View Full Version : RPG apps for Android

Kuma Kode
2012-08-30, 03:39 PM
So I've finally joined the 21st Century and have an android phone. Naturally, the first thing I do is start browsing through the app store, but there's a lot of stuff there. Even a simple search for "dice roller" turns up pages upon pages of apps, no two of which are alike. So I ask you, tech-savvy gamers, are there any android apps you use at a gaming table? DM-specific ones like encounter trackers are good, too.

In case it's relevant, I'm interested in d20 Modern or D&D 3.5 ones.

Bill Murphy
2012-08-30, 07:57 PM
As an android owner since the first Droid I'll state that I can't give advise on a game to play on a smartphone. I've played many videogames in the past on the computer and game consoles and it's too far of a step back on a smartphone to keep my interests.
You will probably find that playing MMO games on a smartphone drains the battery to the point where you only play at home.
You might be happier downloading some of the more simple games that only take up a few minutes of your time. (something to pass the time while you are out where you can turn the game off at a moment's notice)
I do encourage you to try out any game you wish on the android market. But I strongly recommend you try the free demo versions of them before purchasing.

Kuma Kode
2012-08-30, 08:01 PM
I didn't want video games, actually, I was looking for tools for tabletop games like digital dice rollers or encounter trackers or character sheet keepers or something. Sorry for the confusion.

2012-08-30, 08:05 PM
I personally like one dice roller application called Dice Bag. It allows you to create customizable premade rolls. Are you a high level Force Missile Mage? 7D4+7 (or +14) is easy to create and save.

2012-09-01, 12:55 AM
I use Spellbook 3.5 (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zalzala.spellbook&hl=en) at the table all the time. It comes in Pathfinder too. I'm still looking for a good initiative tracker though. All the ones I've seen require so much set-up it's easier to just use paper.