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2012-08-31, 09:13 AM
Link to World at War thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=254168)

As Ennis grabs Sabrina's shirt sleeve, you feel your body getting ripped from the pavement. The sensation of spinning, and stretching fills your senses. At some points it feels like some parts of your body are not attatched but, somewhere far away. Then, it all skitters to a stop. Everyone is expelled onto pavement rolling away.

Miss Sabrina! Are you alright! A man in a sharp suit and bow tie rushes over to Sabrina, who is getting up woozily. You notice there are tall buildings all around and you can still hear the sounds of the scuffle in the Plaza. You are not far away. Nearby is a long limosine with a door opened, the sharp dressed man had been standing next to it until you arrived.

2012-08-31, 09:32 AM
Ennis releases her Horsea and holds it as someone would a pistol. 'Is Sabrina okay?' she asks the man as she scans the area. 'Everyone up for making a getaway ASAP?'

2012-08-31, 09:43 AM
Rolling to his feet, Aidan nods, his weapon still in hand as he scans the area warily. "Yeah, sounds good to me," he replies as he slips the blade back on his belt before moving over towards Sabrina. Turning to the driver, he says, "Come on, give me a hand and let's get her in the car."

2012-08-31, 11:20 AM
Dr. Kretznak rolls up on to his knees, and then falls back forwards onto all fours and vomits onto the pavement. His stomach heaves a few times after the initial expulsion, but he manages to hold what's left of his lunch inside. "I hate teleportation," he grumbles, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his lab coat.

He stumbles back up on to his feet, his coat bearing a stain from either the ground or his bile. "You could have varned me," he tells Sabrina, but does his best to assist Aiden in getting her to the car. "Are you alright? Actually, is everyone alright? If not, I'm a doctor."

2012-08-31, 04:17 PM
Donny lands on his feet, but then lands on his knees as well. He pushes himself back to standing and looks around wildly. He releases his Zubat, Echo, and quickly connects with her. We're in panic mode, girl, go up and see if you can spot anything coming towards us. Echo leaps off his shoulder and replies, If it's food can I eat it? Not yet, we'll see how this turns out. Follow this black car if we start moving, understood? That one has a blue thing, can I eat that? No! The Zubat then continues it's flight in a lazy circle around the Limo, watching for prey danger.

2012-08-31, 06:34 PM
Glancing over at the doctor, Aidan replies, "Can't speak for everyone else, but I'm fine. We need to get moving though, before that changes - this is probably going to be worse than last time."

2012-08-31, 11:22 PM
Aidan goes over to Sabrina and helps the man. About half way to the limo, Sabrina finally speaks, albeit sluggishly. I... I can take care... I can take care of my self! As she tries to push her self out of Aidan's arms, but the exertion is too much, and she slumps into his arms again. Ugh. I... hate this.

"Miss Sabrina has been having issues as of late manifesting her psychic powers. Anything beyond Telepathy or simple Telekinetic tasks drains all of her strength. It is a miracle she is still conscious."

No food. Big scaries. Big scaries fight other big scaries. No fight us. No like big scaries. Wait! Big scary! BIG SCARY! Echo flutters rapidly towards Donny. There is the sound of metal on concrete coming towards you. Lots of metal on concrete.

"Uh, guys? We should get into the limo." A girl none of you realized joined your teleportation, with long brown hair and deathly pale, is already hopping into the open door.

2012-08-31, 11:29 PM
It's okay Echo, back in the ball where you can't get hurt. Donny returns the Zubat to her ball and calls out to the others, "Something big coming this way, lets get moving!" He hurries into the Limo after the pale girl.

2012-08-31, 11:31 PM
"Vas anyone disputing that?" Dr. Kretznak asks the pale girl, giving up on assisting Sabrina and briskly walking to the other side of the car. "Because I managed to avoid the last riot, and I have no plans to be involved in this one." He pulls open the back door on the opposite side, and slides in.

2012-09-01, 01:06 AM
"I was there," Aidan replies, absently, even as he gets Sabrina into the Limo, climbing in behind her. "Wasn't exactly pretty."

2012-09-01, 06:13 AM
Ennis jumped in the limo. She'd do it regardless if there was a monster chasing them or not, limos were cool. 'Anything to drink in this car? We could all probably use a nice strong drink.'

2012-09-01, 06:20 AM
As everyone jumps into the car, with Sabrina's ragdoll body getting slumped up against Aidan, the butler rushes around to the front. The engine roars to life as a large steel serpent comes around the corner, before the car zooms off around the corner, out of sight. In a few minutes, the limo had cleared the inner city and was driving further inland.

The outskirts of the city were in worse shape. Buildings in great disrepair, many you suspect have been like that for a long time. Is... is everyone here?

2012-09-01, 06:24 AM
"Six of us and the driver," Donny replied from his seat. "That great metal snake from the conference is following us. He's friendly, right?"

2012-09-01, 06:26 AM
'How do we know it's the SAME giant metal snake? I say, floor it and leave the guy alone. If it's an enemy, we get away. If it's that guy from the conference, he still has a steelix to protect him.'

2012-09-01, 06:26 AM
Possibly. It may be...ngh... Byron's. May not. Sabrina rights her self, with great effort. A mechanical click sounds, a mini bar folds out near Ennis, stocked with tiny flasks of high quality spirits.

2012-09-01, 06:30 AM
Donny reaches across and takes a flask of some clear liquid and gulps generously. "We're outpacing it as is. Either way, we seem to be safe for now." He takes a can of a fizzy drink and pours some of the clear spirit into the can. "Maybe you can tell us where we're going, Sabrina?"

2012-09-01, 06:31 AM
Ennis grabs a brandy, and pours Sabrina whatever she asks for.

2012-09-01, 06:40 AM
As Ennis tries to pour Sabrina a drink, the bottle slips out of her hand and lazily floats over to Sabrina, who grabs it with renewed vigor. After chugging a few gulps of the Pinot Zekrom, she gasps obviously in a better state than a moment ago. We are going to a private airfield on the outskirts of the city. The more distance between us and that crazy city, the better I say. From there? I'm not at liberty to say quite yet. But I do believe you will be interested in going regardless.

2012-09-01, 06:45 AM
Donny sips his drink, a numbing sensation spreading from the pit of his stomach. He resealed the flask and replaced it, content with his concoction. His nerves were calming down and the panic that had been just under the surface had nearly faded completely. "So, do you happen to know why we five were invited?"

2012-09-01, 06:53 AM
'Yeah, what he said.'

2012-09-01, 10:33 AM
The doctor looks away as soon as the bar opens, staring out the window at the ruined buildings as they pass. "I believe this is some kind of job interview," he responds to Donny. "Am I wrong Sabrina?"

2012-09-01, 02:48 PM
"Mind tossing me one of those, Ms... sorry, didn't get your name?" Aidan asks the woman nearest the mini-bar, gesturing to the brandy in her hand, before looking around at the others. "As for why we were invited, I can only guess that the Rebellion saw something from each of us. In my case, it's likely something to do with the fact that I've been making a general nuisance of myself for the Rangers and League almost since I arrived in Unova."

Turning to the psychic present, he says, "Regardless, though, we definitely owe you for that... I really didn't look forward to trying to fight my way out of a riot again. Thanks..."

2012-09-01, 04:08 PM
Donny leans back against the seat, the can perspiring in his hand. "Is that what you and Alpha Ranger Simon were almost yelling about? Somethin' 'bout Snaggers?" Donny says to the guy with blue hair. "I mean, you were arguing with the leader of the Rangers in front of everyone there. I was sitting next to you and I couldn't block out that conversation if I tried."

2012-09-01, 04:10 PM
Aidan nods, turning his attention to the man. "Yeah... How much do you know about events in Orre?"

2012-09-01, 04:16 PM
"Not a thing. Grew up in Kanto. And I've been... isolated... for the last few months," Donny says as he takes another drink. Now that he thought about it, there were probably a lot of issues around the world that he didn't hear about in Kanto. And it's not like he was able to watch the news lately.

2012-09-01, 04:35 PM
Shrugging, Aidan replies, "Doesn't surprise me. Anyway, about 12 years ago, a group called CIPHER sprung up out in Orre. Similar to Rocket, Galactic or Plasma, really - bunch of thugs and low-lifes led by a bigger bastard with dreams of world domination. They created Snag tech to steal Pokemon from other trainers, and then would torture those Pokemon, twisting their minds and turning them into emotionless killing machines. They had some powerful Pokemon turned... Entei, Raikou, Suicune... some pretty nasty stuff." Aidan sighs for a moment before continuing, "And since this was in Orre, the League and the Rangers didn't give a damn about what was going on there, despite the threat CIPHER posed to the entire world."

"I did what I could against them even as a kid - keeping an ear to the ground and picking up info. There were a bunch of us there who did that, funnelling info to the guy that took them down. Even after they were brought down the first time, though, they got right back up, stronger than ever - they managed to turn a Lugia. An Arceus judged Lugia, if you can believe that. Twisted into nothing more than a weapon for those bastards. One of their people made their way into the League territories... I still can't believe that guy led me all the way from Orre to Unova, to be honest. In the end, I ran him right into a squad of Rangers who helped take him down, but they insisted on taking in the Snag Machine he was wearing, as evidence. The guy promised me that it would be destroyed... and now Rangers are popping up all over with the damn things."

Aidan closes his eyes, before saying, "Too many people back home suffered too much because of that technology... because of what was done with it. I can't just sit back and wait for it to happen again here. I've been going through every legal channel I can find to try and get something done about it, and had planned on taking advantage of the conference to try and put the question to Cynthia directly. Now..." Aidan shakes his head, scowling. "If things are really spiraling into a war, there's no way Bruno would listen to me on this - from what little I've seen of the guy, he seems like he'd fit in as one of CIPHER's thugs, to be honest. I'm about ready to say muk it all and start taking out anyone I see with a Snag Machine, laws be judged."

2012-09-01, 07:10 PM
Donny stays quiet as the blue haired guy relates a story of League incompetence that reflects the remarks he overheard at the Conference. Lot more issues than I thought, maybe war was inevitable, he thinks to himself as he listens. This guy's been fighting for years and years, no wonder the Rebellion invited him. Maybe they think I'll do something similar to get my shot at Blue? Donny finishes his drink and sets the empty can down. "Y'know, now that we're technically at war, I think that means their laws don't really apply to you anymore," Donny says. "I could be wrong, but it sounds like you're running out of other options. If the Rebellion really is recruiting us, they might agree with your stance on these 'snaggers'."

2012-09-01, 08:12 PM
'Pfft!' spits Ennis. 'Cypher? Really? REALLY? You must be kidding me. They couldn't take down a desert where there were no Rangers. They are a threat to no-one. They operate in shadows cos they are scared. Not like back home. I seen Team Aqua and Magma almost destroy the continent with 2 legendaries. Nearly crushed Sootopolis City with the fight. It took THREE champion level battlers to stop them. And a muking sky god.' She downed her brandy and poured another for herself before tossing it to Aiden. 'But I do agree with you on one thing. The Rangers are a Arceus Judged waste of space, nothing but bullies and fools. You need help beating up a Ranger or 2, and I'll throw a few kicks below the crotch for you. Same with the League. Took them long enough to stop those 2. Archie and Maxie were a joke, but no one stood in their way till it was almost too late. Should have just had some gym leader kill them when they first popped up if you ask me.'

2012-09-01, 08:48 PM
Aidan scowls at the woman's initial words, but nods along at her comments regarding the Rangers and the League. Taking a sip of the brandy, he replies, "CIPHER was more of a threat than you may think. But regardless, ask yourself this - what do you think would've happened if those Magma and Aqua guys had Snag Machines? If they could snatch your Pokemon and turn them against you?"

Sighing, he continues, "Really, if nothing else, it just goes to show that the League and the Rangers either can't do their jobs, or just don't give a damn until their own cozy little world is threatened..."

2012-09-01, 09:06 PM
"No, they give a damn," Donny speaks up. "They work so hard at ignoring these events and not informing the public that they have to give a damn. They care about their own asses, that's why you have cities filled to the brim with Rebellion supporters but held under the thumb of the league." He leans forward in his seat and continues, "If we're being recruited to start tearing down this system, then that means we have a chance to make a real change, don't we? We can cut to the corrupt core of the rangers, burn away the League's oppressive hold on free citizens, and actually set up something new that works."

2012-09-01, 09:11 PM
'But aren't you forgetting something? People like Rocket and Aqua have been stealing pokemon for years without snag machines. I mean, what's the deal with them anyway? I could just knock someone out and take their pokeball off them.' Void, I have knocked someone out and stolen their pokemon. she thinks to herself. 'Is the only point of a snag machine you can steal it mid battle? Or is it that it overrides ball ownership?'

2012-09-01, 09:13 PM
(bumpity bump)

2012-09-01, 09:31 PM
Aidan shakes his head, replying, "It's more than that. The Snag Machine literally snaps the bond between the trainer and the Pokemon, tearing that part out of the Pokemon's mind. It's part of what made it so easy for CIPHER to make Shadow Pokemon. It's part of what made Shadow Pokemon so hard to help... wounds of the soul like that can't be so easily healed."

2012-09-01, 10:03 PM
Sabrina had remained quiet through out the discussion, a small smile stuck on her face. The Doctor is right, to a degree. I am glad the recruiters are comptent enough to find those with conviction, skill and a mental awarness. Indicating Donny, Aidan and Vladmir in turn. Donny, I am afriad you are mistaken in one aspect. We have been at war, for quite some time actually. Before the riots. It was a dirty, secret war. And it was getting both sides no where. We have... ways of predicting events like the conference. We saw that the conference would start the public war and we knew we needed soldiers. But a common foot soldier can only do so much. So, the higher ups decided to start creating small teams. Highly mobile and independent. Not bogged down with rank and orders. A team who can complete sensitive tasks quickly, discreetly and act independently without needing constant guidance. And it seems the recruiter's have found a good batch with you 5.

2012-09-01, 10:06 PM
Donny nods silently as the discussion quiets while Sabrina talks. When she finishes he says, "So just us five? Or have other teams already been recruited in less public events?"

2012-09-01, 10:17 PM
You are not the only ones. Why you were brought together then, I don't know. The recruiters gave me your files, told me where I'd be meeting you and where to take you. You'll have to find a higher up to figure out why. And good luck with that. Even I have issues contacting them.

