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Realms of Chaos
2012-08-23, 06:34 PM
Core OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=253202)
Group OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=253596)

Celestica Sunstar: It would seem that friendship with an tyrannical overlord, if nothing else, provides one with plenty of opportunities for travel. To be fair, this trip was made for purely diplomatic purposes and you weren’t exactly “invited”, not that the big purple lug would try to stop you. You’ve learned better than to leave the dragon unattended for long periods. With everyone else gone on their separate ways, it’s clearly up to you to keep an eye on him.

As far as you can tell, Wero came here to turn over some crazy runaway dignitary from a planet of warrior dwarves, at least after making an attempt to cure it (your idea). Compared with the actual objective, however, the city itself is far more interesting, at least by the standards of the EEE. People on this world seem far more at ease and relaxed than on other worlds. Though the citizens still prostrate themselves at the claws of the dragon, they seem genuinely happy and the different races seem to mingle with greater ease (to the point where you believe you spot a few mixed-breeds hiding in the crowd). Perhaps these more “backwater” worlds aren’t as bad as the others you’ve seen.

Exercising outside of the governor’s no-doubt suffocating mansion, Celestica is left to wait and watch the citizens pass by, many of which watch her in turn. Up above, a couatl floats lazily through the sky.

Usabhar Sigurhavok:]It was a very hot day. Not that you could feel it any more than the cold of your home land, of course. No… you could see it. You could see the sun in the sky, abominably large compared with the one you’d come to know. You could see it in the sweat dripping from the brows of humans and elves, see it in their distasteful choice in clothing. Either it was a very hot day or these other races were far more disciplined than you’d expected. It was a very hot day in the city of Orth, one more reminder of just how far you’d travelled to get here. It almost made some twisted type of sense that Salin would come to a place as wrong as this.

Once upon a time, Salin had been a warrior of the highest caliber among your people, a general who lead campaign after campaign against the horrid undead. This was before he died… before he became a part of you. It had been almost a decade after your arrival that the warpriests finally asked to restore life to some dwarves whose death fueled your creation. After all, your people would need a new warchief while you attacked the frost giants and all of the best had fallen. Salin was the first attempt… and so far the only attempt. Though life did return into his body, his presence within you kept him from returning quite whole. At his best, he was a senile shadow of who he had once been. At his worst, he was an utterly insane, if harmless, wreck of a dwarf. At least, you thought he was harmless. Just last month, Salin knocked out his caretaker and several guards as he worked his way out of the city. Three weeks later, he had been found on another city in another nation on another planet. It had fallen on you to get him back home. It was going to be a long day.

Your host on this world, a large purple dragon whose long name you have forgotten past the first couple of syllables (not that it is of any real concern for he has warned you not to use that name) stands on the opposite end of the room in the governor’s mansion, a building supposedly crafted for a pasty-skinned human you’d seen once or twice. Judging by the hall’s size, however, the building itself was made to accommodate the dragon. The dragon’s somewhat more hospitable ally remained outside, apparently bored with the entire affair.

The only other person in the room besides the two of you and Salin himself was a young female aasimar. As a courtesy to you and your people, she has been contacted to see if she can help Salin’s condition. Though even your most skilled healers have failed to do so thus far, she was supposedly one of the best in the whole great wheel. Well, at least she could try.

Lord Werominaknacuinith: It is a real burden at times, being as loved and adored as you. You keep trying to set some rules but some peon always believes that breaking them would somehow win your favor. Just last month, an inquisitor on one of your newer planets thought that you’d be pleased by doubling the maximum duration of torture for a con man. When another inquisitor sought to punish the first for this infraction, the orc torturer resisted and was slain on the spot. This would be the end of it if those two inquisitors hadn’t been related, leading to accusations on the second of conspiring to grant the torturer leniency through mere death. The rest has been a rather confusing and embarrassing affair, punctuated with pathetic attempts to anticipate what you “want” rather than following the rules. While most new acquisitions stumble for a while, this has been one of the bigger headaches, putting your mate in something of a mood. Oh why must your people love and adore you so?

Putting aside that bit of ongoing drama for the moment, you briefly look over the scene before you. A rather withered looking dwarf sits on a chair in the center, looking around with confusion that nearly met your own boredom with the affair. That old coot was supposedly some great general from a planet of dwarven warriors, another of which stood on the other side of the room. How the dwarf had ended up here was a bit of a mystery but even with your great mental facilities, you couldn’t seem to put muster the will required to care one way or another. You were here to hand the dwarf over and establish ties with this nation of legendary warriors. Nothing more. Well, almost nothing more. At the urging of Celestica, you put forth a request for a healer who might be able to help the dwarf (even though simply handing him over should have been more than enough). Your request had been answered by a young aasimar, supposedly a healer of some great skill who had arrived just a minute ago. Hopefully this matter will end soon enough and you could leave this backwater planet. Celestica, having no obligations in this matter, was waiting outside in the city. How lucky for her.

Rahja Dawncaller:There was no doubt in Rahja’s mind. She had seen far worse than this place. Though you’d heard awful things of the empire and its draconian leader, those within the empire didn’t truly seem to be suffering beyond vague worries of paying their taxes. Most of the signs of the emperor’s rule were subdued and underplayed, easy for a newcomer to miss. The haunted look in the eyes of some guards. The lack of half-breeds and orcs in the city. The subtle integration of draonic motifs into architecture. If it weren’t for the stories and rumors, even you might have missed or laughed off the signs.

Today, however, neither the empire nor its leader were your primary concern. No, that honor, as it so commonly did, belonged to your patient. You had been summoned for your wondrous healing abilities. Though you would never broadcast your powers boastfully, you were likely one of the few with any real chance of restoring a partially torn soul. The patient in question, a dwarf depicting all the traditional signs of more traditional lunacy (lack of responsiveness, slurred words, shaved chin, etc.), rested before you in the governor’s mansion while another large dwarf and the empire’s gigantic ruler stood behind you.

Looking into the dwarf’s vacant gaze, your zen spheres communicate a medley of disjointed, nonsensical concerns. He was concerned that he’d left his best flagon unattended back at home. He was concerned that the Boiler Man may soon control a vast draconic empire. He was concerned that he was able to see himself standing in the corner of the room with somebody else’s face. He was concerned that you intended to kill him, just as he had watched you and your haven slay innocents by the thousand. More than anything else, however, he was scared that the world you knew was unlikely to last another hour, scared that he couldn’t even find the words to warn his own leaders. The thought of what might come next was terrifying.

2012-08-23, 08:25 PM

For those who can see her, Celestica's exercise routine would seem to be more of a torture than exercise. Looking at her slight frame, you would think it impossible for her to keep going at the pace she maintains, but it seems almost effortless for her. Only the sheen of sweat that beads her forehead shows the effort she is exerting, for her breathing does not seem laboured in the least. It goes on for almost an hour, at the end of which, she pauses for a drink and to towel off her head. She glances towards the mansion to see if anything requires her attention, and with nothing happening, she sits cross legged on the grass, and begins to tune her lute.

Emperor Ing
2012-08-23, 08:35 PM
The Indigo Eclipse, the High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse was in parts particularly torn by the events transpiring before him. One part of him urged this shattered remnant of a general to be sold for ransom. Another part figured that this was the best thing to do, as to gain interplanetary allies. Those always proved to be invaluable. A small part of him urged to simply kill the dwarf and be done with it.

However most of all, the greatest thought that permeated the great mind of the High Lord, was how much he simply did not care.

If what happened to this man is what they do to their generals, so much so that reputably one of the greatest healers in the multiverse must be summoned to fix whatever ails the dwarf, the magic of that planet is something truly formidable. A planet of warriors, meaning their magic is lacking. If they can do this with their magic, their warriors must truly be something else.

The High Lord knew he had to put aside the tired emotions of parts fear and boredom. Dignitaries of other nations tend to dislike that. He put on the mask of the altruistic sumaritan returning a wayward patient to the hospital. On the bright side, this should be the last few days the High Lord expects to be on this planet. There are no good ingredients to bake anything good anywhere on this forsaken rock.

As promised, the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse and its beneficent sovereign, myself, shall return General Salin unharmed and unconditionally to your custody. He says this facing Usabhar. Hopefully when the damned madman finally snaps, it'll be OUTSIDE EEE territory. I do regret any unnecessary distress the General's absense may have caused. I never held the intention of distressing any possibility of future cooperation between the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse and your world of Wesslorne.

Higher up on one of the balconies overlooking the main chamber, a smaller purple dragon adorned in a myriad of magical devices remains inconspicuous, getting ready to take notes. He doesn't appear to be focusing on the goings-on below, but one of the two unique praetorians overlooking the events is. A massive behemoth of a humanoid form made of some clear crystalline material watches Rahja with WAY more interest than a Golem should ordinarily have. When Rahja turns to look, the Golem turns towards a neutral position in immediate reaction. The other praetorian appears a brass statue in the form of a dragon adopting a human stance. It stands holding a truly massive staff with an overly large head, many components of which hover in position under nothing else except magic. Although it hasn't moved since anyone has seen, one gets the feeling it's not only animate, but the closest a construct can get to actually being alive.

'ere we go. We have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit creepy golem and the Clockwork Dragon A TOTALLY NORMAL STATUE.

2012-08-23, 10:32 PM
Usabhar had wondered how this mess became one across planets, involving being on the territory of an apparently evil dragon ruler no less. The dwarven paragon knew there had to be a warchief among the senate when Usabhar is away for a reason but necromancy was a horrible idea of an answer. He never had a huge fondness for magic and what brought Salin back from the dead has not helped Usabhar's opinion. To mention it in a foreign area would be bad however, especially as the High Lord is considered to be an arcane sorcerer with very few equals.

looking rather indignant, though bored, the dwarf looks towards the purple dragon at the Governor's Mansion. The dwarf is amazed Salin hasn't been devoured or otherwise removed already. Much of the Indigo Eclipse's rumors have come across Usabhar's ears and he isn't going to simply disregard them. At the least, the dwarf is glad to have Nasiri await up above the mansion in wait. Considering everything about the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, it probably is not a good idea to let a couatl stay for long. Still this world is quite a fascinating place, much different from the less-shiny Wesslorne that Usabhar is from. Though not quite the most fascinating, Wesslorne is a proud world for it's fighters and it's great silver dragon Keltahkonkmet. Oh how Usabhar wishes he could speak of his deity. Alas, doing so on territory of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse is shunning the highest of authority in an empire and a crime anyone would agree that should be punished by death.

It is only when Wero speaks to Usabhar that the dwarf responds. His voice rocky and gruff, almost something more fitting for a Stone Giant than a dwarf. Yet it enforces fearlessness on the dwarf's part. "Very well High Lord. On my part of the deal, General Salin shall be under my custody and shall stay within my kingdom's bounds never again to cause an alarm to your lands. In time we may discuss future opportunities between Wesslorne and the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse."

Usabhar has made no interest in looking up at the younger purple dragon and his toys, though he wishes to if doing so is rather uncooperative. Instead he looks at Salin, clearly insane and in a dire need of either having his soul restored or getting the hell off this planet before he does anything more dangerous. It's strange how the crazed dwarf is acting. It feels like more than just a lost soul is at work here...

The dwarf honestly did not believe Salin's soul could be restored. However at the hesitance of a comrade of Wero's, a healer of apparently unequaled odds came to try and do what Usabhar believes is the unthinkable. Looking at the young aasimar, The dwarf could have thought of much at how strikingly beautiful she is... As well as how feeble she looks. An unfortunate side effect to Usabhar is that so many beings he meets looks frail and weak to him. Humans, elves, even those like orcs, gnolls, and ogres just come off as a less-than-sturdy body of flesh. When one asks the dwarf what does it take to be a great warrior, his response is usually "one who isn't your kind." He has judged many people off their strength alone, as per how the dwarves of Kulomen believe. Despite that, he does not let it get in the way of how he should act towards those who seek assistance or are willing to assist.

Trying to now abide a kinder tone, Usabhar asks the aasimar, "Your assistance is well appreciated. May I ask an introduction to your name?" If there is anything Usabhar wants to avoid, it is a diplomatic incident occurring here.

2012-08-24, 05:08 AM
For all she knows about the empire, Rahja is glad to see the state this world is in. As she walked the streets with a quiet hum, few needed her aid. Those few she comes across that are among the poorer citizens found themselves sated with but a touch and left with new hope to take their lives into their own hands again. What wounds or diseases she came across were wiped away, plants bloomed with new vitality and those who heard or saw her found their attentions drawn to the aasimar who is barely more than a child, their moods lifted.

As she passes the entrance, Rahja briefly stops to look at the majestic couatl drifting in the sky as well as the beautiful elven maiden's display, appreciating the masterful motions of the latter, wordlessly greeting her with a smile and a slight bow, so the doesn't disturb her.

Uninterested in the politics between the leaders present (though respectfully greeting both), it doesn't take Rahja long to truly determine the state her patient is in from what her own eyes see and what the miniscule worlds that float around the young woman in subtle, if enchanting patterns speak off (harmonizing with Corril's tranquil oceans whose waters speak truer of another's troubles than any word could express). What others might see as random insane thoughts, Rahja knows that such things have a cause and a reason of importance to the subject and those who apparently have lost their minds are often able to see what others could not.

As she was adressed by Usabhar Sigurhavok, Rahja bows. "Rahja Dawncaller. No thanks are necessary, paragon," she answers, her beautiful voice effortlessly combining determination and softness. More curiously, though, is that all who hear her feel like she is also speaking directly to their souls, feeling her voice reach their ears as it seemingly comes from within, too. Despite her youth, Usabhar can see relentless energy within Rahja's silver eyes, but also the look of someone who has seen much, perhaps too much, for her young age.

The intentions and emotions of those around her are as evident as the spoken word to the aasimar as she quietly focuses back onto Salin, bending her knees enough to be at eye level with him. A soothing expression on her face, she simply states "Be at peace, General Salin. No harm will come from those present. Let me help you find the words you seek." She looks him in the eyes for another moment in silence, wordlessly telling him that she means it, before turning to Usabhar. "As part of his soul is within you, paragon, you will also be affected by what I am about to do in order to make General Salin whole again. No harm will come to you and you will not be changed in any way."

Looking at Salin, Rahja clears her mind for a short moment in silence. Normally, it takes a bit of time to weave the power necessary to restore others with all of her power, but if she can do so, Rahja prefers to strip the whole process down to what is truly important. She brings her hands together, moving them as if she was safely holding something small and precious between, and as she does so, she pronounces a single word.

"Vias." Though it sounds like a simple thing to say, those who look deeper find the pronounciation and the sheer intent and meaning needed to say it properly being almost impossible to grasp. It is from the tongue of Creation itself, an obscure word even among it's nigh infinite number of terms for everything good.

The healer's sheer magical power sweeps through Salin and Usabhar in an indescribably soothing, yet almost euphoric sensation, their bodies and minds freed from all ails and scars, returned to full health. In addition, Rahja's power suffuses Salin's soul as well as Usabhar's, working to make the general's very essence whole again by fitting the pieces together and replace what was lost. Brilliant light erupts from Rahja in the process and engulfs both of her targets, accompanied by a deep, harmonious hum and a song always at the edge of hearing.

When she is done after a mere moment, the light dissipates, leaving shining motes of relaxing light in the air that slowly disperse and wink out of existance. All that remains is silence, Rahja's hair and the rugged red scarf around her shoulders ever so softly billowing in an unfelt wind like it has before.

Rahja casts her epic healing spell. She takes 10 on the Spellcraft check due to her Jack of All Trades bard class feature and uses her Superior Healing feature from Font of Life to cut the cast time down to an immediate action and allow her to cast it at range (mostly for effect).

I consider scenes between fights as encounters for purposes of encounter-based class abilities like Superior Healing. Please correct me if that is wrong.

Salin and Usabhar are healed of all diseases, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, temporary ability damage, ability drain, negative levels (even permanent ones that are no older than 20 weeks), feeblemindedness and all mental disorders caused by spells or injuries to the brain. All poisons are neutralized and all magical effects that penalize the target's abilities, even spells and epic spells of the afflict seed, are dispelled.

edit: Also, Rahja takes 10 on Sense Motive to read the surface thoughts of the prince and praetorians up above. I'm not sure who the "interested" golem is supposed to be, though.

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-24, 03:48 PM
Inside the Mansion:Rahja's magic flows its way through the mad dwarf in a matter of seconds, leaving the dwarf visibly changed. His muscles all seem to tense and relax as minor scars repair themselves. His eyes seem to come into focus as his mouth sets itself into a stern scowl after loosing a single rough cough. As he looks around the room, he still seems confused but he also appears far more coherent than he'd been thus-far. "Where the hell am I?" the general demands, turning facing Usabhar "and why do you look so damn familiar?"

Rahja:Though your magic works as intended, if perhaps delayed by a second or two, you pick up another struggle that the others couldn't possibly hope to perceive. Even as your magic starts its work on the dwarf's body, its mind seems to think that it's in grave danger. It mentally reviews each of its worries and concerns before somehow "throwing" lesser worries and delusions into the path of the spell. When your spell continues without even the smallest of inconveniences, you watch it continually prioritize its manias, fighting to protect its most vital components as a living creature would fight for life. When all that remains is the desperate urge to communicate with others, the dwarf manages a single cough. After that, however, the spell has concluded, leaving the dwarf full healed.

Usabhar:As the aasimar attends to Salin, you feel a momentary pang of emptiness in the pit of your stomach. Filling the void comes a rather more awkward sensation, the sensation of something lurking unseen just below the surface. Whether the surface is mental or physical, however, you couldn't hope to say. Whatever the case, this creeping sensation is quickly removed along with the feeling of emptiness. If nothing else Rahja was thorough.

Not a moment after Salin finishes asking his questions, the earth rumbles beneath you as a minor earthquake. When the shaking ends five seconds later without any valuables falling or shattering, another source of noise can be heard from outside. It would seem that something is going on in the city.

Outside of the Mansion: As Celestica tunes her lute, she nearly snaps of a string as the ground starts shaking below her. The quake lasts for a mere five seconds and doesn't seem to do any real damage, though the commotion it seems to stir in the city doesn't seem to end with its conclusion. If anything, people seem to be growing even more frantic. Looking up, you can see what the people see. All of the clouds in the sky are gone, leaving an open sky of blue with a single jagged crack running across it.

2012-08-24, 04:44 PM
Rahja steadies herself as the earthquake happens. The timing can't be a coincidence. No time to waste. Rahja turns to Usabhar and the High Lord, but also looks up to the prince and his retinue. "I was able to hear General Salin's madness before I casted the spell. It tried to communicate and defend itself from my magic, fearing that I would kill it and that something cataclysmic would come to this world at any moment, among other things. The timing is too telling to be ignored. Prepare yourselves. I will meet you outside." Her voice is precise, quick, to the point. "Vult." Turning around, Rahja suddenly disappears, teleporting right to where she had seen the elven maiden practice.

She has seen a great many things in her life (well, probably less than many other powerful and old beings, but still), yet she has never witnessed a broken sky. How does one best approach something like this. Rahja's mind wanders towards evacuation. If what I heard is indeed true, less than an hour won't be enough.

Turning to the elf, Rahja can sense the pure good and drive towards freedom flow from her, as well as sensing a powerful mind that befits someone with such masterful abilities like she had demonstrated before. "Rahja Dawncaller," the young aasimar quickly introduces herself, offering a hand to help her onto her feet as a gesture of trust. "It seems we have work to do."

2012-08-24, 05:04 PM

Celestica takes the hand to help her up, even as she stares in horror up at the sky.
Hanali preserve us, what is happening with the sky? Was this related to the dwarf you were brought here to heal?

2012-08-24, 05:37 PM
Looking back to the sky as well, Rahja does her best to stay composed in face of such seemingly impossibly, cataclysmic events. "I don't think he has anything to do with it, though his madness seemed to know that this would come, tried to warn others, even." The chances that anyone would have believed him, however, were next to nothing. "If what it said is true, this world will be ended within the hour."

Rahja turns to the elf once more. "As far as I'm concerned, unless you, the paragon or the high lord have a means to evacuate an entire planet, we should get to finding a solution."

Emperor Ing
2012-08-24, 07:26 PM
As the Aasimar teleports away, Lord Wero narrows his gaze on nothing in particular. An earthquake, even one as minor and short as that, is not something to simply scoff at, and to use magics that would cause a panic, even as an unintended side-effect, is a serious offense. Not wishing to be underinformed, the High Lord glances towards the gargantuan sized exit, and towards where his son lays, shocked after the unexpected tremor. Such shock that is reflected in the crystalline golem.

I will not be uninformed! My son, alert the Governor, and inform him to stand by for orders. In an impossibly swift motion, the High Lord stands and walks (to call it a walk would be foolish, since that walk was faster than most beings can fly) towards the exit, leaving very little to suggest his ever being there save for a door that threatens to barrel off its hinges after the sudden display of quickness. The Prince himself moves off deeper into the mansion in search of the principality's governor/planetary lord.

Moving outside, nearly flying through the oversized front entrance of the mansion without ever actually having taken wing, the High Lord is outside, glaring daggers at Rahja.
Healer, you are here as a favor to an associate of mine. He speaks bitterly. If your magics have resulted in the sundering of the ground beneath my feet and the...uh...cracking...of...the sky... He trails off, just now looking up and noticing a distinctive slit. There is also a distinct change in his tone from barely contained anger to a mixture of fear and curiosity then...you may swiftly realize there are...limits to my hospitality. However...I would still like some answers as to the current goings-on as you seem to know more than you were willing to say. Spare nothing.

2012-08-24, 09:02 PM
Rahja turns to the elf once more. "As far as I'm concerned, unless you, the paragon or the high lord have a means to evacuate an entire planet, we should get to finding a solution."

Magics at that sort of level are not my forte. I only have a few healing powers, and abilities to smite evil...evacuating a planet just isnt in the realm of possibilities
Celestica pauses, suddenly realizing she hadnt given her name.
Celestica Sunstar, of the elven nation of Crystalia, and servant of Hanali Celanil

2012-08-25, 02:54 AM
Without looking at Wero, Rahja answers swiftly not seeming intimidated one bit. She has more important things to worry about right now than the accusations of a dragon. "Don't be foolish, even if I could do that and wanted to do that, I wouldn't stick around and chat. All I told you is what I could glean from Salin's madness, which feared a lot of things, like a 'Boiler Man' soon ruling a vast draconic empire, himself standing in a corner with a different face and not being able to find the words and warn his leaders of what was to come, in addition to what you already know. That is all and I feel these 'ramblings' should not be taken lightly."

Turning to Celestica, Rahja nods curtly. "While I'm no real 'servant', Shelyn watches over me, so it seems we have something in common." Running into the faithful of another goddess of love is hardly an unwelcome coincidence. Another glance is cast skywards, then back to Celestica. "Can you fly? I'd like to examine the crack from a closer distance."

2012-08-25, 08:12 AM

No such luck, Im afraid. Flying is not one of my skills. She laughs for a moment. Falling, I can take care of.
She looks to Wero for a moment and then back to Rahja
He could probably fly you up there.
Just dont listen to all his bluster, thats just the way he is. Inside, hes not as bad as he used to be
She turns back to Wero
Are you willing to fly Rahja up there so she could take a closer look?

2012-08-25, 08:38 AM
Usabhar is quiet as Rahja performed her magic. He notes a more surprised look as he sees Salin return to normal yet there was also a moment of a creeping sensation that came from this. Even if it only lasted a moment. He waits for the other dwarf to say something before shaking his head slowly, both in disbelief and in annoyance that the dwarf doesn't know who Usabhar is. "Your answers can wait General. Right now you have a lot to answer for and a woman to thank." The dwarf couldn't find time to introduce Rahja to Salin as the former suddenly disappears. Not only that but Wero also decides to take off after a seemingly unimportant earthquake occurs. Considering it has attracted the attention of two notably powerful people already, this was no simply earthquake. Usabhar takes Salin's arm and begins dragging him outside. "You have a lot to explain General."

Heading outside, Usabhar notices Wero, Rahja, and the elf, Celestica all outside. He notices the crack in the sky immediately after. "Heavenly... What manner of power is this? There is not a blade great enough to cleave the sky as so." He makes a quick look to Salin and wonders if there is a possible connection. He gives a deep "Hmph," as the suggestion of flying is mentioned. "If we shall take a closer look at this 'wound' in the sky, then I will be able to head up there without the assistance of the High Lord." He raises his hand into the air, indication a call sign of some sort.

Moments later, the couatl in the sky flies down to the group. Her eyes and angelic wings centered on Usabhar. "Paragon," she begins in a very soft, yet focused tone, "The magnitude above ground is much greater than it is for those with feet. Not even great Keltahkonkmet could perform a feat this drastic. If you wish to take to the skies for a closer examination I suggest full due caution." She slowly looks towards Wero and bows her head. "Pardon my intrusion High Lord. I am Wernasiriditekilek, or Nasiri as I am sometimes addressed. I am at your command as much as I am at Usabhar's on your land."

2012-08-25, 09:17 AM
Rahja chuckles as well at Celestica's little joke, raises her eyebrows in a Oh, I see kind of way at the mention about Wero and offers a small smile before shaking her head. "I appreciate it, but I just wanted to know if you would have liked to join me." At that, brilliant streams of light emerge from Rahja's back and align in a roughly wing-like form, also making the white intricate mark on her back shine through her clothes. "I'll be right back. But before I go, a small precaution."

Concentrating briefly and whispering in her ethereal dual voice, Rahja outstretches her arms. Healing energy flows through her and those around her. One might think this to be a foolish act, since they are at the height of their health, but to their surprise, they find their health fortified and their bodies and minds brimming with energy. Once she is done, Rahja bends her knees as if she winds up for a jump, her "wings" also lowering to the ground. As she propels herself upwards, the aasimar blinks out of existance again, only to appear far above again, much closer to the sky. She hums to herself as she likes to do to concentrate and calm her mind, suffusing her heart with the purest of emotions and feelings in this time of crisis, examining the scar in front of her.

((Everyone, read the spoiler tag!))
As an FYI, Rahja teleports with Greater Teleport from her Boots of the Open Road. She activates her "Ring of Solar Wings" blessing for flight speed of 150ft. (perfect). She also summons her buckler via the shield's Called special ability.

She casts Mass Cure Light Wounds on the whole group (not expending a spell slot due to her Everflowing Energy class feature, as it is a level 4 spell for Healers).
[roll0] HP worth of healing for every target (enhanced by Healer's Blessing and Improved Healer's Blessing, maximum range doubled as per Widen Spell due to Boundless Healing)

Every target gains 100 temporary hit points (as per Overcharge) that last for 10 minutes. Every 10 of those THP grant the target a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks, up to +10 for the full 100 THP.

In addition, every target gains THP equal to half the amount of HP the spell would heal (as per Improved Overcharge), so 105 THP. These stack with the Overcharge THP above and also last 10 minutes, but they do not increase the morale bonuses above +10!
-------- END OF IMPORTANT PART --------

Rahja performs normally through her humming, using her subsonics feat to make it just below hearing.
Due to that, she adds her Charisma modifier to her AC and saving throws (as per Master Performer).

In addition, she uses Weave Emotions (Anticipation) and Weave Feelings (Optimism, Love) on herself, for:

a +10 bonus to initiative and AC and never being denied her Dex bonus to AC while mobile and conscious,

as well as rolling 3d20 whenever she rolls a d20 and adding the sums together (if one d20 comes up as a 20, the roll is considered a natural 20)

and finally acting like she is under the effects of a haste spell and granting a +5 morale bonus to AC and saves to all adjacent creatures that are friendly or helpful towards Rahja.

Here are a few skill checks to identify what is going on:
Knowledge (arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (the planes): [roll2]
Knowledge (religion): [roll3]
Spellcraft: [roll4]

Current stats:
AC: 98
Fort/Ref/Will: +59/+63/+68
Initiative: +26

Emperor Ing
2012-08-25, 11:07 AM
Of course I am not as bad as I used to be. You actually know me now. The High Lord looks back seeing Rahja grow wings, then dissapear again. For now though, I appear to be unnecessary. His thoughts turn to what was supposedly said from the madman while he was still alive. The boiler man? Is that some sort of construct, or perhaps the working class holds an individual of immense power? Over the course of Eclipsian history there have been an uncountable number of attempted usurpations of the High Lordship (The Emperor's Throne, for now anyways, remains forever empty) though only three attempts have ever come close. Whatever is happening is powerful enough to crack the sky and send tremors throughout the ground. And there is too little information. Lord Wero seriously considers recreating the circumstances of the General's madness, if only to gain the insight of a maniac who at least seemed to know what was going on.

Or to undo the magic that created these problems in the first place. Whatever comes first.

Upon the Couatl's introduction, Lord Wero gives little more than a quick nod of acknowledgment to her, really more preoccupied watching the crack in expectance of it doing something.

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-25, 02:39 PM
The crack in the sky, it would seem, hasn't finished. IT extends outwards in all dimensions. In some spaces, it even extends to the ground in the city like permanent black bolts of lightning. Whatever it is, the cracks are spreading.

Rahja:Make a reflex save to avoid making contact with the cracks as you fly.

Rahja/Wero:As far as the phenomenon itself, you have never heard of the sky cracking in such a way before and can't determine any obvious cause or cure to the problem. What you do know is that physics typically only behaves in odd ways where one of three things are concerned: precocious (or insane) casters, violent planar bleeding, or the unknowable space between and beyond all things.

2012-08-25, 03:02 PM
The cracks spread dangerously fast, leading to Rahja weaving quickly through the air before teleporting back to the others. "Nothing. There's just... nothing, hanging in the air." As she has stopped humming, all those wonderful emotions fade, leaving the fear of the unknown, uncertainty and a bit of helplessness behind. But it is not the time to despair.

Reflex [roll0] (Rahja has Evasion, if it should matter)

Current stats:
AC: 72
Fort/Ref/Will: +43/+46/+52
Initiative: +16

Emperor Ing
2012-08-25, 03:12 PM
The cracks reminded Lord Wero of a glass sphere being broken. Only problem was that the cracks were getting larger and they were in reality itself.
There is no way Rahja would, even accidentally be a cause of this. This is probably even beyond the abilities of that damned Archmagister Prime.
No. The High Lord shakes his head
It's not nothing. It's reality itself shattering before our eyes. What reveals to us upon its shattering may as well be nothing, or rather the void between worlds where nothing can exist. He says this surprisingly matter-of-factly.

Unless we know what the cause is and how to put an end to it we will have to abandon this world to its apocalypse. He turns to Salin. General, you will tell me everything you remember.

And Prince Zurkar and entourage are searching for the Governor

2012-08-25, 06:32 PM

Unable to fly to further investigate the phenomenon, and not having any sort of magics to combat it even if she could get close, Celestica does the only thing she knows how to do in a case like this. She prays.
Goddess Hanali, guide your servant in this matter. Show her the way to combat this problem, to save this world, and perhaps the whole multi universe from the threat that is trying to engulf it.

2012-08-26, 11:59 AM
Usabhar's eyebrow raises in astonishment as he watches the cracks spread and move to the ground. Unnatural does not even begin to describe whatever he is seeing. Of him and Nasiri, the couatl is the first to speak. "This is... Impossible to believe." Her calm tone overlays whatever worry or fear she might have. Usabhar on the other hand raises his hand into the air again; this time a mighty lance appears in his hand and he places it on his back using his metal strap. He then looks to Salin. "General, you heard the High Lord. What do you remember?" Usabhar guesses that Salin really doesn't remember anything when Rahja "healed" him. And even if she didn't, Salin would have spoken vague gibberish that would have confused even the wisest of sages.

