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2012-08-28, 07:20 AM
Prologue: The Glass Shoe.

The drizzle had showered the city for hours, clearing the usually busy street from the usual riff-raff. A crackly rendition (http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=AU&hl=en-GB&v=y041-eT6QrI) of a popular jazzy song plays from the radio that sits on what used to be a liquor rack while a blond man pours cheap beer into various mismatched drinking implements.

"Placeholder" used to be a pretty popular bar, located on the second floor of Satterwaithe building. But since a certain nephew of Mr Satterwaithe took interest on the building, 'coincidentally' ruffians often plague the premise, and the bar owner had long since moved away.

Now, it's mostly used as a place where the surviving occupants of the building, and what friends left of the Satterwaithe agency, hang out together.

An immaculately-dressed young Shangese is currently sitting on a dusty couch, methodically perusing an account book, while periodically shaking his head and pressing his round glasses onto his temple.

"The last income this building ever had was from that missing dog one of you found three months ago..." he said.

From the many friends and apprentices Mr. Satterwaithe had, not many still visits the building regularly. These two people are among them.

Charles Chan, is the one perusing the account book right now. Currently working as an accountant in one of the city's biggest law firm, Charles never forgot how Mr Satterwaithe helped him when he was still a struggling student.

"If you're more in the red, you'll be drowning in ink.

But I can't believe how much the agency is standing in debt. Mr Satterwaithe got paid in favor as much as money. And you can see how good those stands without the good Mr Satterwaithe himself.

I want to keep this building standing as much as you, but we can’t keep paying the tax with dodgy borrowed money, guys.”

In contrast with him, the scruffy blond man looks rather cheery as he walks toward the window with a glass of beer in his hand. But you know he always looks like that no matter what. Thompson “Tommy” Hemingway used to be a street urchin before Mr. Satterwaithe plucked him from the street. He had long since left to be a successful journalist, but he still pops into the building every once in a while, bringing free copies of the newspaper “Ruixing Dawn” where he’s currently working.

“That’s why I’m asking,” he grins as he sips the beer. “Any of you guys have any good idea on how we can survive next month?”

(Alright, the IC thread is up! Feel free to chat, or simply post whatever your character is doing!)

2012-08-29, 11:11 AM
Clinton shrugs saying, sorry, called in as many legal favors that relates to our problem as I could already. Any more and we'll be moving into the realm of the criminal. Hell, what we really need is a job which seem to be in short supply these days. grabbing a glass of cheap beer and downing it.

2012-08-30, 01:35 PM
A pile of clothes on a torn plaid covered chair unfolds into the young waif-like girl that Satterwaithe had named 'Jane' ... some years before his disappearance. She doesn't appear to be any older now that when she first was seen at the agency several years ago and whilst she has never spoken (that anyone at the agency can recall), she seems to manage well enough, often resorting to writing stuff down if all else fails.

Lithely moving from the torn plaid-covered easy chair, her dirty overlarge black t-shirt, worn blue jeans, and worn sneakers only enhancing her appearance as a street urchin, Jane approaches the area of conversation and swinging herself up to sit on the bar, she taps the bar twice for attention, gestures towards Clinton, and nods, obviously agreeing with his last statement ... she then holds up one hand in a 'halt' symbol, then her fingers move leaving only the first and index fingers upright, ... and then, after a pause, she points to the aging picture of Satterwaithe behind the bar.

2012-08-30, 07:19 PM
Slouched near the bar, Alice sat drumming her fingers irregularly on the counter. She hadn’t realized the situation was quite that bad. Alice had always liked the building. It was oddly calming. She felt less twitchy. More in control. And the thought of losing it was worrying. If necessary, she knew a few people that could probably get her some jobs. Admittedly the questionably legal sort, but still jobs. While she disliked that kinda work, sometimes it was necessary. She glanced up as Jane slid herself up onto the bar. Odd kid really. One of Satterthwaithe’s funny little crew of non-employees. Not that Alice really fitted in that well, but still. As Jane pointed to Satterthwaithe’s picture Alice gave a little nod of understanding. They needed Satterthwaithe back, but the reality of doing so seemed hopeless. When he’d first disappeared, Alice had of course put out a few feelers, see if she could find some information. It was hardly likely he’d be easier to find a year on. Stretching a little, Alice looked on, just listening to the conversation.

2012-08-30, 09:59 PM
"Tea, anyone?" A young, curly-haired lady in a long green dress with puffy shoulders approaches, carrying a tray with a steaming pot and teacups. Adela's presence is a pretty common sight around these parts - her dad and Mr Satterwaithe used to be friends, and she hangs around the building pretty often, with lots of free time on her hands due to officially not having a day job of any kind. Officially.
"This is quite a conundrum, isn't it? Perhaps I could ask around my friends and associates, maybe someone's cousin's cousin requires a discreet job..." She knows this probably won't work, since she tried it already before. But maybe the situation changed since last time?

2012-08-31, 10:41 AM
Clinton winces as the beer goes down his throat as he comments Reminds me of that one bar south of this city, crappiest drinks.... nevermind

He turns to Jane and continues saying Yes Jane, old man Satterwaithe here is something that we will all really appreciate.

As Adela walks in offering tea, he enthusiastically says Yes please, my tongue needs cleansing from that foul thing, taking the tray from her and placing it on the bar. As he pours himself a cup, he leans on the bar and continues Please do, hopefully third time lucky eh? crossing his fingers and sipping the tea.

Wow, this is actually kinda good, for straight tea.

2012-08-31, 11:24 AM
Jane frowned slightly, they hadn't quite understood all of what she had meant, but she was used to that. Perhaps they would fully understand one day, but she could wait for that. The important thing was that they all seemed interested in saving the building, and that was a start. What it would amount to, only time would tell, and she would do what she could to help, ... after all the roof where she slept nowadays was a part of this same building, and she didn't fancy moving elsewhere right now.

2012-09-01, 03:18 PM
There is knock of the door.

Should anyone open it; Outside stands a tall midle aged Changese woman. Her black hair are reunited bahing her head in a tight bun which reinforce the serious stern experssion in her very beatifull beautifull face. Her eyes seems to be looking the building with a neutral expression. From the clothes she's wearing, a short coat over a pretty conservative compared to current fashion ut dress, she wouldn't particulary stand out in most of city, though they do look of better quality, slightly posher than usual (or at least what's sual in thsi neighborhood).

"Good day. I would like to see Mr Satterwaithe, please do tell him it is from Ms Wellington" She ddin't really remember the man, she only mt him once or twice but he'd been a contact of Thomas, the other way round too likely. She was hoping she could cash in some favors and convince him to help her.
The apparent of disrepancy of the bulding doesn't inspire confidence, couldn't a seasoned professional afford to keep his locals in a better state ? But she know better than directly juging by apparences, there are such things as a low period. Besides, It does seem like a good place for what she has in mind though, hardly likely to run into many people she knows here. lin takes a suicase lying near her. "I also heard there are rooms to rent in this building ?"

Apologies for taking so long.

Though 'the client that knock a the door' would be a nicer way to introduce the character, rather that just being in the room and silent.
I cna edit if that doesn't fit.

Besides, the way I see, the acountant made it sounds like you are so broke that even if you make her pay and advance (warning she's a tightwad :smalltongue:) on both room and case, you'll still have good reason to accept whichever case present itself right next to make money.)

2012-09-02, 12:37 AM
Adela wanted to say something, but then someone knocks at the door. "Oh, I'm coming!", she calls out, and turns on her heel to see who it is.

"Hello. Please, come in - indeed, there are free rooms, but you would have to ask someone else about the rent. I do not work here, I am just a friend." Indeed, she's too well-dressed to be a secretary or whatever job a young woman of her appearance could have here. "Although I have bad news about Mr Satterwaithe, I am afraid." She slumps down a little from having to deliver this kind of message. "He's not available, and I don't know will he ever be. He disappeared some time ago, in mysterious circumstances."

2012-09-02, 05:08 AM
"You're looking for Mr. Satterwaithe, Ma'am? You and half of the city, it seems." Tommy smiles at her. There aren't much sounds coming from the street now. That's why the motor sounds coming from the outside can be clearly heard. He peers through the blinds.

"By the way. Is that Limousine yours...."

If you peer outside, you can see a big black limousine. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1924LincolnLimosine.jpg) stopping across the street. Many grim looking man in suits exit the vehicle. Most of them would pass as gorillas, even with the expensive-looking suits. They move slowly, apparently trying to further clear the street from any passerbies. And you're sure that some of them look directly toward the Satterwaithe building

"Aren't those guns, what they're flashing toward the passerbies....?"

2012-09-02, 02:30 PM
"I see. some time ago ?" That was quite unfortunate. It seems mysteriously diseapearing was in fashion these day . A though occurs, could there be a relation ? No, probaly not, it would paranoid to think so. The street of this city are dark and tortuous enough to swallow peoples for many differents reasons. Yet, one has to wonder;
"I will however take the room. If..."

"By the way. Is that Limousine yours...."

"No it is not" And neither does these thugs look particulary friendly either. Lin gives a disaprooving look out the blinders.
She's there to lay low, not get into more trouble. Maybe she should reconsider that room. there's got to be other places that offer rent. "I do not know these people, I gather you weren't expecting visit either ?" Could they be here for....

2012-09-03, 05:13 AM
Clinton runs up to the window, peeking through the blinds and observes the "gorillas"

So these gorillas aren't yours he comments as he puts down the teacup, still looking through the blinds.

SPOT: [roll0]
Looking for the odd monkey out, anything at all.

2012-09-05, 02:15 AM
Clinton notices one guy seems to have half his face made of metal, as he peers toward you. There can't be many people in this city that looks like that... If only any of you know about criminal families in the city...

"It's the Lee family." Tommy says. "That metal guy, he's the right hand man of the Lee family."

"After the bank reject us, it seems that half of our debts came from them." Charles continue as he calmly flips the account book.

Of course you know who the Lee family is. The Lee family is the biggest criminal family in the city. Barely any illegal thing goes without passing through their palm. For the past few months, their debt collector often visits the building, but you always managed to turn them away.

You hear a knocking.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not going to greet them." Tommy says, as he moves to the back, toward the emergency exit. "Who's with me?"

2012-09-06, 06:24 PM
"It's been a pleasure." Lin sighs and move in direction of the fire escape. she had really counted on that Satterwaithe.
She'll take her buisness to another PI agency. One whose people aren't going to get their legs broken and buiding burned down by angry mafiosos. Or more likley, seeing how few honnest peoples there is to rely out there, she'll have to ressort to the one person you can really count for delicate matters if oy want thngs solved right, yourself. She has enough of hr own problems.
"You wouldn't happen to know another place that provides discreet logement ?" she asks Charlie ""With a better choice in debtor preferably?." Then after a moment of reflection "You do realise they'll likely have cicrled the whole building ? do you have some escape route for those kind of occasions ?" why does she suspect it happens often ?

2012-09-06, 11:59 PM
Sorry we don't. And I'll go. Don't worry, I'll live. Clinton says, walks to the door and opens it.

2012-09-07, 12:53 AM
"...could someone break.."

The person opposite of clinton clearly didn't expect someone's actually going to open the door. He stopped mid sentence.

The person is a middle-aged changese, wearing an immaculate expensive-looking suit, with a velvet scarf circling his neck, and a gold chain hanging from his pocket. His hair is halfway to grey, covered with a fedora hat. He regained his composure, and smiles.

"Could I meet with the representative of Satterwaithe Building?"

2012-09-07, 02:55 AM
Well, the closest to one here is me, but I'm not in finance, I just handle the government paperwork. Clinton replies.

2012-09-08, 09:08 AM
"Yes... I think you're right, Ma'am." Tommy re-enters the building from the fire escape, grinning. Following him is three people in suits with drawn pistols.

"Do you have an place where we can talk then? I have something to talk about." The middle aged man continue, before entering the building like he owns it. He's followed by a gaggle of gorilla-like man in suits, and then the metal-faced one.

2012-09-09, 02:54 AM
Here's fine. Clinton replies, calmly. He retrieves two stools and sets one down in the middle of the room. He puts the other a few feet in front of it. Sitting down on the second stool, he offers a seat to the man on the first stool.

2012-09-09, 08:02 AM
"Ah, thank you very much." He sits.

Charles appears out of nowhere.

"If this is about the debt, sir, I assure you..."

The middle aged man interjects. "Oh, this is not about that spare change. I'm here for other business. The Satterwaithe Detective Agency is still in business, right?" He smiles.

"First, maybe I should introduce myself. My name is Mark Lee. You might know my business enterprise, the Lee Family. Mr Satterwaithe is an old friend of mine."

He snaps his finger, and the metal-faced man appears with a box. Mr. Lee shows the box to you and opens it.

What is it? A bloodied human head? Fingers?

No. It's something entirely different. It's a single crystal shoe, very beautiful and well made, refracting the dim light from the windows toward the whole room.

"You know about the... ruckus two days ago right?"

Of course you know. Everyone in the city knows. You still have the paper with the headline. "Chaos in Lee's Annual Ball."

He grits his teeth. "An unknown woman... Killed my only son... in public! Stabbed his chest in the middle of the party!"

2012-09-10, 01:43 AM
Jane sits slumped at the bar. Unobtrusive, she uses the bar to obscure herself, hiding her form more than her presence.
As she sits there she watches carefully, particularly the middle-aged man and his subordinate with the metal face, trying to recall any details that she can remember of them.
Attempting to be unobtrusive (use whichever is appropriate):

Sleight of hand: (1d20+21)[31] (skill mastery - take 10)
Stealth: (1d20+22)[32] (skill mastery - take 10)

What she knows of current events, the middle-aged man(Mark Lee), and the metal faced man:

Knowledge(current events): [roll0]
Knowledge(streetwise): [roll1]

2012-09-10, 03:43 AM
So, you want us to find out who killed your son. What did the police say about the murder? Clinton says.

