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2012-09-05, 05:53 PM

Shebb's eyes drift lazily around the non-descript room. How novel. Something dull...

He yawns.

"Well, it seems we've found a suitable place for a midday nap. About time, if you ask me. Unsatisfying, dozing off around old goblin corpses..."

2012-09-05, 06:21 PM

Well looks like there nothing here maybe the door behind us will have something in it James then turns around and opens the door behind them (south end)

2012-09-05, 06:24 PM
The stone relief-carved door sealing this chamber portrays
a dragon like fish swimming in an aquatic setting.
The door is securely locked

2012-09-05, 06:52 PM

James picks away at the lock.


2012-09-05, 06:52 PM
The door pops open. This 10-foot-square chamber is hewn from stone. It
contains an upright keg fashioned of rusted iron.
Similarly rusted pipes lead from the keg into the

2012-09-05, 06:59 PM


The cat eyes the rusted keg suspiciously. Does it have any sort of valve or spigot? A basin, perhaps, to drain into?

2012-09-05, 07:08 PM

James searched the room try to find anything of value or anything that might point to what this thing is.

Search: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-09-05, 07:16 PM

Ilden does not enter the room with the basin, instead staying in the empty room. He calls over Darian, hoping to work out a plan on a more efficient system for getting up and down the ravine. I need to either go get Hawser and bring him down, or just send him back to Oakhurst.

2012-09-05, 07:50 PM
There is a wide metal bung about the size of a fully spread human hand on the top of the rusted metal cask, which also appears to be easily crushed.

2012-09-05, 07:52 PM
Upon entering the plain room, Darian looks around, before following James into the next room. The keg and pipes catch his eye, and he walks over to investigate what they would be useful for.

"We could smash that bung to see what is in it, but I don't see any other way to identify the poster of the keg."

not sure which knowledge applies here, so knowledge engineering[roll0] and int check [roll1]

When Ilden calls out, Darian pauses before responding

"Well, I don't have a magical way of getting him down. We could try belaying him down, although he would almost certainly not like it, but getting him up would be much harder, as we lack a good pulley system. I am not sure if the ropes would take his weight, so there would be some risk in bringing him down. If you sent him back to Oakhurst, would he go back, without one of us needing to accompany him? I think that sending him back would be the safest course for him, but there may still be wolves, or goblins along the route. You might be better off hiding him somewhere nearby on the surface."

2012-09-05, 08:52 PM

Go head and break it if you want, I don't see any value in it. the turning to Darien. I would say gather what we need from him and send him back. It would be nearly impossible to bring him down and back up, plues alll those stairs. I'm sure Felosial will watch over him.

2012-09-05, 10:21 PM

After replying to Ilden, Darian attempts to break the bung.
not sure if it is an attack, or just a strength check, so str:[roll0] attack[roll1] dam[roll2]

2012-09-06, 08:57 AM
Darian attempts to move the metal bung, but finds his strength insufficient.
It's a str check, though I guess you could just crush the whole thing

2012-09-06, 09:00 AM

After straining mightily at the bung, it becomes clear that Darian is having no effect.

It would appear that I can't crush this. Is anyone else willing to have a go?

2012-09-06, 09:21 AM

Lythe nods at Darian, stepping up to the top and testing the sides. After getting a good grip, she applies her trained muscles and starts to press her arms in, hoping to bend or outright crush the metal covering.

Strength: [roll0]

2012-09-06, 09:24 AM
Lythe strives with all her might, and comes within a hair of pulling the bung free before her hands slip free. As the keg settles back, you hear a sloshing inside, as if full of liquid.

2012-09-06, 09:25 AM
"Well, at least we know that there is liquid inside. A pity that we can't open it though. If it were oil, it may have come in handy."

2012-09-06, 03:10 PM

"Well, if you've interest at getting in, perhaps you could shear off one of the pipes leading from the basin."

2012-09-06, 03:13 PM
"Those pipes look solid, however. The bung is definitely the weak point of the structure. Perhaps trying again will help. If not, we might as well move on."

str check again[roll0]
and... the dice gods are not with me this day.

After trying again, Darian heads out of the room.

2012-09-06, 04:22 PM

James leans against the wall and watches with amusement the whole time. When Darien leaves the room james follows Finally, now let's hit this last door. James makes he way over to the last remaining door and the end of the hall way and opens it.

2012-09-06, 05:56 PM
A Week and Five Days Before Midsummer
Two Hours Before Noon

Crudely executed symbols and glyphs, scribed in
bright green dye, decorate this large and irregularly
shaped crumbling chamber. A large pit in the chamber's
center shows evidence of a recent bonfire. A
metallic cage in the center of the southern wall contains
a gaping hole and stands empty. A small
wooden bench draped with green cloth stands
before the cage, and upon it sits several small objects.
A bedroll lies near the wooden bench, from which
the sound of whimpering is plainly audible.

2012-09-06, 06:41 PM
Jmaes head over to see what is making the noise. H ereadies an action just incase it's a trap.

2012-09-06, 07:55 PM
Looking into the room, Darian's reaction is one of amazement. Why would someone use so many glyphs to do nothing. In his study of the room, and the items in it, he does not even notice the bedroll.

So, knows draconic, orc,goblin,elven, and some more languages.
knowledge arcana on the glyphs[roll0]
spellcraft on them(if relevant)[roll1]
Knowledge planes and history, again, if relevant [roll2] [roll3]
move silently[roll4]

Space Lawyer
2012-09-06, 08:01 PM

Ilden, having gone to the ravine and yelled up to Hawser to return to Oakhurst as quickly as he could, walks up to the bedroll and pokes it with his staff. "Hello?"

2012-09-06, 08:11 PM
As you approach the bed-roll, you see a small, bedraggled reptillian head pop up, from it comes a low whine.

