View Full Version : Got a class to go with my backstory?

2012-08-29, 07:43 PM
I just had a character idea, inspired by a very odd combination of inspirations. Specifically, Luna Lovegood, her line regarding her mother near the end of the 5th HP book, and a doodle that wound up looking like a telephone numpad with emoticons instead of numbers. And someone else's comment from a previous character idea thread about "what if a toddler was a sorcerer with lots of reserve feats" that I made, but the character never saw play.

Actual backstory spoilered for wall-of-text:
So, the gist is that the character is a little kid. Maybe ten at oldest, but younger and cuter would be better to get the right kind of horrorsympathy across, and make... certain squicky interactions less likely.

The parent she grew up with (probably her mother, just because I think that again, that gives the right sort of horrorsympathy) was a Wizard/Sorcerer/Psion (Telepath)/Artificer/Some other class capable of powerful mind alteration stuff. Low WIS, definitely. At some point, she decided that it would be a good idea to have a base for her mental experiments. Daughter, enter stage left. Various alternate personalities/mental states were installed in her mind and linked to tattoos in that spot on your back that you can never quite reach yourself, so for example, pressing one symbol makes the kid furious and tantrummy, another makes her a polite, obedient kid, another makes her spout an "This unit is an experimental platform for various experiments on the workings of magic and the mind. If found, please return to The Crazy Enchantress, Massive Non-Euclidean Tower In Lake, Prime Material Plane" message, etcetera.

Said parent died when a risky experiment backfired (see also: low WIS). Kid escaped, latches on to party as surrogate parent. Accepts her odd state, but sufficiently in-depth divinations or telepathy will reveal that this is part of the modifications. Has powers that she takes for granted, not classical magic or psionics in presentation. Might use different setups depending on what mental state she starts the day in. If the party tries to drop her off at an orphanage or something, she runs into them on the road later carrying a scrap of newspaper mentioning an orphanage fire.

So in short, I want some sort of class to fit this. Something that's not classical magic/psionics, could be used "naturally" (does not take focus or preparation that could not be phrased as just warming up after waking up in the morning), and could have multiple setups without having to allow daily feat/skill respecs.

Unfortunately, all I can think of is some Incarnum-based thing, and I'm not that good at Incarnum. So what I'm looking for is tips on how to build a character for this backstory. 3.5 or 3.PF.


2012-08-29, 07:55 PM
Maybe Binder? Each of the tattoos is actually a seal for summoning a vestige that's controlling her personality!

2012-08-29, 08:01 PM
Maybe Binder? Each of the tattoos is actually a seal for summoning a vestige that's controlling her personality!

Problem is that Binder requires you to spend a good bit of time drawing a special symbol on the ground and making a deal with cosmic horrors and stuff. Daily. There's really no way to stick to the requirements for Binding and still make the powers look inherent. I considered it - the Influences and stuff really fit - but the prep time just doesn't work.

Spontaneous casting or Psionics might work, but lists are limited enough that I can't have multiple buff routines or even different sets of tactics. Also, it doesn't give the same feeling of experimentation.

2012-08-29, 08:06 PM
I would probably say a Wilder as it would best represent her emotional flux. Her tattoos (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/psionicTattoos.htm) would probably be items place there by her parents

EDIT: also read this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194209)

The Redwolf
2012-08-29, 08:06 PM
Warlock maybe?

2012-08-29, 08:09 PM
Refluff Binder. Instead of spending time doing a pact, she spends time 'downloading persona'. You can even have her say "Progress: 22%" or something like that.

2012-08-29, 08:15 PM
I would probably say a Wilder as it would best represent her emotional flux. Her tattoos (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/psionicTattoos.htm) would probably be items place there by her parents

As I said, a Wilder has too small a powers-known list to do that, and since the variations in power strength are both solely numerical and entirely random, I can't link them to which emotion she's been locked into at the moment.

I was just going to hope to get the tattoos handwaved, actually. Call it a custom variant of a rep Wghat you linked is basically the psionic equivalent of potions: one-use and not capable of doing what this needs.

Sorry if it seems like I'm just dismissing everything.


Warlock maybe?
Not really enough options availible to any one character, and most of what there is just does the same thing (hurting stuff) in different ways (fire, acid, tentacles, etc).