2012-09-01, 10:30 PM
'More importantly, WHY US? Snaggy boy is obvious, but not the rest of us. Who told you about us anyway? Who tracked me down and slipped that envelope?' And most importantly, how much about Ennis's real past did they know? Ennis Martillo didn't exist this time last year, so they must know some about her real history. Or was being a Dragon Master that big a deal?

2012-09-01, 10:35 PM
"I see..." Aidan says, before fixing his gaze on the Psychic. "I can guess that you have your own reasons for helping the Rebellion, despite holding the position you do within the League." Aidan thinks for a moment, before nodding, his voice quiet yet holding conviction as he says, "If your people are willing to help with getting rid of Snag tech - and I mean erasing every last trace of it, not keeping it for your own use like the League has - then I'm in."

2012-09-01, 10:59 PM
"I vill join, as a medic," Vladmir says simply.

2012-09-01, 11:57 PM
They can get me closer to taking down Blue, I cannot let that chance slip by, he thinks to himself. "I'm in, too," he says. He suddenly remembers that Sabrina is a powerful psychic and immediately focuses on the memory of his burned shoulder. Of breaking Blitzle's leg as Masque. Of dozens of nights in the wilderness, hungry and dirty. He thinks of anything that isn't related to his father or his past.

2012-09-02, 03:38 PM
Sabrina nods. Good to hear. Shortly, the limo pulls to a stop on a large swath of asphalt. A little ways away, engines roaring, is a small jet. On the tail, where the normal markers desinating ownership are, is completly blank.

The butler escorts the 6 of you to the plane's interior, Sabrina only stumbling once. A fact she is quite proud of, easly shown on her face. The interior is lavishly furnished, with Tauros skin seats Cottonee stuffed pillows and blanks woven of the finest Gavuntula silk. Take a load off. We have a few hours till we reach our final destination.

As you get comfortable, the butler walks around and retrieves each of your Pokdexi and takes them into the cockpit. He returns 10 minutes later. Each dex pings 15 times, with information on the your pokemon and the others with you. A quick look shows all other data on the dex has been erased.

You can continue to RP and ask Sabrina questions. Or we can skip to your final destination.

2012-09-02, 03:57 PM
Still hasn't answered my question on who spied on all of us I see...

'So, Miss Sabrina. Who else is on your side in the Rebellion? I know you and Byron. Probably Winnona and Tate too, but the League has too many. Any other gym leaders we can relax around. And most importantly, how many of the Dragon Masters?'

She didn't bother questioning the erasing. Probably a safety measure.

2012-09-02, 06:13 PM
No Dragon Masters that I know of. Maybe an intiate, the rare defector from the Dragon Clan or two. Proffessor Elm is on our side, though he doesn't like the word getting out. Quite a few Gym Leaders support us, if not publicly. You can look at the personell files when we reach Seiga- Sabrina's words are cut off as the cabin shutters and the lights flicker. The low groan of metal stretching is heard from all around you.

Muk. Muk. MUK! Everyone, bow your heads and pray! Pamphlets float into everyone's lap, consisting of a Stratonian prayer. Sabrina promptly bows, and begins to recite the prayer.

Oh Great Dragon of the Sky, ruler of the Realm Above. Please grant us safe passage through your domian, for we are humble visitors in your majesty. We honor your power and your freedom. We shall disturb you no more, for your grace has been placed upon our travel through your most divine kingdom.

2012-09-02, 06:15 PM
Aidan pales, before quickly copying the psychic's actions. "Oh Great Dragon of the Sky, ruler of the Realm Above. Please grant us safe passage through your domain, for we are humble visitors in your majesty. We honor your power and your freedom. We shall disturb you no more, for your grace has been placed upon our travel through your most divine kingdom."

2012-09-02, 06:20 PM
Donny reacts quickly, fear fueling him with nervous energy. He opens the pamphlet, ducks his head, and recites the prayer. All the while his thoughts consist of: I can't die, I'm not done yet. I cant die, I'm not done yet. Don't you dare take me out while I'm trapped in a tin can! I can't die, I'm not done yet!

2012-09-02, 06:22 PM
"Oh my," Dr. Kretznak mutters, the implications of Sabrina's actions sinking in. He grabs a pamphlet and begins to stumble through the unfamiliar words.

Oh Great Dragon of the Sky, ruler of the Realm Above. Please grant us safe passage through your domian, for ve are humble visitors in your majesty. Ve honor your power and your freedom. Ve shall disturb you no more, for your grace has been placed upon our travel through your most divine kingdom. Oh Great Dragon of the Sky, ruler of...

2012-09-03, 10:47 AM
'Oh Great Dragon of the Sky, ruler of the Realm Above. How about using a little of that power to help a poor girl out? Big fan of your work by the way, love the green. Then I'll honor your power and your freedom. I shall disturb you no more, and make sure this lot does the same. Lots of love, your biggest fan, Ennis Martillo.'

2012-09-03, 12:37 PM
The plane shudders again and everyone is lurched forward, only staying in their seats due to the seat belts. The lights go out, leaving only what little light streamed in throught the tiny windows. Outside, storm clouds have gathered, blotting out the sun. Lighting arcs between clouds.

The plane is jarred again, throwing everyone to the side. Everyone's stomach drops as the plane is lifted upwards at an alarming rate. MUK MUK MUK! Who didn't pray!? But before anyone can answer, the plane stops accerlating and moves upwards on its own. At the pinnacle, the plane stops. An eerie silence takes hold of the cabin.

The sound of strecthing metal is heard again. The roof of the cabin begins to buckle and stretch. The is a painful screech and the roof flies off and away. Everyone is buffeted by a gale, blinding them for a moment. As everyone regains their sight, they see what was causing the commotion. An extremly long, green serpent-like pokemon, with golden patterns along its body. It's body has looped around itself, and around the front and back of the plane, holding it still. Rayquaza, the Sky God, has appeared and he looked angry.

Rayquaza lets out a deafening roar, shaking you to your very core. His voice, his presence speaks of pure power. The unrivled strength of weather it self. For a moment, he makes no other actions, just his body undulating to keep himself afloat. He glares at the opened cabin, as if searching. A glint of knowledge appears in his eye, and an accusatory claw points towards the cabin, far to big to determine who or what he's pointing at.

He opens his maw, and a voice emantes from him. It seems to resonate in every fiber of your being, as if he speaks to each individual piece of your body seperately and all at once.

You! Sea Bringer! You and your breathren awaken my sister from her eternal slumber, rekindle her feud with her brother and threaten to bring the end of your people and then scoff at my presence to save your pitiful race from the annilahtion you created. And then you DARE to disgrace my domain with your presence!? Your presence defiles my kingdom, a crime with the most severe punishment. You and your brethren have caused my family nothing but grief. Kyogre wanders the seas, restless. Her torment is furthered, knowing Groudon roams the same, and she may not engage him lest I intervein again. Explain your presence while my patience lasts, Sea Bringer.

For size reference (http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Shenron)

2012-09-03, 12:48 PM
Dr. Kretznak sidles up a little closer to Sabrina, and grabs on to her sleeve. He focuses his mind on hers, attempting to contact it with the clumsy fumblings of a non-psychic. I don't imagine you're up for another teleport, he thinks. Any parachutes on board?

2012-09-03, 01:11 PM
She hadn't felt this much fear since that day on Sootopolis. The day she first seen him. The day she left Team Aqua. Her knees went weak, and her eyes watered. She knew this thing was more powerful than all those men and women who assembled on the plaza. But at the sametime, he was the reason she was here. He was the reason she became a Dragon Tamer in training.

'Oh great and powerful Sky God. I am not a Sea Bringer. I hated them as much as you do now. But when I seen you that day in Sootopolis, something .... something changed in me. I cast aside my last remaining bonds to the Sea Bringers. I no longer carry the name of a Sea Bringer. They and the Land Shapers wish nothing but war upon each other, and to defile the land that we all share. Since that day I seen you, I devoted myself to helping your kind. The Dragons. I only wish I was so muh as worthy to grovel in your presence, but I know I am not. I love you, oh Great Dragon.'

Ennis called out her 3 pokemon and prostrated herself to the most powerful being she had ever layed eyes on. 'My Horsea, my past I pledge to your sister Kyougre. My Trapinch, my present I pledge to your brother Groudon. And my Swablu, my newest recruit, my future, I pledge to you Lord Rayquaza. Please, spare us unworthy lowly humans.'

She bit her tongue and hung her head low. It was hard knowing that something you loved looked upon you as less than nothing, and could kill you with less than a thought.

2012-09-03, 03:53 PM
Aidan stares at the massive serpentine dragon, awed by its sheer presence. In- incredible... Shakily, he shifts the Pokedex in his hand, positioning it to scan the great dragon of the sky even as he kneels down, bowing his head respectfully.

2012-09-03, 04:00 PM
What the hell is he ...? Oh yeah! This may be my only chance to see him again. Even if it's a risk, I want to keep a memento of this meeting.

Ennis also points her pokedex at Rayquaza, but tries to do it in a respectful way. She probably failed and just ended up looking like a plonker.

2012-09-03, 04:26 PM
Donny stays utterly silent. But when he notices his new colleagues using their pokedexes on a GOD, then he does the same. Glancing upward through his hair and trying to stealthily get a scan.

2012-09-03, 04:43 PM
Rayquaza remains silent for a while. In time, the weather around you lessens. The clouds part, shining light into the opened cabin. It was warm, but not overly so. It was refreshing.

Your pledges do not fall on deaf ears, Former Sea Bringer. I can sense you were not among those with power. It was not your descision, not your actions that awoken my siblings.

Rayquaza shifts forward, bringing his massive head towards the cabin. It is now you realize the true scope of size. The plane, whole, would be a snack for the massive dragon. Even his eye is larger than the plane.

What of the other humans? Why have they entered my domain with you, Former Sea Bringer?

Sabrina turns slighlty to Vlad. A don't want to go sky diving when the Sky God is angry at me. Would you? She then stands, slowly to adress the dragon. I am Sabrina, your majesty. I am the handler of these humans. My superiors instructed me to bring them to Seigiaha City.

2012-09-03, 05:03 PM
Donny speaks up- to a freaking god! -next. He stands on shaking legs and grips the seat in front of him to keep his feet. He looks up at the flying dragon- Freaking Rayquaza! -and says, "I am Donny Green, and I am in your sky because I was brought here by others. This is the path I have before me, in order to tear down those who suppress others. I beg your forgiveness, and your mercy, to let me pass to my destination."

2012-09-03, 05:18 PM
Aidan stands as well, but only watches the great dragon, deciding that it would be best not to speak unless it addresses him directly.

2012-09-03, 05:26 PM
You may speak, young Lucerne. Do not fear me, unless you wish to cause me ill.

2012-09-03, 05:34 PM
Nodding at the sky god, Aidan says, "I thank you, Lord Rayquaza. I am Aidan Lucerne," he begins before chuckling nervously and continuing, "though I suppose you know that already. I too was brought here at the request of others, though I came because I hope that they can aid my cause just as I can aid theirs. I seek to ensure that the tragedies that occured over the past years do not repeat themselves, by ensuring that the machines used to twist the hearts and minds of Pokemon are erased from this world.. While I would not presume to ask you to take a side in the conflicts of man, O Great Dragon, I would ask only that you forgive us our intrusion of your realm and grant us passage through your domain."

2012-09-03, 08:50 PM
"Merely passing through," Dr. Kretznak reassures, subtly slipping his dex out of his pocket. "If you vould prefer us to take a different route, ve vould be happy to detour." He holds up the small computer. "Could I perhaps catalog your glory? For posterity."

2012-09-03, 09:42 PM
Rayquaza listens to each of you in turn, nodding ever so slightly. The pale girl stands, but doesn't say a word, but Rayquaza doesn't seem to notice.

Your presence in my domain is not an affront. You may pass through unharmed, and I shall repair your vessel. I apologize for my violent reaction. The Sea Bringer's and Land Shaper's actions have soured my temper. I fear it will be eons before my fury settles.

Before I return you to your travels, I have one last qestion, Former Sea Bringer. You have pledged your self to my siblings, and to my self. I am quick to realize you are not at fault for the actions of your former breathen and quick to forgive your transgressions, however unintentional they were. I can not promise the same of my siblings however. I give you a quest, Former Sea Bringer, to seek my siblings and pledge to them your recompense for the actions of your former breathen and their enemies.

Through this, you may atoll for their sins, even if they may not wish to do so. If you accept, I shall give you the Mark of the Sky Dragon, my personal mark. It shows you are a Sky Pledge, in my service. It should prevent my siblings from attacking you on sight in fury, if for a short time.

Do you accept?

2012-09-03, 09:43 PM
BuMP ity D d

2012-09-04, 03:38 AM
'Yes, Lord Rayquaza. I shall bear your Mark of the Sky Dragon with pride. I shall seek out your brother and sister and do as you have asked. I shall be your humble earthly servant. Thank you, oh gracious one.' Ennis hid her face by bowing deeply. She didn't want these other people to see her crying or see how happy she was at this moment.

2012-09-04, 11:10 AM
Rayquaza nods, growling. A current of air picks Ennis up and places her gently on the great dragon's head. His skin was suprisingly soft and smooth.

Prepare yourself, Sky Pledged.

Rayquazad inhales deeply, his body markings taking a bright glow. The glowing marks pulse along his body, from his tail all the way to the ring on his head, where Ennis now stands. The pulsing grows faster and brighter, until the ring is as bright as the sun, obscuring Ennis from the others with blinding light.

Ennis feels something deep inside her awaken. As if a great destiny has begun. The glow engulfs you, but you feel no pain, nor are you blinded. You feel power, coursing through your veins. It was glorious, envigorating! This was what it feels like to be a Dragon! No, not just a Dragon. The Sky Dragon! You feel his power run through your form, soaking it. The feeling is pure ectasy. Ontop of your right breast, there is a similiar, more intense feeling. Tracing itself across your breast is a golden dragon, similar in form to Rayquaza, coiled on top of your breast. The glow begins to fade and you feel faint. You collapse but are gently caught by the wind and gentily placed back inside the cabin.

