View Full Version : SMITE: Not so closed Beta.

2012-08-31, 03:11 PM
I couldn't find a thread for SMITE, so I started this one. Perhaps someone else might correct my error if it exists. SMITE is currently in closed Beta, but they let anyone in the beta invite anyone else.

Smite is the TERA of Moba's. That's what I get from having tried Tera, and disliking it, (while liking everquest and swtor) but trying smite and loving it. I never played the other MOBA's so I've got no idea what their graphics or game play is in comparison, but there's nothing quite like getting the jump on a player who can't see you coming.

Smite's homepage:
SMITE (https://account.hirezstudios.com/smitegame/)

PM me your email and I'll send beta keys till they stop letting me if you want to try it.

And yes, the community is every bit as annoying as what I hear other moba communities are like, but I, for one, am hooked.

Edit: I only check this board once a day or so, but yes, i'll continue sending keys until my pm box is full.

Edit2: oh yes, and like all MOBAs, it will be free to play when it goes live. Also, favor (the stuff you earn to unlock more character options) and god access you gain during beta stays with you after beta....This is by far my favorite free to play game.

Edit3: still have plenty of space in my pm inbox here. :)

2012-08-31, 08:06 PM
I play it occasionally. Lots of fun. Ingame name is Jarbis.

2012-09-01, 09:34 AM
I also play (now and again). Have only tried Artemis and Wukong so far. Found I was okay at the former, but somewhat terrible at the latter.
It's a fun game, and it does some unique things that other MOBAs don't. I can see it being quite successful in future with a bit of luck. :smallsmile:

2012-09-02, 12:26 PM
Also playing the game. Can do well with Ymir, Artemis and I am getting the hang of Ra.

But damn, are there a lot of leavers.

2012-09-02, 09:12 PM
Yeah, a terrible amount of leavers. And that Gods-Forsaken LFG chat that you can't leave. And the annoying goddamn animated Cupids that flutter around squeaking at you while you try to start a game...

-deep breath-

Otherwise, though, I have no complaints about the game. I do love the "Everything Is Skillshots" concept, and the fixed camera angle makes you properly paranoid about everything. As a League player it's a really fun twist.

I own four Gods aside from the basic five you start with: He Bo, Anubis, Arachne and Vamana. I think Arachne is a favourite, though, she's lots of fun. Reeling someone in with your ult to a patch of spider eggs, and then jumping on them to feed... it's just delightful to watch that annoying bugger who's been doing well all game be ripped apart by spiderlings in a matter of seconds.

2012-09-02, 09:42 PM
It's sort of weirded me out how bad some of the people on this game are. Even accounting for people who have never played a game even remotely similar to this before ever, there still seems to be an awful lot of people who don't grasp the basics.

Still, it's quite a bit of fun; I like how active items take up different slots than items that grant stats.

2012-09-03, 12:33 AM
Report the leavers early and report them often. One of the things they are trying to get a grasp on during beta is the statistics of reporting, blocking and friending. So use those buttons to keep the annoying people connected with each other. :)

2012-09-03, 01:33 AM
Ymir is quite fun I've found. And Ra, Anubis, He Bo.. The list goes on. xD Though Ra is fun, I still suck at aiming his skills. >.<

2012-09-03, 06:03 AM
I myself have been invited to play this game (thanks Tergon), and once it's fully loaded on my computer, I'm sure to have feedback.

2012-09-03, 06:18 AM
Just make sure you play a couple of games against the Practise Bot before you play a proper game. It'll take a bit to get the hang of the controls, and then deciding whether you want the skills to auto-level and the shop to auto-buy your items. Plus, y'know, it's handy to get the hang of the Gods you'll be playing as or against. You'll automatically have Artemis, Sun Wukong, Ra, Ymir and Kali when you start playing, and you can learn 'em pretty easy.

Plus it's just fun to see how quickly you can defeat Manticore on the small map. My record is 9:54 as Anubis.

2012-09-03, 07:17 AM
I've played a few matches of this. Game has potential but the community is just so hostile.

On my very first game, I held/pushed mid solo for most of the game, we won on mid at the end and I still had people on my team telling me to leave the game :P

Ra is fun; all damage, all the time. His 1 and 4 powers are great, but easily dodgeable. Teaming up with Ymir and waiting for his easy stun is a great combo.

Is there any bonus given to a side if a player leaves? more enemy minions per player for more xp/gold, but is there anything else?