Know: CE: What happened at the party?[roll0]

If it was not clear, CE is Current Events, I want to know what the hell went on at the ball

2012-09-10, 04:39 AM
"May I ?" asks Lin, who doen't particulart want to get involved in this as person but as girl who grew up as the daughter of an antiquarian, had a knack for objects of beauty. There's is more than just cobling material together in craftmanship, there is a whole storry to be told.

Delicately she take a hankerchief and wrapping her hands to make sure not to leave tracks, she delicately lifts the shoe into a better light, aprasing it's value and craftmanship.

There's no apraisal skills in M&M so not sure what to roll here.
Losest i coudl thing would be 'profession' (X) but this isn't an ancient artefact so I doubt archeologist would apply here, it'd take more an aquitarian.
Maybe some knowlege ?

[roll0] +Whatever applies (+4 for knowlege (genral culture if it's apply, +3 if pure int will do, +7 if notice is good.).

To see if there's any indication of it's origin from looking at it or from somethign she may already know.

2012-09-11, 08:52 PM
@Carlston (this is actually a general knowledge, known by anyone who read newspapers).
This is what happened at the party. In the middle of the party, a masked girl in multilayered ballgown arrived in a limousine. She danced with Lee's only son. Before suddenly she stabbed her and run away, leaving chaos in the building.

Sadly you can only glance that it's an incredibly well made crystal shoe

Mark Lee is the head of the Lee family, which is many considered the biggest crime family in the city. He managed to get the family into its position in just one generation.

The metal faced man is his right hand man, only known as Ho. People says that he's half machine.

"If the police investigate this, the murderer will just go into jail. So I asked them to withold the investigation for a while. I want to deal with this murderer... personally."

"This glass shoe is the only clue left by the murderer."

Mr. Lee look at each of you in your eyes.

"Find whoever killed my son in that window of time, and bring her to me, and I'll erase all of your debt with me.

If you fail... Well, let's just say you've received enough generosity from me for all this time."

2012-09-13, 04:06 AM
Well, we really don't have a choice do we? But since I've always wanted to say it, we'll take the case. Do you have a guest list? We'll have to do most of the legwork since there is no current investigation to borrow the file from. Know anyone who would be able to get something like this into town? Or make it? Clinton replies

2012-09-13, 09:31 PM
Mr Lee smiles.

"Well, if it's that simple, my men could do it. But sure. Just go to the Sun Hall, where the party was. I'm sure you still can find the guest list there.

And if one of the artisan in this city made it, they haven't squealed. But you can find them in the artisan quarter, in the market district.

So, don't make me distract you. You just have a whole city to comb. If you have nothing to ask me anymore, I have other businesses to attend."

2012-09-14, 03:40 AM
Taking a pen from behind the bar, Jane writes a few words on a scrap of newspaper, then climbing down from the chair, she approaches the man with the metal face and gives him the note, indicating with a nod of her head that it is for his boss, Mr. Lee

NoteScrawled on a piece of torn newspaper are the words: How shall we get in touch with you when we have information for you?

2012-09-15, 03:45 AM
One more thing, I need full disclosure. It's hard to do my job if I can't trust the people I talk to. No offense. All I need is to be able to trust your people to tell the truth.

2012-09-17, 11:38 AM
Mr. Lee looks at you enigmatically.

"I hope I can promise you that, but sadly, not even me can know whether my men would tell the truth or not. That's just the nature of our business. That's the only thing I can say."

He pull out a card. The adress in the card is located in an elite part of the central district.

"If you have to meet me personally, you can meet me in my office. I'd rather you not visit me in my house. My wife is rather... distraught by this event."

If you don't have anything else to say, he then leave the building, leaving you alone again.

"Well, that's something." Says Tommy. "Now what?"

2012-09-18, 02:40 AM
Now, my friend, we do our job. Who's doing what? I'm going to go check up on guest list and crime scene.


Jane, check out the word on the street. Lin, check out the artisans, they might know who made the slipper. Adela, can you abuse your resources to find out if any glass slippers was moved into the city? Finally, where the hell is Alice? I need her to check out the Mafias for motive for the murder. This could be a contract or an angry mafia guy's daughter.

EDIT: Also, somebody send that slipper to be checked for magic.

2012-09-18, 06:30 AM
Lin, check out the artisans, they might know who made the slipper.
Way ahead of you, (but I doubt it'll yield significant results.)

Also while we do have the client right under our nose, it does seem it'd be apropriate to ask him a few questions right now.

"With all due respect, Mr Lee, I am not indebted to you." Lin say clamly and without a hint of disprespect as she put the shoe back in the box. She realises backtalking even calmly and politely to a powerfull mob boss is no a very good idea but it's still true. And if there one character flaw that fits Lin, it's pride; she doesn't like being threatened. But she'll help, she has her reasons. And it is one hell of an opportunity here

"Also" A single woman stabbing, maybe she's wrong (she's no detective after all) but thsi doesn't look like a mafioso gang war More like something more ...personal. "May I ask, was your son engaged ? Did he had any friends or" there's a small akward pause of a proper lady using a very clear euphemism "frequentations of your knowlege we may talk to ?"

2012-09-18, 10:22 AM
(before he went away, obviously)

"My son isn't formally engaged yet. And he knows his position as my heir, I'll tell you that. But he's a healthy young man. If he has any relationship behind my back, he keep it well from me.

He has some friends, obviously. Mostly ruffians and footlickers. I don't know any of them personally, but you might find them in Dragon's Beard, the bar where they used to hang out."

2012-09-19, 06:38 AM
Jane takes the proffered card, with the address and slides it into a pocket.
(she'll happily pass it around to the others so that everyone can read it, but I figured that someone should hold on to it, ... and she might have a use for it later :smallwink:)

Once the crime lord has left, Jane moves back behind the counter and searches through stuff under she finds some paper, upon which she writes:
That was Mark Lee, the head of the Lee family. It is possibly the biggest crime family in the city, and he is the man responsible for the family being in the position it is now.

The metal faced man is his right hand man, only known as Ho. People say that he's half machine.
Jane then gives the piece of paper to the others, starting with whoever is closest (whoever responds first).

GMWhile she is searching behind the bar, Jane will also try to find a notebook or something into which she can write. Not sure how you want to handle this (wealth rules or otherwise)?

2012-09-19, 10:20 PM
(Nah, I'm pretty sure I can give you notebook and pen for free)

2012-09-24, 09:12 AM
Clinton stands and clasps his hands together saying Okay, Mr Mark here has given us a job we can't refuse. Tommy, know anyone with enough resources to get this slipper scanned for magical residue? turning to Lin he continues, Sorry for impeding on you ma'am but do you know any artist capable of making a crystal slipper? They might recognize the style of the artist who made it. finally turning to Jane he finishes, Kid, I know you want to help, but no. It['s too dangerous. Lay low for a while. If we fail and get sent to sleep with the fishes, you won't get caught in the crossfire.

2012-09-24, 06:16 PM
"I admit I am curious." Lin gives a thin smile as he can't help but a bit amused. "I was under the impression it was the detectives who found information for the people who enters their offices, not the other way around. I must have been badly informed"

"Sadly right from the top off my head I can't think of anyone. But if it's fromt this city, I could probaly find out. I can't imagine there are that many craftmen capable of such a feat. It should be a matter of asking a few questions." Lin get a few bils but of a decent summ out of her purse and poses them on the bar before taking her suitcase in hand "But first I'll take that bedroom, nicest you you have if you please." Or at least one with not too much bed parasites at least.

Kay, ready to scene change to investigation whenever

2012-09-27, 04:14 AM
Clinton stands and clasps his hands together saying Okay, Mr Mark here has given us a job we can't refuse. Tommy, know anyone with enough resources to get this slipper scanned for magical residue?

"An experienced enough artisan should be able to check for magical residue, or you can always go to the university of magic. They're still around, after all, despite everything."

(well, you can start go to some place and poke at stuffs any time now.)

2012-10-09, 05:52 PM
A few gours and a taxi trip to the southern part of the city later, not far from the limit of the argent consession later.

Lin push the door open, with one arm while she carries the padded box with the cristal shoe inside under her other one. It wasn't the most reputed or best pawn shop around but she knew the dealer, he had buisness with her father in the past and she herself had used his service later, being a student hand't been alway easy there had been... low points. He was in her memory a rather honnest man (or at least as much as anyone could be in this buisness, everyone has to make a living after all) and he made a point to keep himself informed and knew his subject well.

"Hello Mr Ten. It has been a long time" Lin gives a small greeting to the old man behind the counter before putting on it the box and carrefuly unwrapping it's content for the man to see "I have been given care to a peculiar object. It would help me greatly if you could help me ascertain it's origin, I will repay you the favor later. Have you ever seen anything like this before ?"

Sorry it took me so longfor such a lame post, I've been out of motivation and inspiration lately.
Anyway do you want me to roll something ?

2012-10-11, 01:30 PM
Slipping out of the Satterthwaite building, Jane hits the streets. There are people that she wants to talk to ... not that she believes that her contacts are likely to know much about the 'high society' that the Lee's reside in, but because you never know what interesting tidbits of information you can pick up on the streets.

Jane moves like a ghost through the streets, from shadow to shadow, oft ascending to the rooftops, as she travels to speak with her contacts, .. the street urchins of the City. Small and largely ignored, they see much of what goes on in the city. Having lived that life herself, not that many years ago, Jane knows all too well its dangers ... and advantages.

At each stop, Jane finds a way to 'speak' quietly with each of her contacts, showing each the same piece of paper in her notebook where is written:
Square toes Lee, that cove was bit, and bit hard. Old grim fitted his son with a wooden surcoat. The one that did musta had a back-slang for they ain't bin nabbed. Iffin you could nose for the back-slang, or da one that did, might be useful. Dirt on the family, and a stag or crow too.

Translation: Old man Lee, he's been swindled and swindled hard. Old man death put his son in a coffin. The one that killed him must have had a back-way out or something because they haven't been caught. If you could keep an ear out for the back-way, or the one that did the deed, it might be useful. Information on the family and their enemies would also be good.
Stealth (moving stealthily from place to place, avoiding notice and keeping to the shadows): (1d20+22)[32] [take 10 - skill mastery]
Acrobatics (using monkey climber to move along rooftops whenever possible): (1d20+21)[31] [take 10 - skill mastery]
Knowledge(streetwise) (to determine who would be the best of her contacts to talk to about this): [roll0]
Gather information (Trying to find out anything that might relate to Lee's son, feuds, enemies, problems, anything; 1 min): [roll1]
Gather information (Trying to find out anything that might relate to the party where Lee's son was killed): [roll2]
Sense motive (assessing the truth of what her contacts tell her): (1d20+11)[21] [take 10 - skill mastery]
Notice (just paying attention to the streets as she moves around): [roll3]

2012-10-12, 03:01 AM
A short trip to the venue of the party later

Clinton gets off his motorcycle and takes a look around the place.

OOC: I don't know what to do until I know what the place looks like.

2012-10-12, 03:33 AM

The old man squints his eyes toward you. Mr. Ten is a withered, cranky old man, but he's your friend and he's honest. And maybe it's not the most reputable place, but that only means he has certain knowledge that other reputable pawner lacking.

"Oh it's Lin. Long time no see. You need something appraised? What is it this time? Are you having more bad time? It's none of my business, but you're not exactly young anymore, you know."

He picks up the glass shoe and put a loupe on one of his eye.

"Huh. Interesting. Definitely way out of the stuffs people usually pawn to me, Lin. This stuff, it should cost at least a year of your typical government official's salary. This is definitely custom made, about one or two generation old, but other than that, there's no other mark. And there’s this weird silvery dust…

This thing is definitely magical. Though that's as far as I can appraise, I don't know what does it do.

What are you doing with an item like this Lin?"

@ Jane
Moving shadows to shadows, Jane manages to avoid most attention. And that might be for the best, because you notice someone is watching the detective agency.

From her contacts in the street, Jane gathers some informations. It’s hard to ascertain who might want to kill Mr. Lee’s heir, because there are so many of them. Every single criminal family in the city have a grudge or might gain something from the murder.

And on Mr. Lee’s son himself, words in the street is, apparently he’s seeing someone, and he’s trying to hide it from his family for some reason.

You arrived at a huge hall. Crystal chandeliers are hung from the ceiling, expensive velvet carpet covered the marble floor, this is that sort of a hall.

The hall is a mess. Foods are scattered everywhere, and they’re not getting any fresher. Expensive linens are stained with wine and other stains, and broken glasswares are scattered everywhere.

And at one point of the hall, you see a chalk outline. That must be where the murder happens.

The hall is lined by police lines, but there are no polices anywhere. The hall is only guarded by a couple in black suits. From the look of it, most likely they’re servant or butler or something in that line. A couple of girls in maid uniform mill around, they’re obviously not allowed to clean the main hall, but it looks like they still have a lot of jobs elsewhere.

2012-10-12, 03:54 AM
Clinton walks up to the nearest person in a black suit and taps him on the shoulder saying, Hello, Mr Lee has asked me to investigate this murder. May I have your permission to look around and if you don't mind, do you have a copy of the guest list? Again, so sorry for intruding.

DIPOMACY!: [roll0]

2012-10-12, 02:06 PM
Whilst gathering information from her contacts, Jane takes the time between each to jot down what she learns in the notebook, whilst sitting on a roof somewhere.

- Mark Lee/Lee family: hard to ascertain who might want to kill Mr. Lee’s heir, because there are so many of them. Every single criminal family in the city has a grudge or might gain something from the murder.
Other motives (unknown)
- Lee's son(Dead): word on the street is, apparently he’s (was?) seeing someone, and he’s trying to hide it from his family for some reason.
(Scribbled note at the bottom of the page)
- someone is watching the agency .... why?

Jane then decides to try and dig a little more into whoever Lee's son was seeing. Sitting in the shadow of a chimney on the roof of a building that just happened to be fairly close to where she last spoke with a contact, she contemplates her next move.
Knowledge(streetwise) (who would be likely to know more about whoever the son was seeing?): [roll0]

2012-10-15, 10:26 AM

"Oh sure. I wondered why Mr Lee shooed all the police away. I guess he prefer to deal with this privately.

Of course you can see the guestbook. What do you need on it, maybe I can help."


