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2012-08-23, 09:19 PM
Came to me in a dream lol


Storm Scythe (3.5 Class)

Abilities: Dexterity and Wisdom.
Background: Someone enters this class from a sudden unexpected bolt of lightning during a thunderstorm. The plane of storms marks them from that point on.
Alignment: Any
Starting Equipment: 2d4 x10 (50)
Starting Age: Usually Simple or older.
Hit Die: d10

Storm Scythe
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+1| Storm Touched, Bolt Scythe, Flash Draw


+3| Shocking.

+3| Heavy Rain.

+4| Forever Chilled

+5|Flash Sight

+6| Lightning Blood

+6| Lightning Beast

+7| Thunderstorms, Static Surge

+8| Forever Chilled, Storm Clap

+9| Arc Trail

+9| Flash Step

+9/+4 |
+10| Storm Fury, Cloud Walk

+10/+5 |
+11| Storm Drain

+12| Forever Chilled

+12| Reaping Twister

+12/+7/+2 |
+13| Twin Storm Beasts

+13/+8/+3 |
+14| Storm Crown

+14/+9/+4 |
+15| Ice Shell

+20/+15/+10/+5 |
+15| Storm Reaper [/table]

The Storm Scythe's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4+ Int modifier) × 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features:

Weapons & Armor Proficiency:
Storm Scythes are proficient in all simple and martial weapons. They are also proficient in light and medium armor but not shields.

No Storm Scythe wears metal armor, for it attracts Lightning bolts when they are outside. For every round spent in metal armor, A Storm Scythe is dealt 3d10 lightning damage from a constant series of lightning strikes from the sky each round, and if inside when wearing metal armor, he loses all his Storm Scythe abilities.

1st - Storm Touched (Su):
A Storm Scythe is a being that has been touched by the elemental plane of air. The storms above keeps watch over a Storm Scythe, following her wherever she goes, spread always in a 1 mile radius area. The Storm Scythe also gains cold resistance 5.

During the day the storm appears as day showers with light clouds and a constant light rain. During the night, the clouds intensify slightly, random lightning forking the sky as the showers become hard rain with thunder and lightning.

1st - Bolt Scythe (Su):
During combat, a Storm Scythe can summon its primary weapon as a swift action, as will. In the extended hand of the Storm Scythe, a bolt of lightning strikes and coalesces into a magical scythe, the blade of pure energy extending from the handle, entirely composed of electricity.

This is treated as magical, despite not having an enhancement bonus. On a successful attack, the scythe deals 2d4 piercing or slashing as normal for a scythe, plus an additional 1d6 of electricity damage as if it were a shocking weapon.

This scythe remains as long as the Storm Scythe wills it, remaining both conscious and outdoors as well. If dropped, the bolt discharges harmlessly. If thrown (100 ft. range) or disarmed by anyone not either a Storm Scythe or immune to electricity, the bolt deals 3d10 electricity damage as if it was a lightning bolt.

1st - Lightning Draw (Ex):
A Storm Scythe gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat.

2nd - Mistwalker (Ex):
A Storm Scythe can use the Hide skill even while being observed, as long as she is in the rain, fog, or a cloud of mist, even when there is nothing to hide behind.

3rd - Storm's Grasp (Sp/Su):
A Storm Scythe can use Shocking Grasp as a standard action, a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier. Treat the Storm Scythe's caster level as equal to her Storm Scythe class level.

Also, after confirming a critical hit with her scythe, she has the ability to, as an immediate action, deal an additional 3d10 of electricity damage as if the weapon had the shocking burst weapon quality. Both methods of ability consumes one use.

4th - Heavy Rain (Su):
A Storm Scythe’s Storm Touched ability is intensified. The light rain during the day is now a heavy rain storm, while the night remains a heavy rain storm.

5th - Forever Chilled (Su):
A Storm Scythe's life has been difficult. a Storm Scythe's cold resistance increases to 10 and gains Endurance as a bonus feat, even if she doesn't meet the normal requirements.

6th - Flash Sight (Su):
A Storm Scythe’s eyes become glowing white, fulled with electricity visibly hopping around and between the eyes. Gain darkvision 60 ft. and a bonus on all intimidate checks equal to half of her Storm Scythe's class level.