It's a very swingy game I've noticed. Won games even with no towers left and lost a game after getting the enemy minotaur down to about 1/3 health.

edit: the auto-level and auto-buy options are an IMMENSE help to a newbie like myself.

2012-09-03, 07:31 AM
I was playing a game with a friend earlier today and he summed it up quite neatly, I felt. See, in games like League of Legends, they go to tremendous effort to have the game be completely balanced. None of the champions overpowered, all capable of fighting one-on-one. If a champion is too weak, they're buffed. If a champion is too strong, they're nerfed. And, as new items and strategies and combinations emerge, constant tweaking is required. It's long and difficult but it works.

Smite have solved this problem by simply making everyone ridiculously overpowered to the point where any one God can kill any other God in a matter of seconds if you're able to sneak up behind them, and more than capable of taking out an entire wave of creeps in one or two abilities at most.

Kind of an elegant simplicity, isn't it?

2012-09-03, 08:57 AM
Well, I just ran around in it.

Ahpffsh... where to begin? Visually it feels like an mmo (which isn't a bad thing), but I really hate not having an arrow key. Artistically I'm not overly excited about it, though it does have some interesting mechanics that I kind of like (as in Hades' aoe damage underground teleport thingy, kinda fun, and it gives a whole new meaning to lasers all across the map).

As for the game play itself... ugh. The whole idea of skill shots is something I don't particularly mind, but I really REALLY would prefer to have an arrow cursor. Also, the respawn times are kind of ridiculous once you get into the later part of the game. I'll stick with League, I don't see myself playing this in the future.

2012-09-03, 03:12 PM
I was playing a game with a friend earlier today and he summed it up quite neatly, I felt. See, in games like League of Legends, they go to tremendous effort to have the game be completely balanced. None of the champions overpowered, all capable of fighting one-on-one. If a champion is too weak, they're buffed. If a champion is too strong, they're nerfed. And, as new items and strategies and combinations emerge, constant tweaking is required. It's long and difficult but it works.

Smite have solved this problem by simply making everyone ridiculously overpowered to the point where any one God can kill any other God in a matter of seconds if you're able to sneak up behind them, and more than capable of taking out an entire wave of creeps in one or two abilities at most.

Kind of an elegant simplicity, isn't it?

It is kinda like that, after checking the numbers.

First things first, an outright statement. A lot of (third tier) items in SMITE have been outright pilfered from League of Legends. There is a carbon copy of Infinity Edge and one of Force of Nature as well (some of the other items have additional stats, however, and they have quite a wide variety of bloodthirster alikes for a variety of build choices).

Anyway. Spells have pretty high base damages (Ra ult starts with 400 base damage, wut). Hit points start at roughtly the same as LoL and AD... AD is mediocre. Highest base AD you will see on any one champion is 40 +3 per level. Autoattacks without items are weak (well, at least last hitting is not a thing).

Also. Damn Anubis. Damn him to hell.

2012-09-03, 04:32 PM
So I heard about the game and thought it looked interesting, causing me to make an account... at which point I find out I MIGHT be selected to get in. Does anyone know the rough chance of being picked, or how to get a key? I've been watching some videos of the game, and being a MOBA player myself I really want to try it out.

2012-09-03, 06:00 PM
Anyway. Spells have pretty high base damages (Ra ult starts with 400 base damage, wut). Hit points start at roughtly the same as LoL and AD... AD is mediocre. Highest base AD you will see on any one champion is 40 +3 per level. Autoattacks without items are weak (well, at least last hitting is not a thing).

Also. Damn Anubis. Damn him to hell.AD does have one very big advantage to it, though. If you simply keep running in circles around your target and using melee attacks, it's very hard for an enemy player to line up their attacks and actually hit you. And if you're ranged, once the enemy God has blown their load of abilities, they're defenceless, while you can keep merrily peppering them. When you consider how quickly you can die in Smite, a 10-second cooldown is a very long time for a squishy mage to wait between casts. Like, you used Anubis as an example. Terrifying damage and range, sure - but all of his damaging abilities require you to stand still long enough for them to kill you, and for two of them, he has to stand still to do it. Artemis can let him fire off a few powers, then simply step out of the way and blast the crap out of him without breaking a sweat.
And while last hitting isn't as vital as in League, it's still there. You get gold if a creep dies near you, you get more gold if you damaged it before it died, and you get even more gold if you're the one who actually kills it. Trust me, you're still much better off trying to get those last hits as often as possible.