You remember that Mr. Lee told you about a bunch of no-good footlickers that used to hang around his son. There's a bar where they used to hang out together.

2012-10-15, 12:50 PM
"You alway had an amazing memory Mr Ten, it has been at least eight year" gives or take since her last visit, more than ten years for when she had reasons to more often. "But I'm afraid there's no age for hard times. My husband recently diseapeared" Lin end up sadly, understandably not really wanting to talk too much on the subject.

"Nonetheless" Not yet, at least. She shake her head, she doesn't want to consider right now. Besides she has thankfully something else on her mind. "I suppose it comes from a pair. I have picked up this object recently, it was lost, I'd like to find it's original owner." Well it's not really a lie. She flags in her head the magical proprieties of the thing and decide to do a visit to the university of magic later "But I have to say, I'm also curious about it's origins. Do you have any idea who may have crafted it and for who ? I have never seen glasswork like that before."

2012-10-15, 01:54 PM
"Well yes, obviously it comes from a pair. This is... something beyond normal artisan's skill. I can't even see traces of molding or blowing in the glass. And its strength... I doubt any of my usual aquintance can make something close to this. Sorry that I can't help you more."

2012-10-16, 02:54 AM
Don't worry, all I need is a copy to compare notes with. But, well, sorry for asking but did someone manage to get the license plate of the limo that the killer drove off in?

2012-10-16, 04:51 AM
@ Carlton

"Stop. Why do you talk to this complete stranger freely like that?"

Suddenly, a tall man with long, messy, brown hair and at least three days old stubble enters the scene. He's at least at his mid twenty, holding his jacket at his shoulder, chomping a cigar, and staring at you.

"Ah, Mr Jack! He said that Mr Lee sends him here."

"Do you have any proof for that?" He stares at Carlton's eyes closely.

2012-10-16, 06:54 AM
Jane quietly contemplates her options, and then decides to take a quick look at the bar where Mr. Lee's son's 'footlicking friends' were said to hang out.

She approaches the bar stealthily, sticking to the shadows as she carefully scopes the place out.
Stealth (hiding in the shadows): (1d20+22)[32] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Notice (checking out the bar and it's surrounds): [roll0]

2012-10-16, 08:52 AM
eer, other than the fact I was brave enough to walk up here and start asking questions and my detective license, eeer, no? Damn, should have asked for proof from the guy. say Clinton sheepishly as he looks Jack back in the eye, grinning innocently.

2012-10-16, 09:32 AM
"It is alright Mr Ten." It has not been a much information as she hoped but at least Lin has confirmation it's not some widely known collection piece and of the very magical nature of the object. "I will keep on to it for now but I may see you soon." but as much as she apreciate the old man, she still hopes not "How much do I owe you ?" she take the shope back in it's bow and pays wichever before getting out.

As she walks around, Lin take a look at the streets around. Still in Rui Xin proper but pretty south, half a dozen of city blocks not far from the university. II's not as prim and proper as the Argent's concession it's prety close too but it's nicer than the most central districts and a definite constrast to say, the slums where the Satherwaite building lies. She hasn't been in this part of the city in a while now but she has quite a few memories around, as she realise after a little while that she was almost by reflex taking the route to her old logings. she briefly wonders what it looks like now or they are doing at the university ? Ah well, it's all a past life now.

Lin offers herself a bit more reminescing walking, it's not really near but she has the time (or if it's really farther than she remembers she'll just hail a taxi) to the old magic college.

2012-10-18, 03:52 AM
@ Lin

Your feet brought you to the old magic college. The big stone building greets you. It's an old, proud building, with centuries of history. But it's pretty much just an echo of its past glory now. Moss grows on cracked brickworks, and some of the windows are boarded with wood instead of glass. You see some people in robes gathers on a large yard filled with wild grass.

"Come on, jump!"

"Yes, jump!"

They starts to shout at the roof.

"Hey! Stop it!" Suddenly someone yells at them. It's a young man with messy hair and a pair of round glasses, running from the door with a pile of papers on his hand.

"You know that experiments on personal levitation is forbidden until further notice! We're still trying to explain to Lord Cho why is his son now acts like a chicken!"

The crowds instantly scatters. He then notices you.

"Hey you! You're also... huh, you don't wear a robe. You're not a member of this college? Can I help you, ma'am?"

No one notices you as you approach the bar. The bar is a small sized one, and it's the type of a bar that's usually visited by bohemian students. There doesn't seem to be anything suspicious about it.

@ Carlton.

Somehow, you manage to appease him.

"Huh, I heard about you. So you're the one Mr. Lee hired to replace my team huh? I wonder what did he think, not even me and our entire back alley resources manage to find anything. But damnit, I just need more time!

Give him what he want." He says. He's not looking very hostile anymore, but he still stands there and watches you.

2012-10-18, 04:31 AM
Yeah, sorry bout that. If it makes you feel better, he's not actually paying us. Lets just say it was a deal we could not refuse. Still, if you worked on the case before us, do you have any leads, evidence, anything? he turns back to the guy in the black suit continuing Soo, did anyone get a license plate?

2012-10-18, 06:05 AM
"Levitation make you act like a chicken ?" Lin watch the antics of the mage student in front of her like many people, probably, she alway wondered why people stoped using magic; she may be starting to have an element of answer here.

"Hello." Lin lookback at the spectacled man"I have recently entred in possession of an object of magical proprieties, the like I have never seen before. I would like to learn more about it's proprieties and possible origin."

So this game is supposed to less inspired by pratcheet than the one before but it's only now we get a UU knockoff ? :smalltongue:

2012-10-18, 10:44 AM

"Hmph. Well, I guess I can help you. We haven't done much though. What I've done is, I tried to look for the girl's limousine. It's a friggin extra-snazzy limousine. It should catches people's eyes. We have eyes everywhere. But for some reason, We can't find it. It's like it's just swallowed by the earth."


"You know that magic is getting weaker and weaker recently, ma'am. Magicians nowadays find it harder and harder to levitate. For some reason some students thought that by hypnotizing themselves to be a bird, they'll have easier time to levitate. But that's not important now." He pauses for a bit, before continuing.

"I'm not hearing things? You actually needs us? Come... come on in. You come to the right place. Come on in." He leads you inside. "Sorry, it's just... We haven't... um... I'm Professor Earthbottom, Md. I'm uh... the bursar, head librarian, head of artificer department, and currently temporary head of divination and remote seeing department. Before you ask, no, I can't actually divine anything. It's just that we're having problems with some of our faculty members, and the rest of us must do multiple duties recently." Apparently this guy like to talk. He talks all the way to his room.

His room is a dusty room full of randomly scattered books. Various things, you assume magical tools, are haphazardly put on shelves.

"Um... yes. Magical items. You're in luck, ma'am. It's one of my specialty. Now, how can I help you?"

2012-10-19, 12:22 AM
so, no plates right? Just wanted to make sure. Dammit easy lead gone.Do you know where the body was taken?

2012-10-19, 07:26 AM
"Yeah. The body was taken to this mortuary." He lit up his cigar, before telling you the place's adress.

2012-10-19, 09:47 AM
"What happened to Pr Salthenburry ?" She already talked with mages before, for similar buisness. When one digs into ancient ruins, finding magical artifacts is a thing that happens once in a while. This establishement had seen beter days. The building had already been old then, but she didn't remember being so.. deserted. Kinda sad in a way but times march on.
"Professor Earthbottom, my name is Lin Xiao and I'd simply like to require your expertise about this object." Lin once again unwrap the shoe from the box sh's carring it in "I know it does have magical propreties. i'd like to know wich ones. And possibly who created it and who owned recently".

2012-10-19, 10:08 AM
Thank you, now if you will excuse me, I need to work my magic, and that guest list if you please. Clinton says, looking through the crime scene, trying to recreate in his head how the murder went down.

SEARCH! (To look for vital evidence )

INVESTIGATE (to reconstruct the crime)

2012-10-20, 11:24 AM
No one notices you as you approach the bar. The bar is a small sized one, and it's the type of a bar that's usually visited by bohemian students. There doesn't seem to be anything suspicious about it.

Jane makes a few brief notes in her notebook as she checks out the bar, ...

Bar - small sized bar frequented by bohemian students. Nothing suspicious observed.

Then she heads back towards the Satterthwaite building, carefully approaching it first from one direction, then retreating, circling and approaching from another direction, as she stealthily checks the entire area out for observers.
Any observers that she notices are then observed as much as she can without revealing her own position.

Stealth (hiding in the shadows): (1d20+22)[32] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Acrobatics (using monkey climber to move along rooftops whenever possible): (1d20+21)[31] [take 10 - skill mastery]
Notice (observing the watchers): [roll0]
Sense motive (assessing the watchers for intent): (1d20+11)[21] [take 10 - skill mastery]

2012-10-22, 07:27 AM

"That's what we want to know too, Ma'am. One day, Professor Salisbury from the Divining Department just went missing. He's a bit addled in his mind though. It's a side effect of being a diviner, I guess.

Hm, a curious little thing. Obviously magicked... very powerful. Yet... it's part of a pair. It's hard to deduce what this thing's supposed to do without the other pair, the magical effect would only activate if both are used in the same time. And this dust...

Holy magical apple pie. If you'd excuse me for a second."

He left you to meddle with some books and some complex viewing devices. After a while, he comes back.

"This dust... It can't be anything else. I've only seen its description in books. It's Elf Dust."


You managed to reconstruct the crime from a combination of combing the crime scene, and questioning the maids.

Apparently, in the middle of the party, a mysterious masked girl in layered ballgown arrived in a sparkling limousine. She's not in the guest list, but she looks so important that the bouncer just let her in. The Prince of the Lee Clan accepted her hand, and they danced for a while. When suddenly, the girl stabbed the prince right on his heart with a knife.

The prince drops in an instant, and there were chaos. The mysterious girl escaped in the middle of the chaos. Mr. Lee exploded in anger, maybe about half of the food on the floor and the destroyed plates and glasses are direct result of his anger.

From your search, you found some silvery dust mixed with the bloodstain. And you have a strange feeling that there's something strange with the blood, but you just can't put your finger on it.

There's a big picture of the Lee family hanging in the hall. The prince is really handsome, and rather exotic. It's hard to believe that he's the heir of the biggest crime family in the city. He looks more like a model or something.

(if you have something specific you want to know, you can try to ask, and you might get some answer)

The observer is not alone, obviously he's part of a group. When the others came back later, you realizes that there are people following them too. So far they're content on just watching though.

2012-10-22, 07:50 AM
This is important, was she walking, or running away? Was she composed in her escape or was it panicky?

He produces two clean transparent pill containers takes a scraping of the blood, placing it in one of them and sweeps up some of the silver dust, placing it in the other.

2012-10-23, 09:41 AM

"It's hard to say whether she's running or walking or skipping, but I guess she's pretty composed in his escape."


Elf Dust. You've heard about it, mostly from fairy tales. Elf dust is crystalization of an elf's magical power. According to stories, fresh elf dusts can be used to produce powerful, yet temporary magical effects. Of course, since only elves can produce them, and nobody ever seen any elves lately, nobody really know what are their capabilities.

2012-10-23, 09:52 AM
So you say she was, happy?

He already has a copy of the guest list right? If he does not, he gets one. Also his? Did the killer change gender halfway through? :smallbiggrin: Please let this conversation fly as fast as lightning.

2012-10-24, 12:12 PM
(Ignore any gender change that occurs in this game. Gendered pronoun is my bane).

"Well, she's masked wasn't she. Even without that, it was chaos. I don't think anybody noticed her emotion."

2012-10-24, 12:19 PM
Thank you for your time good madam. Clinton says, excusing himself out of the ballroom. He then goes to his next stop, the morgue where Mr Lee's Kid's body is.

2012-10-25, 08:33 PM
You arrive at the morgue. Currently it's manned by a single grey haired guy in a medical coat that's holding a scalpel. He notices you.

"What can I help you, ah... sir?" He says.

2012-10-26, 01:23 AM
Oh, hello, Mr Lee hired me to investigate his son's death. I just wanted to see the body. Not to check on your work or anything, just to compile a complete file. says Clinton, adopting a friendly attitude.


2012-10-26, 09:44 AM
Too bad that the man isn't very moved by Clinton's friendly attitude. At least he doesn't start chucking knives into him though.

"Hmm.... Is that.... so...?" The strange man continues in his weird way of talking. "Sadly I.... won't be able to help much. Mr Lee told me personally to not... perform autopsy on the body of his son. To preserve... the sanctity of his beloved son's body or something. Curious... since I'm well known for the tidiness of my work..."

He gleefully caress his scalpel. "Usually... people won't even notice after I work on the bodies..."

2012-10-26, 09:48 AM
okayy, howabout we put that knife away before someone gets hurt? Clinton says, nervously grinning.


2012-10-26, 10:16 AM
"If you say so... my good sir..." He politely bows, and his knives disappears into somewhere, just like that.

2012-10-26, 10:22 AM
Okay, that was way cool, can you teach me how to do that? Also if you are not doing an autopsy, can you at least tell me what kind of knife was used to kill Mr Lee's son?

2012-10-26, 10:52 AM
"Elf dust ?" Lin ask understandly rather incredulous. "I though they were all extincts for centuries. Is it possible someone has kept some dust from a long time ago and enchanted the object with it ?" Mr Ten was not infaillible but he was a prety good expert, she didn't think he was wong if he said this object was a couple of generations old at most, so that seemed the most logical explanation.

[roll0] well while we're at it I might as well roll a knowlege roll to know what she knows of elves (or if she happen to know any experts on elves/elve magic)

2012-10-29, 07:51 PM

"No, the original enchantment and the fairy dust are separate. It has an original enchantment, then lately, someone used fairy dust on top of it for another separate enchantment, I think. But... anyway this can't be true! Nobody has ever seen an elf in this city since like forever!"


"A common small knife, my good sir. Though from cursory look, there's something strange with the wound, but alas, without further autopsy, I can't know in detail."

2012-10-30, 01:11 AM
What seemed off about the wound?

