View Full Version : S.H.I.E.L.D tv show

2012-08-29, 11:57 AM
Check this (http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/29/joss-whedon-creating-s-h-i-e-l-d-pilot-for-abc/) out.

In my opinion there are a lot of variables that have to work out just right for this to be done well, but I'm still optimistic.

One Tin Soldier
2012-08-29, 01:48 PM
This interests me greatly. I would love to see more of Hawkeye and Black Widow.

2012-08-29, 02:38 PM
SQUEEEEEEEEE...that is all.

2012-08-29, 05:00 PM
We can only hope.

2012-08-29, 05:39 PM
My guess is it will be Mary Hill and her team. Perhaps with occasional cameos from the bigger hitters in the marvel movie U.

After all, Coby Smoulders already does TV, and I have a hard time Jackson, Johansson, or Renner signing on to the project (though Joss might be able to work his magic.)

2012-08-29, 05:51 PM
This interests me greatly. I would love to see more of Hawkeye and Black Widow.

I don't think we will be getting more Hawkeye and Black Widow. I don’t think the show will have the kind of budget that will allow them to cast both Jeremy Renner AND Scarlett Johansson, and I doubt they want deal with the fallout of recasting those parts. I remember hearing, before it was revealed what the show was actually going to be, that while set in the Avengers movie-verse, the show would not have deal with those characters.

What I’m more interested in is what the show is going to be about. Obviously it’s about shield, but what are they going to be doing. My first thought was a group of highly skilled S.H.I.E.L.D. agents going around rounding up meta-humans, and while this seems cool, I really don’t want this show to turn into a villain of the week series.

Anybody else have any hopes or speculations about what the story this show might tell could be?

Mauve Shirt
2012-08-29, 06:01 PM
I heard about this at work and basically

SQUEEEEEEEEE...that is all.


2012-08-29, 06:06 PM
I would prefer to know what, exactly, this would deal with. If it's, say, like Torchwood BUT WITH SUPERHEROS, then I could see it succeding. However, all we have is speculation.

Mauve Shirt
2012-08-29, 06:12 PM
They can't afford any heroes to be in the actual show. This is about SHIELD agents cleaning up after the heroes.

2012-08-29, 06:20 PM
They could make it "By-the-Numbers" style cop-drama, and still come out on top.

Will that be very good? Who knows? But if I were a betting man, I would say that is one of the likely ways it was pitched to the executives.

2012-08-29, 06:50 PM
Marvel does have quite a few 'badass normals' and SHIELD has had quite a few super heroes work for them.
They could use the show to introduce entirely new characters. Probably a few SHIELD agents similar to Phil Coulsen.
They could potentially use the show to introduce Ant Man and Wasp, so that their entry to the next Avengers film won't need to provide backstory on them, and Marvel has had extreme difficulty pitching a film about these two so I doubt they'll be getting their own film to introduce them.
Ms Marvel is a possiblity. Especially if Joss Whedon is directing. She's like a flying version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Aaaaaand I'm sure that all the actual Ms Marvel fans just cringed at that, just a little bit. Rest assured I am kidding.
Mockingbird strikes me as a distinct possibility.
We could see War Machine show up, but I doubt it due to the movie connections and contracts. We could see Mach 5 from the Thunderbolts, but bringing him to the big screen is expensive enough, let alone the TV screen, a problem War Machine also shares. Vision may be similarly hampered.
Rage seems like a likely fellow to make it to a TV show but not necessarily film.
Reading up on Machine Man, I can see a lot of Whedonisms and similar punchlines from this guy.
Speaking of Whedonisms, this guy seems to fit the bill too. Though a bit flashy for a SHIELD agent.
Iron Fist seems likely, though I think an Iron Fist movie is already in the works.
Shroud seems the kind of super that would attract Joss Whedon, and would be a visible super, but could make an excellent SHIELD operative.
Quake is already involved in espionage with SHIELD. She could make a decent stand in for Black Widow in some respects.
Kraven the Hunter isn't exclusively a Spiderman property. He could be involved in some way, and already has a connection to Nick Fury.

Scour these two lists, take out anything that references anything owned by or referencing Fox/Sony/Universal's properties, and odds are, the characters that remain on the list are all possibilities, even as just cameos.

Gamer Girl
2012-08-29, 09:01 PM
This sounds like a good idea at first, but then I wonder. A good spy show would be great(I love Burn Notice, for example), but too often this type of show just fizzles.

I'd be fine with like a 'Shield Team One', the team 'just under the Avengers' that just saves the world from 'normal problems'. There are tons of 'normal humans' in the Marvel Universe.

But to have a good spy show, you need 'adult' stuff like death and an edge to it. And I doubt the show will go there...they will likely give the Shield guys 'stun guns' as it's a network show. And they will have to tip toe around using real world people, places or things as it's a network. And when you talk about 'Quellastan' and 'Dormok' it just seems too silly.

