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2012-08-24, 11:09 AM

"Is it true? Kalak dead? Slaves freed? Magic wild in the streets? Doubtful, but we’ll know soon enough."
—Shahin, wandering hermit

As far as most Athasians are concerned, Tyr has always existed. Certainly it has endured through the entire Desert Age, and even with the fall of its sorcerer-king, it seems likely to endure for centuries to come. And throughout all the long years of its existence, it was a city-state enslaved.

That has all changed.

In the courts of the other city-states, rumors of King Kalak’s overthrow are only whispered, but in Tyr, the repercussions howl through the streets. Many scheme to succeed Kalak, and the templars and other power groups vying for control struggle to keep the city-state from disintegrating into anarchy at the hands of people eager to enjoy their freedom. Nobles and merchants clamor for influence, and commoners and freed slaves openly celebrate, challenging civic authority and social boundaries at every turn.

You find yourself in Tyr during this time of unprecedented rebellion and turmoil.

2012-08-27, 09:37 AM
Huren - [Tyr - Palace]

"So, this informant of yours says that Hamanu is on the move?" The speaker's voice has a light rasp to it, as if the edges were wearing due to exhaustion. "Is this the same informant who talks of a 'broy-house hero' who seems to think there's no fight he can't drink his way out of?" The speaker waits for a response, then stands up from his desk. "Rikus, you know I love you, and I know that you are trying to take hold of this . . . " the man gestures at the empty air "situation that has unfolded over the past year, but I can't take the word of this informant over what my own men have told me."

The man identified as Rikus cracks his battle-scarred knuckles then runs his hand over his smooth pate. "Very well your grace, I'll see about getting more reliable information for you. In the meantime, you want me to see about getting someone embedded with House Stel? It might be our best bet at striking back at Urik."

"As cliche as that sounds, you are right. See if we can get some of our people, Calder, perhaps, and a few others, into the caravan heading to Alturak. Hell, grab that drunk if you can find him. House Stel has lost a lot of money from Tyr due to the slave trade, so they shouldn't say no to a few gold tossed their way for travellers."

From his position in the shadows, Huren reaches out with his mind and gently shuts the side door. His mind's eye saw the entire scene unfold - apparently Rikus and Tithian had plans to infiltrate Urik and Rikus was going to be putting some insiders together - priceless information. Huren brokered in information, however, and knew quite well how much this was worth.

Calder - [Tyr - Arena]

With a whirl of skirt and a stab of a trident, the crowds once again erupt in cheer and applause. Calder stops a moment to catch his breath - his flame-red hair glinting in the sunlight. The energy of the crowd surges around him as they are whipped into a frenzy by the violence of the circus before them. Calder's opponent, a thri-kreen wielding a spear in each pair of arms, staggers slightly then lurches forward into a charge.

A glint of mirror light catches Calder's eye from the stands. A mul - one well known to this arena - stands there with a grim look on his face. Once he sees that he's caught Calder's eye, he gestures with a curt nod of his head toward the exit. Calder casually sidesteps the lunging thri-kreen then smacks the edge of his shield against the back of the creature's head, knocking him to the ground, unconscious.

Calder glances over his shoulder to where the ex-gladiator stood in the stands, but sees that he is gone. Scanning the crowd once again, he breaks into a raucus grin and caws loudly, much to their delight. He raises his trident over his head and walks out of the arena to a chorus of cheers.

Rikus is waiting for him at the exit. "Calder, it's been too long." The mul and the half-elf exchange grips. "Tithian hopes you've got a mind for something more dangerous and exciting than the arena life. What do you say?"

Van - [Tyr - Golden Inix]

"Another? You haven't paid for the last one yet." the bartender says, eyeing the scruffy man at the end of the bar. "Going to drink himself half-blind that fool is," the bartender mutters to nobody in particular. One of the other patrons chuckles, then slides two copper coins across the bar, "From what I hear he's already half-blind."

The bartender harumphs, then looks down, "You covering him? This more than pays for your drink." Nodding, the patron grabs the mug of broy in his hand and sidles down the bar toward the drunk. "Alright, this one's on me. But you better be as good as they say. Van, is it? I've got a proposition for you. We are in need of someone with your set of skills - both in drinking and fighting. Up for a little life outside these walls?"

Damakos - [Tyr - Devyn's Desertwear]

"So, you are travelling to Altaruk and are in need of some supplies?" the lovely human behind the counter winked at Damakos, who was idly fingering some horn-heeled boots. "Altaruk is nice this time of year. You should find refreshment there." Nodding Damakos continues to peruse the woman's wares. "Might I suggest a kandura? It will help wick away the sweat and keep you cool. Well, as cool as possible." The woman gives Damakos a knowing look, then appears to busy herself restocking inventory on the opposite side of the store.

As Damakos lifts up the kandura, he notices a small scale token wedged deep inside. Two crossed scimitars have been etched on the stone. On the reverse is the symbol of a full sun.

Eveve - [Tyr - Elven Market]

Though several feet shorter than most of the other denizens of the Elven Market, Eveve finds herself quite at home among the poor, destitute and needy. Though she had wandered much of the tablelands with her People, the past twenty years had brought her to places she had never before imagined. Despite all that, she was here, in Tyr, in the Elven Market, channeling her inner Vistani to haggle down the price of some dried herbs and a ssuran tail. Though it was necessary work, she tired of it, and ached to get back on the road again.

While tending to the scrapes of a small Elven child, Eveve overheard some of the other children talking about a great caravan heading toward Urik by way of Altaruk. Her eyes opened wide at this, as caravans are always in need of a skilled healer. Plus, this would give her the opportunity to stretch her legs and, quite possibly commune with Athas some more. Things had been strange since Kalak's supposed - as if the balance of power had shifted, quite literally.

With the boy patched up, Eveve soon found her way out of the Warrens and back toward the familiar sight of the city gates.

Lazam - [Tyr - Merchant District]

Oresta looks you over and chuckles, "Urga-Zoltapl sent you himself, did he?" The human's brown skin contrasts against the white fabric of her sleeveless dress. "House Stel does not require, nor allow, supervision of our shipments. I suppose we could make an exception, however. We have a caravan leaving for Urik this afternoon, by way of Altaruk. Just steer clear of Raheil - he's handy with a whip."

Lazam's eyes do not betray him as he grimaces beneath his filter mask and headscarves. The diminutive man bows, giving his thanks, before heading back toward the city gates. You would do well not to be so bold. Athas is harsh, but she is also patient. We need you to work on patience. There is plenty of time for Urik's downfall. From the corner of his eye, Lazam sees an ethereal figure fade back out of existence.


All - [Tyr - City Gates]

Crates upon crates are stacked outside the city gates, all marked with the crossed black scimitars of House Stel. Two large mekillots impatiently stamp at the ground, their tower-like wagons making them into fortresses on wheels. Here you can see a dozen of House Stel's guards and merchants, along with Submatron Ixesti herself. Ixesti's second-in-command, a grim-looking half-giant, cracks his whip across the backs of a few workers who are busy loading up the carts with various trade goods and supplies.

His whip does not discriminate, and more than one traveller is suddenly lashed into action loading crates as well. He continues to scan the crowd for slackers, and you have just caught his attention.

2012-08-27, 11:05 AM
Eveve Cranescap -- gates of Tyr

The short woman in Vistani dress turns without hurry, saying to the runty kank behind her, "Stay!" Without delay it flops down gracelessly, apparently glad to let its saddlebags' weight rest on the ground. Eveve turns back toward the caravan and takes a place in the pack of people hefting boxes and bags. She grabs a box from a mul who was about to be hit with the lash again, sparing him but making the huge overseer glare suspiciously. His annoyance quickly simmers down as Eveve continues working with a good eye for the flow of the process.

After a hot quarter-hour, she returns to the laden kank and slaps her thigh in a signal to it. The small beast resumes its burden awkwardly, one leg slipping in the gritty dust underfoot, then follows her to the overseer. "I'm a physician and a warrior," Eveve tells the half-giant in a hard, rocky voice. "Who do I see about hiring on?"

2012-08-27, 11:42 AM
All - [Tyr - City Gates]

"Miserable little thing you've got there." The half-giant remarks upon Eveve's approach. "I could take care of him for you if you want. Skrrrrkk" he gestures crudely, drawing his thumb across his neck. "No? Fine. Healer heh? Sure, we could always use one. Cost is 1 gold piece - none of that filthy Free-State kank-dung either. Honest Slaver's Gold - Kalak's gold that is." Raheil extends his hand in anticipation.

It's at this point that Eveve realizes just how much larger Raheil is - perhaps twice her height and easily double her bulk. His imposing figure actually grants her some shade, surprisingly.

"We're heading out in about 20 minutes, or as soon as these damn slaves can load the crates. You move when we move, and we aren't stopping for your midget legs or that miserable pile of kankflesh either." he says, gesturing at the creature with his whip.

Shifting his attention back to the other travellers milling about, he barks some orders and cracks his whip again, clearly having moved on to other things.

2012-08-27, 01:49 PM

Lazam watches as the figure fades, grumbling for a brief moment with a smug smile. "And here I thought I was patient....I'm not a babe no more and yet I thirst." Taking stock of his situation and the caravan he was to accompany, Lazam thought to himself "And be damned, but I was starting to enjoy some shade....she wasn't kidding when she said I must yearn for what I already had."

Taking stock to avoid Raheil, Lazam tries to look busy and aids some others in gathering boxes while prying for more information. Survival was always done best in numbers.

How roll happy are we going to be in this? If so, trying a Street Wise check [roll0].

edit: Haha, talk about a great start :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-28, 01:53 AM
Damakos - [Tyr - City Gates]

The tall, strapping Tiefling wrapped himself tight in his desert clothing. He had lived for many years out in the wastes and knew full well that protection was the most important factor in survival out there. The rust-colored skin of the tiefling contrasted with the dull browns and tans of his desert gear. His horns were tall and manly but not overbearingly so. He twisted a small scale token in his hand. The Human had given this token to him for a reason and - eventually - he would have to use it. However, for now, he would let the token rest in his pocket. Damakos watched the Whipper use his instrument of torture on the workers with disgust. Such vile and reprehensible behavior, and thrust upon those who are by all rights free. The Tiefling winced as he saw the short woman try to protect a worker. Such reckless behavior would not serve her well in the wasteland. Better to remain in the background and survive than live in the foreground and die. Damakos, growing tired of seeing "so-called heroes" and so quietly helped a few Muls load boxes. He had a mission and it was not served by acting with reckless abandon.

2012-08-28, 02:30 AM

Huren knows he's taking a big risk. City bred, he'd only heard rumours of how bad it was outside the walls, and now he was venturing into the heart of hell, or so he'd heard.

He doesn't really know the first thing about survival out there, and so looks around at the others to see if anyone has the look of an experienced desert travellor.

2012-08-28, 10:42 AM

Golden Inix

"Need to get a job..." The old man at the bar mumbles to himself as the barkeep starts asking for money. As it so happens, though, there seemed to be a kind patron within the bar. Naturally, Van looks up from his empty mug to the stranger with suspicion, right up until the man begins talking business. Van had been in the trade a while. The only types of people who bought you drinks were either those that wanted to get you drunk and rob you blind when you passed out or those that wanted to hire you for a pittance of what they'd have to pay when you were sober. Thieves the both of them, but one didn't try to kill you. At least, they might not try until the job was done. With some interest he nods his head, signaling the man to go on with his

Gates of Tyr (Sometime later...)

"Shoulda stayed at the bar..." Van mumbles to himself, though there is no bartender or kind patron to over hear him this time. He had been wearing simple rough spun clothing at the bar, which had mostly been stained, so the contrast with his appearance now was startling. His hair was still a mess to be sure, and there appeared to be some crumbs in his scraggly beard, but the gear he had on him was quite impressive. He was already a large and sturdy man, standing at 6'4 with broad shoulders, but now he was a large, armed man in heavy armor. Two long swords in old leather scabbards, one worn favorably on his hip and the other strapped to a large heavy sack hung over his shoulder, sand colored scale armor covered by a light cloak obviously meant to help protect him from the sun, and a matching carapace shield spoke volumes of what kind of man he was. The scars filled in the gaps the heavy armor and weaponry did not. He was a dangerous man.

Unfortunately, it was a hot day on Argus. It was always a hot day, of course, but today seemed especially torturous for Van. All the weaponry and armor made him look impressive but it did little to protect him from the discomforts of the world. He was used to such things, to the point where it would take a lot more to push his limits, but that didn't mean he liked it.

So Van not only looked dangerous, but he looked annoyed. When the half-giants eyes find him, Vans glare leaves no room to the imagination what might happen if the man brought his whip down on the mercenary. One eye, a deep blue oddly reminiscent of a pool of water (which few people have ever actually seen) is joined by a white eye with a wicked scar running through it, to the point where a third of his face was disfigured by the injury. Both eyes stare down the half giant without fear, daring the slave driver to try and warning him of the consequences at the same time.

Intimidate [roll0]

2012-08-28, 04:25 PM

Noticing the Vistani woman, and the fact that she has already procured a place for herself in the caravan, Huren approaches her, doing his best to avoid the attention of the half-giant with the whip.
Stealth: +10
"Pardon, m'lady," he says to Eveve, "I have business in Altaruk, but have never been outside of Tyr before. You have the look of an experienced traveller. I would accompany you, if you'll allow, to increase my chances of reaching my destination safely. I can pay my own way, and hopefully have sufficient provision to last the trip. It is the road itself upon which my concern lies. In return I can offer some conversation and comradery on the journey."

Huren's filter mask is low enough to make it obvious that he is not human, and a close look would make his githzerai nature apparent. Once he is certain that Eveve has noticed this, he raises the mask higher to hide his features, glancing around to be certain nobody else noticed his reveal.
Perception: +10

2012-08-28, 05:04 PM
All - [Tyr - City Gates]

Raheil surveys the loading area, watching with glee as the slaves scurry with each crack of his whip. With Eveve on board as their healer (costing her 1 gp in the process), he focuses his attention on more important things, like bellowing and lashing the slaves. As his glare comes to rest on Van, the half-giant pauses for a moment, smirks, nods his head, and continues to scan the ragtag group of misfits accompanying House Stel on this journey.

As the scene unfolds before him, Huren finds that there are about 7 others who have apparently booked travel with the caravan. The flame-haired half-elf and the stinking drunk human he recognized from the descriptions that Tithian gave to Rikus. There are a couple of thri-kreen, animatedly clicking back and forth, no doubt discussing something important. There is a tiefling and a halfling, each well-dressed for the desert but obviously trying to remain nondescript and blend in with the crowd. And then there's the silly woman getting in the half-giant's way.

Huren's brief conversation with the woman reveals only one thing - that they both prefer their race of origin to be kept somewhat private. He notices that she's shorter and stockier than most humans, and that her hair is just a little too clean to be natural. On the other hand, Eveve's trained healer's eyes notice that Huren is just a shade past what is considered jaundiced, and that his yellow-green skin is probably an indication that he is not human either.

Either way, the members of the caravan size each other up in turn and come to the conclusion that none of them are as horrible as Raheil and his whip. Just then, the last of the crates is loaded on to the mekillot carts and Raheil shouts out orders to the outriders - a half-dozen crodlu-mounted humans with wicked looking obsidian spears. The outriders take a formation, three on either side of the mekillots, and with another shout the caravan lurches forward.

Raheil and Submatron Ixesti ride with the other merchants and household staff inside the rolling fortress, free from the oppressive glare of the sun. Slaves and the party (and Eveve's kank) walk alongside and behind the fortress and the outriders begin to fan out - two always staying close while the other four make large looping patrols hundreds of feet off of the main caravan body.

Here's a picture to give you an idea. The two creatures are mekillots, and Ixesti, Raheil and the others merchants are inside. You all run/walk along outside.


2012-08-28, 11:14 PM

"Pardon, m'lady, I have business in Altaruk, but have never been outside of Tyr before. You have the look of an experienced traveller. I would accompany you, if you'll allow, to increase my chances of reaching my destination safely. I can pay my own way, and hopefully have sufficient provision to last the trip. It is the road itself upon which my concern lies. In return I can offer some conversation and comradery on the journey."

Huren's filter mask is low enough to make it obvious that he is not human, and a close look would make his githzerai nature apparent. Once he is certain that Eveve has noticed this, he raises the mask higher to hide his features, glancing around to be certain nobody else noticed his reveal.

"Not my place to say, friend, but I suspect your coin is as valuable as any here. The lasher has the authority to take it, though I advise you not to accept the 'hard time' he'll give you in return. As for myself, yes, I'd enjoy having someone to chat with. The leagues are shorter that way. My name is Eveve ... family name Cranescap, for the color of the mystical bird. My mother's mother is Vistani, and when I hear she has died, I'll tattoo my scalp red as I take up her tradition."

As the mekillots bawl and the fortress begins to creak forward, Eveve points toward Van and says, "That one might also enjoy some conversation. He's called Van the Scarred. I've heard a dozen heroic tales of his exploits; perhaps he'd be willing to swap a few more over a meal. The others I don't know, though I believe I saw the horned one" -- she gestures toward Damakos -- "in a rebel stronghold shortly after Kalak's fall. I was called to treat two wounded fighters there. The light was poor, but I remember the mental might behind the face I saw there."

As the caravan wends further away from Tyr's gates, Huren suddenly becomes aware of another presence not far behind him. A mul-sized crystal, dull pink in color with a ring of grey-brown stone clinging to its nether half, is floating silently in the air behind Eveve, matching her speed. He notes that it casts no shadow and gets the impression that Eveve is aware of the presence without being bothered by it. He's struck by the idea that the rock is somehow kin to her.

2012-08-28, 11:48 PM
Damakos of the Wastes

The Tiefling uses his staff as a walking stick as he treads over the loose gravel and sand. Demakos couldn't help but admire the ingenuity of the wealthy - they always found a way to put the burden of transportation on anything but their own two feet. The mekillots were to be admired, large, proud, plodding creatures. Perfect for hauling large loads, and egos. The rust-colored Tiefling speedily walked along side the behemoth of a fortress, occasionally finding fleeting relief in its shallow shadow. The wanderer looked around and spied several people rushing out along the windswept plain, obviously scouting and patrolling. Such fools, thought the Tiefling, there were too many dangers in the wasteland to risk moving so far away from the behemoth.

2012-08-29, 12:48 PM

Lazam strides along with the rest of the caravan - taking care to keep pace and stay close to the mekillots....he knew all to well how a peaceful situation would suddenly become life-threatening and these monstrosities of the desert were great creatures to have around in a bad situation (well, assuming they didn't crush you in their wake). Taking care to keep his own eyes out and survey the others, he doesn't speak unless spoken too - habits of his defensive nature but compounded by being surrounded by Urik supporters.

2012-08-29, 02:14 PM

Calder - [Tyr - Arena]

With a whirl of skirt and a stab of a trident, the crowds once again erupt in cheer and applause. Calder stops a moment to catch his breath - his flame-red hair glinting in the sunlight. The energy of the crowd surges around him as they are whipped into a frenzy by the violence of the circus before them. Calder's opponent, a thri-kreen wielding a spear in each pair of arms, staggers slightly then lurches forward into a charge.

A glint of mirror light catches Calder's eye from the stands. A mul - one well known to this arena - stands there with a grim look on his face. Once he sees that he's caught Calder's eye, he gestures with a curt nod of his head toward the exit. Calder casually sidesteps the lunging thri-kreen then smacks the edge of his shield against the back of the creature's head, knocking him to the ground, unconscious.

Calder glances over his shoulder to where the ex-gladiator stood in the stands, but sees that he is gone. Scanning the crowd once again, he breaks into a raucus grin and caws loudly, much to their delight. He raises his trident over his head and walks out of the arena to a chorus of cheers.

Rikus is waiting for him at the exit. "Calder, it's been too long." The mul and the half-elf exchange grips. "Tithian hopes you've got a mind for something more dangerous and exciting than the arena life. What do you say?"

"You know I tried working with Tithian and the Templars, playing their political games. But I'd rather try and fight another sorcerer-king then go back to those bickering committees!" Emphasizing his point, Calder trusts at the air with his spear. The slightly goofy grin on his face, at the absurdity of the thought, disappears as he sees the serious look on Rikus's face. In a serious tone, he questions "Wait, what does Tithian want me to do?"

All - [Tyr - City Gates]

Either way, the members of the caravan size each other up in turn and come to the conclusion that none of them are as horrible as Raheil and his whip. Just then, the last of the crates is loaded on to the mekillot carts and Raheil shouts out orders to the outriders - a half-dozen crodlu-mounted humans with wicked looking obsidian spears. The outriders take a formation, three on either side of the mekillots, and with another shout the caravan lurches forward.

Raheil and Submatron Ixesti ride with the other merchants and household staff inside the rolling fortress, free from the oppressive glare of the sun. Slaves and the party (and Eveve's kank) walk alongside and behind the fortress and the outriders begin to fan out - two always staying close while the other four make large looping patrols hundreds of feet off of the main caravan body.

Hood up and scarf wrapped around his head, Calder's red hair and tattoos remain visible as the wind blows his protective gear around. The loose sand-colored robes he wears presses against his body, and parts of it seems a little oddly angular, but the blowing wind keeps everyone more focused on their own concerns than the exact silhouette of a stranger. He bears a large pack against his back, but it doesn't seem to weigh on him like on would expect. having taken several blows from the whip, he seemed to ignore them more than anything, continuing to help load the caravan.

Seeing the scouts take their position, he begins to run along with them. Calder reaches out his hand, and his trident lifts off the ground and flies to his palm. He steps quickly in the sand, clearly used to physical activity under the sun. He runs as close to the mekillots as he can without arousing suspicion, using the movement of the scouts to let himself be herded closer and closer. Scanning caravan, he looks for holes in the perimeter, and any weak points in the wheel assemblage of the mobile tower.

He also watches the man he assumes to be Van, having already made himself known to the Raheil. A pair of unknown caravaners seemed to be working together, but didn't appear to be a threat. Calder was trying to keep his eyes open for everything he could. This mission did not afford him the safety of the arena. Danger could come from everywhere. He had survived this long, and he intended to live much longer.

