View Full Version : got into unseen seer...now what?

Whisper rider
2012-08-29, 11:33 AM
Hello! So i'm playing a rogue/wiz and i just got into the unseen seer prC from complete mage. But i got no idea of what to do next.. in terms of equipment, spells, feats...i wanted to get advice from you guys so i don't end up wasting all my money and regret it later on.
Right now my character is like this...
Halfling Rogue3/wiz2/unseen seer1.
Stats: 6str 17dex 14con 18int 8wis 17cha.
Feats 1. Point blank shot 3.precise shot (flaw,non combatant) improved initiative. 6 acidic splatter.
Spells: 1-mage armor, magic missile, lesser, orb of acid, true casting, comprenhend languages, feather fall, something else... etc 2-detect thoughts, crystalin toughts, another one i don't remeber right now from comp. Arc.

My role: party face, infiltrator, supporter at combat.
Sources: almost everything. Just make sure to mantion it when you post it thanks.

Looking forward to your replies. Thanks in advance.

2012-08-29, 12:30 PM
You're going to want to take Unseen Seer to at least 2nd level so you can use the Advanced Learning to grab the Hunter's Eye spell from the Ranger list.

From there, with the feats and build you've got I'd consider switching over to Spellwarp Sniper.

Keld Denar
2012-08-29, 12:40 PM
Ride out Unseen Seer. Some people use it as a stepping stone to other PrCs, but I like it just fine as is. The 5th level, especially, and the Expanded Leanings.

You don't have an [Acid] spell of 2nd level to qualify for Acid Splatter, and it only gives you 10 ft range max at the level you are. That is very dangerous. You are better off with a bow and at least 30 feet (max for SA) or more distance between you and foes.

Look up Cloud of Knives from the PHBII. You WILL love it, or your money back!

2012-08-29, 06:21 PM
Trapsmith (Dungeonscape) then Swiftblade (Web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327)) after you get Haste is nice. After snagging Hunter's Eye of course.

Edit: Though I figure you can't change it, but I usually use Trickster Spellthief for Unseen Seer myself. You can also do Druid or Cleric with Animal domain to snag Hunter's Eye from Prestige Ranger.

You could also just take Trapsmith then Ultimate Magus. Trapsmith has a great spell list.