View Full Version : Help a rusty DM - critique my recorded session!

2012-08-29, 10:20 PM
Hey folks,

So I've restarted our guys night's D&D campaign and I'm recording all of them so I can hopefully get some critique and feedback. (Also players who miss sessions will understand what's going on). It's a simple 4e D&D game set in a custom setting and everyone is level 1. I know the audio isn't perfect and there are points where you may be wondering what's going on (we used roll20.net to allow those remote to still play and it had a small learning curve) but hopefully you can immediately point out the mistakes I made or give helpful suggestions to improve my ability as a DM. Since I haven't DMed in years, it's been a lot harder than I remember!

Part 1: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2JHfPPY9_dhNXdTclYzTE1XXzA
Part 2 with surprise ending: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2JHfPPY9_dhRmUtbGx4VmlyaU0

The first part that was said before I started recording was....

Welcome to Thera - as miserable as it can get, Thera is a deprived world plunged into darkness. Death is a common occurrence so there's little happiness knowing the future for most is so bleak - but you guys are trying to make the best of it. You know that something happened not that long ago to cause all this but in the hellhole you were born in, such history lessons weren't as important as survival so it never came up really. The only glimmer of hope you had in this life was from a man by the name of Joheem - a simple map maker. He saw a ragtag group of teenagers and treated you like family because as an orphan himself he knew how hard life would be. Two years ago he paid for and sent you off to be trained in a city over the ocean called Seantryn Modan...

I know I made a mistake about handling an AoE attack (I made him roll one attack roll and one damage roll and it should be multiple attack rolls and one damage roll). I also know I didn't do a great job initially setting the mood/expectations on how the players should interact and say things (some players are brand new to 4e) but I think I started to improve near the surprise ending! *dun dun dun*

So lend me your ears and time and help a DM out! :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-29, 11:11 PM
Uploaded elsewhere, had to move it you guys were killing my server!