Insight [roll0]

2012-08-29, 06:36 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to Crossroads]

Calder's unfamiliarity with caravan politics and overland travel is obvious as he fails to glean more than the most basic understanding of the relationships between all those involved in the caravan.

However, he does draw the attention of the two Thri-Kreen who have no problems travelling across the dirt and gravel that makes up much of the hardscape of the Tablelands. One of them chitters at the other, then turns to Calder, "Gladiator? We saw you fight last week. Very good." the creature chitters in an almost alien voice. "I am Ke'chak and this is Tka'cha."

2012-08-29, 10:59 PM

He nods as he runs, "It's always good to meet some fans. I appreciate getting a chance to meet those that enjoy watching me work. What brings the two of you out this way?" He tries to make small talk, hoping that these Thri-Kreen might be more forthcoming with information. Having spared his last combatant may come in handy. Calder had long ago learned the benefits of having defeated enemies still alive as long as they weren't humiliated or revenge prone. And unlike many, he had realized that one's race had less to do with the quality of one's personal strength than past experiences.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-08-30, 01:25 AM

A short distance farther on, Eveve adds in a murmur to Huren, "If you've the trick of mind-speech, I don't mind being the only one talking out loud. I know it saves some water in the body to keep one's mouth closed. And the less House Stel water you drink, the less they'll resent you as the trip wears on."

2012-08-30, 01:40 AM
All - [Tablelands - Road to Crossroads]

Calder has some difficulty with the speech of the two Thri-Kreen, but after a few minutes he acclimates well enough to learn that they are emissaries from the Kreen Khanates of the Crimson Savanna, and that they were dispatched to reach out to this new ruler of Tyr. The two kreen also teach Calder some of their language, providing him with terms such as haazi (the fabled kreen 'khan of khans' who will unite all kreen under one khanate), as well as the names Jhol, T'Keetch and J'kez (the most influencial khanates of the Crimson Savanna).

After a while, the kreen's discussion devolves into more and more of their own language, then eventually goes completely silent as it becomes apparent to Calder that they are communicating entirely psionically.

The caravan slowly churns through the miles, and after 6 hours of relentless heat the group stops for a few minutes to give the mekillots a brief respite. Raheil hops down from his spot inside the fortress and begins barking orders at the slaves to unpack some of the provisions for a midday meal. His whip remains coiled at his hip, but everyone understands by now that the half-giant is easily provoked, and would not hesitate to lash those who moved too slowly or otherwise gave Raheil reason.

While the meager provisions are being doled out, Eveve appraises the group that has made this journey. She decides easily enough that, other than the two Thri-Kreen, everyone else here clearly has some hidden motives for coming. She knows from her travels that, while Altaruk is nice enough, it is not so nice to leave Tyr. Altaruk, the fortress of the desert, is primarily a fortified town with a market at the center - a drop point for traders who seek refuge from the onslaught of elves, kreen and worse.

Given the entirely alien nature of the Thri-Kreen, the rest of the party finds themselves naturally gravitating toward one another, away from the Kreen, the slaves, and House Stel.

2012-08-30, 02:16 AM

As the group gathers together, Lazam takes a moment to survey the others. Overly cautious in a strange environment, it would likely be wise to remain silent...but as impatient as he is and uncomfortable in the desert, he speaks without much thought. Sometimes...patience makes you die alone. "As a watcher of people, it is clear that intentions vary among us. Some hide while others flaunt these signals....but in the desert and this damnable heat, that means little compared to the basics." Realizing he's really stepped forward, Lazam fights the urge to fade back once again and says the boldest thing he has ever said to strangers. "My name is Lazam and I wouldn't mind some company before I shrivel in this sun." Strained beyond words at this public display, Lazam lets out a long sigh...and surprisingly that one breath of air felt refreshingly cold. Lazam smiles as he pulls forth a small waterskin to drink from (hiding his face while he sees if he's just made the biggest mistake of his life).

2012-08-30, 02:47 AM

Taking down her dust-mask so that Lazam can see her smiling, Eveve says "You're brave to confront the distrust all the races have for each other. More than races; my own Vistani clan pushed me away for not being paranoid enough toward those I met, and the clan is a mixed bag of races itself." She lifts her wig and scarf, revealing a dwarf's rough and bare scalp, lightly shining with sweat trapped under the headgear.

"My name is Eveve. I'm a healer, a fighter, sometimes a messenger. I've been traveling this region for a long time. Tyr has quieted down enough that I felt it was time to bring my medicines elsewhere. I also rounded up some posts and packages and messages for people in Altaruk ... enough work to pay for my water, I expect."

Jerking a thumb at the insectoid squatted behind her, mindlessly flexing its mandibles, she adds, "That one is H'Ghimpel'la'sahkthn * ... 'Gimp' for short, fittingly. The rock hasn't bothered to tell me a name yet." Floating serenely about fifteen feet off the ground is a chunk of stone and crystal that looks illusory or somehow not-quite-there. Appearing to sense interest, it shivers for a moment, ethereal pebbles falling from the underside but vanishing before they hit the ground.

* If you speak Elvish:
The name means "why haven't we killed this one yet?".

2012-08-30, 06:27 AM


A short distance farther on, Eveve adds in a murmur to Huren, "If you've the trick of mind-speech, I don't mind being the only one talking out loud. I know it saves some water in the body to keep one's mouth closed. And the less House Stel water you drink, the less they'll resent you as the trip wears on."

Huren raises an eyebrow in amusement. <I suspect they'll appreciate less noise as well,> he thinks at her.

When the other travellors gather, Huren introduces himself. "I am Huren. I am also involved in the delivering of messages. I suppose," he continues, nodding to Lazam, "that I am one of those who would rather hide his signals."

2012-08-30, 10:34 AM

Having learned everything he could from the insectoids, Calder makes his way over to the small group of wanders that had gathered. He arrives just in time to hear the name of the kank, he smirks, recalling a time when he bore that nickname. Seeing how they are avoiding the main caravan, and they were being rather liberal with information, he decided that sharing some of his own may be advantageous. "Ya'll can call me Calder." He takes a liberal swig from a water skin he made from a beast he slew in the arena, but subtly uses his tongue to stem the flow of water so only a little of the precious liquid reaches his throat.

"I take it you all have your own reasons for leaving Tyr. Personally, I haven't had a good fight since dear ol' Kalak found himself on the wrong end of that spear. I trust the House of Stel to make for another city with all haste, and as long as they don't try to recruit me again, I see them as my best ticket to a real fight.

Then again, I'm sure I'd get a good fight should they try to recruit me know..."

2012-08-30, 11:37 AM

Van looks at the circle of free thinkers, feral desert people, bloodied warriors and spies (probably) before deciding it honestly didn't matter what they knew about him. "I'm Van. I'm here for coin." He takes a sip of one of the water skins he has on him, only to those who know the smells far to strong to be water. Then he takes a sip from a second water skin, and this time there is no smell to go with it. The others introductions don't raise any questions from him, though he looks at Calder for a moment more then necessary before glancing away.

"In a fight, it doesn't matter where we're from or why we're here. We watch each others backs. If not, and I survive, I'll kill whoever doesn't." The words weren't boastful, nor were they intended to be a threat. It was a warning. A simple, plain warning spoken with honesty. The harshest kind of honesty, sure, but honesty nonetheless.

2012-08-30, 12:35 PM

Eveve answers Van's frankness with some of her own. "D'you include the thri-kreen in your grouping, Scarred One?" She neither raises her voice to be heard by the mantis-men nor whispers for privacy.

Just a general gauge of how well Eveve masks her feelings -- Bluff [roll0] compared to Van's passive Insight of 12.

It's not immediately clear whether the Vistani woman would prefer to exclude or welcome the kreen herself.

2012-08-30, 01:04 PM

"I include everyone in this caravan in that grouping, save the guy paying me for obvious reasons. From now until we're out of the desert, our survival depends on each other. If I can't trust my back to anyone, then they're worse then useless." Van doesn't bother hiding the fact that he could give two craps about race. He's speaking as if he's seen the desert and has been in groups like this many times before. If anyone in the group knows a few of the stories about him, it probably seems to them that he's more then willing to carry out on his promise if someone proves untrustworthy.

2012-08-30, 01:12 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to Crossroads]

"BAROOOOOOOOOOOOOM" comes from the distance, over one of the sand dunes. "BAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" is heard again, from the same direction. "BAROOOOOO-" sounds a third time, but cut off, as if the hornblower were stopped.

From the same direction, northeast of the caravan, the party hears a rumbling and a great war cry. The mekillots begin to stamp their feet and snort, while the merchants and Submatron Ixesti move toward the center of their fortress.

Three of the other scouts wheel on their war crodlu and head in the direction of the noise while two stay close to the caravan. Raheil cracks his whip and the slaves move to form a perimeter around the caravan, clearly intending to use their bodies as shields.

The half-giant looks toward where the party squats down, conversing, and shouts at them to take up formation and prepare for an assault.

Combat - Round 1

2012-08-30, 01:38 PM

"Let the watching of backs begin," says Eveve wryly. She pulls up her filter mask, moves a large shield from her back to her left arm, then hefts her black-dyed alhulak. "Remember to keep an eye on the other side in case this is a diversion. AIIEEEE!" She charges toward the presumed battlefront, protective bony plates rattling under her robe. Her movement aims to put her between the horn's sound and the free caravaners, thri-kreen included.

Although the floating crystal drifts silently over Eveve as she runs, the runt kank just flops down where it is, feelers tense with anxiety.

2012-08-30, 06:04 PM

Huren reluctantly follows Eveve. As he moves, he looks for some place suitable for concealment. Once found, he does his best to hide, using his sensing eye to keep track of what is going on.

Stealth skill +10
Sensing Eye: Can determine line of sight from a sqpace within 5 squares of him.

2012-08-30, 06:09 PM

He turns to the sounds of the trumpet call, the buckles on his pack unclipping and collapsing to the ground. His shirt ruffles as the bag embeds itself in the sand, and as Calder reaches his right arm behind him, a heavy shield, made from a giant scale from a beast he had killed in the arena, lifts from the ground and latches itself to his right arm.

He takes of in a sprint, trident held firmly in his left hand as he yells, "Well Van, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. I'm getting that fight I wanted." He shouts over the the Thri-Kreen as he takes his position front and center, scanning the dune-ridges for signs of attack. "Hey Ke'chak! Tka'cha! How would you like a chance to fight alongside your favorite gladiator, eh?" He girds himself for combat in the sand, stance wide, shield before him, trident in a reverse grip with sharp tips pointing forward.

2012-08-30, 06:41 PM

With a loud sigh, Lazam quickly huddles next to Huren and gets ready for an assault. Removing his filter mask and pulling back his hood, Lazam reveals a wild display of grey hair....an odd color for such a young halfling. "Don't worry, I'm not foolish enough to jump out there until we know whats out there." Lazam gives a calming smile, a relaxing gesture despite knowing well that the unknowns of Athas could be life threatening. "I'll cover the east and south, keep an eye out." Laughing to himself at that terrible joke, Lazam uses his sensing eye as well to see as well he can a perimeter.

2012-08-30, 06:53 PM
Damakos of the Wastes

Damakos ate his meal in silence, preferring to listen rather than speak. Speaking was a chore, speaking was dangerous, speaking could likely get himself killed. Silence was an easy, silence was safe, silence would keep him alive. By the by, the Tiefling listened intently to those around him. They were good people, at least for this screwed up world, a world the Wizard wished to change and make better, at least some day.

Damakos springs to his feet, tightens his grip on his staff and begins searching the horizon for any and all enemies after the call goes out. The wasteland was not safe, most especially if their attackers were brazen enough to forfeit the advantages of surprise. The Tiefling decided to stick with his current companions, they were better than the average riffraff of the caravan, perhaps they could be useful. Damakos races along side his new allies... Companions? Tools? Regardless, if the Tiefling wanted to survive, he would need to keep his eyes and ears open and put a modicum of faith in these... People.

Damakos will ready an action to cast Magic Missile at the first enemy he sees (range 20 squares, dealing 7 damage).

Damakos of the Waste

HP: 28 / 28
Action Points: 1 / 1
Surges per Day: 8 / 8
Surge Value: 7

Cantrips and Other Minor Powers:
- Ghost Sound
- Light
- Mage Hand
- Prestidigitation
- Thought Projection
- Arcane Defiling

- Magic Missile
- Scorching Burst
- Excise Spirit
- Darkening Flame
- Acid Arrow // Flaming Sphere

Utility and Other Spells:
- Feather Fall

Tome of Readiness
- Dread Presence

Arcanists Spellbook
- Flaming Sphere
- Veiled Arcana

Note: Hellbook allows me to swap out one Daily Attack Power with another from my spellbook that has the Fire or Fear keyword. Currently, that is Flaming Sphere. As a Minor Action I can freely swap Acid Arrow with Flaming Sphere.

2012-08-30, 10:30 PM
Damakos of the Wastes

The Tiefling rushes forward after Calder and finally, off in the distance, spots one of the enemies. Damakos channels a bit of arcane power - though not nearly enough to cause any defiling - and wills a bolt of force straight at the head of the attacking enemy.

7 Damage to Elven Archer #2.

I am going to try to use your fancy battle system, hope it works...

2012-08-31, 04:40 AM

Seeing the first elf just come within range, Huren fires his hand crossbow. He quickly reloads then ducks down again to avoid notice.
Standard action: Hand crossbow at elf 2 (RBA)
Attack: [roll0] vs AC (includes +2 for combat advantage...acting first)
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] sneak attack
Move action: Hide - Stealth [roll3]

2012-08-31, 11:13 AM
Combat - Round 1

PC Group 1

Minor: Allows sunlight to glint off of epic horns
Move: Walk to L13
Standard: Used Magic Missile against Elven Archer 2 for 7 damage

Minor: Looks badass
Standard: Used RBA (Crossbow) against Elven Spear 2 for 16 damage
Move: Hides behind Gimp

Move: Walk to N10
Minor: Summon Spirit of Athas (Rocky?) at O10
Standard: Ready attack until enemy within range
EFFECT: Take 3 damage for ending turn next to Raheil

Enemy Group 1

Elven Spear 1
Move: Walk to O8
Standard: Missed Raheil with Barbed Spear
EFFECT: Take 3 damage for ending turn next to Raheil

Elven Spear 3
Move: Walk to O11
Standard: Used Barbed Spear against Calder (CRIT) for 13 damage and Calder is grabbed (DC 13)

Elven Archer 2
Move: Walk to P3
Standard: Used Longbow against Damakos for 14 damage

PC Group 2

Minor: Used Curse on Spear 3
Standard: Used Eldritch Strike on Spear 3 for 9 damage (+6 extra from Curse) and slides Spear 3 back 1 square, breaking the Grab
Minor: Used Battlemind's Demand to mark Spear 1

Minor: Used Evil Eye of the Vistani against Spear 2. Spear 2 cannot move closer to Eveve and grants Eveve CA until EoNT (Ev-2)
Move: Walk to N12, Move Crystal to P9
Minor: Used Battlemind's Demand to mark Spear 3

Minor: Use Spirit of Athas to call Dusty
Minor: Use Ardent Surge to heal Calder surge+2
Move: Walk to M12

Enemy Group 2

Elven Spear 2
Move: Walk to T12

Elven Archer 1
Move: Walk to U11
Standard: Used Longbow against Calder for 10 damage

Elven Archer 3
Move: Walk to N4
Standard: Used Longbow against Raheil for 13 damage

NPC Group 1

Standard: Missed Whip against Spear 1

Thri-Kreen 1
Standard: Missed Mind Thrust against Spear 1

Thri-Kreen 2
Missed Chatkcha against Spear 1

2012-08-31, 03:15 PM

"Calder, is that the best you can do?" He yells at the gladiator. The warrior, ever ready for battle, quickly moves past his allies. With his shield raised and his sword drawn he moves to stand between the other two warriors on the front lines. With a word, a thought and an effort of will the ground in front of them cracks open and pieces of stone, perhaps a foot thick, begin to float around the three, offering them more protection. "Stay close to the rocks." He instructs the group, "They'll help protect you."

No action - (Encounter) Battlefront Shift: Calder can shift half his speed.
Move action - Move to N10
Minor Action - (Encounter) Summon Spirit of Athas in O10 (+1 AC to any adjacent to it)
Standard Action - Hold, if I can, for an enemy to get close enough.

2012-08-31, 07:30 PM
Enemy Group 1

Elven Spear 1
Grasping his spear in his hands, the war-painted elf effortlessly traverses the dunes, weaving a snakelike path toward the obvious frontal assault of Raheil, Van and Calder. However, the elf takes care to avoid the Spirit of Athas, recognizing the majesty of the creature. Instead, he tries for a wild stab at the menacing half-giant, hoping to pin him down with his barbed spear. The stab is too wild, and the attack misses.

Raheil retaliates with a lash across the elf's face, stinging him and making him angry.
Move: Walk from S5 to O8

Standard: Barbed Spear vs Raheil

Attack: [roll0] vs AC (-1 due to Spirit of Athas)
Hit: [roll1] damage and Raheil is grabbed (DC 13 escape)

Takes 3 damage from ending turn adjacent to Raheil
Elven Spear 3
Taking the lead from his tribal companion, this elf charges across the dunes as well, gouging Calder in the thigh and locking down his movements.
Move: Walk from U7 to O8

Standard: Barbed Spear vs Calder

Attack: [roll2] vs AC (-1 due to Spirit of Athas) edit: CRIT
Hit: [roll3] 13 damage (due to CRIT) and Calder is grabbed (DC 13 escape)
Elven Archer 2
The archer grunts as the ball of force hits him in the chest. He strafes across the dunes, getting into a more open position. He sights Damakos with his bow, then draws an arrow and fires, hoping to return shot for shot with the Tiefling. The elf grins madly as the attack hits the Tiefling square in the chest, causing blood to spill onto the sand.
Move: Walk to P3 (Gain +2 to Ranged due to Archer's Mobility)

Standard: Longbow vs Damakos

Attack: [roll4] vs AC (includes +2 from Archer's Mobility)
Hit: [roll5] damage

2012-08-31, 10:36 PM

Eveve catches the eye of the slowest elven spear-shaker. Keening a high wail, unusually clear for a dwarven voice, she looses a flash-flood of anger in his direction. Still wailing, she resumes her march to the front line and bashes her alhulak against her shield to capture the attention of the warrior in front of her, with her ethereal crystal floating overhead before drifting to the ground near the last of the spearmen.

Minor action: evil eye of the Vistani, ranged attack against Spear2, [roll0] vs Will. On a hit, he can't willingly come closer to me and he grants me CA, both effects until the end of my next turn.
Move action: Eveve from K13 to N12. When I take a move action I can also move Crystal my speed of 5, so she goes from K14 to P9. Neither move provokes in this case.
Minor action: battlemind's demand to mark Spear3.

Eveve shows a controlling presence on the field of battle, frightening foes without a single strike attempted. The baleful gleam in her green eye holds at bay the lagging spear-shaker, and the other two sense her threat clearly as well.

If Spear3 provokes an OA, I'll spend a power point to use twisted eye in place of my MBA. If he shifts, I'll follow with blurred step. If he hits someone on my team, I'll zap him with mind spike. If someone hits ME, I'll respond with disciplined counter. If Spear1 moves without shifting, I'll give Huren a potshot at him using my shaman encounter power. And if an archer is dumb enough to take a shot at me, check back with me 'cos I might choose to reactively teleport myself to that side of the battlefield.

Um. Eveve has an interesting array of off-turn options. I'm a little overwhelmed.

2012-09-01, 01:47 AM

Lazam breaks in a small sprint towards the fray but he pauses among his new companions....closing his eyes for a moment, he reaches down and grasps some sand. As if in a trance, he whispers "Spirit Oracle, protect those who struggle." The sand floats from his hand in the air and forms a small miniaturized storm that coils together in the form of a living whirlwind of sand and moisture. Turning to the gladiator Calder, Lazam blows a cool breeze from his mouth as he intently focuses upon his gift of the Way. Calder seems visibly refreshed despite his predicament.

Two minors and a move. Spirit of Athas (all adjacent to the sand storm receive +1 to defenses) and Ardent Surge: Calder can spend a healing surge (assuming you will so I updated your info) with a bonus of [roll0] - and because of Mantle of Clarity he receives an additional +1 to defenses until the end of my next turn (so +2 total now for Calder).

2012-09-01, 01:48 AM
Let's try that roll again...not sure why it's not working. [roll0]

2012-09-01, 08:23 PM

Despite the blood oozing down his leg, Calder grins, almost as if this is a common occurrence for him. "Alright buddy, let's dance, you and I." With a sneer, he spins his trident, rotating it into for standard grip, and using the momentum to slash at the elf's face, forcing the spear wielder to stagger backwards under the force of the blow.

Realizing how the shear number of allies he sudden finds around him, he shouts at another elf with sarcasm and confidence, "How about you bub? You want a piece of this pathetic half-breed?"

Minor: Curse Spear Elf 3 [roll0]
Standard: Eldritch Strike Spear Elf 3
Target: One creature
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: [roll2] damage, and you slide the target 1 square.
Minor: Battlemind's Demand Spear Elf 1
Effect: You mark the target until you use this power again or until the end of the encounter.

2012-09-01, 11:40 PM

With Calder's flashy magic blade and unfamiliar footwork driving away the spear-wielder she had challenged, Eveve gives Calder a dirty look (though not as dirty as the Evil Eye she'd applied to her foes). "That was my dance partner, gladiator," she snaps. "Next time, get your own."

2012-09-02, 01:33 PM
Enemy Group 2

Elven Spear 2

Frustrated and stunned by the small creature's glare, the elf circles around, trying to find a better opening.

Move: Walk to T12

Elven Archer 1

Following with the protection of the spear, the archer strafes along the face of the party, firing arrows into the fray toward the mohawked gladiator.

