View Full Version : Battlefield Control (Pathfinder)

2012-08-31, 04:25 AM
Hello all,

I'm trying to create a character that is all about battlefield control.

The best starter I've found so far seems to be an Inquisitor, as they have the spell Forbid Action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/forbid-action), and that's a really good lock down, which is exactly the flavour I'm looking for.

Any sugguestions on how to build this. It would either be 25 point buy or rolling, we get to roll first and if we are unhappy with it can switch to point buy.

It's starting at level 1, but I would be playing it for a fair bit.

2012-08-31, 05:05 AM
White-haired Witch archetype.
Not doing all that well at 1st level, though not doing terribly for free natural weapon based on your 'casting stat and spells as normal.

Then you pick up Combat Reflexes, and you're doing okay for anything nearby you, as well as Improved Grapple.

Then you hit 5th level and your reach increases to 10ft and it's all over but the shouting; any AOO allows a grapple or trip to hold targets down, and if you grapple you can Constrict for more damage.

If your DM will allow it, there's a feat in Savage Species (3.5) to increase the reach by +5ft, but it's a major must-have, especially if you hit 3rd level and can Enlarge yourself for an additional +2 Size bonus to CMD and to your reach.

Meanwhile, you're getting spells, lots of enchantments and illusions and some necromancy and divination. It'd be difficult Not to change the course of a battle with this.

That said, if you go with WHW, you should probably keep your spells to buffing your Allies to make sure they can take advantage of your lock-downs rather than using them to do Everything. Witch is T1 and you may actually need to dial it back in later levels, maybe take a two-level dip in Fighter and go into Eldritch Knight after 8 or 10 for more BAB, Feats, and such.

2012-08-31, 05:18 AM
I don't Inquisitors make the best controllers, they are usually more in the damage-dealing area. Forbid Action seems to be inferior in every way to the Command spell on the cleric list - not to mention the numerous Sorceror/Wizard spells that can take out enemies for several rounds.

I think wizards/sorcerors do battlefield control best, with a ton of powerful options on their spell list. If you want to do control with spells (which it sounds like), these are your best bet. Druids can work too, clerics and oracles to some extent depending on domains/mysteries. Summoners - especially Master Summoners - are obviously good at controlling the field too, but they do it in a way that may slow the game down if not handled well.

Witches are ok too, though a lot of their control power comes from enchantments, which means they can have trouble dealing with mindless foes.

For a more martial control character you might make a character focused on the trip feats and lots of reach. I don't have that much experience with martial types myself, so I can't give a lot of advice here.

2012-08-31, 08:54 AM
I agree, the Inquisitor is more damage-oriented. Even if they do have couple control/aggressive spells that are cool, the list as a whole is weak for that end and simply does not justify a caster Inquisitor (and without being one, your DCs will suffer to the point that you'll fail more often than you succeed). Think of the Inquisitor as a different take on the Paladin instead.

Clerics and Oracles on the other hand, have it as a possibility, so if you're set on divine guy, they're the go-to option.

The Summoner, as always, is also a possibility, it's easy to make a sick control-based eidolon (you do have to be careful not to overshadow other people who might be filling a similar roll). Plus, buffs in the spellcasting and summons take only a standard and last for 1 min/level!

Another great controller is the Alchemist, grab discoveries such as Smoke Bomb, Stink Bomb and the such, plus the ability to rather easily throw 3+ bombs per round (at higher levels) and the fact that your DC will be the same as the Wizard using his highest level spells when he's in even levels (but you can do that more than he can cast) and that you never have to worry about spell resistance...you can do some pretty sweet stuff. Besides that, grab Infusion and you can give polymorph-line spells to the melee crowd. There are also some archetypes that can give you some other interesting opportunities.

But for spellcasting, Wizard/Sorcerer and Witch are the overall best ones, especially the first two, Witch's list is a bit more limited, but hexes are sweet. There are more spells that do something with no save or even if people make their saves and that simply affect more targets in a single casting.

2012-08-31, 09:10 AM
The best starter I've found so far seems to be an Inquisitor, as they have the spell Forbid Action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/forbid-action), and that's a really good lock down, which is exactly the flavour I'm looking for.