For a moment, Nasiri looks at Celestica as the elven paladin prays. The couatl closes her eyes for a moment, a motion that Usabhar knows well. It's Nasiri's way of praying to Keltahkonkmet in essence of the mind rather than of words. The dwarf takes a look at Wero in the meantime. "Are there any quick methods of evacuating the populace? It's a waste to simply leave men and woman like this to a voidful end."

Emperor Ing
2012-08-26, 12:23 PM
Actually yes, there is one way. The Purple Dragon says this almost immediately. Apparently he had been considering this idea already, whatever it is.
My Empire of the Eternal Eclipse is connected by gateways into the Astral Plane that connect world to world in a vast Portal Chamber. The gateway to this world is underneath the Governor's Mansion here. In THEORY we could evacuate my treasury and my city's population through it, but it is a rather...narrow gateway and it takes hours to move a single legion of my Eclipsian warriors through. In my opinion, we would be lucky if we even have one hour. We will be even more lucky if we can evacuate half the city.

He pauses briefly, hand under his muzzle in thought.
It is better than nothing, and I suppose my son could create additional portals so more of my people can funnel out. The Portal Chamber should be safe and I can have my beloved Prince relay to my Eternals to evacuate the refugees into my other worlds.
He pauses in thought again, until turning towards Nasiri.

You wish to serve me? Then go into my Governor's Mansion and seek out my son, you will know him when you see him. Tell him to have the Portal Chamber opened, and to prepare for an immediate mass evacuation of the city.

2012-08-26, 12:46 PM
Nasiri opens her eyes a moment not too soon when Wero speaks to her. Her head moves to eye at his when he orders her. She responds quickly and to the point, "Very well High Lord." In a quick motion, she darts into the mansion like a eagle in a canyon. Her speed will let her move around quickly, though her size may cause some damage to the interior depending on how narrow the various rooms are.

Usabhar, waiting on Salin to say something, looks at the town and the civilians, unsurprisingly in panic as they would be. "A panic like this is only going to complicate escape. Do these people not know courage?" If they would listen, the dwarf could go into a big lecture with each and every frail civilian here about how the dwarves faced annihilation head-on and won. This is the kind of attitude these people have right now that led to the dwarves' fall of their kingdom of Anvion. Usabhar just did not understand why they act so helplessly.

Growling quietly, the dwarf turned to the elven paladin as soon as she is done praying. He hides any sort of praying he might have on his tone and keeps the gruff mood as he asks her, "Celestica, can you do something to get these people to calm down, or better yet, pay attention?" He remembers the elf for being an absolutely amazing performer; surely she can do something. Usabhar also takes a look up to Rahja, as if expecting her to have some sort of plan or assistance ready.

Emperor Ing
2012-08-26, 01:07 PM
Citizens of the Empire, hear the words of your High Lord. In a sudden motion, the dragon leaps up from the ground, immediately taking to wing, and using his powerful voice to relay His words to the citizenry as he flies over them.

Our world crumbles beneath our feet. Unknown powers seek to undermine my work, your labor, our Empire. But now there shall be no despair. No power, no matter how great, can overcome the will of the High Lord and His people.

If there is chaos in our Empire, then the enemy has already won. As High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, I command you to proceed to the Governor's Mansion and await further commands from myself or the Governor. Proceed with the order and dignity of the Eclipsians, and let our enemies know that they cannot destroy our honor. Relay my words to all who will hear within this world.

Afterwards, he flies back, and lands back in place, his expression that as if nothing had happened.
Problem solved.

Flying around the city, yelling orders. Frightening Presence suppressed

Diplomacy check
Intimidate check

2012-08-26, 04:03 PM

Celestica turns to Rahja even as she begins to unsling and tune her lute.

There is merit to what Usabhar says, soothing music might be able to calm the populace as the evacuation proceeds. Do you have any sort of talent for music.

2012-08-27, 06:18 AM
Upon being asked by Celestica, Rahja nods softly after a moment. "I... like to think so." Elves know many beautiful songs, their many years letting them perfect each one to glorious heights. Rahja considers herself lucky, even in a time of crisis like this, to have been invited to join Celestica in song. She summons a lute of her own, it's sound made to accompany Celestica's.

"One moment, please." Rahja begins to play on her lute, a soft introduction and slow build up for her partner to take the lead. Healing energy sweeps through her and Celestica's body, but from one moment to the next, both briefly flash in radiant light, Rahja's spell drawing on their benevolence, visibly enhancing their beauty and presence, giving them a rapturous elegance and grace. The notes suffuse both women's hearts, building anticipation towards the performance and rescuing these people, as well as filling them with sheer positivity driving them forward.

With a smile, Rahja turns to her partner, continuing to play masterfully. "We should stick together, we can achieve more that way. Shall we?" Rahja begins to sing, adjusting her song to accompany Celestica's, manifesting her wings to keep pace with her if the elf is faster on foot than her. All who come near Rahja feel their wounds and burdens lifted, their bodies and minds fortified by the healing magic transported by her songs.

Rahja uses Summon Instrument to summon a lute. Additionally, she uses Weave Emotions (anticipation) and Weave Feelings (optimism) on Celestica and herself, giving both a +10 untyped bonus to AC and initiative (they never lose their Dex bonus to AC while conscious and mobile), as well as allowing them to roll 3d20 whenever they would roll a d20 and add the sums together (if one d20 comes up as a 20, the roll is considered a natural 20).

She casts Mass Cure Light Wounds on Celestica and herself, weaving the bard spell Inner Beauty into it (as per Spell-Woven Cure) and using Lyric Spell to expend 5 rounds of Bardic Performance instead of a spell slot to cast Inner Beauty. Celestica and Rahja gain a +4 sacred bonus to Dexterity and Charisma for 250 minutes.

Additionally, Rahja keeps casting Mass Cure Light Wounds (using Disguise Spell to weave it into her performance) on every citizen and ally within range to keep everyone topped off in terms of morale bonuses to attacks, skill checks and saving throws. A pleasant side effect is that the citizens, by their standard, become enormously more resilient with ~200 THP for 10 minutes.

And, for giggles, Rahja's performance check: [roll0]

Current stats (during performance and with 100+ Overcharge THP):
Dexterity: 32
Charisma: 46
AC: 92
Fort/Ref/Will: +51/+54/+60
Initiative: +26

2012-08-27, 04:55 PM

Celestica has heard many singers in her day, but not one of them comes anywhere near to the level that Rajah displays. She always thought of herself as a pretty good musician, but she realizes she has nowhere near Rahja's talent. Its a little hard to harmonize with her given the difference, but Celestica is able to do so. Helped by the boosts Rahja has given her, Celestica comes up with one of the best performances of her life.

[roll0] Perform: Sing+Instrument

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-27, 07:28 PM
After weaving effortlessly between the new cracks and teleporting back down to the ground, Wero's and Usabhar's instructions to the general draw only an exaggerated gruffness and bravado, obviously compensating for his own confusion. "I don't remember a blasted thing. One moment I was chopping down ghouls with my axe, the next I was walking across some sea of yellow earth, and then I woke up in that mansion of yours. I'm the one with questions here"

Abandoning that dry well of information, Lord Wero's proclamation is heard clearly across most of the panicking city. The raw authority in his booming voice cuts clearly through the hysteria and reaches the citizens and their desire to live. Slowly, orderly, they walk in the direction of the governor's mansion, leaving behind their conflicts from the panic and holding their families close. They dare not show fear upon their faces as they walk, knowing that panic won't help to save them.

As Celestica and Rahja carefully weave their way over the crowd, their duet is a true work of beauty, calming the souls of all those who rest below. A few come to accept the death that may well be awaiting them and continue onwards in peace, regardless of what should befall them. Most, however, are filled with hope and the will to continue living. All of them continue towards the governor's mansion, though their march is no longer forced.

Nasiri/Zurkar: In the governor's mansion, Zurkar finds the governor in short order, standing in his room next to the window and staring out at the crowd gathering below and at the cracks in the sky, the cracks that may well threaten to destroy all he knows. Hearing Zurkar's entrance, the balding man turns and instinctively bows down to his superior. "What do you require of me, my lord?" asks the governor, his voice forcibly vacant and emotionless.

No sooner does he ask, however, than does another guest arrive in the room. Nasiri, seen earlier but floating through the skies as the large dwarf's companion (and, likely, mount), passes into the room to see an old human bowing down before a smaller purple dragon and his apparent entourage.

As a good deal of the people gather at the base of the governor's mansion, the cracking noise from above slowly comes to a halt. The cracking, it would seem, has come to a stop for a moment. This is not to say that activity has stopped, however. The cracks are filled with all manner of motion, eyes and claws and pincers and legs and far recognizable appendages seem to reach out from the full extent of the crack. thousands of beasts can be seen "behind" the crack, trying to claw their way out but restricted by the narrow width of the cracks. Thankfully, this development hasn't completely destroyed the resolve of the townspeople, though a good deal of them seem justifiably unnerved and inch closer towards the mansion as if the building itself could protect them.

2012-08-27, 07:57 PM
Hearing Salin's completely expected and lackluster response, Usabhar shakes his head slowly and responds in a disappointed tone. "Then I state this quickly, you fell to the undead and you are now here resurrected thanks to the aasimar." He looks to Rahja quickly and gives a nod of respect to her while continuing to talk to Salin. "For now you shall head inside the Mansion and await passage out of this world. I shall discuss our future then."

Usabhar helps to move people from where they are to the Governer's Mansion as Wero and the two lute players assist in calming the populace. The dwarf knew that not many people from this city would survive; the cracks just break the world too quickly for a more optimistic outlook to this situation. Despite that, he still helps however he can. He can never say he did his best to try and avert an inevitably bad outcome if he does not do anything.

When he gets another look at the cracks however, he sees the living... Things inside. Eyes, claws, pincers, and legs. The dwarf's eyes narrow at the hideous sight as he raises his voice. "High Lord this is more than some void!" Usabhar moves to a crack near where townspeople are moving and draws his greataxe. "It won't take long before they break through. I will hold them here and keep them off the civilians!"

Inside the Mansion, Nasiri avoids breaking one of the Governor's priceless urns as she enters the room and finds the Governor and Prince Zurkar. She gives a slight bow to both as she speaks quickly and calmly. "Governor, Prince, I regret these are not the most wonderful of times to meet. Prince, the High Lord asks of you to open the Portal Chamber and prepare a mass evacuation of the city." She takes a moment to look outside the window; sorrow creeps into her face. "I pray it will be enough..."

Emperor Ing
2012-08-27, 09:55 PM
Prince Zurkar arrives into the governor's room. Although he is greeted, he feels a sense of urgency that overpowers his normal sense of etiquette. However as he is about to speak he is interrupted by some unknown Couatl flying in, and apparently relaying the High Lord's orders. He looks towards the newcomer with a small hint of apprehension. Despite all this he doesn't doubt what this creature is saying. As he looks out the window that the governor was originally looking out, and seeing the cracks form where this world will crumble, all doubts, although he has no real reason to have them, are erased.
Yes. He replies.

Governor, I will open the way to the Portal Chamber. You are to direct the Shadows and whatever police force you use to guide our subjects into the portal. I will make additional portals for convenience. I sense my father would want you to prioritize evacuating the Treasury, so I would start there.
He looks towards the metal dragon, who seems to know how to reply immediately.
Yes, creator. I will follow the directive of the governor, as per your instructions. The Prince seems a little perplexed by this response, but seems to shrug it off as if this is common. The clockwork dragon places a fist on his chest in front of the governor as per the Eclipsian salute of service.
What would you will of me, Governor?

Right. As for you... he turns to the Couatl.
Do as you will, but I would await further instructions. If you wish to speak to me, speak to my golem, whom will remain with the Governor. I will hear you. He gestures to the crystalline giant.

Afterwards, the Prince flies out, moving with speed incredible by the standards of most dragons. He flies to the Portal Chamber, opening the ways and barking orders to guards or anybody nearby to have them wide-open to the public. When he gets to the portal, he will use his mastery of his portal device to create additional portals into the Portal Chamber from this particular room. He will then enter the Portal Chamber himself, and seek out someone of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse's guardians of the Astral Plane, the Eternals, to relay his father's will to.


Everything was going nice and orderly, as per the High Lord's will. And how could it not? As High Lord His will would become manifest. And seeing his subjects beginning to proceed in a nice, orderly evacuation gave him a sense of pride at the kind of power and influence he can invoke at-will.
However, he would be lying if he said that the music that duo was playing didn't hurt. And it sounded good.
For a lute, anyways.

Instrumental preferences aside, the Dragon Lord felt nothing except bitter hatred as the prospect of losing this world to forces that lay Beyond. Apparently so terrible is what semblance of society exists Beyond that they must suckle on the fruits of prosperity that exist Within in order to survive. There was always something unbelievably desperate about those creatures, and Lord Wero simply refused to believe that they existed beyond reason. They were desperate, and unless something fundamental changes Beyond, desperation will be the status-quo for them for time immemorial.
As the Dwarf Lord proclaims his willingness to fight, the High Lord can only think of one logical reply.
No, you will not.
His hands become ablaze with dark violet magical energy, and purple lightning arcs around the dragon's snout as light seems to pour out of it. The High Lord is also suspended a foot above the ground under his sheer magical power.

I will not allow you to fight these abominations without me! As the High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, I refuse to allow my world, the fruits of my work which I have laboredyears to cultivate and grow, without first making sure they bleed for every square-inch of my world!

He makes a quick glance to the musical duo, giving them a quick nod and a glance to the cracks from which creatures might pour out any moment. Because Celestica has come to know the High Lord rather well, she would know that look to mean that he approves of what they are presently doing, but if they wish to join him (in battle in this case) they are invited to do so at any time.

Emperor Ing
2012-08-27, 10:00 PM
Prince Zurkar arrives into the governor's room. Although he is greeted, he feels a sense of urgency that overpowers his normal sense of etiquette. However as he is about to speak he is interrupted by some unknown Couatl flying in, and apparently relaying the High Lord's orders. He looks towards the newcomer with a small hint of apprehension. Despite all this he doesn't doubt what this creature is saying. As he looks out the window that the governor was originally looking out, and seeing the cracks form where this world will crumble, all doubts, although he has no real reason to have them, are erased.
Yes. He replies.

Governor, I will open the way to the Portal Chamber. You are to direct the Shadows and whatever police force you use to guide our subjects into the portal. I will make additional portals for convenience. I sense my father would want you to prioritize evacuating the Treasury, so I would start there.
He looks towards the metal dragon, who seems to know how to reply immediately.
Yes, creator. I will follow the directive of the governor, as per your instructions. The Prince seems a little perplexed by this response, but seems to shrug it off as if this is common. The clockwork dragon places a fist on his chest in front of the governor as per the Eclipsian salute of service.
What would you will of me, Governor?

Right. As for you... he turns to the Couatl.
Do as you will, but I would await further instructions. If you wish to speak to me, speak to my golem, whom will remain with the Governor. I will hear you. He gestures to the crystalline giant.

Afterwards, the Prince flies out, moving with speed incredible by the standards of most dragons. He flies to the Portal Chamber, opening the ways and barking orders to guards or anybody nearby to have them wide-open to the public. When he gets to the portal, he will use his mastery of his portal device to create additional portals into the Portal Chamber from this particular room. He will then enter the Portal Chamber himself, and seek out someone of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse's guardians of the Astral Plane, the Eternals, to relay his father's will to.


Everything was going nice and orderly, as per the High Lord's will. And how could it not? As High Lord His will would become manifest. And seeing his subjects beginning to proceed in a nice, orderly evacuation gave him a sense of pride at the kind of power and influence he can invoke at-will.
However, he would be lying if he said that the music that duo was playing didn't hurt. And it sounded good.
For a lute, anyways.

Instrumental preferences aside, the Dragon Lord felt nothing except bitter hatred as the prospect of losing this world to forces that lay Beyond. Apparently so terrible is what semblance of society exists Beyond that they must suckle on the fruits of prosperity that exist Within in order to survive. There was always something unbelievably desperate about those creatures, and Lord Wero simply refused to believe that they existed beyond reason. They were desperate, and unless something fundamental changes Beyond, desperation will be the status-quo for them for time immemorial.
As the Dwarf Lord proclaims his willingness to fight, the High Lord can only think of one logical reply.
No, you will not.
His hands become ablaze with dark violet magical energy, and purple lightning arcs around the dragon's snout as light seems to pour out of it. The High Lord is also suspended a foot above the ground under his sheer magical power.

I will not allow you to fight these abominations without me! As the High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, I refuse to allow my world, the fruits of my work which I have laboredyears to cultivate and grow, without first making sure they bleed for every square-inch of my world!

He makes a quick glance to the musical duo, giving them a quick nod and a glance to the cracks from which creatures might pour out any moment. Because Celestica has come to know the High Lord rather well, she would know that look to mean that he approves of what they are presently doing, but if they wish to join him (in battle in this case) they are invited to do so at any time.

2012-08-28, 08:08 AM

Celestica, for now, will concentrate on continuing her songs to calm the populace, but she readies herself to spring into battle at the High Lords side at a moments notice. After all, if battle breaks out, the people are going to need her more in terms of being between them and whatever comes out of the cracks.

2012-08-28, 09:33 AM
Rahja might be the better singer (although it doesn't matter to her, being more thankful to have Celestica with her), but she most likely can't even start to compare to any of her group in terms of martial skill. Hence, she readies herself to bring Celestica where she wants to be via teleport once the creatures behind the cracks make their move as well as empowering her allies. True power lies in unity, which is especially true for Rahja.

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-28, 04:08 PM
Outside, the presence of the large dwarf among the people seems to calm the people down. The police (including secret police) is helping to maintain order and morale as well. Lord Wero's commitment to making the invaders pay, however, is what sets the crowd off into cheers of adulation and cries for encouragement.

The last stragglers have finally reached the mansion, leaving a crowd of civilians almost a mile in radius. Though the police is working to keep lanes of travel open, movement along the ground will likely prove difficult for a while.

The governor emerges from the mansion, briefly, to wave aside the captain of the secret police and give instructions before returning into the mansion. A couple of minutes later, several more members of the police are rushing inside.

Inside:The Governor nods with the Prince's assessment and orders. Turning to the metallic dragon nearby, he says, "Most of the portable wealth has been condensed and magically consolidated. Grabbing it is within my abilities and shouldn't take more than a moment or two. The real vault for less portable items is below the living room, usually reached via etherealness. If you could tear open a hole in the floor, I'll gather my most trusted men and we can prepare the larger treasures for transport." After giving out these instructions, the governor heads outside to grab these men.

Astral Plane:As soon as Prince Zurkar arrives in the chamber room, he is greeted with a flurry of activity. Eternals run around in full armor, directing other soldiers from the portals they arrive at to ones they are needed at. All of them seem to be at edge and new unintelligible cries are being shouted almost constantly from the main door leading to the rest of the stronghold. A contingent of eternals quickly approaches Prince Zurkar, bowing down before him and saying, "Thank you for the speed of your arrival, My Lord. I wasn't aware that Zingith had finished his sending. Do you bear instructions from your father on this matter?"

Back Outside: A loud groan can be heard from above from the sky itself, much as an ancient structure straining to remain intact. The groan slowly grows louder and louder before the sky suddenly snaps. About half of the cracks in the sky shift by half a mile while the others remain in place. Every single crack is widened in the process, allowing dark figures to come raining out. From a distance, it seems as though humanoid faces of variable size are dropping down from the heavens into the city, the largest of which are destroying structures on their way down.

Roll Initiative.

2012-08-28, 06:24 PM
CELESTICA initiative


Emperor Ing
2012-08-28, 06:30 PM

In a terrifyingly swift motion, the High Lord launches himself by his mighty wings, leaving a great vaccuum of air in the wake of His engagement against the monsters, a violet contrail following his claws, and a growing legion of white spheres glowing purple following.


Erhm... The Gatekeeper is a bit caught off-guard by this matter. He was yet to have received any sending. And the Eternals are almost never this busy. A part of Prince Zurkar's mind was seriously wondering whether or not what was happening on the world of Annen'Ba is an isolated incident, and the Eternals have a better idea as to what is going on.
Actually, i'm here because a rather...large crisis on the world of Annen'Ba has prompted the High Lord to declare the mass-evacuation of the Eclipsian population, and to prepare you all for such an event.
Still feeling a little awkward, the Prince continues.
Well I haven't recieved any Sending. You can tell Zingith to stop casting. but i'm here now, what's going on?
All evacuations might have to immediately travel to a different world. He thinks to use his golem to order the treasury be moved immediately to Emanacal.


As per the Prince's words, the Diamond Golem follows the Governor's movements, however it doesn't make a word.
Upon receiving instructions, Korshim acknowledges the commands.
As you wish.
In a motion that appears just too fast, the Clockwork Dragon takes off towards the indicated living room.
Once there, it looks towards the ground, and pulls out from seemingly nowhere a black staff, that is little more than a wand to the mechanical being. From it an arc of green lightning shoots out, and zaps the ground to clear up space.

Lord Wero rolls initiative. I'm tempted to use Nerveskitter but I decide against that because immediate/swift actions are valuable.

Korshim shoots the ground with Orbital Bombardment Disintegrate from the Staff of the Annihilator to destroy a 10 ft cube of nonliving matter.

2012-08-29, 01:52 AM
Rahja - HP 590/590, THP 205
AC 104 (T 87, FF 93), Fort +61, Ref +66, Will +70
CMD 115, SR 36
Preventative measures True resurrection x2

Rahja initiative (and Celestica; see below)
[roll0] (includes bonuses from Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism) and the +4 Dex from Inner Beauty)

Since Celestica has those bonuses as well, here is her actual roll:

Current party status and temporary effects:
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|205|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty
Rahja|590/590|205|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Master Performer
Wero, High Lord|780/780|205|+10|-
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes.
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves

2012-08-29, 09:33 AM
As the cracks tear open and strange abominations fall from the sky, Usabhar stands his ground and prepares to greet the horde of foes with his axe.

Meanwhile, inside, Nasiri watches and follows the Clockwork Dragon take off towards the living room. She arrives just in time to see Korshim blast a hole in the floor. Instead of looking at the hole, she takes notice of the Clockwork Dragon's structure. "Fascinating," she says with what almost seems like glee. "So the Prince created you? What manner of magic and technology made it so?"

Initiative: [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2012-08-29, 10:44 AM

Korshim, after creating the hole in the ground, looks towards his Couatl inquirer.
I cannot say. He pauses for a moment. The mechanisms that animate my form and give me the closest semblance to life any artificial being can have are beyond my understanding, even though I am nearly as skilled a technomancer as the dear Prince. If you wish to know more, ask him, though much of what he would tell you, you may find confusing as you do not appear to be a technomancer.

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-29, 03:22 PM
Inside: Korshim blows open a hole in the floor, revealing a vault in which larger and bulkier items have been placed. The vault appears quite sparse compared to others in the empire but the coins and smaller items seem to be missing and, after all, this is only a minor backwater world. Korshim and Nasiri watch the governor rush outside to talk to the police, followed by several humanoids who begin securing climbing ropes around the new hole.

Astral Plane: One of the eternals immediately detaches from the group with a bow, presumably to find the mage and stop his casting. Meanwhile, the other one to have spoken continues, "We face a network of growing fissures across the material plane and astral plane alike, spanning most of the empire. We're preparing for evacuations, readying the 23 worlds yet to experience cracks for refugees. Reports of these fissures on other planes are also starting to come in, though deities seem to be fending off the worst of them on the outer planes. The rest of our information is in the report, My Lord. I hope you can forgive my briefness but time is of the essence."

With that, the eternal hands over a long sheet of written parchment and bows before running off.

The Report
As the eternal stated, time is of the essence. It would seem that this report was written to catch you (or your father) up to speed. Not a single word on the sheet is wasted and many have been wasted.

Phys. assault on fissures possible. Restricts size. Incursion prevention?
Note: can also be healed. Difficult but leaves only scar.
Wish/Miracle limited success. Requires vast application.
Fissures on Astral P. not interrupting teleport yet.
Travel into fissure possible. Return trip unknown 5 men lost.
Fissure Madness. Citizens advised not look directly at fissures.
Cont. Shadows distributed to fight off incursion threat.
Outer fortress sealed off against incursion thread.
Two cont. Eternals scrying on outer planes, attempting to identify deific method of removal.
Collecting off-world wealth in fortress in prepare. for evac.
Two cont. Shadows seeking high-priority irreplacables, seeking extraction from former owners for preserve. By diplomacy if possible.
10 cont. Eternals guarding perimeter/5 cont. aiding logistic.

Outside, the faces are currently on the move, Suspended on a variable number of articulated limbs that point the face upwards into the skies, the larger creatures lumber slowly towards the populace while the smaller ones die on impact with the ground (save for the few that emerge from cracks near the ground), bathing the city streets in blue blood. Even from a distance, you can see hundreds of faces at least the size of trees, dozens the size of buildings, and at least two that nearly brush the cracks just while walking, those whose falls shook the ground on its own. While the smaller faces gather together in groups of up to a dozen, the larger ones travel alone and seem to be shunned by the others.


Emperor Ing
2012-08-29, 03:51 PM

Prince Zurkar looks over the spartan report, though the first bullet point really catches his attention.
One moment: You can physically attack the fissures, and this will "damage" them, as in make them smaller? Does spellcasting work?
Prince Zurkar can't help but hope that Emanacal is not experiencing fissures.


The Clockwork Dragon bends down to pick up with one hand a rather large and ornate piece of possibly enchanted furniture.
The Crystalline Giant accompanying the Governor speaks to him, in an articulation, tone, and voice which inexplicably sounds exactly like the Prince.
Apologies Governor but Korshim may be unable to assist, I may require him as new information is coming about. Proceed as you are.

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-29, 04:05 PM
Astral Plane: "Yes," says the eternal spinning around in mid-stride, "but not as you might suspect. Energy fails to harm them directly but force and more destructive magics hurt them. Teleportation and polymorphing fails on them, spells can't quite seem reach into the cracks, and dimensional locks fail to seal them. Do you require any other assistance, sir?"

With a nod to the side, the eternal sends the rest of his team off on their way, leaving himself at the prince's disposal.


Emperor Ing
2012-08-29, 04:27 PM

Okay, new plan. The Golem says suddenly.
Governor, proceed as you are. The Eternals will direct you further once you reach the Portal Chamber. Korshim, make haste to my father and inform him that direct force and offensive magics can directly harm the fissures. Apply assistance where needed, I trust your judgment.
Understood, creator.
It is then that the mechanical dragon takes wing to exit the mansion and towards the High Lord.


You mentioned incursions, as if something is coming out. Tell me about those.

Emperor Ing
2012-08-29, 10:52 PM

A great cascade of magical projectiles erupts from the High Lord's outstretched arms, shooting out and landing amidst the ranks of the monstrosities in glorious explosions of intense light. Afterwards, one may notice that he, as well as the dwarf, are surrounded by swirling chrome spheres. Another cascade is making its way down at the present moment, equally as large, however it doesn't appear to have hit yet.

Here we go

Full-Round Action:

10th Level Slot:
Spellstormed Maximized (+2) Universal Energy Substitution (Untyped) (+1) Twin (+2) Repeating (+2) Fell Drain (+1) Fireball

Result: 11 fireballs with the following metamagic applied, effectively 22 this round, 22 in the following round. Practiced Metamagic (8) reduces metamagic mod to fireball to 0

Every fireball lands in a different area amongst the smallest of the creatures


All damage is maximized so automatic 90 Untyped damage Reflex save DC 28 half
All targets receive 1 automatic negative level

Caster Level check if necessary

Free Action (Multispell)
Cast Shield on self (+7 ac)

Free Action (Multispell)
Cast Twin Effulgent Epuration on self, 32 spheres to Lord Wero, 32 spheres to Usabhar
Practiced Metamagic reduces level adjustment to 0

One 10th level slot
One 9th level slot
One 1st level slot

2012-08-30, 11:32 AM
Rahja - HP 590/590, THP 205
AC 112 (T 95, FF 100), Fort +61, Ref +67, Will +77
CMD 123, SR 36, performance rounds 628/638
Preventative measures True resurrection x2
Spells used
Healer 1x 5th, 1x 9th

With the creatures descending from the cracks, Rahja lets her summoned lute fall from her hands. Immediately, her song shifts from the common tongue to being sung entirely in the mythical tongue of Creation, the aasimar's voice powerful and steady, sounding like a chorus audible to ears, hearts and souls alike. Although the words aren't understood by those around her, the hope, courage and tenacity every single syllable carries with it are evident, her song giving strength to all who hear Rahja pour the entirety of her talent into this one performance.

After the first few syllables, another wave of healing energy sweeps from Rahja's body, gifting incredible insight and swiftness to those around her, but most importantly, to Celestica. A silvery, simple bow appears in Rahja's hand, swiftly beginning to hum in resonance to her voice, letting scintillating colors flow through the weapon and harmonizing with the beautiful song. Never allowing an imperfection to creep into her song, Rahja draws back the empty string. Suddenly, the hum intensifies and an arrow made of pure energy springs into existance, shining in the same colors as the bow. Her hand and voice guided by the lightness of her heart, Rahja loosens the arrow, letting it fly towards the nearest of the creatures.

According to Realms, the nearest huge face is 900 feet away from Rahja/Celestica, nearest gargantuan 1100 feet, nearest colossal+ 1400 feet, smaller ones behind colossal+.

Free Let go of summoned lute

Move Initiate inspire courage with Words of Creation, giving Rahja and everyone who can hear her a +20 morale bonus against charm and fear effects, as well as a +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Swift Quicken Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, targetting Celestica and Rahja (and what non-enemies are nearby). Via Spell-Woven Cure, Rahja includes the spells Owl's Insight and Haste (casted with lyric spell, substracting 4 rounds of performance). See current party status for details!
--- Note to Realms:
Improved Overcharge states that the THP given by the feat stack with Overcharge THP and themselves. Since Rahja has been casting Mass Cure Light Wounds nonstop for minutes now, does that mean that Celestica and Rahja have literally thousands of THP right now? I'm not sure if this is intended.

Free Summon Chorus (Rahja's shortbow) from Glove of Storing blessing

Standard Shoot nearest huge face
Attack roll [roll0] (includes 6 range penalties; attack ignores miss chance) edit: substract 3 from result, made mistake
[roll1] force damage (ignores DR and insubstantial) + 10 sonic damage (crystal echoblade)

Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|205|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20
Rahja|590/590|205|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20
Wero, High Lord|780/780|205|+10|-
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Haste - Extra attack on full attacks, +1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex, +30 feet to all movement modes. Lasts 25 rounds.
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls

2012-08-30, 02:02 PM
Nasiri listens carefully as she watches people head down while Korshim heads outside with orders. She finds herself with a choice between hastening the evacuation of the city or moving outside to deal with the cracks. A minute later she decides to go outside and find Usabhar. He can use her ability to fly with destroying the cracks... As soon as he knows he can do that.

Outside, Usabhar stays still for a moment as he witnesses the oncoming faces and figures. Following that, he takes out his lance and places it down point-first by his side. He closes his eyes as he begins to channel a prayer. "Great Keltahkonkmet. By this time I stand facing what may be this world's end. I ask thee for your blessing on those civilians who make their way to salvation as I face damnation in front of me." The dwarf raises his lance up to the air; it's snow-cold gleam shining against the cracks. "May my message be sent swiftly as I defy those seeking my oblivion!"

With this prayer sent, Usabhar is now ready.

Swift Action: Initiating the Immortal Fortitude Stance from the Devoted Spirit discipline. Cannot be killed by HP damage without making a Fortitude check against DC of Negative HP first. (if saved, I have 1 HP)

Move Action: Initiating the Dancing Blade Form Stance from the Iron Heart discipline. 5 ft reach for my weapons on my turn. I am able to use two stances from my Dual Stance Mastery epic feat.