At 12th level, this ability allows the storm scythe to see strong electrical currents found within all life as well as from natural sources. She gains a +3 bonus on spot checks made to see living creatures. This bonus improves to +5 if the target has the ability to use lightning, like a shocker lizard, lightning elemental, or even an object like a weapon with the shocking weapon quality.

7th - Lightning Blood (Su):
A Storm Scythe feels the raw power of storms deep within her veins. She gains electricity resistance 10. She also may add her Wisdom Modifier to all reflex saves as an additional bonus.

8th - Lightning Beast (Su):
A Storm Scythe has the ability to transform her scythe into any creature as a standard action. The creature can turn back into the scythe and return to the wielder as a swift action. The base creature must cannot have intelligence higher than 6 and with a maximum CR equal to half her class level.

The creature appears to be completely made of blue electricity, its attacks deal only shocking damage and whenever a creature does physical damage to it they take a 1d6 of electricity damage from its body. This ability can be used 3 + Charisma Modifier.

9th - Thunderstorm (Su):
A Storm Scythe’s Storm Touched ability is again altered. The heavy rain storm during both the day and night is now a heavy thunderstorm.

9th - Static Surge (Su):
If a electricity spell or ability would deal damage to a Storm Scythe and she makes the save, she can instead of taking damage, gain half of the total damage as temporary hit points that last a number of rounds equal to her wisdom modifier.

10th - Storm Clap (Su):
A Storm Scythe gains control over the storm clouds. As a free action once every 1d3 rounds, a Storm Scythe may call upon a lightning bolt from the storm clouds to strike a target dealing 3d10 electricity damage. The target may roll a reflex save in order to prevent being struck directly. Those who successful save against it take half damage.

11th - Arc Trail (Su):
A Storm Scythe appears to have electricity arcing from his body to his surrounds, these jumps deal no damage and are non-aggressive. This arcing does not work with class ability Storm Drain. In addition whenever a Storm Scythe deals damage to two different enemies in combat a bolt of lightning arc between the two enemies dealing an additional 3d6 to both of them.

12th - Flash Step (Su):
A Storm Scythe may travel between bolts of lightning. As a movement action a Storm Scythe may strike himself with a bolt of lightning from the sky and walk out of another bolt of lightning within 100 feet of his position.

13th - Storm Fury (Su):
As a movement action,A Storm Scythe may alter the weather that follows her, but it can never be less than a light drizzle with dark clouds. If inside he may alter the temperature from a frigid room or a swampy bog with hi humidity and ground fog. If the weather is changed to hail, all enemy beings take 1d6 ice damage.

13th - Cloud Walk (Su):
A Storm Scythe can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

14th - Storm Drain (Su):
A Storm Scythe has fast healing 8 while in contact with water, ice, or electricity.

16th - Reaping Twister (Sp):
A Storm Scythe can cast Tornado Blast as a Kineticist level equal to her Storm Scythe class levels.

17th - Twin Storm Beasts (Su):
This ability replaces Lightning Beast. Can only be cast 1 per day. An 17th level Storm Scythe has the ability to transform her scythe into two different creatures as an attack action and can turn one back into the scythe and return to the wielder as a free action. The creature must have intelligence lower than 6 and with a maximum CR equal to her class level divided by 2.
~The first creature appears to be completely made of blue electricity and when a creature does physical damage to it, they take a 1d6 of electricity damage. All damage done by the first Storm Scythe’s creature is considered electricity damage.
~The second creature appears to be completely made of dark clouds and when a creature does physical damage to it, they take a 1d6 of ice damage. All damage done by the second Storm Scythe’s creature is considered ice and lightning damage.
The creatures fades after 12 hours.

18th - Storm Crown (Su):
A Storm Scythe gains Immunity to Cold and Electricity. “A white ice crown floats a few inches above your head and is eathereal and can never be removed or dispelled by any means.”

19th - Ice Shell (Su):
A Storm Scythe gains an shield bonus equal to half her Storm Scythe class level, this ability can be activated and disable at will. “An array of ice and snow bits swarms around you and protects you from harm”

20th - Storm Reaper (Su):
A Storm Scythe has become the perfect warrior. Once per encounter you may roll a single attack roll against every enemy within 400ft + 40/class level, as a full attack action. “The area within the ability seems to highly energized and shrouded in a light blue crackling haze, the Storm Reaper swings his scythe and many black translucent scythes fly out and they expand 2 size categories and they cut through each target.”

