View Full Version : Building a Nation

2012-08-28, 01:10 PM
So, we will be starting a campaign next week that has us investigating an ancient "Wizard" city. Think high arcana. Anyway, back-story is the Empire finally drove out the wizards after long years of fighting. However, the wizards left presents all over the tower and at the end of the war the Empire had exhausted too many resources to actually clear the place and occupy the tower. Adding to that a few changes in ruler-ship and civil war, and the tower was mostly forgotten by the empire. Now, X amount of years later towns and cities have sprung up at the main entrances to the tower. However, no one has gone inside because of the traps, monsters, and other arcane horrors the wizards left. Recently it has been discovered that the wizards left behind what the townsfolk refer to as "The Source". So the empire has suddenly taken an interest in the tower once more, but they really don't have the manpower to spare.

So here come the adventurers! Now, the overarching point is finding The Source, however we have decided that slogging through a wizards fun-house of horrors is no bueno. So instead we have decided to build our own nation right under the nose of the Empire! The plan is to essentially bring the city back to life one section at a time. We will be hiring up guards, craftsmen, scholars, etc. Clearing out and restoring city. Granted, we want the Source eventually, but to be honest we are more concerned with starting our own nation and breaking the WBL chart.

With that said, we are probably going to be using a Lyre of Building and some Marvelous Pigments to reduce the overall cost of basically building a nation. Does the playground have any tricks to get this place up and running again?

Our team consists of a Homebrewed Jotunbrud Knight (8) and his Ecalypse mount. One Goliath Lion Spirit Barbarian (4) / Warblade (2) / Champion of Gwynharwyf (2) and his Griffon mount. A Karsite Binder (8), a Changeling Beguiler (8), and lastly a Synad Shadowcaster (8).

Silva Stormrage
2012-08-28, 03:14 PM
Stronghold Builder's Guide will probably be useful. The Landlord feat especially would help you out in funding.

Your changeling beguiler may want to try to convince (Either magically or diplomacy) a church or cult (depending on alignment) to set up in the town. It definitely helps recruiting commoners if you have a bunch of healers in the town.

Of course the easiest way would be to planar binding angels or demons that have wall of stone or other abilities that construct buildings fast.

Also how many structures are still left in the ruins of the city you are in? Are they safe and mostly intact?

2012-08-28, 03:36 PM
Stronghold Builder's Guide will probably be useful. The Landlord feat especially would help you out in funding.

Your changeling beguiler may want to try to convince (Either magically or diplomacy) a church or cult (depending on alignment) to set up in the town. It definitely helps recruiting commoners if you have a bunch of healers in the town.

Of course the easiest way would be to planar binding angels or demons that have wall of stone or other abilities that construct buildings fast.

Also how many structures are still left in the ruins of the city you are in? Are they safe and mostly intact?

Thanks, but what page is the Landlord feat on?

EDIT: Nvm found it

I'll have a talk with our beguiler, my barbarian can only intimidate so many things in a given day. |^_^|

The whole tower is fairly in tact, kept alive and stable via magic. But there are points of decay, the tower is set in ascending rings, each ring was home to a particular school of study (evocation, transmutation, etc). However certain sections of the rings have been destroyed either over normal decay or in the final push to drive the wizards out.

So yeah, this thing is huge. Of particular note is the fact that the majority of the necromancy ring was blasted apart and collapsed down in the lower rings. Over time the experiments and all things necromantic has kinda permeated the rest of the tower. So for all we know we might end up fighting a vampiric animated wardrobe in the transmutation ring. :smalltongue:

2012-08-28, 03:54 PM
It sounds like you've already got infrastructure and you just want to clear it out and convince people to settle there. Which I've got to admit, is going to be tricky without alerting the general populace, the necessary emigration to do what you're talking about is a significant chunk of population.

2012-08-28, 04:54 PM
It sounds like you've already got infrastructure and you just want to clear it out and convince people to settle there. Which I've got to admit, is going to be tricky without alerting the general populace, the necessary emigration to do what you're talking about is a significant chunk of population.

Well, me and the knight were talking about offering incentives to move in. Militiamen get free housing, the first X amount don't pay taxes, etc. But yeah that's kinda going to be our biggest obstacle, Great Wyrm Gold Dragons notwithstanding.

So again, any thoughts on how to convince perfectly fragile commoners and other lesser folk to actually come populate this thing and get the economy started?

2012-08-28, 05:20 PM
I don't know how relevant this will be...

But whenever someone starts world-building or nation-building or city building, and has access to magic, I show them this:


2012-08-28, 05:36 PM
I don't know how relevant this will be...

But whenever someone starts world-building or nation-building or city building, and has access to magic, I show them this:


Thanks, I'll look over it, but skimming leads me to believe that we need something else.

Silva Stormrage
2012-08-28, 07:05 PM
Well, me and the knight were talking about offering incentives to move in. Militiamen get free housing, the first X amount don't pay taxes, etc. But yeah that's kinda going to be our biggest obstacle, Great Wyrm Gold Dragons notwithstanding.

So again, any thoughts on how to convince perfectly fragile commoners and other lesser folk to actually come populate this thing and get the economy started?

Free Food.

In stronghold builders guide you can get an item called an everful larder for 15k which is exactly what it sounds like. Pair it with a decanter of endless water and you have enough incentives for the mass of the population to go to your tower.

2012-08-28, 07:43 PM
Free Food.

In stronghold builders guide you can get an item called an everful larder for 15k which is exactly what it sounds like. Pair it with a decanter of endless water and you have enough incentives for the mass of the population to go to your tower.

I already described how to get free food and free water in my link, and WAY more effectively than that (okay, the free water was the same method).