Move: Walk to U11 (Gains +2 to ranged due to Archer's Mobility)

Standard: Longbow vs Calder

Attack: [roll0] vs AC (Includes +2 and -1)
Hit: [roll1]

Elven Archer 3

The other archer strafes along the other direction, firing shots at the brutish half-giant, hoping to distract him so that the spears can get in a shot.

Move: Walk to N4 (Gains +2 to ranged due to Archer's Mobility)

Standard: Longbow vs Raheil

Attack: [roll2] vs AC (Includes +2 and -1)
Hit: [roll3]

2012-09-02, 01:45 PM
NPC Group 1


Bellowing in fury, Raheil cracks his whip at the elven raider who dared to attack his caravan.

Standard: Whip vs Spear 1

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: 3 damage, and slides Spear 1 to O9

Thri-Kreen 1

The Thri-Kreen remains completely motionless as his antennae wiggle just slightly. The raider nearest Raheil puts his hand to his head, then smirks, pointing his spear at the Thri-Kreen in response.

Standard: Mind Thrust vs Spear 1

Attack: [roll1] vs Will
Hit: 5 psychic damage

Thri-Kreen 2

Passing a clear, star-shaped item from one hand to the other, the Thri-Kreen flings it toward the same elven raider nearest Raheil. The chatkcha is harmlessly deflected by the elf's spear.

Standard: Chatkcha vs Spear 1

Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: 5 damage

2012-09-02, 01:53 PM
Combat - Round 2

PC Group 1

Standard: Critical MISS with Darkening Flame against Spear 2
Move: Walk to I14

Standard: Used RBA (Crossbow) against Spear 3 for 12 damage
Move: Hides behind Gimp
Minor: Stow hand-crossbow

Move: Shift to O11
Standard: Used Wolf Pack Tactics against Spear 3 for 7 damage and granted Eveve a shift to O12
Minor: Used Inspiring Word on Damakos to heal 16 hp

Enemy Group 1

Elven Spear 1
Standard: Missed with Barbed Spear against Raheil
Effect: Took 3 damage for ending adjacent to Raheil

Elven Spear 3
Move: Shift to Q12 (Eveve followed with Blurred Step
Standard: Shift to R13

Elven Archer 2
Move: Walk to V7
Standard: Used Longbow against Eveve for 13 damage

PC Group 2

Move: Walk to S11
Minor: Used Curse on Spear 2
Standard: Missed with Eldritch Strike against Spear 2

Move: Shift to Q13, Move Crystal to S12 (AoO from Spear 1 missed)
Standard: Missed with Conductive Defense against Spear 3
Minor: Used Dwarven Resilience to heal 10hp and gain +2 defenses until SoNT (Ev-3)

Move: Walk to Q12, move Dusty to P12
Standard: Used Energizing Strike against Spear 3 for 8 damage, healing Calder for 4 THP

*Kills Spear 3*

Enemy Group 2

Elven Spear 2
Standard: Missed with Barbed Spear against Calder
Move: Shift to U11

Elven Archer 1
Move: Walk to S4
Standard: Missed with Longbow against Lazam

Elven Archer 3
Move: Walk to U5
Standard: Used Longbow against Calder for 7 damage (removing 4 THP and inflicing 3 damage)

NPC Group 1

Event: Explosion from caravan caused 5 damage to several slaves and Huren. Three more elves appeared (Elven Skirmisher 1/2/3)

Move: Walk to J7 (AoO from Spear 1 missed)
Effect: Adjacent slaves are killed by damage aura

Thri-Kreen 1
Standard: Used Mind Thrust against Spear 1 for 5 damage

Thri-Kreen 2
Standard: Used Chatkcha against Spear 1 for 5 damage

2012-09-02, 02:09 PM
Damakos of the Waste

Damakos recoils as an arrow grazes his chest. The wound is deep, spewing blood across the light brown sand. This is the first time such a deep wound had been inflicted on him since he joined the Wanderer and left his old life as a desert raider behind. Back then, wounds were common, joyful even. His body was a scarred memorial to such a violent past. But now, now he was different. He had a job to do, his actions and his survival mattered. He was important, his allies were counting on him to complete his mission! Damakos looked up from the sand with blood-shot eyes. His eyes scanned the horizon for the first elf. There, a spearman. Not the best target but a target none the less. The Tieflings whirled his staff in the air then brought it down hard, striking the earth. As the staff flew down to the land, a blazing sphere of shadow-infused fire flew forth towards his target, that would hopefully blacken both his flesh and his soul. Damakos then limped backwards, attempting to use the beasts of burden as a makeshift shield.

Attack: Darkening Flame
Target: Elf Spearman 2
Attack Roll: [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1]
Effect: Each creature adjacent to the target takes 5 Fire damage (so Archer 1).

Move: Back to I-14

Minor: None

2012-09-02, 05:08 PM

Seeing that the enemy is getting closer but not yet into advantageous position, Huren emerges from hiding to strike, then ducks down to hide again.

Standard action: RBA on Elf Spear 3
Attack: [roll0] vs AC (includes +2 for combat advantage)
Hit: [roll1] damage + [roll2] sneak attack damage,
Move action: Stealth check, [roll3] to hide again.
Minor: Stow hand-crossbow

2012-09-05, 03:07 PM
Van the Scarred

Van taps into his battlefield prowess and shifts forward, attacking the spear-wielder while bolstering his allies Eveve and Damakos.

Taking Arillius' turn for him to keep things moving.

Move: Shift to O11

Standard: Wolf Pack Tactics on Spear 3 (attack + ally shift)

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage
Effect: Eveve shifts to O12

Minor: Inspiring Word on Damakos

Effect: Damakos regains 7 (surge) + 3 (Cha) + [roll2] hit points = 16 HP, back to full health.

2012-09-05, 04:25 PM
Enemy Group 1

Elven Spear 1
The elf ducks out of the way of Raheil's whip and darts in with his spear, driving toward the half-giant's calf muscle and hoping to pin him in place.

Standard: Barbed Spear vs Raheil

Attack: [roll0] vs AC (-1 due to Spirit of Athas edit: additional -2 for disregarding Calder's mark - missed anyway)
Hit: [roll1] damage and Raheil is grabbed (DC 13 to escape)

Takes 3 damage from ending turn adjacent to Raheil

Elven Spear 3

With blood dripping down his side, the raider makes a few threatening stabs and moves away, hoping to avoid such a direct assault. The elf glances behind the caravan as a wicked grin creases his face.

Move: Shift to Q12

Standard (move): EDIT: Shift to R13

edited based on Eveve's Blurred Step (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13847630&postcount=204)

Elven Archer 2

Glaring with frustration as Damakos appears to have regained his composure, the archer strafes across the front of the caravan and fires at Eveve, hoping to draw her attention while his companion gets into better position. As the archer comes around, he also gets a huge, wild grin on his face.

Move: Walk to V7 (gain +2 to Ranged due to Archer's Mobility)

Standard: Longbow vs Eveve

Attack: [roll2] vs AC (includes +2 from Archer's Mobility. edit: really 29, forgot that Eveve is not adjacent to Spirit of Athas
Hit: [roll3] damage

UP NEXT: Calder, Eveve, Lazam

2012-09-05, 06:17 PM

Eveve, still chasing after the frustrated spearman she'd challenged, flinches silently as an arrow pierces her shoulder. She tries to 'cut' spacetime enough to slip through to face the archer, but fails, her concentration broken by the blow.

Prior to this turn: blurred step followed by a failed attempt at persistent harrier, as noted in OOC.

Returning to matters at hand, Eveve continues her 'dance' with the spearman, the large floating stone drifting closer as well.

Move action: shift from P12 to Q13. Crystal moves from P9 to S12, provoking an attack from Spear1. It uses Eveve's normal defenses and isn't harmed unless you deal 11 or more damage.
Standard action: conductive defense on Spear3, unaugmented. [roll0] vs Reflex. A hit deals [roll1] damage and imposes 4 hp of automatic retributive damage whenever Spear3 hits one of my allies until (Ev-3).

Always prepared for the long haul, Eveve is undaunted by another missed swing. She takes a deep breath while keeping her glaring green eye fixed on her foe, and begins to ramp her wail back up.

Minor action: dwarven resilience. +2 to defenses until the start of my next turn (Ev-3) and heal 10 hp.

Clearly, Eveve's evil eye is turned away from Spear2. He's no longer restricted from moving closer to her and no longer grants her CA.

2012-09-06, 12:27 AM
Spear 1 - Attack of Opportunity

As the Crystal moves past him, the elven raider takes a wild stab, frustrated at his lack of success attacking the half-giant.

Standard: Barbed Spear vs Crystal (AoO)

Attack: [roll0] vs AC (-2 for disregarding Calder's mark)
Hit: [roll1] damage

2012-09-06, 04:11 PM

Calder slides past his only true ally on this battlefield, he strides forward, snarling at the spear wielding Elf. He looks at the tall warrior's weapon as he spins his weapon in his hand, so the spikes rotate around the central point. "Hey bud, mine's better. Now get over here."

Move: O11-P11-Q11-R11-S11
Minor: Curse Elven Spear 2 [roll0]
Standard: Eldritch Strike
Attack: [roll1] vs. AC
Hit: [roll2] damage, and you slide the target 1 square.

2012-09-06, 06:05 PM

Quickly leaping forward to follow pursuit into the fray, Lazam stops next to the elf and tries a quick slash with his wrist razors. With a show of such intensity towards saving other companions from fighting alone, Calder feels a small cooling rush of calming emotion overtake himself. The whirling shrunken desert storm follows pursuit after its creator.

Move to Q12, Dusty to P12 (changing who gets +1 def bonus). Energizing Strike against Elf Spear 3. Hit: [roll0] versus AC. Damage: [roll1]. If it hits, Calder receives 4 temporary hitpoints.

2012-09-07, 11:41 AM
Enemy Group 2

Elven Spear 2

Screaming as his companion dies at the hands of the halfling, the spearwielder stabs furiously at Calder, hoping to trade life for life.

Standard: Barbed Spear vs Calder

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage and Calder is grabbed (DC 13)

Move: Shift to U11
Elven Archer 1

Always moving with the shifting sands, the archer once again strafes sideways, firing arrows toward the caravan. This time, he targets Lazam, the one who killed his companion.

Move: Walk to S4 (Gains +2 to ranged due to Archer's Mobility

Standard: Longbow vs Lazam

Attack: [roll2] vs AC (-1 due to Spirit of Athas)
Hit: [roll3]
Elven Archer 3

Taking the lead from his companion, the elven archer aims and fires at Calder, also hoping to bring down the mighty gladiator.

Move: Walk to U5 (Gains +2 to ranged due to Archer's Mobility

Standard: Longbow vs Calder

Attack: [roll4] vs AC
Hit: [roll5] damage

2012-09-07, 11:58 AM
NPC Group 1

Just as the elves finish another wave of assaults, a huge pulse of necrotic energy bursts out from the caravan. A woman screams loudly from inside the caravan.

Effect: Everyone within 2 squares of the caravan takes 5 damage. Each slave now has 1 hp and is basically treated as a minion

Turning just in time to catch a wave of dark energy in the face, Raheil sees that the caravan has been overtaken by more elves. He ignores the elf nearest him and rushes to check on Submatron Ixesti, knocking slaves left and right in the process.

Move: Move to J7

Effect: Slaves in the adjacent squares are killed.

Thri-Kreen 1

The Thri-Kreen takes Raheil's absence as an opportunity to assault the Elven spear closest to him.

Standard: Mind Thrust vs Spear 1

Attack: [roll0] vs Will
Hit: 5 psychic damage

Thri-Kreen 2

The second Thri-Kreen also seizes the opportunity for a clear shot.

Standard: Chatkcha vs Spear 1

Attack: [roll1] vs Reflex
Hit: 5 damage

2012-09-07, 12:43 PM

Huren swears under his breath as the elves appear. He quickly leaps into action. He takes a more offensive oriented stance, and strikes quickly and repeatedly at the elf adjacent to him.

Minor: Activate Duelist's Prowess stance (allows attack as an immediate interrupt when attacked)
Standard: Duelist's Flurry on Skirmisher 3
Attack: [roll0] vs AC(does not include Combat Advantage, not sure if Huren was hidden from him)
Hit: [roll1], slide target to G13 and Huren shifts to H14
Move: Will stay where he is.

His attack seriously injures the elf skirmisher, driving it backward and placing himself in a better spot to protect Damakos.

2012-09-07, 03:14 PM
Combat - Round 3

PC Group 1


Minor: Activates Duelist's Prowess Stance
Standard: Used Duelist's Flurry against Skirmisher 3 for 11 damage, slides Skirmisher 3 to G13 and Huren shifts to H14


Enemy Group 1

Elven Spear 1

Elven Archer 2

Elven Skirmisher 1

Elven Skirmisher 2

PC Group 2




Enemy Group 2

Elven Spear 2

Elven Archer 1

Elven Archer 3

NPC Group 1


Thri-Kreen 1

Thri-Kreen 2

2012-09-09, 01:56 PM

So much death, so much senseless slaughter. These Elves knew not who their true enemy was. They acted like petulant children, living off the scraps the Sorcerer Kings bequeathed to them. They were starving animals - dangerous, violent and foolhardy. If they had a modicum of sense, they would have attacked after the long journey had truly worn the caravan-ers down. They would die a senseless death because they knew not the root cause of their devalued, animalistic lifeway.

Damakos pointed his gnarled, scarred finger at one of the Elves who had flanked him and said, "You shouldn't have done that." Damakos calls down a vertical column of shimmering red and black fire that burns all within.

Standard Action:

Attack Name: Scorching Burst (targeting F-14)

Attack Target: Skirmisher 3
Attack Roll: [roll0]

Attack Target: Skirmisher 2
Attack Roll: [roll1]

Damage Roll: [roll2]

Move action: Walk backwards to M-16

2012-09-11, 12:14 AM
Van the Scarred

Van assesses the battlefield before him and decides that a joint assault on the nearest spear wield is best. Shouting words of encouragement to Calder, Van charges forward and hacks at the elf, bringing his companion in right beside him.

Move: Walk to U10

Standard: Wolf Pack Tactics on Spear 2

Effect: Calder shifts to T12
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage

2012-09-11, 12:34 AM
Enemy Group 1

Elven Spear 1

With Calder having moved away, the spear fighter chases after the man, hoping to engage him in a flanking maneuver.

Move: Walk to S11

Standard: Barbed Spear vs Calder

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage and Calder is grabbed (DC 13)

Elven Archer 2

The archer is not a fan of how close the other combatants are getting, and moves away to get a better shot.

Move: Walk to Q5 (Gains +2 to ranged due to Archer's Mobility)

Standard: Longbow vs Lazam

Attack: [roll2] vs AC (-1 due to Spirit of Athas)
Hit: [roll3] damage

Elven Skirmisher 1

The first veiled elf darts in towards Raheil and stabs at him, then slips back a safe distance away

Move: Walk to I6

Standard: Obsidian Short Sword vs Raheil

Attack: [roll4] vs AC
Hit: [roll5] damage and the Elf shifts to H5

Elven Skirmisher 2

Enraged at seeing his ally fall (and still smoking a bit from the flames) the skirmisher circles around Huren, making two deft strikes with his sword.

Move: Walk to G15

Standard: Razor Fury vs Huren (2 attacks)

Attack: [roll6] vs AC
Hit: [roll7] damage

Attack: [roll8] vs AC
Hit: [roll9] damage

Effect: If both attacks hit, Huren takes ongoing 5 damage

Up Next: Calder, Eveve, Lazam

2012-09-11, 01:32 AM

As the elf skirmisher begins his attack, Huren spots an opening and slips in a stab of his own, dropping his enemy before he could get a proper attack in.

Immediate Inturrupt: Duelist's Prowess (stance) on Skirmisher 2
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] damage

2012-09-11, 05:50 AM

Eveve mutters in Dwarven, "If half my allies were feeding the hungry earth with their lifeblood, I'd consider a retreat. These bowmen show their lack of dwarven sagacity by thinking they have dwarven vitality."

Since her fellow caravanners seem to have the spear-wielders well in hand, Eveve hurries to cut off the archers. Her wail seems to precede her while her rock-spirit drifts along behind. Once Eveve has slipped between two foes, the keening cry erupts with a loud, distorted burst, shaking the bowmen and making them attend to the threat at hand.

Two move actions to walk from Q13 to to R5 without provoking. Crystal likewise moves twice, from S12 to T6, provoking an OA from Spear1. Spear1 would take -2 to hit for Calder's mark, and if he does hit, Calder can mindspike him, so I'm guessing he won't bother attempting the OA. When Eveve arrives, she'll spend 1 power point to mark Archer1 and Archer2 with a single use of battlemind's demand.

Against Archers 1 and 2, Eveve can follow a shift, OA a move (using augmented twisted eye for better accuracy), immediate-react to being hit herself, or mindspike if someone else is hit. Crystal is just barely in range to let Damakos RBA Archer3 if he moves without shifting.

H'Ghimpel'la'sahkthn waves its feelers toward the fallen, bleeding and partially cooked elves. It almost seems ready to show some initiative and go have a bite to eat (a vengeful bite, considering its history), but cowardice and inertia win out in the end, and it stays where it is.

2012-09-11, 04:31 PM

Lazam pulls the arrow from his shoulder and growls something rudely under his breath (probably about the elf's mother). Taking the arrow and making a grand gesture to point it at his attacker, Lazam shouts as he drops the arrow "The storm will come soon enough, elf." Gracefully running around the side of Calder, Lazam slides next to Calder and slices at the elf before them with liquid-like grace. Lazam seems determined to aid the more front-line warriors....perhaps to provide support or because he doesn't trust them yet to handle it alone.

In comical fashion, the storm shows a remarkable intelligence as it seemingly notices it is alone and swirls into motion swiftly to follow his creator - carelessly dripping water along the way on burning hot sand.

Move to U12, Dusty to U13 (changing who gets +1 def bonus). Energizing Strike against Elf Spear 2. Hit: [roll0] versus AC (+2 for flank). Damage: [roll1]. If it hits, Calder receives 4 temporary hitpoints.

2012-09-13, 10:05 AM

In his element, surrounded by allies and enemies, Calder snarls like a feral animal, while stretching out with his mind to attack his elven foes will simultaneously striking out with his trident.

Minor: Curse Elf Spear 1 [roll0]
Minor: Battlemind's Deman Elf Spear 2
Standard: Eldritch Strike Elf Spear 1
Target: One creature
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: [roll2] modifier damage, and you slide the target 1 square. S12

Roommate decided to change Internet providers without warning.

2012-09-13, 03:24 PM
Enemy Group 2

It is at this point that Huren notices the rest of the party has slowly been moving away from the caravan. In the distance, another horn sounds. The two bodies that lay fresh at Huren's feet begin to sink slowly into the sand, as if the desert was reclaiming its people.

Without warning, another blast of necrotic energy bursts out, knocking the slaves to the ground, dead. Raheil and Huren are each blasted back several feet, and two more of the Elven Skirmishers appear at the back of the caravan, apparently having snuck inside. They appear to be holding a black stone box of sorts, supported on two long wooden poles.

As soon as the Skirmishers hit the ground, they take off running at full speed, away from the caravan and back toward the seclusion of the dunes. The other elves wheel around, whooping and cawing, also retreating, while the archers cover their exit with a hail of arrows.

Each elf double moves away at their speed, leaving the battlefield. Combat over!

2012-09-13, 03:49 PM

After directing a couple swats at the fleeing elves' buttocks,

twisted eye OA on one and a shamanically-guided magic missile at another ... yeah, yeah, I'm a showoff, I know
and glancing at Gimp to make sure it's okay, Eveve hurries to where the slaves lie bleeding. Perhaps her healing arts can save a life or two, as well as indebting House Stel to her for a reasonable portion of the poor wretches' sale price.

2012-09-13, 04:49 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to Crossroads]

Raheil picks himself up off of the ground, looking really no worse for wear. He snarls as he looks about, realizing that there are no standing slaves for him to bark at. Instead, he glares menacingly at the two Thri-Kreen, who also appear to be stunned by the blast of energy. The mekillots, however, appear completely unfazed.

Eveve finds the slightest pulse of life within each of the slaves to which she attends, and within a minute or so she has those on her side of the cart stabilized. Those on the other side, with Raheil, are not so lucky. He kicks at the broken bodies in frustration, then climbs into the caravan. "HEALER" he yells toward nobody in particular. "HEALER YOU BETTER GET IN HERE NOW."

2012-09-13, 05:47 PM

Damakos dusts himself off and looks around. Seeing the mangled bandit corpses, the Tiefling shakes his head and says (to no one in particular), "Such stupid, stupid Elves. Bit off more than they could chew. They paid for their miscalculation with their lives. Hopefully, the other two will run away and re-think their lives."

Damakos will then aid those in need - be it removing the possessions off the bandits, neatly laying the non-bandits to rest or helping triage the injured.

2012-09-13, 05:56 PM

Huren also picks himself up, and moves around to the back of the caravan to check inside to see what Raheil is shouting about. He keeps his dagger in his hand, and mentally decides not to mention that he saw the black box being stolen, until he gets more information.

While technically the encounter is over, he maintains his stance (if you'll allow), just in case Raheil attacks him :smallwink:

2012-09-13, 06:00 PM

Lazam turns away from the running elves and leaves them - even though he had a pain in his shoulder that burned for revenge, he knew it was best to let them live. Not everyone fought for malicious reasons....but for what reasons these elves came is a larger question. What was that box?

Turning to his miniaturized storm cloud, Lazam looked sad as it seemed to calm down and fade away into a fine mist. With a deep breath and a reassuring sigh, Lazam walks towards the caravan and begins to head toward where the black box was taken. He knew asking Raheil would be pointless so at this point he planned on just looking on his own accord.

Too bad Raheil didn't die....and they'd probably turn on me if I took him in such a cold manner now.

2012-09-13, 06:26 PM

"Oh? Others are injured within?" With an appearance of detached calm, Eveve comes around the back of the fortress-wagon and climbs up inside.