2012-08-23, 09:43 PM
It's an intresting class, but constant rain seems like you'll be a teamkiller for all but druids and rangers everyone else will hate life. Clarification do your powers not function indoors or do they only not function indoors in metal armor?

2012-08-23, 10:04 PM
ok... what? this is... a very interesting concept... but what?

the saves for one are wonky. good saves are 2+1/2 level, not 1 level. bad saves are 1/3 level rounded down.

scythes are martial weapons... good ones at that.

now the abilities... need a) to be labeled Ex(extraordinary), Su(supernatural), or Sp(spell like) b) edited for clerity/uniformity with the system... they are all over the place at the moment.

I could help with that... but it is a good way to learn how to make a class presentable.

2012-08-23, 10:27 PM
Basically the reason for the rain is this is a cursed being not a blessed being.
I will be editting it soon so thanks for the heads up guys. The saves are what they are meant to be. This class is meant for outdoors combat. The rain stays outside until he can control weather. At that point he can change the temperature and climate in doors.

2012-08-23, 11:14 PM
Storm Touched:
A storm scythe has the ability to call a storm as an immediate action which allows him access to many of his class features. The cloud of stormy weather is 30 feet in area, always 50 foot above him, and follows him as he moves. For every 3 class levels, he can increase the area of his storm by 20 feet. The minimum size is still 30 feet. When in a building and active, the storm pushes through cracks and holes to continue following him staying as high as it can up to its normal height. Disipating the storm can also be done as an immediate action.
When the storm is active, the storm scythe gains cold resistance 5 and deals 1d4 electricity damage to the storm scythe every round that he wears metal armor or carries more than 1 pound of metal.
When the storm is not active, he loses most of his class abilities.
The energy resistance gained from the storm is increase by 5 at levels 5, 10, and 15.
The storm scythe can never gain electricity resistance.

Bolt Scythe:
At first level, the storm scythe may call a lightning bolt from his following storm in the shape of a scythe. The weapon is called as a move action and has the statistics of a scythe sized for the storm scythe and deals an extra 1d6 electricity damage.

Flash Draw:
At 4th level, the storm scythe can call his scythe as a part of the immediate action used to call his storm.

The storm scythe can use the (Hide?) skill while his storm is active even while being observed. However, the fact that the storm is small and follows the storm scythe, it is easy enough to determine his is within it. He suffers no such chance of discovery when the weather is naturally storming.

At 3rd level, the storm scythe may call down the lightning of his following storm as a spell-like ability that replicates the shocking grasp spell. He may invoke this spell-like ability any number of times per day. His caster level is equal to his storm scythe class levels.

Heavy Rain:
At 4th level, at the storm scythe's option, he may elect his following storm to be a heavy rain.

Flash Sight:
At 6th level the storm scythe's eyes become touched by the storm and while it is active, he gains darkvision in the confines of his following storm.

Lightning Blood:
At 4th level, the storm scythe gains the dodge feat as a bonus feat. At 7th level he may add his Wisdom modifier to all reflex saves. For spells that have the electricity descriptor he adds double this value to reflex saves.

Lightning Beast:
At 8th level, the storm scythe can summon a creature made of pure lightning as a swift action. For rounds per day equal to his class level, he can call his creature from the following storm. The creature called must be on the druids animal companion list and the storm scythe's effective druid level is his storm scythe level minus 8. The creature is completely made of blue electricity and has 10 more move speed than his real counter part.
The lightning creature has an additional racial trait called Retributive Shock. Any creature that strikes him with its body or a handheld weapon deals normal damage, but at the same time, the attacker takes 1d6+1 points of electricity damage. Creatures wielding weapons with exceptional reach, such as long spears, are not subject to this damage if they attack the electrical beast.

At 9th level, at the storm scythe's option, he may elect his following storm to be a thunderstorm.

Static Surge:
At 9th level, whenever the storm scythe succeeds on a saving throw of a spell or effect that has the electricity descriptor, instead of taking half damage (or any other reduced effect of a spell or effect) the storm scythe gains temporary hit points equal to two tiems the spell level for rounds equal to the storm scythe's Wisdom modifier before dissipating.

Yellow Crush:
The storm scythe may use this lightning bolt once per day per Wisdom modifier.