Er... no offense, but that spell's terrible. Will negates, one target, stops just one action, lasts 1 round, mind-affecting compulsion. Compare to a lockdown like Color Spray, Entangle, Grease or Sleep, which can last almost the entire combat and impede or stop multiple actions. Or compare to a spell like Cause Fear/Ray of Enfeeblement (partial saves) or Ill Omen/Hydraulic Push (no save.) Even a spell like Ear-Piercing Scream at least does something on a save.

The point is that saving throws are terrible for a controller because they cause you to waste your actions. If you're throwing out a spell that can be completely nullified on a save, it needs to be able to end the battle or severely cripple the opposition. Otherwise, stick to no-save or partial-save spells.

In addition, Inquisitors are unlikely to have the casting stat to really force a failed save regularly. If you're going to be throwing save negates spells around, you really should start with at least an 18, and preferably a 20 in your casting stat, and grab spell foci and other boosters too as soon as possible. A score/focus that high is a great idea for a pure caster, but for a half-caster it gimps them physically, and they lack the magical oomph to make up for being weak.

2012-08-31, 09:29 AM
Witches get some good battlefield control spells and Hexes. Take a look at this level 6 Witch (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=439923) a player of mine made for a one shot last night.

Some highlights:

1. Slumber effect at-will; could have taken Ability Focus to increase the DC by
2. Glitterdust, Hold Person, Web, Sleet Storm, Ray of Exhaustion

That's some pretty serious CC right there. He could have also picked up (at level 6): Cause Fear, Command, Ear Piercing Scream, Obscuring Mist, Stinking Cloud, Pup Shape, Howling Agony, Call the Void, Ash Storm...

For melee options, the Lore Warden Fighter, Maneuver Master Monk, Tetori Monk, and a Barbarian with Strength Surge and some form of rage cycling (and some other appropriate battlefield control spells) can all be great CC.

2012-08-31, 09:37 AM
For Witches, don't forget Accursed Hex (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/accursed-hex), which gives you a second shot on a target next turn if they save the first time. This feat is nearly mandatory.

2012-08-31, 09:39 AM
For Witches, don't forget Accursed Hex (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/accursed-hex), which gives you a second shot on a target next turn if they save the first time. This feat is nearly mandatory.

Ah, it's on his/her/its (the player was playing an Eberron changeling XD) character sheet, I just forgot to mention it.

2012-08-31, 01:15 PM
Then you hit 5th level and your reach increases to 10ft and it's all over but the shouting

If your DM will allow it, there's a feat in Savage Species (3.5) to increase the reach by +5ft

Actually, 4th level AND every 4 levels after grants +5ft. reach.
Level 1:5ft.
Level 4:10ft.
Level 8:15ft.
Level 12:20ft.
Level 16:25ft.
Level 20:30ft.

Throw on Combat Reflexes and you may want to make DEX your Primary stat and INT secondary.

2012-08-31, 10:22 PM
Be a wizard, sorceror, druid, or summoner. Use black tentacles, shifting sands, web, the fog/cloud spells, create pit spells, wall spells, entangle, stone call, sirocco, spike stones...stuff like that. Get a familiar (anyone can via eldritch heritage feat if not by class already), take improved familiar if necessary, and give it wands/scrolls of low level movement reducers so you can toss them out at twice the rate. You can use selective spell (or a meta rod of it; the feat has an oddly high CL requirement) to not have the spells affect allies. If you face a lot of ethereal foes, there's a meta feat that is probably available as a rod to handle that, too.

Later on, you may need dimensional anchor/lock to hold down teleporting outsiders, and flyers will basically be a massive thorn in your side. BFC as a tactic generally works best from about levels 3 - 12 or so. After that, enemies increasingly have flight and/or teleporting and BFC begins to die a slow, agonizing death as an effective method of defeating enemies.

I should give special mention to the Dazing Spell feat. It's technically more like save or lose, but attaching that baby to Stone Call or Ball Lightning will keep foes pretty darn still! Add persistent spell feat for lulz. ;)