View Full Version : Tomb of Horrors...

2012-08-27, 07:59 PM
So... I think my party is screwed. I've heard a lot about the reputation of the Tomb of Horrors but know little about the contents of the dungeon. I know about the three entrances and the traps in the two false entrances, but that is the extent of my knowledge. It is because I know that much that I was able to identify the Tomb for what it was almost immediately. My DM does not know that I know we are entering the Tomb. I'm the most well read member of my party, so the chances of anyone else knowing what we're getting into is slim.

Now, to the reason why I think we are screwed. My party consists of 6 level 8 characters. We have a Beguiler1/Wizard4/Ultimate Magus3 (Universal Wizard), a Rogue8, a Barbarian8, a Fighter6/Exotic Weapon Master2 (Specializing in repeating crossbows), a Cleric6/Radiant Servant of Pelor2 (With Healing and Sun domains), and a Ranger5/Dervish3 (Specializing in Two-Weapon Fighting, obviously). From what I understand, we are below the recommended party level for the Tomb and if its reputation is anything to go by... you can see why I'm concerned.

Does anyone have any tips on how I can increase my party's survivability? Recommendations for precautions I should take, things definately NOT to do, etc. Just please, no direct spoilers unless they are unavoidable. Thanks for your help in advance.

2012-08-27, 08:11 PM
Summon Monster or Bag of Tricks. Lots of them! A 10 foot pole may help too. Be prepared to never trust a wall again. And a VERY heavy battle. No spoilers, uh. Help the Rogue somehow. And use Detect Secret Door or something similar.

My Scout/Ranger got killed. Not by an enemy. But due to a friend's misfortune. Be prepared for everything. She came back, anyways, and finished the dungeron.

Traps, traps!

2012-08-27, 08:50 PM
Find a reason to leave the dungeon and never come back.

If that doesn't work, try driving a herd of cattle ahead of you, as many convention players have had success with that tactic.

Remember that information found in the tomb is not automatically accurate.

Poke everything with other things.

2012-08-27, 08:52 PM
If you run into a statue with an open mouth, do NOT put your hand in the mouth. If you run into an adamantium door, dig it out, bring it back to the surface and sell it, adamantium is very valuable.

Caution is the word. Proceed slowly. Now, the 3.5 version is supposedly less deadly than the original, but that doesn't mean anything if the DM is the evil sort.

2012-08-27, 10:05 PM
This forum eating posts is getting annoying...

Anyway, I think you'll be fine, as long as the rogue can deal with traps. It's unfortunate the cleric can't raise dead, however.

The warriors might get bored.

the tomb is more about player wits than character power.

Stop with the spoilers folks, let him enjoy the adventure!!:smallfurious:

I dunno about the conversion used, but one of the monsters was made into an epic level critter in d20. If that's there, you ARE dead, but I doubt it is.

2012-08-27, 10:50 PM
Caution, caution, and MORE CAUTION! This place definitly falls under the thinkers dungeon. If you expect it to be a "kick door fight ork" place or you have that mentality leave it on the surface. If you are not smart about this place, if you do not pay attention to detail, if you rush head long half cocked your party will wipe most likely. Best of luck in my personal fave dungeon lol

2012-08-28, 12:10 AM
So, keep the rogue alive, keep the primary melees reigned in so they don't do anything stupid, pay close attention to the little details, take it slow, take it very slow, and for the love of all I hold dear, don't stick my hand in the giant open mouth?

2012-08-28, 12:20 AM
Take heed of the riddles.

But remember sadly 1/2 of them are warnings, trhe rest are gibberish. Figuring out which is the hard part.
Gygax was sometimes being fair, otherwise just screwing with party.

Look/read/search the ground. If you get lost, recheck around a trap in certain areas. Don't trust everything you see (you mentioned the false entrances).

Have the Cleric bring a scroll of raise dead as one of you will likely die. Heck two might be needed.
Would be cheaper if had a Druid as Reincarnate is cheapest reviving scroll (UMD is worth it).

Manly Man
2012-08-28, 12:33 AM
First and foremost, ask if your characters' deaths aren't going to be considered 'canon', that is, if they die in this dungeon, it's not really counted. If that's not the case, then, as has been said, herd cattle, use Summon Monster spells (a wand of this would be most excellent) or a Bag of Tricks, and as has also been said, have everyone bring a few ten-foot poles. Be prepared to let go of them as well, and since you've also been told to never put anything into the mouth of a statue, when someone wants to, take it in-character and have your own character get a bad vibe from the idea. Have him be like "SRSLY GUISE" and try to convince them that a mouth of anything is never good to put a limb into.

2012-08-28, 07:37 AM
Don't touch anything unless you deem it absolutely necessary, if possible do it with a 10 foot pole. have as many expendable bodies as possible (summons, hirelings, aforementioned cattle) and always make sure you know the swiftest safest route to the nearest exit.

2012-08-28, 07:54 AM
Find a reason to leave the dungeon and never come back.

If that doesn't work, try driving a herd of cattle ahead of you, as many convention players have had success with that tactic.

Remember that information found in the tomb is not automatically accurate.

Poke everything with other things.

Any barnyard animal, really. I found a combination fo piglets and chickens very useful.

I'm not kidding.

Ninja PieKing
2012-08-28, 09:19 AM
Trust nothing

2012-08-28, 10:30 AM
where one gets all these hypothetical livestock will be problematic. The tomb is located in the boonies. It's also too cheezy to countenance.:smallmad:

2012-08-28, 10:44 AM
Get a Survival Pouch from the MiC. As a matter of fact, get lots of them. They lets you generate mules on demand, a few times per day.

When I played Tomb of Horrors, everyone in the party had at least one pouch. They're considerably better than the bag of tricks because mules are heavy enough to trigger pressure plates.

Another useful tool is the 11' collapsible pole from Dungeonscape. Sometimes 10' of pole just won't cut it.

2012-08-28, 11:15 AM
Do not enter.