So I heard about the game and thought it looked interesting, causing me to make an account... at which point I find out I MIGHT be selected to get in. Does anyone know the rough chance of being picked, or how to get a key? I've been watching some videos of the game, and being a MOBA player myself I really want to try it out.The chances of you getting a key are 100% if you get one sent from an existing player. I'm on my laptop right now, won't be home until this afternoon, but if you want a beta key I'm more than happy to send you one. Just send me a PM with an email address, and I'll tell Smite to send you one.

2012-09-04, 03:54 AM
So I heard about the game and thought it looked interesting, causing me to make an account... at which point I find out I MIGHT be selected to get in. Does anyone know the rough chance of being picked, or how to get a key? I've been watching some videos of the game, and being a MOBA player myself I really want to try it out.I'm also happy to send out beta keys, but it will be 9ish hours before I have the chance.
PM me with an email address if you want one.

2012-09-04, 06:22 PM
Just played 18-4-8 as Arachne. I'd like to say it was a satisfying and hard-fought victory, but honestly it was pretty obvious the other team didn't know what they were doing. They just stood still and attacked me while I reeled 'em under the towers and chewed their heads off. Their Bakasura was alright, but by the end of the game if I caught him in the Jungle even with his buffs and his ult I could demolish him.

It's just not as satisfying as a game against skilled opponents, y'know? At least with League you can be reasonably certain your teammates and enemies should be somewhere near your skill level, but with Smite there's just such a huge gap in player skill. Spoils the fun when you might as well be fighting a team of five Manticores.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-09-05, 01:30 PM
Although I have no intention of playing until I get a better computer and the players who are completely new to MOBAs either learn the ropes or ragequit, I have one question.

Is there Thor?

2012-09-05, 06:04 PM
Although I have no intention of playing until I get a better computer and the players who are completely new to MOBAs either learn the ropes or ragequit, I have one question.

Is there Thor?

Not yet, but you're in luck. He and Ares are the next two gods planned for release.

2012-09-09, 05:35 PM
Thor just got added a few days ago. He seems to be modeled after avenger thor though, rather than their own interpretation. Oh well, derivative works will be derivative.

2012-09-09, 05:50 PM
Oh man.

Sobek is FUN, especially when your lanemate knows wtf they're doing. He feels like he needs a buff or two, though-his mana costs are horrendous and his damage is kind of anemic for the CD on his spells.

His ability to peel assassins off your carry is unparalleled, though, so I guess the trade off is alright.

2012-09-09, 10:59 PM
I'd be interested in trying this if anyone has a key to spare. That said, what are the specs? My laptop isn't exactly amazing.

2012-09-09, 11:04 PM
Thor just got added a few days ago. He seems to be modeled after avenger thor though, rather than their own interpretation. Oh well, derivative works will be derivative.

He's got red hair, like Thor actually had (according to Norse mythos). As much as I'd love to play as a Chris Hemsworth-Thor (hooooooooot), I'm happy they actually portrayed him as he is.

I'd be interested in trying this if anyone has a key to spare. That said, what are the specs? My laptop isn't exactly amazing.

For an Unreal Engine 3 game? Not too bad, but I'm not so sure your laptop could handle it.

2012-09-09, 11:07 PM
For an Unreal Engine 3 game? Not too bad, but I'm not so sure your laptop could handle it.

Well, I'll figure that out. Dungeon Defenders was Unreal 3 and posed no problem, after all. Do you have any actual specs you could post?

Edit: Found them. It calls for GeForce 8600 GS or Radeon HD 4550 and a 3.0 GHz single core CPU as the minimum requirements.

Intel chipset and 1.6 dual core isn't going to cut it, I assume.

2012-09-09, 11:28 PM
Well, I'll figure that out. Dungeon Defenders was Unreal 3 and posed no problem, after all. Do you have any actual specs you could post?

Edit: Found them. It calls for GeForce 8600 GS or Radeon HD 4550 and a 3.0 GHz single core CPU as the minimum requirements.

Intel chipset and 1.6 dual core isn't going to cut it, I assume.

That's a GPU from 2007, and the dual-core should be fine. I'd give it a shot. If my spare beta key isn't redeemed (may have given it away), I'll message it to you.

2012-09-09, 11:38 PM
That's a GPU from 2007, and the dual-core should be fine. I'd give it a shot. If my spare beta key isn't redeemed (may have given it away), I'll message it to you.