Refluff Binder. Instead of spending time doing a pact, she spends time 'downloading persona'. You can even have her say "Progress: 22%" or something like that.
That's a really good idea! Actually, since you gave near-perfect fluff, I took another look at Binder, and it seems I misread it: it doesn't require the hours of focus I thought it did! Looks like I'm going with a Binder!

So, any tips on more details? Because what I said about not being good at Incarnum? Goes triple for Binding, as you can see from me not even knowing the prep time.

2012-08-29, 08:48 PM
Well for binder I've only really used it for a dip or for anima mage gish builds. Best advice I could give off the top of my head would be to read the binder handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11235) and look up the combos section.

2012-08-29, 09:01 PM
For your concept, full Binder works fine. You're going to need Expel Vestige, which lets you trade vestiges before a pact ends, to fit the fluff. Other than that, I'd choose mostly generic/passive feats that work with all vestiges.

2012-08-29, 09:06 PM
Yeah, I think this is going to be great! Just from that handbook, I can be a creepy seer child, a sneaky prankster with a stabby fixation, a healer, whatever!

Anybody got any leads on a game to put this in? I tend to have ideas faster tan I have places to put them, and randomly clicking through Recruitment threads doesn't tend to give many leads.

2012-08-29, 09:18 PM
any horror game would probably fit this character nicely I would say

2012-08-29, 09:39 PM
TBH i'd work on wilder, using a different power selection (and possibly different skills) for each of the alternate personalities.

2012-08-29, 09:43 PM
This homebrew class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188148) made by Lord_Gareth might also work.

Gnome Alone
2012-08-29, 11:46 PM
Please imagine this as read in a valley girl accent.

Kewlest idea EVAR!

Thank you. That is all.

2012-08-30, 08:33 AM
Clarification: What I meant by asking around for games was if anyone is currently in a game that would accept this and needs more players.

TBH i'd work on wilder, using a different power selection (and possibly different skills) for each of the alternate personalities.

Yeah, where do you get any idea that changing your power selection on the fly is a: possible or b: balanced?

2012-08-30, 08:42 AM
Yeah, where do you get any idea that changing your power selection on the fly is a: possible or b: balanced?

PsyRef? 10char

2012-08-30, 08:50 AM
PsyRef? 10char

Which is what, non-abbreviated? What I know for sure is that the Wilder description has a Powers Known list, which is intentionally small, and no way listed in the class itself to change them whenever you feel like it.

2012-08-30, 08:53 AM
Unfortunately, all I can think of is some Incarnum-based thing, and I'm not that good at Incarnum. So what I'm looking for is tips on how to build a character for this backstory. 3.5 or 3.PF.


I judged for iron chef a few entries back in cryokineticist. One of the entries was a meldshaper, so I had to sit down and learn the system.

It really only takes about an hour and a half to get through how to shape soulemelds, invest essentia, and bind stuff to chakras. they only made a small amount of soulmelds in MoI and never made any more, so that makes it a lot more manageable. the best of the 3 base classes is probably totemist. It's nie because it doesn'tr really depend on a particualr stat (con is con, everyone has it if they're not undead) so if you didn't just want to meldshape, you might go soul caster/ soul manifester (theurgic arcane/meldshaping or psionic/meldshaping) so you had some familiar material to fall back on.

the same way bound vestiges can be fluffed as alter egos, so too can the soulmelds of a meldshaper. when you're wearing the airstep sandals, maybe you're a magical fairy, or when you have the strongheart vest, maybe you're a stout warrior.

I enjoy your concept and think it's very cool. if you wanted to go psionic, quori mindhunter gives you a ghostly second personality, as does acolyte of the skin, but that doesn't seem thematically appropriate.

2012-08-30, 08:55 AM
the same way bound vestiges can be fluffed as alter egos, so too can the soulmelds of a meldshaper. when you're wearing the airstep sandals, maybe you're a magical fairy, or when you have the strongheart vest, maybe you're a stout warrior.

Yeah, that was basically what made me think Incarnum. And I get the basics, the problem is optimizing it.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-30, 09:27 AM
Which is what, non-abbreviated? What I know for sure is that the Wilder description has a Powers Known list, which is intentionally small, and no way listed in the class itself to change them whenever you feel like it.