Standard Action: Using my Devoted Knight of the God-King epic feat to pray to Keltahkonkmet. Treated as casting Miracle as a SLA.

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-30, 03:22 PM
Astral Plane: "Things," the eternal corrects, "different race for almost every series of cracks, all of them abominations of nature. No regular racial or tactical weaknesses to note. Hell, I couldn't even list the strengths of all the things we've heard about. Preparing our troops to any degree has proven difficult,"

OOC: Just realized a way to make the combat rounds go faster. Today I'll just post the action step. If you have any reaction stuff, post that as well and follow it with your next round of actions in the same post. If you don't have any reaction stuff, just put up your next round of stuff. In this way, we'll always be a round behind in theory but the 2-day-per-round concept is simplified and those without immediate actions aren't forced to wait an extra day.

Action Step: Will get fancy write-up tomorrow once reaction step is done.

Celestica draws arrow
Rahja launches arrow, damaging huge face-tick. From the wound starts leaking medium face-ticks (currently 4 added).
Face-ticks approach 240 feet. Each face-tick spits out a face-tick two size categories smaller than itself.
Usabhar uses miracle to evacuate citizens.
Wero releases fiery death on the smaller face-ticks, killing around 250 of them with minimal collateral damage.

2012-08-30, 04:27 PM
Rahja - HP 590/590, THP 205
AC 112 (T 95, FF 100), Fort +65, Ref +71, Will +81
CMD 123, SR 36, performance rounds 621/638
Preventative measures True resurrection x2
Spells used
Healer 1x 3rd, 1x 5th, 1x 9th

Amidst the chaos, Rahja's presence intensifies even more, fortifying those around her ever more against all harm and failure.

Her song continues, building and diversifying as every word is deliberately chosen from the vast vocabulary of Creation. Drawing back the string of her bow, five more arrows fly towards the approaching horde, in tact to Rahja's music.

Reaction phase:
Immediate action Cast Celerity (with Lyric Spell), use standard action to cast Prayer. Immune to dazed, so not dazed from Celerity.

Action phase:
Free Continue Inspire Courage

Swift Activate Bow of Songs property of Chorus (add Cha to attack and damage on next attack).

Full Full attack against nearest huge face-tick
Attack rolls:
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]
Damage rolls (force damage, ignores DR and insubstantial):
[roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]
(each damage roll with an additional 10 sonic damage)

Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Prayer (enhanced)
Rahja|590/590|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Prayer (enhanced)
Wero, High Lord|780/780|100|+10|-
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Haste - Extra attack on full attacks, +1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex, +30 feet to all movement modes. Lasts 24 rounds.
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls
Prayer (enhanced) - +4 luck bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, skill checks and saves while within 40ft of Rahja (Prayer enhanced by Healer's Extension of Blessing class ability)

Emperor Ing
2012-08-30, 04:37 PM

Right. he reacts immediately to being corrected. He does listen to what the Eternal has to say.
If I were to guess I would say that my father is fighting them right now. I have my Praetorian on his way to render assistance and inform him of the cracks' vulnerabilities.

Until then I feel I have kept you long enough and I have responsibilities in the Portal Chamber. How may I render assistance?


((A New Challenger Appears!
Also, not taking a Reaction, no real necessity))

Bursting from the mansion, the clockwork dragon flies just above and to the side of Lord Wero. He speaks rather urgently.
Your Majesty! The cracks are vulnerable to physical and magical damage.
The High Lord nods at this, and sets the goal of defeating these monstrosities before going after the cracks, if at all possible.

Korshim then takes flight over the huge sized faces, and unleashes a great cloud of scalding steam upon them.

The High Lord, meanwhile, finishes off the fireball cascade with a bang, the second wave of magical projectiles leaving their marks among the ranks of the abominable monstrosities. In a terrifyingly swift motion he then flies closer to the truly massive undamaged monster, and unleashes a truly terrifying lance of energy directly into it. Such a violent force explodes with so much brilliant power that it arcs out into nearby monstrosities.

Korshim has joined the battle
He always goes on first initiative

Move Action:
Hustle 960 ft to many feet above the frontlines of the creatures.

Standard Action:
Korshim uses his breath weapon, a cone of Steam for 24d6 fire damage in a 150 ft cone
Ref save DC 32




High Lord Wero has Repeating Fireball (with additional metamagic effects from previous round) ongoing. So another 22 fireballs explode among the enemies, dealing 90 untyped damage

Move Action:
Lord Wero flies his flight speed 640 ft towards the undamaged Titanic Monster

Standard Action:
Greater Arcane Fusion
(Maximized (+2) Universal Energy Substitution (Untyped) (+1) Twin (+2) Chain (+2) Fell Drain (+1) Orb of Fire)
(Intensified (+6) Universal Energy Substitution (Untyped) (+1) Twin (+2) Repeating (+2) Orb of Fire)

Free Action:
Greater Arcane Fusion
(Maximized (+2) Universal Energy Substitution (Untyped) (+1) Twin (+2) Chain (+2) Fell Drain (+1) Orb of Fire)
(Intensified (+6) Universal Energy Substitution (Untyped) (+1) Twin (+2) Repeating (+2) Orb of Fire)

Free Action:
Greater Arcane Fusion
(Maximized (+2) Universal Energy Substitution (Untyped) (+1) Twin (+2) Chain (+2) Fell Drain (+1) Orb of Fire)
(Intensified (+6) Universal Energy Substitution (Untyped) (+1) Twin (+2) Repeating (+2) Orb of Fire)

All of it targeted on the Titanic creature

Attack Rolls for the orbs






Damage is 90 Untyped for each Maximized orb, 180 Untyped for each Intensified orb
There are 6 maximized orbs, and 6 intensified orbs, only the Maximized orbs will deal automatic 1 negative level.

All orbs are under the Chain effect, and will bounce out into 32 secondary targets that suffer half damage, i'm not sure if they suffer the Fell Drain effect or not =\
Reflex save to avoid DC 29

Orb spells ignore spell resistance

2012-08-30, 06:30 PM
OOC: As was pointed out by Ridai, my bow does have distance enhancement on it, so I deleted my old post, and am putting in one with attacks.


We need to keep those things off the populace until they have time to get out of here. Hanali, hear my plea, grant your holy power to my arrows.

Casting Divine Might, CHA bonus to attacks

With her holy plea still echoing, Celestica proceeds to fire 5 arrows at the nearest opponent to her.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage & [roll6] holy & [roll]2d6[roll] anarchic
[roll7] attack & [roll8] damage & [roll9] holy & [roll10] anarchic
[roll11] attack & [roll12] damage & [roll13] holy & [roll14] anarchic
[roll15] attack & [roll16] damage & [roll17] holy & [roll18] anarchic
attack rolls have ranged penalties applied, holy damage applies if opponents are evil, anarchic damage applies if opponents are lawful

2012-08-31, 06:13 AM

As the otherwordly horrors continue to approach, Celestica stays calm in the face of the impending slaughter of the innocents, which she is going to do her best to prevent. Once again, she calls on the power of Hanali to empower her bowshots, and sends another barrage of arrows against her foes.
(if her first target fell from her first round of shots, she fires on a different one, if he is still up, she fires on him again)

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage & [roll6] holy & [roll7] anarchic
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] attack & [roll13] damage & [roll14] holy & [roll15] anarchic
[roll16] attack & [roll17] damage & [roll18] holy & [roll19] anarchic

2012-08-31, 01:29 PM
Moving outside, Nasiri views the area and it's many faces and creatures of abominable origins. In her own mind, she thinks to herself, Unbelievable... Are these creatures from the Far Realms? As soon as Korshim announces the news, Nasiri gently speaks up to the rest. "I suggest striking any cracks that threaten the mansion." She closes to Usabhar's side. "Orders paragon?" The dwarf is silent for a moment before nodding and responding in a commanding tone. "Stay from the back and blockade the heading swarm towards me."

Usabhar's greataxe begins moving on it's own as it follows the dwarf's charge with his lance. Nasiri looks ahead for the smallest opening she can see ahead of her and begins casting. Moments later thick, green mist envelops an area around 250 ft away. Nasiri turns to Wero and asks, "High Lord, I request you chokepoint the area where the paragon will head to." She takes a quick look to Usabhar's location. "Usabhar shall be fine and gives his request so do not think of it as a betrayal." The dwarf meanwhile stops at the location of the green mist, seemingly unharmed and ready to do combat with the monstrosities coming ahead.

Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: Head up as far as he can to a small opening that he can find.
Standard Action: Still moving. Speed of 160 ft means I can reach it moving all-out.

Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: Move outside to Usabhar's previous location.
Standard Action: Casts Cloudkill at a small opening area where Usabhar will head to. DR 0 means Usabhar is immune to Ability Damage.

Realms of Chaos
2012-08-31, 09:39 PM
Previous Round:

With but her short prayer, Celestica releases a volley of shots that quickly bury themselves into the hide of a huge walking face. Arrow after arrow, the creature seems to continue walking forward, shrugging off the attacks as if perfectly numb. At last, however, the final arrow pierces deeply into the creature, bringing it down as it slides forward under its own inertia. From beneath its flesh, however, movement can be seen. Suddenly, ten walking faces, each the size of an average human, burst forth from the flesh of the larger being and continue the march forwards.

Moments afterwards, Rahja releases and arrow of her own, a projectile of raw force and sound that sticks into another huge face, from the wound bursts out two additional human-sized faces, not that the larger face even seems to notice the loss. With incredibly speed, another spell is cast.

As the swarm of walking faces approach, each and every one seems to drop another one far smaller than itself, spawn that simply climb out of the face's open mouth and take the lead in the assault.

Bowing down and calling upon the power of the great silver dragon, Keltahkonkmet, A large shimmer immediately spreads across the center of town. Growing and growing in size, this shimmer takes on the vague shape of a massive silver dragon, wrapping its body around the civilians. Then, with a flash, the dragon and the innocents have vanished, leaving the town as an empty battlefield (save for the governor and his men in the mansion) on which the enemy could be engaged without fear.

Many of the smaller new faces would not last for long as Wero handily destroys them en masse, annihilating 250 of the man-sized ones with bursts of raw energy before they could even hope to reach the crowd.

Next Action Round:
Celestica slays another huge face (spawning new faces).
Rahja hits another huge face with all arrows, not killing it (create more faces).
Enemy moves forwards. Most produce spawn but frontline foes attempt to engage Celestica/Usabhar.
Korshim's breath weapon takes down 10 more man-sized faces
Lord Wero rains down pain on a titanic face (1,080 damage) while reapeating fireballs take down another 250 of the oncoming swarm (12 more gargantuan faces from titanic face)
Usabhar reaches melee range while cohort uses cloudkill (enemies seem unaffected by the poison, though cloud effect works normally)

Astral Plane:The eternal looks around the portal room for a moment in thought before responding "I would, of course, never dare to give you an instruction but if you want to know what we need... if you possess planar travel, some of our portals are becoming congested during evacuation. Otherwise, I daresay your presence and the boost to morale it provides is more than we could have dared ask for.

The Horde: Currently 500 Tiny faces, 500 medium faces, 36 large faces, 300 huge faces, 38 Gargantuan Faces, 2 Titanic Faces. Roughly in that order with smaller ones forming frontal assault. More faces continue leaking from the crack in the wall.

*Realized some rolls were unnecessary.

Emperor Ing
2012-08-31, 10:41 PM

The Prince silently thanks the Eternal for reminding him. He procures a curious looking device that appears as some sort of cannon, except extremely small, handheld in fact, and topped off with the hovering form of some sort of transparent purple rectangle that the Prince is purposefully poking for some reason. The device then hums, and launches a spike of energy at the wall next to the Annen'Ba gate. The spike breaks apart, letting loose arcs of energy that seem to tear into reality itself, leaving a shimmering threshold that leads directly into the basement of the Governor's Mansion. He fires it again with the exact same result.

Of course the Gates are coagulated. The Portal Chamber was never intended for mass planetary evacuations, it's difficult enough moving General Yoweth's legions through.

Yes, of course. He says. But you'll have to be more specific: Which worlds, even if it's your opinion, need additional gates? Hopefully he knows that the safe worlds might need additional gates too, as the Portal Chamber itself might fill to capacity (which is frighteningly large) and the gates become coagulated.


Lord Wero notices out of the corner of his vision that the form of an impossibly large silver dragon just teleported off with the massed throngs of his people. How DARE something else take what is rightfully his and just leave! There will be answers for this, he is certain.

Until now, these creatures want this world, and not enough blood has been shed. He lets out another blast of energy against the titanic monstrosity that dares to defile the world with His presence, while letting out another flurry of blasts against the creatures.

He then gives a knowing glance to Korshim, who acknowledges the fearsome look with prompt and urgency. He pulls out his black staff, and with it, creates a fearsome spherical rift in reality amidst the faces, and directs it to wreak havok amongst their ranks.

Prince Zurkar creates 2 additional gates with his Gate Key

Lord Wero hovers in place (High enough Fly skill, auto-success even on a 1)

Standard Action
Intensified (+6) Twin (+2) Untyped (+1) Repeating (+2) Orb of Fire on Titanic Monster (7th level slot)

Free Action
Maximized (+2) Twin (+2) Untyped (+1) Repeating (+2) Fireball on Thronged Horde (3rd level slot)

Free Action
Intensified (+6) Twin (+2) Untyped (+1) Repeating (+2) Orb of Fire on Titanic Monster (7th level slot)




180 untyped damage on hit per orb

Lord Wero uses Absolute Authority to instruct Korshim to pull out a staff (One move action)

Korshim uses the staff to cast Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, creating it in the middle of their ranks as a Standard Action and moving it 30 ft as a move action. He hovers in place, auto-success due to high Fly skill mod.


Fortitude Save DC 28 for
[roll5] damage

Caster Level check if necessary

2012-09-01, 12:15 AM
Rahja - HP 590/590, THP 100
AC 112 (T 95, FF 100), Fort +65, Ref +71, Will +81
CMD 123, SR 36, performance rounds 621/638, Belt of Battle charges 1/3
Preventative measures True resurrection x2, Live the Legend 1/2
Healer spells used 1x 3rd, 1x 5th, 1x 9th

Rahja has barely any time to notice the majestic display of the silver dragon deity saving the civilians. Still, it is a huge relief to her, elating her heart and bringing a smile to her face. The horde in front of her, however, will hardly be stopped by a few arrows, even with as much damage as they do. But then she hears about the cracks being vulnerable to physical harm.

"We need to close the cracks!" she says, briefly interrupting her song during a natural pause, though the performance continues with a brief physical flourish. "Nasiri, please, fly up as high as you can!" Hoping the beautiful couatl will heed her words, Rahja's fluid steps carry her behind Celestica, wrapping her free arm around the elven maiden's waist. "Please, trust me," the aasimar whispers. Once Nasiri has reached a sufficient height, Rahja teleports herself and Celestica onto Nasiri's back, holding on tight onto her newfound friend and the couatl. "It's okay, Nasiri, it's us! This is high enough!" she says immediately to not alarm her.

Just as Rahja feels the critical point where her performance would be interrupted entirely, she picks it up again, singing again, but this time, more beautifully and powerfully than before, coaxing every little bit of skill and emotion out of herself and weaving it into a crescendo unlike anything the others have ever heard. All of Rahja's allies feel empowered, like they can take on worlds and defeat innumerable armies in order to protect what they cherish. All of her enemies can't help but be stricken with ineptitude before these heroes, any attempt at retaliation doomed to fail. But all get the feeling that what comes now will be the stuff of legends, as sung by Rahja's celestial voice.

With everything in place, Rahja lets go off Celestica's waist, leans back and aims her bow upwards towards the cracks, the colors of her weapon and the arrows she sends skywards shining with the truest light. Her song guides every projectile and every attack by her allies to it's destined target, striking with perfection so that the end of the battle will be brought swiftly and peace will be restored once more.

Rahja delays until Nasiri reaches 800 feet height.

Free Maintain inspire courage (with dance parts while talking)

Swift Activate Belt of Battle, gain standard action

Standard Teleport Celestica and Rahja onto Nasiri's back.

Free Activate Live the Legend (see description in Current Party Status spoiler tag)

Full Full attack aimed at the cracks. All five attacks are automatic natural 20s and critical hits due to Live the Legend (critical immunity is ignored). Power shot penalty of -20 (Energy Bow feature)
Damage rolls
[roll0] + 10 sonic + 20 from power shot
[roll1] + 10 sonic + 20 from power shot
[roll2] + 10 sonic + 20 from power shot
[roll3] + 10 sonic + 20 from power shot
[roll4] + 10 sonic + 20 from power shot
All damage rolls multiplied by 3 due to critical hits, for a total of:
906 force damage (ignores DR) + 150 sonic damage

Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Prayer (enhanced), Live the Legend
Rahja|590/590|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Prayer (enhanced), Live the Legend
Usabhar|870/870|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20, Effulgent Epuration (32 spheres)
Wero, High Lord|780/780|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20, Effulgent Epuration (32 spheres)
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Haste - Extra attack on full attacks, +1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex, +30 feet to all movement modes. Lasts 23 rounds.
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls
Prayer (enhanced) - +4 luck bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, skill checks and saves while within 40ft of Rahja (Prayer enhanced by Healer's Extension of Blessing class ability). Lasts 28 rounds.
Live the Legend - All allies who hear Rahja roll natural 20s on all their attack rolls for the duration of the effect. Critical threats are automatically confirmed and immunity to critical hits is ignored. Martial maneuvers used are not expended. While below half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are doubled. All enemies who can hear Rahja roll natural 1s on all attack rolls for the duration and while they are above half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are halved. Lasts until the end of Rahja's next turn.
Effulgent Epuration - Spheres surround character. Each sphere absorbs one spell or spell-like ability, regardless of level, that directly targets the character (who can choose what gets absorbed). Area effects or effects lacking a target doesn't get absorbed. Lasts ~28 rounds.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-01, 12:23 AM
((I just noticed the Intensified orbs from previous round are Repeated so...))

Previous Round Intensified Orbs (with other metamagic) targeted on Titanic Monster




edit: Subtract 2 from all rolls, error on my part

180 untyped damage on hit, negative level

2012-09-01, 11:59 AM
Nasiri takes a moment to turn around and see the titanic silver dragon evacuate the civilians of the town at Usabhar's prayer. she closes her eyes for a moment as she whispers to the heavens above. Thank you great Keltahkonkmet. She can then hear Rahja's plea as the couatl opens her eyes. Nasiri slowly nods her head as Rahja and Celestica ride on her back. "If you wish, then I shall. Please hold on tight." The couatl flies up as high as Rahja requests and gets a wonderful view of the area in the meantime.

Then everyone hears it, Rahja's crescendo. It's song and beauty sways the world and feel of battle itself as Nasiri feels enlightened like she is in the embrace of Keltahkonkmet himself. Looking out into the battle, she calls out to the dwarf. "Usabhar! We must take the initiative and ride this wave of power!"

Down below, Usabhar hears both Nasiri's call and Rahja's crescendo. He can feel the gift and radiance that the aasimar's playing emits and knows to take advantage of it. Spear drawn and greataxe at his side, the paragon charges straight for the incredible horde of faces and abominations. Usabhar has fought incredible odds much throughout his life, another army will not faze him. The ground around the dwarf froze and chilled in his presence, affecting all near him.

Move/Standard Action: Moving all out to go up to 800 ft

Swift Action: Using Raging Mongoose (Tiger Claw Boost) to gain an additional attack for my lance and greataxe this turn.
Move/Standard Action: Charging with my lance, greataxe follows. With Legion of One's additional AoOs, my damage rolls are as follows below. (everything is a crit, meaning x3 damage)
Lance Damage 1: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] Piercing + [roll3] Holy
Lance Damage 2: [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] + [roll7] Holy

Greataxe Damage 1: [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] + [roll11] Holy
Greataxe Damage 2: [roll12] [roll13] [roll14] + [roll15] Holy

AoO Damage 1: [roll16] [roll17] [roll18] + [roll19] Holy
AoO Damage 2: [roll20] [roll21] [roll22] + [roll23] Holy
AoO Damage 3: [roll24] [roll25] [roll26] + [roll27] Holy
AoO Damage 4: [roll28] [roll29] [roll30] + [roll31] Holy
AoO Damage 5: [roll32] [roll33] [roll34] + [roll35] Holy
AoO Damage 6: [roll36] [roll37] [roll38] + [roll39] Holy
AoO Damage 7: [roll40] [roll41] [roll42] + [roll43] Holy
AoO Damage 8: [roll44] [roll45] [roll46] + [roll47] Holy
AoO Damage 9: [roll48] [roll49] [roll50] + [roll51] Holy
AoO Damage 10: [roll52] [roll53] [roll54] + [roll55] Holy
AoO Damage 11: [roll56] [roll57] [roll58] + [roll59] Holy
AoO Damage 12: [roll60] [roll61] [roll62] + [roll63] Holy
AoO Damage 13: [roll64] [roll65] [roll66] + [roll67] Holy
AoO Damage 14: [roll68] [roll69] [roll70] + [roll71] Holy
AoO Damage 15: [roll72] [roll73] [roll74] + [roll75] Holy
AoO Damage 16: [roll76] [roll77] [roll78] + [roll79] Holy

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-01, 05:53 PM
Previous Round:

Loosing more arrows against the oncoming swarm, Celestica Fells yet another huge face, allowing 10 more, smaller ones to escape. Though the large faces are slowly falling, the swarm itself continues to grow in number even as it is attacked from afar.

Demonstrating this point, Rahja finally manages to slay the first walking face she'd attacked, continuing to inspire those around her even as another eight creatures bite their way out of the fallen body.

The creatures finally approach within melee range as they continue increasing their numbers, seemingly without thought or intention. Even the titanic ones quickly approach the fray. In the background, new ones continually fall from the fissures in the sky, though truly large ones thankfully haven't appeared since the first entry.

Usabhar, that paragon of dwarves, runs out to assault the nearest of the faces, charging through a poisonous cloud that Nasiri conjures before him. Though the faces show no aversion to the poison around them, Usabhar can see the eyes on their back narrow as they struggle to peer through the mist.

Nasiri's request of The High Lord seems to go ignored as Wero turns his destructive attentions towards the largest of foes. While another array of fireballs rains down on the smaller creatures, twelve orbs of raw energy fly out to impact one of the colossal walking faces, halve of which split out to cause additional harm among the smaller creatures

Springing forth out of the governor's mansion, the mechanical dragon, Korshim, makes his announcement and opens a gap in the front-lines of the monstrous assault with a furious exhalation of stream after revealing the vulnerability of the cracks above.

This round so far:
Celestica has yet to declare an action. She may do so in the next day but that action will occur at the end of initiative.
Rahja teleports Celestica onto Nasiri, rides her up to cracks, lives the legend, and launches forth arrows that single-handedly shatter half of the cracks, slowing down the intrusion.
A combination of repeating blows and a new wave of orbs allows Wero to destroy the first of the two titanic creatures.
As the horde swarms around Usabhar, he makes a vast number of attacks, slaying two huge ones and sixteen medium ones with raw martial might.
Korshim creates sphere of ultimate destruction and directs it towards the nearest creature. Save result [roll0]: survives

Emperor Ing:OOC: I'm not quite sure if the portal sanctum was imagined as some vast place with simultaneous portals to all controlled realms or as a smaller room with fewer portals that could be redirected. This info will help me continue on the astral plane.

Also, just making sure that you know spheres of ultimate destruction automatically stop when they enter a square with a creature in it.

The Horde: Currently ??? Fine faces, 1,??? Tiny faces, 76 Small faces, 986 medium faces, 276 large faces, 298 huge faces, 40 Gargantuan Faces, 1 Titanic Faces. Roughly in that order with smaller ones forming frontal assault. More faces continue leaking from the crack in the wall.

2012-09-01, 07:34 PM

Celestica has already learned to trust Rahja and lets her carry her up to the back of the coutl. She nods her acceptance of the bard's plan to attack the cracks and readies her bow to fire. When the bard's song takes effect on her, she also calls on her own divine power to enhance her arrows, and lets loose with a volley of them. Streaking to the cracks, trailing golden sparks from her goddess power, they strike unerringly true, exploding in a flash of critical power.

[roll0] damage & [roll1] holy & [roll2] anarchic
[roll3] damage & [roll4] holy & [roll5] anarchic
[roll6] damage & [roll7] holy & [roll8] anarchic
[roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] damage & [roll13] holy & [roll14] anarchic

Thats 910 damage straight up, with a potential of 42 holy and 40 anarchic, depending on alignment

Emperor Ing
2012-09-01, 10:18 PM

I've always imagined the Portal Chamber, the interior at least, as the size of a circular stadium with a conic ceiling made into successive, narrowing tiers. Think an outside-in Tower of Babel. (http://www.israel-a-history-of.com/images/tower-of-babel-19-jun-091.jpg) The ground floor of which has 83 (now 85) portals irregularly positioned from each other under the assumption that they'll need the space for more portals as the Empire gains holdings on other worlds. Numerous, large diagrams dot the floor directing individuals in the portal chamber which portal goes to what world. And because it's an Eclipsian fortress, Eclipsian banners and draconic iconograhy are everywhere.

Lord Wero flies over to meet just to the front lines of the Face horde, but still primarily targeting the larger faces. He unleashes another volley of energy, this time directed to arc across the ranks of the monstrous horde.

Korshim then attempts to direct his sphere into another of the creatures, while simultaneously creating an effect on his hammer, causing his form and his hammer to expand to truly monstrous porportions, easily dwarfing even the High Lord. With a violent gesture from the aformentioned purple dragon, Korshim descends amidst the Tiny faces, bringing his humongous form down in crushing blow. In an even more terrifying display, Korshim rakes his metallic tail across their ranks.

Lord Wero casts

Standard Action: Korshim casts Righteous Might from his hammer-staff to make himself Colossal and his hammer Titanic sized among other benefits

Standard Action 2 (Lord Wero's Absolute Authority 1)
Korshim uses a Crush attack against the Tiny faces

Crush Damage

Everything that fails a reflex save DC 33 is Pinned and treated as Grappled, else take half damage and avoid pinning

Standard Action 3 (Moderate Overclock)
Tail Sweep in 30 ft radius semicircle, reflex save DC 33 for half damage

Emperor Ing
2012-09-01, 10:21 PM
Aaaand in my brilliance I forgot to designate Lord Wero's casting

Move Action: Move to above ranks of Huge faces

Standard Action: Maximized Twin Repeating Untyped Chain Orb of Fire (6th level spell)

Free Action: Maximized Twin Repeating Untyped Chain Orb of Fire (6th level spell)

Free Action: Maximized Twin Repeating Untyped Chain Orb of Fire (6th level spell)

Non-Action: Absolute Authority to give Korshim a Standard Action

Auto 90 damage on hit




2012-09-02, 04:13 AM
Rahja - HP 590/590, THP 100
AC 112 (T 95, FF 100), Fort +65, Ref +71, Will +81
CMD 123, SR 36, performance rounds 620/638, Belt of Battle charges 1/3
Preventative measures True resurrection x2, Live the Legend 0/2
Healer spells used 1x 3rd, 1x 5th, 1x 9th

[description coming upon resolution of the round; see spoiler]

Free Maintain inspire courage

Free Activate Live the Legend

Full Full attack, aimed at the cracks (if Celestica doesn't close them before Rahja's turn) or the largest living faces. -20 power shot penalty. Auto-hits and Auto-crits due to Live the Legend.
Damage rolls:
[roll0] + 30 sonic damage
[roll1] + 30 sonic damage
[roll2] + 30 sonic damage
[roll3] + 30 sonic damage
[roll4] + 30 sonic damage

Total: 875 force damage (ignores DR) + 150 sonic damage
Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Prayer (enhanced), Live the Legend, Divine Might
Rahja|590/590|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Prayer (enhanced), Live the Legend
Usabhar|870/870|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20, Effulgent Epuration (32 spheres)
Wero, High Lord|780/780|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20, Effulgent Epuration (32 spheres)
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Haste - Extra attack on full attacks, +1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex, +30 feet to all movement modes. Lasts 23 rounds.
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls
Prayer (enhanced) - +4 luck bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, skill checks and saves while within 40ft of Rahja (Prayer enhanced by Healer's Extension of Blessing class ability). Lasts 27 rounds.
Live the Legend - All allies who hear Rahja roll natural 20s on all their attack rolls for the duration of the effect. Critical threats are automatically confirmed and immunity to critical hits is ignored. Martial maneuvers used are not expended. While below half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are doubled. All enemies who can hear Rahja roll natural 1s on all attack rolls for the duration and while they are above half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are halved. Lasts until the end of Rahja's next turn.
Effulgent Epuration - Spheres surround character. Each sphere absorbs one spell or spell-like ability, regardless of level, that directly targets the character (who can choose what gets absorbed). Area effects or effects lacking a target doesn't get absorbed. Lasts ~27 rounds.
Divine Might - Cha to weapon damage for 1 round.

2012-09-02, 03:53 PM

Celestica fires in turn with her bow partner.
OOC: Aiming at the cracks if they have not been closed by her attacks and Rahja's second volley, the faces otherwise.
complete description once I know where she is shooting

[roll0] & [roll1] holy & [roll2] anarchic
[roll3] & [roll4] holy & [roll5] anarchic
[roll6] & [roll7] holy & [roll8] anarchic
[roll9] & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] & [roll13] holy & [roll14] anarchic

2012-09-02, 08:51 PM
On the battlefield way below, Usabhar has a feeling of nostalgia as he sees himself infinitely swarmed by the hordes of enemies. He's had this happen many times now from the very first army of demons to the clan of frost giants to now. Every time he is surrounded on all times; every time he has come out victorious despite being just one being. This time shall be no different. Standing his ground with a great huff and stubborn look, the dwarf continues his great assault against the faces with his lance. He strikes those right in his range while attacking others who dare try to make a move on him. No amount of flanking will do them any good. Usabhar's greataxe moves on it's own, attacking faces near and far from the dwarf.

Up high above, Nasiri holds her place as she looks down below. Do not be afraid to let me know if I must fly somewhere else, she telepaths to Nasiri and Celestica as she casts another arcane spell next to a large cluster of nearby faces; right at Usabhar if needed. As she casts, an unbelievably hot fog of flames and ash comes forth where the couatl indicated. The cloud threatens to burn those to ash who dare set foot in it's place. Usabhar has nothing to fear however; his body is able of taking any sort of heat or cold the world can throw at him.

I'll have the IC part up tonight, wanted the fluff done right now.

