View Full Version : Warlock/Hellfire Warlock Invocations post-level 20

Scarey Nerd
2012-08-29, 02:25 PM
Some of you might vaguely remember that a while back I was playing in a... rather destructive campaign as a Human Warlock: Marek, the Firebrand. We stopped at level 11 because, quite frankly, the DM had run out of ideas of plots that could possibly contain such characters, we were simply too uncontrollable. Yesterday the other player, Azrael, was talking to him about it, and the three of us agreed to have one more session. We'd both play as level 30 versions of ourselves, and we'll mutually agree a history of what's happened between then and now, and this session will be The End. The final battle between the Fire Legions and the Black Hands (Fire Legion for my fiery motif, Black Hands are Azrael's because of the black handprints his shocking grasp leaves on victims), as well as between the two of us.

Anyhoo. I've taken 3 levels of Hellfire Warlock, levels 12-14, and as far as invocations go I get +1 of my existing class for each level, so at level 20 I'd be a Warlock 17/Hellfire Warlock 3. An Epic Warlock doesn't gain any new invocations, but I'm not too clear on what Epic actually means, and how it would apply in this situation. So my question is thus: Would I have 12 invocations even when I'm a Warlock 27/Hellfire Warlock 3, or would I have 13 because of that dip into the prestige?

Cheers in advance, guys :smallsmile:

2012-08-29, 02:50 PM
You only get invocations known for twenty levels worth of Warlock, regardless of where you got those (the Warlock class itself, or a prestige class that advances Warlock invocations).

This should be relevant to your interests. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ei/20061027a)

Scarey Nerd
2012-08-30, 12:18 PM
Okay, thanks :smallsmile: Turns out I was thinking of something else and we'll actually be level 20, but I might need to know for the future if I play in a different campaign with a similar build.

2012-08-30, 03:07 PM
This is one of the few situations in which Enlightened Soul is good. I doubt it fits your alignment, though.

Scarey Nerd
2012-08-30, 03:53 PM
This is one of the few situations in which Enlightened Soul is good. I doubt it fits your alignment, though.

I'm not exactly enlightened, no... Given that my eventual plan is to become a cross between Xerxes of Persia, Durza from Eragon, Emperor Palpatine and the Patrician from the Discworld... Yeah.

2012-08-30, 05:02 PM
The adaptation (CM 63) lets you make it evil if you prefer that.

2012-08-30, 09:06 PM
The adaptation (CM 63) lets you make it evil if you prefer that.

There would be a lot of homebrew needed to get that adaptation to work, but I think it's worth it.

Scarey Nerd
2012-08-31, 10:57 AM
Personally, I can't see it being all that useful even with the adapatation, given my invocations. I can already fly and at least comprehend all languages, the aura of menace wouldn't really come into play since the battle will most likely be almost entirely ranged, I'm not that into blast shapes since Eldritch Spear serves me just fine most of the time (Though I'm tempted to pick up Eldritch Line since, knowing my DM, if Azrael casts a Lightning Bolt and I cast an Eldritch Line in the same game turn, they'll clash in the air potter/voldemort style... :smallcool:), and with Caster's Lament I can use Greater Dispel Magic as a counterspell.

That said, I might be missing something about the class that you've noticed and I haven't, so please, tell me if that's the case :smallsmile:

2012-08-31, 11:41 AM
Personally, I can't see it being all that useful even with the adapatation, given my invocations. I can already fly and at least comprehend all languages, the aura of menace wouldn't really come into play since the battle will most likely be almost entirely ranged, I'm not that into blast shapes since Eldritch Spear serves me just fine most of the time (Though I'm tempted to pick up Eldritch Line since, knowing my DM, if Azrael casts a Lightning Bolt and I cast an Eldritch Line in the same game turn, they'll clash in the air potter/voldemort style... :smallcool:), and with Caster's Lament I can use Greater Dispel Magic as a counterspell.

That said, I might be missing something about the class that you've noticed and I haven't, so please, tell me if that's the case :smallsmile:
The thing about this class is that it does not advance Warlock at all - it adds to it. Since you'll be starting at level 30, the fact that you already have flight makes no difference, just trade it away for something else.
Out of 10 levels, you get +5d6 eldritch blast, 5 invocations and permanent deathward. The other features are just freebies.
In fact, since they are specifically called invocations and Enlightened Spirit does not advance Warlock, you can use Planar Affinity to trade 2 of those for any other invocation you want if you time your levels right.