View Full Version : Divine Airship?

2012-08-29, 12:10 AM
Hey all

I have a friend, who is curious about anyones knowledge, that deal with possible Cleric/Druid varients that deal with

Ships,air, airships, pirate things, things of those nature.

2012-08-29, 12:44 AM
Crafting or operating?

Gnome Alone
2012-08-29, 12:52 AM
I would so have a patron deity who flies around in his divine airship all the time.

2012-08-29, 01:14 AM
operating/particpating on

2012-08-29, 01:14 AM
For building an airship as a divine character: if you're on Eberron all you need is the elemental binding feat and to meet the ships casting pre-req's. MoE has a detailed description of the process.

Piloting an airship is much like piloting a sailing ship except simpler. Stormwrack has most of the relevant rules and PrC's, though lyrander airships don't require quite as extensive a crew, IIRC.

If you're not on Eberron, you should be. Otherwise, you're going to be making/digging-up a fair amount of home-brew.

Edit: okay, then stormwrack is your best bet for resources. There's at least one pirate PrC, though there's one of those in CAd too; there's almost everything you need to know about crewing a ship, and there are rules for how ships behave in combat.

2012-08-29, 01:17 AM
If you're not on Eberron, you should be.
This is pretty much always true. :smallsmile:

2012-08-29, 01:30 AM
This is pretty much always true. :smallsmile:

I prefer my home-brewed world, but it liberally takes things from many published settings.