2012-09-06, 08:14 PM

Holding his hand up Wait! Maybe it can tell use about what happen to the previous adventurres that were here.

2012-09-06, 08:18 PM
James cont.

Then kneeling down next the the creature. Can you understand me? Do you know what happend to the last group of human that were here?

2012-09-06, 08:50 PM

Darian, seeing the Kobold for the first time, turns to it, and starts talking to it in draconic.
"Why are you out here alone?"

2012-09-07, 12:03 PM
The small head, which you now recognize as a kobold, squeaks pitifully "No hurt meepo! Please no hurt meepo! Meepo alone 'cause meepo lost the dragon!"

2012-09-07, 12:08 PM

Hearing this response, Darian continues interrogating the kobold in draconic
(what language is the kobold speaking?)
"How did you lose the dragon?"

2012-09-07, 12:12 PM
(In common)

"The wretched goblins stole Calcryx,
our dragon!" the little creature squeaks, seemingly perplexed by your interest.

2012-09-07, 12:13 PM
"How did goblins steal a dragon, Meepo? And where did they take him?"

2012-09-07, 02:21 PM
"Meepo don't know, but the leader
does. Meepo take you to meet the leader, Yusdrayl, if
you make nice. Grant you safe passage, if you promise
not to hurt Meepo. May be if you promise to rescue
dragon, leader make nice to you, answer your questions" the pitiful little creature's eyes seem to light up when it chances upon the idea of having you help to reclaim the dragon.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-07, 09:10 PM

Well, I see no reason to distrust you. Take us to your leader. We will not hurt you. That is, unless you attack. Then we will most certainly hurt you. But not until then. I promise.

2012-09-07, 09:53 PM

"Seems to be a reasonable enough plan to me."

says the very trusting character

2012-09-07, 10:14 PM

Sounds good to me. James then goes and inspects the objects on the bench.

2012-09-09, 02:43 PM
"Yes, yes! Come with meepo!" The tiny creature leads you through a long hallway filled with columns. Twice, Meepo stops and chatters with a small group of kobolds that appear out of the murk to try to stop the party, each time, Meepo chatters quickly in a debased form of draconic, and you're allowed to pass. Finally, Meepo brings you to the end of the hallway, you stand in a semi-circular area.

A short throne stands near the west wall, constructed of fallen bits of masonry stacked against an old altar. A small, horned figure in red-dyed robes sits in the throne, and a force of six similar creatures guards her. The altar's top contains a variety of small items, while the portion of the altar that serves as the throne's back features a carving of a rearing dragon. A metallic key is held firmly in the rearing dragon's open mouth. The red dressed kobold stands up tall to speak "Who dares come before Yusdryl?"

2012-09-09, 05:30 PM

As the others nonchalantly discuss following Meepo, Shebb sits, curled into a ball, atop Simon. His gaze flits from speaker to speaker, and his eyes narrow as they once again focus on the strange, cowering newcomer.

"And you would all trust it?" The words come to their minds almost as an incredulous whisper, though Meepo himself would hear nothing. To him, Shebb and Simon would appear as nothing more than ordinary animals – albeit ones in the dark of an ancient citadel buried centuries ago.

Trekking down the corridor, Shebb rises to his haunches, but remains sitting on Simon's back. His eyes cautiously scan the room, trying to take in the number of kobolds mustered there – and especially taking stock of how many of them seem armed and armored.

Hearing the kobold leader speak, Shebb's eyes narrow again, and he tightens the muscles in his shoulders slightly.

"He's a charmer," the party members will hear.

2012-09-09, 05:45 PM
As the party follows Meepo down the long, dark corridors, Darian memorizes where each band of kobolds is, as well as the route back.
Better remember the route back, just to be on the careful side.
As they enter the final room, Darian's eyes seem to be attracted to the key, before the kobold speaks.
I wonder if that is the key to the door we saw earlier.

"We do. We heard that some goblins stole your dragon. We might be willing to help you get it back."

2012-09-09, 06:34 PM
"You? Soft skins would help us reclaim our mighty dragon! The putrid goblins stole our dragon! If you return the dragon to us, I shall grant you a reward. Meepo will accompany you." the kobold says, seemingly pleased at the idea of recovering the dragon.

2012-09-09, 08:09 PM
A reward sounds nice...
"Do you know where the goblins are, or how many of them there are?"

2012-09-09, 08:53 PM
James graps the objects before he leaves the room. as the group passes the kobold gaurds he gives a silient nod and keeps walking. He remain quite threw out the conversation seeming a bit bored until the mention of a reward is heard. James shows alittle bit more attention, but still remains quite

Space Lawyer
2012-09-10, 01:02 PM

"What sort of reward would we be talking about? I seek adventure, knowledge, and gold, in that order, and as the first two are already satisfied, that leaves us with gold, being a euphemism for valuable items in general. We will help, but only for suitable compensation.

beginning 1 minute of Diplomacy: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-09-17, 01:06 PM

Ilden whistles a tune, drawing symbols in the ground with his staff.

2012-09-17, 01:12 PM
Looking around, and seeing that no one is watching, Darian starts dancing to the music.

2012-09-23, 05:28 PM
Bring back dragon and you shall get what you wish for. Yusdryl waves he hand over a group of objects laying on a table in front of the throne Now go! do not return until you bring dragon back to Yusdryl.

2012-09-23, 05:55 PM
"Where would we find the goblins so that we can retrieve the dragon?"

2012-09-23, 06:10 PM
Not sure. Try going back way perhaps? Meepo will show you the way.

2012-09-23, 09:29 PM

Still casting untrusting glances around the room of kobolds, Shebb finds himself kneading Simon's back nervously. He has no questions for the head kobold, and is anxious to get out of this room.