2012-10-30, 04:30 AM
He smirks a mysterious smirk. "You're an investigator right? Come here, I'll show you the body."

You see the body lying on a slab. The prince looks even more exotic lying there, with pale skin and purple lip.

"See here? If you're asking about the wound, it almost looks like there's two wounds, one on top another. I distinctly remember they say he's just stabbed once."

2012-10-30, 05:23 AM
Wait, hold on, trying to remember something.

Clinton uses his Eidetic Memory to picture the crime scene. He then tries to figure out what did the blood-splatter indicate.


2012-10-30, 05:54 AM
Any result on that knowlege check ?

"I have no more idea than you." Lin answers in perfect honnesty "Mind ?" She borrows a little paintbrush from the desk and use to gather a bit of the wite dust into a folded piece of paper. "Is there anyway to know what enchantements have been cast on this object"

2012-11-01, 06:45 AM
Yes... you remember something now. The blood splatter... isn't as massive as you expect from a direct stab to the heart.

(Sorry, forgot the knowledge check. Spoiler because long)
You know everything about elves, maybe because you dealt with a lot of what left of their civilization back then. Elves are magical humanoid that used to live in the continent before Man's arrival. They look like silvery, thin, and lithe humans that glitters under moonlight. Nowadays they're supposedly all but extinct in this continent, and the survivor of their civilization exist in the southern continent. You remember a lot of random trivia about elves (with that roll, if you really need to remember about their size or something you can just ask me). But you heard that some of them still exist in the continent, hiding under the cracks of civilization. Polite society won't know much about them though, you'll have to deal with more unsavory part of the society for any chance of information about them.

You also remember more about elf dusts. From legends, it's mostly used for powerful magical construction or illusions. Like for example, the legend of "King Jaques and the 1000 palace" where old Argent king Jaques built 1000 palaces in one night with the help of elves. Of course, any magical construction would be temporary.

"If you're asking about the elf dust, we can't know for sure. But from what I heard from legends they're mostly used for very powerful illusion or magical construction."

2012-11-01, 11:12 AM
Sir, for a wound of this size, can you hazard a guess the blood-splatter spread?

2012-11-02, 08:07 AM
"A stab straight in the heart would make a fountain of blood."

He confirms that your description of the blood splatter in the ballroom is too weak.

2012-11-02, 07:58 PM
"I see." Lin is generaly a focussed no nonsense woman with a professional attitude. And yet, she does have to wonder ...Elves. She does know from her works that hey were more than fairy tales, but they are still supposed to be extinct. Just the idea of the chance, slim as it may be, of meeting one alive,it does appeal to a certain remain of her professional curiosity in her.

Well that seems to be all she can learn around here. Lin gets up, bows tot the man and put the shoe back in it's protective cloth and box. Before being escorted out of the office, she pause to ask. "Is there, any kind of magic screening or test that could be preformed on this object to learn more about it, an Ormond resonance tests or Ladenbach ritual ?" Lin can think of a few methods they used at the archological department to deal with possible magic items, but generaly it required hired mages (among which the aformentioned diseapeared professor of divination), she's hardly an expert. He would probably have mentioned it already if he could do one of those, but he does seems quite overworked, so it doesn't hurt to ask. "Is there a way to see through illusions ?"

" If I learn something about the whereabouts of Pr Salisbury I'll make sure to let you know." She bows sightly "Thank you for your time Pr Earthbottom"

2012-11-03, 12:30 AM
Blood splatter, why would someone want to reduce blood splatter? Collecting blood? Could a knife be designed to mechanically make it look like two stabs were made and to reduce bloodsplatter?

2012-11-05, 08:43 AM

"Hmm... maybe if you leave it here, I could do some tests on it. Of course as I said, it'll be a simple matter if you can get the whole pair. It's only difficult because this item is meant to be used as a pair and you only have one half of it."


The man smiles curiously. "Sure, the ingeniosity of mechanics are limitless in this age. Various mechanical devices can be made, I'm sure that people can make any kind of knife that they need for any purpose. The problem is of course, the purpose is also limitless."

(OOC: Don't forget that you can and most probably should discuss your findings among yourselves later, investigators!"

2012-11-05, 08:52 AM
Well, thank you for your time good sir, if anything new pops up, please contact me or my associates at the Satterwaithe building. Clinton says, waving goodbye to the coroner and returning to the Satterwaithe building.

2012-11-05, 10:40 AM
"I'd rather hold on to it for now. Is there a way to see though elves illusions ?" Lin asks as a last question before bowing and moving out of the office once whe gets her answer " If i need analysis performed, I'll come back tomorow. Goodbye Professor." Then she takes a cab back to the Satterwaithe building.

2012-11-05, 12:41 PM
Jane remains in position, hidden and watching, as her fellow tenants return to the Satterthwaite building. She continues to watch the watchers and those who have been tailing her companions for a while ...Watching the watchers and those who have been tailing her companions and try to assess just how good they are, and thus who they might be working for ... Lee, Law enforcement, someone else entirely ...
Sense motive: (1d20+11)[21] (take 10 - Skill mastery)

OOC: Jane will probably be out for about half an hour after you guys get back to the building so feel free to RP that time if you wish, otherwise I'll post again once Fri has responded with anything Jane might, or might not pick up :)

2012-11-11, 04:25 PM
Lin pays the cab's fare and walk the remaining block to the Satterthwaite building, getting a good look at it before stepping in what may be her temporary home for a little while. She shakes her head sadly, she's been in ancient temples less decrepit than this building. You can tell there's an history to this building but in its state of urban decay it looks quite squallid. A shame, probably
Seeing as no one else seems to be here, Lin moves up the stairs to unpack her things.

OOc: Just posting to bump a bit.
If any other PC is around feel free to start discussion, else i'm cool with just exploring the building or talkign to a NPC before we end the day.

2012-11-12, 03:26 AM

"I don't know, same as any other illusion I guess? Having a high willpower or becoming a really annoying skeptic? We don't have a true-seeing amulet to sell to you sadly. It's been ages since we can make something that powerful."

The people who are following you are not a professional spy or something, that's why you can notice them. But other than that, you didn't manage to catch who they're working for simply by watching them.

When you arrive at the office, it's already evening. Charles the accountant had gone, but Thomas Hemmingway is still there. As a journalist, he apparently has more freedom to use his time. And he's curious, like any true journalist would be.

"So, what did you guys find today?" He asks you.

2012-11-12, 03:47 AM
Clinton flops down on the waiting sofa in exhaustion, wiping the grime from his face.Not much, w now know that the killer's female, this was most likely premeditated, she has some magic juju or really good and pointless engineering working for her, an untraceable limo oh and this "dust" at the scene of the crime. he says, the container that he filled with the collected glittery dust.

2012-11-12, 04:43 AM
"Greeting. I do not believe i had the occasion to catch your name earlier, Mr ...?" she bows before looking at Clinton "Isn't there a certain confidentiality to keep about such affairs ?" As in is it alright to talk about it in front of that guy or anyone for that matter. It's an honnest question, but she wouldn't think so, partciculary when the client is someone shady and that you can't afford to make angry.

"Glittery dust you say ? May I take a look ?" She takes out the small paper where she took a sample of the powder they recovered from the shoe from comparaison

2012-11-12, 04:51 AM
Clinton, Clinton Carsten Clinton says, extending his arm out in greeting. About "confidentiality", I was trained as a police detective, you know what these guys say? Confidentiality can go bugger off, anyway he's a friend of Satterwaithe, I trust the old man and a new perspective is always useful.

Taking out the container he continues, go ahead.

2012-11-12, 10:43 AM
About half an hour after the others arrived at the Satterthwaite building, Jane discretely makes her way into the building via a long disused ventilation shaft from the roof. Sliding out of the shaft from an access point on the 3rd floor, she slowly makes her way through the building, being careful to avoid any potential surveillance.
Acrobatics (+monkey climber) (to ascend to the roof of the scatterthwaite building): (1d20+21)[31] (take 10 - skill mastery)
Stealth (to avoid surveillance): (1d20+22)[32] (take 10 - Skill mastery)

Listening at doors as she moves silently through the building, she soon locates the others downstairs. As she enters the room, she drops all stealth and wanders over to where the others are sitting and plops herself down in the other end of the same couch where Clinton is sitting.

Jane looks with interest at the dust filled container that Clinton passes to the tall beautiful Changese woman whom she had met only briefly earlier.
She is still a few moments and then she pulls out her little notebook and scribbles something on the bottom of the third page and passes the open notebook to Clinton ...

Square toes Lee, that cove was bit, and bit hard. Old grim fitted his son with a wooden surcoat. The one that did musta had a back-slang for they ain't bin nabbed. Iffin you could nose for the back-slang, or da one that did, might be useful. Dirt on the family, and a stag or crow too.

- Mark Lee/Lee family: hard to ascertain who might want to kill Mr. Lee’s heir, because there are so many of them. Every single criminal family in the city has a grudge or might gain something from the murder.
Other motives (unknown)
- Lee's son(Dead): word on the street is, apparently he’s (was?) seeing someone, and he’s (was?) trying to hide it from his family for some reason.
(Scribbled note at the bottom of the page)
- someone is watching the agency .... why?

Bar - small sized bar frequented by bohemian students. Nothing suspicious observed. Lee's son's 'friends' supposedly frequent bar.
(Scribbled note at the bottom of the page in large print)
You both had someone tailing you back to the building ...
There are also people watching the building. Not sure who they are, but at least they are not professional spook's ... still fairly good though.

2012-11-12, 11:06 AM
Opening the book at page one, Clinton squints at the incomprehensible slang making a personal note to catch up with some of his "friends" in the know for a translation, copying down the thing word for word on a scrap of paper subsequently stuffing it into his pocket.

Turning to page two, he reads the notes, committing them to memory.

Reading the third page, his eyes widens slightly. A small grin grows on his face as he says, Seems interesting, still the girl's a spook, a ghost so to speak, we still gotta find her if we want to hammer her down.

Bluff check for innuendo

DC: 10
Wanna go ask the spooks a few questions?

2012-11-12, 01:24 PM
Noticing the innuendo ...
Sense motive (to notice innuendo): (1d20+11)[21] (take 10 - Skill mastery) vs DC10 (autosucceeds - even for higher DC's)

Jane nods briefly, and then looks at her notebook, then Clinton, and tilts her head towards Lin, a question in her eyes.

2012-11-12, 07:32 PM
Well without a confirmation from Fri I can't be sure both powder are the sames but I think it's a 99% safe assumption here, so so I'll writte my post in that sense.

I was trained as a police detective, you know what these guys say? Confidentiality can go bugger off

Lin gives a slighly skeptical look to Clinton. Amusingly in five years of being married to a police officier Lin never heard that one before.Wich concession's force if I may ask ? Central ?"

She focuss slightly as she takes a look at the powder from Clinton's tube, raising it into the air for a better view and comparing it from the one in her folded paper. "Was the suspect very pale by any chance ?"

Lin notices the girl looking at her. Silent and almost hanging in the corner of vision, she barely noticed her before, so she takes a good look now she's seeing her. She's young, thin and wiry, almost emaciated, almost a typical urchin as you see if it wasn't for the odd silence, wich makes, which her wonder if the girl is complety mute or just shy, and the deeply pentrating way she stares. If anyone would deserve the name of ghost here...
For a split second Lin feels a small mixture of unease and somewhat pity at the young teen but it doesn't change her attitude much except maybe softening her voice a bit as she wait for the girl to hand her a paper or precise her interogation in some way "Yes ?"

2012-11-12, 08:31 PM
My dad, and a lot of his friends, yes they worked Central. Confidentiality's an invention of the private eye. But lets just say that technically, I'm fully qualified to join the force as a detective. Clinton's face droops for a while before he chippers up continuing Back on topic, eer, we don't know, she was wearing a mask and gloves, according to the staff.

2012-11-13, 02:12 AM
Lin notices the girl looking at her. Silent and almost hanging in the corner of vision, she barely noticed her before, so she takes a good look now she's seeing her. She's young, thin and wiry, almost emaciated, almost a typical urchin as you see if it wasn't for the odd silence, wich makes, which her wonder if the girl is complety mute or just shy, and the deeply pentrating way she stares. If anyone would deserve the name of ghost here...
For a split second Lin feels a small mixture of unease and somewhat pity at the young teen but it doesn't change her attitude much except maybe softening her voice a bit as she wait for the girl to hand her a paper or precise her interogation in some way "Yes ?"

Jane considers the tall lady a few moments longer and then, as if having come to a decision, she passes her notebook to Lin .. open on the third page.
She continues to watch the Changese woman for a reaction as the lady reads ...

Sense motive (to determine if Lin's offer of assistance has any ulterior motive): (1d20+11)[21] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
(RP this however you want - Lin's bluff is good enough that she could conceivably fool Jane so feel free to choose :smallsmile:)

Sleight of hand (to take back her notebook unnoticed): (1d20+21)[31] (take 10 - Skill mastery) vs DC20 to take
(Clinton can attempt a notice check vs DC31 to notice Jane taking the notebook - he of course notices that he no longer has it when Jane passes it to Lin :smallsmile:)

2012-11-13, 04:54 AM
You don't need to post a skill check with every post you make, y'know.

Sense motive (to determine if Lin's offer of assistance has any ulterior motive):

I'm sorry, maybe it's because my english isn't too good but i'm not sure I'm following you here ? Not sure where there's any 'offer of assistance' per se ?
I mean you just said your character had a question in her eyes, Lin noticed it and just asked you to shoot it; that's all.

Lin carefully put the two sample of dust aside before taking the notebook and looks a the open page."Ah, I see" There may have been jsut a small flicker of paranoia in her yes but it subssised quickly as she realises she's most likely being tailed for the job the agency jsut took rather than her own problems. She doesn't sound too thrilled but not paritculary suprised either. "It was to be expected, I suppose.

She flickers her fingers alonside the two other pages "May I ?"