I am sorry again for the intrusion, Sky Pledged. Good luck on your journey, and know this. The Sky watches over you always. With a mighty roar, Rayquaza begins to fly away. The roof mysteriously flies back ontop of the plane, apperently welding itself back into place. A strong gale of wind propels the plane forward, prompting the pilots to reengage the eginges and continue their flight.

That..... was unprecedented.

2012-09-04, 11:56 AM
Ennis staggers about a little bit, feeling a little drunk after all that. 'Umm...' Ennis says, stuck for words after the most holy and touching moment of her life. This was the moment she would remember forever. The next words out of her mouth would go down as the first words spoken by Ennis Martillo, the Sky Pledged. 'Anyone got a drink on them?' She tries to take a step forward, but stumbles over her own feet and sprawls head first into the aisle. 'Owwww.' Then she falls unconscious from the shock of what had happened.

2012-09-04, 01:10 PM
Since he didn't recieve an answer, Dr. Kretznak feels somewhat justified in scanning the Sky Dragon, and does so as subtly as possible as it speaks to Ennis. He backs away slightly as she lifts into the air, and shields his eyes against the blinding light that follows.

When he opens them again, the girl addressed by the beast was stumbling down the hallway, before tripping over her own feet and crashing down into the aisle. The doctor curses under his breath and scoops up his bag, leaning over the fallen girl. He roughly flips her on to her back and raps his palm against her cheek. "Can you hear me?" he asks as he checks her pulse.

Taking 10 on a Wisdom/Percep check, if appropriate. That gets me 15.

2012-09-04, 09:04 PM
You quickly deduce that she was simply overwhelmed with a mix of power and emotion. Being filled with a god's essence would do that to just about everybody. With rest, she will be fine. You estimate she will be conscious by the time you reach your destination.

Time Skip! 2 hours Forward

The flight was completly uneventful. Anything was not memorable after meeting a God. Ennis has regained consciousness and your still flying over water.

We've almost reached our destination, underneath Seigaiha City. I suggest you strap in tight. Sabrina says with a smirk, her straps tightening themselves. The plane tilts forward, diving straight towards the water.

2012-09-04, 09:08 PM
"Oh dear," the doctor says, following her advice and pulling his seatbelt tight. "This hasn't all been some ruse to kill us in a plane crash, has it?

2012-09-04, 09:10 PM
Aidan tightens his straps, looking over at the doctor. "Honestly, if that were the case, do you think she would be here herself?"

2012-09-04, 09:11 PM
"She can teleport," Dr. Kretznak points out. "Besides, she's a psychic. Who knows vhy they do what they do?"

2012-09-04, 10:50 PM
Donny quickly buckles himself in, his face returning to a slight frown as he considered what the sudden dive implied. Okay, we're flying into the water, to under Seigaiha City, a slight grin creased his face as he remembers some of the amazing things he's seen through his own Pokemon's eyes. I guess I'm not the only weird one out here.

2012-09-05, 05:38 AM
Ennis downed a big glass of Snowpoint vodka and strapped in. 'The Sky Pledged is not fond of crashing and would much prefer it if we not die. Just saying.'

2012-09-05, 09:21 AM
The doctor gives a sideways glance towards the recently unconcious woman. "If you're going to start speaking in the third person, that is going to get old very quickly," he says.

2012-09-05, 09:28 AM
As everyone straps in, anyone who dared to look out the windos saw the plane's wings folding backwards, giving the plane a sleeker, bullet-like shape. Everyone grits there teeth for the inevitable impact.... but it never happens. After a moment, Ennis opens her eyes and sees that the view of the sky and ocean below had been replaced by water.

I love messing with new recruits. The plane-submarine chugs forward, just below the surface. Shadows of boats and pokemon run across the ship. In a matter of moments, the view changes from open ocean to steel-plated walls. The plane-submarine surfaces insdie a large hanger bay, with many vehicles for all terrain parked. There are several ports in the bay, leading to the ocean, air and land. Your vehicle pulls up to the edge of the water and lets down a gangplank for you to get off at. People mill about doing tasks at computers or on vehicles.

One person, a man of dark complexion, no shirt and wearing some crazy tight blue pants, walks towards you. Welcome back Sabrina. These are our special recruits?

2012-09-05, 10:02 AM
'Yeah, we just got in. And just who is this tall dark piece of eye candy?'

Ennis then shifts over to her new companions and whispers to them. 'Look, guys. Can we keep what just happened up there a secret? I know there is no chance of me stopping Sabrina from telling the higher-ups, but I don't want everyone to know. Okay?'

2012-09-05, 07:46 PM
"Sure," the doctor whispers back to Ennis. "As long as you let me take some blood and run some tests. It looks like ve're going to be working together, and I don't vant you dying on me unexpectedly."

With that said, he gathers what little possessions he has from the vehicle. Before stepping on the gangplank, he glances around the cavernous room, clearly nervous. His fingers beat out a frantic rhythm against his leg as he composes himself. "Dr. Vladmir Kretznak," he introduces himself, offering his non-convulsing hand to the shirtless man. "And ve certainly seem to be."

2012-09-05, 08:59 PM
Aidan gives a brief, subtle nod to Ennis, before turning his attention to the man and saying, "Sabrina mentioned that we were going to be formed into some sort of special ops squad, or something like that, so I'd assume so." Holding his hand out, he says, "Aidan Lucerne."

2012-09-05, 09:07 PM
Donny nods at Ennis' request and follows the others off the craft. Looking at the shirtless man Donny gives a short wave and adds, "Donny Green" to the chorus of names.

2012-09-05, 09:19 PM

Didn't forget about me did you? I can keep my people quiet. For now.


The man shakes Vlad and Aidan's hand firmly. I am Maron. And I'm the welcoming committee. Shall we take them to the briefing room or their quarters first Sabrina? Debriefing. Give them thier intiate task first, let them mull it over before we ship them out tomorrow. Maron guides you through a maze of corridors. The lot of you get strange looks from those milling about, speaking in hushed whispers. After about 10 minutes of walking through the endless maze, Maron opens an unmarked door (they were all unmarked), and lets you enter in front of him.

The room was dark, except a single bright light over a finely carved oak table, with 5 chairs. At each chair lays a folder with papers inside of it. Maron shows you to your seats and Sabrina closes the door, immersing you in the contrasting darkness.

2012-09-05, 09:25 PM
Dr. Kretznak settles down into a chair, before reaching into a deep pocket and pulling out a pen. He inserts the plastic tube in between the cover and the first page and flips it open, scanning the first page.

2012-09-05, 09:25 PM
Donny walks quietly to the table and sits in his chair. He waits for the others to sit as well before opening the thick folder before him.

2012-09-05, 09:29 PM
Ennis immediately lights up another cigarette and gets stuck in reading. She usually only smoked once or twice a day, but today was stressful.

2012-09-05, 09:43 PM
Aidan takes his seat, and begins reading the file in front of him.

2012-09-05, 09:57 PM
The dossier's contain a few pages on each of you compatriots, detailing their history and abilities as well as the pokemon they carried. But beyond that, there was a thick stack of papers regarding Devon Corp. Product numbers, sales reports, shipping routes, the works. It seems the Rebellion had done their homework on the company.

A screen lights up on the wall where Maron and Sabrina where standing. Sabrina flicks a pointer at the screen, which brings up the electronic versions of the papers in front of you, as well as many candid pictures of people you don't recognize. Your first task is the Devon Corporation. They claim to not take a stake in the matter, but we have info they are funneling money into the League's coffers. Our numbers estimate Devon's funding is helping the League prepare for open conflict. We can't let that happen. Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to drop their stock values. If you succeed, their profit margins will fall and they will have to reconsider who they are backing.

2012-09-05, 09:59 PM
Aidan nods, and says, "And is there any specific way you want us to accomplish this?"

2012-09-05, 10:13 PM
Donny leafed through the folder quickly, realization sinking his stomach. If I have folders on them, then they have a folder on me. They all know about Blue, now. They know about what I can do. He looked up and down the table, keeping the fear from his face. No one seems too shocked or surprised. The focus is on the mission. Mine should be, too. He looks at Sabrina as she makes her presentation and takes note of shipping routes. "Would an ambush along a shipping route be what you had in mind? Steal a truck full of goods and lower their stock at the same time?"

2012-09-05, 10:21 PM
"Ve can start much simpler than that," the grey haired doctor says. "If they're hiding their involvement with the league, I'm sure they have a reason. Revealing that connection could do part of our job for us."

2012-09-05, 10:29 PM
We don't care how you do it. As long as they can't trace it back to the Rebellion, you do it covertly and Devon doesn't go out of business, we don't care. Thats part of the reason we wanted to assemble a small group like this. Fewer people to do small group thinking and planning. Organizing any kind of assualt like this would be a disaster if we tried. Your creative, I've seen your files. You'll figure something out.

2012-09-05, 10:36 PM
Flipping back through his copy of the file, Aidan says, "Those photos... anyone relevant in those? It might help to know where the key links between the League and Devon are."

2012-09-05, 10:40 PM
The doctor jerks his thumb towards Aiden. "And as an extension of that, any proof of the connection? Photos, finance reports, things like that?"

2012-09-05, 10:44 PM
Donny tries checking through the dossier to answer his own question but he gives up shortly. Instead he just asks out loud, "Do we have information on where they do production? If we could stall that then they could fall behind on production."

2012-09-05, 11:02 PM
The screen flits to a page with a bunch of numerical figures. Several, about half a dozen, are highlighted and zoomed in. The amounts are huge. ^560,000,000, ^1,200,000,00, ^320,000,000, ^96,000,000, ^301,000,000, ^745,000,000. All to the same place. Pokemon League Cares: Support fund for abandoned Growlithe Pups. As you can see, Devon wasn't too good at hiding their support. If you like, you can search for the charity online. You won't find it. I don't think exposing this will do much, they will create the charity before it gets called into question.

The screen flits again to images of four men, one of which you recognize as Steven Stone. Next to him is an older man who looks somewhat like Steven. The other two men, who seem to be twins, have angular faces and a serious demanor. You may recognize former Hoenn Champion, Steven Stone. Next to him is his father, Aldoulfus Stone. Aldoulfus is reigning CEO. After Steven relieved his position, he took up the VP seat. The other two men, the twins, are the head researchers for Devon, William and Stan Alterin. We have recordings of these four men discussing secret deals with League officials. Not inherently illegal, but bad for publicity. Agian, we can't expose this, you'll have to show how you found the info to be credible.

Again the screen flits to maps of Unova, Sinnoh and Hoenn, circling a few locations in each. Devon has complete market dominance in Sinnoh and Hoenn, and thats where the majority of their major production lines and facilities are, but there are a few such faciliities here in Unova. Each circled area is zoomed in for a moment, noting location and what was there.

Rustboro City: Home Office, Pokeball production line
Slateport: Shipyard
Mauville: New power plant, powers most of Hoenn, Game Corner
Fallabor: Annette’s Lab (Funded)
Lavardige: Hot spring spa and resort
Lilycove: Department Store, Grand Contest Hall, Docks (former Aqua hideout)
Mossdeep: Steven’s home, Space Center

Jubilife: Global Trade Center (cooperative with Silph), Poketch (subsidiary) home office and factory, Trainer School (funded)
Oreburgh: Oreburgh Mining Company (subsidiary)
Hearthome: Grand Contest Hall, Amity Square (Funded) and Cultural Center (Funded), TM factory
Veilstone: Department Store, Game Corner, Former Galactic Headquarters (for sale), Shipyard
Pastoria: Great Marsh Project (Founded and Funded)
Iron Island: Oreburgh Mining Company: Iron Island Branch
Sunnyshore: Sinnoh Solar Works
Not in a city: Valley Windworks, Feugo Ironworks
Battle Frontier (Hoenn and Sinnoh)

Striaton City: Fennel’s Dream Smoke Laboratory and Dreamyard (funded and rebuilding)
Castelia: Many office buildings, shipyard, Main Potion Line
NImbasa: Theme Park, Musical Theatre, Big Stadium, Small Court
Driftveil: Cold Storage
Mistralton: Airfield (owned by Skyla, but Devon has stake in it)

2012-09-05, 11:08 PM
Vladmir flips open the folder, searching for the sheet of numbers that had been shown on the screen. If he finds it, he circles the sets of numbers that had been highlighted on the screen, and then dog ears the page for later reference.

2012-09-05, 11:10 PM
Nodding at the information given, Aidan says, "So we'd have to catch them ourselves in order to have anything viable to reveal..." he says, more to himself than anyone else. Looking around the table, he says, "What if we arranged the creation of the charity ourselves, through a third party, and then went public? Would it be feasible to back them into a corner that way?"

2012-09-06, 12:18 AM
"You know," Donny begins, "Veilstone City has quite a few targets. We could rob the Game Corner, drop the sales in the Dept. Store, and really ruin the Shipyard. One fell swoop and we drop three of Devon's eggs." He starts considering their schedule. They have a month. That's enough time to do some scouting, track some escape routes, and maybe even acquire more intel.

2012-09-06, 10:16 AM
When Ennis reads the files, she notices she has the other 4 in her file, so she immediately takes Donny's once he's finished with in and reads what they have on her. Her past with Aqua was gone, but after Rayquaza calling her a Sea Bringer, at least a few of them should have their suspicions. But she was gad her name wasn't on the document. That was one secret she would rather keep hidden. Also, if they had a faked file on her, she most likely had a faked file on the rest. Not everyone here was what they seemed.

'I think you are getting a little bit ahead of yourself Sabrina. "Here are your files, we know all about you,so go out and risk your lives for our ideals." And what pray tell do we get for risking our lives on these missions? I'm not an idealist, I don't do stuff for free. And I'm guessing Snag boy is the same. He's only joining you cos he hates the Rangers, not the League. And don't get me started on the silent ninja over there.Only the doc and the hotshot mystic have real reasons for working with you. How do you know you can trust us?' She takes a drag of her cigarette.

'Hell, the only reason I even came and considered joining the rebellion was on the off chance of taking on a Dragon Master.' I'll assume you are listening in on my thoughts Sabrina. The fact that the route we took happened across Rayquaza's domain, and I just so happened to be given a task, and the best people to help me are you guys, forcing me to join your group. Does it not look a bit too ... convenient? Is Rayquaza on your side, or did you just use your powers and know that this would happen if I met him? And it goes without saying that if I work for you I expect some Rebellion help tracking down Kyougre and Groudon.