Readied Maneuvers: ([N] = N/A, = Used)
(Desert Wind Maneuver) Death Mark
(Devoted Spirit Maneuver) Greater Divine Strike
(Diamond Mind Maneuver) Ruby Nightmare Blade
(Diamond Mind Counter) Rapid Counter
(Iron Heart Maneuver) Iron Heart Surge
(Iron Heart Maneuver) Lightning Recovery
(Setting Sun Counter) Feigned Opening [N]
(White Raven Maneuver) Flanking Maneuver
(Shadow Hand Maneuver) Shadow Noose
(Shadow Hand Maneuver) Obscuring Shadow Veil
(Stone Dragon Maneuver) Irresistible Mountain Strike
(Stone Dragon Maneuver) Mountain Tombstone Strike
(Tiger Claw Maneuver) Rabid Wolf Strike [N]
(Tiger Claw Boost) Raging Mongoose [U]
(White Raven Maneuver) Flanking Maneuver
(White Raven Boost) Covering Strike

Swift Action: N/A
Move/Standard Action: Performing a full attack using my Lance and Greataxe, along with the assorted AoOs of course :smallbiggrin: All x3 crits due to Live the Legend
Lance Attacks' Damage: [roll0] + [roll1] Holy if Evil
[roll2] + [roll3] Holy if Evil
[roll4] + [roll5] Holy if Evil
[roll6] + [roll7] Holy if Evil

Greataxe Attacks' Damage: [roll8] + [roll9] Holy if Evil
[roll10] + [roll11] Holy if Evil
[roll12] + [roll13] Holy if Evil
[roll14] + [roll15] Holy if Evil

AoO Attacks' Damage: [roll16] + [roll17] Holy if Evil
[roll18] + [roll19] Holy if Evil
[roll20] + [roll21] Holy if Evil
[roll22] + [roll23] Holy if Evil
[roll24] + [roll25] Holy if Evil
[roll26] + [roll27] Holy if Evil
[roll28] + [roll29] Holy if Evil
[roll30] + [roll31] Holy if Evil
[roll32] + [roll33] Holy if Evil
[roll34] + [roll35] Holy if Evil
[roll36] + [roll37] Holy if Evil
[roll38] + [roll39] Holy if Evil
[roll40] + [roll41] Holy if Evil
[roll42] + [roll43] Holy if Evil
[roll44] + [roll45] Holy if Evil
[roll46] + [roll47] Holy if Evil
Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: N/A
Standard Action: Casts Incendiary Cloud on the closest group of faces, right at Usabhar if needed. Usabhar is immune to fire so no worry about taking harm by it.

BTW Realms, don't forget about the Legion of One 6th level ability: Sever the Deadly Serpent’s True Fangs. "Starting at 6th level, whenever a legion of one fells a creature, he or she treats all other creatures in combat as possessing 1 fewer HD (to a minimum of 1 HD) for the purposes of his or her legion of one class feature until the end of the encounter." :smallwink:

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-03, 05:57 PM
Previous Round:

Soaring upwards on the back of a couatl, Rahja reaches the crescendo of her performance as both she and Celestica let loose arrows that fly across the sky in nearly every direction, shattering their way through every crack they come across and leaving nothing behind but a network of faint black etchings stretching across thin air. The last of the faces falling from the air impact the ground with a single wet thunk, a gruesome and sobering end to the beauty of Rahja's most inspiring crescendo.

Inspired by Rahja's call from above, Usabhar destroys face after face as they cross his path, though none truly turn around to face him. In fact, it seems like some of them were stumbling forwards more than walking, carried far more by inertia rather than their own legs. Even so, slay them the paragon does. Much to his delight, smaller faces don't emerge from these wounds. In fact, none of the faces seem to be making more spawn

Wero and Korshim make similar observations of their own as they weave their own brand of might. Wero watches as his spells rip through the body of a titanic face, forcing it into the silent grimace of death as it falls to the ground unmoving, destroying a full city block in the process. The black sphere that Wero's mechanical cohort summons seems to rip another face apart, though it doesn't even seem to fight.

Looking around you, most of the faces are slowing down and stopping all around you, freezing where they stand and often falling to the ground without discernible reasons.

Rahja:In the silence following one of your greater performances, you can hear a familiar voice continuing to speak to you. It speaks through the notes that long to fill the silence; through the melodies you could be singing; through the silences and the softest of noises brave enough to pick up where you voice has left off.

"How wondrous," Shelyn seems to say, though the notion is not one of undiluted joy, "such beauty in the face of such great loss. In you, young one, I find the will to perform the task with which I've been appointed."

OOC: I apologize for this post undoing the most recent action rounds you've made (for the most part). With that said, this was never meant to be a truly long and drawn out fight so early in the game. In the future, I'll probably stick with my initial plans for day-long action and reaction steps. Though the current method is faster, it forces you to predict exactly how things occur in the previous round and it makes each post a headache on my end. To that end, I will be trying to focus more on shorter and more purposed battles in this campaign. :smallwink:

Feel free to either ignore your most recent posts and make new ones or to edit your most recent ones and simply continue onwards. :smallsmile:

2012-09-03, 06:11 PM

Celestica was about to fire her bow downwards into the faces, however when she sees them no longer moving, she lets the string go back to the ready position.
Good call Rahja, it seems that sealing the cracks cut them off from their power source. At least, thats the best guess I can make. We should go down now, and clean up the mess
She takes a sidelong look at her new friend
And that was quite an impressive song you sung. Thats power beyond anything Ive ever heard.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-03, 07:33 PM
Lord Wero readies another volley of orbs from his hands, but wills the spells to hold as many of them yet untouched by the Lord's devastating arcana appear to be stumbling and falling of their own volition. He senses no magic having doing so, so he expects an alternate explanation. He looks up and notices the tiny figure of the Couatl with its two riders high in the sky with the crack that's not even there, or at least not visible from this distance. Apparently the cracks have a direct affect on the monsters, and closing them weakens them critically...somehow.

Your Highness, it would...appear that these monstrosities have been...neutralized.
I can see that. Though...
he looks up at the Couatl, then onto the faltering faces. And once again back onto the clockwork dragon.
I suggest you-
At once, my lord. He immediately interrupts, already knowing what Lord Wero was going to say. Years ago, when Lord Wero was first introduced to Korshim, this habit of interrupting would earn nothing short of His ire. Over the years and by Prince Zurkar's persuasion, the High Lord came to accept it as something the mechanical dragon could not help.

The robot dragon then lands among the faces, and proceeds to walk and jump on top of them, apparently with the purpose of crushing them under the sheer weight of a gargantuan metal dragon. The High Lord, meanwhile, returns his gaze to the ranks of the falling monsters.

He looks for the abnormality, and among the pool of teal blood comes across the form of Usabhar. He flies up to him, landing directly in front of him on top of a cushion of crushed Faces unable to hold the bulk of the High Lord's sheer weight.
Hello there. He speaks with mock-friendliness, easily forgoing the quaintnesses of formality.
I happened to be flying by and protecting my subjects from extradimensional monstrosities when I couldn't help but notice that those very same subjects of mine are no longer present.

Would you happen to know of as to what happened?


By the way... Prince Zurkar chirps, realizing he forgot to ask. Is...Is Emanacal safe from the fissures?

For now, let's just say that Korshim is coup-de-gracing lots of faces.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-03, 07:45 PM
Astral Plane "Thankfully yes," the eternal responds, grinning broadly. Another eternal runs frantically across the room towards the first, whispering something excitedly into his ear. After dismissing the newcomer with a nod, the eternal continues, "It would seem we've had reports of fiends, celestials, and deities on empire worlds experiencing the cracks, apparently helping to fend off the enemy and helping to close up the cracks. How should we react, My Lord?"

Emperor Ing
2012-09-03, 08:43 PM

Of all the things any of the Eternals had said, this one stuck out like a supernova detonating on a sunless world, leaving the Gatekeeper absolutely dumbstruck.
Dieties? Did you say Dieties? As in...Gods?

2012-09-03, 09:54 PM
As the swarming numbers begins to slow down and eventually cease, Usabhar really only stops slaughtering faces when he sees Korshim 'jump' on them harmlessly. He often gets wrapped up in the heat of combat. It isn't because of any sort of barbarian rage or godly wrath but instead the instinct of being fought on all sides that drives the dwarf to never stop fighting. The blood of these faces covered him from head to toe. Again, it isn't the first time; he's drowned himself in pools of blood in combat from demons and giants before. All this blood is just another color to Usabhar.

A moment later, he notices the cracks had been dispersed. Everyone else finds out before he does that the lack of cracks neutralizes the faces. Before he is able of doing something else after putting his axe away, he has Wero in his face asking him about what happened to the civilians. Lance held beside him with the tip pointed upward, Usabhar looks up to the dragon and responds bravely in his gruff tone. "They have been taken to safety by Keltahkonkmet. You have heard of the great silver dragon, have you not?" Usabhar strokes his bloodied beard as he speaks to the purple dragon. "He heard my prayer and responded as such. By my assumption, Keltahkonkmet has taken them to grounds under your rule. Wherever they were going, the great silver dragon should have brought them there." The dwarf places excellent confidence in Keltahkonkmet's ability and trust even if only he, Nasiri, and other dwarf from Sargti can trust the silver dragon.

Meanwhile, above in the skies, Nasiri looks down below as the battle dies down. Shall I take all of you down? She telepaths to Rahja and Celestica.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-03, 10:02 PM
Although a more obscure draconic diety, Lord Wero has heard of Keltahkonkmet. However, dieties are loathe to intervene on behalf of mortals without something or someone directing them. This dwarf has damned himself with his own knowledge.
Fascinating. Tell me, by what right did you think you had to have Him make off with thousands, if not millions of my subjects? Remind me who is High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, and who is Emperor if the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse.

2012-09-03, 10:25 PM
Usabhar stands steadfast when speaking to Wero, not at all intimidated by the larger dragon. Though despite this, the dwarf is not looking to literally bash in his reasoning. "My right was but my judgement and decision; it was ultimately Keltahkonkmet choice to intervene." He makes a point by putting his lance away before continuing. "It is however, my choice to have called him. None of us were aware that such a fight would be easily over before I prayed. Had these abominations not been stopped by the closed cracks, they could have easily rushed past us and to those that do not deserve to be on the field of battle. My call to Keltahkonkmet was to guarantee their safety, for I did not believe they would survive under my protection. It was not to undermine or subdue your position in the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, High Lord." Usabhar crosses his arms, defiantly awaiting Wero's response.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-03, 10:53 PM
No, no. Of course not. he replies coldly. Of course it was not your intention to undermine me as High Lord. But in calling on your god to intervene, my subjects have been wisked away to some place we can only speculate. Without my prior knowledge or expressed permission. The last line is said very bitterly.

Did you know your Couatl friend had asked me to intervene? To do something which would slow, if not halt the advance of the monsters? I believe the specific words were to create a chokepoint. She is far wiser as to my abilities than you are, as such a barrier that would halt and funnel those abominations through a narrow opening is within my capabilities. However you consciously chose for your diety to intervene. You chose to call your God to do what you thought I could not. Did you think me so foolish as to allow my people to remain in such a large cluster if I knew I could not defend them against such a horde? Know this: If I were as much a fool as you think I am we would not be having this conversation, because I KNOW when I am being undermined. It may not have been your intention, but your actions speak in far more convincing voices than your intentions. By your actions the ability for me to defend my subjects has been usurped, and I remain here fighting for an abandoned territory on this accursed Backwater PLANET!!

He pauses for a moment, unfazed by having escalating into a powerful yell.
However I am not without mercy. Petition your God to have my subjects returned. If not here, than in Eclipsian territory with the knowledge of the name of the world. Then, I may consider being lenient in my sentencing.

2012-09-04, 07:25 AM

Well versed in Lord Wero's rants and tempers, Celestica knows she will have to intervene, and quickly, lest the confrontation between Wero and Usabhar escalate further. She quickly tries to catch on to the telepathic thread from the coutl.
Yes, please, and take us down fast...or those two will end up trying to bash each others head in

2012-09-04, 10:36 AM
Nasiri looks down below at Usabhar's conversation with Wero. The purple dragon's rather heated argument could easily be heard where Nasiri and her passengers are at. Upon Celestica's request, the couatl gently flies down to drop the elf and aasimar off just a small distance away from the dwarf and dragon. Do not be worry too much elven paladin, Nasiri mentions to Celestica rather confidently. The paragon knows how to take care of himself and to choose which fights to battle and which to avoid.

Over at the argument, Wero's incredible yelling could very well have blown the teal blood right off Usabhar if the dragon tried to do so. Despite the outburst, the dwarf appears utterly unfazed by it all as well. He is well aware he is angering the dragon more than one should and knows it's for the best to listen to the High Lord here. Stubborn as Usabhar is, it doesn't mean he should be stupid. "...Very well High Lord," the dwarf responds in the same tone as before. He bends down on one knee as he begins another prayer; this one is spoken in the Draconic tongue. "Great Keltahkonkmet, hear my call and answer. Let me see those that you have taken under your wing a few minutes past so their ruler and leader may bring them back under his protection."

Emperor Ing
2012-09-04, 10:58 AM
Lord Wero sits silently, awaiting results.

2012-09-04, 11:18 AM

Celestica moves to a position where she could easily step in between the High Lord and the dwarf, if it needs be. Quietly, she addresses Wero.

If the dragon does indeed return your subjects, I think it would be very wise and benevolent of you to just let this one go. Usabhar was only doing what he thought best to prevent even further bloodshed. As well, I dont think an event like the shattering of the entire sky was just a one-off, we quite likely have a major problem on our hands, one that will require us all to work together

2012-09-04, 11:52 AM
As Rahja's song ceases, she has to take a deep breath. Pouring so much of herself into her performance is demanding, both to the voice and the heart. There is no doubt she could continue to sing for hours or days, but achieving a rendition genuine enough to lift the hearts like she did towards the end is rather difficult. Ultimately, she wishes she could have giving this performance in times of peace so that violence wouldn't sully what she wanted to convey, but if her music helps to save innocents or even a world, it is not something to lament too much.

Hearing Celestica compliment her on her song like she does, however, seems to genuinely surprise Rahja, the aasimar's eyes widening and her cheeks gaining a rosy color. "I-I... That..." she stammers, words failing the young woman whereas her song flowed from her heart freely. It begs the question why someone like Rahja is seemingly unused to praise. "Thank you. This means a lot to me," she finally says quietly, smiling shyly.

"Thank you, Lady Nasiri, but I will head down myself. Please, forgive me for having burdened you as I did without your permission." Rahja responds to Nasiri telepathically at the same time, sounding like she is only talking with the voice that seems to come from within as she does so.

Suddenly, Rahja's gaze seems unfocussed, like she is listening to a melody only heard by her, her heart skipping a beat. A slight shudder runs through her body, though Rahja seems genuinely serene in this moment. Her wings carry the aasimar gently off the beautiful coatl's back as Rahja turns to both her companions again. "I'll be down shortly."

As Celestica and Nasiri descend, Rahja answers to the voice she had heard. "Shelyn, how can I help?" Rahja's request is genuine. Speaking to Shelyn again after so many years brings true joy to the young woman's heart. She doesn't know an honorary title that would remotely fit Shelyn, too wonderful is the beauty of her entire being. And she doesn't feel like she should worship Shelyn as she has seen other faithful do, fearing she would close her eyes to the goddess of love's true being if she did so. Rahja simply hopes that her genuine affection for the one who gave her her life back, the one who encouraged her to embrace life again, would be strong enough within her heart for Shelyn to see.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-04, 05:05 PM
Astral Planes:The eternal nods, "At least two deities, Tiamat and Hextor, have been seen in the area. No conversion attempts with the populace so far, thankfully. Erm... What instructions should I send outgoing squads with?"

Rahja: "What you witness before you is beyond mere magic or invasion. The planes are wounded, my young friend. Though your arrows have sutured a wound, it will take time for the wound to vanish. Time, that is, or a healer who's already healed a world. Other gods are working as well but I am bound to my home here. As I do what little I can, would you accept the task of healing this world in my stead?"

As Usabhar prays once more for the retrieval of the citizens, the ground around the governor's mansion glows with a brilliant light. Specks of luminous dust, lifting off from the ground, reveal the ghostly outlines of thousands of humanoids standing all around you. It seems that the return will take longer than the sending-off.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-04, 05:21 PM

Prince Zurkar paces around, clearly more fazed by this sudden turn-of-events than the Eternal. He can be heard pacing back and forth, muttering an incoherent string of words in various languages, however a recurring theme from those that can understand some of his ramblings are rather apocalyptic and nihilistic. Despite this he giggles rather frequently.

Eventually he snaps out of the stupor and looks to the Eternal, apparently mentally exhausted.
Okay look: This is WAY above my pay-grade. I think it's above my father's pay-grade too, but I-I...I think he's the one you want to talk to. One moment I will try to contact him. Hold on this shouldn't take a minute.
He then just stands there, not visibly doing anything.


Apologies Governor but I must find the High Lord immediately.
On that note the crystalline golem makes a run for the outdoors, trying to find Lord Wero.


As Korshim continues happily walking all over the creatures like some kind of giant bubblewrap, Lord Wero Jumps into the sky, hovering 20 ft over the ground, though not in at all a threatening manner. He notices they're slowly reappearing, eventually teleporting back. He muses mentally if they'll end up reappearing inside something. Feeling he'd rather be safe than sorry, Lord Wero already took initiative to take to the air.
Mmmm, well done. He says in a neutral tone. Truth be told, Lord Wero was already fantacizing the kinds of torturous effects he could apply to Usabhar. But how that he sees them being returned, he's not even mad.

2012-09-05, 09:37 AM
Usabhar watches the mansion as the civilians slowly but surely begin to return around it. By what Wero is saying, it seems that the dwarf is off the hook regarding any further yelling from the High Lord. Still, Usabhar is steadfast and stiff, as if expecting a fight to happen at any millisecond at any place in the thousands of worlds that exist. Never for a moment does he even relax, though boredom does eventually come to his mind during long bouts of standing still. He did not see any point in chatting with Wero at this time; the dragon seems content enough as is. Rahja also seems a little busy chatting with... Someone else Usabhar can't see. Instead Usabhar walks up to Celestica, who is surprisingly a foot smaller than the dwarf. "Celestica," he begins quietly, "Pray tell me, how long ago have you met the High Lord? You have not told me much of him before we met again here and I would like to know him better before there is another..." He pauses to turn to Wero for a moment, "...Diplomatic incident."

In the meantime, Nasiri turns her attention away from Usabhar and everyone else to watch the clockwork dragon, Korshim, walk and bounce on the immobile faces, crushing them like bubblewrap. Quietly she flies up to his side where she casually asks, "You are enjoying this, aren't you?" Whether Nasiri uses telepathy or not purely depends on whether the person she is talking with can also speak through telepathy.

2012-09-05, 09:56 AM
Alone up in the skyRahja is stunned. "I-I can..." The revelation that she can literally heal worlds catches her off-guard. True, she had helped restore her beloved Earthmother Dera after the Scourge was destroyed, but Dera is a primordial being, not a landmass. unless... worlds are beings like everyone else. Or... Rahja has become so powerful that she is no longer limited to mending the body and curing the mind.

Still, one thing Rahja knows is that doubting oneself and doing nothing helps no one. Shelyn herself told her she can do it. So Rahja does what she always did in the past. Do what needs to be done with with everything she's got.

"I will," Rahja answers the goddess of love as she rises further towards the scars. Pushing away her doubts, a certain serenity fills Rahja's mind. "And I will heal as many worlds I can." For most of her life, Rahja has devoted herself to the well-being of others, she will not stop now. This isn't just limited to some land or even a world. This time, the entire multiverse is at stake.

Rahja rises further up into the sky, nearing the cracks. Closing her eyes, hovering, Rahja concentrates on the vast life energy within herself, making the young woman glow in a golden light. Softly, she begins to sing again, wreathe her heart in the purest of emotions. Singing has helped her through many dark times, it just makes healing more effortless for her. At first, only a small burst of healing energy comes forth and Rahja observes the effect it has on the scars and the world, judging whether she even needs to be close to the cracks to heal them. Then, as her soft multivocal song reaches a momentous moment, Rahja seemingly becomes a pillar of golden light.

Massive streams of pure life burst forth from her form, seeking to mend the scars, and literally heal the very world around her. Her will does not falter, channelling as much of her power into the spell as she possibly can.

First a quick Mass Cure Light Wounds for the purposes outlined above (also observing the cracks with her lifesense and other senses), then Rahja uses her epic healing spell on the scars, which pretty much heals everything (touch range with 2 additional targets within 300ft.). Rahja takes 10 on the Spellcraft check and makes it.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 10:16 AM
Lord Wero can't help but wonder if the two are seriously considering talking as if the High Lord isn't there.

For the moment, Korshim completely ignores Nasiri, continuing to bounce merrily along. He then abruptly turns his head towards the Couatl in a pause, listening intently for something. He then finally replies: It is my charge to do as the High Lord and his protege command. Whether or not I enjoy it is irrelevant.

2012-09-05, 10:31 AM

We met on a mission to a world that should not have existed, and was being threatened by huge mechanical things. Despite the efforts of other members of our group to sell out to devils and other incidents, we managed to save it.
But in the course of that mission, Hanali made it clear to me that the High Lord was worth saving, worth redeeming, and it became my mission in life to do so. Its not easy But, with every small step we take, with every one less person he browbeats into submission or outright kills, we move forward.
One thing though, unless your intent is to needle him, dont ever call him by his name Wero. He hates that. If you hear me do it, you'll know Im upset with him.

Anything else Celestica might say is cut short by the dazzling display of light coming from Rahja, which leaves her speechless.

2012-09-05, 11:05 AM
Celestica's response to Usabhar left him raising an eyebrow in a surprisingly intimidating way. His mildly angry tone, directed at no one in particular, makes it clear that he is troubled when the elf mentioned about devil. "Signed deals with devils? What madness of a group were both of you in?!" Usabhar looked to Wero mid-sentence, indicating that the dwarf wanted the High Lord's own opinion on... That.

Yet before the dwarf could say anything else, he looks up at Rahja, singing once more. Before her voice was drowned in the thick of battle to Usabhar's ears; now he gets a chance to listen to it freely and it is a beloved song to listen to. The dwarven paragon goes absent-minded for a moment as he hears the aasimar's singing. He has heard Celestica sing and play before but Rahja goes to a level that is beyond comprehensible to the dwarf. For a moment he feels an adrenaline of knowledge sink in, telling him to drive on to learn more about Rahja.

Nasiri meanwhile looks at Rahja while continuing to speak with Korshim. "Hmm, indeed. I do my orders as the paragon asks of me and serve him as loyally as I do Keltahkonkmet. Yet does that mean one just cares for nothing but that? You are sentient, are you not?"

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 11:26 AM
Ooooh, nothing much. Simply the "greatest champions of the multiverse" thought it prudent to sell their soul to the devils in exchange for the safety of one man whom was in no danger to begin with, spare the life and soul of Asmodeus' right-hand man... his anger is audibly escalating, though Celestica and Usabhar can tell it won't be directed at them

Attempt to marshal an impromptu angry mob, through mind control, to their deaths by my hands, and drive a vessel into a castle filled with the most powerful devils from Baator save the Archdukes with absolutely no regard for the life of my son whom was onboard....! The High Lord accentuates his frustration by driving a glowing fist straight through a nearby face, the inert abomination's body unable to stop such a powerful force.

Now then, I don't know if I ever told you this...but in all honesty... He looks towards Celestica You and me, and my son of course, we were the only sane ones left. However, I don't know if you are aware, but talking as if someone is not there when they are is considered rude in Eclipsian culture. The Eclipsian Sovereign MIGHT have had a hand in the forming of Eclipsian culture, but it was not through legal means. Though it is not long before he is drawn from his thoughts by the song and his senses detecting an impressive discharge of magical energy coming from where the song is being played. He looks towards it.

Yes, I am sentient, and am as capable of thought and reason as much as my creator or the High Lord. However I am not them. Although I may look the part, and my creation is nothing short of miraculous, I am, nor can I ever be a true dragon. Only Time's irrelevance to me and my ability to reason makes me different from just an automaton, and as such I am duty-bound by my purpose presented to me on my creation to protect and serve the Creator's family.

2012-09-05, 11:56 AM

As you can see, we making sure to include the High Lord in her speech have rather strong feelings on the matter. At times, it was not the best of situations. Add in a psychotic doctor and I use the term loosely, who dissected our defeated opponents to determine their abilities, and would arbitrarily graft his dissections onto others, well, it was trying

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 01:19 PM
Oh no, I actually liked the doctor. He says, contradicting Celestica. While yes, he was...off, but I can hardly say very many bad things about him, and I do owe him for saving my son's life.

2012-09-05, 01:45 PM
It takes Wero's increasingly escalating anger to get the dwarf to focus but like before, Usabhar is unfazed by it and decides for the best to not mention it. He really could not do anything but look confounded and amazed that Wero and Celestica had gone off on a previous journey where they and Wero's son were the only ones not mad by the end of it. Usabhar would not have stayed with such a group for long; at least here there is solid ground. However the doctor issue is something Usabhar wants to discuss. "Hell of a nightmare your previous journey must have been. Now what about this 'doctor?' You mentioned how he dissects his defeated foes; that is of familiar territory for the dwarves of Sargti." The dwarf begins acting more boastful as he continued. A faint, but proud smile could be shown on his face. "When doable, we researched what we could from the fallen monstrosities of demons and undead. Much knowledge of their weaknesses and vulnerabilities were learned."

The dwarf then shakes his head; his mood becoming gruff and cynical once more. "But what purpose was there in grafting body parts to living beings? I've seen undead use such a practice on each other and all they've had to shown for it was more rotten flesh falling onto the snow." He makes a quick look at Celestica, then to Wero. "Mad does not begin to describe the group you two and the Prince traveled with."

Nasiri casually floats in midair as she continues to watch Korshim stomp each foe like a pie to the face. She had lost things to say to Korshim like the conversation had reached a dead end. In truth she can't argue against Korshim's reason. He is bound to Wero just as she is bound to Usabhar. The difference is that Usabhar is more willing to let Nasiri do her own thing than to follow orders all day. Taking a look at the number of faces left, she looks to Korshim and, in an almost uncanny manner, politely asks, "Would you like me to assist in the elimination of these faces?"

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 01:59 PM
"Mad does not begin to describe the group you two and the Prince traveled with."
I know many languages as easily as I understand the limits of my capabilities. Even with my level of comprehension and awareness, I, too, lack the proper words to describe my erstwhile allies. Were I to speculate their motives I suspect you would provide an insight just as valid, if not more so than mine could be.

Though if memory serves, the dissections discovered not only a creatures' strengths, abilities, and weaknesses but allowed him to gain those abilities.

Well it is your prerogative to join me, though you do appear to be rather...lightweight, no offense.

2012-09-05, 02:09 PM
Nasiri gives off a quiet yet regal chuckle as Korshim mentions how she is 'lightweight.' "Humorous. Usabhar had told me the same thing when I first met the paragon." She flies towards a nearby face and eyes it carefully. "My specialty lies in magic but I am no helpless lamb up close." She demonstrates by quickly constricting one of the faces and crushes it between her scaly body. Blood on her body aside, she seems quite pleased with her results. "What do you think? The blood is of awful sight but it is tolerable after being around Usabhar for so long. The paragon drinks the blood of his foes like dwarven ale."

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 02:16 PM
The robot dragon shrugs. Not bad. But I know you can't do this. With his mechanoid wings, he flies only a few feet into the sky, but it's enough to give him the fall distance to belly-flop onto a group of faces with a satisfying crunch and a splash of cyan blood.

2012-09-05, 02:27 PM
Though if memory serves, the dissections discovered not only a creatures' strengths, abilities, and weaknesses but allowed him to gain those abilities.

Only when he grafted the requisite organ onto a body. Like the time he grafted part of troll to one of the inhabitants of the world, allowing him to regenerate. Of course, it backfired when the person also became like a troll and tried to attack us

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 02:33 PM
Only when he grafted the requisite organ onto a body. Like the time he grafted part of troll to one of the inhabitants of the world, allowing him to regenerate. Of course, it backfired when the person also became like a troll and tried to attack us

Oooh yes! He points to Celestica, clearly amused by the recollection. They were running around, screaming, and then that guy came out. By my Throne that was hilarious!

2012-09-05, 02:57 PM
Usabhar could only shake his head in complete, utter amazement about this doctor they traveled with. The dwarf bets that the doctor wasn't even the most insane of the group.

Nasiri whines just a tiny bit as Korshim belly-flops onto a bunch of faces as if he was jumping off a springboard into a diving pool. It couldn't be denied however that the *CRUNCH* is nothing short of a wonderful sound. "You are right," she says in a clearly faux-ashamed tone. "Such an undignified lack of grace isn't something I can accomplish. Besides, a flop as such does not have the range as this." Nasiri moves over to a spot where the faces are placed in a nice line and fires out a ray of heavenly fire. She slowly arcs her head upwards until it creates a neat line of disintegrated faces and divine energy.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-05, 03:07 PM
At long last, the citizens return, filling the fields where once they stood and arriving just in time to witness another great feat of magic.

Up in the sky, a song of untold beauty rains down from a light far greater than any sun. The people can only look up in amazement as the entirety of the sky shatters, revealing a second, flawless night sky behind it. Slivers of the sunlit sky rain down from the heavens like fireworks, each one fading out of existence long before it hits the ground.

Up in the sky, however, you see more than the moon and stars. A message has been written across the night sky in faint, glowing letters.

Wero, Celestica, Usabhar, Rahja:

"If you possess the strength to read this portent, know that the Great Wheel requires your strength"
"The gate to the meeting grounds has opened"
"May we all survive into the next golden age"

2012-09-05, 04:37 PM
Amazed, stunned, relieved at what is happening, Rahja can barely believe what is happening, marvelling at the wondrous sight, making her forget, just for a moment, all the horrible things that just happened. The words just come on their own as she sings as the night sky is formed and the shattered day rains downwards in a mesmerizing display, making the young aasimar dance across the sky. She cannot help it as this moment is treasured in her mind forever, celebrating this moment with the innocence of a child.

"Thank you, Shelyn. Thank you," Rahja whispers, thanking the Eternal Rose for showing her how she can help. The act of healing a world is something unlike she has ever done or experienced. In a way, it is equal to healing just a single person. But at the same time, just like many things in life, it is uniquely wonderful.

The aasimar descends towards the ground, a truly happy smile on her face. Suddenly, she places a hand onto her chest and bows deeply. "It was a great pleasure to have helped defend this world alongside heroes like all of you. And it seems a calling has just been revealed." Rahja briefly looks up to the letters in the sky again. "I would be honored if you'd like me to lend my assistance again."

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 06:28 PM
Probably not, but a disintegration line doesn't make a nice crunchy sound when you destroy them. He then proceeds to walk on the faces, accentuating each step with a verbal Crunch each step.

Lord Wero looks up at the sky, noticing the message.
Huh, "the gate to the meeting ground has been opened." He can't help but wonder what they are talking about. Obviously this kind of thing doesn't JUST happen, so he figures that some sort of gate must open, or have opened. Somewhere. Maybe the sky itself is the gate.

Also... he muses aloud to the four of them. Does anybody else find it odd that a planet-destroying crack in reality itself was removed from this city alone? I have circumnavigated numerous worlds. They are very large. I cannot help but wonder whether or not there are other cracks on this world.

The massive crystalline automaton calls out to Lord Wero in a flawless replica of Prince Zurkar's voice. The massive purple dragon turns his attention towards the golem.
Father. The Eternals have reported that other fissures have been spotted on 60 other Eclipsian worlds. Fortunately Emanacal is safe, but General Yoweth and Lord Shadow Renemendus may be in need of your guidance. Celestial and Fiendish forces have been spotted fighting against the...ermh...incursions coming from the Fissures, and...uhh...Tiamat herself and Hextor himself...have...been seen fighting against the Incursions. I haven't heard anything about any of these forces engaging hostilities against Eclipsian forces but...I...we're not sure how to proceed.

2012-09-05, 06:34 PM
"I would be honored if you'd like me to lend my assistance again."


You would be honoured? I dont know about the rest of the group, but I would be the one honoured if you came to lend your assistance. Now does anyone have any ideas about just how to proceed?

Emperor Ing
2012-09-05, 06:49 PM
You would be honoured? I dont know about the rest of the group, but I would be the one honoured if you came to lend your assistance. Now does anyone have any ideas about just how to proceed?