2012-09-13, 07:03 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to Crossroads]

Huren's glance inside the armored caravan reveals Raheil holding Submatron Ixesti's head in his lap, dabbing at the huge gash across her forehead with a ripped piece of cloth from what appears to be someone's shirt. "HEALER" he bellows again, before shooting a glare towards Huren. Just then, Eveve pops into view, and Raheil does his best to get out of the way while still supporting his master's head.

Inside the caravan, Huren and Eveve notice several long crates with House Stel markings on them, a few smaller cloth-wrapped bundles, and what appears to be a heavily damaged crate easily large enough to house the box that the elves ran off with.

A few apples also roll around on the floor of the caravan, one dropping to the sand at Huren's feet.

Meanwhile, Lazam's scan of the area reveals the elves making haste, disappearing into the dust-clouded horizon just as rapidly as they attacked. He sees a guard making his way back to the caravan on foot - his crodlu laying in a pool of black blood on the sand some 50 yards behind him.

Damakos, on the other hand, finds a pair of nice obsidian short swords and two long ash spears with obsidian tips, as well as a dozen arrows poking up out of the sand. Additionally, he is able to tend to some of the wounded, following Eveve's instructions to help the slaves as best he can.

2012-09-14, 01:11 PM

The dwarf smirks under her mask. "Good thing I held back my best magics. Just a touch, now --"

Squeezing her eyes shut, Eveve slaps her hand over the ribs of the House Stel leader. The Submatron jerks and gasps, her eyes momentarily wide open and wild with panic, but much fuller with life than a moment before.

Eveve continues, "My filthy mercenary hands were in contact with slaves, and we wouldn't want the Submatron defiled so." She emphasizes the word defiled, a term that makes most Athasians shudder. She backs away, bowing deeply as if in awed respect but still smirking. Exiting the greatwagon, Eveve returns to aiding slaves and soldiers.

2012-09-14, 01:15 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to Crossroads]

Raheil bristles with rage at first, then realizes that Eveve has helped his master. "That's enough, you've earned your keep. So have you." he says, with a nod in Huren's direction. Submatron Ixesti slumps back against the floor, her servants propping up pillows under her head and giving her fresh water.

"Let me know when the slaves are fit for walking. We need to move as soon as possible." Raheil barks toward nobody in particular. He fidgets with his whip before leaving it at his belt, and stalks out of the caravan back into the harsh sunlight, seemingly unaware of the ripe, fresh fruit that has spilled out on to the sand.

2012-09-14, 04:03 PM

Striking out at the feeling elves with his trident, he fails to stop any from fleeing. He twirls his weapon, preparing to hurl it, but decides against it, instead using it to dig for corpses, lifting anything he can find from the corpses with his mind and placing them in his pack. Strapping his shield and pack to his back again. His cloth robes are very torn, and his gladiator armor is obvious underneath. He rips his robe off dramatically, and uses it to help patch up his wounds.

He makes his way over to one that aided him in combat. "You're the one that was healing me, right? Much appreciated Lazam. Never run into one of your kind with such abilities. Glad you've got my back."

2012-09-15, 12:51 PM
Van the Scarred

The warlord gives Calder a knowing look, saying quietly to him, "I'm going after them. Hopefully I can recover what was stolen. I will meet up with you if I can. If I cannot, I will send a message."

With that, he clasps arms with the man and heads off at a casual run, seemingly at home among the wastes and wilds of the desert dunes.

2012-09-15, 01:33 PM

The Tiefling watches the proud Warlord run off into the sunset. His only thought, "What a foolishly brave man."

2012-09-15, 08:04 PM

Lazam watches as the man runs off, wondering if elves like the taste of flesh since he clearly has no chance. Turning to Calder, Lazam nods and responds "It's quite alright, having your back means I'm not infront." With a sly wink and a warm smile, Lazam turns to the resting Submatron Ixesti and asks calmly "So....what was the box?"

Should I be rolling Diplomacy? I will just in case: [roll0]

2012-09-17, 07:01 PM

The Tiefling takes the obsidian short swords in hand. They were heavier than he expected. Their blades were sharp, obviously their previous owner lavished much love upon them. He gathered the weapons up and decided it best to give these to the Submatron's men, for surly they could find a buyer willing to pay handsomely for such fine-quality weapons.

2012-09-17, 07:13 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to the Crossroads]

With a sneer, Submatron Ixesti looks down her nose (which is awkward from her supine position) at Lazam. "As if you don't know, halfling. I am sure one such as you sensed it the moment you approached the caravan." With an exasperated sigh, she rises to her elbows, propped up somewhat by her servants.

"It is a splinter of the Heartwood - a gift for King Hamanu. And now it is lost to the elves, who likely have no concept of what they have stolen."

Snarling, she turns to Raheil. "We must not waste anymore time. Dispatch two riders to track down the elves while we make for Crossroads." With that, she makes a shooing gesture with her hands.

2012-09-17, 09:23 PM

"All are ready to walk now, Rahiel, and the mekillots' harnesses were not notably damaged by the burst of death-magic." Eveve's voice sounds low and mechanical, as though she has lost herself deep within the role of the weary traveler.

2012-09-17, 10:03 PM

"Heartwood...." Lazam seems almost lost in a trance at the mention of it. And to think, I almost delivered that to the Sorcerer King!

As if waking up, Lazam blinks a few times than smiles softly. "I assure you, I had no idea that it was here Submatron....and I wager we could go and get it. After all, we did just save your caravan from those terribly lost elves - they didn't prove to be much trouble."

2012-09-18, 01:42 AM

Huren raises an eyebrow at the Submatron's comment. He directs a mental comment to Lazam and Eveve. "The entire purpose of the attack was getting the splinter," he sends. "Surely they have a 'concept' of what they've stolen."

2012-09-18, 10:59 AM

Eveve walks toward Huren and does a pratfall at his feet. She slips the fallen fruit into a pocket while she's getting to her knees. Then, under the guise of asking for a hand up, she murmurs to Huren, "I read the situation the same as you. No coincidence."

In the confusion created by Rahiel's resumption of command, Eveve wanders over to Damakos. She had seen the wizard fighting intelligently in defense of the caravan, careful not to endanger innocents or allies while he helped those who live by the sword die by the sword ... or by the flesh-hungry smoking flame. Eveve predicts from Damakos' lack of armor that he may have need for a spot of magical healing if his participation in battle continues, and so she passes along the fruit to him wordlessly, trusting he will recognize its special value.

2012-09-18, 09:15 PM
All - [Tablelands - Crossroads]

Submatron Ixesti raises her eyebrows at the halfling's question. At the same time, one of her servants walks over to where the apples sit and puts them back in the bag (except for the one that Eveve grabbed).

"I understand and appreciate your desire to chase after the splinter. It was quite . . . expensive . . . to obtain, and I would not like to have lost it so easily. Unfortunately, the caravan cannot chase after, and we cannot afford to sit here idly while others chase after. I note that one of your companions has opted to chase anyway - did he communicate what his plans were before he left?"

2012-09-18, 09:20 PM

"My. Lazam, are you suggesting we should track those speedy elves through the wasteland ourselves? Surely we can best them in combat, but we may not be able to catch up. My legs cover little ground compared to those lanky, skipping wretches. And you might not fare so well without a large enough complement of watchers-of-backs." Eveve's voice conveys mild dismay at the idea, but her eyes say otherwise when no one loyal to House Stel can see her face. Her eyes seem to twinkle at the challenge -- and was that a wink?

2012-09-20, 12:12 PM

"I don't believe he stated anything....but clearly he was foolish to travel alone. If anything, our own hunt will increase the odds of retrieval." Lazam turns to the others of the party and plainly asks, "So, we've spilled blood....will you risk more to retrieve the splinter?" Lazam seems intent on heading out into the wasteland and unwavering in his question.

2012-09-20, 01:50 PM

Huren frowns at the direction the conversation has taken. Bad enough he'd left a familiar city to go to an unfamiliar one still ruled by a tyrant, but now they're discussing going INTO the desert, where his survival skill were virtually non-existant.

"Perhaps I speak only for myself," he says, "but I'm not really certain why we should care if the elves have the splinter if the submatron doesn't. I'll need more motivation than 'for the fun of it' to risk my life in the desert. I have certain skills that I believe would be very useful to your 'quest', but desert survival isn't among them."

2012-09-20, 04:48 PM

The Vistani lady tilts her head, surprised by Huren's angle of thought. "Money is the motivation, naturally. Money, or power, or both. We have travelled with House Stel, but we are not bound to them. If we recover the Splinter when Stel would discard it, it is ours, ours to sell to whoever we see fit -- and I expect you know as well as any, just how many cults and revolutionaries and Houses and magicians would love to possess a piece of an artifact.

I'm sure you know me not, Huren, but if ever you would trust someone to see you safely through a wilderness and back to civilization, I would be a good choice. I've learned well from my decades of wandering."

Eveve seems to have more to say, but is having trouble putting it into words.

2012-09-20, 06:47 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to Crossroads]

"If money is the issue ... we might be able to encourage you to stay with us. At least until Crossroads. Most of our own guard were killed by the elves and if you leave, we have but me and a handful of slaves. Stay on with us until Crossroads when we can pick up some others."

Raheil appears confused at having spoken so much, and so kindly. Nevertheless, his words appear genuine, and his hands don't even twitch for the whip at his hip.

2012-09-21, 01:47 AM

Huren nods at Eveve's and, surprisingly, Raheil's words, but his alien eyes seem distracted as he considers.

"How far are the crossroads?" he asks. "Perhaps it would be better to go with the caravan to that point and use the extra pay to equip ourselves for desert travel, and maybe even gather some information on the elves' activities."

2012-09-21, 10:08 AM

"If we continue to Crossroads, the information we get will be days old at best. Only if we follow the bandits straightaway will we have a chance to catch them before they can hide or sell the splinter."

Eveve pauses and then adds, "You are sensible to be cautious about travel, but I believe to recapture that artifact, only brash boldness will serve."

2012-09-21, 11:17 AM

"The coin you offer would be better had in food and water for our trip. Coin means little in the sands. Grant us what we would need to reach the elves and more and perhaps we can retrieve this splinter before a colossal blunder is made before Hamanu." Lazam seems fairly adamant in his decision....with part of his intent showing so slightly at how calmly he hinted at dying for angering Hamanu. Knowing full well that it is likely those who can will try the Way to find truth, Lazam does his best to remain calm and thoughtless beyond thinking of water.

2012-09-21, 09:31 PM

Having rummaged through as much sand as he can, Calder stands. He bites the inside of his cheek, but even that isn't enough to keep him from muttering You stupid son of a kank. You'd give Hamanu the power to kill the other sorcerer-kings without a fight. Do you have any idea how destructive that would be to all of Athas, if the kings went to war!?" Blood drips out of his mouth, and he wipes it with his wrist, careful to not cut his face any further. Taking a breath, he tries to clear his head and throat, like he had many times dealing with his former Templars since the fall of Kalak.

I say we chase the elves. They have the Heartwood. And they clearly knew exactly what it was, and where to find it. I'd be curious to know how they got that kind of information. I would have to have been someone close to you. Someone that would know where you keep your things stowed Submatron Ixesti. Can you think of anyone that would have that kind of information, someone close to you, probably offered to arrange your matters for you? Who could that be?"

Diplomacy on Ixesti [roll0]
Take advantage of the rest to heal up, 1 surge to put HP at 39.
And if not too late, Arcana on the necrotic energy [roll1]

2012-09-21, 10:17 PM

Damakos eyes his companions. The Tiefling considers the points of view of his companions but remain silent for much of the debate. "Never draw attention to yourself." That is what the Wanderer had taught him, it was a philosophy Damakos fully embraced. Damakos spoke up after a fashion, "We should go to the Crossroads. The Bandits will lay traps for us - be they insidiously mechanical or maniacally climatological. We could get lost in the wasteland and die of starvation or worse." As the Tiefling says this, his eyes naturally drift towards the Halfling. Damakos continues, "If we go to the Crossroads we can gather information, supplies and - perhaps more importantly - a guide who knows these lands better than any here assembled. Do not let haste and eagerness overcome your sound, logical minds."

2012-09-23, 10:54 PM

Lazam looks perplexed. "Well, enough differ....a vote. I say we leave now, or else they get too far away. The Submatron can give us what we need now and they can restock at the crossroads." Its at this point that Lazam realizes he just said what the Submatron would do. Looking over, he motions quietly if he is wrong in this assumption.

2012-09-24, 01:39 AM

Huren sighs. "This 'voting' is an odd way to make decisions, but if the majority wish to go after the elves I suspect I would be safer with them than what is left of the caravan. However, my vote is to continue to the crossroads."

2012-09-24, 02:24 PM
All - [Tablelands - Road to the Crossroads]

Raheil shouts a bit more toward the slaves, who are busy reorganizing the interior of the caravan, tending to the Mekillots, and picking clean the bodies of the slain elves. After a few minutes of this, while the party debates their next course of action, Raheil cracks his whip over his head to shake the group out of their conversation. "We're leaving and you're welcome to come. As I said, we can offer you coin, or perhaps some goods, if you stay with us to Crossroads. If you assist us all the way to Urik we may be able to arrange for something more."

With another shout, he takes a seat at the top of the cart and rests his whip, and one of the spears, across his lap. The mekillots lurch forward and the caravan begins to move at a slow but steady pace.

2012-09-25, 01:52 PM

Huren watches as the caravan begins to pull away. He takes a step towards it, sighs, and turns back to the group. "A decision must be made," he says. "I say we follow the caravan. Eveve has made it obvious she wishes to pursue the elves. Damakos wishes to go to the crossroad. Lazam wishes to follow the elves, though we cannot, as he suggests, get provisions from the submatron. Calder wishes to follow the elves as well. Our other, former, companion has already run after the elves. That makes the vote three to two in favor of chasing the elves. Very well. The decision has been made. Now let us get on with it."

He faces the direction the elves fled. "Eveve, since you have the survival skills, you should lead the way. I will help you find clues to their trail, though you may need to explain what those clues mean."

2012-09-26, 09:52 AM

Damakos sighs as he thinks, "If I must perish in the wasteland, at least I shall not be alone." The Tieflings walks up behind Huren and eagerly awaits the tracker to lead the group into the great beyond.

2012-09-26, 10:40 AM
All - [Tablelands]

Raheil chuckles to himself, shaking his head. You hear him say something along the lines of "poor bastards" as the caravan trundles off down the road. Submatron Ixesti fixes you all with a glare as she fades out of view.

You find yourselves standing alone on the road between Tyr and the Crossroads. You estimate it is a solid day's walk back to Tyr, and about 3 days to the Crossroads. The wind picks up a little, blowing the sand around and erasing all signs of the earlier skirmish. Within a minute, even the blood soaked ground has been covered over or scattered.

The sun shines overhead, and you estimate about 5 hours remain until nightfall. A low moan from Eveve's pet kank jogs you all back to reality as the sounds of the caravan fade into the distance.

2012-09-26, 01:13 PM
Eveve - [Tablelands]

Eveve takes a deep breath in, stands from her squat and adjusts her dust mask. "If I know elven raiders -- and I do -- they will put a lot of distance between themselves and the trail, relying on speed rather than stealth. They will also stick to open areas where they can't be pinned down by terrain like gorges or cliffs. They'll be somewhat encumbered by the splinter's ark and might have to take time to lay traps for Van the Scarred, so we may be able to catch up quickly, once they decide to stop hurrying."

These rolls are intended as Aid attempts to help Huren with tracking. Take whichever is most fitting.
Insight into elves: [roll0]
Nature to guess the 'lay of the land' nearby, helping limit where to look: [roll1]

"Let's go this direction and keep an eye out for tracks. We can expect to cross their path soon, and cutting across where they curved around will help us catch up."

2012-09-26, 02:37 PM

With Eveve's assistance, Huren attempts to find traces of the elves' trail.

Perception (with +2 from Eveve). If I can I'd use Huren's insight (+10) to get more bonus: [roll0]

Huren starts walking towards the nearby lake, but stops when Eveve points out that it's just a mirage.

2012-09-26, 05:56 PM

"Then let's go. I want that splinter back, I want the elves dead, and I want to get back to the Caravan before they reach the Crossroads. Not necessarily in that order, he he.

I packed for a trip with that group, not on my own. And if I can survive the death of Kalak, I sure won't be taken by the desert." Calder wraps his scarf around his face and neck, to block the sandy wind from entering his mouth, and drying his throat out. Trident in hand and pack stored securely on his back, Calder is clearly eager to follow the elves, but does his best to hide the fact he has no real idea how to handle matters outside of the city walls.

2012-09-26, 07:56 PM
All - [Tablelands]

Huren's instincts lead the party in no discernible direction while Eveve subtly corrects and suggests the proper course. It becomes apparent to any close observers that Eveve is really the one leading the hunt, but that she lets Huren feel as if he's in charge.

After an hour or so of walking, the party in general has become better at noticing the signs of elves in the area. It appears that the two carrying the box are keeping it on the long poles, and that the easiest sign to spot is the set of parallel footprints.

The wind is steady, the sun is harsh, and as another hour passes Eveve and Damakos get the feeling that they are losing ground - for every mile they travel, the elves travel a mile and a half. The trail starts to fade and slowly becomes unrecognizable as the sun makes the long journey toward the horizon.

2012-09-26, 09:09 PM

The Tieflings huffs and puffs to keep up with his obviously more athletic comrades. Damakos' limbs grow weary. He falls bhind a bit, which gives him an opportunity to observe his surroundings. As he calculates the speed of the Elves and the speed of his compatriots he quickly comes to the realization that they cannot catch up.

Breathing heavily, the Tiefling calls out, "Friends. We should take a moment to assess our predicament. The Elves are faster than we are. They will continually gain ground on us. With night coming, many horrors shall awaken and impede our pursuit. We need a better strategy than we currently possess."

2012-09-27, 08:21 PM

Lazam followed along the others fairly quiet - brooding over a rising sense of anger. That stupid sack of meat....nothing for returning the splinter?! Of course I wouldn't return it but they couldn't know that... His small stunt of boiling anger ended with a violent kick of sand. Realizing the futile waste of energy in such a dangerous situation, Lazam shrugged off the thought ending it knowing that if saw that caravan again....they'd dream of dealing with elves.

Turning to Damakos, Lazam answers "Indeed, we need a new plan. Perhaps we can find somewhere to hold out the night...or even determine if we should here." Although Lazam was not born in the desert, he attempts to find an option while reaching internally for a small nugget of wisdom from the Oracle that might save his life.

Perception roll to look for cover or dangers: [roll0]

2012-09-27, 10:11 PM

Despite being sired by elves, Calder lacked their ability to run at high speeds for long distances, and staying with the diminutive party didn't help. "Fine. I'll make a pass around, try and see if I can, do something!" Again, his pack unclips itself and falls to the ground, his shield floats to his arm and buckles itself to his arm. Trident in hand, he sprints off looking for some place to safely spent the night. I've lost the caravan searching for the Heartwood. I lost the Heartwood, and I've failed Rikus in every way. Maybe the mercenary he hired is doing better. Maybe I should have stayed in the city, at least I can handle matters there.

Moving away from the group and over a dune, Calder stops, and with frustration, electricity arcs around his body as he smashes the spines of his weapon into the sand. His mental anguish and frustration given physical form, the sand blasts away from him in all directions. Falling to his knees, he breaths heavily for a few moments, before lifting himself back to his feet with his trident. He walks around where the group had stopped, he continues to smash the sand periodically, If anything is waiting to ambush us, this should bring it out. Better to get it over with.

Going full circle, he returns to the cluster of travelers, feeling better for having vented. "So, we aren't going to catch the raiders tonight. And we are not going back to the caravan after one afternoon away. I say we make camp soon, with someone on guard duty at all times. There are many things that can happen out here, as I understand things, that can go wrong for a small group such as us." At his mental command, the shield returns to his back, and with his free hand, he lifts his pack again, throwing it over his shoulder as the straps fasten themselves around his arms.

2012-09-29, 04:51 PM

Lazam nods with a small smile as he watches Calder perform a similar outburst of frustration. Least I'm not the only one not found of the situation. Continuing his internal review of the nuggets of wisdom from the Oracle he has received in his life, Lazam tries his best to continue surveying the area and tries to figure out if there's any sort of viable option. With a complete lack of trees though, this will be a wild shot in the dark for Lazam.

Tacking on a nature roll to my earlier high perception roll: [roll0]

2012-09-29, 06:55 PM
All - [Tablelands]

Between Lazam's keen eyes and Calder's random stomping, the group manages to find some sort of rocky structure. It appears to be a large whitish curved rock that provides some shelter from the wind and the sun overhead, and could fit 4 of them comfortably enough. The party could easily use the structure to add some tented fabric and create additional shelter if need be.

By this time the sun appears as a reddish ball of fire on the horizon. The shadows are long and the temperature has begun to drop. Nightfall will probably hit within the hour.

2012-09-29, 08:10 PM

Surveying the scene, Calder isn't pleased, but is keenly aware of his lack of options. "We camp there. Anyone that can make the camp better, should. Y'all need something that's mine, ask 'fore you take, and we got no problems.

I'll take first watch." Calder find a comfortable rock to sit on, trident across his lap, pack at his feet, ready for whatever happens next.

2012-10-01, 06:24 AM

Huren helps however he can, looking around for materials to help with making a shelter as well as keeping an eye out for anything that might be approaching. Since the group set out on his own, he has been mostly quiet, and that reluctance to speak seems to be continuing.

Perception to find materials and/or keep an eye open for danger.

2012-10-01, 09:54 AM

The Tieflings finds a suitable spot to lay his bedroll out. With a satisfied smile he looks around and says, "How are we going to catch up with our enemy when next the sun rises?"

2012-10-01, 11:13 AM

Rolling out his bedroll as well, a tired and frustrated Lazam answers Damakos "That we'll figure out in the morning - good night." Lazam quickly nods off, knowing full well someone...or something will wake him.

2012-10-01, 03:03 PM

The Vistani is quietly busy arranging the site to best protect herself, her new allies and all their equipment. She keeps her eyes on the horizon while her hands perform obviously familiar tasks.