2012-09-06, 10:44 AM

First off, Rayquaza's domain is the entire sky. Its impossible to avoid it if we travel by plane. And second, I don't have any precognitive abilities. And we will see about getting help locating them, but you'll have to tell the higher ups first.


You'll be payed handsomely Ms. Martillo, among other rewards. As for trusting you... well if you can trust us, we can trust you. I believe we can make it worth each of your whiles to continue working with us. We have the resources to hunt down and destroy Snagger tech that Mr. Lucernce so dispises. With training and our support, Mr. Green can confront his father's killer. And you, Ms. Martillo. We can assist you in many ways. First and foremost, we have excellent catalogues of Dragon sightings across the world. Help us, and you have access to them. Second, we have no true Dragon Master on our side. By simply allying with us, you'll have every single one to hunt down and defeat. And they will gladly take your challenge. And those are the tip of the iceberg. Do well, and you'll have facilities here to do with as you please. Labratories, training simulators, the works. Now tell me, are you not enticed now, Ms. Martillo?

2012-09-06, 10:56 AM
'All the Dragon Masters in the world against me, a girl who isn't even a fully fledged Dragon Tamer yet? Sounds fun.' Ennis licks her lips. 'Since Cynthia lost, that means she's gone downhill. Lance is now the number one in the world, I refuse to think Bruno is stronger than Lance. So, I suppose if Blue is Mr Green's target, then Lance and the other Dragon Masters are mine.'

'I'm liking you more and more Sabrina!'

2012-09-06, 11:04 AM
"Vhy are you being so delicate Sabrina?" the doctor asks, slumping over the table with his chin cradled in one hand. "You're leaving out a very important detail. Ve vere all seen at that riot. Ve vere all invited by the league, something I'm sure the rangers are avare of. Vhich means ve all just had var declared on us."

He looks around the table gloomily. "Before, when the league was controlled by the Aura Guardians, they vould have been content to let us go on as long as ve didn't commit any crimes. Do you really think Bruno vill offer the same mercy?"

2012-09-06, 11:14 AM
I'm glad you asked Doctor. We have wiped your identities from the systems. The Trainer Registry, Criminal records, Birthdates. All gone. You don't exist. Its an extra precaution. And yes, we expect Bruno to be much more aggressive. Thats what we have grunt soldiers for. You are free to recreate yourselves in the records, I suggest you do so before hitting a Center. They'll pick you up as unregistered trainers, which won't look good. We are hoping, with your help and other teams like yours, that we will get a descisive first strike, crippingly them before they can fully mobolize.

2012-09-06, 11:48 AM
Ennis sighs. Well, the identity Ennis Martillo never even really existed. So it should be easy to at least keep the name.

'So, can we get a list of allied Gym leaders? Did Winnona and Tate get here okay?'

2012-09-06, 02:00 PM
"Donny Green is an alias already. You probably erased Donald van Gerven from all those records, eh?" Donny asks. He'd been running around as Donny Green for only a few months, not actually in the system. Now he could actually get some 'legal' registration for the name. It felt like another step towards Blue, making his own identity more permanent.

2012-09-06, 02:02 PM
The doctor stares at Sabrina for a moment, and then arches his eyebrows slightly, attempting to get her attention. Is Kyle Stanley still in the system? he thinks at her.

2012-09-06, 09:03 PM
Aidan shrugs, hearing about the identity wipe, and says, "Well, it doesn't matter much to me either way. Even if we develop new cover identities for ourselves, we wouldn't want to openly use those with whatever we do anyway, so we'd need to come up with some alternatives... here's a question for you though, Sabrina. I know most people here haven't really followed events in Orre, so how much do you think the Rangers and the League would know about members of CIPHER? Because if they don't have the info, it might work to masquerade as some of their people when we do whatever it is we do here."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-07, 05:51 AM
Tarna had been silent all this time, though with the number of near death experiences it wasn't so surprising. She chose this moment to make an effort and summon her courage.

"Well, I don't know much about stocks, but I don't think going for Steven Stone would be a good idea. But if his dad is getting old, then maybe we could do something there." They must know about her training, well that and the whole Skyla incident: she hoped that they didn't overestimate her arson abilities.
"Would we be able to impare the company if the CEO became ill? Or worse?"

2012-09-07, 09:07 AM
Raising an eyebrow at the girl, Aidan says, "While I can see it working, it's an operation that would need a lot of planning and a lot of support, I'd expect. Especially now... they'll probably have enough security to make a direct attack on any VIPs impractical." Thinking for a moment, he looks at Sabrina and Maron, and says, "The only real help we can expect on this is the dropoff? Or are there any supplies or other resources you can provide?"

2012-09-07, 09:17 AM
The Ranger's records only have info on any Cipher activity in League territories, which as you can suspect, is minimal. As for other support, we can spare ^10,000 each for starting funds and if you tell us where your heading we can alert our moles to your plans and they can help.

2012-09-07, 10:02 AM
Ennis looks again at the places Devon owns. One stood out to her as a bit strange.

'Is Byron back yet? Well, him and the others. There is something I'd like to ask him.'

2012-09-07, 11:27 PM
He should be... right outside. Sabrina says with a smirk as the door swings open. Standing in the light of the hallway is a tall, gruff figure, shovel slung over his shoulder. Wha'd ya want chicky?

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-08, 04:37 AM
Tarna defers to Aidan, already embarrassed and realising that she wasn't going to be able to add anything to the plan, her only real success (as the Rebellion would see it) was a complete accident.
"Oh, of course." She muttered in response, "So, then, we go with your thing I guess. I'm good with that, I've er, got a bit of experience with arson." she adds at the end, hoping the mystery might serve to save her reputation after her only comment was shot down almost instantly.

Read the plan on the pad, I'm ready to go with that. :smallsmile:

2012-09-08, 06:49 AM
Ennis slaps the defeated looking Ninja on the back. 'Nah, it's a good plan. But not something we can do. If we could, it'd work. Best way to destabilize them. But we don't have the resources. Don't worry though, we'll have plenty of people to kill later... probably.'

She goes over to the large miner. 'I've been looking over the targets, and Iron Island makes no sense. They own the mining works there, right? And you are chief miner. You, a known rebel. That and the Riley kid too, his name is famous from there, right?'

'Considering Devon are listed as owning the shipyard of Veilstone, but not Canalave shipyard, it gets even stranger. Canalave is the only way to get in and out the island. So why are the league leaving you guarding such a precious resource? Looking at it, you should be the number one target. At least Sabrina is in a Rebellion controlled area and has Silph to protect her. So why don't you tell us what's going on? Why are you the chief miner there? Why do so many major rebellion figures have a link to that place? Nothing about it adds up and I wanna know why. If we are risking our lives for your cause, the least we deserve is the intel on what the truth is.'

2012-09-08, 04:28 PM
Donny nods with the ninja's plan, liking the idea of it. It would be quick, direct, and strike at the heart of the company in more ways than one. Of course, it would be difficult as hell. Aidan spoke up and voiced those thoughts, along with a decent reason why. More questions were asked and answered, and soon the big man with the steel snake came into the room. Ennis left the table and started talking to him, while Donny resumed flipping through his folder. A week here... a couple days there... a long trip by sea, maybe another eight... that should leave us with enough time to hit the other one. Then all we'd have to do is make it back here and we're home free. The logistics of a plan began forming in his mind and all of a sudden this mission looked plausible. Looks like we'll be fine in the end.

2012-09-08, 07:23 PM
Byron sighs and shoves his way into the room, closing the door. Without the bright light from the corridor, you can get a better view of the man. He stands a strong 6 foot 3. His hair and clothes suggest they've never been washed. But beyond the dirt and grime, there seems to be fresh stains. Irregular and dark all over his front, and a long line of this mysterious stain across his back. He hacks, and spits a thick loogie onto the floor, mixed with blood. He swings around to look at you each in turn, a wet splash is with every turn as leftover blood flies from his shovel.

Returning his gaze to Ennis, he stares at her for an uncomfortable length of time. I am not supposed to talk about it. But I'm tired of being quiet! He slams his spade into the floor, a sickening screech as the metal pierces concrete. He sits down on chair that wasn't there before. He rests his elbows on the table. First you must understand my connection with Riley. Back during the great war, my family the Ferrons had vast land claims here in Sinnoh. Riley's family, the Aaron's, were our neighbors to the north. The Ferron's owned most of south Sinnoh, from Oreburgh along the east side of Mt. Coronet all the way to Eterna. The Aaron's owned most of the North and west. Our families had land disputes for centuries, both wanting to claim Mt. Coronet for themselves for its rich ore deposits. Niether could hold it though, due to the wild pokemon who lived there. A few years before the Great War started, my Ancestor, Duke Tarus Ferron discovered Iron Island and its rich deposits. On the same day, Riley's ancestor, Sir Vale Aaron, discorved the Island as well. The families old rivalries instantly rekindled. They began fighting over ownership of the island. This fighitng was some of the first of the Great War.

As the war dragged on, all sides were desperatly looking for a linch pin. Something that could clinch victory. Tarus found it, buried deep within Iron Island. He unlocked it and tried to use it against Vale in battle. But it was beyond his control. Together, Tarus and Vale brought it under control and resealed it away. It was then the Aura Gaurdian's approached Vale and Tarus. Seeing how the two, once mortal enemies, would put aside their differences to stop a greater threat showed to them they were the ones to bring an end to the war.

From there, the two men worked to convince all faction to stop fighting by showing them the reality of the war. They were causing their own destruction, ravaging the land and depleting their resources. One by one, the factions ceased fighting. Under this idea of brotherhood, and guidance from the Gaurdians, Vale and Tarus established the Pokemon League to protect the people from infighting and to train the youths to be prepared for the wilds that layed behind the fortified walls of cities.

Afterwards, Vale and Tarus knew the weapon that was sealed inside Iron Island must never be released. The two families decided they would share the burden of gaurding the Island. As teh generations went on, we discorvered the Island replentists itself of its ore. In time, we knew how to mine what areas that would replenish quickest and not harm the prison. More recently, when Devon was established Aldous Stone the First appraoched my great grandfather about purchasing Iron Island so he may use its ore for pokeballs. At first, my great grandfather refused, afraid the mining opperation would get out of control and pierce the prison again. Determined, Aldous continued to plea, and finally my great grandfather caved. He allowed Devon to set up mining operations on Iron Island, on the condition my Great Grandfather and his descendant's would retain the position of the head miner. And so it has. I inherited the position from my father, he from his fatehr and he from his father. We have maintained the prison for over a thousand years and I will not let anyone dare breach it again.

As per the agreement between the Ferron's and the Aaron's we have both served to guard the prison. Riley has resided on the island since we were children. I am upset that he kept his position in the Guardian's a secret, even from me. But I understand why. I am even more deeply disturbed by the revelation he was an orginator. But that's not what you asked about. My family was always the more industrious ones, it was our task to maintian the prison. The Aaron's were stronger battlers, so they were to gaurd the island form outside threats.

I suppose you asked so you could expose some kind of conspiracy with Devon and the Rebellion. I'll tell you flat out, there is none. No one in Devon even know of the prison's existence. However, you may go and muk up all the mines you like, those grow back in time. Actually, they are about to start drilling again. We go through periods of mining and letting it replenish. Mukking with the mining equipment would put a hurt on their profit margins.

Happy Missy?

2012-09-08, 07:41 PM
'Yeah. When I'm told that I'm going into the den of a monster which may be the 2nd most powerful pokemon I've ever seen, I'm totally mukking happy. She takes a long drag of her cigarette.

'I assume you've told your kid? And he knows how big a deal this is? Cos if something happens to you, someone of the Leaague should know. Someone we can trust not to be stupid enough to try and turn that thing into a weapon. And the only two I can think of are Steven and your kid.'

She gives him a pat on the shoulder, even if she does need to tiptoe. 'Thanks for being honest big guy.'

2012-09-08, 07:55 PM
Donny listens to the large man's story and one fact becomes clear: He's a prime target for the League to assassinate. "I have only two questions, sir," he says after the red haired woman stops talking. "One, if we were to arrive in Canalave City on short notice, would you be able to get us up and into the mines on Iron Island?" He pauses for an answer. "And second, the power plant, in Mauville. I've heard a rumor or two that's a Rebel base, but you have it listed as a target." He's addressing the other leaders at this point. "We may be going through the area, should we know anything specific about it?"

2012-09-08, 08:58 PM
The doctor leans forward from his position in his chair, having spent the last minute or so considering Byron's story. "So just so ve're clear," he says, carefully. "That thing in the mines. The veapon. Ve're not planning on using that, right? No one here is thinking about trying to use it against the league?"

2012-09-08, 09:03 PM
'Muk no. I'm not that stupid, and I doubt anyone else here is, or Sabrina would be holding her head in pain.'

2012-09-08, 09:12 PM
Raising an eyebrow at the doctor's words, Aidan says, "From the sound of things, it's all but uncontrollable. I can't speak for the others, but it's not something I'd be comfortable using."

2012-09-08, 09:19 PM
Donny looks to the Doctor, not expecting the question. From Byron's story it sounded like two of the most powerful men of the area banded together just to stop it's freedom. Donny held no illusions about his own power, as strange as it was to others, he knew using that weapon would be suicide. "I agree. Leave it be. There's no point in using it to fight if it destroys us as well."

2012-09-08, 09:49 PM
I know the risks of my stance and my son knows his responsibility should I fall. On Mauville's Power Plant. The one on the braniac's list is the new plant. The one rumored to house a rebel base is the abandoned plant. Though we are not allowed to confirm the existence of any other bases beside your home base, which is here in Saigaiha.

If you decided to target the mines, don't venture too far into them. Deeper areas house strong wild pokemon, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to handle it.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-09, 06:28 AM
Tarna turns all of this over in her mind: so some people think this weapon is a pokemon, hmm, I guess that makes sense, no point building a 'prison' for a gun, then it'd just be a safety deposit box.

"We should get going then. The longer we stay anywhere the more attention we draw, especially to you Byron, and your position sounds precarious already."