(This next part is only If Jane doesn't seem to protest too much or take her notebook back:)

[[ Lin takes a long look a the first page with a somewhat stern look. Ye gods, she saw walls in covered in forgotten writting in cursed temples from sunken civilisations that were easier to decypher. Still.. she's kind of curious. Let see, Old grimm would be the reaper then and a wooden surcoat ?... the lid of a coffin, given the context, then . And to nose, to smell.. to trail ? Then a back-slang would be... Lin furrows her brow and silently mouth the words as she tries to make the most logical translation in her mind
Mr Lee.. something.. has been hit hard. His son died." Well nothing they didn't knew already here "The culprit likely had... an acomplice ? a backdoor ? because they haven't been killed ? caught ? If we could track it out it might be usefull... mmm.. The 'linguo gets a bit too colorfull here, the stag and the crow complelty lost her. Unless Mr Lee has a secret passion for rolling on the ground and bestiality on wood animals, she has no idea. "Thank you dear" she sighs as she gracefully hands the notebook back ]]

"Ah yes" It occurs to her she was asked something, She waves in direction of the box contaning the magical footwear she put on small table earlier "'About this. I still do not know here it came from and who it belonged too, I'm afraid. An expert however confirms it is magical in nature, though it is impossible to determine wthe nature of the magic without the full pair. I can have some tests done at the old magic school if you wish, but that would mean giving the shoe away for a while." she takes back the tube of glittering dust "This however is something else. You said her vehicle was untraceable ?"

2012-11-13, 05:26 AM
Eyup, the guys before us had resources, and they could find neither head not tail of her fancy limo and they focused the majority of their efforts on it, no plates, so I can't just call up old friends to check up the records.

Getting up he continues Well, gonna catch some shut eye, can't catch spooks half asleep can I? Kid, better do the same.


DC: 15
Point me to the spook's stake-out point, I'm gonna sneak up on them and say hello.

2012-11-13, 09:36 AM
"I suspect you wouldn't find that car even if you searched the whole city by yourself. I'll explain later"

Well, gonna catch some shut eye, can't catch spooks half asleep can I? Kid, better do the same.

Lin rolls her eyes

Inuendo: difficulty 0:
Even if we were tailed I doubt they'd go as far as following us right in the building so you can stop using innuendos, you are starting to sound surreal at best and frankly kind of daft

When you just got a job from a high profile mob boss, it's quite expected it'd attract some attention. Rivals families, Police... The client himself was the most likely to send these spooks, if Mr lee wanted youto so something Lin strongly suspect he'll make sure you'll do it.
Still they are right, It could be informative to know who is tailing them, she'll follow at a distance in case help is needed.

2012-11-14, 03:40 AM
Jane nods and quietly gets to her feet even as she contemplates potential routes to any of the watchers. She picks a target based on which approach would allow Clinton to get close without being spotted, and then even as she leads Clinton out of the building they move in.
Sense motive (to follow the innuendo): autosucceeds
Stealth (to avoid surveillance and lead Clinton to the target watcher): (1d20+22)[32] (take 10 - Skill mastery)

2012-11-14, 03:50 AM
Clinton follows Jane's lead as well as he can.

Stealth, to sneak up on the buggers

2012-11-16, 07:18 AM
(OOC: Ooh that was close, but the mooks roll better than you, Clinton)

The watchers, aptly named, are watching you, so they notice Clinton going out of the office. They still don't notice Jane though.

2012-11-18, 05:10 AM
Clinton attempts to shake the eye of the watchers, moving in a ridiculously convoluted path, entering and exiting places all the while trying to keep an eye on Jane.

(He's going through a lot of places and trying to change his walking style and loose their eyes.)


2012-11-20, 08:22 AM
Sadly, no such luck. They manage to follow you. At least you now know they're following you.

2012-11-20, 09:29 AM
The night is chilly, and you see almost nobody else, other than one or two scurrying people that hold their coat close. The mist starts to rise. You hear the barking of a dog from somewhere.

One of the watcher moves toward Clinton, and coughs at him.

"This is such a good night to stroll, don't you think?"

2012-11-20, 09:48 AM
Clinton stops in his tracks and looks up saying, It's a very good night indeed. paying close attention to the man's voice.

Sense motive

2012-11-20, 10:11 AM
"You're from that old detective agency building right? You're currently doing some case? You guys seems very busy for the whole day. You see, my employee have some thought about your recent activities..."

Clinton sensed that this guy might not mean well.

2012-11-20, 10:26 AM
And what are these thoughts exactly? says Clinton, reaching into his pocket for his gun.

2012-11-20, 11:26 AM
As the man approaches Clinton, Jane remains in the shadows ... watching.
Snese motive(to get an idea of the man's intentions): (1d20+11)[21] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Notice (to determine if the man has any friends in the shadows or if he is indeed alone): [roll0]

2012-11-20, 12:15 PM
(OOC: By the way, do you prefer me using spoiler tags for individual response or not?)

He's not meaning well, and you notice that he has friends in the shadows.


He smiles and lean closer at Clinton.

"You see, he don't like your activities. You seem like a smart guy. I really think you understand what I'm saying already. But you see, my employer thinks that breaking one or two of your ribs might underline his case better." He cracks his brass-studded knuckles.

2012-11-21, 02:53 AM
A shadowy figure drops to the ground soundlessly behind the thug. Someone taps him on the shoulder, and if he turns around, he finds a fist smashing straight into his chin with utmost precision.

"Your employer might want to rethink his stance on this." A figure is standing there, clad in a dark cloak and wide-brimmed hat, with a mask obscuring the lower part of her face. It is nobody else but the (in)famous vigilante, Midnight Falcon!

Stealth to remain hidden up to this point: [roll0]
Power Attack 3, +5 total damage mod: [roll1] (could count as sneak attack?)

2012-11-21, 03:13 AM
Jane remains in the shadows, and carefully draws a couple of knives, ready to throw them should any of the other men step out of the shadows to intervene.
Stealth (includes -20 modifier for sniping from the shadows): (1d20+2)[12] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Thrown Knife [roll0] (DC21 Toughness save, Critical 19-20, Lethal)
(Jane will throw a knife at the first man to step out of the shadows - aiming for his throat)

I'm hoping for the situation where Jane's target drops with a knife in his throat, Jane remains unseen, the men freeze in shock .. and then slowly back off - lets see if we get lucky :smallamused:

2012-11-21, 06:23 AM
Clinton turns around, drawing his pistol as he turns and sweeps the area for any possible "friends" of the dude who threatened him.


2012-11-22, 05:03 AM
"What the...! Who are you?" The man holds his broken nose confusedly.

(Sneak attacked! Stunned and Bruised).

"Hey, are you alright?" From the shadow, not one, or two, but four burly men appears. And before they could do anything, one of them got hit by a thrown knife straight at his chest!

(Whaddya know? He's down instantly.)

Two of them wave lead pipes threatheningly. One guy's fist twinkles from the brass knuckle he's wearing, and the last one draws a small pistol from his coat.

"Get them!"

(Roll initiative! If you roll higher than 16, you can move. And next time you attack, putting the DC of your attack would help me a lot.)

2012-11-22, 05:27 AM
Clinton raises his pistol, loosing a round into the only guy with a gun.

To Hit

Light Pistol

2012-11-22, 08:06 PM
"You don't know Midnight Falcon? You will, soon enough." In one smooth and quick motion the masked vigilante draws the rapier from under her cloak, and then slashes a few times at the broken-nosed man's chest, leaving shallow cuts just with the tip of the blade. And she follows up with a heavily-booted kick, before turning towards the other incoming thugs.

Initiative 20, rolled in the ooc thread.

Power Attack 3, Defensive Strike 3 on the stunned enemy. Defense goes up to 20, Toughness save DC 22. Nonlethal as per default.

Attack: [roll0]

2012-11-22, 10:54 PM
The stunned guy regains its composure, but before he could do anything, Midnight Falcon drops him to the ground.

(Another one down. Such ridiculously bad rolls. And Clinton shouldn't be able to move yet, so I put it as his next move if that's alright with you.)

2012-11-23, 02:13 AM
Jane continues to remain in the shadows, and drawing another knife, she throws, aiming for one of the men waving a lead pipe.
Stealth (includes -20 modifier for sniping from the shadows): (1d20+2)[12] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Thrown Knife [roll0] (DC21 Toughness save, Critical 19-20, Lethal)
(Jane will aim for the closest of the men who are wielding lead pipes)

2012-11-26, 03:35 AM
Jane's target manages to block her knife with his hand. It only leaves him a scratch. (Bruised).

"That's the knife-throwing bastard!" And more! One of them managed to finally notice where she is hiding! It's the one equipped with holdout pistol. He takes a shot toward jane [Attack roll 14, DC 18]

Meanwhile the other two swings their weapons toward Midnight Falcon

[rolled 5 and 20, DC 16 and 17]

Everyone can move now.

2012-11-26, 03:46 AM
Clinton takes another shot at the man with the holdout pistol


+3 damage/toughness

2012-11-26, 05:50 AM
Expressionless, Jane's eyes narrow as she turns to face the man with the gun, and, from the shadows throws a knife at him.
Stealth (includes -20 modifier for sniping from the shadows): (1d20+2)[12] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
(Assuming that she has not been spotted by the other two ...)
Thrown Knife [roll0] (DC21 Toughness save, Critical 19-20, Lethal)
(Jane will aim for the man with the gun)

2012-11-26, 10:43 PM
Midnight Falcon defeats against the first strike by sidestepping it nimbly and parrying the blow. As for the second attacker, she grasps the forearm wielding the incoming lead pipe into an iron grip, stopping its force with her fist seemingly to no ill effect! Her eyes narrow and she immediately shoves the pipe back at him, and then follows up by a rapier stab into the shoulder.

Using a HP to reroll toughness, suffering no damage.

Bluff to feint the enemy: [roll0] (+4 from Attractive?)
Power Attack 3, Defensive Strike 4: [roll1]
Save DC 22 if it hits. Defense goes up to 21.

2012-11-27, 04:10 AM
Carlston's shot hit the man's heavy coat, but it doesn't look like it hurts him much. (Made saving throw).

Jane's knife on the other hand, once again it hits its mark well, and the man is now reeling in pain. (bruised and stunned. Seriously, you're so lucky).

"Damnit, this is supposed to be a simple shakedown."

The other two are still focused at Midnight Falcon, swinging their heavy hands around the elusive crimefighter.

(rolled 14 and 16, which miss I guess).

2012-11-27, 04:40 AM
Clinton fires another shot at the man with the gun, hoping his horrible aim will not hinder the vigilante in her melee.


+3 damage

2012-11-27, 10:35 AM
Still expressionless, Jane's hand whips back as she throws another knife at the man with the gun, the knife once again moving through the air with surprising momentum.
Stealth (includes -20 modifier for sniping from the shadows): (1d20+2)[12] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
(Assuming that she has not been spotted by the other two ...)
Thrown Knife [roll0] (DC21 Toughness save, Critical 19-20, Lethal)
(Jane continues to throw at the man with the gun)

2012-11-27, 05:47 PM
Falcon dodges each of the attacks going in her way swiftly, her cape trailing in the air behind and around her. And she follows each one with a quick grab and pull on their limbs, attempting to use the momentum of the attackers to throw them to the ground.
"If you were smart, you'd give up now." She stabs one of them in the arm with her rapier, and then follows up with a backhand smash to the face while he's pinned.

Trip attack 1: [roll0]
Trip check 1: [roll1]
Trip attack 2: [roll2]
Trip check 2: [roll3]

Power Attack 4, Defensive Strike 2 on whichever one is still standing.
Attack roll: [roll4]
DC 23 28 (crit!), nonlethal. Defense goes up to 19. If he goes down, Takedown Attack at the other one, for DC 23 nonlethal (attack roll +2).

2012-11-28, 11:37 PM
Both Clinton's shot and Jane's knife miss, they richocet on some musty wall with loud clinks as their target ducks.

The Midnight Falcon manages to trip one of her attacker, and he stumbles down. Her second trip attempt misses, and her target still stands. But it leaves him unprepared for her backhand. BAM! It strikes the thug right on his nose and he falls down, bleeding with a broken nose. (down!)

And with one flowing move, the midnight Falcon strikes down the tripped thug. BAM! Head, meets pavement. (staggered.)

"Crap, we're not getting paid enough for this..."

The thug with the gun, noticing that his only remaining friend is staggering on the pavements, thinks for a split second, before skedaddling toward a dark, misty alley...

2012-11-29, 11:15 AM
Clinton puts his gun back into his jacket pocket and straightens it. Turning to the Falcon, he says, Hello, the Falcon I presume, I thought you would be much older, and male.

OOC: He as not been in the city for some time, he remembers the midnight falcon as Adale's dad, five year ago. Also, playing my dude I take a single, simple question into mind, What would Sherlock do?

2012-11-29, 06:21 PM
"I get that a lot. I decided not to wait until someone older and male came to rescue you, though. Are you both alright?"
Midnight Falcon glances at the escaping thug briefly, not giving chase. Instead, she suddenly swings her rapier, pointing it towards the chest of the tripped (but still conscious) thug.
"And you... I hope you don't mind answering a few questions?"

2012-11-29, 08:14 PM
Touche, says Clinton as he walks over to the thug.

Squatting in front of the thug to see eye to eye, he continues Look, my friend here kinda has a temper problem, so I think you better answer her questions. motioning to The Falcon.


2012-11-30, 02:07 AM
Emerging from the shadows is a young girl of perhaps 13, a street urchin by her appearance, ... Jane stares for a moment at the masked vigilante who came to their aid, ... then she nods, whether in greeting or just to herself it's hard to tell, before she collects her knives. As each knife is picked up, it seems to disappear, returned to its hidden position, by the young girls dextrous hands.

2012-11-30, 04:55 AM
"Urgh... Don't hit me more. I'll answer your questions!" The man holds his bleeding face and looks to be thoroughly intimidated.

2012-11-30, 06:57 PM
"Who is your boss? And how long have you been working for him?" Falcon narrows her eyes (the only really noticable part of her face) and moves the blade just a tiny bit closer to the man's flesh.