Yes. There are 60 of my worlds that are experiencing fissures. We shall travel to each world, close every fissure, and make every monstrosity that dares to undermine my rule bleed as we have here. They can be beaten, and we know how to do it. We will travel through the Portal Chambers and undo all the damage in my worlds.

He looks to the golem.

Tell my forces to observe the Outsiders for now. Incursion forces are still to be engaged with no mercy or restraint. Make no attempts to engage in hostilities except in self-defense, and refrain from communicating with them....within reason. Should they deliberately attempt to communicate with us, I wish communication to be delegated up to my family. Furthermore, tell our forces that the cracks are vulnerable to direct-damage, and every attempt should be made to physically or magically damage it. High-powered attacks are recommended, and extremely powerful healing spells seal up cracks that cannot be damaged further. Shutting off cracks neutralizes creatures that come forth.


Prince Zurkar relays the High Lord's orders to the Eternals to be relayed to Eclipsian forces.

2012-09-05, 10:42 PM
Usabhar looks up to the skies where the message is stated proud and clear to him. The day universe calls to ask him and the other mighty beings here to aid; against what, no one seems to have an idea. The fact that sixty planets in an empire has come under attack by such similar cracks means that there the Great Wheel could really be at risk of a fatal existence. As both Rahja and Celestica speak up to give assistance to such a monumental task, Usabhar nods and confidently says, "I do not take kindly to a destructive force of nature that tries to bring an end to every world we know of. The law that the dwarves of Sargti obey is to remain defiant against the odds, no matter how great. Keltahkonkmet's chosen, Usabhar Sigurhavok shall lend his weapons to the bitter end."

The dwarf takes a look at Rahja. Her beauty seems completely unfit for what is coming up. "Aasimar, Rahja I believe." His tone starts out pretty friendly but quickly grows serious. "I must ask, are you fit to constantly be on the battlefield? Your skills are amazing but this battle can't even be called a skirmish compared to many other battles that will be coming later on." He gives a grim look at the taller figure. "...I will not lie, you appear frail. You are not someone like me who can last out when a foe strikes with his blade. On the battlefield, injuries are inevitable and wars are never bloodless. You must be ready to suffer in the heat of battle and I want to know that your apparent fragility is nothing more than due to appearance." He takes a look at Celestica now. "While we have met a couple times before, I want to be sure that you will be able to hold your own in battle as well. This was the first I saw of you in combat; I hope you are just as effective up in melee range." He takes one last look at Wero now. "...Though if the High Lord knows you well enough then I will take his word for it."

Nasiri giggles once more as Korshim makes audible crushing noises while stomping on the faces. Once Usabhar made his speech, she excuses herself from the slaughtering of faces to go to her master's side. "I am here paragon," she softly mentions to Usabhar. She looks to Wero a moment later. "Shall we split up or do you prefer we work as a single group?"

2012-09-06, 06:34 AM

For her answer, Celestica says nothing, but immediately goes into a melee attack against the nearest face. Although the creature is motionless, the sheer number of attacks that the monk is able to launch is impossible to follow by the dwarf's eye, and she finishes her display by launching herself into the air to deliver a spinning leg kick that completely decapitates the monster (the head landing and rolling to a spot just in front of the dwarfs foot). The tangled ruin that is left of the body is easily equal to the ruins made by the heavy stompings of others.

2012-09-06, 09:05 AM
The young woman is actually flattered as she hears Celestica speak. When Usabhar regards her, Rahja's smile fades, being frank with him in turn. "The High Lord cannot claim to know me. As for myself, no, I am not a soldier. My magic is limited to protection, healing and to a lesser degree illusions and enchantments. My combat abilities are fit to deal with threats like pit fiends and such, whether with my hands or with my bow, but I feel they pale in comparison to anyone of you. And honestly, I prefer not to resort to violence."

"On the other hand, my music fortifies me against harm and improves my prowess in combat dramatically, if you pardon the pun, as does my magic. Up to a certain point, if someone should succeed to kill me, I will simply come back from the dead, free of any injury. I can give the same to all of you, given an hour or two, as well as mend injuries as they happen, at a distance. You have seen glimpses of what I can do and I feel that, with all due respect, I can help you fight better and last much longer against adversity with what I have at my disposal." Rahja clearly dislikes having to describe the extend of her powers, partially because it feels like bragging, partially because she isn't certain how useful her powers truly are to these epic heroes. She doesn't feel comfortable... "selling herself", though she can understand if others might have doubts about her.

"This is what I am able to do on the battlefield, paragon. If you feel I am inadequate, I apologize and will not bother you any longer." Rahja bows again and silently awaits judgment.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-06, 10:24 AM
I can already tell your healing abilities are the only lasting solution we have to the fissures, as they are called, I would dare say you are indispensable in this regard. The Lord comes to a realization that may cause complications.
How many more times can you use that power today?

2012-09-06, 10:38 AM
"Only once before needing to rest, I am afraid. While my body can replenish the energy required for lesser powers easily, this one takes a lot out of me. All in all, given enough time to rest, I think I could manage to use it roughly nine times within 24 hours. Though I can still use my lesser powers to seal the cracks and care for the sick and wounded in between, as well as teleport between worlds and planes at-will."

2012-09-06, 11:05 AM
Usabhar sees no need to speak more words to Celestica. Her demonstration of her martial prowess is clearly enough that being at risk of attacks won't be a concern. He nods quietly in acceptance before turning to Rahja. He clearly takes appreciation at her serious response. Up until the very end of her explanation, he refuses to change his facial emotion. It's only when she says awaits judgement that he smiles subtly and speaks in a calm, mentoring tone. "You are beyond adequate Rahja. I just want you to promise that you will not stray to the front line for my sake. I have seen resurrection before and you have seen what came of that." the dwarf obviously refers to the general that had brought them all to this city in the first place.

"I would much rather avoid someone aside from myself from performing a stunt that may result in the loss of one's own life. We all appreciate your abilities and I owe you myself as your guardian for the sake of protection." He places his hand on Rahja's shoulder. His skin is like that of rock, almost frozen to the touch. It's a sign, though one that only scratches the surface, of what Usabhar's lands and the dwarves there are like, cold, calm, and stubborn. "Do not forget that on what will probably be a long crusade of liberation."

2012-09-06, 11:34 AM
Rahja gives an angelic smile, another clear sign of her heritage, placing a hand on his own. Of course, her body is not nearly as strong and resilient as Usabhar's, but he can feel that she still far outmatches any normal mortal, including dwarves. Yet her light skin is soft, flawless, soothing warmth flowing from her into Usabhar's icy hand. "I will not, paragon. My place is where I can aid all of you, not at the tip of the charge. Thank you."

For some reason, Rahja seems genuinely happy and relieved at being welcomed so warmly, not even trying to hide the fact. Even with what she did before, she doesn't take any of this for granted.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-06, 11:36 AM
So we can save many of my worlds before needing to rest, sealing the fissures on them, while neutralizing the fissures on many others. This is wonderful. Truly. He can barely suppress a smile.
There is hope.

Though I still find it strange that this crack threatens this city alone, yet it is supposed to represent apocalyptic doom for the world. Maybe it was only a small splinter which if allowed to fester, would truly cover the world?

Travel between worlds is no trouble. As the High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, no doors are closed to me. Through my Portal Chamber, we can travel between my worlds, limited only by the physical distance between the portals themselves.

He looks towards the Golem.
Tell the Eternals to expect me, and that I have found a lasting solution to the Fissure problem.

He looks back at the group
For now though...I need to know I can trust you. I know I can trust her- The High Lord gestures to Celestica because i've known her for decades. I don't know you, I hope you can pardon me for feeling skeptical about allowing you to move through my Empire's most strategically critical points.


And I have further word from the High Lord. The young dragon says with a fair amount of giddiness.
My father has found a lasting solution to the fissues, and has already saved a world. He said I should warn you to expect him to personally come through with a cohort of helpers.

2012-09-06, 12:25 PM

Ive known Usabhar for some time now, we've met in some of my side travels, and I performed in his home once or twice. So far, hes given me no reason to not trust him.
And even though Ive only known Rahja for a short period of time, I know I can trust her. Call it woman's intuition, call it elvish intuition, but I have no thoughts that she would betray us.

2012-09-06, 01:10 PM
Looking up to gigantic Wero, Rahja answers firmly and openly. "I understand your concern. I only desire to help people and lessen their burden. I seek neither power, nor to bring war or bloodshed. I won't lie, I do not agree with some of your empire's practices and ideologies, but trying to disrupt it's leadership will only bring more misery to innocents and I do not want that. All I want is to heal the worlds that are suffering these attacks. As far as I am concerned, even one world falling, regardless of who it's inhabitants are, is one too many."

She looks Wero in the eye, filled with determination, speaking only the pure truth.

2012-09-06, 01:22 PM
Usabhar looks to Celestica, then to Rahja, then nods at both before speaking to Wero in a regal tone that a king deserves to be addressed with. "High Lord, As Celestica says, she and I have met on several occasions. I seek to fight and bring an end to whatever chaos threatens your worlds and the worlds beyond. As what Rahja says, I cannot completely agree with all of your empire's traditions and ideals but the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse has shown to be a very stable kingdom; it's well more than I can say for many other so-called governments I have seen and heard of." He looks at Rahja once more before continuing. "A single world can easily house millions of people. To lose one world is a seriously crippling matter no matter what the planet was. To the very end I will fight those that seek destruction of the untold numbers that exist peacefully."

As he finishes, Usabhar's weapon flash in a bright light and disappear from where they were held on his metal strap. "As a test of my faith, I shall move through these critical points of the High Lord's unarmed barring immediate emergencies." He now awaits Wero's decision before doing anything else.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-06, 01:26 PM
Astral Plane:The eternals spring into action, spreading both instructions and the news that reinforcements may be on the way. As things move along and troops are mobilized, news begins to spread that Eclypsian worlds are starting to triumph on worlds with weaker creatures. Within 10 minutes, it is known that 5 worlds have closed and/or healed their cracks and 10 additional planets have contained the enemy menace away from the populace.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-06, 02:22 PM
As new information comes and goes, Prince Zurkar paces around, calm under pressure with a mechanical percision only an artificer used to multitasking could possibly mimic.
Send my compliments to forces that were able to close or contain the cracks, and if it isn't already known that directly attacking the cracks neutralizes incursions, let it be known.

And can I get a list of planets that are losing ground against unusually strong incursions? We will need to prioritize which planets are in need of saving in the most efficient manner. Also, tell General Yoweth I recommend moving legions to worlds in need of assistance, for what it's worth. Not that she'll listen to me, she never listens to me. Master General Yowethegmar being Lord Wero's second-eldest daughter, and the absolute highest-ranking member in the Eclipsian armed forces.

Lord Wero had locked a critical gaze on Rahja as she made her promise. The latter being more than happy to return the gaze, all in all, the Purple Dragon detected no trace of deception or trickery in her. They are allowed to have a difference of opinion, Tiamat knows him and Chancellor Vorelogelend have had disagreements on numerous occasions, but it is what makes life interesting. Lord Wero simply didn't have draconic patience, however much he'd like others to realize. Mmmm...I do accept your charge. As I have said, I consider you to be indispensable in this endeavor, and I suspect when the Empire triumphs over this foe as it has countless others, and as it always shall, there are other worlds I suspect that command... for a brief moment, he fumbles around with an intelligible string of word-fragments. our attention. I have no doubt you saw the message in the sky.

He then does the same with Usabhar. Having detected no deception from him, he gives him a different message. Though as for you, I do do not doubt your words are sincere. However whether you intended it or not, you still must answer for having undermined my rule and authority. As High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse I hold absolute authority over all aspects of existance within Eclipsian jurisdiction. As such, I sentence you to my service, to serve and protect my person as well as my family in such a manner as I see fit, until such a time as I deem otherwise. He pauses briefly. Within reason of course. Those under your charge are not pressed to my service.

Interesting. ANYWAYS.... The golem speaks again.
Good news. 5 worlds are reporting having closed the cracks, while 10 are reporting having contained incursions. And within record time too. 10 minutes? That is FAST! I'm gathering a list of priority worlds, stand by.

2012-09-06, 03:08 PM
"Before we go, please excuse me for a moment so I can warn a few more worlds of this threat. Don't worry, I will make no mention of the Empire."

Retrieving her aspect mirror from her bag, Rahja activates it and contacts the mirror located on Dera within Selayna's sanctum, the center of the enormous tree that holds the remnants of a large piece of land aloft that has been ripped form the earth. The most sacred of sites of the Earthmother's Shield.

"Selayna, are you there?" Rahja waits for the Shield's leader to step in front of the aspect mirror, Selayna, the eldest of the nymphs of Dera (or rather, the Earthmother's Daughters), formerly known as the Winter Widow, old, weak, delirious and slowly dying, a shadow of her former glory, before Dera was healed, causing Selayna to be reborn and restored to the eternal, mesmerising prime of her life as the Spring Bride, her beauty, grace and power on Dera only second to Rahja's (though the latter would never say so). It was the nymph's idea for the Earthmother's Shield to support Rahja (Dera's chosen) and she has effectively become Haven's "second in command" (if there was a strict hierarchy).

Seeing her good friend brings a smile to Rahja's face. "It's good to see you. I need you to inform Haven of a grave development. Please listen closely. The plane itself is being damaged, leading to the sky of several worlds literally starting to crack. I mean this very literally. Dangerous beings invade these worlds through the cracks, attacking everything on sight. The cracks can be closed through physical harm until they are only scars and they can also be healed with magic. It is of absolute importance that the cracks are closed immediately and healed if possible. The invading creatures will immediately become inert once the cracks are closed and can be destroyed harmlessly. I am working with others to close cracks on several worlds. Worlds that are unable to close the cracks on their own are to contact you and me immediately. Please keep me informed about the states of the worlds where Haven is present. I am hoping with all my heart that everyone will be spared this horror."

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-07, 06:22 PM
Astral Plane:Reports continue coming in as troops are redistributed, outsiders teleport en masse, and scores of battles wage on across the empire. Even on planets with more powerful creatures, it would seem that the cracks are equally vulnerable. As such, matters of success and failure largely depend on the availability of flight to both sides of each conflict.

Yoweth, to her credit, does re-allocate the troops as required but focuses far more on high-priority worlds (even ones that are already winning) than high-risk worlds and seems quite insistent on only withdrawing once the final cracks on a world have been sealed. With the contributions from the outer planes, the size of the available army has been increased by at least half and the two deities seem to clear up worlds in only a few minutes for each. One way or another, the battle will be over before an hour has passed and the odds are looking greatly in your favor.

As far as You can tell, the only two planets at high immediate risk are Udor, the colonized moon of another gas giant, and the wasteland planet of Aegun. The former seems to be overrun with what are described as "floating, sentient mouths" while the latter contains voids of emptiness that suck the living inwards. While the voids are described as far stronger, the planet of Udor seems to be in more dire straights as it is almost completely defenseless. Its extra guards and Shadows were withdrawn early on in the conflict before cracks appeared in the sky and its remaining forces were caught unprepared.

With Yoweth continually fighting on other worlds, many of the men begin bypassing your Liaison to speak with you directly, especially as you are caught up to speed with current events.

Standing at opposite end of the chamber, a small contingent of Elite Soldiers waits at attention for Yoweth's next orders. This team is being kept out of the action presumably to rush to Emanacal the moment cracks appear or to Yoweth's side if things take a turn for the worse.

"A pleasure to speak to you," responds Selayna, waving to Rahja through the mirror. "We've seen the cracks and the creatures you speak of on a few worlds now, though not Dera. We discovered the scarification process thanks to a couple of our more eager recruits. That we can heal them, however, is welcome news to me. We'll open some gates to the positive energy planes and see what we can do. Do you need anything else?"

Emperor Ing
2012-09-07, 07:35 PM

Overall this is good news. Troops are being allocated swiftly and efficiently and successes drown out the bad news by incredible factors. Overall this looks like the most easily won major conflict ever, if only because they have spread their forces thin and allow themselves a great vulnerability. Speaking of vulnerability...

Tell Yoweth to not put a billion soldiers on one world. That leaves other worlds vulnerable, and the High Lord will have her head if Genehha is lost because it "didn't have cracks at the time." Genhenna being one of the first worlds the Empire gained a foothold on when it began to expand into the multiverse. At the moment it is a supremely dominant superpower on that world, and decades away from being Genhenna's sole government. It is largely a paradise planet that, thankfully, is one of the 23 worlds not afflicted with cracks, though Prince Zurkar questions how long that will last, if there is a possibility that Emanacal might soon experience cracks. And if he knows General Yoweth and her "drown them in men" military philosophy, a billion soldiers on one world is totally her modus-operandi.

Anyways, he looks over at the queue, a bit irritated that this means he'll have to spend longer time in the Astral Plane than he'd like. One useful thing about governing the Astral Plane holdings is that the Eternals govern themselves, all he has to do is say "yes" and "no" every now-and-then. Looking towards the first in the queue, he wants this to be done as quickly as possible.
What do you need? Do be quick.

Okay. The golem speaks. Two worlds are in immediate need: Ugor and Aegun. The former is believed to be in more immediate need, its incursions are "floating, sentient mouths." I expect spellcasting or possibly truenaming abilities.

Hm, so my dear Master General is prioritizing worlds. Good for her.

((Also, Shadows are police, not military, though they can be of supplemental help.))

2012-09-07, 10:08 PM

If Udor is defenseless, we should go there to help.
Oh, and by the way, since Rahja proved the fissures are sealed with healing magic, I should point out that as a paladin, I possess a rather powerful healing ability. I dont know if it will work the same way, but since it comes from the same source, it should.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-08, 02:26 AM
I would agree with that sentiment, and I am certain by omission, my son was guiding us towards that course of action anyways. He says with a slight mischievous glint in his eyes.

And...you would be correct. I can't tell you the geography as I haven't been myself, but I am told Udor is a habitable moon that orbits a gas giant.

Excellent. You should get moving now, I will linger behind to address my subjects. I will follow along shortly.

2012-09-08, 04:25 AM
Rahja nods to Celestica, confirming the truth of her words, before turning back to Selayna. "Excellent thinking on opening the gates. Please also watch worlds that have not experienced cracks yet, especially Dera, and stay on your guard, so we can react quickly if we need to. Tell the people that the gods themselves have stepped onto the Material Plane to seal the cracks and are bringing their forces as well, like Shelyn herself. We will get through this, my beloved friend. Please, take care, Selayna. I look forward to seeing you again."

After hearing the high nymph's answer, Rahja turns off the aspect mirror and puts it away again. The leader of the Earthmother's Shield has been Rahja's first true friend and early on a sort of mentor, especially with making the young aasimar learn to love life again, generally being a joy to be with and also having a fondness for the goddess Shelyn. Even despite her eternal duty and wisdom, Selayna at times is a bit amorous towards Rahja, often to tease her young friend a little or cheer her up with a bit of flattery, but given her nature and Rahja's connection to Dera, there is some genuine emotion behind it. So far, Rahja has neither refused nor accepted these playful advances, though she is thankful for for her brand of care.

"I agree that Ugor needs our attention first. Let us head to the portal chamber immediately."

2012-09-08, 11:44 AM
Usabhar slowly and calmly nods to Wero as the dragon explains the dwarf's sentence. "Very well High Lord. Until you state otherwise, I am under your service to be your loyal and stalwart protector to yourself and your family." Protection is Usabhar's strong point in his line of work; aside from that he possibly needs to stay within Wero's sight, his service to the High Lord changes nothing about his plans. The cracks appearing around the Great Wheel are going to feel the paragon's might no matter what occurs. Nasiri goes to Usabhar's side and asks, "Paragon, if you are to travel the Great Wheel, let me come to your aid." Usabhar looks to Nasiri and gently brushes her head. "The need to say that shouldn't be so great Nasiri. Do not be so... Energetic about it however. This will be far worse than you've ever seen before."

Looking over to Rahja, Usabhar walks up next to her and waits for a moment to speak with Selayna. "Great nymph of Dera, may I ask for a moment of your time?" His tone is gruff but regal when speaking to Selayna. "If it is possible, I wish of you to watch my planet Wesslorne during my absence of it. It will eventually be attacked by the cracks that threaten the end of a planet's existence. The kingdom of Sargti is mighty but I will want to know of it's status in time. I must come to it's rescue if they may begin to become overrun." Though Usabhar places faith in the dwarves and frost giants that serve his kingdom, he can never fully believe that they will overcome everything without the paragon's assistance, At some point he'll also need to send Salin back there. At least for now he'll be among the rescued civilians.

2012-09-08, 12:01 PM
Letting Usabhar speak to Selayna, Rahja adjusts the aspect mirror so both can see each other before directing it at herself again after Usabhar has finished speaking. "This is paragon Usabhar Sigurhavok, by the way. Can this be arranged, Selayna?" Rahja is certain that Selayna doesn't require any aid when it comes to convincing the people of Sargti that she and Haven are there to help, given her way with people. Still, a thought crosses Rahja's mind.

"Actually, paragon, if you give Selayna and me a description of the location of Sargti's capital or where the officials of the kingdom are, we could teleport there immediately and warn your people directly, as well as facilitate help coming from off-world through Haven. Should not take more than a minute or two, given your station."

2012-09-08, 12:16 PM
Usabhar slowly looks to Rahja with unflinching eyes as he mentions, "A fine idea aasimar. Sargti's capital lies in the snow-bound lands of Kulomen. You'll see it as an arctic wasteland... One slowly reverting to it's former glory, as Keltahkonkmet beckons and dreams of. It's capital is the giant mountain Ivaint. You will know it when seen. Do not be alarmed by the presence of frost giants there; they serve me after besting them in combat."

Once Rahja mentions about facilitating help, Usabhar looks a little strung-up in skepticism. "That can be done, but they should be prepared for the harsh winters as well as keeping away from the giants as they are rather... boisterous. I will need to explain everything to them later but Sargti will allow people to come in case they are in need of help.

2012-09-08, 12:48 PM
Rahja nods before turning to Selayna again. "I will bring the paragon to the capital. I will give you a more precise description of the location shortly, as well as a look at the arrival zone for the volunteers who will watch for signs of the cracks. Take care." With Selayna having heard everything and having Rahja's complete trust, the aasimar turns to the group.

"We will meet you at the portal chamber in a moment. Paragon, please keep your instructions concise." And with that, Rahja touches Usabhar and teleports him and herself to the capital of the kingdom of Sargti on the world of Wesslorne in just a moment. Once there, she follows the paragon's instructions about where the officials are and teleports them there, immediately making mental notes about the locations they visit for sake of teleporting.

Rahja uses her boots' Interplanetary Teleport to arrive in the capital and, if possible, as close to something resembling a palace or another kind of central government building as the spell is able to.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-08, 01:21 PM
One moment. The High Lord interrupts.
I cannot allow you to just take off with my servants like that. Unless it is your intention to undermine me as well. As such, I will accompany this traveling. He says this with finality, clearly not interested in discussion.

2012-09-08, 02:03 PM
Given that politics and egos again get in the way of doing what needs to be done, as is so very common upon worlds, Rahja sighs and activates her aspect mirror again. "Selayna, sorry, change of plans, politics happened." Rahja gives the nymph a knowing glance, as a problem like this is hardly a new one for the two (and also is one subject of several joking stories between the two). "Please head to the capital of Sargti or send someone who is able to convince the dwarves of the impending danger. Send word about healing the scars beforehand, though." Rahja turns off the aspect mirror again and heads to the portal chamber. Along the way, unseen by Usabhar and Wero, Rahja gives Celestica a questioning look, as if to ask if this kind of stuff is normal.

2012-09-08, 02:10 PM
As Usabhar finds his trip to his kingdom overruled, he remains stoic as he and Nasiri heads off to the portal chamber with Rahja. He knows he owes the aasimar and nymph a favor, he'll just need to figure out how to repay her in time.

2012-09-08, 02:37 PM

Unseen by Wero and Usabhar, Celestica merely rolls her eyes in response to Rahji's look. Shes beginning to see perfect examples of Wero's personality.

2012-09-08, 06:28 PM
With Wero adressing his people, Rahja walks further into the mansion with the others until they are out of Wero's sight. With a brief sigh, she says "Let's skip the formalities, time's a wasting. I'll bring us to Ugor right away. If you would be so kind to give me a hand or touch my body otherwise? Ready your weapons, though, just in case." If everyone complies, Rahja teleports the group to the main EEE presence on the world of Ugor.

Interplanetary Teleport. Take 10 on knowledge checks to determine main city on Ugor, if needed.

2012-09-08, 06:35 PM
Glad to see that the formalities are skipped, Usabhar draws his lance as his greataxe floats at his side. "Always ready." he says as he holds Rahja's wrist firmly.

2012-09-08, 07:02 PM

Celestica takes hold of Rahja's other hand in preparation for the teleport.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-08, 07:33 PM
The Diamond Golem follows the group. I will accompany you. Umm, I mean, i'll switch places with my other body, and he'll, no. I...will accompany you. Come, Korshim. He looks over to the prancing clockwork dragon, who looks a little dissapointed, but soon obediently follows the group out, until the teleportation. Prince Zurkar's Golem and Korshim choose to take the scenic route through the Portal Chamber.

With everybody making their way out, the High Lord prepares his speech. In truth, he wish he had some more time instead of having to make it up on the spot, but the best laid plans...
First, grab their attention. Many of them are confused after having been displaced. He flies several feet into the air, doing his best to make himself as large and magnificent as possible. He even goes the length, placing himself between a light source in the sky, and the ground.
Citizens of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, Subjects of the Indigo Eclipse.
It might be helpful to tell a story.
In one, short minute, a few mere swipes of the pendulum, the very world itself was doomed. Reality itself was beaking, threatening to shatter my Empire. Our world. Your home.
Humanoids like to be told they're important, no matter the truth.
In one minute, fissures of civility's anathema cried out for our blood. They demand everything. Everything we have built, the fruits of my sacrifice, all of it lost to the incarnation of mindless savagery.

There is no purpose. No reason. No truth. No honor in their being, but that Abomination may revel in our demise.

They have been played down, now to build himself and the Empire up.
In one minute, this world's fate had been consigned to destruction.
In one minute, a light stood for hope. It spoke defiance against the will of Fate, and against the instruments of Abomination. Where this world would fall to Anathema, the Indigo Eclipse rose in challenge.
His voice continues to rise. Referring to himself in the third person for specific reasons, under the assumption that many would connect His words to that which is being said by the High Lord himself.
In one minute, The High Lord crushed the tyranny of the Anathema and the instruments of the Abomination.

My subjects, look upon the sky, and know that this world is now safe, freed from the destructive will of fate itself. Know that for eternity, the Empire shall triumph, as is our way.
In one minute, the fate of this world was freed from destruction's grasp and into the light of the Indigo Eclipse.
As High Lord of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, it is my solemn pleasure to declare that the day is won. When they would revel in our demise, we shall revel in victory!
Pause for reactions.

Though the war is not over. I will depart from this world, and join the Empire as my other worlds battle the Anathema. Remember this day, my subjects. Remember where you were when fate itself signed the death warrant of the Empire, and your High Lord and your Empire stood triumphant in defiance!

On that note, Lord Wero makes his way towards the Governor's Mansion and into the gateway to the Portal Chamber to rendezvous with Korshim and both of Prince Zurkar's bodies.

Diplomancy for rousing speech

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-09, 12:32 AM
Speaking with Selayna, she accepts the instructions regarding Sargti before leaving her mirror behind to start on the work required.

On Ugor:Arriving in the capital city of Ugor, it is plain for all to see that things are a true wreck. The town, at least physically, doesn't seem to have been physically harmed. All the same, there is no sign of life anywhere. You see no people, no animals, no disembodied mouths or other forms of beast. Up above, gigantic fissures crisscross the sky, seeming to almost visibly pulsate.

Back With Wero:Truth be told, it really isn't one of your greatest speeches. For the improvised work that it was, however, you have done quite well. When you leave for the portal chamber, all of the citizens seem to be in high spirits. The portal chamber is accessed without difficulty, revealing the congestion and chaos that your son has been dealing with this entire time.

2012-09-09, 12:50 AM
As they arrive on Ugor, the scene is more dire than Rahja had hoped. With the fissures above even pulsating, they have to be closed immediately. "I'll be right back." Rahja brings out her ethereal wings and teleports up to the cracks. Unless she the people within the cracks, the aasimar channels massive amounts of healing energy as quickly as she can, causing an eruption of light almost within a heartbeat.

Last use of Rahja's epic healing spell, together with a use of Superior Healing to cut the cast time down to an immediate action, so if something is waiting to attack her, it won't get the chance.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-09, 03:23 AM

Prince Zurkar's dragon bodies trades places with the golem, who now assumes the role of administrating the Portal Chamber.
I am leaving now, all responsibilities as Gatekeeper are delegated to my Golem, whom is, in fact, me. By the Throne, do NOT bother my father!

Although the High Lord can't see the worlds themselves, and considering each portal empties into a chamber underneath a governor's mansion on every world except Emanacal (that one is, and always will be a special case,) he can tell that this is nothing short of a true crisis. Although he's mentally beating himself up over allowing some panic to enter his voice, he can't help but appreciate the ordered chaos within as troops are quickly delegated from world to world, and information rushes in by the hundreds of pages. How many medals are going to be needed to be given out?

Under the direction of Prince Zurkar, the three dragons make their way through Ugor's gate, coming up from underneath a city on that world's Governor's Mansion and onto the moon-world.

Back in the Astral Plane, the Golem goes through all the tasks that the young purple dragon goes through.

2012-09-09, 08:44 AM

Celestica watches Rahja do her work, but stands ready with her paladin healing powers to supplement if her spell is not enough to close all the cracks. Those who look closely will see her hands beginning to glow with a soft yellow light, proof that the power is welling up within her.

Nasiri, can you be ready to fly me up there if Rahja's spell doesnt have the power to do the job completely. Those rifts have had more time to grow than the other ones did, we might need more oomph

2012-09-09, 02:46 PM
As the group of humanoids arrive to Ugor, Usabhar shakes his head slowly at the lack of life and the implausible fissures in the sky. Before Nasiri can say anything, Usabhar responds to Celectica. "Head up anyway," he says to the elf in a stoic tone. "I'll look for any signs of life here. The guards in this world must have been weak." Nasiri quietly looks to Celectica and nods before letting her on her back. Try not to be bothered by some of the paragon's views, the couatl telepaths to the elven paladin. He has a desire for those who are strong and despises letting those who struggles defend themselves on the battlefield. He knows you are competent but he does seem to... Fear for the aasimar.

Usabhar begins exploring the city while Rahja and the others are working on healing the fissures. His calls his voice throughout the capital. "Is anyone here?! This is an ally of the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse! Your High Lord is on his way. Whoever is here, answer!" The dwarf isn't expecting anyone to respond; at least anyone friendly.

Taking 10 for a Perception check of 53

2012-09-09, 04:22 PM

Celestica rides up on Nasiri, waiting to see how Rahja fares.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-10, 03:30 PM
"hspvoe""hspvoe"Down on Ugor, it is clear for all to see that not all is right."hspvoe""hspvoe"

"fdip""wpjdf"Your voices echo unnaturally in the air, warping even as you listen"fdip""wpjdf"


Nasiri, can you be anyone here? Your High Lord is right back. Those rifts had more time to grow than time to grow than time to grow than time to grow than life. Life. Life. Life. Life doesn't have the power.

"fwfszxifsf""fwfszxifsf"The echoes seem to be coming from everywhere."fwfszxifsf""fwfszxifsf"

"tpvsdf""tdd"No source for the echoes can be seen, however"tdd""tpvsdf"

"tlz""dsbdl"Aiming for the crack up high in the sky, Rahja releases her most powerful curative magic. "tlz""dsbdl"

"opuijoh"Unlike the previous world, however, nothing appears to happen at all."opuijoh"

"tpnfuijoh"Then again, something else occurs to you all, something that seems... off. "tpnfuijoh"

You can hear faint whispers at the edge of your perception, faint nonsense statements repeated over and over again.