Tarna, not one to take the lead, hovers hoping another will take over and dispatch them since she doesn't have a clue where she's going, but it certainly sounds safer to be with these guys than with Byron and Sabrina who must be quite high priority targets in the war.

2012-09-09, 06:59 AM
At the pale woman's words Donny writes out a quick paragraph onto a piece of paper detailing a plan and the estimated time it would take. He passes it to each of the other 4 members of their little squad, making changes where appropriate and slight adjustments. Finally he brings it to Sabrina and says, "We seem to agree on this. We'll need transport tomorrow to get to that first destination. I also have a list of supplies that I'm requesting, out of that ^10,000 you mentioned."

OOC: Plan is outlined in the Pad (to not encourage our rivals). Donny's list is: 2 Great Balls, 1 Dusk Ball, 1 Quick Ball, 3 Burn Heals, 2 Full Heals, 2 Super Potions, 1 Lum Lum Juice, 1 Super Soda Pop. This equates to ^5,950. Leaving ^4,050 for Camping gear and Rations.

2012-09-09, 07:03 AM
I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Ennis bites her lip and pulls a sour face. Yet. We wouldn't be able to handle it YET. Luckily, only Sabrina would be able to hear those thoughts.

'Cool, plan looks good. Doc, if you wanna run those tests you can do it now. Just don't go messing with my Mark too much.'

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-09, 07:08 AM
Tarna nods to the plan, noting they seem to have everything under control.

Items: 5 burn Heals, 5 Full heals, 2 Dusk Balls, 2 Quick Balls, 2 Super Potions.

2012-09-09, 07:50 AM
Sabrina and Maron had remained quiet during Byron's tale. It seems this was the first they had heard about it as well. Sabrina didn't react to Ennis stray thoguht, but if from ignorance or intent was unclear. Sabrina snaps out of her own thoughts at Donny handing her the plan and shopping list. She nods as she reads it with a small smile. Oh this will be fun to watch. We will gather your supplies for you, we can ship you out tomorrow. I suggest going to bed early. Its a long flight to Hoenn.

The door opens once again, and Maron motions for you to follow him to your quarters.

2012-09-09, 07:58 AM
'Do you have any Botanists here? I'd rather stock upon Rawst berries than Burn Heals.'

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-09, 09:36 AM
Tarna follows attentively, wanting to let her pokemon out since they've been cooped up and she has been a bit thrown by today's events and kind of wishes she had their companionship.

2012-09-09, 11:03 AM
The doctor nods at the other's answers. "Good. I am happy to know that none of us are that stupid." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a syringe, which he pushes into Ennis's arm after grabbing her shoulder to keep her still. "This vill only sting for a second..." he mutters as he retracts the plunger, the vial filling with dark blood.

When the needle is full, he removes it from her bicep and hands her a small bandage. "Keep pressure on it. That vill help prevent bruising," he advises, before turning to their hosts. "I vould like to do some basic tests. I am sure you have access to some sort of medical facility?"

I'm not really expecting to find anything, this is mostly just fluff. But just in case there is something to find...
Wisdom check: [roll0]

2012-09-09, 12:59 PM
Aidan nods, following Maron to his quarters, trying to remember the path.

Supplies: 3x Super Potion(^1050), 2x Revive(^800), 1x Super Soda Pop(^400), 2x LumLum Juice(^700), 4x Burn Heal(^800), 2x Great Ball(^1000), Camping Gear(^500) and Food(Aidan - ^50x30=^1500, Zex - ^50x30=^1500, Kiran - ^25x30=^750, Eleara - ^25x30=^750, Total: ^4500. Diets: Aidan, Zex - Omnivore; Kiran, Eleara - Herbivore). Total: ^9750.

2012-09-09, 03:22 PM
Donny agrees and lets himself be led out of the room. When he's brought to his sleeping quarters he releases Masque and connects mentally to the Cubone. Hey, we had a crazy day, but I think we're better off now, he thinks to it. Well, we're inside. Echo and 'Rachnia alright? Masque replies. Yeah, no battling today, not for us anyway. Maybe tomorrow. I'll be looking forward to it, the Cubone replies before they both go to sleep.

2012-09-09, 07:19 PM

We've got a Botanist. Maron will show you. The man gives you a charismatic grin before leading you and the rest to your destinations.


Of course we do. I'll take it to the lab to get tested. It will take a while. We will have the results when you get back. Don't want to risk blowing your cover.

Mini Time Skip!

Brrzzzzzt! Brzzzzzzt! Brzzzzzt! An alarm, which hadn't been in your quarters when you went to sleep, blares in your ears the next morning. 6 a.m. Sabrina wasn't kidding when she said to get to bed early. As you shuffle to get dressed, you notice all your gear and the supplies you requested were neatly packed at the foot of your bed. A quick look shows your wallets are a bit fatter (for those who didn't blow all of their advance) and a bit lighter (for those who did). Byron gather's the boys and Sabrina the girls, who lead you to the hanger bay. They shuffle you onto a small plane, not nearly as luxurious as the last one. A few rough seats and a storage compartment. The cabin was big enough to let your pokemon out, but not for a battle. Fighting in a pressurized steel cage thousands of feet above the ground with super-powered animals who can shoot electricity and fire from their bellies was never a good idea.

Another Time Skip!

The flight was uneventful, especially compared to the last one. In about 17 hours, you finally see land beneath you. You have arrived in Hoenn. The pilot tells you that your drop off point is coming up and to gear up. Five backpacks on hooks fall out of the cieling, one for each of you. You can see soot plumming out of Mt. Chimney in the distance and a clearing half way up which you assume is Lavaridge.

Berries 1-20 are available but the spoil overtime, about a week. Shopping lists are still editable for costs. Camping gear costs ^500 a person, food costs for human's and mon are on the pad to take into account. Make a final list of shopping pre-departure and put it in your post. After that you'll have to go buy it in a Mart. Please don't post till your shopping list is finalized.

2012-09-09, 07:36 PM
Donny goes through the motions of the day in his normal silence. His tendency to talk a lot the previous day was likely a side effect of the amount of excitement surrounding the events. He keeps his pokemon in their balls and manages to snooze a bit on the plane. When prompted he takes the backpack off the hook. Okay, two weeks ago I was trekking through Johto. Now I'm flying above Hoenn on a mission to cause hell. Life is complex.

He releases Echo and quickly connects with the Zubat. We're about to jump out of a plane. I'd like you to be around, it's been a while since I've flown through your wings. It's fun. How high up are we? I can't tell. Really high, you'll find out soon.

2012-09-09, 07:49 PM
Aidan wakes up, checking over the supplies provided before nodding. When led onto the plane with the others, he goes over the plan in his head again, to make sure he's got it committed to memory. Over the course of the flight, he spends his time watching the clouds pass and occassionally conversing briefly with the others.

When the pilot announces the upcoming drop, Aidan looks at the parachutes for a moment before taking one and putting it on. Making sure he's got all of his gear, he nods, ready to drop with the others.

Final shopping list is in previous post.

2012-09-09, 08:39 PM
Ennis wakes up as grumpy as ever. She grabs the berries she asked for, and packs away the rest of her supplies.

When they were above the drop off point, Ennis let's out Aire, her Swablu. 'Hey little darling. Look down there. Hoenn, back home. Race you down to the bottom.' The little bird swoops about and chirps in response. The air smelled so much fresher over here compared to the big cities. Even the ash filling her lungs was better than the big city pollution. 'So much better than Unova.'

temp hair dye: 300, food for 3 small pokemon for 1 week: 525, 1 week of Ennis food (**** and booze and sweets): 350, 2 quick balls: 2000, survival gear: 500, 3 fresh water: 900, 3 lumlum juice: 1050, 3 rawst berries: 675, 3 super potions: 1050

Total: 7350

2012-09-10, 01:13 PM
The doctor sighs heavily, looking down at the distant ground as he shrugs on his backpack. "I really don't vant to do this," he mutters. "I am too old for this."

Shopping list: Camping gear - 500, 1 week of person food - 350, 1 week of pokemon food - 700

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-11, 05:38 AM
Tarna strolled from her room to join the rest, surprised by the weight of her gear, but hoping she would have enough to get her through... well whatever this was, she kept her pokemon in their balls by her side, not willing to risk them should they be attacked again.

She stayed silent throughout the journey, ready to begin the adventure!

Shopping list as above, plus camping gear (500) food for Tarna for a week (350) food for 3 small pokemon for a week (525)

2012-09-11, 09:47 AM
One by one, each of you jump out of the plane and see your target. Or targets, rather. Lavaridge is still a few miles to the east, while a small flat clearing in the trees with a small campfire seems to be your landing zone. Everyone has no problem maneuvering to the landing zone, the parachutes were very user friendly. Ennis, however, enjoyed the thrill of free fall a bit too much and only from the pleading of Aire does she engage her parachute. She lands a bit hard, making her rump sore.

A quick survey shows that no one is in the clearing, just the small signal fire that could be put out with a quick stamping. You can still see the ambient light from the resort town over the thicket of trees.

2012-09-11, 11:26 AM
That was fun. You didn't fly, you fell slowly. Can't catch prey like that. Still, it's not always about prey. What else is there? We fly to catch and eat prey. We eat prey to fly. We fight and become stronger so we can eat bigger prey! During this mental conversation of the philosophical reason why one flies, Donny packs up the parachute back into it's bag. One by one the others land, too. Like that blue thing! With the white stuff, that looks like prey! Don't. We need those friends. Together we take down bigger prey. Like a pack? Like a pack. We have a strange pack. Trust me, Echo. I know that.

The Zubat flies lazily around his head in slow circles during the conversation. Once everyone else seemed to be okay, Donny asked, "Should we go into town? I don't think I could sleep if I tried right now."

2012-09-11, 11:48 AM
"Vell. That vent better than I expected," the doctor admits, standing up and brushing himself off. "It vas actually kind of fun."

He shakes his head as if clearing it, and when he speaks again, his voice has lost the note of excitement it had had a moment before. "Maybe ve should start looking for firestarters. After all, our plan depends on us catching one."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-11, 12:54 PM
Tarna nodded to the doctor's suggestion: "We don't want to waste any time, the longer we're here, the more likely that something bad happens." Though based on their adventures so far, that really could be just about anything.

2012-09-11, 01:03 PM
'Well, I'm heading off into the town' said Ennis, rubbing her sore butt. 'I'll ask about any information on Groudon, as well as any new news since the declaration of war from Bruno. Maybe try and pick up a flute too. If I remember my news, the Gym Leader here is a Leaguer, so I'll keep my head low. Anybody want to come too? If not, I can manage by myself.' Aire was swooping about and flying round Ennis's head, still happy with the flight down.

2012-09-11, 03:57 PM
"I'll go with you. But I really think we should all go to town, it's pretty late out and we can start fresh in the morning," Donny says to the red haired woman. His shoulder twitched a little at the sight of the signal fire, catching a fire type pokemon was still beyond him.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-11, 04:54 PM
"Perhaps we should stick round here and set up camp. If you still want to go, then some of us should stay and maybe scout out the surrounding landscape."

Tarna knew she wasn't a people-person, so any information gathering should probably be left to the others, she also didn't want to stop in a town that had a pro-league leader, not so soon after they'd been declared enemies.
War she thought, shuddering, never thought that would be something we'd have in our lifetimes. The dark thought solidified her caution, and set to scanning the area in case there was someone, or something out there.

Perceptions check?

2012-09-11, 08:41 PM
Nodding, Aidan says, "Yeah, heading into town would probably be a good thing. We can split up tomorrow, Ennis and Donny can see what they can learn about Groudon while the rest of us see about trying to catch a few fire-types. The decent ones will likely be asleep right now, anyway."

2012-09-11, 09:42 PM
As you discuss your next course of action, Donny and Ennis hear rustling in the bushes. Donny! I smell scaries!Suddenly, from all directions pops out four purple pokemon, sporting pointed ears, fangs, a barb'd tail and a membrane between it's limbs allowing it to float in the air (1m). Then hiss and look ready to pounce

Trainers (Aidan, Tarna and Vlad can’t act round 1)
T's are trees. Only Ennis, Donny, Echo and Aire can act this round. Fi is FIRE!

2012-09-11, 11:59 PM
I see them, Echo, Donny thinks to his Zubat. He quickly scans one with his Dex before tapping deeper into his channeled Pokemon. "I got this one," he says as he moves next to one and stabs with his knife. Echo, bite this one. Be bigger than him.

Donny moves to 3C and attacks G3.
Donny's Arms Attack:
AC vs 6. [roll0]
Normal, Physical Damage: [roll1]

Echo will move wherever needed to hit G3.
Echo's Bite:
AC vs 2. [roll2] Flinch on 15-20.
Dark, Physical Damage: [roll3]

Echo: 40/40 HP, 5 Def, 5 SDef, 7 Spd.

2012-09-12, 06:39 AM
Ennis chucks a pokeball at the hing in G2 in the off chance it could catch, while Aire rushes at G1 and Fury Attacks it.

capture roll:

[roll1], base 4
until it misses
[roll10], normal physical

2012-09-12, 09:42 AM
T's are trees. Fi is FIRE!

Donny's knife bounces harmless off the pokemon's hide, as Ennis ball lands in the bushes behind Vlad (her aim was that bad). Hissing, the pokemon whip their tails, flinging poison barbs at you. G2 and G4 aim wildy, plunging barbs into the ground. G1 nails Aidan in the shoulder and G2 impales Donny on the sternum.

Echo retailiates against the pesky bat thing, chomping down onto his hard flesh, a screeech of pain indicating success. Aire flies to her target and pecks at him rapdily, though only the first 2 hit.

Vlad snaps out of his confusion and surprise and realizes that these are Gligar! (not that you didn't know).

17 to Aidan
18 to Donny
Luckily, no poison. Trainers are up now, everyone can act. Need a Preception from Vlad and don't forget to post Spd and S/Def when you release your mon. Makes it much easier to access for me.

2012-09-12, 10:27 AM
Ennis pulls out 2 pokeballs, and chucks one at the one Donny had injured. Then she summons out Mar and holds onto him like a gun.

