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2012-08-31, 08:50 PM
==> Be Pallar Gotrem
The brilliant Alternian sun hangs at the lower edge of it's orbit, painting the horizon it inches towards a brightly, bloody red and casting that same dusky rose hue upon the thriving garden that serves as your respiteblock, a lone patch of verdant green nested amidst the sprawling desert badlands. Truly, a sight that would bring a TEAR to the EYE of even the most austere poet.

And you don't think you've ever been more miserable in your life.

Your ALLERGIES are worse than ever this wretched BUDDING SEASON and you've spent the last three days holed up in your IMITATION TARDIS in the hopes that it's SUPPOSED EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL QUALITIES might shield you from the FLORAL SEEDLINGS infesting the air, UNABLE TO SLEEP due to the sheer depths of your ALLERGIC MISERY. You think that your nose is going to fall off if it RUNS ANY FASTER, and worse yet, YOU'RE ALL OUT OF TISSUES.

The only dark spot on the horizon is that, in a few hours, your FRIENDS will be up. For weeks now you guys've been getting ready to play this new SGRuB game that sounds to be THE ABSOLUTE MUSCLEBEAST-MANURE, and today is finally the day.

Say, one of them's even awake and online right now!

Except, ugh, it's THAT GUY. He used to be a PRETTY COOL PAL, until one day he just VANISHED. He only showed up again LAST SWEEP, with an all-new, all-jerk attitude, inviting you to take part in this SGRuB thing, which he promises to be THE GAME TO END ALL GAMES.

imperiousCommand is trolling allergicGambler
iC: Ahem.
iC: We cannot help but notice the length of your stay online
iC: Considering what we embark upon tomorrow We would advice you to save your strength
iC: In fact, We would COMMAND it.

==> Be Yscton Yagmur
You COULDN'T SLEEP. Tonight, even the welcoming embrace of your RECUPARACOON can't seem to hold the dark dreams at bay. One dream in particular.

It starts with a thunderous, grinding roar. The roar of the one engine you've never tamed, never dared to let loose upon the high roads of pitch-black asphalt to burn itself bright in one glorious rush. Then, the roar becomes laughter, cackling, mad, without mirth. Even now the all-encompassing velvet dark does not lift, but with the laughter's cackling crescendo shapes become apparent within it. Horrible, horrible shapes. And then the laughter becomes a voice and always was voice, speaking to you of horrors even worse than those terrifying silhouettes framed against the void.


THAT DREAM scares you in ways you can't describe. So here you sit, in a dark corner of your room where the HARSH ALTERNIAN SUNLIGHT cannot reach, a bottle of ORANGE FAYGO clutched to your chest, a half-dozen emptied ones lying before you, the last drops of their PRECIOUS ELIXER spilled out to form a rainbow bloodstain on the floor.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow you're to play a GAME with your FRIENDS, or, what pass for your friends. Something called... SGRuB? Or something. Whatever it is, it can't be worse than what the VOICES sing of.

Suddenly your STUPOR is broken by a loud metal crash from DOWNSTAIRS. Your LUSUS, SLOW-POKE THAT HE IS, lets out a cry of distress moments too late. Sounds like SOMEBODY'S COME TO PLAY.

==> Be Irvekt Dirmin
The cavern ceiling looms so far overhead you can barely make it out, stalactites hanging down like the sword(s) of Troll Damocles. Ahead the way narrows down to nearly nothing, a passage barely large enough for you to squeeze through. A ROCKFALL TRAP having blocked any chance of retreat, this passageway offers the SOLE ROUTE FORWARDS OR BACK.

And blocking it is a GREAT BLOODY LIZARD. Dull green scales ARMOR the beast's hide, GNASHING TEETH and CATCHING CLAWS arming it. A long tail ending in a SCYTHE-LIKE SPAR OF BONE sweeps across the cave floor, while it's beadily malevolent eyes track your every move. All very realistic. You can barely even see the DATA BAT hiding behind a nearby rock unless you look for it, tho' the stat bars hovering above the GUARD 'GUANA's head is a dead giveaway.

You have to hand it to Jemdas, this's ONE HECK OF AN ADVENTURE. If only it wasn't SOOOO DARN LONG.