Though I'd love to see the touch of real worldliness:That the USA hates Shield(the US military would not be a part of The Avengers as it had a 'super military' that was above and beyond the US military).

2012-08-29, 09:16 PM
My guess is it will be Mary Hill and her team. Perhaps with occasional cameos from the bigger hitters in the marvel movie U.



2012-08-29, 09:32 PM

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

2012-08-30, 07:01 AM
How about it involves a regular cast of SHIELD operatives starting off with a new recruit and we see their regular lives at times as they go through the motions of work as SHIELD operatives.

Perhaps set it shortly after the Avengers movie so they're dealing with the clean up of the invasion and we learn that the alien soldier's didn't die when cut off from their own dimension merely went into suspended animation and are inadvertedly woken up and we have them popping up every so often eventually having our tv show cast having to deal with them but keep them as a regular subplot that could link with the real enemy from the Avengers movie.

They're apparently including an extra on blu-ray involving alien weapons falling into the wrong hands so maybe more of that and of course expanding on those enemies of SHIELD who accompanied the brainwashed Hawkeye and may still be lurking around having been able to store energy from the Cube for some elaborate schemes of their own?

So who would you have for the pilot episode?

I'd have a regular military style team assigned at the start and reveal they lost members during the invasion which is why they get new recruits however its revealed that some of those Loki brainwashed escaped detection and they are being used to help recover as much of the alien tech as possible.
We get something along the lines of the Wrecking Crew as enemies who distract the operatives from the real enemy and maybe only reveal near the end that its the offshoot of Hydra and MODOK?
Keep the special effects as minimal as possible and have the writing be that much better as a result?

What would you rather see?

2012-08-30, 11:19 AM
This sounds like a good idea at first, but then I wonder. A good spy show would be great(I love Burn Notice, for example), but too often this type of show just fizzles.

I'd be fine with like a 'Shield Team One', the team 'just under the Avengers' that just saves the world from 'normal problems'. There are tons of 'normal humans' in the Marvel Universe.

But to have a good spy show, you need 'adult' stuff like death and an edge to it. And I doubt the show will go there...they will likely give the Shield guys 'stun guns' as it's a network show. And they will have to tip toe around using real world people, places or things as it's a network. And when you talk about 'Quellastan' and 'Dormok' it just seems too silly.

Though I'd love to see the touch of real worldliness:That the USA hates Shield(the US military would not be a part of The Avengers as it had a 'super military' that was above and beyond the US military).

I would like to point out that shows like CSI, Law & Order, and NCIS are on network TV and have plenty of gunplay and gory crime scenes. This is to say nothing of the really heavy stuff like 24.

Network shows have also in the past chosen to deal with (idealized) real-world politics, not shying away from using real place names (even if they're still filming in California or British Columbia). I'm not sure where you're getting this idea that network prime time handles things (other than sex) with kids' gloves.

Although I do agree that elements of the US military, or even the CIA and FBI, who want to maintain control over "peacekeeping" and super-technological hardware would make good recurring political antagonists.

2012-08-30, 05:11 PM
We know that the next Iron Man film deals with the Extremus arc.

Shady Organization X is making super-power junk (Super Soldier Formula rip offs, nanobots, Extremus rip offs, other HYDRA/AIM/MODOK gearmo) and selling it off to the highest bidders, and occasionally sneaking some of it into the general public, creating more mess for SHIELD to deal with.

Could also reference more of the government types trying to get access to Stark Tech, Super Soldier Formula and it's many knockoffs, and other tech that SHIELD wants out of the public and government hands for the time being.

Could deal with some of the fallout from Phase 2.

All of which doesn't actually have to involve many on screen supers. Maybe the odd one from time to time, but not as regular cast or anything. It doesn't need 'counter super power 12345' gizmos either.

"Keep the special effects as minimal as possible and have the writing be that much better as a result?"
I very much agree that the SHIELD team needs to be regular people.
That said, Joss Whedon has usually been pretty good about keeping the special effects toned down. Usually blows the effects budgets on season finale's and such.

2012-08-30, 06:22 PM
How do you solve a problem like Maria?

I thought coming back to this later would make it make more sense. Nope. I can't tell if there's an actual problem with using Maria Hill, or if you're setting up a joke.

2012-08-30, 06:28 PM
I thought coming back to this later would make it make more sense. Nope. I can't tell if there's an actual problem with using Maria Hill, or if you're setting up a joke.
It was a bit of reference fu. Sound of Music
Just type "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" into google. It is an entirely work-safe reference, I assure you.

Actually, I really do think that having Maria Hill trying to fill the shoes of the Leader of this new group wouldn't work out too well. I think we would only see her as cameo material.