"xijtqfs"They're coming from all around you."xijtqfs"

Emperor Ing
2012-09-10, 03:50 PM
The High Lord and his entourage emerge from the Governors Mansion to the chorus of the whispers spoken through mad voices. He sees the discharge of Rahja's incredibly powerful restorative magic, but is not the least bit surprised that it doesn't work. Of course it doesn't work, you have to damage the rift first. He hears a few words, but they are spoken in uncanny resemblances to his allies' voices, though he can already tell, by the obvious distortions, they aren't them. They're going to use this ability to disrupt communication.
He speaks softly to his entourage.
Say nothing, follow my lead and target the rift.

From this, in an almighty display of speed, the High Lord, the Gatekeeper, and The Machine use their wingpower to launch into the air, and straight in the direction of the rift.

Full Round Action
Run action while flying for Lord Wero, Prince Zurkar, and Korshim to fly to the rift, but slowed to match Korshim's pace, so they're flying at 480 ft speed, or
1920 ft this round.

Fly checks if necessary
Prince Zurkar
Lord Wero

2012-09-10, 05:25 PM

Too late, Celestica remembers what the High Lord pointed out, damage is required before healing. Quickly, she shifts out of healing mode, and pulls out her bow. Calling on Hanali to smite her foes, she fires 4 shots quickly.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage [roll2] holy [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage [roll6] holy [roll7] anarchic
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage [roll10] holy [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] attack & [roll13] damage [roll14] holy [roll15] anarchic
not sure how many, if any, of Rahja's buffs are still active, so no rolls include them.

2012-09-11, 12:08 AM
Deeply disturbed by what is happening, Rahja summons her bow, channels as much power as she can into one of her dances in the sky and fires at the cracks immediately.

Swift Inspire Courage +20

Free Summon bow

Free Live the Legend

Full attack against the cracks
Everything hits and crits, so -20 penalty with power shot
[roll0] + 30 sonic
[roll1] + 30 sonic
[roll2] + 30 sonic
[roll3] + 30 sonic

Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|100|+10|Inner Beauty, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Live the Legend
Rahja|590/590|100|+10|Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Live the Legend
Usabhar|870/870|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20
Wero, High Lord|780/780|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls
Live the Legend - All allies who hear Rahja roll natural 20s on all their attack rolls for the duration of the effect. Critical threats are automatically confirmed and immunity to critical hits is ignored. Martial maneuvers used are not expended. While below half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are doubled. All enemies who can hear Rahja roll natural 1s on all attack rolls for the duration and while they are above half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are halved. Lasts until the end of Rahja's next turn.

2012-09-11, 07:12 AM

(Seems like the overcharge bonus would be the only buff in effect at the start of Celestica's shot, so the only change would be +10 on her to hit rolls. However, if Rahja's buffs take place before Celestica's shots, then she gets another +20 on damage and auto crits. Her damage would increase from 323 to 403, plus this additional crit damage
so potentially 975+13(holy)+18(anarchic)

2012-09-11, 09:35 AM
The whispers in the distance attract Usabhar's and Nasiri's attention immediately as the dwarf calls forth his weapons to his side. Once more the incalculable odds threaten the group, this time in a less-than-desirable formation. Among all sides, Usabhar stood his ground as he cannot fly up to assist in removing the cracks up in the skies. Instead he chooses to distract as many as he can while everyone else went for the Achilles' Heel of the invasion. Though he may not be able to have them all focus on him, Usabhar knows he makes a better dreadnaught and guardian than any other being he knows of.

Nasiri meanwhile looks up at the skies and then back down at the paragon. She realizes she is in a bit of a rough spot as she cannot assist both Usabhar and Rahja plus Celectica at once. In such circumstances however, the couatl knows that Usabhar will be fine on his own. While inching closer to the High Lord, Nasiri grants a small bit of help to the dwarf by casting an arcane spell; a cloud of infernos shrouds Usabhar moments later. The paragon's incredible resilience means that he will be unharmed by the cloud while his foes will suffer in it.

Swift Action: Initiating the Immortal Fortitude Stance from the Devoted Spirit discipline. Cannot be killed by HP damage without making a Fortitude check against DC of Negative HP first. (if saved, I have 1 HP)
Move Action: Initiating the Dancing Blade Form Stance from the Iron Heart discipline. 5 ft reach for my weapons on my turn. I am able to use two stances from my Dual Stance Mastery epic feat.
Standard Action: N/A

Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: Close in with Wero while Rahja and Celestica are riding her.
Standard Action: Casts Incendiary Cloud at Usabhar's location. His immunity to fire means he is unharmed by the cloud.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-11, 07:14 PM

As you regroup and Lord Wero comes into sight, Rahja's music drowns out all of the half-heard whispers. Arrows fly in large numbers up into the sky, piercing the cracks and causing them to shatter. What rests behind them, though, isn't a simple scar. No, it would seem that behind those cracks simply rests more of the same size. If it weren't for the traces of black powder falling from the sky, there would be no sign of your attack at all. Something is horribly wrong here, something you can feel at the edge of your senses even as the burst of courage begins to subside.

Looking up at the crack in the sky, a glimmer of realization fills Celestica's eyes a moment before she is shattered to pieces, just as her arrows had "shattered" the fissures in the sky.

Perhaps it would be too early to say that your attacks have had no effect. The ground and buildings around you seem to ripple in place and darken as if the world itself were being warped. All around you are abandoned buildings, including the Governor's mansion behind you.

CelesticaAre you dead? If you are, you most certainly don't feel dead. The field around you carries a hazy, dreamlike quality but you feel perfectly fine and you can't even remember a bit of pain. Looking up from where you lie in the grass, you catch sight of two familiar moons in the night-time sky, moons you haven't seen in years.

you're home.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-11, 08:31 PM
Lord Wero shakes his head in disbelief that behind the crack is even more cracks. He saw its destruction, there is something amiss here. He looks towards his companions, shaking his head with a facial expression that is immediately recognizable as one of utter confusion.
With a wave of a magical gesture, he overcharges his sight to that which can dispel any illusion with but a glance, in supplement to the arcane sight his monocle provides.

First off, using a free action to cast True Sight. I'm withholding further actions this round until I get results.
Also, I get the effects of Greater Arcane Sight from the monocle.

2012-09-12, 12:55 AM
Healing did not work. Damage did not work. Rahja is utterly confused at what is happening right now. She tries to find a clue with her enhanced senses, searches in her memories about maybe having heard about something like this. But then she sees Celestica simply shatter.

"Celestica! Oh gods, no!" Rahja is horrified, filled with the terror of losing a dear friend in such a way. Her mind goes a hundred miles an hour, feeling guilty over not having cast any preventive spells onto her before, all while trying to find anything that could help. Even though the cracks shattered Celestica, Rahja feels the desire to attack them again as some sort of futile revenge.

Maintain Inspire Courage

Rahja possesses true seeing, arcane sight and see invisibility. Also, as stated in the OOC, she takes 10 on all knowledge checks (with a +10 bonus from Overcharge).

2012-09-12, 06:57 AM

Wonderment, awe, homesickness...and shock buzz through Celestica's mind. Beloved Crystalia, her homeland. Where she had always wanted to return to.
But not now. Not with the entire multiverse facing destruction. Not with Lord Wero potentially running amok. Not by abandoning a new friend. As much as she wanted to stay, she knew she had to get back. Get back to where would be the biggest problem. No, finding a way to get there would be the biggest problem.
But Crystalia was full of elves, and some of them were epic spellcasters. Including the Queen, Zylina. Taking her bearings from the moons, Celestica set out in the direction of Crystalia, the home city of the elves that bore the same name as the forest.

2012-09-12, 01:01 PM
Usabhar looks up as Nasiri's eyes widen when they both see Celectica suddenly shatter in a million pieces. Neither of them have an idea with how that occurred and neither of them understand what is up with the tons of the cracks in the sky. Nasiri wasn't sure what she is detecting in the skies, whether it's arcane, divine, or something else. Seeing as everyone is, at least for now, withholding their actions, Nasiri does the same as she can guess that unleashing an assault on these cracks would cause it to retaliate as such, to completely and utterly change reality and eliminate someone from existence... At least that what it seems like it is. Usabhar meanwhile seems more eager to strike back had he not be grounded without wings.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-12, 06:08 PM
Lord Wero's gaze fails to detect any illusions in particular. Thinking hard of the problem at hand, however, there is one other solution he and Rahja can come up with. Looking at the area around you ripple in place, your surroundings no longer seem quite at home in the material plane. No, things seem too fluid around here for a physically morphable world. If anything, these surroundings look closer to the magical morphability of the plane of shadow or even the chaos of Limbo than to the plane you hail from. If you're right, there's a chance that you aren't on the material plane at all. With that said and done, however, that leaves just the questions of where you are and Where Celestica has ended up. As you search for your thoughts, however, light continues fading from the world around you as the crack above begins to glow red. A large ripple of earth, structure, and air can be seen in the distance in every direction, currently a good half-mile away and slowly creeping inwards.

Celestica:Running through the forest, your head remains in a fog and your legs seem to work in slow motion. Nothing around here seems quite right. In place of fruit, clockwork timepieces hang from the trees, endlessly ticking and whirring as you made your way. Fortunately, you can see your destination. A pillar of light, another unusual addition, shines into the sky where you're certain Crystalia should stand.

2012-09-12, 06:41 PM

Celestica takes note of the way things are not the way they should be. She begins to doubt whether or not Crystalia will be where it should be, as pillars of light were never a feature of the elven city. But lacking any other reference point or the magical powers to deal with the strange plane she finds herself in, she feels that this is the only answer she has, for now. She continues on her way, as she does so, she attempts to concentrate on her thoughts and feelings, trying to organize them into something more coherant.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-12, 08:05 PM
With little time to spare, Lord Wero begins the flight towards the crack, his mind already settled on the spell. He knows he can use it, and he doesn't doubt he can cast it or its effectiveness, but he knows casting another of a certain Archmagister Prime's signature spells will cause problems. Of all those the High Lord has ever met, the Archmagister is one of the few beings he truly fears. A spellcaster of abilities beyond all calculable measure, leagues above the High Lord himself in arcane ability. To his knowledge he has been amongst Emanacal for longer than the High Lord has lived. He knows that if he wanted to, the Archmagister could take over, or even annihilate the Empire, but so far has shown no desire to, and has been little more than a complete annoyance at times.

However, dealing with the Archmagister Prime will have to wait. Right now there is a world that needs saving. Flying at full speed, he twists his head at an odd angle, watching his advance from his peripheral vision. He cups one hand, placing the side of it across his breast, and putting the other on top of it. Already he is glowing with violet energy, the dragon as a whole appears enveloped inside a miniature, purple sun. Impossible amounts of arcane energy are being generated, and condensed into one violent strike.

Once he is confident he is within firing range, he throws everything out, leaving a great beam of violet energy erupting forth from his hands in a truly brilliant display of raw arcane might.

Both Prince Zurkar and his Praetorian follow, though only the latter is able to match the High Lord's sheer speed. By the time the Prince arrives, Korshim has already called forth a blast of destructive energies from his wand* onto the crack to join the High Lord's efforts. Not deterred, Prince Zurkar thinks to his father, and is able to reach out and grab a staff, surrounding himself with great spheres of energy that erupt forth at the crack

And in the reaction round using the remainder of my actions

Lord Wero

Full Round Action: Full speed towards the crack (2560 ft)

Free Action: Maximized Time Stop (5 rounds)

Time Stop Round One

Standard Action
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Delays are 5 rounds

Time Stop Round Two

Standard Action
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Delays are 4 rounds

Time Stop Round Three

Standard Action
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Maximized (2) Delayed (2) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Orb of Fire

Delays are 3 rounds

((And follow this pattern for the remaining rounds, and yes I did refluff this spell's effect. Say goodbye to 15 5th level slots :P))

Under the effects of Live the Legend damage will double and orbs autohit

Use Absolute Authority to give Prince Zurkar an additional Move and Standard Action respectively

Prince Zurkar

Full Round Action: Move at full speed (2320)

additional move action: Pull out Staff of the Stars Falling

additional Standard Action: Cast Maximized Twin Orb of Force from Staff
Damage (60) is doubled from Live the Legend and autohits


Swift Action: Greater Overclock to grant self additional standard and move action

Full Round Action: Full Speed (1920 ft)

Additional Move Action: Normal Speed to close to Lord Wero (top: 480 ft)

Additional Standard Action: Cast Disintegrate

Double damage Live the Legend, autohit

Damage Roll

2012-09-12, 11:52 PM
With nothing else there to do, Rahja channels efforts into another performance, aiming her bow high again.

Inspire Courage and Live the Legend

Full attack like before
[roll0] + 30 sonic
[roll1] + 30 sonic
[roll2] + 30 sonic
[roll3] + 30 sonic

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-13, 01:49 PM
Unleashing untold degrees of arcane might ring out as Wero Launches up at the cracks, unleashing such vast quantities of power, that the rift is torn wide open, revealing a view of the normal blue sky beyond. The vast hole, about 30 feet in diameter, is quickly closing as the ripples in space continue moving towards you. Rahja's arrows widen the hole to a full 40 feet and Nasiri manages to widen it a bit further through disintegration, but they seem to be closing at a rate of around a foot per second.

Celestica:Running through the forest, you become aware of an odd sensation. Though you're certain that you are running forwards and making progress, you can feel your body slipping backwards. You can feel your body sliding backwards through a thick sludge as you continue running, can feel your body sinking, falling. The clearing with Crystalia should be around the next corner... just a little bit further...

You fall back a good five feet to the rocky ground below, emerging from the mess of muck and finding yourself staring up at a quickly shrinking sphere of quicksilver floating in mid-air. All around you, mouths seem to rest on every surface, apparently dead. Villagers, both dead and unconscious, rest around them as several smaller spheres shrink in the distance.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-13, 02:09 PM
Breaking his own rule, the High Lord utters a single command. One to overwhelm all other and ensure final victory.
For his part, the High Lord fires off a flurry of energy, sickly green lightning arcing from his hands at the hole, hoping to reverse the damage. Prince Zurkar and Korshim following suit with their respective attacks

Lord Wero

Standard Action:
Greater Arcane Fusion
1) Intensified (6) Twin (2) Disintegrate
2) Intensified (6) Twin (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Greater Arcane Fusion
1) Intensified (6) Twin (2) Disintegrate
2) Intensified (6) Twin (2) Orb of Fire

Free Action:
Greater Arcane Fusion
1) Intensified (6) Twin (2) Disintegrate
2) Intensified (6) Twin (2) Orb of Fire


First twin set is Disintegrate, then Orb of Fire, then repeating.






Absolute Authority: Give Prince Zurkar a Standard Action

Prince Zurkar

Standard Action 1:
Cast Twin Maximize Repeating Orb of Force from Staff (4 charges)


Standard Action 2:
Use Breath Weapon on hole


Standard Action:
Repeat Disintegrate (4 charges)


Swift Action: Moderate Overclock to grant self Standard Action

Standard Action 2: Steam Breath weapon
[roll17] fire damage

edit: Note my mini-nova from the previous round is Repeating. So...

2012-09-13, 03:08 PM
Seeing progress, Rahja keeps on firing, empowered by the last moments of her performance.

Live the Legend ends after Rahja's action. Maintains Inspire Courage.

Full attack as before (30 sonic damage each included)

2012-09-13, 06:05 PM

Celestica is torn between her desire to help the villagers, and her desire to return to the bigger picture. Shes not even sure if the quicksilver would provide a way out, but its got to mean something. For just a moment she laments the fact that paladins have no spells to divine the future, but that wont get her anywhere. Deciding that this world might not even be real but some strange form of dream, she makes her choice. She leaps as high as she can, trying to jump into the quicksilver

2012-09-13, 08:10 PM
Looking up at the skies, Usabhar watches stoically as Wero unleashes an arcane blast unlike anything the dwarf has ever seen before. Though he looks unimpressed, the dwarf is nothing but astounded to the highest degree as he watches the sky cleave apart. Usabhar however is unable to do anything on the ground so instead he turns his attention to looking for any sort of hints, clues, or ideas as to what happened here.

Nasiri on the other hand is unable to contain her enthusiasm as she... Gleefully watches Wero's blast. She is fascinated by such arcane abilities like that of a student of magic. At Wero's call, she quickly flies with the other dragons as she calls forth two white arcane balls of energy that circle her. A moment later the first one blasts a ray of disintegration at the skies with everyone else. To pierce the skies and break through, that's her plan.

Nasiri casts Disintegrate with Repeat Metamagic.
Damage, doubled due to Live the Legend: [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-14, 04:26 PM
Celestica, leaping up through the quicksilver, finds herself on Ugor... arguably. What she sees is a rough combination of the past two places she's been. The bodies, the mouths, the orbs of quicksilver... all of them are exactly where she had just seen them (although the bodies are notably human). The architecture, however, completely matches that the abandoned town you'd left. From the sphere of quicksilver up above you, you can hear Wero let out a terrific shout as a salvo of attacks shatters open the upper half of the sphere.

Those who had just shattered their way out can see that they were apparently floating in some shrinking sphere of a material reminiscent of quicksilver, of which there are several across the landscape. Disembodied mouths litter the ground and landscape, all of which appear unmoving and lifeless. Citizens rest unconscious in town (matching the town you'd seen in the sphere almost perfectly). Up above, the sky is clear and free from cracks and the same cryptic message hangs in the sky, this time burning with divine fire. You can almost hear discordant whispers leak out of the ruined hemisphere you stand on as it continues to shrink.

2012-09-14, 04:54 PM
As she peers through the opening crack, Rahja realizes what is going on. Namely, that they are in a fake world that is rapidly shrinking. It seems her spell did work after all, but just not the same way as before. "Everyone, through the crack!" Not wasting any time, Rahja teleports down to Usabhar, touching his arm, teleports him up onto Nasiri's back, touches both and teleports herself and the two outside into the real world. The letters are in the sky again, with Rahja examining them once again. However, quickly after, she spots Celestica down below, unharmed.

Again, Rahja winks out of existance, only to appear a few steps away from the elven maiden. The young aasimar quickly closes the distance, falls to her knees and tightly embraces the smaller woman with great relief. Rahja doesn't care she is seen as immature. She just cherishes the friends she has too much. "I'm so glad you are alright."

Okay, take 10 on all knowledge checks, as well as spellcraft.

With the Overcharge bonus, that results in the following:
Arcana, Planes, Relgion: 74
Other knowledge skills: 45
Spellcraft: 64

Emperor Ing
2012-09-14, 06:49 PM
The dragon trio fly out of the half-a-sphere, and watch as the other spheres appear to shrink off. The High Lord looks up at the message that his companions are physically incapable of perceiving, eventually realizing that he has to go to the fabled Common Grounds. Though no mortal has ever stumbled upon the alleged center of the astral plane, he figures that some have found it when directly searching for it. Furthermore, he knows that if the cards are played right, he can ask Tiamat or Hextor for help.

First thing's first though. Clear everything up. It seems to be doing that itself though. Damn truenamers. At least their deaths undid everything, and it would be fascinating to see a world die from the outside.

However, he feels annoyed for not knowing this sooner, as he can't help but wonder what sort of unwanted attention his little display of magic has attracted. Especially since it's only a fraction of what he's truly capable of.

This world is saved. Lord Wero says with a bit of callous disdain, barely worried whether or not the people themselves are okay.

2012-09-14, 07:47 PM

Celestica embraces Rahja in return I think Im okay, although I have no idea of what we are going through. I found myself back in Crystalia, although it was only a dream. Maybe you can explain things to me. Celestica is dangerous in battle and strong in the faith of Hanali, but things arcane and magical tend to elude her, she's only had so much time to study things in the world and these sorts of areas just didnt get the attention.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-14, 10:47 PM
If I may... The Purple Dragon interrupts. Although its phrased as a request, Celestica knows better.
The world in which we entered was a false one created by an incursion of remarkably powerful Truenamers. When she... He glances to Rahja Used her powers to heal the crack, it was successful, however because the world we were in was fake, we could not tell. Furthermore, it was their truenaming that kept the world intact, and when they died it began to collapse, though I was able to break us out. He puts a bit too much emphasis on his contribution.

As for your return to...Crystalia was it? Perhaps you somehow fell out of the faux world, and into another one that the Incursion created. From our perspective completely blinking out of existance. Perhaps you simply mistook Uxor for Crystalia. Although your guess is as good as mine, I cannot believe you dreamnt it. That suggests you were unconscious, and I think it would take more than being torn between worlds to even make you tired.

2012-09-15, 02:54 AM
Rahja releases Celestica after a short while, standing up again and sending a quick wave of healing magic through everyone around her. Also, she weaves healing magic into her allies' very beings, to aid them when they need it most.

"Crystalia? Is that your home world?" Rahja asks, curious. Then, quietly, she adds "Maybe we could go there one day. I'd love to see it and it is just a step away for me." While the others are busy, Rahja proceeds to examine and heal the unconscious people around her. "High Lord, what about these people? Will you send aid to them?"

Rahja heals everyone to renew the Overcharge and puts 2x cure critical wounds as preventative measures onto everyone. Each spell cures 14d8+170 HP and is set to trigger whenever the character has lost 150HP or more.

@Mikela: One of Rahja's zen spheres allows her to sense what troubles beings that are not immune to mind-affecting. Does anything trouble Celestica right now or when she talked about Crystalia?

Emperor Ing
2012-09-15, 03:39 AM
I cannot spend my resources to do for my subjects what they can just as easily do for themselves. If they truly need it, the Planetary Lord of Uxor can petition me. Until then this is the jurisdiction of my governors. Lord Wero shudders at the thought of his governors dying. It's such a pain to appoint governors, as good gubernatorial candidates are not always readily available. While all governorships are, at first, initially directly appointed by the High Lord, the rules of succession fall to the jurisdiction of the governors themselves. The High Lord really hopes that if not all of his governors survive, that those that don't have a clear successor already chosen, and living.

We should be leaving soon. Aegun is the other world under threat, correct?
Yep. The Gatekeeper chirps.
Aegun is a wasteland-world. Same procedure as before. Incursions are described as floating vortexes that draw life into them. The effects of physical force and magic on them is unknown, or at the very least SOMEONE didn't bother telling me it...but for simplicity's sake I suggest we go for the crack very quickly. He seems to be rather rushed.
Let's go now. Seriously, my head is starting to hurt from having to deal with two conversations at the same time.

2012-09-15, 11:30 AM
Suddenly being teleported to Nasiri's back, then to Ugor... The proper one at least, Usabhar gets his footing and remains quiet for a bit as he tries to understand the situation. Nasiri is just as confused, only able to turn her head sideways as Wero explains what is going on. "Truenaming?" The dwarf finally speaks up with little idea on the subject matter at hand. He is both confused and somehow confident in himself. "Is that some sort of magic? Cleaving the skies as such is the work that a blade can do, not a staff." Usabhar speaks with the purest of beliefs that the sword is mightier than the staff and even mightier against the pen. So long as him and the dwarves of Sargti breathe, nothing is going to change that.

Nasiri looks to Usabhar, then to Wero before whispering in Korshim's ear, "I hope you do not find the paragon... Arrogant but it's honestly rather cute how his beliefs work." Despite the "honesty," Korshim gets the feeling Nasiri is joking when she says "cute." Usabhar meanwhile ignores his couatl speaking to the clockwork dragon as he nods to Wero. "Agreed High Lord. If Aegun is a wasteland as the Prince says, it will be to my liking."

He looks to both Rahja and Celestica before stating in a slightly less formal tone "With the worlds in danger and the skies above calling us, Crystalia will have to wait. But if the chance is given I would be glad to accompany you both to Crystalia." Usabhar doubts that he would actually have time to visit a world in casual faith due to his own kingdom's world and this multiverse disaster. Wesslorne in general would be a terrible place to visit for the rest of the group; as of now there is little of value or interest there and lacking of necessities has always been how Usabhar has lived. Even if Nasiri may sometimes playfully complain of no food, water, or sleep.

"Well as the Prince says, I am ready to go. Nasiri?" The couatl's attention immediately focuses to Usabhar and nods quickly. "Always ready paragon."

Emperor Ing
2012-09-15, 12:34 PM
Lord Wero turns his head at Usabhar, seriously wondering if he is joking. Everybody, for better or for worse, should know this. Truenaming. The Language of Creation itself that, when spoken, can alter reality. It's ignorant to call it "magic," but its effects appear magic-like. He speaks matter-of-factly before going into Smug Mode.
I myself have learned a few phrases in my time, however the nature of their effects continues to evade me.

Arrogant? Korshim says very softly to Nasiri.
Speaking the High Lord's name is a capital crime!
Despite the joking tone, Nasiri know that his warning about that particular crime is very true.

For now, move out. The High Lord says this, flying for the Governor's Mansion and to the Portal Chamber, with Prince Zurkar and Korshim close behind.

2012-09-15, 12:38 PM

Crystalia is indeed my home world, and hopefully we will return there one day. I would be glad to show it to you. But, with more dangerous problems threatening, we will have to wait on that.

Celestica moves with Rahja among the injured, her paladin abilities allowing her to cure their wounds.

2012-09-15, 03:29 PM
Feeling Celestica's feelings regarding her homeworld, Rahja simply nods. "Of course. Still, I am looking forward to it."

As the others leave, the aasimar calls after them. "We will meet you there." She heals as many people as possible and instructs some of those who come to that they can safely destroy the mouths and should start looking after the other unconscious people. About by the time the others reach the portal chamber, Rahja heads over to Celestica.

"Ready?" she asks, holding a hand towards her opposite, palm facing upwards. In just a moment, both women appear in front of the portal chamber on Aegun.

2012-09-15, 04:02 PM
Nasiri nods ever so slowly at Korshim as she slowly backs away. She'd never say anything rude or bad about the High Lord especially when his power greatly exceeds her own. Usabhar meanwhile is both fascinated and confused by the idea of Truenaming. He slowly shakes his head as he mentions, "Well whatever that 'magic-fake' stuff is, I'll want to learn about it later." The dwarf then gives his short goodbyes too Rahja and Celestica as he and Nasiri follow Wero to the Portal Chamber. Since Usabhar is in service to the High Lord, he doesn't really have a choice on what to do and won't complain about it.

2012-09-15, 05:36 PM

Celestica keeps up with Rahja in terms of healing, and when she indicates she is ready to go, she comes over to her, placing her palm on hers for the transport.

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-15, 06:21 PM
As Celestica and Rahja care to the people of Ugor, the others approach the gubernatorial mansion and find its doors easily pried open. The interior of the mansion, at the very least, seems entirely unharmed. It was a stroke of good luck that these creatures didn't cause any structural harm. For that matter, it would appear that they haven't caused any casualties either, though the helpless citizens would have doubtless starved to death without your interventions. The portal chamber is easily accessed.

The Portal Chamber:
Everything seems to be going fine in the portal chamber... except for Aegun. Most worlds are either safe or contained but Aegun is causing headache after headache. At long last, Yoweth has brought her forces to bare on the planet and has received wave after wave of reinforcement as other worlds were put to rest. Entire contingents of solars and pit fiends have also arrived on their own accord and some troops report seeing Dispater (or at least a cunning simulacrum) magically fortifying the front lines. EEE sages have even found tomes regarding the nature of these dangerous orbs of nothingness (umbral blots, as the tomes refer to them). For all of this work and support, however, empire forces seem no closer to winning this battle.

Through all of the casualty reports; through all of mobilization orders; through the lunar evacuation procedures, a single crystalline golem has been resting in the center of chamber, working to the best of its abilities but findings its connection with it's creator muddled. At long last, the connection rings true once more as the golem regains its connection with its creator right as he passes through the portal with Korshim, Wero, Usabhar, and Nasiri. Now, perhaps, Aegun has a fighting chance.

Looking around the portal chamber, the gateway to Aegun is incredibly obvious. New troops line up in front of it for mobilization even as the last of the world's material wealth is carried out into the chamber.

Back on Ugor and the Trip to Aegun:
By the time that Rahja and Celestica have managed to help a few hundred people, the citizens are already working to help gather and awaken their fallen companions, even bringing their own healers to you to help hurry up the process. As these healers begin taking over, you note that the others are gone at the moment. The time to travel has finally come, it would seem.

Warping from one world to the next, you find yourselves in the center of a warzone. The governor's mansion behind you has all but collapsed with just enough rubble removed for troops to reach the portal chamber. This level of destruction can be seen almost everywhere through the town with few buildings fully intact. No civilians can be seen on this world, though celestials, fiends, and soldiers charge from one spot to the next. Black spheres, each the size of a horse, fill the sky. Many are engaged in fights against the soldiers but other fly wildly through town or appear within town seemingly out of nowhere. Up above, you don't see any cracks at all. Instead, a single black sphere blocks out the sun and casts you into shadow.

The only structures that seem mostly intact are a large cluster in the Northwestern corner of town, centered on a cathedral of the Heironeous. Not only do the buildings seem intact but makeshift walkways have been built between them, including plenty of arrow slits.

2012-09-15, 07:05 PM
Rahja's eyes widen for a moment at the terrible sight of destruction around her, especially when she sees the gigantic orb in the sky. Then, they narrow, a rare frown on her face. Fortunately, even though it is not much, she knows what can be done against them. Until the others arrive, Rahja spreads out her healing as widely as possible heal the wounded and bolster all. When the others arrive, she turns to them, her voice serious and urgent.

"Blackballs. Immune to everything but non-elemental force. Unless your spells simply ignore any kind of magical resistance, don't even bother casting them. Teleportation and planar shifts are also among their powers in their yearning to destroy all. Also, do not get too close, they will suck you in and annihilate your very being and even for very powerful beings, approaching or even attacking them is still incredibly risky, as you can see. Especially in regards to the big one. I am certain I can bolster the performance of portion of this army, more if I find a way to amplify my voice, but we should head there first." Rahja points to the untouched cathedral of Heironeous. "We need a plan."

Emperor Ing
2012-09-15, 08:19 PM
((Wasn't Ugor the moon?))


Lord Wero looks over his soldiers, as well as the assembled Lords of Celestia and Baator respectively. He can't help but mentally muse at the similarity between the name of the Solars' home plane and that of the elven maiden. He detests the Solars, the Pit Fiends even more. However in his experience, the former are trustworthy, and if they can stand the Pit Fiends, so can he.

Warriors of the Eternal Eclipse, Lords of Celestia and Masters of Baator.
He calls out to get their attention. Meanwhile Prince Zurkar is trying to get status updates from the Eternals. Obviously there is a serious campaign to retake Aegun. Hopefully they're making use of the other methods of planetary travel besides the Portal Chamber.

On me! Advance! For the Eternal Eclipse! he calls out, before personally leading the contingency through the portal into Aegun.


Haloed by a host of soldiers and forms of extremely powerful outsiders united under a common purpose, the High Lord, followed by his son and his son's creation enter the ruins of the city. Stopping to assess the situation with his own eyes, and hear what Rahja has to say.
Umbral Blots, yes. He says.
Ranged weaponry would be most effective. Lord Wero speaks loudly and clearly so his contigent can hear him. Do what you can to concentrate fire and do not allow them to get close!
He looks towards the eclipse which blots out the sun. It is either a sign of his victory over those that would dare defy the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse, or a twisted mockery designed by His enemies. Either way, he feels there is some connection between it and the lack of a discernable crack in the sky. Maybe the ball is the crack, which will need to be destroyed.

