View Full Version : Something like AMF..

2012-08-25, 05:01 PM
Hello there...
Im looking for a way.. maybe a spell or a sidebar in a book that let me change
some of the properties of antimagic field...
more specific...
i need the effects of the AMF but with greatly decreased radius (lets say 1foot radius) and targeted on an object.

that may be a sidebar that let me change these attributes or a completely different
spell that does what i described above.

i dont want solutions like "ask you DM to modify/change it for you"
or "Research such a spell" ...

even more specific...
for some reason (dont ask me why) i will have an object (assume a stone), with
permanent "(assume Light spell)" on it... i now need another "stone" with permanent "the way/spell you ll provide" that
will suppress the 1st stone as long as they are close to each other...
i thought the 2 stones solution so each effect can be used separately if needed, and so i have the option to
"switch on/off" the 1st stone at will..

any ideas?

2012-08-25, 05:08 PM
A darkness spell automatically dispels or counters light spells of an equal or lower level. If that's the spell in question, then placing both a darkness and light stone next to each other would cause them to cancel each other.

2012-08-25, 05:21 PM
If it's light, or almost any kind of emanation spell, simply covering the stone with a cloth or something should do it.

2012-08-25, 05:23 PM
If it's light, or almost any kind of emanation spell, simply covering the stone with a cloth or something should do it.

This. Very few spells can work without line of effect; if you break that, such as by placing it inside a bag, box, or other sufficiently durable object (if the spell does damage, for example, you need something with enough Hardness to ignore that damage), then you have for most practical purposes negated the spell- the only area it effects is that inside its container until you bring it back out.

2012-08-25, 05:56 PM
let me open my cards here...

want to build a flying vessel using ONLY phb1 ...

i figured by placing enough "stones" (with permanent levitate) chained on the ship's
frame will achiev lift off , hover etc etc...
in order though to control "up and down" movement i need some of those "stones"
to keep em in a AMF of some short (the thing im asking) so they can be engaged
or disengaged at will...
i have everything planned , movement, weights, cost etc etc ..
Xept that little thingie i asked on leading post...

a stone with permanent levitate and a stone of "that thingie" ...

or maybe another way to switch on and off the very 1st stone????
smthing like a reseting trap??

2012-08-25, 05:59 PM
You're creating custom magic items already, just design them to have an on/off switch built in.

2012-08-25, 06:01 PM
This. Very few spells can work without line of effect; if you break that, such as by placing it inside a bag, box, or other sufficiently durable object (if the spell does damage, for example, you need something with enough Hardness to ignore that damage), then you have for most practical purposes negated the spell- the only area it effects is that inside its container until you bring it back out.

omg.. just got the idea.. i think...
if i put those stones in bag of holdings???? you know... like a cover over em...
or rig up a way to detach em from ship's frame and store em in B.O.H.s ???

would that suppress their effect?

PS: "Stone of levitate" as i call it tends to fly upward all the time as long no force
over the spell's decription weight affect it the opposite (down) direction.

2012-08-25, 07:36 PM
If you are already doing this in an airship, why not use a normal Antimagic Field? If it is in a room that is just as wide as the field and twice as high, the stones in the bottom will stay there and the stones in the ceiling will stay there too. Just have some slaves or something throw them up and down as appropiate.

2012-08-25, 07:43 PM
If you are already doing this in an airship, why not use a normal Antimagic Field? If it is in a room that is just as wide as the field and twice as high, the stones in the bottom will stay there and the stones in the ceiling will stay there too. Just have some slaves or something throw them up and down as appropiate.

yes that would be a really nice idea.. BUT...
AMF description state as target of the spell a person... not a point in space or an object...

Antimagic Field
Level: Clr 8, Magic 6, Protection 6,
Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: See text

An invisible barrier surrounds you and moves with you. [...]

