View Full Version : Pathfinder group help

2012-08-27, 04:05 PM
Starting new adventure lvl 1. We have a Paladin, Samuri, Magus, Ninja and Summoner. Samuri and Magus plan on straight warrior type and Summoner planning on normal summoner (even though I tried to talk him into a master).. You probable see the hole in group.. Healing.. Had a Alchemist all ready to go till saw the others classes in group.. I think even going with a chirurgeon arch leaves us seriously lacking. The GM sees this to and asked me to change. He says game would only go to level 12 to 13. Would a multicass alchemist/ cleric or oracle be to bad. He even said he would let me start at level 1 in both classes. The reason he asked me is I have played a cleric with this group and no one is mentally suited for the position of healer.

2012-08-27, 04:11 PM
Starting new adventure lvl 1. We have a Paladin, Samuri, Magus, Ninja and Summoner. Samuri and Magus plan on straight warrior type and Summoner planning on normal summoner (even though I tried to talk him into a master).. You probable see the hole in group.. Healing.. Had a Alchemist all ready to go till saw the others classes in group.. I think even going with a chirurgeon arch leaves us seriously lacking. The GM sees this to and asked me to change. He says game would only go to level 12 to 13. Would a multicass alchemist/ cleric or oracle be to bad. He even said he would let me start at level 1 in both classes. The reason he asked me is I have played a cleric with this group and no one is mentally suited for the position of healer.

What's your starting wealth?

Have everyone chip in and buy a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. Give it to the Paladin.

2012-08-27, 04:26 PM
Don't give it to the Paladin, give it to the Alchemist.

Seriously, though, wands are your most efficient form of healing. They're just not terribly well-suited to combat use. Invest in some antitoxin, and realize that you'll be paying for lesser restorations. Aside from that, though, a primary healer is purely optional.

I mean, you don't have a primary arcane caster, either.

2012-08-27, 04:39 PM
we had our pathfinder group all set up with no healer. We made it all the way to epic levels without one. (Though eventually we got a pally and our bard learned a song of mass cure light/serious wounds) Its really not too bad if you're in the towns a lot. there is almost always a church and subsequently a cleric... somewhere. plus potions and magic items are easy to come by (or at least they were in my campaign) if you've got the money for them. Paladins have healing magic anyway.
If you are worried about dying go out and buy resurrection armor at your first chance. Its an enhancement that only costs gold and not and bonuses so its pretty sweet.
You know clerics and pallys aren't the only classes that can have a deity. anyone can really. and if your dm is any good they will work that into the story sometimes. Say you are a fighter but really devout to your god (and you actually roleplay that, not just say it) so you offer some money or sevices to their chapel when you can, and pray even when you are traveling. Your dm will see that and when you're arm gets chopped off in battle and you still don't have a cleric and are days away from the nearest town, well then your deity might just heal you or send someone else to.