Nature roll to make a superior camp as described in OOC: [roll0]

2012-10-07, 01:56 PM
All - [Tablelands]

With some effort, Eveve and the others manage to erect some crude shelter using the bleached white cavernous rock as a base structure. After 10 minutes or so, the party is resting soundly, no doubt in part due to their exhaustion from travel and combat.

Calder stands, scanning the desert with a fierceness he usually reserves for the arena. His unfamiliarity with the open waste has him on edge. In the distance, in the dark, he hears all sorts of horrible and cruel sounds. However, he is just as aware that this could be the wind as it blows through the valleys and oddly shaped rock formations that dot the landscape.

As a matter of habit, Calder tries to tap into that energy that has lay dormant for so long - that granted him by Kalak. In recent months, there has simply been an absence. Now, however, something appears to be there. Something is waiting, just behind the veil of his mind.

Tegu - I leave it to you to RP the rest of this :smallcool:

2012-10-08, 11:09 PM

His heavy shield and trident laying in the sand next to him, he stood between the two items that had been part of his icons in the arena. Yes, the flashy red mohawk and impressive displays of psionic power were certainly a part of it, but the shield and trident were his symbol.

Doing his best, he tried to stay as alert as possible. In the arena he was constantly surrounded by being that wanted to slaughter him, yet, he was more uncertain here in the open desert.

To keep his mind sharp, Calder tried to focus his mind. Recalling fights in the arena helped, but after a few hours the battles simply became a blur of red. Rubbing his tattooed temples, he focused on other challenges in his life. His mind drifted to his training as a Templar. His natural physical prowess combined with his innate psychic powers, he was a natural pick for Templar duty.

He remembered the day that he, along with all the other new recruits, had an audience with the deposed king Kalak. He felt the madman draining his life from him, and it was all he could do to prevent himself from collapsing on floor. One recruit's eyes rolled back into his head, while another fell to her knees as blood oozed from her ears. Calder knew he was at the brink of passing out when the sucking feeling ceased, and he barely made out the ancient sorcerer's glowing hand flex, projecting energy to those that survived.

Suddenly, he filled a new power fill his frame. In his mind, he felt Kalak's presence, heavy handed and oppressive. But the power, it was incredible. Calder remembered how, after a day's healing, he was able to hurl great balls of fire from his finger tips, and spit powerful acid. His mental powers also grew, but while he felt the personal drain when he used his own, drawing that arcane power from his patron never even slowed him down.

Looking across the empty sandy wasteland, Calder focused on that first touch of magic he had felt. Kalak had sucked the life out of him, and channelled it into magic. Everyone knew that life force was what powered arcane magic, and the Sorcerer-Kings maintained vast gardens full of lush plants. Those gardens provided the life force that was channelled into the Templars to cast their spells, and the wizards of the Veiled Alliance he had fought with since the fall had demonstrated the ability to draw life force from plants as well, but Calder had never managed to cast a magical spell without Kalak's might supporting his own.

Over a nearby dune, Calder spied a Baazrag running towards the camp. Having heard stories of how dangerous they could be if a scout was able to alert the rest of the pack, Calder leapt into action. He sprinted as only someone with elven heritage could, he reached out with his mind to attack the beast. Despite his skill, the Baazrag was farther away than he could reach. In frustration, he punched at the air as he ran, channeling his anger into his blow and flinging foul curses at the creature's hind quarters.

Kalak's dark face filled his mind, and he could feel that life force sucking fill his chest again. Coughing, leapt over the top of a dune, face to face with the scout. The Baazrag bounded towards him, knocking him to the ground. Calder's arm locked under the large jaw has he tried to hold the snapping beast back. With his free hand he pounded against the armored hide, but to no avail. Trying to push the creature, he placed his right hand against the Baazrag's chest. Suddenly, that sucking feeling in his chest started to dissipate.

He could feel the creature start to grow heavy and limb, and he clenched his hand on the softer underside. He felt the creature weakening, until it collapsed, dead. Shoving the dead hulk off his body, he couldn't help but grin. He had his magic back, and he had managed to cast the first spell he was ever exposed to. so much had gone wrong in the last year, but this, this, was a step in the right direction.

Standing, he walked over the next dune, and spied several more Baazrags waiting for the signal from the scout. With a malevolent grin on his face his face, Calder imagined Kalak's face over the wide brim of the beast's head. Raising his hands, he once again let his life force dissipate, before expanding that drain to those foul beasts below him. He cackled as he sucked the life from each one, until they all lead dead at his feet, the last one having reached him, and he delivered the finishing touch by hand.

Turning, he walked back towards the camp, stopping to grab his first kill. He dragged the corpse back to the camp, and set it close by. Food would be scare in the desert, and this would provide a good start. A very good start.

His shift over, Calder moves over to Lazam, and prods him with the base of his trident. "You're turn bud. I'm gonna crash." With that, Calder makes his own bed, and lies in it.

2012-10-09, 10:58 PM

Grumbling at the sharp nudge, Lazam lazily opens his eyes - who knew that this little savage needed his beauty sleep. Walking as if the undead, Lazam wanders out to greet the night with his nodding and yawning routine. The complete lack of silence always got to Lazam - he was used to the serene, yet deadly, forest and this place filled with howling winds and strange noises...was like a roaring stomach yearning for food. With a playful kick at the sand beneath his feet, Lazam whispers "You can damn well try, Athas. Lazam doesn't die tonight." Lazam nestles himself comfortably on the sand and takes his time trying to master the Way.

Typical perception check: [roll0]. I'll be using Sensing Eye over and over as a pathetic attempt at practice...too bad there's not much to look at (no hot party chicks, boo :belkar:)

2012-10-10, 12:22 AM
All - [Tablelands]

The hours pass as the moon overhead brings twinklings of twilight across the sands. Lazam scans the dunes while the wind blows, his third eye reaching out for any signs of life.

After a few hours, the dessication of the baazrag begins. The desert is never too kind to the living, but it seems intent on preserving the dead at each opportunity. Lazam focuses inwardly enough that he is able to shut out all other sounds and focus on the smallest crackle and snap as the skin of the slain creature slowly dries out, robbing the party of any chance of a juicy meal.

In his reverie, Lazam's connection to the elemental aspects of Athas feels stronger, and his connection to the Ringing Forest, the fabled Tree of Life, and even the Heartwood Spear come a bit closer to the surface. Before he can firmly grasp any of it, however, Eveve's kank makes an unsettling, wet sound and fills the campsite with a smell that would test even the mightiest of constitutions. It has the effect of smelling salts on those party members who are still asleep, and all but Eveve (who has somehow grown used to the smell) feels compelled to vomit profusely.

Good morning kids! Everyone has an extended rest, all daily powers restored, full health, full healing surges, 1 Action Point, etc.

2012-10-11, 11:43 PM

"Snnnnxxchhhhh ... hhbbbb ... snnnnnnnghhh ... hbbbb ..."

That was an excellent application of Gimp, Meltheim. :smallbiggrin:

"SnnCHkahk! *cough*cough* Well," says Eveve, looking around at the cheery and tender faces in the makeshift camp, "another fine day greets us." Briskly, she packs up the camp, slowing down only while pouring clean water from her evaporator apparatus into carrying jugs. In mere minutes she has bustled the gagging sleepers into a semblance of order, reminding them in a soft voice all the while that there's a great deal of profit, power and glory to be found if they can make up enough time on the elves' trail today.

2012-10-11, 11:58 PM

Damakos rouses from his slumber. His first task is taking a swig of water. He then sets about getting dressed, collecting his belongings and making himself ready for the new day. As he sees the others slowly waking up, the Tiefling says, "Good morning everyone."

2012-10-12, 04:01 PM

Rolling over, he sees the prime meat he had dreamt about eating completely desiccated. A scowl starts to cover his countenance, until he recalls how exactly he was able to kill the beast, and a toothy grin takes it's place. Not even the foul stench of the dwarf's beast of burden could sour his mood, now that he had his magic back. He gathers his own merger supplies, and prepares himself for another day's travel.

"A good morn' indeed. We are still alive. And given our, abrupt, awakening, I say we move out as quickly as possible. I want those elves' heads under my boot. And that splinter back!

Now, does anyone have a way to track them?"

2012-10-12, 04:18 PM

Perhaps it might be easier if we ordained where they were headed?

Since Damakos wandered around the deserts of Athas for much of his Apprenticeship, I would like to roll a Nature check to see if I know about anything the lands we'll be headed to later today. Specifically, the kinds of geographic features that would serve as likely hideouts or make such hideouts viable (water sources, caves, etc.). I would also like to make a History check and see if I have read anything about this region concerning abandoned forts/towns/cities/etc. or other places that might be good places to serve as a bandit hideout.

History: [roll1d20+11

2012-10-12, 04:48 PM

Huren wakes after a fitfull sleep. He'd dreamed he was back in the wastepits of Tyr, hiding from some overzealous guards. Strange, even after waking he could still smell the stench of the place.

He helps to pack up and gets ready to move out. When the discussion turns to where to go, he shrugs and stays silent.

2012-10-15, 03:21 PM
All - [Open Desert Near Tyr]

Damakos' experience in these deserts makes it relatively easy to orient himself and discern their position relative to Tyr and the Crossroads. The Tiefling has used the movement of the sun and shadows to identify that the party has been heading Northwest, and that they are now about equidistant from the Iron Mines of Tyr to the Northwest, and the Dwarven city of Kled to the Northeast.

Either destination would be about a 2 day journey on foot, or about 1 day via a beast such as a mekillot.

2012-10-16, 02:20 AM

Grumbling at their options, Lazam mutters "First a desert ride...then lost in the desert...now you offer mines and dwarves. What kind of sick man are you." Lost in thought for a moment, Lazam seems to be pondering their options.

Since I kind of know the value of the splinter, maybe I can gleam some small insight on where the elves might have been heading...or at least what their intentions might be for it?[roll0]

2012-10-16, 07:53 PM

Well, they could be headed either for Iron Mines of Tyr to the Northwest, and the Dwarven city of Kled to the Northeast. I have heard mines exist underground, thus they are out of the sun. My preference would be for the mines.

2012-10-17, 03:06 AM

Lazam suddenly looks up from his deep thoughts and blurts out while half still thinking of the possibility "You know....the elves could easily have gone to my home land to try and sell the splinter...if they knew what they had, given the evidence of the surgical extraction, they probably knew and headed to the Forest Ridge. They were headed in that direction. It's not exactly close but nothing really is out here." Lazam turns to face the group and realizing last time the decisions were so hard to make, he tries to cut to the root of the issue: "Who here doesn't think that's a plan? No offense but if my options are dwarves, going underground, or the forest...I know what I'm choosing."

2012-10-17, 09:08 PM

The Vistani nods. "Lazam, you're right. The raiders might be plotting with larger forces or might simply be making money, but either way, returning to forested land is all that makes sense. They'll need to make stops on the way, though; nobody can run forever. So I agree we should walk northwest, and we should keep alert for traces of their passage -- the remains of raided travelers, signals left by Van in his pursuit, people who sold them water in fortified oases. And lacking any remnant of tracks now, we must make haste. I won't slow anyone down."

She goes to Gimp's side, stows what little camp-making equipment she used, and hauls the kank to its five unwilling feet. Seeing her fellow splinter-seekers more or less ready to depart, she sets off northwest at a dwarven hustle.

Eveve is willing to spend healing surges or make Endurance checks to keep pace with the speed-6 party.

2012-10-18, 10:41 AM

Calder uses his mind to finishing tightening the straps of his pack to his back, and with trident in hand, he runs off after the dwarven woman with the ease that shows his partial elven lineage. "I trust you'll let us know if you see anything. Hopefully Van will have left us some kind of clues along the way."

If it's possible, Calder will assist Eveve onto a running mount on Kank, to help avoid speed issues.

2012-10-18, 04:19 PM

Huren looks up at the already blazing sun. "Being underground has some appeal, if you ask me. On the other hand, I've never seen an actual forest. That would be something. Either way lead on, and I'll follow."

2012-10-18, 05:46 PM
All - [Open Desert Near Tyr]

The party packs up their small campsite and once again takes off through the desert. Being early morning, the sun has not yet moved high overhead, and the party enjoys the relative coolness of a breeze while their shadows stretch long across the dunes.

Some of the animal tracks near their site appear to converge, then end in a bloody pulp off to the side. The corpse is already half consumed by ants, centipedes and other things that are mostly chitin, legs and teeth. It appears that the baazrag have also come this way, as a few droppings here and there indicate a recent passing.

The hours stretch on with the party taking the occasional break for water and to readjust their packs and filter masks. At around mid-day, the group stops for a brief respite and to take what nourishment they packed for the trip to Altaruk.

In the distance, a bright glimmer catches Calder's eye, flashing in an almost rhythmic pattern.

2012-10-19, 11:47 AM

Having spent the day in constant motion, Calder was thankful for intense training regimen he had lived under as a gladiator. And while he certainly wasn't the most familiar with life outside the city because of it, he knew enough to recognize something that wasn't natural. Aiming his trident at the light, he asked in his raspy voice "Does any of you see what I see?"

Perception check with Knack of Success [roll0]

2012-10-19, 12:59 PM
Calder - [Open Desert Near Tyr]

Calder squints his eyes a bit and tries to wipe away the natural mirage effect already beginning with the sun's midday heat. About 1,000 feet away, he sees the same glinting object, flashing in an irregular rhythm. It appears to stand about waist-height from Calder's estimation.

The other party members can see this as well, if Calder describes where to look.

2012-10-20, 03:01 AM
Eveve -- Open desert near Tyr

"I do, yes. Could be a lure, could be a signal meant for us or for others ... too shiny for any animal I know, though. Whatever the case may be, we're headed right for it, so it would be quite inconvenient to try to skirt far around it now. We should move ahead, but cautiously." Eveve turns her eyes to the other edges of the horizon, thinking through her long experience with the outdoors and feeling the spirits about her to try to catch any hint of lurking danger.

Let's have a Nature check ... and what the heck, throw in a speak with spirits daily power bonus. [roll0] Does that give any clues about possible hazards, either regarding the Shiny itself or about things that might try to take advantage of viewers of a Shiny?

EDIT: I love getting a good roll when I spend resources. :smallsmile:

2012-10-20, 01:47 PM
All - [Open Desert Near Tyr]

Eveve's experience traveling across the open desert, combined with her affinity for the natural world, gives her slight pause. She knows that some creatures do try and lure prey in with colors or scents, but she has not ever heard or seen of anything using sunlight itself.

2012-10-22, 02:01 PM
Having heard no objection so far ...

Eveve -- [open desert near Tyr]

"We should move ahead, but cautiously. Weapons out, everyone. Calder, Lazam, please take the front. Huren, an eye behind. Keep your pace steady and your awareness open. Spread out a little wider. Damakos, when we you get close enough, see whether you can feel any magic emanating from whatever that is."

The formation I have in mind is C and L in a front rank, separated by two empty squares ... Damakos and Eveve in a fourth rank, again separated by two from each other ... Huren in a seventh rank. Sounds like there's nothing nearby for Huren to hide behind, but please do tell me if I'm wrong.

2012-10-22, 03:30 PM

Huren glances at Eveve for a moment, then shrugs. He can keep an eye open, when it comes to it. He moves to his designated position, then mentally shifts a part of his awareness to a height above him, and begins looking in all directions from that point. As the party moves forward, his pace becomes more delicate, and he barely seems to interact with the sand beneath his feet.

Huren uses Sensing Eye, chosing a spot 5 squares (25 feet) straight up, using that point for line of sight. He is still fully aware of his surroundings.

Perception check all around: [roll0]

Using Body Equilibrium for movement, giving +5 to Acrobatics to balance, and not sinking when walking over soft or brittle terrain, such as dust, silt, mud, snow or thin ice (though the last 3 are unlikely lol). Just in case there's some kind of hazard in the party's path.

2012-10-22, 03:44 PM

"I've got a bad feeling about this... nothing in the desert 'signals' for help. They accept fate. This doesn't bode well...." Lazam walks slowly and noticeably not in front.

2012-10-22, 04:02 PM
All - [Open Desert Near Tyr]

The party slowly approaches the glinting object. After a minute of cautious movement, those with keen eyesight notice the glint coming from the end of a long shaft. As the party moves closer, the image resolves - a sword plunged into the sand. The wind causes the sword to gently sway back and forth in the breeze.

From about 50 feet away, the scene becomes obvious. The sword is embedded in the back of an elf - one the party recognizes from the earlier skirmish. The sword, massive and carved from bone, is the same once wielded by Van the Scarred. A small medallion tied to the hilt reflects the sun back in the direction where the caravan was attacked.

Huren's Eye, in its unique vantage point, sees a larger pattern. A large spiral extends out from the sword, its radius extending perhaps 30 feet from the center. What the party thought to be random features of the landscape now appear to be limbs, bits of clothing, the spray of blood. This was the setting of a massacre.

A break in the spiral indicates something continued a path Northwest, toward the Iron Mines of Tyr and the Forest Ridge.

2012-10-22, 06:06 PM

Arriving on the scene first, he takes a knee next to the bone sword. He extends his mind around the medallion, trying to recognize what it is, and why it was left behind. Van would not have left his sword behind willing.

Upon hearing Huren's description of the surroundings, Calder smiles, throws his head back, and lets out a hearty laugh. "Damn elves got what they deserved! Good on ya Van!"

He stands back up, and begins to shift through the refuse with his trident. "Now, what are the chances that he left that splinter here..."

Arcana on Medallion: [roll0] If it appears non-malignant, he will use Telekinetic Grasp to pull it out of the ground and attach it to his back.
Perception to find the splinter, if it's there at all: [roll1]

2012-10-22, 06:16 PM
All - [Spiral of Death (just kidding) ]

The medallion seems mundane, save the beautiful lustre and ornate detail marking it as belonging to a noble family. Upon closer observation, Calder notes that the sword is broken - the bone sheared off and shattered from a great impact.

Calder's trident is successful at stabbing several soft, fleshy things under the sand, but nothing resembling the stout box that the elves removed from the caravan. A quick count of body parts indicates that perhaps 2-3 elves and Van himself are still alive, or at least not among the bodies here.

Damakos' careful observation of the area gives him the impression that the spiral in the sand was made by the same blast of energy the party encountered when the caravan was attacked.

Eveve's knowledge of overland travel lets her believe that it is possible the sword was discarded to help Van make greater speed in his pursuit.

2012-10-22, 08:51 PM
Eveve -- [Spiral of Death]

Eveve takes in the information quickly. "Van has bought us more time," she notes. "The few remaining elves won't be able to carry the ark so quickly for very long; they must have been switching out porters to get it this far as quickly as they did, and now the option is lost."

She takes a deep breath and a deep drink, clears her throat and shakes her head. "No rest here. We've gained time and may catch the elves before they reach any point where the traces would be more confusing. And it would be unwise to stay where scavengers will inevitably be drawn. Let's be off." She pulls up her filter and takes point next to Calder.

Any lost surges or Endurance checks so far for jogging?

2012-10-22, 09:23 PM
Calder - [Spiral of Death]

Calder flicks one last shred of elf, a forearm apparently, off into the sand, using his telekinesis to wrap the medallion around his belt, letting it hang off his right hip. Rikus told me that Van would be helpful on this mission, but I had no idea he was this powerful. Wrapping his scarf back around his face as Eveve had done with her filter, Calder runs alongside the dwarf. While he was sure he was the better one in a fight, the strange woman clearly had the upper hand in dealing with matters out here. Calder couldn't ask anyone for directions in the sand, nor grease any palms nor intimidate spineless cowards. Wherever Eveve pointed, Calder was going to go.

"You have a plan for what to do with them, once we find them? Besides make another little circle like that one. I assume that we can't just run in and wail on them, given how fast they move out here."

2012-10-23, 01:29 AM

The Tiefling looks around the scene with the eye of an impartial observer. He notes the unique items, the corpses and the sand. He ponders all of this for a good while before commenting, "This is a pretty wild scene. I have not seen something like this since my years as a Bandit out in the Silt Sea. It seems our dear friend Van caught up with our targets before we did. Why he left such a high quality sword is beyond me. The man was quite stocky. The weight wouldn't have thrown him off that much... Though I would defer to others' wisdom in such matters. I tread and pack lightly. Weapons are not really my forte."

Damakos kneels down to get a closer look at the sand. As he does, his left hand unconsciously rubs the hem of his cloak. He looks around the scene and simply states, "Had we known Van was as deadly as this from the outset, I believe we would have chanced trekking off with him when he first left. Ah, determination and gusto - they make men out of boys." The Tieflings looks up from the devastation and says, "We must make haste, our prey is weakened. Now is the time to strike. Flurry, for we shan't be as fortuitous as this again. "

2012-10-23, 10:07 AM

"You have a plan for what to do with them, once we find them? Besides make another little circle like that one. I assume that we can't just run in and wail on them, given how fast they move out here."

Eveve nods, a gesture clearly seen even with her hood up to protect her head. She calls back over her shoulder so that the rest of the group can hear as they walk away from the place of carnage. "Yes ... well, no specific tactics, but I can describe a clear goal for you. We go for the ark which holds the splinter. Remove it from the elves' hands. If they stay and fight to retain the ark, we will know our prize is still within, and -- even more so after this massacre -- we will finish the raiders as easily as a mekillot eats breakfast. Their options are sorely limited if they must come to us."

She jogs in silence for about half a minute before continuing. "However, if they run, then they have removed the splinter, and our goal is simply to continue dogging their heels. One or two elves can easily outpace us, carrying the prize unencumbered by its container. But one or two elves may quickly fall to predators or ill luck, and one or two elves would not likely be able to bargain away the relic to another group who could simply slay them and take it for themselves."

"We must make haste, our prey is weakened. Now is the time to strike. Flurry, for we shan't be as fortuitous as this again."