PS: Someone may suggest hiring a wiz or sorc to stay there use AMF on him..
obviously thats a big mistake... what if i want to stay flying like 24/7? i ll exaust him.. so i should hire more casters... also...
the idea of count on a human(or any mortal) to keep the ship from crashing would
easy be considered to be its greatest flaw...
they can be tricked,payed or dominated to compromise the ship's and crews safety...
anyway you get my point..

2012-08-25, 09:57 PM
How about you do it the mundane-ish way. Get yourself some ballast, maybe some lead blocks, and put a permanent shrink item on it/them. The ballast changes size and more importantly weight on command word. Shrink to go up, unshrink to go down.

Big Fau
2012-08-25, 10:10 PM
Or you could just use the Eberron rules for flying ships found in the Explorer's Handbook. If you need ship-to-ship combat rules, use the rules in Stormwrack and adjust as necessary.

2012-08-25, 10:17 PM
I would go this route to do a PHB-1 only Airship

Step 1: Use a Permanancied Animate Objects spell to turn your Airship (Or, if it's too big, just one part of it), into a Creature that obeys your commands.
Step 2: Cast "Fly" on that creature. It now flies, perhaps carrying the rest of the airship with it (Assuming you only animated part of the ship, rather than the ship itself).

2012-08-25, 11:14 PM
Or you could just use the Eberron rules for flying ships found in the Explorer's Handbook. If you need ship-to-ship combat rules, use the rules in Stormwrack and adjust as necessary.

Checked it.. though i wish to stick with phb1... thnx though

How about you do it the mundane-ish way. Get yourself some ballast, maybe some lead blocks, and put a permanent shrink item on it/them. The ballast changes size and more importantly weight on command word. Shrink to go up, unshrink to go down.

thats my whole problem...
how i present a permanent spell with a command word????
is it a rule on how to make this? a trap thingie? another spell that works parallel? cause i could use that "command word" right on the "Stones of Levitate" !! :)
plz Xplain(with phb1 references plz)

I would go this route to do a PHB-1 only Airship

Step 1: Use a Permanancied Animate Objects spell to turn your Airship (Or, if it's too big, just one part of it), into a Creature that obeys your commands.
Step 2: Cast "Fly" on that creature. It now flies, perhaps carrying the rest of the airship with it (Assuming you only animated part of the ship, rather than the ship itself).

nice idea indeed.. although the whole idea of building that airship is to actually
build lots of em, establish a flying network or even sell some to individuals...
ofcourse i ll enjoy a vastly superior type of airship (just to be sure)...
so for now animate object is a bit .. hmm.. off of what i have in mind...
although if i fail with plan A, i ll consider this plan B

2012-08-26, 02:55 AM
thats my whole problem...
how i present a permanent spell with a command word????
is it a rule on how to make this? a trap thingie? another spell that works parallel? cause i could use that "command word" right on the "Stones of Levitate" !! :)
plz Xplain(with phb1 references plz)

Objects changed by a shrink item spell can be returned to normal composition and size merely by tossing them onto any solid surface or by a word of command from the original caster. [...]

Shrink item can be made permanent with a permanency spell, in which case the affected object can be shrunk and expanded an indefinite number of times, but only by the original caster.

I assume the command word referenced is a standard action, and it's implied that the caster specifies it; in any case, it should not be difficult to synchronize a lot of ballast that way.

There is, however, no provision in permanency for special command words to suspend and resume the operation of the spell, if that's what you're wondering.

2012-08-26, 02:41 PM
thnx all for help...
i ll think i ll go to plan B... (animate perm, fly perm)
seems a lot easier and safer..

if you still want to help...
follow the next link plz


2012-08-26, 02:53 PM
i need the effects of the AMF but with greatly decreased radius (lets say 1foot radius) and targeted on an object.
1' radius is the same as 0' radius: i.e., it rounds down to affecting nothing.

Everything in D&D maps to a 5' grid for determining effects. All spells in D&D, even if they're listed as centered on a creature/object, actually are centered at grid intersections that the creature or object's space touches. The areas included by spell effects are shown in the templates in Dungeon Master's Guide on page 307. A 5' radius effect covers 4 squares.