2012-08-30, 06:44 PM
Actually, I really do think that having Maria Hill trying to fill the shoes of the Leader of this new group wouldn't work out too well. I think we would only see her as cameo material.

I dunno, I think if they're going to bring in any existing character to tie the show in with the movies, she's their best bet. OOC, The actress is used to working on TV, unlike most of the other named SHIELD agents. IC, She's high ranking enough to be in charge and not need to go running to someone else, and Movie-verse Maria Hill seems to be more loyal to Fury than comic Hill and less against the heroes. She's also been used in both the Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes and Iron Man: Armored Adventures shows. The big question on using her, I think, is whether or not "How I Met Your Mother" (the show Colbie Smulders is currently in) is actually going to be tied up this season or not.

But then, maybe I'm biased in liking the idea of Cobie Smulders + Tv show I like too much.

2012-08-30, 06:51 PM
I dunno, I think if they're going to bring in any existing character to tie the show in with the movies, she's their best bet. OOC, The actress is used to working on TV, unlike most of the other named SHIELD agents. IC, She's high ranking enough to be in charge and not need to go running to someone else, and Movie-verse Maria Hill seems to be more loyal to Fury than comic Hill and less against the heroes. She's also been used in both the Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes and Iron Man: Armored Adventures shows. The big question on using her, I think, is whether or not "How I Met Your Mother" (the show Colbie Smulders is currently in) is actually going to be tied up this season or not.

But then, maybe I'm biased in liking the idea of Cobie Smulders + Tv show I like too much.I like her as well. I agree that it will probably boil down more to her schedule really. She was definitely very capable in the role.
But I also think that Movie Maria is more attached to Nick Fury. So if she's dealing with issues, and Nick Fury isn't around, it does present a writer challenge to say 'this problem is big enough for Maria but small time for Nick' and do so without downplaying the problem, or the characters involved.
Note that I say challenge. Writers can probably solve it. They just have to really grow this sense of Maria's independance an autonomy. If they do it right, it will emphasize the exact degree of her authority in SHIELD and make her even more awesome, which would be good.
Totally solveable.

BTW... Did you google it?

2012-08-31, 01:20 AM
How do you solve a problem like Maria?

I laughed, but then I'm a musical theater nerd. :smallbiggrin:

@Reverent-One: Thanks for the catch, shows how much I was paying attention. :smalltongue:

And I think Hill is a great choice for a leader, almost especially if she sticks to her distrust of Fury and the Avengers, as that provides a good reason we don't always see them IU.

2012-08-31, 09:31 AM
According to this (http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2012/08/29/s-h-i-e-l-d-tv-series-will-be-autonomous-from-avengers/), it looks like the S.H.I.E.L.D. tv show will be 'autonomous' from the Avengers.

2012-08-31, 05:21 PM
According to this (http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2012/08/29/s-h-i-e-l-d-tv-series-will-be-autonomous-from-avengers/), it looks like the S.H.I.E.L.D. tv show will be 'autonomous' from the Avengers.Hmmm. Yet another reason that I believe we will not be seeing Maria Hill all too often. The team lead might report to her from time to time, but I doubt we will get to see Cobie Smulders in all of her Canadian butt-kicking glory any more than once in a while, if at all.

Hmmm. Autonomy from the Avengers? So probably a little bit closer to the old Nick Fury comics.

My prediction for the team? Think Stargate SG-1 and Buffy.
Expert in Combat
Expert in X with really good combat skills.
Expert in Y and Z with less combat skills.
Complete Rookie but with knowledge of a broad range of topics but little depth. Heard of lots of stuff, lots of useless trivia, but not enough knowledge in any given topic to be useful except in odd or comedy circumstances.
Alien/Robot. (Machine Man seems REALLY likely, and Whedon has used some similar characters before I think)
Whedon Trope 1
Whedon Trope 2
Comic Relief/Support Cast

2012-08-31, 10:21 PM
A S.H.I.E.L.D. show? From Joss Whedon??


... ahem. Okay. Yeah. That's awesome. Could end badly, of course, but I don't expect it to end badly.

Gamer Girl
2012-08-31, 11:49 PM
My prediction for the team? Think Stargate SG-1 and Buffy.

Dare I say:

1.Black Boss Man. Not Nick Fury, just like Fred Booth.
2.The Jerk Bureaucrat. The skinny guy with glasses that just does not get things. Probably the second in command.
3.Action Girl. Super Hot, but also a Super Spy
4.Scientist Girl. Dr. Honeybear, good spot for the Asian cast member
5.Wise old doc who fought in the war
6.Computer Geek Guy
7.The Wolverine. tough ninja assassin that does not use guns..
8.Some type of good thief. Good spot for the Hispanic cast member.
9.The robot(Spock/Data/Etc) maybe a LMD :)
10.The new agent. So we can share seeing everything for the first time with them.