Use my TA to chuck a ball, and my Shift to send out Mar

Capture roll: [roll0]

Pokemon stats:

Aire: Speed: 1, Def: 11, SDef: 11
Mar: Speed: 9, Def: 10, Sdef:5 (can't act this turn)

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-12, 11:07 AM
Tarna saw the flying creatures swarm around them, and tried to shield her face as a couple of the others made desperate efforts to attack them. Once she'd recovered from her surprise she grabbed the ball by her belt and released Setha (Nidoran) in a blaze of light, and at the same time spun around sinking a flashing knife into the creature before her.

Move action release Setha (D5)
Use Poison Jab. roll to hit [roll0] AC 2 (15-20 poisons)
Damage: [roll1] (Posion, so resisted)

Also posting Setha's action for sake of speed.

"Setha use Shadow Claw" Tarna instructed.
Setha darted forward, her claws suddenly distending and laced with shadowy force.
Setha Moves to F3.
Roll to hit [roll2] AC 2 (18-20 crits)
Damage [roll3] (Dark type)

Setha: HP 40, Speed 5, Sp Def 5, Def 8.

2012-09-12, 12:16 PM
Donny strikes at his target again, ruthlessly persistent.

Donny: 40/68
Arms attack:
AC vs 6, [roll0]
Normal, Physical Damage, [roll1]

2012-09-12, 08:45 PM
One of Aidan's hands pulls a Pokeball off his belt while the other slips into the loop connected to the disc he wears, simultaneously pulling the disc into his hand. Spinning, Aidan flicks out the ball to release Zex at the same time that he whips the disc out at the Gligar that attacked him, sharpened blades protruding from the weapon turning it into a spinning wheel of pain before retracting back in as the disc returns to Aidan's hand with a deft tug of the line.

Shift action: Release Zex at E8.
Trainer Action: Arms Attack at G1 - AC: [roll0] v 6 plus Phys Evasion, [roll1] Normal Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

HP: 59/76 (If Mesi didn't factor in the DR from Aidan's feature, he has 5 more HP)
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 5

HP: 39/39
DEF: 7 (Phys Evade: 1)
SDEF: 10 (Spec Evade: 2)
SPD: 18 (Spd Evade: 1)

2012-09-12, 08:56 PM
The doctor reacts to the attackers faster than his age would suggest. Both hands dart under his coat. One hand comes out holding a pokeball, while the other pulls out a gleaming steak knife.

The pokeball explodes into red light, revealing a floating pink pokemon, as Vladmir brings the knife down in a clumsy swing.

Trainer attack against G2:
Roll vs AC6: [roll0]
Damage (Physical, Normal) [roll1]

Releasing #32 (Munna) into G6
HP: 48/48
DEF: 9
SPD: 2

2012-09-12, 09:54 PM
T's are trees. Fi is FIRE!

Ennis second ball hits this time, but fails to activate, plopping on the ground. Aidan and Vlad's own attacks connect, but the Gligar just laugh as the blade's tickle their thick hides. Tarna's swift jab was fast, but the Gligar was faster, dancing around her strike. Donny was able to scratch the Gligar's hide again, eliciting angry growls.

The Gligar growl at the knives, swatting at them. They manage to knock the knives (and blade-disc thingie) out of everyone's hands, except Tarna who deftly dodges the blow. Ennis feels the ground shift under her feet and a Gligar pops out of the ground with a snarl, batting Marr out of her hand. Marr gurgles angrily at the vampire-bat-scorpion thing.

Aidan looses his disc-blade thingy and takes 10 damage (5 DR taken into account now).
Vlad looses his own knife and takes 14 damage.
Tarna dodges.
Donny looses his knife and takes 18 damage.
Ennis looses Mar. Ennis takes 18 damage, Mar 8.

2012-09-12, 10:11 PM
Aire rushes over to D7 to smack Gliscor 5 in the face for hurting her mistress. She uses all of her flying skill to smack it about. Ennis than punches in in the face with a pokeball.

, rolling on the off chance of a crit
[roll1], flying physical, can't miss


Ennis: 58/76 hp, 1 evasion
Aire: Speed: 1, Def: 11, SDef: 11
Mar: Speed: 9, Def: 10, Sdef:5 (can't act this turn)

2012-09-12, 10:13 PM
Aidan scowls at the loss of his weapon before slipping an empty pokeball into his hand, tossing it at the Gligar in front of him. "Zex, take that one out with an Ice Punch!" he calls, and the Sneasel responds with a fierce jab with an icy fist at the Gligar near it.

Blake will use a Basic Ball on G2.
Blake: Basic Ball - Capture Attempt: [roll0]

Zex will hit G1 with Ice Punch.
Zex: Ice Punch - AC: [roll1] v 2 plus Phys Evasion(Flinch on 19-20 - eh, who am I kidding, if it hits it's likely a KO if not kill), [roll2] Ice Damage plus [roll3] on Crit(though if it crits, he's dead anyway)

HP: 54/76
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 5

HP: 39/39
DEF: 7 (Phys Evade: 1)
SDEF: 10 (Spec Evade: 2)
SPD: 18 (Spd Evade: 1)

2012-09-12, 10:13 PM
roll again

[roll0] critical hit

[roll1] messed up capture roll

2012-09-12, 10:16 PM
Echo doesn't need the command this time as she dives in for another full mouth bite on the other flying creature. His ribs were bruised and breathing was starting to hurt Donny. He steps back from the flying bat creature that hit him last and glances at his allies. Everyone seemed to have a target to face, and the fire in the center was their only illumination. The sooner I'm done with this thing, the sooner I can help the others. He pulls out a basic pokeball, and lobs it at the creature in front of him (G3) after Echo's bite.

40/40 HP, 5 Def, 5 SDef, 7 Spd.
Bite: AC vs 2 + Evasions [roll0]
Dark, Physical Damage [roll1] If Crit [roll2] ?

22/68 HP
Move to B4. Use Basic ball on G3: [roll3]

2012-09-12, 10:31 PM
T's are trees. Fi is FIRE!

Aire zips through G5, wounding it. As Ennis jams a ball towards it, it lashes out with its tail trying to strike the redhead. Instinctivly, Aire manuevered in front of the blow, falling to the ground unsoncious. G5 is absorbed, the ball shaking in Ennis hand, before coming to a rest.

34 damage as you know. G5 is caught

2012-09-12, 10:35 PM
The doctor curses and abandons his knife, his practiced eyes checking over his companions. After evaluating the wounds, he stalks over to Donny as he reaches into a pocket.

"Stay still," he orders, roughly grabbing onto Donny's gashed arm as he pulls some gauze out of his coat. The fabric is wrapped around the wound, before he rips the cloth with his teeth and finishes the bandaging.

Donny gets healed for 20, Vladmir moves to 4C

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-13, 05:14 AM
Tarna curses, but her reactions are fast and she avoids any retaliatory strikes. She uses her momentum to smash her fist into the flying creature's face.

Mega Punch!
[roll0] AC 4, Phys evasion
Damage: [roll1] Fighting, so resisted.

Setha's action is the same as ordered last round (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13885949&postcount=149)

2012-09-13, 10:19 AM
T's are trees. Fi is FIRE!

Zex's swift jab was so swift, he miscalculated and punched where the Gligar was going to be, before he actually got there. Aidan's ball never leaves his hand. Something sticky prevented it from being thrown (ball is not used). Echo's bite chomps away at the Gligar, piercing its skin. A thick dark blue blood oozes out of it. Vlad's treatment stops the bleeding, the pressure of the bandage giving Donny a modicum of relief. Tarna's punch hit the Gligar square in the face, where a black whelt begins to form.

The Gligar hiss, throwing barbs at the pokemon harrassing them. Zex gets a barb to the knee thigh, 32 to its... back, Echo through a wing membrane and Setha in the ear. Setha retaliates with with a swipe of shadow-infused claw, the Gligar wimpering in pain.

Mega Punch is Normal :smalltongue: So not resisted.
Zex hit for 9 damage.
32 is hit for 9 damage as well.
Echo is hit for 6 damage.
Setba is hit for 6 damage as well.
Poison Sting has a very small damage range. And no Poison either.
Alright, you can post both trainer and mon (except Al, Setha already acted).

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-13, 10:50 AM
Is that damage before defence and resistances?

2012-09-13, 12:35 PM
"Thanks, Doc," Donny says as his forearm stops bleeding. He takes the spare moment to look at the relative battle field, and he gets an idea. Echo, fly over there, next to the pale woman, and confuse the muk out of these things. Echo agrees silently by fluttering over beside Tarna and unleashing a supersonic cry at both of the flying bats within her range.

Donny wastes no time and runs past the doctor and towards the other flying creature. At the last second he throws himself into a roll and powerful force of air seems to cut through the creature as Donny arrives on it's other side.

Stats: 34/40 HP, 5 Def, 5 SDef, 7 Spd.
Shift: Fly to F5, staying 1m off the ground.
Supersonic: Through E4 and C2. AC vs 11 +Speed Evasion [roll0] If hit, targets are confused.

Donny: 42/68 HP.
Shift: Run to D3.
Aerial Ace: Through D4 to end up in D5. Cannot miss, AC for possible Crit. [roll1]
Flying, physical damage [roll2] and if Crit [roll3]

2012-09-13, 06:45 PM
Mar blasts out a Bubble, angry that someone threw him on the dirt.

Mar: 22/30hp, 10Def, 5SDef, 9 speed

Bubble on G1
[roll0], base 2, lowers speed on 16-20
[roll1], water, special

Ennis then pulls out another ball, and chucks it while moving backwards. May as well waste the last 2, she was going to need to stock up again anyway.

Capture roll on G3 if it's still up, otherwise on G1 or whatever looks weakest.


2012-09-13, 08:54 PM
Aidan looks at the ball in his hand for a moment, before shrugging, and saying, "Faint attack that one, Zex, I'll get this one!" and thrusting the Pokeball, still in hand, into the injured Gligar near him. Zex slips around towards the uninjured Gligar slowly, before rushing in for a sudden strike with a darkness-shrouded fist.

Aidan was at E7, BTW. Aire was at F8 - you deleted the trainer rather than the Pokemon.

Aidan will attempt to capture G1 with a Basic Ball.
Aidan: Basic Ball - Capture Attempt: [roll0]

Zex will move to F8 and hit G2 with Faint Attack.
Zex: Faint Attack - AC: [roll1], Rolled only to determine Crit since Faint Attack cannot miss, [roll2] Dark Phys Damage plus [roll]2d10+8[roll] on Crit.

2012-09-13, 09:22 PM
"32, use your Psybeam!" the doctor orders from across the battlefield as he reaches into his bag. "Oh, and try not to hit our allies," he adds as an afterthought.

The Munna floats to the side and releases a barely visible blast of psychic energy at the Gligar. A moment later, the doctor throws the ball he had extracted from his bag at the pokemon.

#32 moves to 7G and uses Psybeam on G2.
Vladmir throws a basic ball at G2

Psybeam AC roll (AC 2): [roll0] (Confuses on 19-20)
Damage (Special Psychic) roll: [roll1], crit damage: [roll2]

Capture roll: [roll3]


DEF: 9
SDEF: 10

2012-09-13, 09:27 PM
G4 goes down, G2 and G3 get sucked into balls. G1 cowers, flinging a barb straight into the sky, too scared to try and flee.

2012-09-13, 09:33 PM
Aidan blinks, and pulls out another ball, saying, "One more try, I suppose. Zex, if this doesn't work, put it out of our misery, would you?" With that, he flings the Pokeball at the remaining Gligar.

Aidan: Basic Ball - [roll0]

If that fails, Zex will Ice Punch it - [roll1] v 2 + phys eva, [roll2] Ice Damage

2012-09-13, 09:38 PM
The ball absorbs the cowering beast easily. After catching your breath, you gather a torch from the fire (except the pyrophobe) and head towards Lavaridge.

In less than 20 minutes of fumbling by torch light, you reach the town's outskirts. A road sign indicates the Center and Spa are in the center of town, while there was a small inn just behind the sign.

[roll0] Gender
[roll1] Ability
[roll2] Nature

2012-09-13, 09:40 PM
Stupid Forum. ^That is Ennis first Gligar.
Ennis #2
[roll0] Gender
[roll1] Ability
[roll2] Nature
[roll3] Gender
[roll4] Ability
[roll5] Nature
[roll6] Gender
[roll7] Ability
[roll8] Nature

They are level 13, drop is 325 1625 cause I'm dumb. Apply bonuses and split (evenly) yourself.

2012-09-13, 10:05 PM
Before leaving the camp, Vladmir takes the opportunity to release the new capture and bandage its wounds.

As soon as the pokemon is released, he takes a step back and raises both hands in the air, his medical supplies clutched in one. "Do not be alarmed. I am going to heal you now, is that alright?"

If the creature does not attack, he bends down and begins to bandage its wounds. "I am going to call you Flitter, okay? Good boy. Everything is going to be okay."

CHA check: [roll0]

Remedial First Aid roll (if it's friendly)

Psybeam roll (if it's not)
AC 2 [roll2]
Damage roll [roll3]
Crit damage [roll4]

2012-09-13, 10:12 PM
While the doctor tries to befriend his newest capture, Aidan recovers his weapon and returns it to his belt, before smiling at Zex. "Nicely done... return, Zex." Recalling the Pokemon, he picks up a torch and joins the group in heading to Lavaridge.

2012-09-13, 10:23 PM
Fliitter hisses at you and looks ready to pounce but becomes bewildered at your stance. As you approach to apply the bandages, he flinches, retreating a step. With some effort, and slow movement, you get the bandage on him. But he still looks scared and bewildered.

In Donny's head
Not-Scary-Now doesn't like ball. Like night sky. Echo flutters in the general direction of Vlad and the freshly caught Gligar.

2012-09-13, 10:36 PM
Donny avoids the fire as well as he can for someone in need of it's light. At Echo's advice, he says to the Doctor, "Echo says that your new friend doesn't like the pokeball. Maybe you should let it stay out while it's still dark out." He retrieves his knife and tucks it away before replying to Echo through their link, You did well, girl. I'm glad you're with me. You beat that one, you get to eat it. No, not really hungry. You can have it, as thanks. But be quick, we need to go soon. Echo settles over the unconscious form of the one fainted Gligar and by the time she's finished with it, there's a new tear across it's throat. Where are other Not-Scaries? They were captured by other trainers. Only I beat one. Oh. You strongest? Maybe not. Maybe they liked the 'Not-Scaries' more than I did. The conversation dwindled as they approached town. Donny decided quite simply that the others can sleep wherever they wanted, he was getting used to using beds again. First he makes sure that Ennis will contact him when she wakes up, then he heads for the Inn.

