View Full Version : Animal Companion, A Heroes Best Friend [PF]

2012-08-25, 03:14 PM
Full Base Attack Bonus Class with an Animal Companion from First Level no Casting.
The Ranger is nice, and would work, but it's Companion is hindered, and it's spellcasting is poor. All sorts of books have a hero with an animal companion, but that's not well represented. I'm wondering if such a thing exists.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-25, 03:23 PM
Any class can get an animal companion with this feat (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a), so slap it onto your favourite Full BAB class and go to town.

Or ask your DM to swap the Druids and Ranger's AC progression, from what I've seen it is a common houserule.

2012-08-25, 03:34 PM
...Huh. Even the third party full BA/full companion classes I could think of don't get the companion for a good couple levels. Unless there's an applicable Dragon Magazine ranger variant floating around, I think it's going to be a matter of homebrewing.

2012-08-25, 04:01 PM
Just use Ranger the first 6 levels and then get into prcs which fully advance your companion (Animal Lord, Beastmaster, Halfling Outrider and Wild Plains Outrider amongst others), take the natural bond feat and voila! Full BAB + Full AC.

Alternatively the following can boost your Effective Druid Level:

- Be a Gnome and take the Gnome Ranger sub level at level 4.
- Be a Kobold and take the Kobold Ranger sub level at level 4.
- Be a non-humanoid and take the Fangshield Ranger sub level at level 4.
- Be a Halfling so you may take the Brixashulty as your companion without the normal -3 adjustment to your effective druid level.
- Take the Aerenal Beastmaster feat.

However, none of these gives you an AC at 1st level, can't help you there.

2012-08-25, 05:24 PM
Wild Cohort is no stranger to me,
However this is actually a PF focused question for a build I'm trying to do. I'm just tired of specifying so I put W/E in its place.
Cavalier 4/? 16
With Horse Trainer at 7
A skill focus (Knowledge) and Eldritch Heritage
Plus a companion It's possible to have a Companion, Mount and a Familiar.

2012-08-25, 05:55 PM
...PF focused question
Cavalier 4/? 16
With Horse Master at 7
A skill focus (Knowledge) and Eldritch Heritage
Plus a companion It's possible to have a Companion, Mount and a Familiar.

If you go Human, the Huntmaster (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/arg-feats/huntmaster-human) feat will count your 'Companion level' as +1 with no "max of char. level" restriction. It only works on "bird, dog, small cat, or horse", so in your case either Bird (Ranger?) or Horse (Cavalier). If used with Cavalier/Horse Master your Mount would have a higher level than you!

If your 'companion' levels come with Spell casting (and they likely will), AND you don't mind being damned for all eternity, then the Diabolist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/diabolist) PrC can get you ANOTHER companion. An Imp.
Your level for Imp purposes is "Diabolist Class level, plus Highest Caster level" (note: Diabolist advances casting, so it is unclear if you get to count it twice).

If you are worried about entering with Ranger (or similar), keep in mind you can use UMD to cast the required entry spell(s).

And yes, your 'main' companion would be another few levels behind (Boon Companion, or no Boon Companion), but having a 2nd Companion would have it's uses.