2012-12-01, 04:13 AM
Having collected her knives, the young street urchin casts one more look at the masked lady before she disappears into the shadows once more ...
Stealth: (1d20+22)[32] (take 10 - skill mastery)
GM onlyJane then heads after the thug that got away, and if she locates him, she proceeds to tail him as far as she can...

Notice: [roll0]
Tailing (as per previous stealth roll)

2012-12-03, 10:00 AM
"I don't work for anyone in particular. It's just, earlier this day, somebody approached us and told us to follow you, report what you're doing to him, and rough you up a little bit." The man answers.

Jane manages to spot some blood tracks, but the man himself managed to escape her sight.

2012-12-04, 09:19 AM
Sorry not to have posted lately. Been busy and just generaly not very inspired. (not by the game, just to be clear, just not inspired in general)

Since I haven't posted in the batle so far and it wouldn't been much in character for her to just stay frozen in place, I'm going to say she just stayed at the building and is missing on the thing and his talking with the journalist instead.

Also just to check, since you still haven't confirmed, Fri, the two powders (the one Clinton got from the mortician and the one Lin got from the shoe.) are both elf dust as far as she can tell ?

"I still don't believe I had the pleasure to get you name, or what you do here, Mr ?" Lin ask the blond gentelman as the detective and the girl go out. "So, you are an old friend of Mr Satherwaite. Did you knew him well ?"

2012-12-04, 01:29 PM
So how do you report to him? asks Clinton.


You thinking what I'm thinking?

2012-12-05, 09:31 AM

"My name is Thompson Hemingway. You can call me Thompson or Tommy." The gentleman smiles. "I work at the newspaper. I used to be a street urchin, before Mr. Satterwaithe took me as his ward. I owe a lot to him.

"This case is very interesting. I hope everyone won't mind if I got the exclusive right for the story later." He laughs. "Of course, I'll help however I can. As much as I can help with my limited resources anyway. But at least, be sure that this agency got its ally in the press."


"We're supposed to meet him every night at The Coal Engine." He mentions a certain shady bar.

2012-12-05, 02:21 PM
"How does he look like? Tell me everything about him you know."
Midnight Falcon gives the thug a sharp look. Lies will not be tolerated here.

2012-12-06, 07:36 AM
"He... He seems to be half made of metal.

He wears metallic prosthetic. Half of his face is also metal."

2012-12-06, 10:26 AM
Clinton blinks at the description, two words escaping his mouth, "wait, what?"

2012-12-06, 01:06 PM
"Is that so. Keep your gun on this guy, detective." Midnight Falcon tries to remember if she knows anyone who fits this description. People with half-metal faces are hard to miss, after all! But in the meantime, she goes to check the status of the thug who got hit with a knife. If he's still alive, this would be much less problematic.

Dying characters don't usually drop down dead instantly, only if they fail the Fortitude save (and they still need to be stabilized then), so I hope for that.

Also, rolling Well-Informed to see if I know anything about this metal guy, if possible: [roll0]

2012-12-07, 05:37 AM
After a short while, Jane returns and watches over the others at the scene. She keeps her eyes open as she stays within the shadows, continuing to watch for the watchers.

2012-12-08, 05:42 AM
The thug who was hit by a knife is not moving, but apparently he's still alive. His ragged breath echoes in the misty night.

2012-12-08, 03:51 PM
Good. Leaving dead bodies behind is bad rep. Midnight Falcon kills only when she has to.
"He's still alive... But not for long, if he won't get medical help. Detective, can you do something about it?"

2012-12-08, 06:56 PM
I can try replies Clinton, rolling up his sleeves as he tries to provide paramedic treatment for the injuries.


2012-12-08, 11:25 PM
"I can hardly talk for everyone in this building but if there's anyone whose objection you should be worried about, it's Mr Lee" Lin answer matter of factly to the man about diclosing details on this case. Mobster tend to have some serious ideas about confidentiality
"His ward." Lin takes a small moment to think about the young silent girl, wondering if the man made an habbit of taking in street urchins. "I suppose you must have been quite affected by his diseapearance ?"

2012-12-09, 07:26 AM

You manages to stabilize the bleeding thug.

"Tha... thank you." He says, clearly not expecting that.


"Yeah, Mr. Satterwaithe has a weak spot against down in the luck people and street urchins. It might be because of his past, whatever it was. He never talk about it much.

And yeah, I've been trying to find him ever since he disappeared. But what bothered me is how easily people gave up on him. Just look at this building. Last year this is a bustling center of investigation in this city!

But I guess that's not wholly their fault. With vultures like that nephew of him circling around, it's not a very comfortable place to live."

2012-12-09, 09:31 AM
"You're welcome, don't worry you'll be fine, good enough to be dumped into lockup without further treatment from what I recall of procedure way back when." Clinton replies, wiping the sweat from his brow and chuckling a bit at his joke.

"You'll have to see a doctor for further treatment, I can't do anything else." he continues.


2012-12-10, 10:34 AM
The sound of police sirine echoes faraway somewhere in the background, as the healthier thugs props their bleeding friend.

"We won't forget this."

If you're not asking them for anything else, they'll slink to the alleyway in silence.

Will your action help you or hinder you in the future? Only the gods would know.

2012-12-10, 09:15 PM
"Think twice next time someone pays you to do something like this. You never know when the Midnight Falcon is watching..." The vigilante stares ominously at the mooks, making it obvious that she means "always". She waits until they get away from here before turning to Clinton.
"As for us, we have a certain steel-faced man to catch. Do you want to pay him a visit tonight?"

2012-12-10, 11:18 PM
Clinton turns to The Falcon saying Why, I was thinking the exact same thing. So madam, would you like a few drinks at The Coal Engine? They're on me. a grin on his face.

2012-12-12, 08:15 PM
"Of course. Although I cannot promise my appearance won't scare some of the local patrons away."

2012-12-13, 07:35 AM
All the better Falcon, all the better. Clinton replies, a cocky grin on his face.

OOC: Can we do a transition skip to the bar?

2012-12-13, 04:28 PM
As Clinton heads to the bar with this masked Falcon woman, Jane swings past the Scatterwaithe building, appearing inside just long enough to pass a note to Lin before she disappears into the shadows once more.

Clinton & Midnight Falcon(masked woman) heading to The Coal Engine (seedy bar) for 'discussion' with metal-faced man (Ho? - Lee's right hand man)Jane will follow Lin should she leave the Scatterwaithe building, watching for any watchers, or for anyone tailing Lin (or herself)

2012-12-15, 11:30 PM
"I understand the feeling" Lin can relate although in her case it's more the 'in law' family being a pain "I too recently have known a d..." Lin stop as she's interrupted by a paper being handed to her by Jane.

Lin takes a look at the note. She can't say she's too surprsised, as she already said earlier it made a lot of sense to her Mr Lee would like to keep an eye on them (she would do the same in his position). She's got no idea who 'Midnight falcon' may be, makes her feel she missed something here. But the rest is relaltively clear, the ' ' around discusion drives the point nicely. She's not exactly sure how much (if any) help they expect her to be in case of trouble ? (actualy a lot more than she looks, did they knew ?) It seems a pretty bad idea but with her curiosity already raised by the elf dust, she kinda want to know the whole story now.

Lin takes a look at the box containing the shoe and place the two sample of powder with it "Apologies, I suppose we'll have ot contrinue this discution later. Would you keep an eye on these while we're away, please ?" she asks the journalist before grabing her purse, taking a look as to check something in it and then nodding in direction of Jane "Alright" ... Or at least, as she turns her head to look again, in the direction of the shadows where Jane diseapeared. She couldn't have gone far so she's likely still here, though.. probably. Lin isn't sure if the girl is being facetious, paranoid or just shy but her talent to be unseen is uncanny. "Would you lead the way to the 'Coal engine', please ?"

2012-12-17, 01:27 AM
@ Lin

"Alright. It's not that I have better things to do!" Hemingway replies.

The Coal Engine is located in a bad, well, worse part of the town, near the factory districts. It's dirty, dank, and dark, you can see that even from the outside. In front of it, you see some battered industrial ARM parked.

What are you going to do now that you're there?

2012-12-17, 04:06 AM
Jane, perhaps overly cautiously, makes herself seen to Lin and leads her onwards to the Coal Engine, trying to avoid the 'more dangerous' spots as she does.

(Assuming that they make it to The Coal Engine without incident)

Jane then makes herself scarce, as she locates a good vantage point from which she can remain hidden and yet still see the area around the bar.

2012-12-17, 09:39 PM
"What a lovely place. I can't promise a bar brawl won't erupt. If it does, try not to shoot anyone until they draw weapons first."
Midnight Falcon opens the door loudly, and enters. What else is left to do?

2012-12-18, 04:22 AM
The sight of a costumed person entering is enough to silence the whole bar and turns all eyes toward you. The only sound that can be heard now is the creaking of the cheap ceiling fan on the ceiling.

You have the attention of the whole bar. Now what?

2012-12-18, 05:09 AM
Clinton follows in behind her, attempting to blend in by virtue of not being the centre of attention and scan the room for signs of the metal face man.

2012-12-19, 08:23 PM
You see him nursing his drink in the corner. It seems that he doesn't really care about Midnight Falcon's entrance.

2012-12-20, 12:23 AM
The moment the steel-faced man is spotted, the masked vigilante deliberately goes straight into his direction. She doesn't seem to care that the whole bar's eyes are on her, or maybe that's even better for her.
"Word of advice, pal. Next time you want to beat up an innocent man, at least have the guts to do it yourself instead of hiring goons."

2012-12-20, 05:49 AM
He looks at you and sighs.

"The Midnight Falcon himself... or herself... I don't have any personal problem with you. I assume you've just fouled one of my operation? The question is which one, you see, I run a pretty big business.

But by how you found me here, I can guess which one it is. It's the Satterwaithe one isn't it? That's the problem with using freelancer. They can't be trusted. But I can't use my own men for this.

Is any member of that sad excuse of a detective agency here?"

2012-12-20, 01:20 PM
Lin is vaguely reminded of those expedition in deep jungles where they were guided but some sort of endogenous guide as she follows Jane in the middle of the sprawling mass of urban decay. Sometime the looming buildings feel like a lawless wild territory of it's own, except it smells or burning coal rather than humid vegetation and the predators don't even have the decency of walking on four legs.

She opens the door to the bar and take a look inside. It's not the first time she has to enter a dark and seedy cuthroats and the coal engine has nothing to be ashamed off in that reguard. As it turns out, someone else is attracting the attention, a younger woman dressed like she came from some novel, the kind where a protagonist dons a mask and right wrongs and sign their name whith the tip of their sword (the famous Midnight Falcon probably), has already brashly strolled right to business with Lee's lieutenant. As such, Lin walks into the bar relatively unseen, giving maybe a small nod to Clinton if he sees her, and sits a couple of table over (but in the direction of the exit full well knowing from experience the chances of degenerating into a brawl) and listen quietly to the conversation.

2012-12-27, 12:04 AM
Clinton moves up next to the man with the Iron face saying in seeming jest, "That hurts my feelings, really it does. But I guess it didn't hurt as much as having to give up sports, also ain't that a bit cliche? A child could have told that you were armed."

2013-01-04, 03:51 AM
Jane remains in the shadows and continues to keep watch outside the bar.

2013-01-04, 07:50 PM
The man looks at Clinton silently for a while before sighing.

"I knew using you would be a mistake. For exactly this reason. Now, I'm glad that you're here now though. So we can talk eye-to-eye.

Would you mind if we talk in somewhere more... private?"

2013-01-05, 07:22 AM
Sure, can I bring my new friend along? He replies, gesturing to the falcon and waving to her childishly.

2013-01-07, 03:15 AM
He looks at the Falcon, as if deliberating something.

"Suit yourself. Would you mind if we talk in the back alley outside?"

2013-01-07, 09:29 PM
Lin's shoot a discreet cough in direction of clinton, being, go figure, only midly happy to have recieved a note telling her to come if it's only to be left in a bar full of surly thugs and not get any ofthe info.

2013-01-07, 10:09 PM
"Back alley business, hmm? Very well. Are we going there here and now?"
Adela doesn't like this, even if she barely shows it on the outside apart from her usual Midnight Falcon seriousness. There's a fair chance it's a trap - and if they have some time before the meeting, she might be able to check the alley for ambushes.

2013-01-08, 05:22 AM
Sure, how bout a drink first? he replies, smiling and ordering a beer.

Innuendo to Falcon

I'm buying you time, check out the alley!

2013-01-12, 12:01 AM
"I'll pass. I'll see you there." Falcon turns around and steps out of the bar. Immediately after that she gets to work, because there's no time to waste! She blends into the shadow and glances into the alley, checking for any possible traps or other unpleasant surprises. She remembers to look up, as well.

Stealth: [roll0]
Notice: [roll1]

2013-01-12, 06:06 AM
"Sure. Have a drink on me. I'm not sure that you can afford one." He snickers.

Nobody sees Midnight Falcon, but she sees nobody too.

After a while he leads you to the back alley. Would you follow him?

2013-01-12, 06:55 AM
OOouch, right in the heart, Clinton says as he follows him out into the alley.

2013-01-12, 03:24 PM
Not having the obviously armed vigilante around might make the steel-faced man show his true colors, so Falcon stays hidden in the alleyway for now.

2013-01-12, 09:22 PM
The Falcon doesn't see anyone, and it seems that nobody seen her.

Mr. Ho, the metal-faced man, lead you to the dark back alley of the bar. Only bits of light from the windows lit the alley, and it's not enough at all to lit up the place.

Mr. Ho lit up a cigar. The fire makes shadow dances on every corner.

"You need money right? Of course you do. For that decrepit building you live in. A bunch of lowly amateurs like you thinking that you can run a detective agency. You know what you're doing? You're trying to keep a dying horse alive. You might be able to do some small tricks like you did inside, but at the end, that's all you can do. tricks." he sneers.

"I'm going to give you an offer. Publicly announce that you can't solve this case. I'll pay you. This is your only chance. Even if you continue on, you won't be able to find anything after all. Of course your reputation would take a dive, but it's not like you have any reputation left in this city. It might even do you good, quickening the death of your pathetic agency."