Arc Trail:
The spark mark (dealing of damage to a target for the purposes of this class feature) lasts for rounds equal to the storm scythe's Wisdom modifier. Attacking the a target refreshes the spark mark.
Activating the damaging effect of this class feature is a standard action.

Flash Step:
At 12th level, the storm scythe may teleport anywhere within the range of his following storm as a move action as the dimension door spell and can't take any actions as per the spell.

Storm Fury:
At 13th level, the storm scythe may bring hail from his following storm when calling it into being which deals 1d4 cold damage to all within the range of the storm.

Cloud Walk (Su):
....natural clouds or fog....

Storm Drain:
At 14th level, the storm scythe gains fast healing 2 while he is under his following storm.

Reaping Twister:
At 16th level, the storm scythe adds tornado blast as a spell-like ability to those he can invoke but can only be used a number of times per day equal to Wisdom modifier.

Twin Storm Beasts:
The storm scythe can call forth a second beast. The storm scythe's effective druid level is his storm scythe's class level minus 12 and has its own set of rounds that it can exist also equal to his class levels.
The second beast appears to be completely made of dark clouds and it gains Retributive Freeze which functions the same as Retributive Shock but deals cold damage instead.

Storm Crown:
The storm scythe gains immunity to cold damage and finally can gain resistance to electricity.

Ice Shell:
The storm scythe can have his shield active for rounds per day equal to his storm scythe class levels.

Storm Reaper:
At 20th level the storm scythe is the reaper of the storm. Once per day he may make a single attack roll agaisnt each enemy within his following storm as a full round action. The storm reaper swings his scythe and for each target a lightning scythe appears and swings at the targets at the attack roll made.

This is just IMO of course.

2012-08-24, 12:46 AM
Good Work!

Having looked through this class several times ive made the following conclusions:

1 Id love this class but it needs work (id rather see it as a prestige class, rather than a full class, but that is just me)

2 Most of the abilities are a tad overpowered. Those saves are completely broken. reduce most of this "at will" nonsense to 3 + modifier per day. Calling Lightning uses strict rules, with call lightning functioning with more damage when used during rain or storms. meaning the typical 3d6 bolt does the increased 3d10 damage.

3 all these at will spell like abilities should use charisma, while most other class abilities should run off Wisdom. this prevents a lot of abuse by requiring two mental scores like many classes (paladin, cleric, etc.) do.

Here are my edits as well as rule and grammar clarifications to the first half of the class. hope you look them over carefully and use most of them if they fit. They are balanced to similar Pathfinder abilities, at the least, meaning they should work well with 3.5.

My Version of the first half of the class:

Weapons & Armor Proficiency: Storm Scythes are proficient in all simple and martial weapons. They are also proficient in light and medium armor but not shields.

No Storm Scythe wears metal armor, for it attracts Lightning bolts when they are outside. For every round spent in metal armor, A Storm Scythe is dealt 3d10 lightning damage from a constant series of lightning strikes from the sky each round, and if inside when wearing metal armor, he loses all his Storm Scythe abilities.

1st - Storm Touched (Su): A Storm Scythe is a being that has been touched by the elemental plane of air. The storms above keeps watch over a Storm Scythe, following her wherever she goes, spread always in a 1 mile radius area. The Storm Scythe also gains cold resistance 5.

During the day the storm appears as day showers with light clouds and a constant light rain. During the night, the clouds intensify slightly, random lightning forking the sky as the showers become hard rain with thunder and lightning.

1st - Bolt Scythe (Su): During combat, a Storm Scythe can summon its primary weapon as a swift action, as will. In the extended hand of the Storm Scythe, a bolt of lightning strikes and coalesces into a magical scythe, the blade of pure energy extending from the handle, entirely composed of electricity.

This is treated as magical, despite not having an enhancement bonus. On a successful attack, the scythe deals 2d4 piercing or slashing as normal for a scythe, plus an additional 1d6 of electricity damage as if it were a shocking weapon.

This scythe remains as long as the Storm Scythe wills it, remaining both conscious and outdoors as well. If dropped, the bolt discharges harmlessly. If thrown (100 ft. range) or disarmed by anyone not either a Storm Scythe or immune to electricity, the bolt deals 3d10 electricity damage as if it was a lightning bolt.

1st - Lightning Draw (Ex): A Storm Scythe gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat.