2012-09-13, 10:45 PM
"You don't like being in the ball?" Vladmir asks, before shrugging. "Can't say I blame you. You can stay out at night if you vant too, as long as you don't get too far."

He stands up from the ground and takes a step down the path, allowing the Gligar to take off into the sky. However, he keeps #32 out and makes sure to watch the new pokemon.

2012-09-13, 10:50 PM
Aidan follows Donny to the inn, saying to the other trainer, "Nice work back there, by the way. That Zubat of yours is well trained."

2012-09-13, 11:13 PM
Donny lets the Zubat ride along on his shoulder once their indoors. He glances at Aidan when he mentions Echo and a slight grin develops. "Yeah, very well trained," he says with a bit of humor in his voice. "Aidan, right? You certainly seem knowledgeable about certain groups, but how much do you know about Shamanism? The spiritual communication with pokemon?" As he waits for Aidan's answer he pays for a room for the night.

2012-09-13, 11:39 PM
Paying for a room as well, Aidan replies, "Shamanism... I've heard about it. Isn't that where you're possessing a Pokemon? That doesn't exactly sound good... you're not telling me that that's why you're on this side of things, I hope?"

2012-09-14, 12:41 AM
And this is why dad said to keep it quiet, Donny thinks to himself. "Alright, maybe a bad start. Consider it like this: a Shaman, like myself, is able to temporarily join minds with almost any pokemon. This allows me to feel and experience the world through their senses. Fight with them and understand them deeper than anyone else. This allows me to empathize and connect with them deeper than most trainers." He leans against a wall as he talks to the blue haired man. "It's not about controlling them, or imposing my will. It's about lending them my experience and strength in a way that can actually help them. I can leave my body behind and become something more. I can do more. And if I have that power, then I have an obligation to use it. That's why I'm on this side. That and some personal reasons."

2012-09-14, 12:55 AM
Listening for a moment, Blake nods. "So you're actually strengthening your bonds with the Pokemon, essentially merging with them for a moment. A symbiotic relationship as opposed to a parasitic one." Blake closes his eyes, before opening them to look directly at Donny. "I can respect that... I only knew what the news has said, and your explanation is definitely different from that. Seems like it's hard for most people to grasp. And events have shown that what the media and what popular belief says is true isn't necessarily the case. I'll withhold judgement on it until I see more of how you operate..." Aidan doesn't vocalize the completion of his sentence, but his expression is enough for Donny to understand what's left unsaid - but if you prove to be a threat to me and mine, I'll bring you down, however far I have to go to do it.

2012-09-14, 01:03 AM
"Thank you," Donny says sincerely. "I suppose I'll see you sometime tomorrow then. Ennis and I'll do a bit of asking questions around here while you guys do some searching." He then turns and seeks out his room, mentally chatting with Echo. Think he trusts me? He not eat you. That's not the same thing. Sure it is. I not eat you. I think we've already figured out that one, girl. I'm not prey if you're not prey. I like being not-prey. And with that, Donny closed the connection and recalled the Zubat. He then entered his room and went to sleep for the night.

2012-09-14, 01:13 AM
Aidan nods, replying, "I was actually going to see if you'd join us out there tomorrow... being able to talk to Echo might help us track down some viable targets. Your call, though. Good night," he finishes with a casual wave before heading into his own room and retiring for the night as well.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-14, 06:12 AM
Tarna knelt down next to Setha and scratched her behind the ears. "Well done girl." She praised, pleased that Setha had mastered that new trick so quickly. In fact, the pair of them seemed to have come off the best of anyone, although after they'd attacked the others had joined in and taken out the one they'd been fighting. Oh well, guess that's team work... But those creatures had a nice poison sting on them...

Tarna fell into step with the others as they headed towards Lavaridge, hoping to find out more about those creatures she'd never seen before. She approached Ennis, hopig she'd get a friendly reception. "So what were those pokemon? I've never seen them before, do you think it was a League attack? That they set them on us so soon after we landed... As soon as she said it she felt stupid:"Oh wait, never mind, you wouldn't have been able to catch them then would you."

2012-09-14, 08:19 AM
After checking Aire was okay, and picking Mar back up, she checks out the pokemon she caught. 'It's a Gligar, a ground and flying pokemon. Bit of a strange combo, but the things are quite powerful. And don't worry about getting ambushed. This is Hoenn, wild country. Can't go two feet without being jumped by something.' She goes and picks up the ball that missed.

'Hey, you want one? I caught 2, and I'll probably end up trading them to get a fire type. Swap you a ball for a Gligar?'

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-14, 09:47 AM
Tarna stared at Ennis, surprised. "That is kind. Here." She proffers a quick ball. "I'm usually too busy to throw these at the beginning: I think it's serve you better." She smiles then, hoping that this won't be so bad.

2012-09-14, 11:19 AM
Vladmir pays for a room, silently listening to the conversations of his traveling companions. He lets the Gligar stay outside, but calls it over when he goes up to his room and opens the window.
"You are nocturnal, yes? Then I vill recall you in the morning. Until then, do vhat you vant."

Before laying himself down in bed, he releases his other three pokemon, and takes a short shower. When he finally gets to bed, he falls asleep almost immediately.

2012-09-14, 11:42 AM
'Only was asking for a basic, but I'll make sure to put it to good use.' Ennis offers Tarna her choice of Gligar.

I'll let Al choose which one

'C'mon, wanna go heal up Aire at the Center, she saved my butt.' Ennis gets her team healed up, then pays for a room, offering to split the cost with Tarna if she wanted to share. As the only other girl on the team, Tarna already had points in her favor. The doc was an okay fellow, but Aiden tended to harp on a bit about Snaggers, and Donny was a bit creepy, but she'd try and get used to him.

how much for the rooms?

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-14, 12:37 PM
"Err.... This one then." She says reaching out. "And, yeah, love to share." Ennis was turning out to be a kind companion rather than a fire brand radical as Tarna feared. Maybe the rebels weren't as crazy as she thought. A strange thought occurred: maybe this is the side for ordinary people... Then again, they were travelling with a crazy doctor...

Tarna selects the male one (gligar #1). Thanks :smallsmile:

2012-09-15, 04:46 PM
Ennis pays for a cheap ass room, then falls asleep in her Hello Skitty jammies.

2012-09-15, 05:50 PM
Ennis and Tarna stay in the Center. The late night attendant shows you to a hall on the upper floor, lined with holes. She shows each of the girls to a hole a piece, and presses a button, a small bed extending out. Thats where they sleep for the night.

Vlad, Donny and Aidan on the other hand forked over the extra cash for a room at the inn. Each are given a quaint little room, with a small bed, desk and a single window. Flitter is reluctant to go inside the inn, but clings to Vlad's back with a death grip. Upon reaching the room, when Vlad opens the window, Flitter immdiatly flies out. After a moment of panic, Vlad sees the silouhette of Flitter agianst the moon.

The Next Morning

Everyone wakes up next morning feeling rested (though Ennis and Tarna a bit claustophobic). Vlad finds Flitter hanging upside from the windowsill, sound asleep. It's probably safe to return him now. The town is just starting to get active, the other trainers staying in the Center getting out of their own beds and heading to the communal showers.

Start of a new day and the start of the groups mission. What will they do first?

2012-09-15, 06:10 PM
Ennis wakes up and heads over to the Gym. Best place to find a Fire type, right?

She makes sure none of her new companions followed her before lipping back into her real accent. 'Well, howdy y'all? This here that dang old Fire Gym everyone be talkin' 'bout? My and my compadres just got inta town last night, and I'm lookin' to get mahself one h them thar Fire types. Caught myself a strong-'un to trade too.'

Charisma check: [roll0]

2012-09-15, 06:14 PM
A nervous looking kid runs up to Ennis and tugs on her pant leg. Hey you want a fire type? I got one. You want it? It's a puppy! He shoves a pokeball in your face, a tiny flame emblazoned on the ball.

2012-09-15, 06:18 PM
Donny wakes and looks around his room. Nothing. Not even a message on his pokegear. Ennis must have tried to find a deal on her own, he thinks to himself. He dresses and walks down to the lobby. He enjoys his continental breakfast and he sends the forgetful woman a message: -Did you want help finding a deal? Or should I just go with the others in searching?-

2012-09-15, 06:19 PM
Ennis bends down and ruffles the kids hair. 'Sounds mighty fine there sonny. I got this thar thing called a Gligar. It's a wild 'un, and strong too, so you be careful, ya hear? Get one of the other gym trainers round here to keep an eye on ya when ya go lettin' 'er out, kay?' If he agrees, she takes the trade.

2012-09-15, 06:24 PM
The kid drags Ennis over to a machine at the far end of the gym, difficult to see with all the steam. He places the ball into a slot, and indicates Ennis put her's in another. He pushes a few buttons, the machine whirrs for a bit before dieing. There! He's your problem now! HEY GUYS! I GOT A GLIGAR! The kid bolts off into the steamy room.

2012-09-15, 06:29 PM
Ennis just takes the ball, and answers the text.

-got a fire type, might be a bit too hot to handle. would help with some back up when checking it out. meet me at the gym-

Ennis waits outside the door with Mar in her hand, just incase.

2012-09-15, 06:30 PM
Donny finishes up his breakfast, leaving a few bites on the plate and hurries out of the Inn, not waiting for Aidan or Vlad. Along the way he releases Masque and says, "Welcome to Lavaridge. New friend needs a hand, and I want you there." With no mental connection the Cubone simply nods as they both head to the Gym. As he arrives Donny says, "Alright, Masque and I here to help. Let's see what we got."

2012-09-15, 06:36 PM
'Yo, got something, don't know what. Get ready.' She holds Mar up and releases the thing.

2012-09-15, 06:42 PM
From the ball appears a small dog-like pokemon. It's body is black, its muzzle and underbelly is light orange. Ontop of its head is what seems to be a skull. It looks around, growling angrily. It belches a small gout of fire, and turns to Ennis and Donny. It barks twice and sits, staring straight forward.

2012-09-15, 06:46 PM
Donny scans the small dog with his Dex while raising an eyebrow at Ennis. "This was a problem... how?" Masque taps his own skull with his bone club, looking at the puppy expectantly.

2012-09-15, 06:50 PM
'Eeeep, it's a puppy! It's a cutey wutey puppy wuppy. Whose a good boy? You a good boy? C'mere!' Ennis's weakness to cuteness was irrepressible in the face of a puppy, even with Donny watching.

2012-09-15, 06:50 PM
The dex pings Houndour. The Houndour just sits there, nodding slightly when Masque taps his own skull. When Ennis starts gushing he turns, looking somewhat annoyed. He shoots a small jet of flame out of his mouth. A warning maybe?

Level 11 Male Houndour, Desprate, Flash Fire

2012-09-15, 06:54 PM
At Ennis' exuberance, Donny's expression is replaced with surprise. Wisely, he says nothing about it. But he does make an attempt to channel the new dog.

Channel attempt: [roll0]

2012-09-15, 07:27 PM
Aidan wakes up and grabs breakfeast at the inn, waiting for his companions to join him before heading out and seeking any firestarters. He sends a quick message to Tarna and Vlad - -Am waiting at Inn. Will meet you out front to hunt Pokemon.-

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-15, 07:38 PM
Tarna woke alone, surprised that Ennis left without her noticing, but putting it down to lack of sleep and a tense day.
She checked her gear and sent a query to the others, hoping that they knew where Ennis was and had established a meeting point for today (an oversight that Tarna was determinedly ignoring).

After a time she heads out on to the streets, heading reluctantly towards the gym, knowing that the largest concentration of fire types would likely be there.

2012-09-15, 07:50 PM
Donny delve's into the dogs mind. Who you? You not kid. I no burn you. Burn kids. Where kids? The dog turns and stares at Donny intently. A low growl emits from the dog, though it didn't seem threatening.

2012-09-15, 07:51 PM
A few moments after Aiden sends his message, Dr. Kretznak steps out through the front door, rubbing at tired eyes. "Okay, ve ready to go?" he asks.

2012-09-15, 11:51 PM
Going through the dog's mind opens up a few new opportunities. Donny borrows a poison spewing move and then mentally conveys, Burning me would be a bad idea, so that's a good choice. Burning kids will get you in trouble, but what about her? He gestures at Ennis. She's your new master, will you burn her? As he does the gesture Donny says to the young woman, "He spits fire at me you better recall him before I get a hold of him."

2012-09-16, 06:01 PM
Aidan nods at the doctor, and says, "I am... just waiting for Tarna." He checks his own Poketch before sending a reply to Tarna, -Mentioned in previous message that Vlad and I would meet you outside the Inn. Donny mentioned he and Ennis will be staying in town, so we'll be heading outside.-

2012-09-16, 06:11 PM
The Houndour peers at Ennis for a brief moment, sniffing. Master sound child. Master not child. Will Master give me things to burn? I like Master then. Rawf like burning! Rawf, as he called himself, begins wagging his stubby tail quickly, emitting small jets of flame in excitment.

2012-09-16, 06:28 PM
A thin smile comes to Donny's face as the Houndour explains his terms. Well, I suppose that's up to your master, isn't it? He turns to Ennis and says, "Okay, Rawf, as he calls himself, likes to burn things. Especially children. Keep the baby talk to zero when he's around or you'll find that one out for yourself. When you do let him out, give him something to burn. Be it a stick, toy, pokemon, or child." He brings their plan to the forefront of his mind and portrays Rawf's part in it to the Houndour. I think you'll get your wish.

2012-09-16, 06:32 PM
Rawf's brain slowly churns, before what can be called a grin spreads across his muzzle. FIRE! Rawf love fire! Rawf love Master! MASTER! Rawf charges at Ennis, tongue looling out his mouth. He jumps, pushing Ennis onto her bum, licking her face warming it with tiny wisps of flame.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-17, 04:54 AM
Tarna types a hurried message in return - "Ok, will meet you there - Before hurrying through town to rendezvous with them.

