View Full Version : Hunted by Drow, need to escape ..Help?

2012-08-27, 04:01 PM
I'm in a 3.5e Game set in the drow city of (forgot name but it's in DotU sourcebook)

Atm I'm holed up in a temple of my deity but I need a way past Tormtor and out of the city...any suggestions?

my char's a 12th level rogue/assassin with shadowalker and yuan ti templates.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-27, 04:11 PM
Try to get a ring of Darkhidden, it would make you invisible to creatures with Darkvision (IE almost everything in the Underdark), don't forget to supplement it with your normal sneaking skills which I assume are quite high considering your race and class selection. If possible try to also get a Drow Disguise, true-seeing and other divinations won't see through a mundane disguise, you can buff up your disguise check with spells; but then it will be susceptible to divinations.

2012-08-27, 04:15 PM
I do not have a ring of darkhidden and IC I don't think I could get ahold of one.

I'd have to make it untrained, having relied too heavily on alter self and disguise selp spells combined with nondetection spells.

I was thinking of using my ability to shapechange into a snake and simply slither out hoping nobody notices it. Or pose as some outgoing mage's familiar.

Lord Il Palazzo
2012-08-27, 04:22 PM
What Assassin spells do you know? What equipment do you have on hand or have access to?

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-27, 04:37 PM
If you are going to be spending a lot more time in the Underdark, try to get the ring, really really useful.

Well you can still use spells and actually it would be liable to get better results, I only mentioned mundane disguises because they have a slight advantage since they are only opposed by spot check (which sadly can get really buffed) so even then be careful.

If you have a few points in K:Dungeoneering and/or K: Nature try to find which kind of snakes are common in that Drow city and disguise yourself accordingly also try to act as snake. If they are waiting for a Yuan-ti don't simply leave the temple. Try to use other avenues, sewers, walls ant the like. IIRC the Shadowwalker gave Dimension Door as a SLA, don't be afraid to use it, this is one of the (admittedly many) times that spell can shine, if you put a few hundred feet of distance ahead from your pursuers that will give you a great advantage.

2012-08-28, 12:50 PM
@ Lord:

the pertinent spells are:

Disguise Self
Alter Self (Already under the effect of.)
spider Climb
Pass without Trace
Nondetection (active for 7 hours, already got bypassed by the wizard looking for me once. But thanks to a Private Sanctum spell cast by a friendly cleric: it was blocked from pinpointing me exactly)

Deeper Darkness
Freedom o fMOvement (teh DM allowed me to have it castable 1'day instead 0 as per the DM's guide since I had bonus spells)

I could use invisibility: Pass without trace and misdirection along with my snake forms to get away

Or gank an outlander, grab his guest clock and use shadow mask to simply walk out..before the city comes alive with angry soldiers looking for me

(since I ganked a matron mother.)