Thank you. Hopefully I won't be wasting it.

2012-09-13, 11:00 PM
i'm playing on a dual core 2.67g intel duo with an Nvidia 9800GT with few issues. Once every few days the whole screen does a color spaz, but that's fixable by resizing the screen from full to window and back to full again.

2012-09-14, 12:22 AM
i'm playing on a dual core 2.67g intel duo with an Nvidia 9800GT with few issues. Once every few days the whole screen does a color spaz, but that's fixable by resizing the screen from full to window and back to full again.

Thank you, but given that I have a really bad integrated graphics card and a 1.6 GHz dual core, it's probably not going to work terribly well.

2012-09-16, 03:18 PM
Ahrglbrgle I hate some of the people who play this game.

In other news, Ao Kuang pushes so hard, I don't even know how you're supposed to stop him from taking your tower if you're not also Ao.

2012-09-16, 06:10 PM
Ahrglbrgle I hate some of the people who play this game.

In other news, Ao Kuang pushes so hard, I don't even know how you're supposed to stop him from taking your tower if you're not also Ao.

A lot of his damage is in hit ult (and his ult is not particularly hard to dodge if you are watching him). Dodge ult, kill him. Pushing is no longer a problem.

Obviously it isn't a foolproof solution, but it can be pretty effective.

2012-09-16, 08:50 PM
Let him blow his load on taking out creep waves, then target him while his abilities are on cooldown. He can push hard, but he's very squishy early game and vulnerable to being chased off. If you can keep his mana pool down, he's defenceless. Trade blows with him when you can and stay mobile to avoid his tornado pool.

2012-09-16, 09:16 PM
So just got this. Any advice on playing Oden? I've always liked old One-Eye.

2012-09-17, 12:00 PM
So just got this. Any advice on playing Oden? I've always liked old One-Eye.

You get free stats, build tanky but always get a hammer, jump on squishes.

And, for the love of [insert deity of choice here], WATCH WHERE YOU ULT. You approach jarvan levels of "I'm helping" if you trap a squishy caster inside your ult with an angry assassin, who will ignore you, kill them, and then just jump out of your ult. Try to ult in a manner that puts at least one tanky ally in the ring with you with squishies you can murder, and use your ult to separate your ranged carry and casters from the people who want to kill them, since they can fire through the wall no problem.

2012-09-17, 06:06 PM
Odin can build pure damage, warrior tabi, frostbound, etc...if he's going against other physical damage...vs casters, the same, but start with a gaea stone. Max out 3 first, then 2 then 1 (always max 4 when it pops).

Odin does well with casters of ae effects, like agni, zeus, and ao. stay in front of them (jump in and ult only when their ult is up and they have mana). If you are laning with a melee, it's more about hitting your partner with the 2 power than your ult, so you might want to up that.

Don't neglect the minimap. Odin's passive puts enemies on the map farther than they have you. Getting ganked as Odin should be embarrassing.

If there's no other jungler, you can jungle with odin, starting with the hand of the gods....

2012-09-26, 09:04 PM
The more Ao Kuang I play, the more I'm convinced that the strongest thing in this game you can do is push, since minions do so much damage and towers take a massive chunk out of your income if they attack a minion.

Seriously, it's dumb. He pushes harder than any other god in the game and his passive lets him build tanky and still do oodles of damage. I wait for them to nerf him every patch and they don't; I'm waiting for the hammer to drop and the fun police to come stop me.

2012-09-27, 06:05 PM
While I agree with all you said, I think Ra is just as good a pusher than Ao Kuang and vastly superior when it comes to pushing down towers.

The simple fact that Ra's 3 affects your minions is crazy. Craaaazy.

2012-09-27, 07:17 PM
While I agree with all you said, I think Ra is just as good a pusher than Ao Kuang and vastly superior when it comes to pushing down towers.

The simple fact that Ra's 3 affects your minions is crazy. Craaaazy.

Here's the thing, though. Ao's 3 can clear an entire wave by itself starting at level 3, with zero extra Mpower, and can be dropped behind the enemy tower to eat the wave as it walks by. The DoT is nuts too; it lasts full duration even if you only graze them with it, and standing in it just makes it obscene.

Ra needs to max 1 to do damage, and 3's ratios aren't really all that good.

Not gonna lie, though, I've pulled more than one game back from the brink by healing the minotaur with it to survive extended pushes.