When she arrives she nods to Aidan and Vlad. "Right, I guess we should find out where to look first, then we can go out 'hunting'." Tarna was excited for the day, but there was still some unease lingering in her mind about Fire-Types and arson.

Assuming the others concur, Tarna heads within the inn and looks about for someone who looks like a serious trainer.

2012-09-17, 09:50 AM
Ennis snuggles into the happy puppy. 'We gonna burn Muk up? Yes we are. Come on little doggy, lets go for a walk.' She pushes herself up, and turns to Donny. 'Might need to do something about the kid issue later, but I think I can control him for now. We got our main problem sorted. You up for some investigating?'

She sends a message to the others.

-we got one fire type. try and get more. investigating groudon info now-

2012-09-17, 12:45 PM

Ennis and Donny leave the gym in search of rumours about Groudon! But where did they go? They could head back to the Gym, or the Center. Maybe the Spa or the Inn. Or they could go to the town square, their might be some helpful people there.

Hunting Party

As the three of you gather in the Inn's lobby, the receptionist, a different girl much younger and peppier than the one who was there last night, addresses you. "Hello! How did you sleep? Have you heard the news? About Castelia?" She seems a bit giddy, but its obvious the news is not why she is so chipper.

2012-09-17, 01:05 PM
Aidan looks at the receptionist for a moment before saying, "Yeah, we heard... not exactly pleasant news, especially since I was there for the riots last time." Scowling for a moment before closing his eyes and shaking away the memories, he says, "Anyway, my friends and I were looking to round out our teams... with the way things are going, it just makes sense to be as prepared as possible. Any good places we might go around here to pick up some fire-types?"

CHA check, if needed: [roll0]

2012-09-17, 01:15 PM
"Oh you haven't heard! They caught one of the guys who was sniping people from the rooftops! He was a tough bugger." She grabs a newspaper from behind the counter and hands it over. Plastered across the front page is a full color photo of Simon tackling a man in black fatigues, a large gun still in his hands. "They said they are still interrogating him. I bet he's a Rebel!"

She grabs Aidan's hand gentily "But if you want to diversify your teams, Lavardige has plenty of hunting spots. The outskirts of town have plenty of pokemon, as does Route 112. You could take the Cable Car up to the Mt. Chimeny summit, but its dangerous up there. I wouldn't want a cutie like you getting burned. You could find a cave into the mountain, but after Groudon left the volcanoe, the cave structures have been unstable. I would be so sad if I heard you got burried in a cave in. You could also look at Jagged Pass but its partially close. Groudon left a pretty big gash in the pass on his way to Sootopolis. Whereever you got sweetie, please be careful, ok?" The entire time she's gently caressing Aidan's hands, staring longingly into his eyes.

Congrats, you seduced her by doing nothing!

2012-09-17, 01:20 PM
Aidan blushes, before nodding. "Th-thanks, then..." he says, pulling his hands away from the woman gently, and saying to his companions, "Let's go..." and quickly making his way out, trying to will his blushing face back to normal.

2012-09-17, 01:37 PM
Ennis didn't feel like going into the gym. Not only was it a bad idea to be a rebel in a gym, but she didn't want her new puppy round kids before she had a chance to break him.

'Spa or Inn seems like the best place to ask round. Let's also ask after any flute makers in town.' If Donny had no objections, Ennis heads into the inn, to see who was hanging about at this time of day.

2012-09-17, 03:04 PM
Donny, Ennis and Rawf stroll across the quaint town to the Inn on the outskirts. Rawf happily following Ennis he barks occassionally. Luckily, there are no children out at this hour, as they are all at school or the Gym. As the trio appraoch the Inn, Aidan bursts out of the front door, sporting a shade of red not believed to be possibly in humans. Rawf barks and spits an ember at the boy, nearly catching his clothes on fire.

2012-09-17, 03:29 PM
Aidan walks out of the inn, thinking, That was... awkward... I mean, why would she- whoa! Hot! He jumps at the sudden burst of flame, narrowly pulling his leg away, and looks at the group approaching. "Oh... you guys. Hey. We were just getting ready to head out of town and try to find some fire types... where'd you find this one?"

2012-09-17, 05:39 PM
"Ennis was able to trade one of the Gligars for him. He's a bit of a pyro, though. Seems perfect for what we need," Donny says. He doesn't smile or really show any reaction to Rawf's spit of fire, but through the mental connection he says, Bad move. He's one of us. He's definitely not a kid.

2012-09-17, 05:43 PM
Dr. Kretznak follows Aiden a few moments later, cautiously stepping out of the shelter of the door after seeing the flames. "Oh, a demon dog," he says dryly upon seeing the source of the fire. "How delightful."

2012-09-17, 07:23 PM
Rawf tilts his head at Donny quizically. Celebration fire. Rawf smell his mating smell. Flame Tongue's lick with flame when mate successful.

2012-09-17, 07:44 PM
That doesn't make... Donny's thoughts trail off as he smells Aidan through Rawf's nose. A mix of sex, shame, and guilt that betrayed the young man's subconscious urges. Okay, I see what you mean. Just don't set him on fire, that would be like spraying you with water. As the doctor steps outside Donny nods to him and says, "Morning, Doc. This is Rawf. If you can't find any others, he'll gladly be our firestarter."

2012-09-18, 09:17 AM
'While you guys are looking for more Fire types, we are gonna ask around about big G, see if anyone has any leads or information on him that may be helpful. It'll only take a while, not gonna waste time with my own personal stuff. We ae also hunting for a flute master. We'll call you to meet up after we are done. Anything else you want us to ask about?'

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-18, 12:49 PM
Tarna was still getting over the receptionist's behaviour, but the sight of a houndour almost incinerating Aidan brought back dour memories and she closed her eyes, pushing away the previous urge to laugh.

"I'd say we try route 112, that way if there's anything we can't handle we can quickly get back to civilisation, plus you guys should be able to find us easily."

2012-09-18, 05:41 PM
"Yes, although ve may have one viable pokemon, ve should get more in case this vone is... indisposed." He lowers his voice. "Also, I would like to recommend ve keep the arson related talk to a minimum vhile in public."

2012-09-18, 09:03 PM
Nodding, Aidan says, "Definitely a good idea... fortunately, there seems to be no shortage of fire types around here - excellent for filling holes in our teams. To Route 112, then."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-19, 05:06 AM
Tarna briefly pops her head back into the lobby in order to ask for directions, before heading out with the other two in tow towards Route 112. As she goes she reaches a hand to her belt and releases Claw (an Eevee). Claw prances in front of her. "Right, come on you, we've got work to do: watch out for any pokemon nearby. Or anything else actually." She adds, thinking about League Trainers.

2012-09-19, 10:07 AM
Ennis gives Tarna a high 5 as she leaves. 'We'll catch you guys up soon. C'mon Don.' She moves into the inn and takes a look around, looking for someone who lived in the area.

She makes sure to return Rawf back to his pokeball before she goes in. Didn't want him eating any kids in the inn.

2012-09-19, 11:15 AM
Dr. Kretznak releases his own pokemon, a Drowzee, and begins to head down the route, his eyes constantly moving to check the grassy areas around them.

2012-09-19, 07:11 PM

As Ennis and Donny walk into the Inn, they notice it is remarkably empty. The only people in the lobby is a male and female trainers, obviously travellers, getting ready to check out and the cheerful receptionist who is staring at the door you just walked into lovingly.


As you walk through town, you notice it has become full of activity. Merchant stalls are being set up throughout the streets and heavy foot traffic to and from the Center and Spa has started.

It doesn't take long for you to reach Route 122 proper.

Someone roll 3 1d100s. You may make specifications of each roll, within reason. Bonus points if you describe how you go about hunting selectivly.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-19, 07:28 PM
Rolling three times, but since there are three of us, each of us could add a description.

Roll 1: [roll0]

Tarna scrambles off of the main route, Claw ranging before her searching for scents or tracks. Tarna herself alternated between glancing above the treetops for signal fires, and advancing stealthily with pokedex raised to scan for nearby pokemon.

Roll 2: [roll1]

Roll 3: [roll2]

2012-09-19, 08:42 PM
As they walk down the path, Vladmir speaks to the psychic pokemon next to him. "Feel for heat," he says. "Ve're looking for warm, fiery dreams."

2012-09-19, 09:42 PM
Aidan looks around as he walks along the path, before releasing Eleara. "Alright, Elly," he says, "I want you to see if you can pick up scents from any Pokemon. Look for smoky scents - they're more likely to be fire types."

2012-09-20, 10:52 AM
'You talk to the love struck bimbo, I'll try the travelers. I doubt I'm her type' whispers Ennis. She walks over to the couple. 'Hey, you guys just get into town too? I was hoping to ask someone about the local flute makers who are supposed to live around here. Did you pass them on the climb up, or maybe know where they live?'


2012-09-20, 12:45 PM
Donny nods as he and Masque walk over to the front desk. He takes a quick breath, thinking about his options, and then says, "Hi, I was here last night. I tore out of here so quick that I forgot that I needed to talk to you." He pauses a second longer to get his thoughts in order. "I've always wanted to catch a glimpse of Groudon, and from what I've learned, he's from around here. Could you tell me anything about him?"

Charisma: [roll0]

2012-09-20, 04:27 PM

The two look at you and with a small sneer. "Uh, no. Even if we knew, we wouldn't tell you. What are you, like 10? They shouldn't let little girls run around on the mountain. You'll get hurt little girl."


It takes a good 5 minutes of trying to get the girls attention before she even recognizes your existance. "Oh, uh, ya. Well Groudon used to sleep in Mt. Chimney. Then the whole business with Team Magma waking him, he kind of left. Here" she reaches under the desk and gives you a pamphlet entitled The Aqua/Magma Incident: War of the Gods which details the events that happened 5 years ago, but wasn't too insightful beyond that. "You can go up the mountain and look at where he slept, though its kind of dangerous. But I'm sure someone like..... you don't mind."


As the trio walk along the path, Claw yips once and dashes into the brush alongside the road. More yipping, not all from Claw, can be heard from beyond the brush.

Give me Spd, S/Def, and active mon(s) in your next post. You can go in mon-ablazing or you can go in cautiously, with a dex check. Your choice.

2012-09-20, 05:37 PM
Ennis reahes into her pocket and lights up a cigarette. 'Hey, didn't anyone ever tell you 'A small chest is a status symbol', you god damn human Miltank???' She reaches forward, grabs the girls bra, stretches it then lets it snap back onto her flesh with a sore twanging sound.

'YO WANNA' GO, YOU BITCH!! EEH???' Ennis's eyes were blood shot, and her hand was already on her belt, holding her pokeball.

2012-09-20, 05:53 PM

The girl yelps as the bra snaps against her bosum, recoiling. The boy busts out into laughter, doubling over. The girl looks like she's about to sock you in the jaw but backs away slowly. The desk girl jumps at Ennis outburst and yells. "HEY! If you wanna fight, go outside! You know how hard it is to clean up after a pokemon battle!? You four, out!" Pointing hard at the door.

The boy recoveres from his laughing fit and steps forward. "Your funny. If your not busy, how bout a battle outside? Chicken-legs over here is too scared of you." "Sh--shut up!" as the girl goes running out of the hotel, tears streaming from her eyes.

2012-09-20, 06:03 PM
'Ennis flicks her cigarette at the guy, not worth her time. 'Don, kick this losers ass. Can't even stand up for his woman? Not worth my time.' Ennis dashes off after big boobs. 'Come back here and battle me! I'mma teach you ta respect tha power of the A-Cup!!!'

2012-09-20, 06:20 PM
Donny leaves the Inn with the others when the girl at the counter demands it. It's not like he was doing anything wrong, but a girl like that wouldn't bother listening to him. Masque follows him out as well, a little nervous with all the loud yelling, but still quiet. Donny walks over to the boy and calmly says, "You and me. One mon each. No flying higher than 3m, no burrowing, no items, and no trainer interference. If you're up for it, we could throw in a wager of ^500."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-09-20, 06:42 PM
Tarna waves to the others, to indicate she's found something, then moves in closer, hoping to catch the 'mon by surprise.

Claw: HP 34. SDEF: 10, Speed: 11, Def: 5

Dex check: [roll0]

2012-09-20, 06:56 PM

After a short chase through town, you catch Chicken Legs sobbing near the town center. "You want to fight bitch, bring it on!" She tosses out a small pink pokemon, waving its arms around. (It is faster) "Two on two, when I win, you give me ^1000."

Battlemap (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An7W2jj7geu0dEhwWnNSY3lMR0ZKUXN3UnBQZkYtU kE#gid=0)


The guy smirks, stepping back for some room. "Fine, lets go." He releases a quadraped with horns on its head, snarling. (It is faster)

Battlemap (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An7W2jj7geu0dEhwWnNSY3lMR0ZKUXN3UnBQZkYtU kE#gid=0)

Just release your mon, and the battle begins

2012-09-20, 06:56 PM
The doctor creeps in after Tarna

#47 (Drowzee) HP: 40/40, DEF: 10, SDEF: 10, SPD: 4

Dex check: [roll0]

2012-09-20, 07:02 PM
'That all? Fine! But you need to tell me all you know when I kick your ass!' Ennis releases Tierra.

2012-09-20, 07:04 PM
"Alright. Masque, this one's yours. Make him hurt," Donny says as he scans the opponent's pokemon.

Masque: 39/39 HP, 12 Def, 10 SDef, 4 Spd.

2012-09-20, 07:23 PM

"FINE! Cuddles, give them your Charm!" The little pink mon winks at Tierra, making the creepy little thing a bit hesitant to attack.


"Hit him hard, Horn Attack!" The pokemon lunges forward, goring the tiny dinosaur with its horn.

-2 Attack to Tierra, 35 damage to Masque

2012-09-20, 07:37 PM
The attack nearly gores the Cubone, and Donny's calm demeanor deteriorates immediately. "Damn! Masque, no time to play around, Headbutt!" Masque bolts over to the side and quickly switches direction back towards the other pokemon. He charges right for it, bringing his skull down at the last second to collide with the beast.

Masque: 4/39 HP, 12 Def, 10 SDef, 4 Spd.
Shift to N10, then M10 for the Dash keyword.
AC vs 2: [roll0] Flinch on 15-20.
Damage: [roll1] Normal, Physical.