2nd - Mistwalker (Ex): A Storm Scythe can use the Hide skill even while being observed, as long as she is in the rain, fog, or a cloud of mist, even when there is nothing to hide behind.

3rd - Storm's Grasp (Sp/Su): A Storm Scythe can use Shocking Grasp as a standard action, a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier. Treat the Storm Scythe's caster level as equal to her Storm Scythe class level.

Also, after confirming a critical hit with her scythe, she has the ability to, as an immediate action, deal an additional 3d10 of electricity damage as if the weapon had the shocking burst weapon quality. Both methods of ability consumes one use.

4th - Heavy Rain (Su): A Storm Scythe’s Storm Touched ability is intensified. The light rain during the day is now a heavy rain storm, while the night remains a heavy rain storm.

5th - Forever Chilled (Su): a Storm Scythe's life has been difficult. a Storm Scythe's cold resistance increases to 10 and gains Endurance as a bonus feat, even if she doesn't meet the normal requirements.

6th - Flash Sight (Su): A Storm Scythe’s eyes become glowing white, fulled with electricity visibly hopping around and between the eyes. Gain darkvision 60 ft. and a bonus on all intimidate checks equal to half of her Storm Scythe's class level.

At 12th level, this ability allows the storm scythe to see strong electrical currents found within all life as well as from natural sources. She gains a +3 bonus on spot checks made to see living creatures. This bonus improves to +5 if the target has the ability to use lightning, like a shocker lizard, lightning elemental, or even an object like a weapon with the shocking weapon quality.

7th - Lightning Blood (Su): A Storm Scythe feels the raw power of storms deep within her veins. She gains electricity resistance 10. She also may add her Wisdom Modifier to all reflex saves as an additional bonus.

8th - Lightning Beast (Su): A Storm Scythe has the ability to transform her scythe into any creature as a standard action. The creature can turn back into the scythe and return to the wielder as a swift action. The base creature must cannot have intelligence higher than 6 and with a maximum CR equal to half her class level.

The creature appears to be completely made of blue electricity, its attacks deal only shocking damage and whenever a creature does physical damage to it they take a 1d6 of electricity damage from its body. This ability can be used 3 + Charisma Modifier.

9th - Thunderstorm (Su): A Storm Scythe’s Storm Touched ability is again altered. The heavy rain storm during both the day and night is now a heavy thunderstorm.

9th - Static Surge (Su): If a electricity spell or ability would deal damage to a Storm Scythe and she makes the save, she can instead of taking damage, gain half of the total damage as temporary hit points that last a number of rounds equal to her wisdom modifier.

10th - Storm Clap (Su): A Storm Scythe gains control over the storm clouds. As a free action once every 1d3 rounds, a Storm Scythe may call upon a lightning bolt from the storm clouds to strike a target dealing 3d10 electricity damage. The target may roll a reflex save in order to prevent being struck directly. Those who successful save against it take half damage.

2012-08-24, 12:50 AM
Seems to me like it might be better as a Prestige class or a series of feats (or both). Maybe a great big alternate class feature if you fluff it right. It's a little too narrow in scope to fit a base class of its own.

I might suggest the warlock as a base, they fit the "cursed with awesome" theme quite well.

2012-08-24, 12:56 AM
ps. remove the spaces before and after the script for the link to the img, that way it shows this:
instead of this:

2012-08-24, 01:08 AM
Seems to me like it might be better as a Prestige class or a series of feats (or both). Maybe a great big alternate class feature if you fluff it right. It's a little too narrow in scope to fit a base class of its own.

I might suggest the warlock as a base, they fit the "cursed with awesome" theme quite well.
you mentioned someone enters this class from a sudden unexpected bolt of lightning during a thunderstorm. The plane of storms marks them from that point on. Meaning its halfway a prestige class already.

Men are not born as Storm Scythes, they are chosen. Struck by a random bolt of lightning, the blessings of the elemental plane of air are bestowed. a cloud of cold rain begins to fall over the newly fallen Storm Scythe, never to cease again if allowed to persist. Consciousness returns to the storm scythe with a peal of thunder, their hearts beating between their ears.

Id use these as prerequisites:
(since later Lightning stance fits nicely with the class and these are the prerequisites needed for Wind Stance, minus the special one)

Ability Scores: Dex 15
Feats: Dodge, Wind Stance
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Special: The creature must have survived a lightning strike, via Call Lightning, Lightning Storm, or Storm of Vengeance spells, or a natural bolt from natural weather storms.

