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View Full Version : The Hedgefolk! "I'll drown you in the waters of death!" [Ymaggion race, WIP, PEACH!]

Morph Bark
2012-08-27, 07:58 AM
This is one of the newest races for my campaign setting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=251075): the hedgefolk! I have honestly never seen hedgehog-people before, neither in writing nor in artwork (except for one picture of Redwall fanart, not fitting for my purposes, plus in Redwall they're still animals rather than human-sized), which is one reason they're pretty unique, I'd say. There's still a lot to be filled in on them, both mechanically on the bloodlines and fluff-wise on nearly everything but the basics that I got down. These are things that I'd really like some suggestions for, so feel free to come out and help me flesh out this race!

If you're interested in more info on the world of Ymaggion, please check out the campaign setting. (Or check it out and THEN become interested in it!) Four races have already been put up earlier: the humans, dwarves, jotun (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=253022) and the angels (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252925).

The Hedgefolk

“The hedgefolk are an odd case. They are certainly not new to this world, though they are sometimes thought to be, but this is because they are reclusive. They are known to be the guardians to the gates of Hell, both the going in and coming out, but the way in which they do this differs per tribe. Some are allies of the fiends, others staunch enemies. They paint themselves when going into battle and their tribes can be read off the colour and patterns of their battle paint.”
~ Niccholas Siruber Shadoso, professor in Study of Creatures Exotic and Arcane at the Tsji’ruese Academy for the Otherworded Arts

Image by JulieDillon (http://juliedillon.deviantart.com/) of DeviantART

• -2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom – hedgefolk have great perception, but aren’t very agile
• Medium size
• 20' movement. However, hedgefolk can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations)
• Humanoid (hedgefolk) type.
• Darkvision 60'.
• Bloodline: All hedgefolk select a bloodline from the list below, which offer them different bonuses and abilities. This choice is permanent.
• Hedgefolk receive the Run feat as a bonus feat.
• Weapon Training: Hedgefolk receive the Weapon Group Proficiency (maces and clubs) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/weaponGroupFeats.htm#weaponGroupMacesandClubs) as a bonus feat.
• Spines: Hedgefolk backs are covered in prickly spines. Anyone attempting to grapple a hedgefolk takes 1d4 points of damage each round from these spines. Due to these spines, armor needs to be specially made for them. Armor made specifically for a hedgefolk costs twice as much as normal (exluding masterwork price and enhancements).
• Hellguard: Hedgefolk possess a +2 racial bonus on saves against electricity effects, fire effects and poison.
• +2 racial bonus to all Iaijutsu Focus and Intimidate checks. Hedgefolk may also make Knowledge (forbidden lore) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13670382) checks untrained. Hedgefolk also get one bonus starting language known, picked up from their brief contact with people from Ymaggion.
• Automatic Languages: Infernal. Bonus Starting Languages: Chyptic, Dwarven, Jotun, Komul, Roι-Allon, Stamarian, Tsumian, Valtherese.
• Favored Classes:


• +2 Strength
• Additional Favored Class:

• +2 Constitution
• Additional Favored Class:

• +2 Intelligence
• Additional Favored Class: Wu Jen.

• +2 Charisma
• Hellspeakers have a +2 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy against all outsiders with the evil subtype.
• Hellspeakers are immune to ingested poisons.
• Additional Favored Class: Shugenja.

Morph Bark
2012-08-29, 07:46 AM
No comments? Thoughts, suggestions, critique, ideas for fluff or abilities?

Lazy Bum
2012-08-29, 08:25 AM
This is one of the newest races for my campaign setting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=251075): the hedgefolk! I have honestly never seen hedgehog-people before, neither in writing nor in artwork (except for one picture of Redwall fanart, not fitting for my purposes, plus in Redwall they're still animals rather than human-sized), which is one reason they're pretty unique, I'd say.There's The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and I think there were briefly some in The Wind In The Willows.

But yeah, you don't often see anthropomorphic hedgehogs. Especially not sinister ones.

I don't play/run much D&D, so I can't really give you opinions on whether the mechanics are balanced, but I can tell you two things:

Hedgehog people should be able to curl up into a spiny ball that spikes you when you try and get them. It's what hedgehogs do.
1d4 damage is tiny in a D20 system. If they've got the power of hell running through their veins, maybe their spines should start dripping with poison or erupting into flame or something at higher levels.

2012-08-29, 08:55 AM
First thing, this calls to mind our favorite blue speedster, seeing a variant (or bloodline) with a tip of the hat to him would be nice. It's really good work I would say.

Look away! Look back! What am I referring to?

It's a hedgehog of legend! Close your eyes! Open them again! What would he look like "IRL"? Just like this!

Look down! Look up again! What is this thread?

Morph Bark
2012-08-29, 12:18 PM
I certainly have not seen any creepy kinda hedgehogs, no. Or badass. Or awesome. Or demonic.

And yes, I do have to say that very, very distantly, they are inspired by video game hedgehogs. Then I decided not to go that route, which is why they're more like actual anthropomorphized hedgehogs, thus also being kinda slow.

Hedgehog people should be able to curl up into a spiny ball that spikes you when you try and get them. It's what hedgehogs do.
1d4 damage is tiny in a D20 system. If they've got the power of hell running through their veins, maybe their spines should start dripping with poison or erupting into flame or something at higher levels.

Hmmm, the curling up sounds like a fairly good idea. Though they walk upright and have opposable thumbs, they are otherwise prettymuch still the same as normal hedgehogs (just a lot bigger, with build adjustments to account for that), so that'd fit.

1d4 is dagger-like. I originally had it at 1d6, but scaled it back by one step because I thought that might be too much auto-damage while grappling. The other stuff seems more fit to a race-specific PrC. They don't have the power of hell within them racially, so not by default, but many do come into contact with it and embrace it.


That looks kinda creepy and more like a jackal-man with some spines on his back than an anthropomorphic hedgehog.

Morph Bark
2012-08-29, 12:29 PM
I certainly have not seen any creepy kinda hedgehogs, no. Or badass. Or awesome. Or demonic.

And yes, I do have to say that very, very distantly, they are inspired by video game hedgehogs. Then I decided not to go that route, which is why they're more like actual anthropomorphized hedgehogs, thus also being kinda slow.

Hedgehog people should be able to curl up into a spiny ball that spikes you when you try and get them. It's what hedgehogs do.
1d4 damage is tiny in a D20 system. If they've got the power of hell running through their veins, maybe their spines should start dripping with poison or erupting into flame or something at higher levels.

Hmmm, the curling up sounds like a fairly good idea. Though they walk upright and have opposable thumbs, they are otherwise prettymuch still the same as normal hedgehogs (just a lot bigger, with build adjustments to account for that), so that'd fit.

1d4 is dagger-like. I originally had it at 1d6, but scaled it back by one step because I thought that might be too much auto-damage while grappling. The other stuff seems more fit to a race-specific PrC. They don't have the power of hell within them racially, so not by default, but many do come into contact with it and embrace it.


That looks kinda creepy and more like a jackal-man with some spines on his back than an anthropomorphic hedgehog.

2012-08-29, 03:06 PM
Hey, Welkin Weasels had a cultish tribe of cannibalistic hedgehogs in the first book (only one I could ever find a copy of; I suggest looking into it, because it is kinda a cool series (judging by the first book).)