He reaches inside his coat, and pulls a bundle of money. He counts it for a while, then throws it to the damp ground beyond his feet.

2013-01-13, 01:43 AM
Clinton grins, a childish sparkle in his eye as he says, "Firstly, this is not my agency, this agency belongs to Mr Satterwaithe not me, so it would be quite rude to accept your offer. Second, there are two reasons I joined this agency. Firstly, I actually liked what this agency was doing. Secondly, I like solving puzzles, the more interesting the better, and guess what? This case just got a whole lot more interesting to me, so thanks but no thanks. So I've got two words for you, challenge accepted."

Sense motive

2013-01-14, 05:56 AM
Jane, hearing the sound of a door opening to the alley, moves slightly, such that she has a good view of the alley and those within.

Stealth (remaining unnoticed): (1d20+22)[32] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Notice (to actually be able to see and hear what is going on in the alley, and to keep an eye out for anyone else): [roll0]

2013-01-14, 08:18 AM
Jane noticed that there are figures hiding in the dark! And Carlston sensed that he's not happy with your answer, and he might do something bad.

"I thought you're smarter than that..."

2013-01-14, 09:19 AM
Jane draws a blade and holds it ready as she crouches in the shadows on the roof overlooking the alley.
As soon as she can clearly make out one of the figures hiding in the dark ...

Stealth (includes -20 modifier for sniping from the shadows): (1d20+2)[12] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Ready action (to throw a blade at the first hostile target that she can see)
Thrown Knife [roll0] (DC21 Toughness save, Critical 19-20, Lethal)

2013-01-14, 08:47 PM
"You dropped something, boy." Midnight Falcon emerges from the shadows, behind the steel-masked man. Her voice is calm, but with a hint of a threat. "Pick it up and get out of here, this is a no-littering area."

2013-01-21, 06:46 PM
Standing in the entrance fo the alley Lin slips a hand in her handbag and gives a little cough in the cold smokey air. Predictably the conversation is about to take a bumpy turn.

Sorry if I haven't posted much inthis game, was swamped in exams till the 18.
Anyone else still here ?

2013-01-22, 11:50 AM
(rolled intimidate for falcon)

Falcon's attempt only seems to enrage Mr. Ho. "Who do you think you're talking to, little girl? I was preparing to wreck your stupid building, but I think you could use some lesson now!" And he claps.

From one alley, you hear some clattering and hissing sound. Jane's blade fly eeringly toward it, but it clatters off it harmlessly!

An eight feet tall, hunched-humanoid-looking machine with pudgy arm and legs steps forward, smokes flowing from an exhaust pipe behind it. It's an ARM!

(roll initiative. If it's higher than 17 you can move)

2013-01-23, 04:52 PM
"Wrong answer." Midnight Falcon suddenly elbows Mr Ho in the stomach, and then tries to swipe him off his feet with a swing of her rapier to the leg! She glances towards the ARM, but is neither intimiated by it or trying to provoke it. Just waiting for it to come.

Bluff to make him drop his guard: [roll0] (+4 from Attractive?)
Attack: [roll1]
Defensive Strike 2, Power Attack 2. Toughness save DC 21, defense goes up to 19.

2013-01-25, 09:14 AM
"Umpf!" Mr Ho caught the elbow straight on his stomach, but he managed to dodge the rapier. (bluffed, but the attack miss)

"You little bitch!" blade springs from his prosthetic arm, and he swipes at Falcon. But his swipe is far too wide.

The ARM steps forward slowly with clanking sound and swings a thick clawed arm at falcon, but it also misses.

(everyone can move now. I forgot to mention that you can roll appropriate knowledge for information about the ARM)

2013-01-25, 10:25 AM
Midnight Falcon dodges both attacks, and uses the momentum of Ho's strike to grab his arm and throw him into the way of the ARM!

[Trip react on Ho, attack: [roll0]
Trip on Ho, check: [roll1]
Trip react on the ARM, attack: [roll2]
Trip on the ARM, check: [roll3]
Will do my action after I see the results of the reacts.]

2013-01-25, 10:35 AM
Mr Ho stumbles a little bit, but he manages to right himself back right away. But the ARM had to dance a little bit to avoid stepping on its employer, and it manages to stumbles itself down with a loud crash! The ARM is now lying prone.

2013-01-25, 08:07 PM
Clinton runs over to the ARM, drawing his gun and knocking on the entrance to the cockpit.

2013-01-26, 02:31 AM
"You idiot!" Mr. Ho swears at his underling.

Since the mecha is currently lying prone, you manages to reach the hatch easily. Usually it won't be that easy. It's currently locked though. You'll need to use your disable device skill to open it.

2013-01-26, 03:19 AM
Clinton fiddles with the lock.


2013-01-26, 07:16 AM
Seeing her companions dealing handily to the ARM, Jane, almost absently, throws a knife at the metal-faced Ho.

Stealth (includes -20 modifier for sniping from the shadows): (1d20+2)[12] (take 10 - Skill mastery)
Attack vs Ho (inc. -4 for him being in melee)
Thrown Knife [roll0][critical threat] (DC21[DC26 if crit] Toughness save, Critical 19-20, Lethal)

2013-01-26, 02:18 PM
Clinton fiddles with the lock. It's a simple enough lock, you can almost feel it crumbles in your hand. But you've spent some time moving to and climbing the fallen ARM though, you'll need a couple more seconds...

Jane's knife flies uneeringly toward Ho's face! But Ho manages to dodge the incoming missile at a split second, it only scratches the fleshy part of his face! (bruised)

2013-01-28, 02:32 AM
"You're in over your head. It's not too late to give up yet, you know."
Midnight Falcon slashes at Ho's chest with the very tip of her rapier, and then jumps back, looking over her shoulder towards both enemies while she's turned side, almost back to them. She's ready to retaliate if any of them attacks, however - in fact, she's kinda on the line between both of them...

Defensive Strike 3: [roll0]
Toughness save 19, defense goes up to +10 for one round.

Trick on the ARM pilot: [roll1] (+4?)
If succeeds and he attacks me and misses, I redirect the attack at Ho instead.

2013-01-28, 04:25 AM
So smuchmuch, are you witholding your action for now or you want to act ?

Mostly, i'm fighting the demons of college and being overdue on tons of sudden homework
I should be done with the most of it tomorow

I'll use one move action for now,:

Trying to move a little closer to Ho and the ARM without being spotted
[roll0] (+whatever bonus circumstaces if any from the fact they are likely already occupied with falcon and clinton already.

Preparing an action to catch Clinton if it looks he's about to be ejected by the ARM (grappling hook may be involved (super movement swinging) if the ARM is really high, Else she'll just catch him., Want me to roll something ?)

2013-01-28, 12:15 PM
Come on, come on, come on. Clinton says ts he opens the last tumblers on the lock.

2013-01-28, 01:03 PM
Again Jane throws a knife at the metal-faced Ho, more to keep him occupied than anything else ... whilst she watches her companions dealing with the ARM.

Stealth (includes -20 modifier for sniping from the shadows): (1d20+2)[12] (take 10 - Skill mastery) -> (Ho takes -2AC and loses dodge bonus if he fail's DC12 Notice)
Attack vs Ho (inc. -4 for target being in melee)
Thrown Knife [roll0] (DC21 Toughness save, Critical 19-20, Lethal)

2013-01-30, 09:50 AM
"Argh!" Falcon's caught Ho off guard and her sword slashes ho's chest directly! You heard a metalic clang as his expensive shirt rips. Half of his chest is metallic, but his other half is clearly bleeding badly!

Ho clearly isn't expecting this. He whistles. On the edge of the alley, where the alley meets the bigger road, a black sedan appears.

Bleeding profusely, he runs toward the sedan.

"Bao! I'm not getting you inside the family for nothing! Beat them up, and then wreck their stupid building! I'm going now!"

And after saying that, he leaps inside the car.

"Go, now!" He screams inside the car, and the car screeches away from you.

(everyone receive one hero point)

The ARM spends a couple of seconds to stand up, with Clinton still hanging on it. Can Clinton keep himself on top of it?(roll acrobatic!)

Then it swings its bulky arm toward Clinton. But since the pilot currently can't see him, the swing hits thin misty air.

(everyone can move now)

2013-01-30, 09:52 AM
Clinton attempts to hang on, trying to open the hatch.



2013-01-31, 07:37 AM
Yes! Carlston manages to pop the hatch open! And he manages to keep himself hanging there!

Inside the cockpit, you see the ARM's pilot strapped into piloting harnesses.

2013-01-31, 07:40 AM
Get out. Clinton says, drawing his gun on the pilot and grinning like a maniac.


2013-02-04, 02:43 PM
"I suggest doing what he says." Midnight Falcon appears next to Clinton, holding her sword. Deep on the inside she's punching herself for forgetting to bring her bike, though. What a wasted opportunity to follow Ho!

Intimidate (aid another): [roll0]

2013-02-06, 10:48 PM
sorry if i'm getting ahead of myself, but with two intimidation rolls and a guna nd a rapier gainst him, i trust no one will mind if I assume the ARM pilot surrenders and the fight is over ?

I wonder can we keep the Arm ?
Technicaly no one payed for it yet, but I can't think of reason in game for it to vanish in a puff of smoke or even jsut become unusable because it'd been aquired in game.

Lin move her heads a bit to get a beeter view of the spectacle of Clinton standing a foot half in the ARm hatch, a hand gripping the robot's door while the other holds a gun to threaten the pilot; alongside the more gracille midnight Falcon. It'd make a good circus act.

"Impressive." She actualy has to admit for herself she's rather impressed with the scrawny detective, he hadn't striked her as the type who would have the athlethic abilities (or to be honnest, the galls) to manage succesfully this stunt. "Ho willl probaly send more mens tonight. Do you have a plan for that ?"

2013-02-07, 06:51 AM
The pilot looks at the pistol and rapier that's being pointed at him.

"Uh... goddamn it..." Utterly intimidated, he lost his words and simply raise his hands. "Pilot an ARM they say, be utterly intimidating and impervious to punks they say..."

And the fight ends as sudden as it starts.

2013-02-08, 12:17 PM
Well, look on the bright side buddy, you're still alive. Clinton says, nonchalantly grinning.

Though I do have a question Falcon, who gets to keep this new toy? He continues, grinning and turning to Falcon.

2013-02-11, 04:52 PM
"You caught the fish, you get to earn it, friend.", Falcon responds to Clinton, while tying the mook's hands at the same time. "Speaking of fishes, the one here might have an answer or two to our questions."

2013-02-13, 11:10 PM
So, since you're working with Ho on this one, so what exactly do you know about Mr. Lee's kid's death?

Sense Motive

TO see if he's lying.

2013-02-16, 09:40 AM
"What...? Why are you asking that? I only know that a mysterious masked girl killed her! What else should I know?"

Clinton sensed that he's telling the truth.

2013-02-22, 07:42 AM
"Did Mr Lee knew about Hos project to tear our building apart ? who else did he hire for that ?"

So, i understand Tengu has exams and Stormwind is away so i guess that explains the lack of activity.

Does anyone can think of anything else to ask the punk (cant think of anthing particlay worthwhile but i'm sue there's stuff ou could ask him abut the Lee family)
Else maybe we could wrapp this in a couple of posts and move on to something else, maybe ?
or at least a bit of posting to kep this thing afloat.

Also investigate/search (wichever you fel is more apropriate), to look arond the car tracks, maybe thee's smeting of notice or Ho rpped something in his escape pobal not. altough what hapned to th was of money he gave clinton ?) [roll0]+3 or +6

2013-02-22, 08:20 AM
So, any bad blood between Ho and your boss's kid?

2013-02-26, 12:04 PM
Jane watches silently from the shadows above until she is sure that it is safe .. for now, and then she slides down a drainpipe on the side of the building and retrieves her knives, seemingly ignoring the captured ARM pilot as she does so.

2013-02-28, 01:01 PM
"I'm not sure, but Mr. Ho explicitly said that we shouldn't tell anyone in the family about this mission we're having. He even took the ARM secretly from one of our warehouse. I think he'll have a hard time if he want to take another one without anyone else noticing. But I always assumed that Mr. Lee knows whatever Mr. Ho is doing. Isn't he his right hand man? Why should I assume otherwise?"

And I never noticed any bad blood between Ho and the late young master. Well, they rarely interact anyway. Ho usually just stay beside Mr. Lee, and Mr. Lee didn't really spend much time with his son. Their relationship was rather tepid, especially after Mrs. Lee died."

2013-03-04, 12:02 PM
"I assume he remaried ?" Lin remembers the man has said something about not disturbing his wife that had been very affected by the tragedy. Unless he kept a stuffed body around and was in serious denial (he didn't particulary seemed the type)... "What have you heard about his first wife ? When did she die ?"

That last question and i'm good to skip

2013-03-06, 11:57 AM
Yes, he remarried recently, a pretty young thing, and his second wife is currently pregnant.

His first wife died, I don't know, maybe ten years ago. I haven't joined the family when his first wife was still alive, so I don't know much about her, but I heard she was with him since when he's still a low-life thug. But something must've happened because I heard that sometime after the young master was born, they started sleeping separately. But the still pretend that they're a happy couple in public though. I know this because the old maids are gossiping incessantly when he married his second wife.

2013-03-07, 07:25 AM
"Hmm mm" Lin nods. befor emoving away; letting the others having their wéay with the thug, he probaly told her everything she wanted to know from him.
This storry of first wife interest her, she'd be interested to have a look at an image of the first wife, and maybe a world with the second or mr Ho himself. maybe she should go at his office or his household tomorow, if she can.

Okay, I'm cool with maybe we could have meeting IC to recap what we learned today (we had a bit of that earlier but it got interrupted very fast when you decided to go after the people taliling us) later in the evening. Or have that at the next day, first thing a tthe morning. Whatever sound good for you people.

2013-03-09, 10:06 AM
The night had passed. You fought off a bunch of thugs, drove off the right hand man of the most powerful crime family in the city, and captured an ARM, all in a few hour.