At a glance, Wind stance grants you a 20% concealment for 1 round against ranged attacks, If you move more than 5 feet in that turn. Your movements are erratic, making it difficult for enemies to pinpoint your location.

2012-08-24, 11:10 AM
Good Work!

Having looked through this class several times ive made the following conclusions:

1 Id love this class but it needs work (id rather see it as a prestige class, rather than a full class, but that is just me)

2 Most of the abilities are a tad overpowered. Those saves are completely broken. reduce most of this "at will" nonsense to 3 + modifier per day. Calling Lightning uses strict rules, with call lightning functioning with more damage when used during rain or storms. meaning the typical 3d6 bolt does the increased 3d10 damage.

3 all these at will spell like abilities should use charisma, while most other class abilities should run off Wisdom. this prevents a lot of abuse by requiring two mental scores like many classes (paladin, cleric, etc.) do.

Here are my edits as well as rule and grammar clarifications to the first half of the class. hope you look them over carefully and use most of them if they fit. They are balanced to similar Pathfinder abilities, at the least, meaning they should work well with 3.5.

My Version of the first half of the class:

Weapons & Armor Proficiency: Storm Scythes are proficient in all simple and martial weapons. They are also proficient in light and medium armor but not shields.

No Storm Scythe wears metal armor, for it attracts Lightning bolts when they are outside. For every round spent in metal armor, A Storm Scythe is dealt 3d10 lightning damage from a constant series of lightning strikes from the sky each round, and if inside when wearing metal armor, he loses all his Storm Scythe abilities.

1st - Storm Touched (Su): A Storm Scythe is a being that has been touched by the elemental plane of air. The storms above keeps watch over a Storm Scythe, following her wherever she goes, spread always in a 1 mile radius area. The Storm Scythe also gains cold resistance 5.

During the day the storm appears as day showers with light clouds and a constant light rain. During the night, the clouds intensify slightly, random lightning forking the sky as the showers become hard rain with thunder and lightning.

1st - Bolt Scythe (Su): During combat, a Storm Scythe can summon its primary weapon as a swift action, as will. In the extended hand of the Storm Scythe, a bolt of lightning strikes and coalesces into a magical scythe, the blade of pure energy extending from the handle, entirely composed of electricity.

This is treated as magical, despite not having an enhancement bonus. On a successful attack, the scythe deals 2d4 piercing or slashing as normal for a scythe, plus an additional 1d6 of electricity damage as if it were a shocking weapon.

This scythe remains as long as the Storm Scythe wills it, remaining both conscious and outdoors as well. If dropped, the bolt discharges harmlessly. If thrown (100 ft. range) or disarmed by anyone not either a Storm Scythe or immune to electricity, the bolt deals 3d10 electricity damage as if it was a lightning bolt.

1st - Lightning Draw (Ex): A Storm Scythe gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat.

2nd - Mistwalker (Ex): A Storm Scythe can use the Hide skill even while being observed, as long as she is in the rain, fog, or a cloud of mist, even when there is nothing to hide behind.

3rd - Storm's Grasp (Sp/Su): A Storm Scythe can use Shocking Grasp as a standard action, a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier. Treat the Storm Scythe's caster level as equal to her Storm Scythe class level.

Also, after confirming a critical hit with her scythe, she has the ability to, as an immediate action, deal an additional 3d10 of electricity damage as if the weapon had the shocking burst weapon quality. Both methods of ability consumes one use.

4th - Heavy Rain (Su): A Storm Scythe’s Storm Touched ability is intensified. The light rain during the day is now a heavy rain storm, while the night remains a heavy rain storm.

5th - Forever Chilled (Su): a Storm Scythe's life has been difficult. a Storm Scythe's cold resistance increases to 10 and gains Endurance as a bonus feat, even if she doesn't meet the normal requirements.

6th - Flash Sight (Su): A Storm Scythe’s eyes become glowing white, fulled with electricity visibly hopping around and between the eyes. Gain darkvision 60 ft. and a bonus on all intimidate checks equal to half of her Storm Scythe's class level.