2012-09-01, 12:09 AM
Dare I say:

1.Black Boss Man. Not Nick Fury, just like Fred Booth.
2.The Jerk Bureaucrat. The skinny guy with glasses that just does not get things. Probably the second in command.
3.Action Girl. Super Hot, but also a Super Spy
4.Scientist Girl. Dr. Honeybear, good spot for the Asian cast member
5.Wise old doc who fought in the war
6.Computer Geek Guy
7.The Wolverine. tough ninja assassin that does not use guns..
8.Some type of good thief. Good spot for the Hispanic cast member.
9.The robot(Spock/Data/Etc) maybe a LMD :)
10.The new agent. So we can share seeing everything for the first time with them.
I like your prediction better than my own. Good stuff.

2012-09-01, 12:29 AM
Dare I say:

1.Black Boss Man. Not Nick Fury, just like Fred Booth.
2.The Jerk Bureaucrat. The skinny guy with glasses that just does not get things. Probably the second in command.
3.Action Girl. Super Hot, but also a Super Spy
4.Scientist Girl. Dr. Honeybear, good spot for the Asian cast member
5.Wise old doc who fought in the war
6.Computer Geek Guy
7.The Wolverine. tough ninja assassin that does not use guns..
8.Some type of good thief. Good spot for the Hispanic cast member.
9.The robot(Spock/Data/Etc) maybe a LMD :)
10.The new agent. So we can share seeing everything for the first time with them.

Knowing Whedon I'd expect more gals.

Edit: And in general that list seems a bit long for a main cast.

2012-09-01, 12:32 AM
Knowing Whedon I'd expect more gals.

Edit: And in general that list seems a bit long for a main cast.

I have always thought that the number 2. sterotype could use a few more females under it's roster.

2012-09-01, 12:40 AM
I have always thought that the number 2. sterotype could use a few more females under it's roster.

That would almost be Firefly, Male boss (Mal,) Female Second (Zoe,) Action Girl (River,) Science Girl (Kaylee,) Wise old guy (Shepard,) Geek (Wash,) Wolverine (Jeyne,) robot (Simon :smalltongue:,) Although admittedly the new guy position is shared and Inara isn't covered.

I'd be surprised if we get a repeat though.

2012-09-01, 08:15 AM
8.Some type of good thief. Good spot for the Hispanic cast member.

So the Hispanic cast member should be the thief? Holy moley, that is racist.

Gamer Girl
2012-09-01, 09:57 PM
So the Hispanic cast member should be the thief? Holy moley, that is racist.

It's only Hollywood Racist. See the Hispanic (or black) cast member grew up in a 'bad neighborhood' so naturally they are a thief. Classic Hollywood thinking. As if it's not enough that Hollywood must do the melting pot.

Maybe add:

X.The Gay guy-not a field agent, but more the receptionist guy, but also the soul of the show for everyone to talk too.

X. The Female Wolverine can be fun and works good for the tough Hispanic or Asian chick.

X. Creepy Assassin Guy, the Pure Evil guy who does the really, really bad stuff right under everyone's noses on direct orders from #2.

But in any case they would be a good thief. He is are not robbing little old ladies in the park to buy drugs, he is stealing the Protomatter from the A.I.M. lab.

I would sure hope for an ensemble cast of at least 10-12 people. I really hate the shows with like four characters. It's boring watching just four characters, and often you don't like half of them.

2012-09-02, 08:41 AM
This looks really cool. It might even get me to start watching TV again. :smallbiggrin:

2012-09-03, 07:29 AM
It's TV. That doesn't make it right, but I'm inclined to think that yeah, stereotypes aside, these are characters we are likely to see.

I hope the cast is kind of big as well. Firefly had a decent cast size, Whedon seems capable of handling lots of people and ensuring that they all get a respectable amount of face time and development.

2012-09-03, 02:08 PM
It's TV. That doesn't make it right, but I'm inclined to think that yeah, stereotypes aside, these are characters we are likely to see.

I hope the cast is kind of big as well. Firefly had a decent cast size, Whedon seems capable of handling lots of people and ensuring that they all get a respectable amount of face time and development.

Eh, I actually have enough faith in hollywood to find these stereotypes unlikely. If only because PC culture has crept in there as well (for the most part.) Predominantly white, yes (:smallsigh:.) But latino thief and gay secretary? Unlikely.

Lord Tyger
2012-09-03, 10:00 PM
Prediction: The pilot will establish the initial story arc, probably involving HYDRA, AIM, or the like. We'll then switch to Threat of the Week for four-six episodes, giving us time to get accustomed to the main characters. One of these threats, having a charismatic actor, will prove a fan favorite and become a recurring character, eventually winding up as an anti-hero/reluctant ally/romantic interest of the main cast.

Summer Glau will play an emotionally damaged genius.

The plotting will vary, but the dialogue will consistently be great.