Psychic Reformation, a 4th level power which at the cost of some XP (100 XP per level or something like that) allows you to change your level up choices (feats, skillpoint, power/spells Known, etc). In order to use it on the fly though you would need the linked power feat which allows you to pay the cost of the sum of two powers and have the second one manifest as a non-action on the next round. (Found in Complete Psionic)

The Redwolf
2012-08-30, 09:37 AM
I'm pretty sure PsyRef was meant to be Psychic Reformation, it basically lets you go back and rewrite a decent portion of your character, and it's a psion-only power.

2012-08-30, 09:44 AM
So I'd have to pay lots of XP many, many times. Three times weekly at an absolute minimum (just an estimate). Not happening.

The Redwolf
2012-08-30, 09:59 AM
So I'd have to pay lots of XP many, many times. Three times weekly at an absolute minimum (just an estimate). Not happening.

Perfectly reasonable. In Pathfinder I'm pretty sure they changed it so you can use it without being permanently hit as long as you take some time to rest, so you could do it in Pathfinder a lot easier. However, to go along with that they also removed some of its uses, so there's that.

2012-08-30, 10:24 AM
Nah, doesn't really seem worth it to me...

2012-08-30, 10:56 AM
Yeah, that was basically what made me think Incarnum. And I get the basics, the problem is optimizing it.

totemist is actually not especially hard to optimize. if you want to go through the whole pokemon trainer archetype, then getting your handle animal check to the ridiculous levels is pretty trivial with enough levels in totemist. this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252538) discusses specifics on this subject. totemist is extremely versatile and will fulfill a party's skillmonkey role if you want to put it in terms of fighter/wizard/cleric/rogue, but it can deal pretty good damage with natural attacks or at range at low levels with dissolving spittle.

2012-08-30, 04:17 PM
Okay, so in total, I'll be going with either Binder or Incarnate. Considered Totemist, but the appearances of the melds don't really fit. Also, that way I can't have one personality be an evil necromancery little girl (necrocarnum).

This would be great in Gestalt, so I could get both and maybe even go into Midnight Occultist (http://forum.faxcelestis.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=22).

Oh, and I was just looking through Tome of Magic and I realized something when I found Halphax. Since Secure Shelter doesn't actually say that it acts as the spell (only that the tower is the same as the one the spell produces)(Unlike his Iron Wall ability), the tower does not need to be produced on a stable surface the way spells do. I can make it tilted on a steep angle, resting one edge! Or just sideways, rolling! CRUSHING PEOPLE WITH BUILDINGS!

2012-08-30, 04:33 PM
Oh, and I was just looking through Tome of Magic and I realized something when I found Halphax. Since Secure Shelter doesn't actually say that it acts as the spell (only that the tower is the same as the one the spell produces)(Unlike his Iron Wall ability), the tower does not need to be produced on a stable surface the way spells do. I can make it tilted on a steep angle, resting one edge! Or just sideways, rolling! CRUSHING PEOPLE WITH BUILDINGS!

That is glorious.

EDIT: It does say "on the ground" though. still cool.

2012-08-30, 04:38 PM
Consider also Chameleon (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20041210b).

2012-08-30, 05:35 PM
Consider also Chameleon (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20041210b).

that's my favorite class in the game.

2012-08-30, 05:38 PM
Clarification: What I meant by asking around for games was if anyone is currently in a game that would accept this and needs more players.

Yeah, where do you get any idea that changing your power selection on the fly is a: possible or b: balanced?

By asking the DM. Having substantial sheet differences in a character with multiple personalities IS alanced, as long as it's the DM and not the player who decides when each personality surfaces.

2012-08-30, 06:27 PM
That is glorious.

EDIT: It does say "on the ground" though. still cool. and it is on the ground. One point on the edge of the base its, anyway. Just tilted.

By asking the DM. Having substantial sheet differences in a character with multiple personalities IS alanced, as long as it's the DM and not the player who decides when each personality surfaces.

Yeah, but if it's random or otherwise DM-controlled, the moral conflicts that would naturally arise from having a party member who is an innocent little girl on one level and a powerful controllable tool on another level do not come up. Neither does the risk of a recurring villain who knows her trick taking her temporarily out of commission.