It's morning now. All the ordinary citizen of Rui Xing is on their way to do their jobs, to be the gear that keep the city running. But you're not ordinary citizen are you? You had a few hours to rest, or do what you want, but now, you all are back in the Satterwaithe building. Despite the fear of some of you, there aren't any further attack from Ho. So far.

Tommy Hemingway is there. Apparently he hold the fortress down while you're all away. Yawning, he pours some hot coffee to a cup.

"You guys were away for a while. What were you guys doing? And what's with that ARM in the garage?" He says as he munch some bread.

"I need to go to work soon. I'd like to help you guys more, but I can't be here all day long. What do you guys found so far?"

2013-03-09, 02:06 PM
Well, One, I went to the crime scene, managed to figure out the sequence of events. She walked up to him, stabbed the lad and ran off. It seemed premeditated, she even had an escape route planned. Discrepancies in the sequence includes the 'autopsy' showing that he had been stabbed twice yet witnesses say he was just stabbed once. Another thing off was the blood-splatter, it was too 'weak'. Something was restricting the blood flow.

2013-03-09, 02:46 PM
"Thank you" Lin takes a sip of her third cup with no sugar, drinking the coffee like it was water.

" I didn't get to tell you everything i found yesterday but I believe I may have the explantion for the disrepencies as well as a few other things." Lin takes the box in which she placed the magical clues from yesterday and takes out the two samples of glittery dust. she hands forward the one taken by Clinton.
"I'd like to ask a few small detail first. This powder, you said you found it on the crime scene, yes ? How exactly ?"


@Fri: I'd like a detail precised:
When Lin brushed of elf dust ouf of the shoe, was the dust mostly ON the shoe, or INSIDE the shoe ?
Because it can lead to some different conclusions. (It was likely was on, but I'd like to make sure.)

2013-03-09, 03:05 PM
I found it mixed in with the blood.

2013-03-09, 05:03 PM
"In the blood ? This may be... allow me to explain" Lin takes some time to consider some of the possible implications, before putting on the table te second sample of slivery powder "This was sprinkled on the shoe. They are similar as you can see and after some time to examine both I beleive they are of the same nature."

She marks a small pose, as someone who know they are going to sound crazy but it's the truth "This is elf dust."

She marks a little pause to let it sink in "A highly magical componenent of elf magic. Elf magic is mainly about trickery, illusions and temporary magical constructs. As I believe that might explain the diseapearing getaway vehicle you mentioned yesterday as well as put a doubt on any visual testimonies, I'm afraid.
Her voice switches for a while to a more didactic tone she's obviosuly talking of a subject of interest. "Understand that elf dust is literaly produced by elves. It is very rare and very valuable, seeing as elves are all but nearly extincts. Their civilisation has been in ruinns for centuries now, there must be less than a few hundreds still alive a the time."

She marks a pause "And according to the people of the university what we have here is fresh elf dust."

2013-03-10, 04:12 AM
.......temporary magical constructs, YOU'RE A GENIUS! The murder weapon was a construct! This shrinks our suspect list by many orders of magnitude! So two options ish, Professional hit or revenge kill, hell hath no fury and all that jazz.

Elf, any elf assassins hanging around the city Clinton can scrounge up with his contacts?

Or did that dude break up with an elf?

2013-03-10, 08:14 AM
"Ah" Lin is a bit taken aback by Clinton sudden compliment. "Yes, an enchanted or magical weapon is a possibility. I need to a bit of research about another one. As for the killer being an elf" Lin can"t hide a little bit of excitement at the idea. "I suppose they'd be easy enough to recognize if you could catch them by surprise, as I asked you yesterday, is any of your supects of a very pale silvery complection with a thin build ? According to legends, that's how they look."

Or did that dude break up with an elf?

My character wasn't here to se most of these details and she's no psychic so she can't read Clinton's mind but if I may point out:

from here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14091226&postcount=61):

From your search, you found some silvery dust mixed with the bloodstain. And you have a strange feeling that there's something strange with the blood, but you just can't put your finger on it.

There's a big picture of the Lee family hanging in the hall. The prince is really handsome, and rather exotic. It's hard to believe that he's the heir of the biggest crime family in the city. He looks more like a model or something.

from here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14151363&postcount=79)

You know everything about elves, maybe because you dealt with a lot of what left of their civilization back then. Elves are magical humanoid that used to live in the continent before Man's arrival. They look like silvery, thin, and lithe humans that glitters under moonlight.

From here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14138757&postcount=76):

You see the body lying on a slab. The prince looks even more exotic lying there, with pale skin and purple lip.

I assume he didn't mean pale skin in the 'normal pale cadaver disposition' or else he wouldn't have mentioned it looked exotic.

So yeah very possible theory here: could be the other way around.
(or most likely a half elf. Yes those have already been hinted to be possible in past games, hence)

Other hypothesis:

Elf dust is a powerfull rare magical component. Add to this the possibility of the knife that was made to pump blood somehowand we're stating to see another possible motive to this (although I don't think that was it, personaly.)[/SIZE]

2013-03-10, 01:11 PM
Jane has been listening carefully for a while when she suddenly opens her notebook and scribbles something in it.
What if he's not dead. Could the son's "body" be a magical construct? Or even just somebody glamored to look like the son?

We've missing an obvious motive, and the simplest I can think of is that he wants to be with this girl that he's been seeing and he knows his family won't approve/allow it.

All the other motives that we've been able to contemplate or dig up are more mundane true, but nothing that would explain the strangeness of this case.

Jane then passes her open notebook to the others for them to read ..

2013-03-10, 01:44 PM
Lin nods at Jane's notebook "I though about it.* That would explain the murder being so 'public', A single woman stabbing in front of a huge crowd. It feels so .. staged" then shakes her head "But I'm not sure how long an elf magic construct would last, but it seems risky if the 'body' were to diseapear after one night. Besides it's Mr lee himself who asked the body not be authopsized, wasn't it ? And that doesn't explain Mr Ho angle in this.

One way or another I believe it may be an excelent idea to track that girl he was dseeing you mentioned yesterday, dear. One way or another she seems a pretty likely suspect." she takes another sip of coffee "Cherchez la femme' as they say "

*My very first theory when the worl 'elf' came in for the first time was that the son was a changeling of sorts and he had been taken back by elves. Then I realised it was waaay silly even for this game.

Of course seeing as this case is obviously inspired by 'Cinderella', I'd be tempted to say he was stabbed by a secret half sister or something like that :smalltongue:

2013-03-10, 04:00 PM
Cinderella? ... I was thinking Romeo and Juliet ...

2013-03-11, 11:03 AM
At this moment someone knocks on the door. It is Adela, looking a bit sleepy.
"Good morning, everyone. Oh my, is it this hour already? I stayed up way too late yesterday... And I heard you got into some trouble after we parted ways. I hope everything turned out to be alright? Please be more careful in the future."

2013-03-12, 03:25 AM
Problem, she was masked, HEY ADELE! Do we have a story to tell you, you won't believe what happened last night. Did you know the Falcon got a successor? I didn't let me tell you that.

2013-03-12, 04:53 PM
"Really? That's quite a surprise. You must tell me all about it!", she says, stepping in. "By the way, how is progress with your investigation going? I would like to hear as much as you can tell me about it too, please."

2013-03-14, 04:41 AM
Spare me the sarcasm, you grew up with the original Falcon prowling the city, same as me.

2013-03-14, 10:16 PM
"Good morning." Lin aknowlege Adela before answering Clinton
"Yes a physical description would have helped to be sure. But in the meantime we just have to try leads, find uspects and see if they fit, yes ?" He's the trained detective after all but as far as she undertands that's how you do it.

"As for finding the girl. I'm sure if you ask his friends" Lin taps her finger on page three of jane's notebook, the part about the son Lee's friend hanging in a bohemian bar, before giving it back to the mute girl "Thanks dear. You might get a name, or perhaps an adress."
Lin finishes her cup. before letting the detective talk to his friend about some masked hero she alway assumed to be a rumour before.

2013-03-15, 12:18 PM
"Sarcasm? Oh no, it would be unbecoming of me to use such forms of expression! I really want to hear it all." Adela totally used sarcasm in the past, but this time she sounds genuine. "Especially about the parts of the mystery you haven't solved yet. Maybe I could help shed some light on them?" She smiles encouragingly.

2013-03-21, 02:23 AM
Okay, let's see, remember the party with the dead rich kid? He was stabbed by a chick and she ran off, leaving behind a crystal slipper and elf dust, no it is not an euphemism for drugs. The limo she rode in on vanished. Body was, strange, elf dust mixed in with the blood pool at the scene, Two stab wounds with the same opening, witnesses said he was stabbed once. Mr Ho that metal faced dude has something to do with it, tried to sic a mech on us, we stole it.

I think that Clinton should talk to the victim's friends, he fits in a little more.

2013-03-23, 12:18 PM
For the whole time, Tommy is busy skritching stuffs at his notebook.

"Anyway, you guys are talking about elves. Maybe a good time to mention this, but I heard some wild rumours. Have you ever heard about... The Zhiyou Jingshen?"

2013-03-25, 04:50 AM
Jane nods in response to Tommy's question ... then looks around at the others to see if anyone else responds before she starts writing something down in her notebook ...

If Adela wishes to enlighten the others whilst Jane is still writing - feel free ...

Zhiyou Jingshen - Very violent street gang, mostly magic based, werecreatures etc

They seem to focus on hitting technological targets ...

At the very bottom of the page is written a question,
What rumors?

Jane then passes her notebook to Tommy, with her finger pointing to the text on the bottom of the page.

2013-03-25, 07:08 AM
"I heard rumours that... The leader has silvery skin that glows under the moonlight...."

2013-03-25, 07:10 AM
Does that match the description of an elf Lin?

2013-03-25, 07:12 AM
I think that Clinton should talk to the victim's friends, he fits in a little more.
I figure as much

"I suppose in order not ot leave any lead, we could also have someone keep an eye on Mr Ho," Lind adds to Clinton while eying Jane with the corner of her eye. The girl does intruigue her. "See if he contacts someone behind his employer's back. But it'd be horribly risky, to say the least"

"Anyway, you guys are talking about elves. Maybe a good time to mention this, but I heard some wild rumours. Have you ever heard about... The Zhiyou Jingshen?"

"I cannot say I have."

"I heard rumours that... The leader has silvery skin that glows under the moonlight...."

Does that match the description of an elf?

"That IS the description of an elf !" You can jsut feel ,the surge of interest with ten yearsd of frustrated academlic interest talking behind. "Do tell more."

2013-03-25, 07:31 AM
A wild grin come over Clinton's face as he turns to Lin saying no way, eyes twinkling in excitement.

So current plan, split up and investigate each component, me I can't decide between this group and the dude's friends.

2013-03-25, 08:12 AM
Tommy answers Lin. "I don't know much more. Other than Zhiyou Jingshen doesn't seem to be much organized, or be a large organization. I don't even know if they gave themselves that name, or if others are the one who named them that."

2013-03-25, 11:24 AM
Jane consider carefully before she jots a few more notes in her little notebook ...
Potential leads:
Zhiyou Jingshen (leader an elf?) - Investigate(Jane, Everyone?)
Son's friends (bohemian bar) - Investigate(Clinton)
Ho - Surveillence(Jane)
Check the 'sons' body and determine the possibility that it could simply be a body with a glamour on it to look like the son - Investigate(Lin)

Jane then places the notebook on the table in front of them all and puts her pencil on the open notebook as she looks around, a question in her eyes ...

2013-03-25, 12:36 PM
Clinton takes a peek at the list and says, Seems agreeable. Adele, want to tag along with me to the bohemian bar? patting his pockets for a while and counting in his head, he then continues, I'm paying.

2013-03-25, 02:49 PM
Tommy skritch like crazy on his notebook.

"Man, this is so intense. The story I'll made, if I ever write that, would be amazing.

Alright, here's my summary of my story so far.

The son of Mr. Lee, the leader of the most powerful criminal family in the city is stabbed and killed by a mysterious masked woman in a party. The woman left a glass slipper with unknown magical power, and traces of elf dusts, which is a magical component produced by elves, who have gone mostly extinct, and known for their illusion and magical constructs.

The investigators suspect that there's something wrong with the body or the wound, but Mr. Lee explicitly forbid autoption. Moreover, the investigators realizes that Mr Lee's son's exotic look doesn't look too much like Mr. Lee.

And before they can get their bearings, the investigators are attacked by Mr. Ho, Mr. Lee's right hand man!

But out of nowhere, the Falcon appears and help the investigators! It appears that the falcon has a successor. With her help the investigators managed to beat back Mr. Ho and stole an ARM."

He grins.

"What do you think about that? What did I miss?"

2013-03-25, 03:46 PM
"Hmm... Are you sure this gang has anything to do with the murder? It is true that their leader is an elf, yes, but the Zhiyou Jingshen are anarchistic and disorganized, and vehemently against technology, and we already know that a car was used to get away from the scene. And they certainly didn't work together with Mr Ho, who is certainly involved in some way..."
Adela plays with a thick curl of her hair idly as she ponders the mystery.

"Either way, I'm sure we'll find out more clues as we investigate. I accept your generous offer, Clinton! I hope I'm dressed right for the occasion."
Adela glances down at her outfit briefly. Her big green dress is certainly stylish for the place, but also might feel a bit old-fashioned.

2013-03-26, 01:20 PM
You'll fit in. Clinton says, giving her a once over.

Getting up he continues, So let's go tickle the Dragon's Beard and see what falls out; I have to remember that one. One more question, how are you on motorcycles? turning to Adele at the last one.

2013-03-26, 05:30 PM
"I know how to ride one, at the very least. Why are you asking?"

2013-03-26, 08:40 PM
Come along then Clinton says with a silly grin, as he grabs Adele's hand and runs down to his bike. Tossing her a helmet, he get's on the bike fastening his helmet.

Hop on

2013-03-26, 08:56 PM
"Ahh! So sudden!" Despite her big skirt Adela easily keeps up with Clinton pulling her behind him. She puts the helmet on and gets on the back seat.
"You're really eager to get this investigation started, aren't you? Let's go!"