((Knowledge routine in OOC post))

2012-09-15, 08:44 PM

Do you want us firing from here, or collecting at the cathedral for the assualt She is in the process of unslinging her bow as she speaks, if he wants an attack now, she is more than willing to provide it.

2012-09-16, 11:08 AM
Arriving on Aegun with Wero, Usabhar raises a shocked eyebrow while Nasiri's mouth is wide open on her otherwise-calm face at the sight of battle. Pit fiends and solars clutters the field as Nasiri mentions, "What an... Improbable sight. And yet it can't be an illusion." The dwarf, shocked brow aside, is more level headed than his couatl companion. "I get the quaking feeling that this 'Blackball' will continue to grow in size if this is the largest you've seen," he says to Rahja. His voice then booms out. "Celestica, my suggestion is to head to the cathedral! Nasiri and I will battle on the front lines with the High Lord!"

Usabhar meanwhile takes out his lance, pointing it at the nearest Umbral Blot as Nasiri snatches up the dwarven paragon on her back. "High Lord, do you request I fight on land or assist in the skies? This Blackball is of great worry to me and Nasiri..." Usabhar has the look that he has fought such kinds of battles for ages now, despite this being one of far greater magnitude than anything else he has been in. Nasiri meanwhile is faking her calmness, hiding the horrific fear of her worry. To work with devils on this danger is something she nor Usabhar is used to and though the dwarf tolerates it, Nasiri is much less welcoming of the idea.

2012-09-16, 12:17 PM

Retreat to safety while others fight on the front line? Celestica's face cleary registers just exactly what she thinks of that. Without probably meaning to, Ushabar has made the decision for her, although not in the way meant. She and the dwarf will have to have a talk later, but for now, her bow is firing as her voice clearly calls out Hanali, hear your servants plea and smite these abominations. As each arrow flies, it trails a streak of golden sparks, symbolic of her goddess blessing.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage & [roll6] holy & [roll7] anarchic
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] attack & [roll13] damage & [roll14] holy & [roll15] anarchic

Firing at the main sphere. Only Overcharge bonus applied.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-16, 11:22 PM
Hmm... The High Lord muses out loud. What if the Great Blot is but a symptom. A danger, yes, but only existing to conceal a crack. It would be simple enough to get behind it. Yes, that could work.

He looks towards everybody else.
Take to what remains of my city, and do what you can to fortify it. And tell Dispater he's wasting his time, barriers won't even slow them down. He looks back up at the great umbral blot. He has no doubt he could damage it, probably kill it with enough of a concentrated attack. Certainly the smaller Blots are vulnerable to his attacks. But that would be wasted effort if his theory was correct, and damaging the crack until its a hairline was sufficient to stop the Faces. Theoretically it should also at least neutralize the Blots.

Though if you wish to accompany me... He takes to wing, hovering just a few feet above the ground. Come with me. Now. He offers out his hand.

Spellcraft DC 21

He's preparing to cast Greater Teleportation, though you have a feeling this is something he wants you to pick up on.

2012-09-17, 08:34 AM

If she wasted her shots and her smiting, Celestica is going to annoyed, to a small degree. But for now, she reaches out her hand to the High Lord, preparing to be teleported to a new attack location.

2012-09-17, 09:13 AM
Knowing that Celestica can't fly, Rahja slings an arm around her abdomen and touches Wero's hand with the other. "If there is no crack, however, we should gather as many archers as we can for the attack. Solars would be a prime choice." Wings emerge from Rahja's back to keep them aloft wherever they go (and counteract the blackball's pull).

2012-09-17, 09:30 AM
Riding on Nasiri, Usabhar goes to touch Wero's hand as the couatl does the same with her tail. "Ready anytime," he says confidently.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-17, 01:23 PM
Lord Wero looks up to the sky, and designates his destination. Well off to the side of the great orb, about 3000 ft away. Preferably in a location that gives a clear view of what lies beyond it. With a thought, he then rends reality apart, interposing himself and his allies into the sky.

Lord Wero casts Greater Teleport with a Standard Action

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-17, 01:51 PM
Launching a volley of arrows up at the grand sphere in the sky, Celestica's arrows vanish against the blanket of blackness. Though they most definitely hit, it is difficult to judge if the the sphere was damaged.

Hearing Rahja's call and following Celestica's example, nearby Solars draw out their bows and ready themselves to fire, only to find five umbral blots floating in front of them from out of nowhere. sucking them inwards. Two of the solars are instantly sucked inwards towards nearby blots as each of the five launches out to ram into another solar. Only 2 of the 7 solars touched in this way survive this contact (and not without wounds), forcing the remaining 15 solars in that contingent to retreat and regroup.

Some of Wero's forces run off to carry Wero's instructions to Dispater. While others run to the fortifications and others still prepare to enter the fight themselves. The pit fiends, taking a more straight-forward approach, hurl themselves forwards into the battlefield, charging through the battlefield at the great sphere in the sky.


Teleporting up into the sky, none of you can see cracks behind the the giant sphere in the sky. Wero does, however, see a single small crack... trailing back into the giant sphere. At least 7 of the smaller visible spheres are charging directly towards you.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-17, 02:26 PM
((Lord Wero still has to complete his round, as he can still use 2 castings as free actions))

Eyeballing the crack, Lord Wero does what he can. Thinking quickly, and rather recklessly, he warps the party again, this time within 400 ft of the small crack going into the sphere, assuming this is true and its not a trick of perspective.

He quickly turns to Rahja. I require your song! No hesitation!

Then, channeling the tremendous energies needed to power the mighty spell of the Archmagister Prime, the High Lord pulls one hand back, enclosing it within an almighty encircling of power.
He then throws his hand out, firing the column of amethyst energy down the length of the crack.

Free Action 1: Greater Teleport to 400 ft from the crack opposite of the Great Sphere if possible

Free Action 2: Maximized Time Stop

Round 1 to 5:
Intensified (6) Twin (2) Untyped (1) Repeating (2) Delayed (2) Orb of Fire








Non-Action: Absolute Authority on Rahja for whatever actions she needs to get off for Live the Legend. If it's a full-round action, she gets a free Standard and Move action, or two Standard Actions, or two Move Actions.

2012-09-18, 03:10 PM
Unprepared and disoriented, Rahja has barely any time to get even one note out before time stops.

Rahja uses Live the Legend and Inspire Courage.

2012-09-18, 05:19 PM

Celestica cant help but take advantage of the big boost that Rahja will provide and chooses to fully activate her Belt of Battle to join Wero in firing on the umbilical crack. She calls on Hanali to power her shots

[roll0] damage & [roll1] holy & [roll2] anarchic
[roll3] damage & [roll4] holy & [roll5] anarchic
[roll6] damage & [roll7] holy & [roll8] anarchic
[roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic

2012-09-19, 11:02 AM
With the huge Blackball being a "DON'T TOUCH THIS" object, Usabhar and Nasiri both realize a little too late that they aren't going to be helpful. Instead the dwarf looks down at the ground battle and sees that it could be in need of a little assistance. As Wero launches his incredible arcane assault, Usabhar pats the couatl towards the ground below with lance in hand. "Fly us down Nasiri," He belts out with a rousing cheer. With a calm, yet passionate "Of course paragon," Nasiri soars downward to the nearest Umbral Blot. In most cases a couatl wouldn't even dare getting near one, however Nasiri is a special case, much like Usabhar.

At the nearest Blot, Usabhar rams his lance directly at it as Nasiri closes in. Though hitting it with any normal weapon would cause the item to disintegrate immediately, Usabhar's lance and greataxe could survive the multiverse's final end and still be in gleaming condition. Nasiri meanwhile fires a celestial ray of light from her mouth. May not be as useful as other abilities but it is there for when she needs to use it.

Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: Perform movement for Charging
Standard Action: Using Heavenly Fire at the Umbral Blot.
Ray Attack: [roll0]
Ray Damage: [roll1] Divine damage if Evil
Swift Action: N/A
Move/Standard Action: Performing a full attack using my Lance and Greataxe, along with the assorted AoOs if they apply. 2d6 for my Lance due to Charging, All x3 crits due to Live the Legend, x2 for my Lance on top due to Dire Charge, and another x2 on top due to Valorous on my Lance (thanks Dreadnaught's Array!)
Lance Attacks' Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] Charging + [roll4] Holy if Evil
[roll5] + [roll6] Charging + [roll7] Holy if Evil
[roll8] + [roll9] Charging + [roll10] Holy if Evil
[roll11] + [roll12] Charging + [roll13] Holy if Evil
[roll14] + [roll15] Charging + [roll16] Holy if Evil

Greataxe Attacks' Damage: [roll17] + [roll18] Holy if Evil
[roll19] + [roll20] Holy if Evil
[roll21] + [roll22] Holy if Evil
[roll23] + [roll24] Holy if Evil
[roll25] + [roll26] Holy if Evil

AoO Attacks' Damage: [roll27] + [roll28] Charging + [roll29] Holy if Evil
[roll30] + [roll31] Charging + [roll32] Holy if Evil
[roll33] + [roll34] Charging + [roll35] Holy if Evil
[roll36] + [roll37] Charging + [roll38] Holy if Evil
[roll39] + [roll40] Charging + [roll41] Holy if Evil
[roll42] + [roll43] Charging + [roll44] Holy if Evil
[roll45] + [roll46] Charging + [roll47] Holy if Evil
[roll48] + [roll49] Charging + [roll50] Holy if Evil
[roll51] + [roll52] Charging + [roll53] Holy if Evil
[roll54] + [roll55] Charging + [roll56] Holy if Evil
[roll57] + [roll58] Charging + [roll59] Holy if Evil
[roll60] + [roll61] Charging + [roll62] Holy if Evil
[roll63] + [roll64] Charging + [roll65] Holy if Evil
[roll66] + [roll67] Charging + [roll68] Holy if Evil
[roll69] + [roll70] Charging + [roll71] Holy if Evil
[roll72] + [roll73] Charging + [roll74] Holy if Evil

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-19, 03:20 PM
Action Round:



R. Vacuum

W. Vacuum

C. Vacuum


S. Vacuum

T. Vacuuum


Results so Far:

More spheres teleport towards the activity on the ground.
Celestica and Wero blast the revealed portion of the crack into a scar, though there is no obvious effect from doing so.
Usabhar destroys 2 of the spheres (one with lance and one with axe) and damages 6 more with attacks of opportunity as they miss.
The remaining angels manage to slay 12 more spheres with their slaying arrows and inflict minor damage to 12 more.
Celestica, Rahja, Usabhar, and Wero both resist the vacuum surrounding the creatures as they are attacked.
Even though the spheres fail with every "attack", 11 solars are drawn into the spheres and destroyed, leaving only 34 left in the battlefield.
Half of Wero's newest reinforcements on the battlefield are likewise obliterated by the spheres below.
Nasiri is blindsided by a series of spheres, one of which rams into her and delivers some minor injuries.
Shards of black iron tear up from the ground, harming 5 of the spheres.

Reaction Round:

2012-09-19, 04:31 PM
As all spheres touched by Rahja's song simply fail to inflict any harm whatsoever, she doges around the assailants while also trying to keep Celestica, who she holds in her arms, as steady as possible. Despite the carnage below, the young woman's song continues, filling all who struggle against these forces of destruction with the power and will to oppose them.

Rahja shifts ever so slightly to give Celestica as much freedom of movement as she holds the elven maiden, the closeness reveals ever so slight hints. Her grip becomes just a faint bit tighter, there is almost unhearable, but yet undeniable pain in her voice. It isn't hard to guess that seeing so many beings simply get annihilated is getting to her.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-20, 12:42 AM
Reaction Round: Not used

Actual Round

Lord Wero sustains his beam of indigo, this time intensifying it into a mighty column of raw power, turning it from the crack, which doesn't seem to be affected, into the Super Blot.

Standard Action: Maximized Time Stop
Round 1 through 5:

Greater Arcane Fusion
(Intensified Twin Untyped Delayed Orb of Fire)
(Maximized Twin Untyped Delayed Orb of Fire)

Essentially boils down to 10 Intensified Orbs that will, each, deal 360 untyped damage (live the legend double damage) and 10 Maximized orbs that will each deal 180 damage untyped)

I think i'll use my free actions in the following Reaction round

2012-09-20, 08:04 AM
As discussed OOC, if she has not used her Belt, she activates in the reaction round and fires on the big sphere...if not, disregard attacks


Celestica once again calls on the power of Hanali to empower her shots, hoping to finish off the blot quickly. The multiple battles with little time in between are beginning to tax her ability to channel the power of the goddess and she doesnt know how many more times she can do it. At least the power of the Live the Legend is making her as effective as she can be.

[roll0] damage & [roll1] holy & [roll2] anarchic
[roll3] damage & [roll4] holy & [roll5] anarchic
[roll6] damage & [roll7] holy & [roll8] anarchic
[roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic

EDIT: 711 regular, 29 holy, 25 anarchic

2012-09-20, 01:22 PM
For my Reaction round, I'd like to make use of my Mounted Combat feat to have Usabhar roll his ride check against whoever attacks Nasiri: [roll0]

I'll get fluff up later once I'm back home and know the results of my check. :smallsmile:

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-20, 01:55 PM
Round 1 Final Results:

Up above, Lord Wero teleports up to the sphere with everyone in tow before teleporting forwards for a better look. Celestica lets out a volley of holy arrows towards the nascent crack as Wero freezes time to unleash his Galick Gun. Each shot sends arcane energy coursing through his draconic veins to his outstretched talons, waiting for time to resume to make their destruction manifest. As tine begins to flow once more, all of the attack focused on the crack instantly shatter it and leave no more than a thin scar in the sky extending from the great sphere above. Rahja lets out a note of hope among the desperation just as the smaller spheres arrive.

As the seven spheres weave their way towards you, all of you manage to dodge with great ease, often maneuvering between multiple spheres to cancel out their vacuums.

Departing from the group, Usabhar and his winged cohort ride down to the ground to enter the heart of the battle as more spheres teleport down to engage the group. Two more spheres are handily shattered as Nasiri launches a blast of holy light at a third. As the paragon dodges between the spheres, Usabhar manages to damage far more of them as they approach. Nasiri, less adept at dealing with multiple enemies, brushes against one of the spheres and leaves with the scales over her tail removed ([roll0] damage, Mounted Combat doesn't apply as no attack was made).

The Angels launch forth a barrage of arrows from their celstial bows, destroying 11 of the spheres on contact and harming a couple dozen more. The other troops that Wero brought perform with equal tenacity, harming the spheres with each of their attacks as the pit fiends continue flying directly for the giant sphere.

All around Usabhar, however, the battle seems to be quickly deteriorating. More spheres teleport in all around the town, quickly drawing your allies into their gaping forms. Nearly half of Wero's humanoid troops are destroyed in a matter of seconds as blackballs appear among them, each of their screams silenced in mid-yell. The angels also suffer major losses as another 11 are sucked into the spheres of blackness. Other blackballs randomly rush across the surface, destroying structures in their wake and leaving the surface pitted and uneven.

Out from this pitted battlefield erupts loose spires of blackened iron, harming a few blackballs in the area. A large figure, fitted in what looks like layers and layers of interlocking plate male, walks out onto the battlefield carrying a tower shield at least a foot thick.

Drawing upon the power of her belt, Celestica moves at unparalleled speed as she launches another volley of arrows directly at the larger sphere. Though each attack seems to hit, it is still impossible to tell how much damage you are truly doing.


Emperor Ing
2012-09-20, 02:16 PM
Already posted my actions in previous post, will use Free Action castings in the reaction if need be

Edit: Make one use of Absolute Authority to give Nasiri a move action

2012-09-20, 04:03 PM
Rahja - HP 590/590, THP 100
AC 112 (T 95, FF 100), Fort +65, Ref +71, Will +81
CMD 123, SR 36, performance rounds 614/638, Belt of Battle charges 1/3
Preventative measures True resurrection x2, Live the Legend 0/2
Healer spells used 1x 3rd, 3x 5th, 1x 9th

As she sings, Rahja concentrates even further, bringing forth another burst of strengthening energy that envelops her and hear nearby allies. Usabhar and Celestica can feel their spirits being lifted especially by Rahja's song, pushing their abilities to the very limit and beyond, true potential unlocked.

Maintian Live the Legend (last round!) and Inspire Courage.

Rahja casts Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass on herself, Celestica, Wero and whoever else is within 60ft. of Rahja (except the spheres). She attaches the spells Owl's Insight and Haste (paid off with Lyric Spell).

Rahja uses Weave Emotion (anticipation) as well Weave Feelings (optimism) on Usabhar and Celestica.

Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Live the Legend
Rahja|590/590|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20, Live the Legend
Usabhar|870/870|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20
Wero, High Lord|780/780|100|+10|Live the Legend, Inspire Courage +20
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Haste - Extra attack on full attacks, +1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex, +30 feet to all movement modes. Lasts 25 rounds.
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls
Live the Legend - All allies who hear Rahja roll natural 20s on all their attack rolls for the duration of the effect. Critical threats are automatically confirmed and immunity to critical hits is ignored. Martial maneuvers used are not expended. While below half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are doubled. All enemies who can hear Rahja roll natural 1s on all attack rolls for the duration and while they are above half maximum HP, all bonuses to rolls are halved. Lasts until the end of Rahja's next turn.

2012-09-21, 02:59 PM
Based on OOC discussions that this is round 2, and Celestica can fire

Taking her cue from Wero and Rahja, Celestica turns her fire back on the huge umbral blot. She continues to call on Hanali to smite her foes, and hopes she can finally finish it off. As before, her arrows trail golden sparks as they fly to hit the beast/thing/whatever

[roll0] damage & [roll1] holy & [roll2] anarchic
[roll3] damage & [roll4] holy & [roll5] anarchic
[roll6] damage & [roll7] holy & [roll8] anarchic
[roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] damage & [roll13] holy & [roll14] anarchic

EDIT: 1025 normal, 28 holy, 40 anarchic

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-21, 06:10 PM
Results So Far This Round:
-Celestica launches arrows at the big sphere. Sphere still lives
-Wero launches spells at the big sphere. Sphere still lives.
-Rahja unleashes her buffs.
-23 more spheres brought down by the solars as they launch their arrows. Only a hundred or so remain visible.
-The spheres rush from wherever they are into the ground burying themselves into the ground, destroying all by 3 of the remaining Solars and 3 of the remaining troops in the process. the remaining troops run for the shelter in town.
-Usabhar may make 8 attacks of opportunity before declaring his action (which will occur last in initiative, so keep that in mind).
-Dispater calls out not to let the spheres dig into the earth.
-The pit fiends turn invisible in mid-air.
-Yoweth finally walks outside of the shelter, grinning madly as she stares into the air. Following her are a line of two dozen warcasters holding rods of cancellation. Additional rods of cancellation are tied to each of her forepaws.
DC 35 Knowledge (Arcana) Check:Blackballs, at least superficially, resemble mythical artifacts known as spheres of annihilation. One of the lesser-known weaknesses of these artifacts is violently exploding when they come into contact with a rod of cancellation. There's no real indication that they would work for a blackball but then again, who would really be crazy enough to test it?

S. Vacuuum


WT Vacuum

Round 2 Reaction Step Go!

2012-09-21, 07:45 PM
Nothing to do for the reaction phase, move along.

Emperor Ing
2012-09-21, 07:59 PM
Free Action 1&2: Galick Gun overcharge!

Maximized Time Stop
Round 1 through 5:
(Intensified Twin Untyped Delayed Orb of Fire)
(Maximized Twin Untyped Delayed Orb of Fire)

So essentially action rounds repeated. Targeting the giant sphere


Yoweth! The Prince calls out in surprise upon seeing his older sister, though any such relief he feels turn to annoyance when he sees her with rods of cancellations in her hands. Two. You'll need more than that.
Prince Zurkar calls out to her sister as a grid of white energy form the shape and enchantments of such a rod in his hands.
Him and the Praetorian Mech Dragon are on the ground, with the latter assuming a defensive stance. Recieving the rod in his readied hand, and ready to throw it at an incoming blot.

Prince Zurkar uses Wondercraft to create a Rod of Cancellation as a full-round action. As a free action, he hands it to Korshim, who promptly readies himself to throw it at an oncoming Blot.

Prince Zurkar: Full Round Action: Wondercraft
Free action: Hand it to Korshim

Korshim Standard Action: Ready to recieve Rod
Swift Action: Activate Moderate Overclock: Ready action to throw Rod at incoming or threatening Blot

2012-09-21, 08:07 PM
No reaction phase actions

2012-09-23, 07:46 PM
In all the chaos of battle, Nasiri turns just in time to find one of the spheres charge maddeningly at her. Barely enough evasion only ends up brushing against one of them. Yet the brush erases scales on her tail in the same way a disintegration beam eliminates a chunk of iron. She panics for just a moment before returning to focus at the battle at hand. With a mighty standing rise, the couatl rears back and charges past various other spheres, picking up speed in time for Usabhar to charge and strike another sphere as he parries and counters foes from all sides.

In midst of all this however, the dwarf takes note of the massive steel figure with the equally humongous shield. Usabhar recognizes him and had not Heaven and Hell be working together the dwarf would turn to combat him in an instant. However for now the spheres await as the dwarf fights with the skill that no solar or pit fiend in sight can match.

Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: Perform movement for Charging
Standard Action:

Swift Action: N/A
Move/Standard Action: Performing a full attack using my Lance and Greataxe, along with the 8 AoOs that apply. All x3 crits due to Live the Legend, x2 for my Lance on top due to being a lance, another x2 on top due to Valorous on my Lance, 2d6 for my Lance due to Charging, and 10d6 on my first hit due to Tremendous Blow. (5d6 for every hit afterward)
Lance Attacks' Damage: [roll0] + [roll1] Charging/Tremendous Blow
[roll2] + [roll3] Charging/Tremendous Blow
[roll4] + [roll5] Charging/Tremendous Blow
[roll6] + [roll7] Charging/Tremendous Blow
[roll8] + [roll9] Charging/Tremendous Blow

Greataxe Attacks' Damage: [roll10] + [roll11] Tremendous Blow
[roll12] + [roll13] Tremendous Blow
[roll14] + [roll15] Tremendous Blow
[roll16] + [roll17] Tremendous Blow
[roll18] + [roll19] Tremendous Blow

AoO Attacks' Damage: [roll20] + [roll21] Tremendous Blow
[roll22] + [roll23] Tremendous Blow
[roll24] + [roll25] Tremendous Blow
[roll26] + [roll27] Tremendous Blow
[roll28] + [roll29] Tremendous Blow
[roll30] + [roll31] Tremendous Blow
[roll32] + [roll33] Tremendous Blow
[roll34] + [roll35] Tremendous Blow

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-24, 02:39 PM
Round 2 Results

From Rahja's grasp, Celestica lets out the third volley of arrows that she's loosed in the past 10 seconds, scoring a multitude of hits against the giant sphere.

Changing the aim of his Galick Gun to the sphere, Lord Wero overcharges it, creating a veritable beam of energy as wide as himself that blazes its way into the sphere. As the beam subsides, however, it looks just as it always did.

Rahja has precious little time to do anything, placing a few more spells into place as she continues with her performance.

The ongoing battle below, meanwhile, seems to be going poorly. Though Wero's troops succeed in harming the smaller spheres and the angels take out a large handful, none could have prepared for how the spheres responded. All of them rushes right for the ground, collapsing like some dream meteor storm and burrowing into the ground. Though not one of the horrid black sphere ram into anyone directly, their vacuums are strong enough to all but obliterate the angels and the remainder of Wero's men.

Down below, Wero and Nasiri alike seem to be the only ones holding their own, destroying a couple of spheres and damaging more that come within his reach and granting others the chance that they needed to retreat.

Dispater launches himself down one of the holes after the spheres, calling for someone to help stop them as a final new party enters the group. Armed with rods of cancellation, Yoweth and her infantry seem about ready to punch the giant sphere into oblivion, at least until her brother speaks up.

Round 3 Action Step Go

Emperor Ing
2012-09-24, 04:23 PM

DID YOU HEAR ME? THROW THE RODS!! He speaks in his loudest yelling voice. He then realizes that most of Yoweth's honor guard would never be able to throw that far.
AND TELL YOUR MEN TO DROP THE RODS ON THE BLOTS IN THE HOLES!! ONE PER HOLE!! Though the consequences of having to yell that loud for that long leave the Prince doubled over, coughing, to the immediate concern of Korshim. However he is dismissed as the young purple dragon claims his health.

He then summons another grid of white, technomantic energy to create yet another rod of cancellation.
Dispater has a point, if they go underground far enough this planet is history. Take my rods and drop them in their holes, onto the spheres.
Korshim nods, and takes this next rod immediately.
Understood, Gatekeeper.
He then takes off, a blast of steam propelling him to supernatural alacrity. As he moves, he deposits the two Rods of Cancellation he has into two separate holes he can see the Blots burrowing straight down into.

Prince Zurkar

FRA: Wondercraft another Rod of Cancellation


Standard action: Pick up Rod of Cancellation.

Move Action: Hustle in a circle to find at least two craters with spheres burrowing straight down

Free Action x2: Drop Rods of Cancellation into the holes

((I'll post Lord Wero's actions later. Apologies i'm feeling lazy and I have no ideas ATM))

2012-09-24, 11:13 PM
Rahja - HP 590/590, THP 100
performance rounds 613/638, Belt of Battle charges 1/3
Preventative measures True resurrection x2, Live the Legend 0/2
Healer spells used 1x 3rd, 3x 5th, 1x 9th

As attacking the big sphere seems to show no progress, Rahja teleports herself and Celestica back down to the ground, next to one of the holes the smaller spheres made.

Maintain Inspire Courage

Standard action to use Greater Teleport as described. More actions coming. Getting granted a standard action would be nice if it's not needed otherwise.

Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20
Rahja|590/590|100|+10|Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20
Usabhar|870/870|100|+10|Inspire Courage +20, Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism)
Wero, High Lord|780/780|100|+10|Inspire Courage +20
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Haste - Extra attack on full attacks, +1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex, +30 feet to all movement modes. Lasts 25 rounds.
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls

2012-09-25, 12:37 PM
One of these times, Im going to remember to adjust my attack rolls before submitting


Celestica lands lightly on the ground at the end of Rahja's teleport and quickly rushes to one of the holes being bored by the spheres. She calls on the power of Hanali to power her shots, although this time it is a Divine Might (3rd used of 17) instead of a smite. She fires 5 times down the hole, trying to take out the sphere

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage & [roll6] holy & [roll7] anarchic
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] attack & [roll13] damage & [roll14] holy & [roll15] anarchic
[roll16] attack & [roll17] damage & [roll18] holy & [roll19] anarchic

EDIT: 269 damage, 29 holy, 33 anarchic

Emperor Ing
2012-09-25, 02:23 PM

Lord Wero is stunned. No, to say he's stunned is an understatement. The sheer shock that is displayed on his face is nothing compared to the inner tempest of consternation, horror, and futility going through his mind.
That was... he mutters in disbelief
That was my most powerful attack...not even Gods could have survived that!

Despite this shock, the High Lord comes to some realizations. First off the giant blot has not made a hostile move. Certainly it could, but it has not for some reason. Secondly, a Rod of Cancellation would theoretically kill any of the smaller blots. How effective would it be against this one is open to interpretation but Prince Zurkar would be invaluable in this respect. For now though he's wasting time and energy here. He does notice the spheres making holes in the ground.

With a quick teleportation, the High Lord brings his wrath upon a hole created by one of the blots. He looks at Rahja, jesturing to her to do the same.

Lord Wero casts Greater Teleport to hover over a hole

Free Action casting x2
Intensified Twin Untyped Orb of Fire



180 untyped damage each

And...Absolute Authority to give a Standard Action to Rahja

2012-09-25, 03:31 PM
Joining Celestica on the ground, Rahja's song seems to have faded tremendously compared to even seconds before, just a shell of it's former self. Still, she continues, her voice echoing across the battlefield once filled with the living and now so desolate and empty. The sun darkened by a force of utter destruction, the ground ravaged by war. It is like a bleak vision of the future.

Rahja can only reinforce her song, summoning her bow and aiming down the holes, joining her cherished friend Celestica in sending a rain of arrows downwards, so that this world might be saved.

Get a standard action granted by Wero.

Full attack with the bow
[roll0], [roll1] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll2], [roll3] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll4], [roll5] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll6], [roll7] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll8], [roll9] force damage + 10 sonic

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-25, 04:57 PM
Events of Round so far:
-Mikela, Rahja, and Wero each fire down a hole.
-Yoweth's followers drop their rods down 24 more holes, followed by promising explosions from the depths
-Korshim's efforts are rewarded with another 2 explosions
-Yoweth rips the two rods from her forearms with her teeth and flies off towards the giant blot.
-Usabhar may declare his actions in reaction round.

Reaction Round Go

Emperor Ing
2012-09-26, 01:42 AM
((No reactions being taken from this end))

2012-09-26, 06:17 AM
No actions here

2012-09-26, 09:39 AM
Nothing to do.

2012-09-26, 11:55 AM
Fighting as the only one that could actually fight by the dwarf's standards, Usabhar takes down sphere after sphere with ease... It isn't until he hears Dispater's call to prevent the spheres from burrowing that he changes tactics. Having to "take" orders from an archduke of Hell greatly irritated the dwarf but stopping the spheres are likely the best course of action here.

Usabhar pats Nasiri towards one of the holes that isn't being bombarded by a Wand of Cancelling. For a moment the couatl is in genuine shock at the dwarf's plan. "P-Paragon, you cannot possibly be-" Without a word the dwarf raises his lance towards the hole; that's enough of a sign for Nasiri that Usabhar is serious. With a nervous nod, Nasiri flies downward into the hole. Usabhar's lance pointing straight outward as if expecting to strike the sphere right where this hole ends.

Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: Perform movement for Charging; moving down the hole.
Standard Action:

Swift Action: N/A
Move/Standard Action: Performing a full attack using my Lance and Greataxe via charge, along with any AoOs that apply. All 2d6 for my Lance due to Charging, and 10d6 on my first hit due to Tremendous Blow. (5d6 for every hit afterward)
x2 crits for my Lance being a lance, another x2 on top due to Valorous on my Lance. Weave (Optimism) so choose best of 3 d20 rolls for each attack
Lance: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]
Greataxe:[roll12] [roll13] [roll14]
[roll15] [roll16] [roll17]
[roll18] [roll19] [roll20]
[roll21] [roll22] [roll23]
AoOs:[roll24] [roll25] [roll26]
[roll27] [roll28] [roll29]
[roll30] [roll31] [roll32]
[roll33] [roll34] [roll35]
[roll36] [roll37] [roll38]
[roll39] [roll40] [roll41]
[roll42] [roll43] [roll44]
[roll45] [roll46] [roll47]
[roll48] [roll49] [roll50]
[roll51] [roll52] [roll53]
[roll54] [roll55] [roll56]
[roll57] [roll58] [roll59]
[roll60] [roll61] [roll62]
[roll63] [roll64] [roll65]
[roll66] [roll67] [roll68]
[roll69] [roll70] [roll71]
Lance: [roll72] + [roll73] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll74] + [roll75] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll76] + [roll77] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll78] + [roll79] Tremendous Blow/Charge
Greataxe: [roll80] + [roll81] Tremendous Blow
[roll82] + [roll83] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll84] + [roll85] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll86] + [roll87] Tremendous Blow/Charge
AoOs: [roll88] + [roll89] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll90] + [roll91] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll92] + [roll93] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll94] + [roll95] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll96] + [roll97] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll98] + [roll99] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll100] + [roll101] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll102] + [roll103] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll104] + [roll105] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll106] + [roll107] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll108] + [roll109] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll110] + [roll111] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll112] + [roll113] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll114] + [roll115] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll116] + [roll117] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll118] + [roll119] Tremendous Blow/Charge

Realms of Chaos
2012-09-26, 02:51 PM
Round 3:

Abandoning the bit blot for the moment, Rahja, Wero, and Celestica return to the ground to deal with the burrowing menace. Launching arrows and spells into the ground, each of them manage to slay a blot that Usabhar had damaged.