Eveve abruptly stops and turns, and her kank runs into her knees, too sluggish in reaction. The crash doesn't even rock her. While she helps the beast right itself, she says with a hard and low voice and an ominous glint in her green eye, "Right now only we and House Stel -- and Van, if he yet lives -- know this diminished band of raiders have possession of the relic. This is greatly to our advantage, and is why I would have followed it had I needed to go alone. Never underestimate the value of knowledge; it is the water of the mind. Damakos is perfectly correct. Fortune favors us, and we must strike before fortune turns foul."

She returns to her jogging, seeming assured that the gravity of her message was conveyed.

For the record, I wouldn't have had Eveve leave the group if we'd decided to continue with the caravan. That line about "would have followed it had I needed to go alone" is only true because we're on this path. I'm a team player; I don't believe in putting the character ahead of the group. Just sayin'.

2012-10-23, 04:41 PM
All - [Open Desert Near Tyr]

The party continues their travel overland, taking breaks to refresh themselves and get out of the sun when possible.

Those raised in the walls of Tyr begin to recognize the region more, as the arid wasteland gives way to ruins and hollowed structures of a similar architecture - speaking to relics of ages past. As the afternoon draws on, the party begins to collectively understand that they may have to camp another night, and that these structures are probably the best bet.

No loss of healing surges for keeping up a pace. Travel is flavor for now, but will not become a factor unless it needs to be. Since nobody expended any daily powers and nobody took damage, feel free to RP the end of day however you want and then I will post again to move the next day forward.

2012-10-25, 09:07 PM

The Tiefling audibly groans as he comes to the realization that the party will be forced to sleep in the wastes once more. Half jokingly he states, "If only we could have borrowed the Sub-Matron's castle-like carriage. Imagine the beds we could be enjoying right now! And the meals! Oh, how I wish we traveled in style. Damaos casts his eyes about and sighs, Look like we should find a defensible location to set up camp. I'm sure my back can take another night of this sandy bed."

Nature Check to find a good spot to camp: [roll0]

2012-10-25, 09:21 PM
If you camp, the elves will get another 6+ hour lead on you.

If you guys decide to press on, you can make it to the Iron Mines by morning. If you press on, everyone needs to make a DC 15 Endurance check. 15 or better and you're fine. 14 or less and you lose 2 healing surges.

2012-10-25, 10:49 PM
Eveve -- [Open Desert Near Tyr]

"Damakos! Please don't let your certainty of this morning fade away! We need to press on to keep right behind the raiders -- this is still the time to strike. We have light enough to walk by. Surely we can all walk through the night, for the sake of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?" Rather than apply the driving force of the famed Vistani glare, Eveve seems to preach hope, calling on her companions to face their communal challenge to achieve a greater goal than an uncomfortable night's rest.

I think that calls for a Diplomacy check to support companions' Endurance rolls. How does Eveve do at that job? [roll0]

EDIT: Also, I firmly believe that Eveve's Endurance check should have a higher DC. She's been jogging/hustling the whole time to avoid slowing down the party. Jogging for a day is HARD. Jogging for a day while leading an ornery, half-demented kank is even HARDER.

2012-10-26, 12:24 PM

Lazam quietly continues on, grumbling without so much as a word. A fiery sense of determination is in his eyes, albeit it could be the sun getting to him.

Endurance check: [roll0]

2012-10-26, 05:48 PM

The Tiefling stops and groans, "No sleep? No rest? But... But... We're civilized people!" As he watches his companions continue on, not skipping a beat down the dusty road, Damakos sighs once more. He stumbles on forward, trying his best to keep up with his more athletic companions.

Endurance: [roll0]

2012-10-26, 07:37 PM

"And Damakos, and next time we are in civilization, we will behave like it. But for now, we run!" A bit of glee can be seen twinkle in his eye, his bloodlust for the elves mixed with his racial preference for running through the desert apparent. "Why don't you do something magic-like. Give us a light to guide the way or something." The half-elf continues to run without any issue, having spent much of his life toiling in the heat.


2012-10-26, 07:44 PM

The Tiefling smiles, "I shall channel the power of stars to give us light where there was once none." He holds out his hand and chants, "Stars above, Athas below, give us light to find our foe." With that said, Calder's armor begins to glow and eerie green-brown color.

2012-10-26, 11:32 PM

Huren sighs at the pace, but does his best to keep up, getting a boost from Calder's steady presence.

Endurance: [roll0] (+2 normal +4 from Calder's racial)

Despite the assistance, Huren is just not up to this sort of travel and quickly flags.

2012-10-30, 03:05 PM
All - [Above the Iron Mines of Tyr]

The party's overland travel slows somewhat, as those less accustomed to the harsh conditions outside the city walls need more and more effort to keep up the pace. With a few stops for break and refreshment, the party eventually gets within earshot of the great Iron Mines of Tyr.

Iron, and all other metals in Athas, is a rare and precious material. The Iron Mines of Tyr have been sought after by the other City-States for decades, and more than one war has been fought over their control. For the time being, however, Tyr harvests the metal and trades it at exorbitant prices to those willing to pay them.

Stopping for another break, the party stands atop a ridge, looking down upon the vast mine. Acrid smoke billows into the air as the iron is mined, bloomed and smelted, slowly transforming from rough pig iron into fine bar iron. From there, wagons are hitched to Mekillots and then taken to the corners of the City-State by merchant houses. The party notes several small buildings and a large gate barring access.

At this point, it is impossible to tell whether the elves continued past the mines, or made their way down into the rough "village" at the mouth of the cave. By all estimations, however, the party has gained some ground on the elves, now slowed by their burden.

2012-11-01, 03:00 PM
Calder - [Above the Iron Mines of Tyr]

"I say we head down and check out that village. Perhaps someone there saw the elves, and if nothing else, we can resupply. I know I didn't start this trip expecting to be out here for this long without a caravan's worth of supplies." As he speaks, the butt of his trident is dragged through the sand, idly making symbols before marking through them and creating something new. As he finishes, he glances down at what he has done, and with a sneer, mentally blasts the sand, obscuring his absent minded doodles.

2012-11-01, 06:35 PM
Eveve -- [Above the Iron Mines]

"Yes. Resupply. Remember not to overload yourselves -- a weighty mistake if we must continue walking, and unnecessary if not. Just enough to get by. Purchase an animal if you want to pack heavy. Also, please keep your ears open when you speak with the locals. I will seek healers to ask whether they have treated anyone with battle wounds in the last day or two ... one more way of finding traces, if our quarry stopped here at the quarry." Eveve's eyes crinkle above her mask, showing she is smiling at her joke.

"We cannot hide our presence; travelers don't simply walk to the entrance of the Iron Mines of Tyr. In fact, we have most likely been seen pausing here on this ridge. We can, however, disguise our intentions until we have had a chance to find out about the elves we chase. Simply by playing up our tiredness -- not difficult to do after that hike! -- we can deflect questions for a time."

"Gather back on this side of the cluster of buildings when you have gathered what supplies and information you can."

2012-11-05, 10:40 AM
All -

The party redirects their route so that they move down the path toward the Iron Mines proper. As suspected, the large iron gate blocks their entry. The gate is guarded by a pair of stout dwarves and a couple of humans.

"What business do you have here?" one of the humans asks the group upon their approach. "We're armed and you don't look stupid, so hopefully you're not here with any [I]intentions, if you catch my meaning."

Over the man's shoulder you can see that at least one of the buildings appears to be a general store of some kind. Beyond that, everything else appears to be either dormitories or related to the extraction of iron.

2012-11-05, 10:55 AM

The Tiefling smiles as he thinks, Ah civilization, how I missed you. He then turns his gaze to the guards and m\ponders a suitable response for a moment before responding, "Resupply. Need some food and water. Maybe a bed, if it's available.

2012-11-05, 04:27 PM
Eveve -- [Iron Mines - Exterior]

The dwarf nods. In a dry croak she has practiced many years, she adds, "And a healer. We have wounds. Wh ..." She trails off in a wheeze, well-practiced from years of trying to appear inoffensive. She coughs and spits a thick, half-dry glob before finishing. "Where to go for healing?"

2012-11-06, 02:13 AM

Huren stays silent. Instead, he carefully scopes out the gate and wall to see any particularly vulnerable spots for possible infiltration.

Perception check to see if there are any parts that might be easier to climb than others, in case he ever needs to get in unobserved.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-11-06, 11:11 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Calder, despite being one of the first to arrive, manages to find himself near the back of the group, using his height to see over the shorter members of the traveling party. Having spent many hours in meetings back during his Templar days, he knows when to hang back. Putting on a neutral face, he stands in the back, waiting for the guards to decide whether or not to allow them entry into the mines. Kalak had a strong influence in the mines, but with his death, that was no longer a reliable means to influence those outside of Tyr.

2012-11-07, 12:44 AM

The Tiefling tries to put on a cheery smile, to impress the guards as he waits in the heat of the day. Damakos eyes the general store, quietly imagining himself basking in the glorious shade provided by that amazing invention called a ceiling... "Oh, to be so close, yet so far..."

2012-11-08, 12:50 AM
All - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Nodding his head as Eveve speaks, the guard interjects, "All that and healing besides, eh? Well supplies are tight ..." he says, chuckling to himself, "but they're always tight, eh? I'm sure we can find something for you. At the least, we can share some shade, and you're welcome to buy whatever you want in our shop. We get traders through here about once a week, from Tyr on their way to Urik. Sometimes we get lucky." he says, with a slight shrug.

The guard opens the gate and waves a hand, pointing out the various buildings to the party. "Don't worry, the gates are more for the wildlife than anything else," the guard offers to anyone questioning the lax security, doing his best to be reassuring.

Calder, remaining near the back, provides the perfect cover for Huren, who has picked up enough travel dust that he finds little difficulty blending in to the rock walls. As Huren scans the area, he notes that there aren't any real guards to speak of, other than here at the gate. The mines are down in a small valley, but the surrounding walls would be easy enough to scale, if need be. The uniformity of the small village provide consistent gaps and enough hiding for Huren to make his way around undetected, should he choose.

2012-11-08, 01:04 AM

Lazam manages to walk through with the group fairly quiet - it seems as if he's distracted or mentally checked out. Maybe it's the sun or the lack of rest...but few interject and try asking why because a fierceness in his face doesn't reveal a talkative attitude.

Internally, Lazam is struggling with a strange notion and..."need" to find the Heartwood splinter. He's not entirely sure why but the knowledge of such a powerful artifact from his homeland "lost" and with unknown destinations has him scared and almost beast-like in his search. Luckily he isn't hungry, or he might have found snacks...in his companions. As he enters the gates his eyes constantly scan for any sign of the elven raiders or their passing.

With the guard's recent statement of traders, Lazam lights up and he seems a bit unnaturally cheerful. "Traders about once a week huh....there wouldn't happen to have been some elves here recently were there?"

2012-11-08, 07:48 AM
Eveve --

Hearing Lazam start his inquiry, Eveve's mind races. [I]More direct than I'd expected ... but the guards do seem open ... perhaps it won't hurt and will get us the information faster than subterfuge would. She focuses her senses on any hint that a humanoid has taken exception to the question. As a cover for her interest, she pretends to be hauling Gimp to his feet -- deliberately doing it the wrong way so that the kank resists and she has more time to watch the responses.

Insight! [roll0]

2012-11-08, 12:52 PM
All -

"Elves, eh?" The guard scratches his chin as the party walks through the gates. "Recently? I mean, if they're here now, that's recent, right?" He glances at one of the other guards, who nods his head, then mimes a [I]he's a bit slow sometimes sort of motion to Eveve.

Just as the first guard starts pointing to the building where the elves are staying, a huge blast of necrotic energy pulses out from the building, destroying the precious few windows. Gimp defecates on Eveve's shoe in surprise. Shouts start up across the entire village as people rush over to see what happened and to offer assistance.

2012-11-08, 02:00 PM

"Sweet apathetic gods. By your leave?" As she asks this, she starts unstrapping her shield from her back and scrambling through the gate, leaving her smelly, startled porter behind.

2012-11-08, 05:11 PM

Huren's dagger is in his hand before the debris from the explosion hits the ground. He begins to follow Eveve, but then slows down. The resistance used its fair share of diversions in Tyr, and it's possible the explosion was the elves' trying to distract everyone. He sends his second eye up and out, as he did in the desert, as he approaches the building, watching for glimpses of fleeing bodies.

Sensing Eye, 25' out, to see as much of the back of the building (or the part of the building out of sight) as possible, changing the origin point as he moves.
Perception: [roll0]

2012-11-08, 07:10 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Hearing the explosion and feeling the familiar necrotic energy, Calder expands he stance with knees bent, shield sliding off his back and down his arm, trident spinning until it is held in a reverse grip so the spikes project over the shield.

Teeth bared, he snarls "It think it's safe to say our friends are here. Shall we go introduce ourselves again?"

2012-11-09, 01:50 AM

"The only introduction those elves will get....is a trip down the Dragon's maw if they don't give the artifact up!" Lazam sprints towards the explosion in a frenzy, running in complete silence compared to the usually vocal and loud battle cries of the foolish.....Lazam is from the Forest, where noise gets you killed. The fire grows in his eyes as he approaches, his civility and humanity stripping away as he runs harder and faster closely bent low and hiding his vulture-like descent.

Lazam....the beast approaches. :belkar:

2012-11-09, 01:45 PM

The Tiefling is immediately intrigued by the explosion. Perhaps it was caused by some form of magic? Perhaps he had a brother-in-arms that miscalculated one of the more delicate academical formulae. Damakos knew all to well how volatile Athasian Alchemy could be, he once destroyed an entire house by mixing the wrong ingredients. He wandered over with his companions to investigate the explosion. Damakos quietly mutters, "The crowd of people drawn to bare witness to the aftermath is a clear indication that this is not normal occurrence."

2012-11-09, 05:59 PM
All - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

The first to arrive at the scene gasp, then cover their mouths. Many begin vomiting, crying, or some combination of both.

The earth is scorched. A broad spiral extends out from the center of the room, similar to that in the desert. Blood, organs, limbs and other things decorate the floor and walls. At the center of the room stands a chest. It surface is mirror-like, smooth, and deep black. The chest is closed, and appears undamaged.

2012-11-09, 08:03 PM

Damakos audibly gasps as he comes upon the frightening scene. Though he tries his best, he cannot pulls his eyes away. He scans the scene for anything that would lend a hint as to the root cause of such a tragedy.

Knowledge checks to see what I, well, know :)

Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]

2012-11-11, 11:25 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Moving forward in a crouched manner, while slightly relaxing his pose as the danger appears to have passed. Looking at the carnage and recalling the previous occurrence of this kind of damage, he stops short of the dark box. "I don't think it would be too wise for any o' us to try and open that box there. I'm starting to think Van didn't cause what we saw earlier. Well, not on purpose, anyway. I think it's best we try and get this thing secured, and away from people if possible." He reaches out with his mind, trying to learn anything he like, like he once did as a Templar seeking out Defilers.

Arcana to see if the box is cursed or has a magic trap on it to cause the damage, as opposed to it being something contained within that caused the death-boom [roll0]

2012-11-13, 06:42 PM
All - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

"What the hell . . .?" the guard from the gate asks, lifting the brim of his helmet with his spear. "This place has been . . . de . . def. . . defiled!" he stutters out. Looking around frantically, he puts his hands on the edges of his mouth and shouts "DEFILER! DEFIIIIILER!" in a call of alarm. From outside the small building you can hear other people echoing the cry.

The guard looks at Eveve and Damakos and gestures for them to move away, "You've come at a bad time. It seems we have a Defiler in our midst. Please, away from the chest. Who knows what dark magics have been sent to punish us."

2012-11-14, 02:01 AM

Coughing over the stench, Lazam walks forward to the chest despite the order to stand far from it. "The only travesty is that this was stolen from the halflings of the Forest Ridge." He stands defiantly and proudly...despite his short stature...and claims with a puffed up sense of bravado. "This is the property of the Oracle and my people. It destroyed the lives of petty thieves and any who dare touch it against their will bring upon themselves death." Lazam seems extremely adamant as he nonchalantly kicks a severed arm on the ground for effect.

Diplomacy Check: [roll0]

2012-11-14, 09:02 PM

The Tiefling's heart skips a beat as they utter that vitriolic word... "Defiler." Such a dirty word... A word thrown around like candy by these moronic goons. Anything that goes wrong, they always blame "Defilers." They cast Damakos' kind in the worst light. The Tiefling tries to put on his best "horrified traveler" look but, to be honest, Damoks' only gives it a half hearted effort. He is far more concerned with how to contain that magic and steal it from these goons.

The Wizard's head practically falls off its hinges when he hears Lazam's deceit. A coy smile crosses the Tiefling's face as he thinks, "What a cunning little man..."

2012-11-14, 10:46 PM
Calder -

Seeing things reaching a crossroads, Calder steps forward, putting on his most charming smile, and despite his armor, jams his trident into the ground and adopts a quite civil pose, one he often saw used back in his Templar days when the Nobles would "debate" matters.

"Actually sirs, we know [I]exactly what dark magic this is. You see, we are an extraction team. Rikus sent us after a powerful artifact, a splinter of the very weapon he used to kill Kalak. This artifact was to be returned to the halflings, as a peace offering. You see, when the spear was obtained, it was not under the best of circumstances. As such, it was decided to return the artifact and appease the halfings. We certainly would not want a horde of them sweeping down from the mountain to recapture it.

However, before the artifact could be returned, it was stolen. Rikus tasked me with following the House of Stel in hopes to retrieve it and return it to it's rightful owners. They were intercepted by elves, and while we skirmished with them, the elves ran off with the box you see before you. He have tracked them for several days, leading us here.

This is not the first time we have seen this pattern of destruction. One member of our party went ahead and we found his blade embedded in the ground at the center of an identical death spiral. The artifact inside the box you see is your Defiler. We are now prepared to transport the artifact back to the halfings.

That is, unless you think upsetting the man who killed Kalak and then having a horde of halfings storm down the mountainside is a wiser idea. Now, unless you happen to have a sanctioned wizard and representative from the halfings among you, and would rather have this highly dangerous artifact in the center of your populated area, I would suggest allowing us to complete our mission and send us on our way as quickly as possible. The choice is yours, of course."

He indicates himself, Damakos, and Lazam over the course of his speech. He paces slightly as he speaks, holding his left arm across his chest and resting his right elbow on it, rolling his wrist and occasionally stroking the red hair on his chin. At the end, he leans his head forward slightly, his eyebrows casting shadows over his face, the red facial tattoos lending to the gravity of his words. Calder plucks his trident from the ground with invisible force, returning it to his hand, in a neutral but firm grip.

Knack For Success: +4 power bonus to next roll
Diplomacy to convince them to give us the box [roll0]
And don't forget the racial +1 everyone else gets for Diplomacy checks. Even when I try to make non-charismatic characters, I do.

2012-11-16, 04:45 PM
Van - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

"Damn it." Van curses, sounding a tad annoyed as he makes his way into the room. Behind him there seem to be a small path through the onlookers, who had parted for the warrior with but a glare. He had a sword in his hand but, unlike a pale yellow/white bone blade he had left behind to help the party find their way, this one was polished steal. A rare sight indeed, and more so was the script inscribed on the length of blade itself. 'Anausa' or 'Immortal' in the old tongue of Tyr. "You guys certainly took your time getting here didn't you? Guess it can't be helped..."

Van takes a quick look, scanning the elves to make sure they were all dead. The sight of the scorched circle spiraling outword within the now disheveled building was familiar to the warrior who briefly winced at the memory of the explosion that had knocked him unconscious and broken his old sword. Then he turns to the guard and says, "They're okay. They're with me."

Van sheathes his blade, the steal ringing for just a moment before it slipped into it's fine leather scabbard, and looks to the group now, giving them a glare that summed up a lot of what he was thinking. 'Better not make me regret vouching for you'.

Hey there guys, Arillius here. Sort of. I forgot my password and which email I used for the old account. Good to see you all again!

2012-11-16, 09:43 PM
All - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

"Of course Mr. Van, of course. They're with you, makes sense." The guard fumbles over his words a bit, bowing hastily to the man. "You helped us with the mines, we'll help you out here. What do you all need?" The guard turns back to the group. "You mentioned healing and supplies, yes?"

The other guard begins to push the crowd out of the room, giving the group some privacy.


2012-11-17, 10:19 AM
Eveve -- [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Eveve smiles slyly. "It's good to see you again, Scarred One. Though I don't think two days close on your heels counts as 'taking our time'. Some of us have our feet much closer to our heads, you know."

Reminded of the state of her feet, Eveve looks down at her soiled boot. "Sadly for me, that means I'm also closer to the source of that stink than you are. I'm going to go clean off my shoe and avail myself of the healers. Back soon." She eases out the door while asking the more outgoing guardsman for directions.

2012-11-17, 10:51 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Focusing his mind, he lifts a severed elven arm off the ground and into his outstretched palm. Sniffing it, he scowls, tossing it back into the pile. He turns to Van, recalling how Rikus had told him both of them were to retrieve the splinter. It seems that the battered mercenary had done a much better job than the tattooed templar had.

"That's quite the impressive weapon you have there Van, quite the step up from your old blade. As is your ability to keep pace with the elves. We ran through the night, but they still moved quicker than us. Have you been able to verify if the artifact is in-fact still inside it's case?"

And that whole inspiring post is for naught. Well, having Van back will certainly help us out.
Arcana to detect what kind of magic separated the limb from it's owner [roll0]

2012-11-17, 11:47 PM
Van - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Van nods to the guard in appreciation, silently thanking the fact that the guards still seemed thankful to him. He turns back to Calder at the question and shrugs his shoulders a little. "I have no idea. I managed to catch up with the elves once just when they were opening the chest. They probably would have been able to outrun me if it was just the splinter. Turned out to be suicide though. I got caught in the blast. Lost my last sword and was knocked unconscious. Did you guys find that spot? Left it and a ring of mine there to help you find your way."

Van continues as he pats the blade's handle on his hip appreciatively, knowing just how valuable a weapon such as Anausa was. And something about the sword... "Then I woke up with this bloody thing in my hand. 'Immortal' it's called. Creepy as the wastes, but wasn't going to look a steal gift in the mouth. Anyway, if they managed to get what was in the chest, I doubt they'd keep trying. I don't think they had time to do a pass off and then leave with it's contents either, judging by how close I was. Plus a trap that keeps going after the chest is open?"