At 12th level, this ability allows the storm scythe to see strong electrical currents found within all life as well as from natural sources. She gains a +3 bonus on spot checks made to see living creatures. This bonus improves to +5 if the target has the ability to use lightning, like a shocker lizard, lightning elemental, or even an object like a weapon with the shocking weapon quality.

7th - Lightning Blood (Su): A Storm Scythe feels the raw power of storms deep within her veins. She gains electricity resistance 10. She also may add her Wisdom Modifier to all reflex saves as an additional bonus.

8th - Lightning Beast (Su): A Storm Scythe has the ability to transform her scythe into any creature as a standard action. The creature can turn back into the scythe and return to the wielder as a swift action. The base creature must cannot have intelligence higher than 6 and with a maximum CR equal to half her class level.

The creature appears to be completely made of blue electricity, its attacks deal only shocking damage and whenever a creature does physical damage to it they take a 1d6 of electricity damage from its body. This ability can be used 3 + Charisma Modifier.

9th - Thunderstorm (Su): A Storm Scythe’s Storm Touched ability is again altered. The heavy rain storm during both the day and night is now a heavy thunderstorm.

9th - Static Surge (Su): If a electricity spell or ability would deal damage to a Storm Scythe and she makes the save, she can instead of taking damage, gain half of the total damage as temporary hit points that last a number of rounds equal to her wisdom modifier.

10th - Storm Clap (Su): A Storm Scythe gains control over the storm clouds. As a free action once every 1d3 rounds, a Storm Scythe may call upon a lightning bolt from the storm clouds to strike a target dealing 3d10 electricity damage. The target may roll a reflex save in order to prevent being struck directly. Those who successful save against it take half damage.

THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING WHAT I WAS GOING FOR! I apologize for the lack of specifics, or simply being over specific. I don't want it to be a prestige class because I want the lightning to be part of a players backstory, now what I thought as a DM was an in house rule, if you are struck by lighning in a natural storm I roll percentage die and on a 100% you gain 1 level in Storm Scythe, just for continuity sakes. It may seem over powered, but the storm that follows is a curse no a benefit until much later. I gathered the information I needed, you are all a big help, thanks everyone.

2012-08-24, 08:49 PM

forget whatever capstone you have now, i came up with a sick one. lmao

Storm Reaper's Vengeance (Su):
The Storm Scythe's rage reaches its zenith, she can create a smaller (but still huge) 360 ft. radius black storm cloud in the air for ten rounds as a full round action, while being consumed with rage. Each round while this storm cloud lasts, you are not required to concentrate, as would be normally. The spell-like ability generates additional effects as noted below. Each effect occurs on your turn.

1st Round: Each creature under the cloud must succeed on a Fortitude save or be deafened for 1d4 × 10 minutes.

2nd Round: Acid rains down in the area, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage (no save).

3rd Round: You call six bolts of lightning down from the cloud. You decide where the bolts strike. No two bolts may be directed at the same target. Each bolt deals 10d6 points of electricity damage. A creature struck can attempt a Reflex save for half damage.

4th Round: Hailstones rain down in the area, dealing 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage (no save).

5th - 10th Round: Violent rain and wind gusts reduce visibility. The rain obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target). Speed is reduced by three-quarters.

Ranged attacks within the area of the storm are impossible. Spells cast within the area are disrupted unless the caster succeeds on a Concentration check against a DC equal to the storm of vengeance's save DC + the level of the spell the caster is trying to cast. During these ten rounds, the Storm Scythe is treated as raging, as the barbarian special ability. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a Storm Scythe can rage.

A Storm Scythe enters the rage as a free action, as part of creating the Black Storm Cloud. While in rage, a Storm Scythe gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the Storm Scythe 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points.

While in rage, a Storm Scythe cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. A Storm Scythe cannot end her rage and is fatigued after rage for 2 minutes (20 rounds). If a Storm Scythe falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death. This ability can only be used once per day.

During this rage the body of the Storm Scythe radiates harmless electricity in leaping arcs, striking at almost every surface that the storm scythe walks near. The storm scythe's hair stands straight out, electrified with static and static leaps from the eyes furiously, scorching the skin near the storm scythe's eyes (1d4 fire damage) and fills the mouth with archs of energy. The storm scythe's voice becomes deeper and louder, as if filled with the bass and volume of a thunder cloud. The Storm Scythe adds half its class level as a circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks.