and the rest of the group isn't going to light the door on fire, Krog will wave towards the main hall, ready to continue their search of the temple (i.e., the door north of this area).

PS - I'm not really picturing where the door leads to ... are these stairs down, or does the fuzzy door lead up to the missing floors?

Down Comforter
2012-12-01, 03:38 AM
As Vikcara's jolt of electricity dissipates harmlessly into the wood and mold, Krog's efforts are equally fruitless. The doors creak under his hands but do not move.

2012-12-01, 10:18 AM

"We can come back and try again later."

The ranger does not look very hopeful about the door. If a big barbarian half-orc like Krog could not get through, the chance of a female human half his weight succeeding are minimal.

"Maybe we could set it on fire. But I don't know how well all that mold will burn."

2012-12-01, 06:58 PM
Dagda Mor

"I wouldn't try burning it if i were you. Burning mold is very risky for mere mortals." He smiled a little, knowing his power was the only one that could manage that anyways.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-02, 05:25 PM
Scrag wrinkles his well shaped nose as his friend touches the fuzzy door "Friend Krog, you should wash your hands after touching that door, let me help you!" The half orc begins chanting and as he finishes a bubble of water appears above Krog and the door then falls splashing him and the door.

Create water... who knows maybe water will hurt it?

2012-12-03, 04:41 PM
Now wet, Krog paused for a long moment, turning slowly to stare at Scrag. He holds the gaze for a long while, silently glaring at the armor-clad half-orc. Then he turned, grunting, You're right. We can try again later." Off he tromped to check on the room to the north ...

Sigh ...:smallbiggrin:

Down Comforter
2012-12-03, 06:38 PM
The door to the north opens, revealing a sagging wooden balcony overlooking the large room, which must once have been the monastery’s library. An overpowering odor of musty, rotting paper and old leather fills the air here, and hundreds of books—most too damaged even to open without destroying them—litter the floors. Empty bookshelves line the walls of both levels.


2012-12-03, 06:52 PM
Krog glanced in the room, then wrinkled his nose at the musty smell. "Yay ... books," he muttered to himself, before turning over his shoulder to the Dagda Mor and Vikcara. "Looks like this one's yours!"

Stepping back out to the hallway, he waved to Scrag and Grace and took the small passage to the east of the former library, heading north to where it intersected with an area they had seen glimpses of before.

Krog doesn't know if DM or Vik will stay in the room, but unless the others wish to search it, he will continue on, seemingly offering for the party to split up.

For the record, Starbin realizes this is a bad idea, and goes against the Classic Dungeon Sweeping Protocals laid down by GG himself in the Long Ago.

Krog, however, is a drunk who wants to have a drink and is somewhat bored right now. So there you have it, for a little context to my madness. :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-03, 07:08 PM

The ranger wrinkles her nose at the sight and odor of the former library.

"Ugh. Yes. All that is destroyed."

"This was a fairly important monastery, wasn't it? I don't think my temple's library back home had this many. Books are expensive. Or at least, these -were- expensive."

She hesitates a little, then follows after Krog. Possibly because Grace does not really equate the concept of library with the notion of danger.

2012-12-03, 07:20 PM
Dagda Mor

Allowing the others to move on, the Dagda Mor stops in the library. Intrigued by the books, he starts to scour the room, looking for something of interest.

Using Detect Psionics to try and pick out anything special while i take 10/20 on perception, assuming i can. I'll obviously take 20 if i have the time to, but if not, 10. I have a +2 modifier to Perception.

2012-12-03, 11:56 PM

The young girl makes a sound that can only be described as a 'yip' of glee seeing all the books. She enters the room and begins going through the titles.

SHe'll also take 20, making it a 21.

Down Comforter
2012-12-04, 12:08 AM
The combined efforts of Vikcara and the Dagda Mor reveal that, although most of the books here crumble at a touch, one book is very well preserved. The title reads Courts of Stone and Flame and it appears to be a treatise on genies of the elemental planes.

When consulted before making a Knowledge check related to geniekind, the book grants a +4 bonus to the check.

2012-12-04, 12:13 AM
Dagda Mor

Picking the book up first, he'd page through it a few times, and speak quietly to himself. "Of all the books to survive. Why is this the only one still intact?" Sliding the book into his sack, he'd walk out to catch up to the others, leaving Vickara behind without saying a word.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-04, 12:37 AM
Scrag looks at the books and randomly walks over to one and grabs it. His eyes narrow as he strains to read it but alas he gives up and plops down on the floor and begins to draw in the book with a stick of charcoal.

Down Comforter
2012-12-05, 02:57 AM
Grace and Krog
You both emerge into what appears to be the central area of the monastery, a cloister exposed to the sky. The outer walls appear to be covered in various sculptures and carvings, while through the open archways that makeup the divide between courtyard and walkway allows you to see into the central area.

Huge branches and overgrown weeds clog the central open air courtyard of the monastery’s cloister walk. In better times, the monastic priests would have contemplated the open space while circling the cloister, but today it is barely possible to see a few feet into the tangled mess, let alone all the way to the opposite cloister walk. Here and there the brush thins out enough that a dedicated explorer might be able to create a sort of passage, but mostly it is an impassable mess.

I'll assume those in the library are two minutes ahead of these two. I'll let you know as soon as you can catch up with these two.


2012-12-05, 08:02 AM
Krog pointed to his eyes and then the tangled mass of overgrowth in the center, moving forward cautiously. If baboons and pighumpers were living inside the rooms, who knew what the hell was potentially using this space.

Advancing to the eastern opening of the central cloister take a better look (and listen) at the space. Perception: [roll0]

Well ain't that a biscuit!

2012-12-05, 11:05 AM

The young woman gives a pout as Dagda Mor unceremoniously takes the only book that survived. She decides to move on.

2012-12-05, 12:01 PM

Grace stares and smiles at the overgrown garden.

She says, "This is strange. Outside grow cacti, but in here, this jungle."

"I think there must be some kind of fountain or well in the center, providing water for all this plant growth."

Then, as Krog goes in, she seems surprised and nervous.

"Shouldn't we wait for the others? There could be dangerous things in there, like snakes."

Unwilling to let the half-orc barbarian go in alone, the ranger follows after him. She tries to see and sense as much as she can about the plants and other life around her, and identify anything odd about the growth.

Perception: [roll0]

Knowledge (Nature): [roll1]

Down Comforter
2012-12-05, 08:24 PM
Grace and Krog
As you two approach the overgrown courtyard, Grace's keen eyes pick out a glimpse of something large, white, and round near a particularly dense area of undergrowth.

You can maneuver through the inner courtyard at half speed. Treat it as difficult terrain.

2012-12-05, 08:32 PM

Grace nudges Krog and then points at the large white round thing.

"See that? What is it?"

Morbis Meh
2012-12-06, 09:29 AM
Seeing the other woman pout and walk away along with the other squishy, a term he like to apply to anyone who looked like they were them wizerding type, he stands up and saddly put the charcoal stick in his pack Lady shouldn't be sad der be plenty of books to drawr in, Scrag likes drawring!. He follows behind the others ensuring that nothing harms them because the nice people that feed Scrag may get angry if something happens causing them to not feed Scrag.

2012-12-09, 07:36 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor catches up to the leading party members, and looks around, taking the measure of the new room. He still doesn't speak, and simply allows the others to go on their way.

2012-12-10, 10:35 AM

She smiles at Scrag's words, "Yes, you're right there are plenty of other things to see."

"Maybe you can show me your drawings," she says kindly as she continues to the others.

2012-12-10, 10:56 AM
Krog rubbed his eyes, looking in the direction of Grace's pointing. "Hunh. Dunno. Bones, maybe?"

Gripping his axe, he moved forward, watching his step as headed for the spot Grace indicated. "Cover me ..."

Headed to what is surely the remains of the last stupid half-orc with a higher Int than AC ... I guess I'll make a perception check (hopefully I'll open my eyes this time). [roll0]

2012-12-10, 11:25 AM
Krog rubbed his eyes, looking in the direction of Grace's pointing. "Hunh. Dunno. Bones, maybe?"

Gripping his axe, he moved forward, watching his step as headed for the spot Grace indicated. "Cover me ..."

Headed to what is surely the remains of the last stupid half-orc with a higher Int than AC ... I guess I'll make a perception check (hopefully I'll open my eyes this time). [roll0]


Grace follows after the half-orc, saying, "Cover you? Like with my bow?"

"It doesn't work that way. My teachers can shoot into melee and not worry about hitting their friends, but I can't, not yet."

As she and Krog move closer to the large round white thing, Grace tries to discern more clearly what it is she is looking at.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-10, 11:34 AM
...lol Scrag was thinking that previous comment about drawing I am so very tempted to have a look of stunned wonderment/fear since it seems Vicky can read Scrags mind... a feat that isn't that difficult but nonetheless would freak him out.

Scrag looks up bewildered at the pretty lady confused and awestruck at the same time! Stop thinking Scrag, Lady can see your thought! But Scrag am thinking right now when he say stop thinking? Dang it stopit you dummy Scrag proceeds to start hitting himself in the head in an attempt to stop thinking. He stops hitting himself when a look of clarity dawns upon the half orc's nearly perfectly sculpted face and quickly cover's his ears Scrag has it, Lady can read Scrag's thought because he think too loud, if Scrag covers his ears then the sound doesn't escape and then lady can't hear Scrag! Also Scrag need to think quieter

Down Comforter
2012-12-10, 04:08 PM
As the rest of the group enters the cloister, Grace and Scrag approach the white objects, which are revealed to be a trio of eggs. Large as watermelon and covered in irregular bright red speckles, Grace identifies them as Geier eggs.

Geier (rhymes with tire) are huge vulture-like birds that are well-known for both size and aggressiveness. You know that the eggs can fetch a decent price, but also can serve as effective animal companions or cohorts when raised from the egg.

2012-12-10, 05:21 PM
Ah, but how do they taste as an omelet? :smallbiggrin:

Krog looked askance at Grace's comments, shaking his head in disbelief. "Just shoot if you see something coming ..." As it was, it seemed the request was moot, since all they found were some eggs, which Grace refered to as 'Gire Eggs.'

Glancing around, Krog pointed to the overgrowth. "Uh, aren't there usually mamma birds where there's eggs?"

Krog will look around for recent activity, or signs of the birds. Perception: [roll0]

2012-12-10, 06:55 PM
Not seeing anything that looks more recent, Krog shrugged and pointed to the north. "Anyone that wants an egg, grab it. I say we keep searching." The quicker this job is done, the quicker he can grab a drink.

If this area appears to be 'searched' then Krog will move towards the northwest corner of the area outside of this conservatory and peek back out into the main part of the temple. After that, he'll move towards the north east corner and check on those openings up there.

Down Comforter
2012-12-10, 07:23 PM
The nave of the building remains clear as far as you can tell. The two doors to the northeast lead to what appears to be a vestibule and a shrine of some sort.


Morbis Meh
2012-12-11, 09:20 AM
Scrag notices the eggs and his face lights up with glee like a kid on cthulumas "Scrag can has a pet parrot?!?!? Thank you thank you friend Krog, Scrag will take the bestest care of it you'll see just wait!: He waddles awkwardly towards the egg pile and stops for a moment, regaring them in contemplation then setttles on one of the mid sized eggs with a speckled shell, carefully he places it inside his pack and wrap cloth around it making sure that it is secure and will not bounce around.

2012-12-11, 10:12 AM

Grace recites, "Geier eggs. They hatch birds which can grow large and aggressive."

"They can be sold, or they can be raised as animal companions or cohorts. Some of my teachers know rangers who have done it."

Grace bends down to take an egg just like Scrag did, but then she frowns and straightens.

"If we carry eggs and there's a fight, isn't there a danger the eggs will smash?"

"Maybe we should leave them alone until we find a door we can lock or some other place we can safely stow them."

Morbis Meh
2012-12-11, 10:16 AM
Scrag frowns almost on the verge of tears "Scrag will take good care of his parrot he promise, he will set down his beg before he slices squishies with his sword he promise!"

2012-12-11, 10:39 AM

Grace says in a soothing voice, "I know, Scrag. I know."

"It's just that... What if something goes wrong? If we fall down, we get hurt but survive. If the egg falls down, it gets smashed."

"And this place is a bit creepy. I almost never trip, but I've been tripping a lot since we entered."

For even a beginner ranger like Grace, tripping even once is a lot. She looks around, seeming a little worried.

2012-12-11, 11:22 AM

In a tender voice she says to Scragg, "If you do take the egg, be careful. You will have to keep it warm and safe or it might not hatch at all."

2012-12-11, 11:41 AM
Fortunately for Krog, Krog is not near enough to hear all that goofiness ... he might have lost it. Instead, he's standing at one of the doors, staring at what appears to be a shrine. Over his shoulder, he called back to the others.

"Hey, if you guys are done, I found a shrine."

Looking into the room, searching for signs of movement or recent activity. Perception: [roll0]

Down Comforter
2012-12-11, 05:06 PM
You can't see any sign of recent activity, nor does the room seem to be a den for any sort of creature.

2012-12-11, 08:39 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor follows into the shrine, and takes a good look at it, while leaning on his staff that he has been carrying as a walking stick.

Curse not being able to make knowledge checks untrained. I'll make a knowledge (nature) check, just for ****s and giggles.


Down Comforter
2012-12-12, 12:06 AM
The brightly painted walls of this small chapel, probably meant for personal prayer and reflection, stand out as unusually garish for the otherwise reserved architecture notable elsewhere in the monastery. On the walls, numerous rectangular wooden plates traced in gold filigree depict a strapping warrior battling creatures of fire, riding a chariot on the wind, and engaging in other acts of noble heroism. Perhaps a quarter of the gold plates have been pried away or hacked apart by long-absent vandals.

Opposite the door, dominating a section of the north wall, stands a man-sized statue of the warrior, its face marred by what look like numerous blows from an axe. The statue holds both hands in front of him, bent at the elbow, palms up, as if expecting an offering. Several deep rents from similar axe blows make it clear that someone tried to hack the arms from the statue decades ago, but was unable to do so.

2012-12-12, 12:35 AM

The young woman walks around the statue admiring the craftsmanship of it.