Van shrugs again, "I think it's possible, but unlikely that it was taken out. We were too close on their heels. But I can keep watch over it. I've had a good nights rest a chance to resupply. You lot go get some healing and whatnot, then come back and we'll talk about what to do next."

Van turns to the guard to fill the man in about the chest, giving general descriptions and easing his worries about a defiler in the area so that he and the other guards wouldn't get too worried. He did suggest being more careful, since others might come looking for it, but he made sure that it sounded like a suggestion and not an order, letting the guard come to his own decision on the matter without pressing his own luck. Van also promised to get the 'bloody chest' as he called it out of the village as soon as his group could.

2012-11-18, 01:44 PM

The Tiefling can barely believe his eyes when he sees Van show up out of no where. "Surly he would have been eaten by a big, nasty desert creature... Or enslaved by Elves... To go so far into the wastelands alone and emerge as free and unharmed as you when you left is... Remarkable to say the least. Perhaps this Van character is made of sterner stuff than I was first lead to believe."

Damkos flashes a smile and merely says, "It is good to see that you are well."

Damakos eyes Van swords with a keen, well honed, magical eye. He would never, ever turn a blind eye towards a "steel gift". No, steel is far too precious and important a resource... No, this has to be some trick... But it looks real enough... Perhaps the item has been possessed or enchanted by villains unknown...? This issue must be looked into at a further date. Until such a time as that matter is resolved, the Tiefling will keep an eye on Van and his little gift... No, two eyes, as often as he can spare them.

While Damakos is ogling the sword and thinking to himself, the entire conversation passes him by.

2012-11-29, 04:45 PM

Huren nods to Van, though most of his attention is on the chest. He moves closer to the chest and examines it, taking care not to touch it.

Preception check on chest, think old school "Find Traps" :smallsmile:: [roll0]

2012-11-29, 05:51 PM
Huren - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

The gith's senses reach out, coming imperceptibly close to interacting with the chest. At the very edge of his psionic abilities, he detects the faintest hint of something. Delving further, Huren determines that a carefully woven 'net' of psychic energy has been worked into the obsidian itself, designed to leech life from those who disturb its workings. There appears to be a signature, of sorts, similar to a thumbprint or maker's mark, that might possibly allow certain 'approved' individuals to handle the obsidian chest without harm.

For all others, however, the fate is clear - a blast of necrotic energies that seems to intensify with each person it kills. The first attack at the caravans did barely any damage to the surrounding area, but this latest one destroyed a building and killed several people.

2012-11-30, 05:17 PM

Damakos studies the shard, it's housing and it's power with the hopes of gleaning something of note or interest.

Arcana [roll0]
History [roll1]

2012-11-30, 05:42 PM
Damakos - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

The tiefling draws his own conclusions about the container, though he notes that there are arcane energies at work. In fact, the obsidian box itself appears to be designed to draw upon the life force of those around it in order to deal its devastating attack.

Damakos, however, is able to glean more about the 'lock' that is used. It is of elemental origin, giving indication that the protection requires efforts from one who is psionic, one who is arcane, and one who works with the primal spirits themselves.

2012-12-03, 08:36 PM

The Tiefling ponders the lock for a bit. During the many years of his training in the secretive arcane arts, he had heard rumors magical locks such as these being created. They were very secure and difficult to pick. It would take some one - or three people - who could harass the energies of Primal, Psionic and Arcane sources of magic. The difficulty with these locks is that someone would have to come forward as an arcanist... Which would be immediately associated with a Defiler... It means putting your life in the hands of others... Unless one could spin the process of unlocking it, to disguise the use of arcane energy...

Damakos stands up and straightens his robes. He looks at his companions and says, "I believe we can open this box if we combine our unique talents. We need to flood the device with psionic and primal energy."

2012-12-03, 09:00 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Stepping forward towards the Tiefling, the tattooed half-elf sticks his thumbs through his belt, in a reflexed position. His long scarlet mohawk flaps around in the not-breeze, as a small rock lifts off of the ground and begins to obit around him at shoulder level. He tilts his head back, altering the orbit so it reaches up towards his head behind him and down to his navel before him.

"If psionic is what you need, I can provide you want you need. Dear old dead Kalak picked me for my potential, and my time in the arena taught me how to harness it more completely." As he makes his statement, the rock revolves faster and faster, then stops immediately in front of his face, before rocketing upwards into the air, angled in a high trajectory over the gate.

2012-12-03, 09:10 PM

The Tiefling's eyes light up as he watches the tattooed half-elf harness his psionic potential, as evidenced by the pebble that now whirls around his body. "Good, good. Now we need a dose of Primal Energy."

2012-12-04, 01:40 PM

Lazam looks perplexed. "For what purpose are we opening this? We should be returning it to my people...if you are mistaken, you could inadvertently destroy the relic or even our lives." He seems conflicted internally, as if he's insatiably curious to open the chest but knows he should just be patient and return it the Oracle.

OOC: Few more days....and life will return to normal for me so my posting will increase. Hopefully I'm not throwing a wrench in the plans, just not sure we should open it.

2012-12-04, 03:13 PM
All - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

"Um . . . " the guard says, using his spear to scratch at his temple, "open it? Isn't all this," he gestures at the mayhem around them, " isn't this 'cause them elves tried to open it? " He looks toward Van, hoping for some assistance.

"Mr. Van, I mean, I know they're your friends and all, but maybe . . . " he looks around anxiously, "take this thing out of here? I don't want another riot on my hands."

Just then, a thin wisp of a man comes bumbling into the room, smelling of herbs, incense and oils, his head practically buried in a large brown sack as he roots around inside. "I was just about to head back to Tyr for supplies when I heard the explosion. Anyone hurt?" he says, just as he lifts his head up to survey the room.

Dropping the bag at his feet, his mouth works wordlessly for a moment, "Or, um . . . " His skin tinges a bit toward the green side, looking similar to Huren for a moment, before he noisily retches in the corner.

2012-12-04, 06:03 PM

"I agree. If you're going to try and open it we need to get it away from the city. The next blast could take the buildings and the street. It's definitely a lot stronger then when it hit us at the caravan or when it knocked me out in the wastes." Van turns toward Lazam and shrugs. "Whatever the reason, opening it-" He nods the guard, "-at a safe distance from the city is our best bet in transporting it. The chest is heavy and apparently known to others. Its contents will hopefully be a great deal less conspicuous."

2012-12-05, 01:07 AM

Huren looks up from contemplating the chest. "Perhaps a nearby tunnel? I'm not really keen on going back out into the dessert."

2012-12-05, 01:26 AM

"Certainly, I would be more than happy to attempt to retrieve the splinter away from your people. If we can open the lock, we can disarm the trap, and no more explosions. If you would be so kind as to assist us in moving this box to a safer location?" Shifting his attention, he relaxes his shoulders, and the slight static like field around his body dissipates.

"If you want to return the splinter to your people, do you want to drag that box across the desert with who knows how many raiders looking to steal our find? No, we take it out of that box. Now."

Calder walks over to the box, and using his trident, he lifts a corner of the box of death, waiting for others to assist him in carrying it away.

2012-12-05, 03:36 PM
Eveve -- [Iron Mines - Exterior]

The Vistani strides back into the gore-spattered, desecrated room, her eyes following her ears to locate the sickened old herbalist. She holds the man steady as his trembling grows into shaking. In a very low voice she starts to murmur reassuring pith to him. It appears that the mines' healer needs a healer.

After a moment, she looks up at Van and explains, "We passed each other on the street, not knowing. I wish I could have caught him before he entered. This is a sight few should ever have to see." She sighs.

"If you're all ready to trying opening that box, I may have to fall behind. I see quite a need for my skills here, and if you live, I suspect you'll be traveling far and fast. Van, Lazam -- all of you -- I believe you can take better care and make better use of that splinter without the burden of my slowness. I wonder whether the disaster could have been avoided had I been a bit swifter." Then Eveve's shaking patient starts trying to move toward the door, and she helps him out with an arm around his waist.

2012-12-06, 01:32 PM
All - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

"There's a pass to the Forest Ridge just about a half day's walk to the West" the guard butts in, just as Eveve takes her charge out of the remains of the hut. "I'd rather you not take that thing into the tunnels. Not safe for any but miners there, and even then . . . " he says, fingering a scar on his wrist. "Bad stuff down there."
Chuckling to himself, he says "Bad stuff everywhere. Forest Ridge is supposed to be nice though. Can't say as I know anyone except the halflings to get along well though. People tend to get et."

2012-12-06, 05:43 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

"If you have a tunnel you'd like to have cleared out, then perhaps that is the perfect place for this to happen. Either we get what we want or we don't, either way we don't risk your people and possibly get rid of your "bad stuff." We can take out prize from there to the Forest Ridge, and finish our mission."

2012-12-06, 05:48 PM

Lazam doesn't so pleased with the idea but he nods anyways. With a serious glare though he mentions in passing as he helps lift the chest "Just realize if that chest collapses the tunnel...you're digging it out. Nothing stops the splinter from reaching my home."

2012-12-06, 10:20 PM

The Tiefling nods his head as Calder speaks his mind, "I concur with the Elf, we must terry forth from here and remove the container's contents. It is our best hope for passing through these lands to where ever we may go with as little trouble or notice as possible."

2012-12-09, 07:59 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

"Then let's be on with it. I will drag it where ever ya'll least object to, but by the time the sun is set, I will have the splinter in my hand, and when it rises, I will be on my way to the Forest Ridge with it."

Using his trident to act as a carrying rod, he starts to lift the box again. Being called an Elf triggered some deep seated anger inside him. Yes, there was Elven blood in his veins, his height and ears made that perfectly clear, but he was no Elf. They had abandoned him, used his mother, and ran of on their way. He might not be the best person, but he wasn't an Elf.

2012-12-09, 09:34 PM

"Wait." Lazam drops the edge of the chest. "I will have the splinter in my hand.....that better not be literal. Either it goes untouched in this chest or secured by the blood that gave the world the gift of freedom from that corrupt bastard. We've fought together and I aided you - but I trust none of you enough to have you hold the relic of my people." Lazam crosses his arms and seems fairly adamant on this.

OOC: Sorry to make a stink, but no way Lazam would trust another to hold it. The Oracle and that tree is fairly prominent in his upbringing.

2012-12-09, 11:08 PM
Calder -

"Yes, [I]my hand. If you return it, you get a pat on the back. If I return it, I can make a treaty between your people and mine. You don't trust me, fine. I'm taking the splinter, whether you like it or not. You'll get plenty of glory at home, but it will be a man from Tyr that returns the splinter, as it was a man from Tyr that took it." The considerably taller man glowers at the halfing, trident held in both hands parallel to the ground, a neutral stance but one from which any number of offensive or defensive positions could be easily attained, a classic pose he started his bouts in the arena. "It goes to the Ridge, but it goes on my terms."

2012-12-10, 12:24 AM

Damakos sighs as his mind continually groans, "such fools." The Tiefling straightens his robes and casually mentions, "Only one versed in the ancient and mysterious lore can hope to wield the sliver, not to mention, I alone hold the secret to opening the mysterious container. You simple folk are more likely to blow us all up than to scurry away with the sliver to parts unknown in the middle of the night. The Sliver is best left in the knowing hands of a trained archivist, such as myself."

Is that a Bluff Check? Hmm, well I do know more about the sliver than most and I am the only one who knows how to open the box.

If so: [roll0]

2012-12-10, 02:55 AM

Lazam produces a guttural growl as the hair on his neck and arms raises. "Remember your history, elf - the splinter was a gift to your enslaved people. You took nothing! You were given something beyond your understanding and the Mul was told to return it immediately but they decided against it...and your people were about to deliver it to another sorcerer king instead of HONORING THEIR DEAL!" Lazam seems to almost lose his sanity with that last statement and slams his right-handed spiked wrist claw into the chest. "I was there the day the deal was made and already Tyr has lied to my kind. You will escort it back to the Oracle without touching it or you will have full war on your hands...assuming they aren't eaten first!" With that last word, Lazam almost hisses.

And not to brag, but doubt ya know more about the splinter than me :smallwink: Trying to bluff Lazam is just going to make this that much worse...

2012-12-10, 04:01 AM
All - Iron Mines - Exterior

Almost as if to punctuate the halfling's statement, the chest begins to crackle with a violet-hued lightning the moment his hand hits the lid.

To Damakos' eyes, he sees the weaves of a spell begin to come together as the smallest bit of life drains from Lazam's hand, as if it were feeding the chest. A jagged twist of lightning forms in the quickest of moments, then is quickly joined by a swirl of elemental energy, accompanied by a spiral of ethereal psychic power.

They all come together in a tornado of energy that blasts outward, destroying what remains of the hut. Calder's trident is flung from his hand and shoots across the room. Lazam is struck directly in the face, while Huren, Calder and Damakos each are assaulted across their midsections. The guard from earlier tries to scream, but the only sound to be heard is the gurgling of blood from his throat where the trident has impaled him.

Miraculously, Van remains unharmed. His sword, drawn in front of him, appears to have created a wedge in the blast. The ground directly behind him is not charred, as if somehow his sword deflected burst of energy.

You each take 20 damage because Lazam touched the chest. :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-10, 09:52 PM

Damakos is struck hard by the lightning-like blast of magical energy. He can make out the eerie smell of his own flesh smoking. It is a smell he does not relish. As he staggers to his feet, the ruddy-skinned Tiefling yells, "CONFOUND IT YOU FOOL OF THE FOREST RIDGE! You would damn us all to the Gray with your nonchalant idiocy!" Damakos' face contorts as he screams, "DO NOT TOUCH THE BOX AGAIN OR FACE THE WRATH OF A TIEFLING FROM THE SEA OF SILT!"

Damakos then sighs as he stares at the poor guard. Bowing his head, the Tiefling limps over to the box and uses his staff to nudge it away from Lazam.

2012-12-10, 10:50 PM
Calder - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Thrown hard into the dirt, Calder feels the life sucked out of him, a feeling he hadn't felt in a long, long time. A feeling he had sworn he would not feel again. Eye's rolling in his head, he can tell he's got a serious concussion, and while need some time before he continues. His bright red mohawk is dulled significantly, and blown straight stiff. Muscles ache, bones sore, lungs feel like he's sucked on ash, Calder manages to rise to his feet. Extending his hand, he calls the trident out of the guard's throat, the cold acceptance of death from years in the arena making him appear very cruel, but it is his way. Using his trident to support himself, he glares at the box, the halfing, back at the box, the tiefling, the halfing, Van's complete lack of damage, and back to the box. A sigh like hiss escapes his teeth, as his resolve to open that crate, and hold that splinter, begins to fade.

He speaks, belabored, "Perhaps the horned devil is right, eh?"

FYI, taking that 20 damage into account, the current HP stands at Calder-23, Huren-9, Lazam-10, Damakos-8.

2012-12-11, 01:11 AM

A tought occured to Huren, but before he could speak the necrotic explosion pushed him backward. Already weary from the desert journey, he now looks like he's having trouble standing, clutching at his stomache.

With annoyance he tries to remember what he wanted to say, then grasps upon it. "Enough of this foolishness. How do we even know the splinter's in the box? Because of the word of the enemy? If the leaders of Tyr were sending it to another socerer-king, then for all we know it's a booby-trap meant to kill him. Whatever it is, I need some rest. Call me when you're all done bickering and ready to DO something."

With that, he leaves the group to find a bed and a meal, preferably in that order.

2012-12-11, 01:50 AM
Van - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Van turns just as the energy begins to sweep across the room. Reacting out of instinct more then anything else, Van raises his blade before him to defend himself. Surprisingly it seems to work, cutting through the energy and reflecting it away from him and anything behind him. Unfortunately, the guard beside him was not so lucky.

As the last of the energy fades once more, Van turns to the guard just as the trident is pulled from his throat by pisonic energy. It was a gruesome move, but it was not the gladiators fault that the man had been struck. It was the halflings. Angry, Van turned to the halfling and leveled his sword at the small man. "Do not touch the box again. I don't care what your goal is or what it means to you. You just killed a man."

Van looks to the others, leveling his best angry glare on them, and says aloud. "You're all idiots. You've seen this thing kill others and leave nothing but smoking craters behind and you decide to argue over it in a populated area? Get out of here, all of you, and don't come back until you decide what to do. If you try anything at all..." Van walks over to the chest and turns to the others, "I'll set off it's trap, killing the lot of you. You'll all come back in the morning with your decision and then we'll carry it safely out of this populated area."

2012-12-12, 07:05 PM

The blast blows Lazam backwards, his short stature tumbled end over end as he lands smack face down with a painful thud. Clawing at the ground with his claws as he seeks to right himself upward, his face shows a deep purple and red...the blast clearly injured his face and tore away flesh. Without thinking, a coalescence of sand and water flows together as his stormy companion rises from nowhere. Struggling to stand, Lazam finally gives in and stays on one knee, breathing deeply as his face repairs itself under his own healing power. Keeping constant eye on the others, Lazam begins to rise but his stormy companion pushes him back to one knee. An eerie sound eminates from the being, a high-pitched voice like wind chimes...."No, child. Now is not the time. If they seek to betray the children of Athas, so they may. Let it be and come home no matter what." Lazam seems resolved to silence as he sits for a moment.

Ardent Surge: [roll0].

2012-12-15, 11:46 PM

Twitching in pain, the rust-colored Tiefling whispers, "All of us here have ideas and desires for the contents of this box, yet it stymies our attempts to pry it open. This is due to a particular element of energy that we here lack. That missing ingredient can be generated by one of two possible beings - a Sorcerer-King or the Oracle. I believe we all know our eventual fate if we took this box to capricious king... Thus our only hope is the Oracle. With her power combined with our's, we shall sunder this box and release it's contents. The box must be opened before any of our desires or designs can be acted upon. I say we table our discussion for plans with the shard until after the box's magic has been successfully circumvented. Let us all tend to our wounds, purchase supplies and ready our hearts for the long trek north towards the Forest Ridge."

2012-12-16, 01:02 AM
All - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

The group has little difficulty finding a place to stay for the night, though nobody wants any contact with them. The box, as they see it, is a bringer of death. Death was not entirely uncommon in the wastes, but even then it was not a welcome friend at the campfire.

Van's earlier interactions in the small mining town seem to work as a shield against any aggressive activities by the townsfolk. After an uninterrupted night of sleep, the party wakes again in the morning. Their wounds are tended to by Eveve, who has now taken up her mantle as the healer in the area. She makes promises that the party is always welcome should they travel through the area. Gimp 'nuzzles' at Calder's leg, in the two of them say their goodbyes and wish them on their way.

The other guard from the gate approaches the group, gesturing toward the high mountain ridge that outlines the mines. "Path through the Ringing Mountains. It will take a few days, as you know," he says, with regard to Lazam's heritage, "and it's full of half-giants, kirre, ghosts, all sorts of things."

2012-12-16, 04:29 AM

Seeing the path home, Lazam produces the first smile in a long time. "Half-giants, kirre, ghosts...you've clearly not seen the truly scary things of my home. What it does include though is our future." Turning to the group, not wishing to discuss much of their recent past, Lazam nods his silent goodbye to Eveve and then sets his side of the chest down (part of the group's punishment for his and Calder's little spat...forcing them to walk it together). "It's likely best I lead this way since I know and love this place." He grows eerily quiet as he whispers the following: "And keep your eyes open...if death comes, you will not hear it ever - you either react quickly or never again."

2012-12-16, 06:45 PM

Adjusting to the change in weight, the half-elf bites his tongue, and lowers his own side down. "If you don't warn me next time you do that, you won't see it coming either. You're lucky this box isn't triggered by my armor, otherwise you'd have just blown us both to bits again!" Being considerably taller than the halfing, this was a particularly arduous task. He was still getting used to the new balance, his old shield having shattered protecting him from the last blast zone. Van had helped him acquire a new stout shield to match the large blade he carried. If metal could possibly deflect that destructive energy, Calder certainly wanted his hands on some of it. If he couldn't have the splinter, he'd at least be able to protect himself from it. And if there was anything the arena had taught him, he knew that a good defense was more important than offense.

Two surges spent to get back to full health. Metal shield acquired, to match Van's Sword.

2012-12-17, 05:09 PM
Van - [Iron Mines - Exterior]

Van, who had slept beside the box with one of the cities guards changing watch shifts with him every few minutes, was watching the two carrying the box carefully. It was obvious to him that this group was fractious and Van was the only one who really didn't give a damn. That made him the only neutral party, the only mediator. Part of him wondered why he didn't just stay in this town. The damn place had decent alcohol thanks to their trade and the guards, well most of the guards at least, weren't idiots. Some had even earned Van's respect in the fight he had participated in before the groups arrival.

That said, the contents of the chest, and the chest itself even, were far to valuable to leave alone. Van wasn't interested in the profit or power that might come from it. No, his concern was what use others might put it too. It was possible that the contents of the box could do a lot of damage, and Van intended to make sure they wouldn't, so that when Van could go back to drinking himself to oblivion without having to worry about someone going and blowing up a city or something.

When the group were met at the gate by the sole guard remaining, Van nodded to him. "I'm sorry about your friend. If I could have, I would have done something." The human resists the urge to glare at the rest of the ragtag group he was leaving with. As they start to set out, Van would reassuringly pat the mans shoulder and say, "Good luck."

He would wait until the guard was out of ear shot before turning to the group. He trusted each and everyone of them about as far as he could throw them, save the halfling, though only because he could throw the little guy further then he trusted him. Unlike the others who were dodging the issue from yesterday, Van was blunt enough to get right to the point. "You're not the only one whose traveled that paths little man, so don't try anything funny. I'll be checking your course and if you lead us into an ambush I'll happily set this box off a few times, got it?"

Van turns to Calder then and eyes him as well, "And unless you can point that shield two ways, I'd be careful what you do as well. Don't try and steal it when you think no one is looking and don't try anything stupid either."

He shifts his gaze so it falls upon the group equally. "The fact is, I want to survive this. I'd like to do it without killing any of you. The only damn I give about the contents of the chest are that it goes to someone who won't try and destroy whatever hole I dig myself into after everything is said and done. I'm already not getting paid for this, so if I'm a bit short in temper you can probably understand why. No one tries anything with the box. Period. Otherwise, same rules apply when we're out in the waste. We watch each others backs. If any of you think you can take me on and get rid of one of your obstacles, I suggest you try now when your life isn't at risk in the wastes." Van pauses to look at each member of the party in turn, waiting to see if there was anyone who would try anything. His shield was already strapped to his arm, as it always was when he was ready for trouble, and his hand was on his new swords hilt, ready to draw at a moments notice.

If no one tried anything, he would nod to the group. "Alright then. Lets get moving." And then he would start walking, purposefully turning his back to the group. To any paying close attention, his footsteps were careful and measured and the hand on his hilt tightened ever so slightly.

2012-12-17, 10:44 PM
Calder -

Despite the threat, Calder allows a small grin to cross his tattooed face. [I]I can see why Rikus spoke so highly of him, he thinks to himself, and it's a good thing to have someone take charge, impose some order on these fools. He rolls his shoulders forward, to ready himself for carrying such a heavy object so low to the ground.

2012-12-17, 10:44 PM

Damakos groans audibly as he rolls his eyes. "Such petty, petty posturing," he thinks. "Why on Athas would any one attempt to steal the box before it has reached the Oracle? Only a fool would attempt such a reckless and ill advised maneuver... But,"" The Tiefling eyes the other members of the party, "There are many fools in my midst. Perhaps I should keep an eye on these people..." A coy smirk crosses his face as he remembers an old phrase his master was fond of saying, "Two, as often as I can spare them." The Tiefling synches his bag and slings it over his shoulder. He takes his staff and knocks it against his boot six times for luck, then pounds it against the ground. He looks up at Van and simply says, "We should leave before our welcome has worn too thin."

2012-12-18, 03:31 PM
All - [Outside the Iron Mines]

The guard opens the gate, allowing the group to leave the small community. With the deadly, mysterious box between them, the party has been pointed in the direction of fabled Forest Ridge, which lies just on the other side of the Ringing Mountains.

The sun is still low on the horizon, and the group can easily get a full day's travel in, should they wish. At a decent pace, they could be at the base of the mountain range by nightfall. That is, if they go uninterrupted.

2012-12-19, 01:24 AM

Huren shrugs, and walks along with the rest of the party, just happy to be heading to the mountains and out of the desert.

2012-12-19, 06:03 PM
All - [Road to the Ringing Mountains]

The 'path' to the Ringing Mountains is unmarked, though the sheer size of the mountain range means the direction of travel is obvious, at the very least.

After a few solid hours of travel, the sun has slowly moved up the sky until it rests solidly overhead. Though the party has not encountered any wildlife (rare, to be sure), they have had their fair bit of struggles. Calder and Lazam's differences in height, personal philosophy,diet and unwillingness to relinquish the obsidian ark has led to more than a few arguments. Despite this, the group soldiers on.

As the evening approaches, the group finds themselves at the base of the Ringing Mountains. The path leads several thousand feet in elevation, taking the group through treacherous crevices, past dozens of caves and over loose stone that threatens rockslide at the slightest misstep.

2012-12-25, 11:00 PM
Van - [Road to the Ringing Mountains]

Van does his best to try and quell any in fighting with short, firm words of rebuke, but his already sour attitude is slowly growing worse the further they progress. This was the longest he had been without a drink in ages, having not had time to enjoy whatever the town near mines had carried before the group departed, and it certainly didn't make the situation any easier for him. On top of not getting paid, Van was starting to recall memories that the alcohol usually served to drown out. Even as his steps became more sure of themselves from past experience, his disposition grew darker. The familiar feeling of travel. It wasn't bad, but it carried with it bad things for this scarred warrior.

When they finally reached the base of the mountains, Van would make a quick sweep of the area, then looks to the group. "Alright people. A few quick things for those of you who don't know about the paths. First, watch out for any sign of loose rubble or falling rocks. Second, keep your voices down. If you're too loud in certain areas you can start a rock slide. Third, look out for the caves. Depending on how far we go we may have to use one for shelter, but not all of them are empty. And finally, walk lightly. Understood?"

Van wouldn't wait for an affirmative. He would simply turn and start up the path, his footsteps noticeable lighter and more careful and his pace more measured.

Nature- [roll0]

Does Van recall anything about the path that he should know?

2012-12-26, 11:52 PM

The grudging respect Calder had for Van was more grudging at the moment. Taking full advantage of the change in elevation to ease his back, the tall half-breed held up his end of the heavy, deadly, box. "I can't imagine there are many things out here much more dangerous than what I fought in the arena. At least, if we do get attacked, we have a pretty good way to clear them out." Despite his verbose boast, he uses his trident to poke at the ground before he steps forward.

Insight for anything that he may have fought that lived around these parts. [roll0]

2012-12-27, 12:22 AM
Van - [Road to the Ringing Mountains]

Van grunts noncommittally to Calders comment. "I wouldn't know. Never watched the fights and it's been a long time since I've been anywhere near this area." It was actually a long time since Van was anywhere near any wild area like this, having proffered to remain as close as possible to what amounted to trade routes since he started mercenary work. "I'm also not to keen on feeding the box's... power or whatever the hell it is that eating people. Especially in this area. Remember what it did to the house, then multiply that by a hundred when your up in the mountain where rock slides are not only possible but common. Now consider that you'll either be at the very top of the rock slide or right beneath it."

2012-12-27, 04:29 PM

Damkos huffs and puffs and stumbles along. His body is more akin to that of a withered old man than a young, spry Tiefling of no more than 20-ish years. Since becoming a mage, he'd allowed his impressive muscular frame to wilt like a tree left in the Athasian sun. He exercised his mind at the expense of his body. He was now paying for his folly. Damakos falls behind the party a ways, relying on his walking stick as if it were a third leg. His companions were fit and well suited to fast treks across the wasteland. Damakos knew he had to push, give his all to keep up; to be left alone in the desert without an ally was folly of the worst kind. The mountains in the distance grow closer and closer, their impressive height was truly something to behold.

As they rest in the foothills, Damakos lets out a long sigh of relief. He collapses on the ground and pants heavily, slowly regaining his breath. He had tried to hide this weakness from the others but... He could do it no longer. Damakos cringed as he realized he would have to put a bit more trust into these blackguards than he had originally intended.

Damakos looks over at Calder and smiles, "There are many things more dangers in the wastelands of Athas than you fought in your arena. There are creatures in these parts, the likes of which you could nary imagine or believe... But, stories of such beasts will only serve to frighten our dear companions... Let us simply pray we do not cross paths with such behemoths..."

2013-01-02, 01:56 PM

He grumbles as the Tiefling belittles his experiences. "Had you seen the monsters that didn't make it to the arena, you may think differently. A couple dead gladiators made for a good show, but if it killed us all that would have caused a panic, and we all know the fights were designed lull the masses. I've seen my fair share of monstrous beasts, I assure you." Pausing, he turns to see how the mage would respond to that, only to find he has fallen to the ground. "Great, now we either have to stop, or drag him along. Van, Huren, do something about him."

2013-01-02, 11:51 PM
All - [Ringing Mountains]

From deep within his exhausted mind, Damakos hears a voice.

"Come to me. I am waiting. I will give you rest. I will give you food. I will give you water. Come to me."

Damakos receives an image of a location which he 'feels' is about a half mile away, to the northeast.

2013-01-05, 02:50 AM

The Tiefling sits bolt up right, thrusts his hand into the air and yells, "A VOICE IN MY HEAD JUST TOLD ME WHERE FOOD AND WATER IS! WE MUST TRAVEL THERE POST HASTE!" Damakos jumps to his feet and takes one big, comically large step forward. A thought then crosses his mind. He pauses for a moment, then utters, "Hmm... The heat is making me irrational. Someone was talking in my head. Did anyone else hear it? I could be delirious, or there could be some one watching us... Should we go where the voice told me to go or do we press on?"

2013-01-05, 02:10 PM

Lazam doesn't take much pause in his stride. "If voices in the head was so safe, there'd be a lot more disturbed alive. Only a fool would listen to the calls of some vague siren promising good." He continues walking albeit his steps are more precautious and eyes more peeled for trouble.

2013-01-05, 03:35 PM
Van - [Ringing Mountains]

Van had his sword drawn the moment the tiefling began speaking of voices. His eyes immediately began looking around the group, searching for any sign of trouble. He wasn't exactly the best to do such things but sometimes he got lucky. He knew a trick that allowed him to do just that, but it was a very close ranged trick. "It certainly sounds like a trap. A rather poorly concieved one though, don't you think? Who would be foolish enough to trust a voice in their head that they had never heard before?"

Van was pretty darn certain it was a trap, but that was because he thought everything out in the wastes was a trap. It was one of the reasons he had survived so long. But why such a crappy way to execute it? Voices in ones mind rarely made for a compelling reason to do something. It, ironically, made Van curious to find out what was in the cave. "Can you keep going Damakos? If not, I suggest we find something to put our backs to while you break... er, take a break."

2013-01-07, 06:42 PM
Damakos - [Ringing Mountains]

"Do not listen to them," the voice purrs in Damakos' head, "they are just jealous. You know how it is in these lands - everyone is out for themselves. But you are brave, strong, smart - you deserve more than they do."

After a moment of brief silence, the voice resumes a soft humming purr that is clearly intended to relax Damakos even further.

2013-01-07, 06:55 PM

The Tiefling stands and ponders what to do as the melodic voice whispers sweet nothings in his head. "A-Are you sure we shouldn't investigate this voice... I mean, it does not sound threatening... A-And even if it is... We should be more than a match for anything that may come our way..." Damakos stares blissfully off in the direction the voice told him to go.

2013-01-08, 10:27 PM
Calder - [Ringing Mountains]

Wiping the sweet off his brow, Calder reaches out with his mind, taking the mental projected image of a feathered snake, and leaps into the mage's thoughts. Once inside, he flaps his wings, hovering in the mental landscape of the Tiefling's consciousness. Flicking his forked tongue in and out, searching for the trace of any other external influences. Swooping down from the heights, Calder looks for thoughts about water that the wizard was rambling out to devour with his large fanged mouth.

Arcana for what Calder finds inside Damakos' head. [roll0]

2013-01-09, 02:56 PM
Damakos and Calder - [Ringing Mountains]

Calder sees an image of a beautiful pool of water shaded by a tree. He can almost taste the sweetness and feel the coolness running down his throat.

The voice whispers again in Damakos' head, "You can share this with your friend, but not the others. They will take it from you. Come to me, come to me."

2013-01-10, 02:11 AM

While in the thought-scape, the Tiefling appears as a well dressed noble with a flowing semi-transparent, azure-blue robe. He wears a stark white turban, bejeweled with the finest gems imaginable. He wields a golden scepter, emblazoned with the word "Freedom". As Damakos flies about the ephemeral space, he spots Calder and greets him warmly. The two stare off at the distant pool of cool, refreshing water while hovering in midair. The Tiefling whispers, "We must do something about this and quickly," to his companion.

2013-01-10, 02:18 PM
Calder - [Ringing Mountains]

Flapping his wings, he darts to the oasis, and wraps his long tail around the shady tree. Dipping down, he opens his mouth wide, and bites the water's surface. With his four long fangs, he injects his venom into the water, tainting it as more venom than would make sense pours of his mouth. Eyes locked on Damakos, he says without his mouth "You spend your life studying wizard, and that has made you weak. I have spent my life choosing a hard path, and that makes me strong."

2013-01-11, 12:42 AM

Huren watches the two who are obviously communicating psychically. He chooses not to project his own mind into the conversation, instead shoring up any mental defenses in case of some potential psionic attack.

2013-01-11, 12:00 PM
All - [Ringing Mountains]

"Fools" the voice says within the thought-scape.

Outside, in the physical world, a low growl eminates from the east, while three others come from the west, north and south. The party is surrounded by something unseen.

I wrote something up last night but I think it's on my other computer :smallfurious:

Anyway, combat time! Roll initiative!!!

2013-01-14, 02:34 PM
Combat - Round 1

Enemy 1
Baazrag 2
Move: Walk to J12
Standard: CRITICAL HIT on Damakos with Bite for 13 damage and latches on.

Baazrag 3
Move: Walk to I14
Standard: Critical Miss on Lazam with Bite

Baazrag 5
Move: Walk to F11
Standard: Miss on Van with Bite

PC 1
Move: Walk to E10
Standard: Hit on Baazrag 5 with Acrobatic Strike - killing it

Reaction: Hit on Baazrag 2 with Infernal Wrath for 10 fire damage
Standard: Hit on Baazrag 2 with Magic Missile for 7 damage


Enemy 2
Baazrag Breeder
Move: Walk to M13
Minor: Hit on Calder with Psychic Lure and pulls Calder to J11

Baazrag 1
Move: Walk to I11
Standard: Miss on Calder with Bite

Baazrag 4
Move: Jump to G14
Standard: Miss on Lazam with Bite

Baazrag 6
Move: Enter cave and reappear at D9
Standard: Hit on Huren with Bite for 4 damage

PC 2
Free: Shift to H11 (Knack of Success from Calder)
Minor: Grab chest
Move + Standard: Double run to escape via P1

Standard: Hit on Baazrag 2 with Hand of Blight - killing it
Minor: Battlemind's Demand on Baazrag 1
Minor: Knack of Success on Lazam, letting Lazam shift 2 to the other side of the chest (whereby he promptly grabbed the chest and ran)

Move: Walk to L13
Standard: Hit on Baazrag Breeder with Guarded Attack for 11 damage
Minor: Encouraging Boost on Damakos - spends second wind +3HP

2013-01-14, 02:48 PM
Enemy 1

Baazrag 2
A greenish-yellow creature, perhaps the size of a cat, scuttles out from a small hole in the rocks. Its scales glint in the sunlight as it opens its mouth, scenting the air with a long pink tongue. The mouth, of course, is full of dozens of long razor sharp teeth. The creature immediately scurries toward Damakos and tries to take a bite.

Move: Walk from P13 to J12

Standard: Bite vs Damakos

Attack: [roll0] vs AC = CRIT
Hit: [roll1] (EDIT: 13 damage) and the Baazrag latches onto Damakos. While latched on to Damakos, the Baazrag gains a +2 to AC and moves with Damakos, staying in an adjacent square to him until he is unlatched. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Baazrag 3

Another creature, much like the first (though with fewer spines) rushes toward Lazam, hoping for a snack as well.

Move: Walk from L17 to I14

Standard: Bite vs Lazam

Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: 4 damage
Baazrag 5

A third creature, looking like his counterparts, tries a nibble of Van the Scarred.

Move: Walk from D9 to F11

Standard: Bite vs Van

Attack: [roll3] vs AC
Hit: 4 damage

next up: Huren, Damakos, Van (in any order)

edit: I have already factored in the +2 to AC that Baazrag 2 gets from being latched on to Damakos, so just attack as normal and the results should be correct.

2013-01-14, 08:54 PM
Calder - [Ringing Mountains]

A wicked smile forms on the half-elf's tattooed face as he withdraws himself from the wizard's mind. His eyes crackle with energy, as he levels a finger at one of the smaller beasts. "Back for more eh? I've got my magic back, you'll be no match this time!" He shouts, to no one in-particular, as such simple creatures. His hand twists from a point to a grasp, as he inhales stiffly, teeth barred, as he tries to suck the life energy from his foe. His own leg feeling some pain from the shared link he had, he let's out a disturbing laugh, before the crackling energy from his eyes envelop his entire body, like white lighting, and he teleports to the other side of the Tiefling. "You can bite my friend all you like, but you will suffer for it!"

Standard: Vampiric Embrace on Baazrag 1
Attack: [roll0] vs. Will
Hit: [roll1] necrotic damage, and you gain 5 temporary hit points.
Minor: Battlemind's Demand on Baazrag 2
Target: One creature in the burst
Effect: You mark the target until you use this power again or until the end of the encounter.
Move: Ethereal Stride
Effect: You can teleport 3 squares (J13), and you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

2013-01-15, 12:37 AM

Huren acts quickly, circling around to flank one of the beasts, then lashes out with his dagger, killing the little creature.

Move: Move to E10, avoiding opportunity attacks
Standard: Acrobatic strike on Baazrag 5
Attack: [roll0] (includes +2 for CA)
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

2013-01-15, 01:17 AM

The Tiefling is caught completely unawares as a hulking varmint pops out of no where, lunges for the poor wizard and proceeds to bite straight into Damakos' left arm... And the... What-ever-it-is doesn't let go. It just sits there, digging deeper and deeper into the Tiefling's limb, inch by inch shredding his flesh. "Confounded beast! You dare bite ME!? Let's see how you enjoy the taste of FIRE upon your tongue!" With that said, a jet of blazing hot amber-red fire travels down Damakos' arm, sinks beneath the animal's mouth and explodes in a torrent of flame.

Thinking quickly, Damakos reaches for his tome. With his fingers rubbing the binding, the Tiefling stares straight at the beast and yells, "KOMBORA!" A thin, semi-translucent needle forms in front of the Tiefling's face, which is quickly fired off straight into the beast's snout.

Reaction: Infernal Wrath on Baarzag 2: [roll0]

Minor: None
Move: None
Standard: Magic Missile at the Baarzag 2 for 7 damage.

I used a ranged attack and the Baazrag is adjacent. Not sure if he gets an Opportunity Attack or not. Either way, I still attack with Magic Missile. I mean it's attached to my arm with no obvious way of getting it off other than killing it... Wizards don't like melee, someone please help! :smallsmile:

2013-01-16, 05:44 PM
Enemy 2

Baazrag Breeder

A huge creature, armored with thick bony plates and covered with spikes, lumbers down the mountainside. It looks at Damakos and Calder with a sharp glare, then bellows loudly and makes its attack.

Move: Walk from S16 to M13 (this is a Large creature so the position refers to the upper left square it occupies)

Minor: Psychic Lure vs Calder (recharge on 5 or 6 for next turn: [roll0])

Attack: [roll1] vs Will
Hit: Calder is pulled to J11
Baazrag 1

Scurrying into view, this critter snaps its tiny jaws at Calder.

Move: Walk from K7 to I11

Standard: Bite vs Calder

Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: 4 damage
Baazrag 4

This critter, much like the one latched onto Damakos, has a slightly larger jaw than his companions and it is full of spiked teeth. It launches itself with a "SQUEEEEEEEEEE" at Lazam's small frame.

Move: Bounder (jumps up to 4 squares) to jump from D17 to G14

Standard: Bite vs Lazam

Attack: [roll3] vs AC
Hit: [roll4] damage. Latches on, etc. as Baazrag 2 is with Damakos.
Baazrag 6

The small lizard scurries into the nearby cave and reemerges closer to Huren.

Move: Enter cave at E4, Exit cave at C8, walk to D9

Standard: Bite vs Huren

Attack: [roll5] vs AC
Hit: 4 damage

Up next: Calder, Van, Lazam (in any order)

2013-01-16, 06:27 PM
Calder - [Ringing Mountains]

His own leg feeling some pain from the shared link he had, he let's out a disturbing laugh. "You can bite my friend all you like, but you will suffer for it!" His hand twists from a point to a grasp, as he inhales stiffly, teeth barred, as he tries to suck the life energy from his foe.

Standard: Hand of Blight on Baazrag 2
Attack: [roll0] vs. Fortitude
Hit: [roll1] necrotic and psychic damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Minor: Battlemind's Demand on Baazrag 1
Target: One creature in the burst
Effect: You mark the target until you use this power again or until the end of the encounter.
Minor: Knack of Success on Lazam
Effect: Choose one of the following.
• The target makes a saving throw.
• The target shifts up to 2 squares as a free action. (H13-I14-H15)
• The target gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next attack roll made before the end of his or her next turn.
• The target gains a +4 power bonus to his or her next skill check made before the end of his or her next turn.

2013-01-17, 12:31 PM

Van doesn't react right away to the creatures crawling down the slopes to attack him, but his eyes take everything in as he tries to judge where he is needed. The smaller creatures do a number on one of his allies, but the biggest threat appears to be the larger creature. Van wasn't sure if it was directing the smaller ones but he was sure he didn't want that creature barreling through when everyone else was busy. So, darting through combat, Van moves to deal with it before it can cause any real trouble.

Van brings his blade down for a gruesome blow between two of the creatures spikes, then severs one of them as he pulls his steal blade away. Keeping his shield raised, he looks over his shoulder to the tielfing and yells out, "Get off your arse and do something useful!"

Move: L13
Standard: Guarded Attack (Encounter) vs Breeder
Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]
Minor: Encouraging Boost
Damakos can use his second wind and gets three additional hit points back.

2013-01-22, 12:10 PM

After dodging two quick attacks and kicking the little lizards away, Lazam turns back to see his companions fighting their own fight. He sees the chest on the ground, unguarded, and a horrible thought creeps into his mind.

While the rest of the party is distracted, Lazam grabs the chest by the poles and starts dragging it away from the group, dragging it through the sand and over the rocks. The obsidian does not chip or scratch or crack, instead it merely bounces along behind the halfling.

A gentle voice whispers in Lazam's mind. "Excellent. Now bring it to me." and an image of an oasis appears, leading him away from the group as fast as his little legs can carry him. The baazrags do not even appear to notice him as he scampers past with the chest.

SandDemon is on hiatus for a couple of weeks, so I'm simply removing him from the fight. He's going to double move and, surprisingly, none of the baazrag's make any attempt to chase after him, as if they were being compelled to attack you all and keep you busy while he makes his escape.

2013-01-22, 12:25 PM
Combat - Round 2

Enemy 1
Baazrag 2

Baazrag 3
Move: Walk to H13
Standard: Hit on Van with Bite for 4 damage

Baazrag 5

PC 1


Enemy 2
Baazrag Breeder

Baazrag 1

Baazrag 4

Baazrag 6

PC 2