The troops that Yoweth had brought, at her brother's instructions, toss their rods down the holes, resulting in explosion after earth-shaking explosion. Even as Korshim drops in a couple more rods, the earth around a couple of holes collapses from the explosions.

Yoweth, meanwhile, seeking a quick and decisive (if incredibly foolhardy) victory, rips the rods from her hands with her teeth as instructed and begins her flight into throwing range.

Usabhar, diving down one of the holes, skewers the blackball at its base with hardly a worry a good 60 feet down. Song or no song, the paragon was going to make these beasts pay.

Round 4 Action Step Go:

Emperor Ing
2012-09-26, 07:52 PM
Prince Zurkar feels some satisfaction at seeing his dear sister actually take his advice. The crumbling of the ground and the explosions are very good indicators that keeping your distance is a good idea. Poor Yoweth, she is many times older than the Prince, yet a worse flier. Somehow. Certainly more bone-headed.

He refocuses his attention on calling another Rod of Cancellation into creation, with Korshim coming back around to pick it up and deposit it in a hole.

Lord Wero, meanwhile, goes into the air and fires bursts of energy down two yet-to-be-touched holes.

Prince Zurkar

Wondercraft a Rod of Cancellation into existance


Take Rod of Cancellation, fly over a hole that has a blot in it and drop it in

Lord Wero

Intensified Twin Untyped Orb of Fire x3 (standard, free, free)

Three orbs for each hole





Also, Absolute Authority to give Nasiri and Celestica a move action

2012-09-27, 07:37 AM
Continuing her song, Rahja pushes herself to teleport next to a hole containing another sphere and shoot arrows downwards as quickly as possible.

Immediate action (taken during turn) Cast Celerity with Lyric Spell
Granted Standard Action is used to activate Rahja's boots' Greater Teleport to teleport next to another hole with a sphere in it.

Full attack
[roll0], [roll1] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll2], [roll3] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll4], [roll5] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll6], [roll7] force damage + 10 sonic
[roll8], [roll9] force damage + 10 sonic

Total: 166 force damage + 50 sonic

Current party status and temporary effects
{table=head]Character|HP|THP|OC bonus*|Temporary effects
Celestica|660/660|100|+10|Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism), Inner Beauty, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20
Rahja|590/590|100|+10|Inner Beauty, Master Performer, Haste, Owl's Insight, Inspire Courage +20
Usabhar|870/870|100|+10|Inspire Courage +20, Weave Emotions (anticipation), Weave Feelings (optimism)
Wero, High Lord|780/780|100|+10|Inspire Courage +20
*OC = Overcharge; +1 bonus to attack rolls, saves, skill checks per 10 THP granted by Rahja, up to +10

Effect descriptions:
Weave Emotions (anticipation) - +10 untyped to AC and initiative, can't lose Dex bonus to AC while mobile, conscious
Weave Feelings (optimism) - Roll 3d20 instead of 1d20, add sums together, even one 20 makes roll count as natural 20
Inner Beauty - +4 sacred bonus to Dex and Cha, enhanced beauty and grace. Total duration 250 minutes (casted at start of evacuation).
Master Performer - While performing, gain Cha modifier to AC and saves
Haste - Extra attack on full attacks, +1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex, +30 feet to all movement modes. Lasts 25 rounds.
Owl's Insight - +14 insight bonus to Wisdom. Lasts 1 hour.
Inspire Courage - +20 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear, +20 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls

2012-09-27, 08:12 AM
Fulfilling the role of removing one of the spheres, Nasiri carries Usabhar out from the hole the sphere made and dives over into another one. The sight of it all is like a dolphin jumping out of water and back into it. It is a rather fun sight if the crisis at hand wasn't so immense. Usabhar of course could care less about "fun."

Swift Action: N/A
Move Action: Perform movement for Charging; moving from the hole she was in with Usabhar and down another hole.
Standard Action: N/A

Swift Action: N/A
Move/Standard Action: Performing a full attack using my Lance and Greataxe via charge, along with any AoOs that apply. All 2d6 for my Lance due to Charging, and 10d6 on my first hit due to Tremendous Blow. (5d6 for every hit afterward)
x2 crits for my Lance being a lance, another x2 on top due to Valorous on my Lance. Weave (Optimism) so choose best of 3 d20 rolls for each attack.
Lance: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]
Greataxe: [roll12] [roll13] [roll14]
[roll15] [roll16] [roll17]
[roll18] [roll19] [roll20]
[roll21] [roll22] [roll23]

Lance: [roll24]+ [roll25] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll26] + [roll27] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll28] + [roll29] Tremendous Blow/Charge
[roll30] + [roll31] Tremendous Blow/Charge
Greataxe: [roll32] + [roll33] Tremendous Blow
[roll34] + [roll35] Tremendous Blow
[roll36] + [roll37] Tremendous Blow
[roll38] + [roll39] Tremendous Blow
I'll make AoOs in the Reaction round once I know how many Usabhar can make. :smallsmile:

2012-09-27, 10:22 AM

Bouyed by her success in dealing with the smaller blot (as opposed to the big blot which depressed her), Celestica takes advantage of the spell used by Lord Wero to move quickly to another hole. Still calling on the power of Hanali, she fires into it, hoping to wipe out yet another umbral menace

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage & [roll6] holy & [roll7] anarchic
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] attack & [roll13] damage & [roll14] holy & [roll15] anarchic
[roll16] attack & [roll17] damage & [roll18] holy & [roll19] anarchic

2012-09-27, 10:23 AM

shot #2 has a crit threat
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic

2012-09-27, 10:26 AM

damn it, long composite is X3, need one more damage set

[roll0] damage & [roll1] holy & [roll2] anarchic

EDIT: 372 damage, 48 holy, 55 anarchic

Realms of Chaos
2012-10-01, 07:09 PM
Another explosion is heard underground as Korshim drops another rod. Rahja and Celestica finally finish slaying their spheres as Nasiri bursts out of the ground with Usabhar in tow, ready to engage the next foe as he drops into another pit.

Up above, Yoweth has finally reached throwing range for her target, tossing in both of the rods, a tremendous explosion fills the air, propelling Yoweth's smoking body down the the ground and into the ruins of town. For a moment, it would seem that the big boy has somehow resisted the attempt as smaller ones couldn't. As the smoke clears, however, it becomes clear that a large sliver of it is missing, revealing the cracks that had been impaling it.

Emperor Ing
2012-10-01, 08:42 PM
The explosion captures the great purple dragon's attention. Evidently Yoweth's plan was at least somewhat successful, and if this worked, even partially, it showed the blot had a weakness. However what truly captures the High Lord's attention is the third Purple Dragon being thrown violently from the exploding sphere. Without a word, or a single thought outside of what he must do, the High Lord spreads his mighty wings, making short work of the distance between him and the fallen form of his daughter.

Prince Zurkar, however, feels more impressed by the display of power from the explosion than anything else. Inspiration has struck him yet again. He looks on the now-exposed crack and considers dropping Rods of Cancellation on top of it. From a safe height of course.
Listen! If you can cast a healing spell on the crack from a distance, do it. Otherwise i'm going to bomb that Blot back to the Entropic Void. Keep those blackballs off of me!

On that note, Korshim and Prince Zurkar fly up to get above the Super Blot

Lord Wero max-speed flies to the ruined town to find Yoweth, but not before granting Rahja 2 standard actions from Absolute Authority

Korshim and Prince Zurkar max-speed fly up into the sky to get above the super-sphere

2012-10-02, 06:45 AM

Hearing the Prince's plan, Celestica nods her acceptance of it, and draws the string on her bow again. She calls on Hanali to bless her shots, and then calls to Rahja....the healing is your department, I'll provide the cover fire Celestica will fire on any blot that moves to intercept the Prince or menaces Rahja

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage & [roll6] holy & [roll7] anarchic
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] attack & [roll13] damage & [roll14] holy & [roll15] anarchic
[roll16] attack & [roll17] damage & [roll18] holy & [roll19] anarchic

EDIT: 272 damage, 35 holy, 29 anarchic

2012-10-02, 11:40 AM
Coming up from another hole, Usabhar and Nasiri arrive just in time to see the incredible explosion fill the air followed by the big sphere revealing it's cracks. As Wero and Zurkar take off, Nasiri looks to Usabhar for a moment, now with her normal calm look, speaking to the elf and aasimar. "We will follow them but give us word if you are in need of immediate assistance." With that, Nasiri flies off to the blot. Usabhar waits till they're in range before throwing his lance with a mighty push, flying like a shooting star into the blot's cracks. His greataxe follows, flying without need of being thrown to strike the blot's cracks.

Swift Action: N/A
Move/Standard Action: Flying at max-speed to get within 60 ft of Blot.

Swift Action: N/A
Move/Standard Action: Throwing my Lance and Full Attacking with my Greataxe. 10d6 for Lance and 5d6 for Greataxe. Weave (Optimism) so choose best of 3 d20 rolls for each attack.
Lance: [roll0]

Greataxe: [roll1]
Lance: [roll5] + [roll6] Tremendous Blow

Greataxe: [roll7] + [roll8] Tremendous Blow
[roll9] + [roll10] Tremendous Blow
[roll11] + [roll12] Tremendous Blow
[roll13] + [roll14] Tremendous Blow

2012-10-02, 12:49 PM
Rahja shields herself from the blast as it reaches the ground, her botts digging into the earth as she keeps herself upright. Seeing the cracks within the blackball and hearing both Nasiri and Celestica, Rahja nods to them. She would have headed up anyways, but knowing she can place her trust into Celestica helps tremendously with gathering the courage to move so close to the giant blot, which might be almost certain death.

The angelic song suddenly reaches everyone's ears from far above, it's singer having teleported just a few dozens of feet from the cracks, unloading everything she can in such a short time in terms of healing magic.

Rahja continues her song and

Standard Teleport within 50 feet of the cracks.

Two granted standard actions Cast Mass Heal twice, healing 2x400 HP (2 level 8 slots)

Swift Cast quickened Mass Heal, healing another 400 HP (1 lv12 slot)

Note: All Mass Heals have a range of 95ft and are automatically widened, so no two targets can be apart more than 60 feet instead of 30 feet.

Also, keep in mind that Rahja's saves are increased by a total of +28 right now due to Overcharge and Master Performer.

Realms of Chaos
2012-10-02, 03:37 PM
Searching through the wreckage, Wero finds his fallen child in the ruined remains of a shop, taking up most of the space and lying on her back with her neck leaning backwards over the shopkeep's counter. Her neck has clearly been broken by impact and the pool of blood around her suggests that she took a fair bit of the impact. Even so, from this angle, you could almost swear that she is smiling.

As Dispater finally rises out of his hole (walking on iron stairs that jut out from the edges), Celestica fires upon the cracks within the blackball, dealing serious harm. Usabhar, riding once more on Nasiri, manages to attack from just beyond the boundaries of the cyclone, shattering what remains to mere scars. At long last, Rahja teleports into the air and, with a valiant display of magic, seals the cracks once more. The vortex around the tremendous blackball comes to a halt as every thing seems to stand still.

Then the blackball begins to fall.

As the other creatures you have met today, the blackball doesn't simply vanish when the cracks are repaired. No longer pinned in place by the cracks and lacking the means to stay afloat, however, this tremendous creature is falling directly towards town.

At its current course, the blackball will land within 6 rounds. Within 3 rounds, explosions from rods of cancellation will likely reach the city. One tenth of the body has been destroyed thus-far. The sphere is 1.5 miles in diameter and you have no estimate of its weight.

Emperor Ing
2012-10-02, 11:55 PM
So bullish. So headstrong, and always believing that the best solution to any problem is the coercion of overwhelming force and power. The General hardly had any idea how much of himself Lord Wero liked to think he saw in her. The fact that she was one of nearly two-dozen did not make what he saw any less brutal. Seeing his own daughter lying down on the ground, that one portion of her neck twisted at a wicked angle...it was hard. A part of him denied it. The fact that his own flesh and blood could be so easily killed. Another part of him refused to accept it, and fought in a grand battle that will be spoken of in awe for centuries to come against the side of him that saw reality. A dead dragon on the ground. Lifeless, broken, yet at peace over what she had done. Or at least what she tried to do.

He looked up at the super-blot. He saw the exposed crack, and expects the others to destroy it. Though he wonders if it's not already destroyed by now. And why is the sphere getting larger?


In that instant of realization, the denial, which had now become instinctual, won over reality. Twisting and manifesting into the Dragon Lord's very words that screamed defiance against an uncaring reality. He grabbed one of Yoweth's arms in one hand, and held her head up in the other.
Wake up! The alarmed purple dragon ordered.
We are leaving! Now!
Without any further hesitation, the High Lord took wing, holding the now restored General Yoweth in tow through the air by her arm.

Standard Action: Lord Wero casts You Die When I Say So! [Epic] on Yoweth to revive her.
Move Action: Hustle towards the group while flying

Will post Prince Zurkar's and Korshim's acts tomorrow.

2012-10-06, 11:00 AM
With combined work of strength sealing the cracks, Usabhar and Nasiri pauses for a moment as the blackball begins to descend. With it's positioning, the town, and possibly more, will be obliterated in easy time. Usabhar quickly looks around to find Wero taking off with Yoweth in hand. Little was said from either, though the dwarf's stoic look contrasted the sorrow Nasiri has at the sight of the High Lord and his fallen general.

Yet battle could not be paused to give one's prayers. With the blackball falling, Usabhar looks towards Zurkar, who seems more focused on the situation at hand. Nasiri turns and flies over to the purple dragon. Usabhar's greataxe retreats to his side as Nasiri speaks up to Zurkar. "Prince," she begins as she hides her sadness for Yoweth with a calming voice, "The paragon wishes your attention." Usabhar speaks more determined and straight-forward.

"Create as many Rods of Cancellation as you can." Usabhar looks out to the falling blackball like he was looking at the end of the world. "I will show the creators of that abomination their lack of dominance over us. Let a message be sent to them, Heaven, and Hell about the dwarves of Sargti." Whatever the paragon has planned, Zurkar gets the feeling that it's a little reckless to say the least.

Not gonna use my usual format this turn. Nasiri uses more Move Action to get to Zurkar.

2012-10-06, 11:19 AM
Relief quickly becomes another moment of shock as the blackball begins to fall in Rahja's direction. Seeing Usabhar speak to the Prince, she teleports next to them. She has an idea. Desperate measures for desperate times. "Prince, do you believe the rods would have a bigger effect if applied to the center?"

Teleport next to the prince. Take 10 on all knowledge checks to guesstimate if teleporting Rods of Cancellation directly into the center would have a bigger effect.

2012-10-06, 12:52 PM

With nothing better to do, Celestica calls on Hanali and continues to fire on the blackball. Perhaps she will destroy more of it before it hits, and perhaps she will distract its attention from the incoming Rahja

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] holy & [roll3] anarchic
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage & [roll6] holy & [roll7] anarchic
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage & [roll10] holy & [roll11] anarchic
[roll12] attack & [roll13] damage & [roll14] holy & [roll15] anarchic
[roll16] attack & [roll17] damage & [roll18] holy & [roll19] anarchic

Emperor Ing
2012-10-06, 01:26 PM
Center? Are you crazy? The Prince appears more than a bit surprised by that statement from Rahja.
Simply being too close to that thing risks your utter annihilation and even if you succeed in weaving through half a mile's worth of oversized Sphere of Annihilation that still subjects you to being blown to smithereens. No, he has a better idea. One that will, for certain, leave the town little more than a truly massive hole, but will eventually lead to the Blot's death. The numbers running through the Prince's head tells him he needs 18 rods to completely destroy the Blot.

He hears Nasiri and Usabhar, though he's not quite sure what the latter wants to do, though he has a feeling that it's unnecessarily risky. First General Yoweth, then Rahja, now Usabhar. Why is everyone so damn suicidal?!

However he can't create Rods at the rate Usabhar or himself would like. Technomancy requires time, time they don't have. He glances towards the partially 4-dimensional construct, Korshim. And inspiration struck. If time is what he needs, the Prince will simply make time.

Korshim's construction consists of components that exist in the realm of time itself. Although the Gatekeeper has no recollection of making them in the first place, he has studied the notes and diagrams he made (apparently) and at least partially understands it. At least enough to be able to create a device that would slow down the passage of time everywhere in the Multiverse except for himself. Summoning a white grid of energy, Prince Zurkar doesn't create a rod, but a rather long metal staff that glows with energy. The prince activates it, and the metal plating hovers out, releasing a flash. When the Prince is visible again, nine rods are visible beginning their descent to the blot, with the staff still in his hands.

Prince Zurkar

Full Round Action: Wondercraft a Staff of Intensified Time Stop (one charge)
Swift Action: Use three Belt of Battle charges for Full Round Action
Move Action: Fly to within 980 ft of the sphere directly above it
Standard Action: Activate Staff of Intensified Time Stop

Time Stop rounds usage

Rounds 1-9
Full Round Action: Wondercraft Rod of Cancellation
Free Action: Drop them onto the Blot

Round 10
Full Round Action: Wondercraft a Staff of Intensified Time Stop (one charge)

Realms of Chaos
2012-10-06, 10:23 PM
As Wero shouts his command at Yoweth, reality bends to accommodate his wishes. Yoweth's neck snaps back into place as she awakes at perfect attention, hardly making a sound as she and Wero fly up into the air.

Up in the air, Zurkar freezes time to a crawl as he draws forth rod after rod in his pursuits. Dropping them before time resumes, the rods almost seem to freeze in midair. As he creates a new staff and time resumes, however, all 9 of the rods fall right onto the blackball as a few more arrows are shot at it from below. When the rods react to the blackball this time, the response is far more catastrophic. For a brief moment, the air is filled with a blinding light far brighter than even the suns you have seen. As the light fades away, however, nothing more is left of the blackball.

Emperor Ing
2012-10-06, 11:12 PM
Knowing from experience, Prince Zurkar put an arm to his eyes in anticipation of the bright flash from the explosion, and he was not dissapointed. Even so, he is forced to avert his eyes for fear of blindness. What he wasn't prepared for is to see the Super Blot gone completely. He does multiple double-takes to make sure he's not mistaken. Yes, it would appear he overestimated the strength of the Super Blot.

With very little else to do, Prince Zurkar and his clockwork praetorian flies down to join his more terrestrial allies, waiting for the unnecessary staff in his hands to dissolve into its aetheric components again.

At the same time, the High Lord arrives with a smaller (but still very much larger than Prince Zurkar) Purple Dragon in tow. He looks up at the sky towards the message only him out of all the dragons present can see.
Remember this day always, when the Eclipse stood defiant against our fate and declared for ourselves our glory to shine Eternal.

2012-10-07, 05:03 AM
It seems Rahja isn't the only one who is surprised to see the blackball disappear so quickly. Standing with Usabhar and Celestica, Rahja mends what little wounds Nasiri has, restoring her to her former glory, as it should be. "Wish I could spend a few weeks to bring these people back." But they have to go to the center of the astral plane instead. The aasimar's thoughts go to the people of this world, wishing she could do more for them, as well as Selayna and Haven, hoping they are alright and able to help the endangered worlds. Hopefully, they will report in soon. And she has to admit that her thoughts linger a bit longer on Selayna.

Rahja is glad to have the others with her and htey can tell from her sheer presence. She goes to check if all blackballs in the ground have been destroyed before meeting up with them again.

2012-10-07, 11:07 AM
Usabhar and Nasiri watch the fireworks as the rods create a cataclysmic explosion, revealing nothing afterward. Though Usabhar was more interested in doing things... His way, he is very glad to see that the threat is finally neutralized. Nasiri could jump for joy if she wasn't in midair and had feet.

Usabhar takes a moment to look firmly at Dispater. Seeing that archduke of Hell here definitely meant something huge is amiss... And not just that, all those that assisted from Heaven and Hell were of lawful benediction. Wherever chaos was, Usabhar gets the feeling that they are to be watched carefully. In addition, the dwarf felt tempted to "speak" to Dispater before he leaves. This would likely be a rather violent conversation though; Usabhar has little respect for devils. It's only a step up from demons, the likes of which Usabhar has slain by the thousands.

Instead, and at Nasiri's hesitance, the dwarf and the couatl fly off to reunite with the rest of their group. With the world saved, the group could move off to the next destination that they have been stalling for quite some time now. Instead however, Usabhar and Nasiri listen to Wero's speech before splitting off temporarily. Usabhar follows Rahja as she checks around for blackballs. His curiosity to her is an obvious sight as he... In attempt to be polite, says, "You show no fear on the battlefield. This has not been the first time you fought such a battle, is it?"

Nasiri meanwhile slithers over to Korshim. She looks up to the sky with a small smile and gentle tone. "Well, glad that's that, is it not? Perhaps we should stock up on these Rods of Cancellation for next time? As powerful as the paragon is, his mind towards pure strength and brute force often isn't enough to save more than a kingdom." She looks over Korshim and takes note of his weapon of choice before quickly adding. "...No offense meant to anyone of course."

2012-10-07, 11:42 AM

Celestica is overjoyed to see the black blot destroyed, and even lets of a yell of triumph, Praise be to Hanali, its destroyed. and then embraces Rahja in a hug. Emotional displays are not common among elves...but then again, Celestica is a most unusual elf.

Her joy however dissipates somewhat as she once again regards Dispater, and her next comments are directed at the High Lord.

And just what is he doing here? When we were in Lyca, you seemed to take the same view of devils that I had. Dont tell me you are backsliding on that. Nothing good comes out of getting help from the likes of them.

2012-10-07, 12:31 PM
Rahja doesn't quite understand at first as she sees and feels from Celestica, having focussed so much on the lives lost and the next step. So many worlds, so many lives in danger. But this world has been saved from certain destruction and the fact is made crystal clear by her friend. Just as one has to look to the future, the present must not be ignored. It is Rahja's nature to give back equally, if not more so, for all kindness and beauty she receives, and thus she embraces Celestica warmly like an old beloved friend, her heart stirring with emotion that takes the form of a short song in the elven tongue. Not one sullied by violence, but one celebrating life and honoring the fallen, a purpose Celestica's mother tongue is perfect for. Her voice is pure and powerful as it sweeps across the battlefield and lifts the very spirits of everyone who hears her, regardless of if they know the language or for what side they fight for.

As the song concludes, Rahja releases the elven maiden in her arms, the aasimar's cheeks reddened from the undiluted joy of her performance. "Thank you for showing me," she simply says to her, smiling brightly.

Rahja's presence remains serene as she ventures across the battlefield. As Usabhar adresses her, the songstress shakes her head, still smiling faintly. "Indeed, though I rarely fight in conflicts." Suddenly, she looks him in the eye, cheerfully adding "No need for etiquette, paragon. What would you like to ask me?"

Emperor Ing
2012-10-07, 04:40 PM
Circumstances have changed, i'm afraid. He looks towards Dispater. Circumstances have changed to such a degree that the forces of Mount Celestia and Baator marched side-by-side against a common enemy. Do not be mistaken, my principles have not changed, and I take no delight in the Devils walking on Eclipsian territory. But as the Solars and Pit Fiends stood united against a common enemy, the Indigo Eclipse fought that same enemy. To act on enforcing any forbiddance I may decree would leave my worlds vulnerable to an enemy we could stand side-by-side against. He then looks towards Celestica with a bit of a knowing look.
I have no doubt they think we owe them favors now, and indeed they have a claim for them. Now is a time for caution and vigilance, and I may have any such claims to favor delegated up the chain of command. If only so individuals of greater judgment can make these decisions on behalf of my possibly overly grateful and irrational subjects. Besides...

It's impolite to speak of a guest in such a way. Welcome, Archduke, to the Empire of the Eternal Eclipse. He's seriously hoping that some sort of civil discourse can convince Dispater to withdraw diabolic forces without any need of further conflict.

None taken. The Clockwork Dragon replies.
Though if you pardon me, such an undertaking might require a significant investment, and in my opinion I...doubt our chances of encountering Umbral Blots again. Although perhaps it is better to be prepared. Hmm... He appears to lose himself in thought, occasionally muttering incoherent arcanobabble.

2012-10-08, 12:00 AM

It doesnt take a whole lot of guesswork to tell what Celestica's opinion of the High Lord's explanation is. For now, she says nothing, but her face speaks volumes, and although the High Lord may be welcoming Dispater, she certainly isnt.

Realms of Chaos
2012-10-08, 06:46 PM
Dispater looks at the scattered group before piercing one of his hands through his breasplate and withdrawing a thin, reflective sheet of steel and sliding it across the ground towards Wero. "If you want to call things even, tell me what you learn in the meeting grounds. Not knowing what's going on is a bit... unpleasant. After you contact me, shatter that thing and we'll leave this matter behind us. My pit fiends should be gone by now. Goodbye."

With that, the suit of armor falls to the ground, completely empty.

Emperor Ing
2012-10-08, 07:13 PM
Hmph. The High Lord grunts indignantly. Not one for conversation is he? And the now-realized fact that THEY don't know what's going on either is equally as disconcerting. Furthermore, the fact that Dispater knows about the Meeting Grounds and the Indigo Eclipse's invitation is rather disconcerting. There is no doubt in the High Lord's mind that he is going to be followed or he has his own ways of knowing what is going to be seen. Likely both.

He picks up the sheet metal. Obviously just holding it won't cause problems, but Dispater did suggest there is more to it than meets the eye, which isn't surprising. He gazes onto it, attempting to use his advanced arcane senses to identify the magics attached to the metal sheet.

Lord Wero casts Detect Magic and uses his Artificer's Monocle to identify the magical properties of the sheet metal.

2012-10-09, 11:20 AM
Doing his best to ignore the Archduke right now, Usabhar continues conversation with Rahja. He holds off from responding for a moment before speaking in a firm tone. "Simple, I ask you not to go reckless with willing to sacrifice yourself. As much as you are able to revive, you are an incredible healer and in battles such as this, we cannot afford to spare one such as you on suicide duty." Usabhar materializes his lance and places it back on his back along with his greataxe. "Please leave such actions to those who can survive it, like myself." Usabhar just brims with confidence as he speaks.

Nasiri meanwhile speaks with Zurkar and Korshim. She piques up advice for Zurkar. "Well when you need to be sure, come prepared for anything. Considering the circumstances here, we should be prepared." She looks up at the skies of the now-saved world. "...How many times have either of you been to Aegun actually? I have yet to see much of this place."

2012-10-09, 12:17 PM
Rahja... chuckles. "I sense a certain irony." And she leaves it at that, humming as she turns back to making sure the spheres are destroyed.

Emperor Ing
2012-10-09, 12:54 PM
No, i've never been. Although i'm technically the Governor and Planetary Lord of the Portal Chamber in the Astral Plane, I live on Emanacal, and I....don't get out much. He says sheepishly.
The Empire has held territory in Aegun longer than either of us have been alive. I follow the directive of the Gatekeeper, and as he said, he has never been. Truth be told I think this is the High Lord's first time here as well.

Oh, and there's a funny thing about being prepared. You can't know what will come. The Gods have a way of sending the things in the multiverse that you aren't prepared for against you, especially if you are otherwise well-prepared. He facepalms, chuckling lightly. Tiamat. I sound like Deryekenathith now.

2012-10-09, 01:52 PM

Relieved that Dispater has left, but worried about what sort of price Wero paid, Celestica helps Rahja with making sure the rest of the spheres are gone...and if she comes across a pit fiend that has been slow to quit the battlefield, she'll give him a helping shove to the door.

Realms of Chaos
2012-10-10, 10:45 PM
The pits created by the umbral blots seem to have the strange black beings resting at the bottom, though they are no longer dissolving the world around them and digging themselves deeper holes. Celestica finds no signs of lingering infernal troops in town.

Examining the sheet of glass, it would appear to be an aspect mirror, likely keyed to some location in or near Dispater's tower.

Speaking of such mirrors, however, a muffled female voice can be heard from Rahja's pack.

Astral Plane:After waging the brief campaign and suffering a few minor losses (at least from a tactical standpoint), it would seem that the battles are finally coming to an end (at least within the EEE). All worlds are either under control or face no risk.

2012-10-11, 12:24 AM
Rahja retrieves the aspect mirror from her backpack, expecting to see Selayna giving a report. "Had to deal with an incursion of blackballs on Ugor. The troops have been wiped out, but the threat is over. I never thought I'd see celestial and infernal forces fight together." After her quick update, she waits patiently for the answer.

2012-10-11, 07:42 AM

Celestica examines the beings carefully from the top of one of the pits, to see if it is moving. If it is not moving, she will jump into the pit, using her monk talents to fall the whole way without taking damage. She will check the being over once again, and if it is still not moving, she will take hold of it, and use her dimension door to bring it and herself back to the surface.

Is it alive, or could be revived? Perhaps it can explain what is happening?

2012-10-11, 10:06 AM
Rahja looks over to Celestica and shakes her head. "Blackballs are not living beings in the first place, there is nothing for me to bring back."

Emperor Ing
2012-10-11, 10:38 AM
The dragons appear particularly alarmed by Celestica returning with an Umbral Blot in hand, though to what degree they are so varies, with Korshim holding the most mild response. Prince Zurkar seems to have the most severe reaction though, and is the first to speak up.
Kill it! Kill it now!

2012-10-11, 12:01 PM
Usabhar stays silent as he watches Rahja and Celestica examine the blots that dug idle motionlessly in their holes. Celestica's idea of bringing out a blot seems unnecessary to the dwarf; the better plan would be to dive down and destroy it instead of bringing it out. Usabhar instead focuses his attention to the city that the group had just saved from destruction. The small number buildings there along with the Temple of Heironeous tells the dwarf that Aegun could be in for quite a heap of difficulties for awhile. Not willing to let the town sort that mess out on it's own, the dwarf heads over the ruined areas to investigate for injured or harmed survivors. He gives a light gruff and raises his hand for Nasiri to come. "You must excuse me," she kindly says to the High Lord and his relatives. "The paragon requests my aid. Korshim, might you be able to come along?" She bows before moving to Usabhar's side.

Among what is in ruin for the small town, Usabhar and Nasiri work to assist those that might be in need. Neither of them are healers by any stretch of the imagination but their other abilities are put to good use regardless. Usabhar's lifting strength allows him to remove rubble trapping any survivors along with clearing pathways to the temple. Nasiri uses her celestial beam to knit the wounds of those lightly injured and carry those who are more battered to Rahja, Celestica, or the temple. Though a warrior Usabhar is at heart, battle alone does not make, much less sustain a kingdom. In time of turmoil the paragon assists in the fixing of residences and rescuing of civilians when not defending against foes. Though he may not have any relation with the EEE, it's still a place that could use help and Usabhar is never one to skip out on assisting when the opportunity arises. Hard-working is a trait of the Sargti dwarves and Usabhar is the greatest example among them.

Emperor Ing
2012-10-12, 07:06 PM
At first Korshim moves to join them, but quickly stops. He turns back to Prince Zurkar, who's only just coming out of shock. The former doesn't need to say anything to ask a question the Prince is already aware of.
What? yes. Sure. Go ahead.

And with that the clockwork dragon accompanies Usabhar, where he will assist in moving rubble. Obviously being of great porportions makes him far more useful in excavation.