[roll0] knowledge local (if she had seen anything like this in her travels)

2012-12-12, 02:43 AM
Krog glanced at the statue, then flipped a coin from his pouch towards the man's outstretched arms. He wasn't the most pious of men, but he was always willing to take whatever luck he could find.

Turning back to the doors, he headed for the vestibule next door.

2012-12-12, 08:31 AM

Leaving the remaining two speckled eggs where they lay, Grace walks to the shrine. She is still carrying her scimitar in her hand rather than her shortbow.

She looks up at the severely mutilated statue and squints.

"Can anyone tell what did the damage to the statue? Like, was it done with a weapon, or with claws, or what?"

"I sure hope it wasn't done with TEETH."

Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-12-12, 09:45 AM
Scrag looks at the statue with puzzlement Why are people never smiling in dese things? Dey always look so sad, Scrag will fix it, Mr. Statue may be hurt be Scrag will make it better. He rumages around in his backpack then begins to shout "Grampa stop it! Scrag trying to do good he promise, why do you have to be the way all the time! Aha, take that smelly dead grampa!" He pulls out a stick out charcoal victoriously and begins to scrawl a happy face on the statue. Satisfied with his artistic vision Scrag replaces his instrument of happiness and moves on.

2012-12-12, 10:31 AM
Holding out his axe towards the statue, Krog shrugged at Grace. "Looks like axe marks. Or something big with axe-shaped teeth. But it wasn't the pighumpers, baboons, vultures, or green moss."

The underlying message is that something had come through here that was potentially a greater threat than any of the creatures they had encountered thus far ...

2012-12-13, 11:06 AM

Grace's eyes widen.

"I recognize this... This is, or was, a shrine dedicated to Sarenrae, and the statue is of one of her saints."

She points at the runes on the wall. "If we could read that, it would tell his name and his story. But that would take hours even if we understood the language."

Despite the fact that the chapel is very clearly desecrated and no longer holy, the ranger kneels and whispers a simple prayer to the goddess and her nameless saint.

After that, Grace starts to look very carefully through the small shrine for secret compartments.

"Places like this... Sometimes the clerics store something especially holy here, or maybe they hope that the object will gain in holiness from being here."

Take 20 on the search. Grace is very motivated, and anyway there is no time pressure.

Grace's normal Perception bonus is +7.

2012-12-13, 11:25 AM
Krog raised an eyebrow. "That's weird ... a shrine to some goddess in her own temple ... better check it out." Shaking his head, Krog stomped over to check out the vestibule.

Two things - first, perception check: [roll0].

Second, Krog is a grumpy a$$ at times, so if he seems like he's disdainful of Grace he is, not me. That has nothing to do with the loathing I personally have for Frivolous ... TOTALLY JOKING! I just wanted you to know that I'm not trying to be mean to you, Friv, I'm just playing Krog as an 'experienced former adventurer' who feels like he's with a bunch of 'newbs' so hopefully no one takes it personally!

2012-12-13, 01:15 PM

She moves to the southern wall and continues admiring the work of art in silence. She tries to put together the pictures into some story of this person.

So what can she tell about his hero,? What great deeds can she guess that he has done? What relation to Sarenrae do he have? She'll take 20 on what ever required check.

Down Comforter
2012-12-13, 07:14 PM
The southern wall bears a bas-relief sculpture in the form of a triptych. In the first scene, a heroic-looking bearded figure takes leave of four similarly attired companions, who rise off into the heavens, leaving him to stand vigil over the large mountain in the background.

The next scene depicts the bearded figure in battle with a flaming half man, half snake creature wielding a spear. The fire spirit transfixes the bearded hero with the spear, seemingly striking a killing blow.

In the final scene, the hero appears twice—once on the ground with a wound in his back and once standing over this form, looking down upon it sadly. The bearded figure is the same as depicted in the chapel and his name is given as Vardishal.

Glancing left and right, you can tell that the carvings in this wall seem to be a continuation of a story that covers all four walls of the cloister.
Your search of the chapel shrine reveals grooves in the floor at the statue's base, indicating that it could be pivoted to the side and away from the wall. Dust that has settled on the ground seems to be undisturbed around the statue and these grooves, so it is likely that whatever is hidden has not been touched as much of the monastery has.
Carvings of religious significance to the cult of Sarenrae line the walls, but none seem to involve the figure seen in the shrine. At the other side of the room, an open arch leads into what appears to be another room with high windows. You catch a whiff of something rotten.

2012-12-14, 09:29 AM

Grace sounds surprised as she says, "I think I found a secret door. One that has not been opened in years."

She points and keeps pointing at the grooves in the floor near the base of the mutilated statue.

2012-12-14, 10:26 AM
Scrog Krog wandered back in, nose scrunched up. "Well, hurry up and check it ... there's something rotten in the next room."

Aside from kicking it open, Krog's got no skills to help here ... <looks over at the bard questioningly>

2012-12-14, 11:00 AM

Grace's eyes widen.

"Something rotten, you say?"

"We should check that out first. This door hasn't been opened in years; it can wait a while longer."

"There shouldn't be -anything- rotten out here. This is a desert and the monastery has been abandoned for so long. I wonder what it could be. I hope not undead."

2012-12-14, 11:21 AM
Krog shrugged. "There shouldn't be baboons or pighumpers either ... but let's go."

Krog heads back to check on the rotten smell, shaking his head at the things that seemingly interest Grace. Odd girl ...

2012-12-14, 12:14 PM

Hearing about the secret door she tears herself from the reliefs. She looks at floor and markings but is distracted again by the possibility of undead.

Vikcara readies her crossbow and stands by Krog.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-15, 02:08 PM
Scrag makes an aloof gesture when the word rotten was mentioned "Dat wasn't me Scrag promise... it probably was the hooded man I saw him eating extra beans dis morning!"

2012-12-16, 02:16 AM

The ranger babbles quietly as the party approaches the source of the stink.

"I believe there is a giant mushroom that really really stinks, maybe that's it..."

"No, wait, no. That can't be the cause. They only grow in jungles."

Down Comforter
2012-12-16, 03:10 PM
This austere octagonal chamber has a tall roof and an aerie of leering gargoyles perched atop each point where a wall meets another wall. An unholy stench of rotting meat, dried blood, and animal excrement hangs heavy in the air, no doubt from the fine crust of gore, animal carcasses, matted leaves, and guano covering the walls and floor around you.

2012-12-16, 08:23 PM

Grace frowns up at the gargoyles.

Knowledge (Nature)

She suspects they aren't statuary.

Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

Down Comforter
2012-12-17, 03:55 AM
As Grace looks up to examine the statuary, which seems to be just that, she is the only one to notice the trio of cat-sized flying monstrosity with four bat-like wings, insectoid legs, and a large, needle-like proboscis. Realizing that they've been noticed, they quickly dive at the group from their cover among the stonework.

Grace gets to act in the surprise round, then we enter normal initiative. Remember, only one action during surprise.

Initiative (Since I accidentally cut two people off)


Stirge Image

2012-12-17, 08:11 AM

Grace shouts in horror, "Stirges!"

She waits until a stirge is close enough, then attacks with her scimitar.

If a stirge does not come within melee range during the surprise round, then Grace does nothing in the surprise round but talk.

Scimitar attack: [roll0]

Scimitar damage: [roll1]

2012-12-17, 07:58 PM
Dagda Mor

The mysterious human raised his hand, allowing his sleeve to slide up to reveal it this time, as a pair of shards made of crystal launched out at one of the Stirges, his aim hopefully clear enough to slice it open.

Using one of my psionic talents, Crystal Shard

Ranged Touch [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Down Comforter
2012-12-17, 10:54 PM
The stirge flits aside as the crystal flies past it. The three creatures lunge for Vikcara, Grace, and Scrag, trying to get their needle-like proboscis past their defenses. Grace's harried defense doesn't manage to deter the creature and it plunges home, just as the first stirge finds Vikcara's flesh. Scrag acts quickly, cutting the tiny creature in half before it can find it's mark.


Grace and Vikcara both take one Constitution damage and are grappled. Give me a Fortitude save on your action, shugyosha.

Stirge 1 makes a touch attack against Vikcara, entering her square

Stirge 2 makes a touch attack against Grace, entering her square and provoking
Grace's AoO

Stirge 3 makes a touch attack against Scrag, entering her square and provoking
Scrag's AoO

2012-12-18, 12:29 AM
Stepping forward, Krog drew his dagger and attacked the stirge sucking on Vikcara. "Off, bug!"

Move action to get around to the other side of the stirge 'grappling' Vik (flank); draw weapon (free action). Attack (standard).
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-12-18, 12:42 AM

"Get it off me!" she screams as she flails.

[roll0] FORT
[roll1] escape artist to escape grapple

2012-12-18, 08:24 AM

Grace joins Vikcara in screaming as she frantically tries to get the accursed creature off her.

She staggers a little as the thing begins to drain her blood. Already she feels weaker.

Actions and Note
Grace is down to Constitution 13, so her HP goes down to 11.

Escape Artist: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-12-18, 09:39 AM
Scrag stood helpless looking upon the pretty lady with her face covered in bug... he wanted to help but he also didn't want to hurt da pretty lady that wouldn't be nice at all!

I shall do the same and roll an attack, I have no idea whether or not I will hit Grace but maybe the divines will smile upon Scrag and his gentle heart thus allowing him to slaughter his enemy in a righteous fury!
move to flank I suppose then SCRAG SMASH
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-12-18, 09:40 AM
rolling a crit confirm.... [roll0]
damage if applicable [roll1]

Down Comforter
2012-12-18, 03:21 PM
Just as Vikcara manages to push the creature off of her, the two half-orcs act almost in unison. Krog turns one creature into paste as Vikcara ducks away, while Scrag manages to get his sword between Grace and the strige and tosses the away from her. He catches the surprised bug as it flies through the air with a brutal cut that manages to turn the stirge into a pile of bug bits.

The sudden lack of buzzing wings echoing around the room makes for a sudden, but appreciated change.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-18, 03:31 PM
Scrag vilolenty begins stomping on the motionless corpse of the bug "Nobody hurts my squishies! NOBODY! Didn't you know that if they get hurt Scrag doesn't get fed! SCRAG LIKES BEING FED!"

2012-12-18, 04:21 PM
Krog wanted to stop on the bugs as well, just because of the nastiness of them ... but there was no way he'd do that now. Instead, he glanced at the women, asking, "You two okay?"

If they decided they were good enough to continue, Krog would start the search of the room, keeping an eye open for more bugs.

I suppose we'll take 20, and see what's here. Moreso to give the others time to recover ... and time to check the (trapped?) secret drawer in the other room.

Down Comforter
2012-12-18, 04:32 PM
Strewn about the floor, you find 43gp worth of loose coins, as well as a fine silver bowl and a chime of some sort.

As you're just about to wrap up your search, you discover the outline of what could be a door in the southwest wall, as well as a hidden switch beside it.

2012-12-18, 05:45 PM
Krog collected the items and piled them up near the door, uncertain what to do with the 'treasure.' When he stood up, he paused, noticing an outline on the southwest wall that looked suspiciously like a door. Walking over, he checked around the door, looking to see if it had been opened recently.

He called out to the others. "Hey, look at this ..."

2012-12-18, 11:56 PM

\ Instead, he glanced at the women, asking, "You two okay?"

Vikcara nods silently as she tries to catch her breath. Feeling weaker she moves slowly.

Krog called out to the others. "Hey, look at this ..."

"I guess we pull the switch," she suggests.

2012-12-19, 08:48 AM

Grace leans against a nearby wall, closing her eyes against the weariness caused by losing blood to the stirge.

She opens her eyes and sheathes her scimitar and takes up her bow and an arrow.

Action Just switching to shortbow use until further notice.

2012-12-19, 10:19 AM
Krog glanced back at the others. "Did you want to check the compartment? Both seem to have been left closed for awhile."

Glancing around, he gestured to the rest of the temple. "Or we could leave these for now and keep searching the rest of the temple ..."

2012-12-19, 10:23 AM

"Oh. Yes. I'd forgotten..."

Grace goes back to the chapel. She tries to see if there are any traps on the secret door. If she sees none, she tries to push or pull open the portal.

Actions Take 20 on Perception if she can. If not:

Perception: [roll0]

Not sure what to roll for actually opening the door, though.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-19, 11:04 AM
Scrag looks up from his bug stomping and realizes that his shiny armor is now covered in bug guts! Seeing how this would not do in the slightest he quickly summons an orb of water to fall upon himself and begins to scrub his armor.

Down Comforter
2012-12-19, 05:45 PM
Not seeing any traps, you quickly deduce that while the statue may have been on greased slides at some point, it has definitely worn off by now. It'll take some effort to pull the statue aside.

2012-12-19, 08:17 PM

She tells the party, "It will need strength to move this thing, so it would be best if we all helped."

She thinks. "Unless someone brought oil? Oil might help... I've never done this, so I don't know for sure."

2012-12-19, 08:44 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor focuses his energy, moving his hands expertly, and within a minute holds out a can filled with oil. "Let us see if your idea works, Human"

2012-12-19, 08:52 PM

Grace narrows her eyes at the tall and redhaired man.

"If I'm human... What race are you?"

"I thought -you- were human. Just really skinny."

2012-12-19, 09:18 PM
Dagda Mor

"Who or what i am is of no concern to you."

2012-12-19, 09:31 PM

Grace looks surprised. "All right."

Grace first cleans the slides and removes most of the dirt and dust, using the edge of her own cloak if necessary. She also cleans as she can the bottom of the statue.

"With your permission...?" Then, if the Dagda Mor does not object, she takes the oil and liberally pours it on the slides.

Then she pushes or pulls.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-19, 10:11 PM
Satisfied that his foot was shiny again Scrag stands and looks at the peculiar exchange between the two, he frowns for a moment "He is a squishy, even Scrag know dat, waving dem stick arms chanting that weaboo thinkin magicks. Also Scrag knows that squishy need a shower, there be a foul stench under dem robes, when was the last time you washed robed squishy?"

2012-12-19, 11:36 PM
Dagda Mor

"I believe you should stop talking while you're ahead simpleton. What i do is not magic in any sense of the word, and you would do well not to classify it as such. Irritating me would not be wise. If you must know..." He turned to Grace, "I was once human, once upon a time. But i shed those shackles for power far beyond that of those such as you."

Down Comforter
2012-12-20, 12:18 AM
With a burst of strength, aided by the grease, Grace pulls the statue aside. A set of stairs descending northwards into the darkness is revealed. Your vision is unable to penetrate the shadows at the end of the stairs.

2012-12-20, 09:05 AM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor holds his hand out in front of Grace before she tries to go, focusing for a moment, a new construct forms out of material not from this world, directly in front of him, with a single hand, and three legs. Lighting a sunrod, he points down the hole and the construct goes in obediently, with the sunrod above its head.

Manifesting Astral Construct with the utility and celerity menu options. It will last one hour, so it can easily scout ahead of us with its light, and it is not on a tether, unlike my others.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-20, 09:16 AM
Scrag raised an eyebrow, despite understanding the warning he knew not the reason it was issued "Squishy sounds angry, did someone not feed him breakfast? Maybe Squishy need a hug, Scrag good at hugs! He knows it not magicks hence why he said weaboo thinkin magicks! Scrag has magicks, not robed Squishy."

2012-12-20, 09:32 AM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor snarls at Scrag, and turns back on him while his construct moves on. "My powers are neither Magic, nor "weaboo thinkin magic". If you call it that one more time, I swear that you will suffer the full force of my rage. Are we understood? Simply because your underdeveloped cranium cannot comprehend the fabric of the universe well enough to understand even a smidgen what i am capable of, it does not give you the right to classify it incorrectly." He points down the hole. "Now follow my creation. He will provide light, you must provide protection."

Morbis Meh
2012-12-20, 09:39 AM
Scrag recoils, obviously hurt and scrunches his eyebrows in fierce concentration before talking in a slow laboured tone "Sc..I may not be as smart as you but I am not your inferior. I do not have to take orders from you. I may be paid to protect you from harm but I am not paid to take your abuse. People like you are the stupid ones, ones who have forgotten what it is like to be... human in a world full of humans. I think it is time you reflect on that and your vulnerabilites, I will not risk my life for someone so undeserving of my loyalty or friendship." With a sad look on his face, Scrap walks out of the room back the way he came.

2012-12-20, 09:47 AM
Dagda Mor

Taking a deep breath, he changes his tone, and begins speaking to Scrag as he begins to walk away.

"I am rather impressed you could speak like an intelligent person. I am merely annoyed at your incorrect classification of my abilities, for they are nothing like the magic of which you speak. Agree not to call my powers such again, and we will get along just swimmingly, as much as we can, rather. Whether you know it or not, my attitude has been formed from years of slavery, where the same.... His tone sours. "Humans" He says that one word with exceptional spite. "That i once was, treated me as such that I have lost my faith in mankind. This job is my freedom. This body, my escape from their kind."

Never thought he'd hurt Scrag's feelings.

This is also the closest anyone may ever get to an apology from him.

2012-12-20, 10:08 AM
Well, there's a fine line between being aloof and a bit of an a$$, and threatening to use the 'full force of my rage.' I'm all for interparty conflict, but travel too far in that direction, and Krog (who can also be a a$$, drunk or not) may be inclinded to act as well.

That being said, I'm totally talking about the character, not the person ... play DM as you need to. But there are limits to the verbal abuse that the other characters will take ... as Scrag just indicated.

Krog stood watching the display before him, surprised that he wasn't the one involved in the testosterone battle. When the Dagda Mor spoke vehemently about applying the full force of his rage, Krog gripped his axe, ready to step forward and give this arrogant git a taste of his own brand of rage. But Scrag's response gave him pause ... as did the response in orcish from DM.

Glaring at the thin, hooded man, he stepped forward aggressively, then shook his head. "If you two are done, let's get moving ... or none of us get paid." Peering down, he stood at the top of the stairs, checking for sounds or any air movement.

perception: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-12-20, 10:37 AM
Scrag turns and studies the man for a moment before replying in Orc "Sir, it was not my intention to slight you and your powers, for they are not common among my people and we do not have the proper terminology for it. As for my speaking capabilities, common is not my first language, orc was. Despite my dual heritage I was primarily raised as a traditional orc which as you have noticed resulted with me developing poor speaking habits outside my mother tongue. I may have not been gifted as you in the mental faculties but I do understand humans and their emotions far greater than you, especially those of the female persuasion (though I learned to run from female orcs, now there is a truly frightening sight). I am sorry to hear of your past but one should not embitter themselves to the rest of the world for it is a wide and wonderful place filled with amazing indviduals."

Switching back to common with a big toothed grin "Besides, Scrag need to learn to speaks like you better and how else can I do it, if I don't practice?"

2012-12-20, 11:16 AM

Still feeling woozy from the stirge she makes her way to the others. Seeing the secret passage she whispers, "Ooo... what's in there."


Down Comforter
2012-12-20, 02:57 PM
The air from below is stale, but quiet. No hint of movement or any threat can be detected. Krog sees the crumpled, unmoving form of what seems to be some sort of humanoid at the bottom of the stairs.

2012-12-20, 03:04 PM
Krog grunted to the others, his voice low. "There's a body at the bottom."

2012-12-20, 03:07 PM

Grace says, "Something killed it. We should be careful. The cause might still be down there near the body."

2012-12-20, 03:53 PM
Rolling his eyes while he faced away from Grace, Krog nodded. "Yes. We should take care."

Krog will start down the stairs, eyes scanning for tripwires, false steps, and anything else that might be the cause of death ...besides the boogie man.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-20, 04:15 PM
Scrag moves in behind Krog and looks down with a sad expression over the fallen form "Squishy could have used a friend to help, too bad... LEAD ON BEST FRIEND KROG!"

Down Comforter
2012-12-21, 06:25 AM
Krog and Scrag find themselves in what appears to be the monastery's undercrypt, the only illumination coming from the passage behind. The main thoroughfare runs north to south and you can see two branching paths heading east and west from where you stand at the base of the stairs.

An eerie silence pervades the cool subterranean funerary network, which must contain the bodies of scores—if not hundreds—of honored worshipers of Sarenrae in shallow niches carved into the walls of the east-west passages. Many of these skeletal remains have been roughly tossed from their niches, and countless bones and skulls line the floor.

The body you found at the base of the stairs is far from the only one here, and you can tell at a glance that their was a struggle here. Some skeletons lie jumbled up against a wall where they fell, their skulls crushed by the blow of a weapon. Many wear the faded orange robes of monastery clerics, often with signs of crippling injuries suffered at the hands of their betrayers.


2012-12-21, 11:15 AM

She follows down once she casts a light spell.

2012-12-21, 01:05 PM

Grace waits for the Dagda Mor to follow, then follows after, once again rear guard.

2012-12-26, 10:18 AM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor follows quietly, allowing Grace to take her usual spot as the rear guard.

Since we all pretty much ignored my Astral construct i sent to lead the way, can i refund myself the power point and pretend i never summoned it this time?

2012-12-26, 11:29 AM
I, for one, thought it was HILARIOUS that the Dagda Mor spent that time sending down a construct that caused quite the row over 'Magic' vs 'Power' and then the others promptly ignored the product of DM's efforts. From a player perspective, of course :smallbiggrin: Either way, Krag/Scrog didn't care ... darkvision and all that.

But I say we play as is ... unless you need it back?

Krog continued down the steps, watching the strange tripid walk in front of him. As he reached the bottom, he stopped to check the body at the foot of the stairs, curious as to what killed the man ... and how long ago it was.

As another light approached, he turned and glanced back at Vikcara. "I get that the dark can be scary, but how much light do you need?"

perception: [roll0] Looking at the body, and keeping an eye out as we walk down here. Things Krog would like to know
- What killed the priests? (weapons, blunt-force trauma, claws and teeth)
- How long ago it happened (years? months?)
- Any recent footsteps?

I figure Grace can help, since she's the tracker and all ...

Plan is to continue on to the corner of the cross-roads if nothing jumps out and tries to eat our brains!

2012-12-27, 02:33 AM
Nudging one of the bodies, Krog shook his head. "Been dead a long time." He's ready to move on as soon as the others are.

2012-12-27, 12:03 PM

Grace looks for tracks beyond where the party members have been walking.

After checking for tracks, she kneels and murmurs a very belated prayer for the poor souls who were killed here years ago, presumably followers of Sarenrae like her.

Without touching the murder victims, she looks the bodies over to see if she can spot any useful or interesting belongings on the bodies. She takes out her holy symbol of Sarenrae so that it rests openly in front of her studded leather armor and says, "Um.... Spirits of the wrongfully slain, do you have any messages for me?"

She tries to remember if there is any kind of proper protocol to follow when you find a fellow follower of Sarenrae dead or murdered. What is the proper burial ceremony? Is it permitted to search the bodies before you bury them?

Grace silently curses her poor education in such matters. But after all, she is only a ranger, not a cleric.

Survival: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]

Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]

2012-12-27, 12:39 PM
Krog raised an eye, then glanced at the others while Grace beseeched the dead for answers.

Down Comforter
2012-12-27, 03:23 PM
The thick layer of dust that coats the ground makes it clear that no one has been in the immediate area in some time. As you might expect, the dead give no answers to your questions. Your knowledge of church rules indicates that the dead are to be treated with respect, but to fight against evil, the faithful dead would surely give up their belongings.

2012-12-27, 04:25 PM
As another light approached, he turned and glanced back at Vikcara. "I get that the dark can be scary, but how much light do you need?"


"Never know when one of the lights may go out for one reason or another... If you want I can turn it off, but I'm not good at seeing things in the dark."

Morbis Meh
2012-12-28, 02:22 AM
"Scrag no need light he sees all the time, dead squishy may have something of use. He dead he not need it or miss it!"

2012-12-28, 01:34 PM

Grace says, "Let's search these bodies. I can remember no scripture of Sarenrae's that prevents us from doing so."

"But not the ones that are already entombed, please. I...am less certain about them. And I don't know what will happen if someone tries."

The ranger seems a little fearful of trying. She speaks in a whisper.

Having given her warnings, Grace begins to gingerly search the bodies of the victims.

I am putting in multiple rolls in case they are necessary. Perception is a skill that can be rerolled most times anyway.

Perception: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]

Perception: [roll2]

Down Comforter
2012-12-28, 02:52 PM
As far as you can tell, the bodies in the area have been stripped clean, likely by whoever killed them. You only manage to find several rusted weapons still embedded in corpses.

2012-12-28, 03:02 PM


She pours some water from her waterskin over her hands, cringing at having had to touch desiccated corpses and skeletons and glad to be able to wash the rot off her skin.

"Let's explore some more.... Wait. Do you think we should close that door we used to get down here?"

"The door had remained secret for so long.... Only Sarenrae knows what might follow us down here."

2012-12-29, 07:16 AM

The young woman makes a face at the words of looting the body. She wasn't used to the ghoulish but pragmatic act of taking what the deceased didn't need.

2012-12-29, 02:04 PM
Krog shook his head at Grace. "I'd rather not get locked in. Press on."

Ready to move to the cross corridors. Posting from the phone- sorry so short

Down Comforter
2012-12-30, 04:08 AM
As Krog advances down the hallway, his vision reaches the end of the branching paths, revealing more bodies down each one, as well as small passageways leading off these branches.


2012-12-30, 04:11 AM

Grace follows after the rest of the party (presumably) follows after Krog.

After she sees all the dead bodies, she whispers, "Terrible massacre. And all underground. We found no skeletons above."

She looks back the way they came. "And yet the door is closed. Maybe... Maybe the killers came in a different way."

2013-01-01, 04:38 PM
Dagda Mor

"Translation. We aren't alone. Keep an eye on that light that in the distance. If it falls, we are probably too late."

Morbis Meh
2013-01-01, 05:12 PM
Scrag nodded solemnly "I shall protect my squishies until my last breath! Scrag swears on his grandfather's grave." As he finishes his vow a small tin can levitates from Scrag's pack and smacks him over the head "OWWWW! Bad mean old gramps, I wasn't swearing on your smelly ashes I was swearing it on my good grampa, you know the one who gave Scrag candy instead of fists to the face!" Scrag moves forward to catch up to Krog.

2013-01-01, 08:19 PM

She keeps lose to Scrag's back with a weary eye out to danger.

[roll0] perception

Down Comforter
2013-01-04, 04:34 PM
Exploring the path to the left, you discover yet more corpses. More importantly perhaps, you find a corpse of a man in yellowing leather armor - clearly not a member of the monastic community. A quick glance over him reveals that his leather armor is the work of a master and the dagger he clutches seems to be made of silver and etchings along the handle indicate that it is enchanted somehow.

2013-01-04, 10:55 PM

Grace looks surprised to see the corpse.

She approaches the desiccated body and scans it slowly with just her vision, avoiding touching the thing until she is sure it is untrapped and presents no subtle dangers.

She also says, "Can one of you spellcasters detect if it is magic or not? Also if there is poison or not?"

Perception: [roll0]

2013-01-04, 11:08 PM
Dagda Mor

Without saying a word, the Dagda Mor's eyes glow bright white once more, and he scans over the area quickly.

If he detects magic, he will simply nod, if he does not, he will shake his head. He will not say a word.

2013-01-04, 11:18 PM

"Sure," she responds. Casting a simple spell she looks at the body.

2013-01-05, 01:41 AM

Grace says slowly, "This is the only body we've found so far with something on it."

"Either he was one of the invaders, or this is a trap."

"....Or he died here -after- the invasion, and that's why no one recovered the body."

Age of body
I don't know what would be needed to determine time of death compared to the monk bodies.

Just in case, rolling Knowledge (Nature)

Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

2013-01-05, 04:17 AM
Seeing the Dagda Mor nod, Krog nudged the body with his axe. "Nice armor and blade. Grab it if you like - maybe we can sell 'em." At Grace's comments, he raised an eyebrow, wondering at how paranoid the woman seemed to be. Perhaps she was right, but Krog wasn't sure if this was a trap for them. Maybe another grave robber ... or part of the group that wiped out the others.

Either way, they should keep moving, since he hand't seen another way out yet. So he responded eloquently as ever. "Hunh."

Looking around at the apparent off-shoots, Krog continued to search around to the north, only waiting for the others to gather whatever they wanted from the body.

Sorry for the delay. Not sure if those are small corridors or just things we can't see yet, but Krog's continuing down the hall, looking for more surprises, or ways out. Perception is +7, for taking 10/20 or if you need to roll for me :smallsmile:

Down Comforter
2013-01-05, 09:40 PM
The tunnels that branch off this passage are lined with burial chambers inlaid in the walls. Various urns, coffins, and skeletons fill the niches but nothing stands out to you.


2013-01-05, 10:45 PM
Krog (:smallbiggrin:) shook his head at the side passages. "I don't see anything. To the other side, I guess."

Turning to the south, Krog did the same thing for the other side. He figured the others would search the smaller passages if they noticed something he didn't.

2013-01-06, 12:09 AM

Grace picks up the enchanted dagger and handles it carefully, putting it into her backpack for later examination under sunlight.

Down Comforter
2013-01-06, 03:52 AM
A pile of skeletons greets you on the southern branch. Many seem to be missing limbs, which are strewn about the area. Just past them, you find another corpse in the garb of an adherant, with a dark scimitar still wrapped in its hands.

2013-01-06, 04:12 AM

Grace eyes light up at the sight of the scimitar, but then they narrow when she notices it is dark.

"Magic?" she asks the bard and the redhaired male.

She hangs up her shortbow and draws her own scimitar and approaches the corpse carefully. She examines this one like she did the one with the silver dagger, looking for signs of evil.

As she looks at it, she murmurs, "The scimitar is the goddess' chosen weapon, and it may be this one fell defending her temple. But it really shouldn't be dark. Sarenrae is the sun goddess."

Perception: Take 20 on Perception to examine the body and the scimitar before she touches the scimitar.

Down Comforter
2013-01-06, 06:54 AM
The blade is masterfully crafted and you can make out script along the blade, in common. "In the name of the Everlight, stand vigilant against the shadow."

As far as you can tell, this is a masterwork cold iron blade.

2013-01-06, 11:16 AM

Again she casts her magic detection spell.

2013-01-06, 12:39 PM

Grace murmurs so the others can hear, "In the name of the Everlight, stand vigilant against the shadow."

"Everlight is one of the goddess' titles. This is probably a blessed blade. I think."

She takes it up carefully, ready to throw it down in case the inscription is bogus and it hurts to touch it.

If grasping the hilt with her bare hands does not harm her, she says to the others, "If no one objects, I will wield this for now, in Sarenrae's name."

"Do any of you want to use the dagger? It is even less likely to be wicked than this. Evil does not like silver much."

OOC In case it matters, Grace picked up the dagger mostly so that we did not leave it behind by mistake. :smallsmile:

If the scimitar does not prove harmful and no one else wants the scimitar, I will be adding it to Grace's equipment list.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-07, 11:19 AM
Scrag looks at the tiny dagger and shakes his head "Thanks for the offer pretty lady but Scrag doesn't need a tooth pick... Though the shiny sword is nice, I think it goes well with your complexion!" He smiles brightly and walks up behind his bestest friend Krog!

2013-01-07, 11:43 AM
Krog watched the woodswoman loot the body of her fellow worshipper, snorting slightly. "You need to find a spot to squeeze this one into?" He gestured towards the various caskets around.

If there was nothing else, he nodded towards the last passage. "Might as well check the end ..." While most of this was lost on the half-orc, he did wonder what had happened here. Seemed odd to find so many dead without any apparent reason, or obvious entry points ...

Headed towards the 'east' ... looking, looking, looking!

Down Comforter
2013-01-07, 08:36 PM
As you reach a second branch of tunnels leading off to your left and right, you also notice a solid oak door barring the path directly ahead of you.

2013-01-08, 10:32 AM

Seeing no magic in the new blade she moves on with the others. "The dagger is magical, the scimitar is not," she says out loud.

2013-01-08, 11:13 AM

Grace swings the scimitar around and whispers to the long dead defender, "A fine weapon. Thank you."

She takes her old scimitar off and puts the hilt of the sheathed blade into the hand of the corpse for now.

"I'll retrieve it once we burn or bury all these dead."

Morbis Meh
2013-01-08, 11:22 AM
Scrag furrows his brow "Ugh pretty lady... Scrag not paid to be undertaker and we have no woods to burn besides we in a closed place that would be stunk up with smoke. Scrag think we should move on, their souls have already moved on to their final destination."

2013-01-08, 11:26 AM

"That's true... And there are a lot of dead. So many." Grace sighs.

"Maybe I can pay someone to do this for us. Handling so many dead bodies... Even if they also followed Sarenrae, it's not my thing at all."

The ranger shudders.

2013-01-08, 01:31 PM
Glancing back at the others, Krog half-turned. "Uh, door up here." Leaning forward, he listened at the door

Perception: [roll0]

EDIT: Good lord, I can't believe how many times I roll a one on perception checks. makes the +7 kinda pointless. I need to take 20 more often and remove luck from the equation!

Down Comforter
2013-01-08, 11:12 PM
You don't hear a thing from the other side of the door.


Morbis Meh
2013-01-09, 09:14 AM
Scrag sees best friend Krog putting his ear against the door which makes Scrag chuckle softly Hehe silly Krog wood doesn't talk! Suddenly Scrag realizes that Krog is particularily cool and that maybe this helped with it. So like a true sheep, Scrag follows suit.

Perception.... why because i have had terrible luck with dice lately and i find Scrag gets stupid luck... [roll0] and idiots luck still holds for Scrag what did I do to offend the dice gods....

2013-01-09, 12:06 PM

As Krog leaned in, he suddenly found himself looking at Scrag, who leaned forward agains the door, mimicing his movements. Staring for a moment, he almost broke down and laughed at the serious look on Scrag's face, but managed to maintain his composure.

Straightening up, he shrugged. "I didn't hear anything ... did you?"

Glancing back at the two corridors, he nodded to the north. "I'll check down there." Leaving the door for now, he searched the northern branch (and would then move to the southern branch).

@Morbis Meh - just for the record, Scrag is pretty funny. I wish Krog were more social, cuz it could be REALLY funny. And of course, checking the door DOES make you cooler.

2013-01-09, 12:15 PM

From the back, Grace says, "I doubt we'll find anything. Everything down here but us is dead."

To Vikcara, she says, "When we've finished exploring this crypt, could you Detect Magic on everything, or is the area too large?"

2013-01-09, 12:21 PM

She blushes slightly at her inexperience at adventuring. Nodding she casts the same divination spell and looks about.

2013-01-09, 12:39 PM
From the back, Grace says, "I doubt we'll find anything. Everything down here but us is dead."

Krog glanced back at her. "With that thinking you wouldn't have those new blades. And a priest once told me just cuz it's dead doesn't mean it can't hurt you ..."

Down Comforter
2013-01-09, 04:58 PM
Sadly for Scrag, the door doesn't talk him. It must be a very shy door. He can't hear anything on the other side of it either. Krog's search to the north reveals many more tombs, but a distinct lack of anything useful. Vikcara's detection spells likewise come up with nothing.

2013-01-09, 05:00 PM

"I don't see anything... should we just open the door?"

Morbis Meh
2013-01-09, 05:16 PM
Saddly Scrag shakes his well sculpted head "Sorry bestest friend Krog, door doesn't want to talk to Scrag... maybe if we said words of encouragement to it or gave it a present but I think for now it would be best to just open it." With shield raised Scrag sheathes his weapon and opens the door.

AStarbin: Thanks, I always strive at the very least to make entertaining characters! I am fairly decent on the mechanics aspect but I always enjoy role playing a more goofy/light hearted character... maybe because I am such a goof :smallbiggrin:

Down Comforter
2013-01-10, 01:23 AM
Scrag pushes open the door, revealing a hallway leading into a larger room beyond.


2013-01-10, 01:52 AM
Krog wandered back to check the southern branch ...

Down Comforter
2013-01-10, 11:35 PM
Buried under a jumble of bones at the end of this passage is a small teak box emblazoned with the holy symbol of Sarenrae.

Sorry about the delay, I hurt my arm the other day and it's painful to stay on the computer for too long. I'll make sure to post at least once or twice a day, but I won't be on as often as I usually am.

2013-01-11, 11:29 PM
Sorry to hear about that, DC. I hope you feel better soon!

Krog frowned at the sight of the box. Leaning forward, he nudged the box, then called back. "Hey Grace. There's a box with your symbol on it."

2013-01-12, 12:56 AM

Grace comes over to the front of the party again and examines the teak box very carefully.

Take 20 on Perception to check for traps and other clues.

If she detects no traps, the ranger tries to open it. "I hope this is not locked..."

Down Comforter
2013-01-12, 02:49 AM
The small box is made of dark wood and has the remnant of silver clasp that would have held it shut. Not detecting any traps on the box, you open it. A silver brooch with a gold inlay in the shape of a shield is revealed, nestled in a pocket of velvet.

2013-01-12, 03:12 AM

Grace says, as she lifts the thing out of the box, "Oh. Jewelry." The ranger doesn't sound impressed.

"The box is nice, though."

She puts the box in her pack but hands the brooch to Vikcara. "Here. This should look good on you, dear."

Then she hesitates. "Unless... one of you boys want it?"

Morbis Meh
2013-01-12, 01:34 PM
Scrag looks at the jewellery with wide eyes and a gaping mouth "OOOOOOooooooo Scrag loves shinies, almost as much as preety ladies, I think dis would bring out my eyes what do you think bestest friend Krog... though I probably should get a hat and a clock to go with it, maybe one of dem fancy walking sticks too?

And this is how Scrag became a pimp ladies and gentleman

2013-01-12, 02:07 PM
Krog was about to tell Grace no when Scrag piped up. Staring for a moment, Krog just shrugged. "Whatever - I don't want it.". Nodding to the hall with the door, he grunted, "Let's go...

Well you need some high heeled shoes with goldfish in then!
Ready to check on the room through the door.

2013-01-12, 11:51 PM

"Oh, it's so lovely... but I can't... can I?" She opens the box again and uses the same detection spell again, wondering why it was left here.

2013-01-13, 02:09 AM

"Oh, it's so lovely... but I can't... can I?" She opens the box again and uses the same detection spell again, wondering why it was left here.


Grace patiently waits with her hand outstretched while Vikcara casts magic again.

"I think... I think that the invaders were afraid to pick it up."

"Everything we've found left behind down here was either silver or bore the mark of Sarenrae. I believe they feared to be harmed or destroyed if they tried to touch something sacred."

"Which gives us a fair idea of what kind of people they were. But you should be fine."

The ranger tries to smile reassuringly at the magician, but she is a terrible liar. She plainly is not really certain what will happen.

Down Comforter
2013-01-13, 06:18 AM
Your spell, combined with your knowledge of arcana and spellcraft, reveals that Grace is presenting you a Brooch of Shielding (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/brooch-of-shielding) with roughly half its charges remaining..

Morbis Meh
2013-01-14, 09:37 AM
Scrag frowns a little from being ignored, except by his bestest friend who was totally getting a shot of spirits paid for by Scrag. Sighing sullenly, Scrag scuttles stoichly towards the door right behind Krog the only person who seems to acknowledge him, well other than the smelly mean man in the hood. Scrag stops and looks towards the odd fellow and watches him carefully to see that he/it is still alive.

2013-01-14, 11:58 AM

"I wonder why it was in this box," she mutters as she takes the broach and fastens it on. "It has some protective qualities, although how useful it will be is a bit dubious. But thank you very much."

2013-01-14, 05:38 PM

Glancing back, Krog stared at the two women. "If you ladies are done accessorizing, let's move out." Krog walked to the door that Scrag had opened earlier and searched around the area to see if any of the tracks are any more recent.

Perception [roll0]

Once he checked, Krog walked into the room, checking around for anything of note.

Down Comforter
2013-01-14, 06:12 PM
The door that was opened has clearly not been used in a long time and a thick layer of dust covers the ground on both sides. No footprints can be seen.

Advancing into the room, you take a look around. This chamber seems to be an enormous laboratory. Against the north and south walls are two identical daises raised about five feetfrom the laboratory floor, each accessed by a wide set of curved stairs. Atop each dais is a wide workbench covered in a bewildering series of glass beakers, tubes, alembics, athanors, and other
alchemical tools. Some of these containers are filled with a murky green substance.

A massive mold-encrusted basalt table dominates the entrance of the room, flanked by two small tables to the east and west containing surgical tools and sheaves of old parchment. The walls of the subterranean lab were clearly fashioned from the living rock under the monastery, but carefully cut mold-encrusted tiles line the floor, interrupted occasionally by metal drains the size of dinner plates.

To the west, you can make out stairs leading upwards.

Just a reminder, the way the map is designed, North is the left side of the map.

2013-01-14, 06:31 PM

Looking around, the half-orc barbarian simply stared for long moments. Turning back to the others, his eyes wide, he called out, "Quick! Do you know what I've found?"

As the others hurried to approach, his eyes turned flat and his voice bored. "No really, do you know what I've found? Cuz I have no idea what this crap is."

Leaning against the wall, Krog reached and took a swig from his flask. There was only soooo much wandering around dusty halls that a man should have to take before he quenched his parched throat ...

Sorry ... couldn't resist. :smallbiggrin: Krog will explore the stairs when the others are done looking around ...

2013-01-14, 06:37 PM
Dagda Mor

The Dagda Mor appears to be interested in the room, and takes his time looking around and examining the chemicals and such.

Perception check. I'm gonna take my time on this one and take 20 on the Perception check for a 22.

Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Spellcraft [roll2]

These rolls are to identify whatever those chemicals are, i dunno which one i was supposed to roll so i just rolled em all.

2013-01-15, 11:07 AM

Grace says, "These things do not look like clerical work to me. But look at all that glassware! Expensive."

Grace goes to examine one of the tables covered with parchment to the east or west. Without touching, she tries to read the parchments. If she she has to, she uses her (sheathed) dagger to push at objects or unfurl scrolls.

2013-01-15, 11:19 AM

She looks wide eyed at the lab. It is the first time she has seen something like this. Is is careful not to touch anything.

[roll0] Knowledge Arcana
[roll1] Spellcraft
[roll2] perception

Morbis Meh
2013-01-15, 04:24 PM
Scrag, with a mask of pure horror, carefully tip toes in the centre of the room and slowlys sits down, once his rump touches the floor he quickly balls up. He slows his breathing and remains as still as he possibly can.

2013-01-15, 06:14 PM

The barbarian stopped in mid-drink as Scrag decided to curl up in the middle of the room. Grunting out in orcish, he called to the other half-breed. "What ails you, Scrag?"