You'd have already quit from sheer exhaustion, as even keeping your eyes open is a struggle at this point, but ETAOIN hasn't quit yet and you'll be COLD AND DEAD IN THE GROUND before you give him victory that easily. Besides, you've got to be near the final room by now.

==> Be Makdan Beldin
You sit upon a bed of pastel silks in a room of gold, staring out the lone window into a beautiful dotted with clouds like windows into times past and future...


You sit upon a BED OF PASTEL SILKS in a ROOM OF GOLD, staring out the lone window into a BEAUTIFUL BLUE SKY dotted with clouds like WINDOWS INTO TIMES PAST AND FUTURE.

You must have been sitting here for HOURS or even DAYS looking out that window into that blue sky, but only now do you suddenly realize it, much like a dream which you can only make sense of once you AWAKE. Looking down, you find yourself dressed in GOLDEN PAJAMAS, feet shod with REGAL BATHROOM SLIPPERS. With another start of surprise, so too do you discover YOU'RE NOT REALLY SITTING AT ALL, but floating a half-inch above the bed.

Surveying your environ, you see the room is packed wall-to-wall with OVERSTUFFED BOOKSHELVES, each sagging under the load of WEIGHTY TOMES, GOLD-EMBOSSED VOLUMES and LEATHERBOUND LEXICONS. The only patch of wallspace cleared is to make room for the door, emblazoned with the a sunburst of lines circling around an empty space. A TRICKED-OUT COMPUTER sits on a desk at the foot of your bed, screen casting a pale glow into the already brightly lit room.

You've got to be DREAMING.

==> Be Tiemet

Morning through night, rolling waves crash against the edges of the CORAL REEF that houses your RESPITEBLOCK, located in a calm, mostly empty stretch of the GRAND ALTERNIAN OCEAN. For as long as you can remember the SONG of the ocean has been the tune to your existence, the BEAT to which your life has played out, a constant RHYTHM undercutting every truly important day in your existence of a mere EIGHT SOLAR SWEEPS.

And today, for the first time you can recall, the sea is quiet, STILL AS THE GRAVE. The deafening silence sounds loud as any WAILING CRY, cutting through the deafening hold of your SOPOR-FILLED BED to awaken you as surely as if you had been struck.

Outside, the ocean looks as if it was DEAD, a flat expanse of dark blue unbroken by ripple or wave stretching on far past the CRIMSON SUNSET, even as a DARK STORM boils up upon the horizon towards your ISLAND HOME. The SOLE SIGN of whatever force has done this, a TRAIL OF BRIGHT CRIMSON burned into the air by some meteoric object's descent, striking the waters like a SPEAR THROWN FROM THE SKY.

As if on cue DARK SHAPES stir beneath the water, the damnable stillness finally disturbed as a pack of IVORY STABWAILS rise up from the deeps all at once, turning their WISE HEADS skywards and issuing forth a KEENING CRY. At once the call is returned from far away in all directions, the air around you echoing with MOURNFUL WAILSONG, as well as another SONG, coming from deep below the ocean, right, you judge, where whatever FELL FROM THE HEAVENS to leave that trail would have landed.

==> Be Tassie Larkan

There's simply no other explanation for how you came to be here, FLOATING UPSIDE-DOWN over a PURPLE VELVET BED in a PURPLE VELVET ROOM, surrounded by intricate TOWERS OF COAL-BLACK METAL rising up like a miniature city from the PURPLE FLOOR.

Nor is there any other explanation for HIM.

Perched upon the sill of the room's SOLE WINDOW, which looks out upon a GREAT EXPANSE OF NIGHT SKY, is a short, round-faced man, a DIMINUTIVE INTRUDER if you will, covered entirely by a SHINY CARAPACE the color of NIGHT. No nose or ears or hair has he, merely two blank eyes and a sharp-toothed mouth, his torso swaddled in cloths of PURPLE and RED, head adorned by a singularly out-of-place NEWSBOY CAP.

In his hands this SPECTER OF YOUR IMAGINATION holds an OLD-FASHIONED POLAROID CAMERA, with which he seems busily enganged snapping pictures of you, unaware that you can even see him.

==> Be Jemdas Kitlec
Your eyes are LIDDED and BLEERY as you stars at your glowing COMPUTER MONITOR, as you've been doing non-stop for a full SUN CYCLE now. In retrospect, clouding a MARATHON FLARP SESSION for IRVEKT and ETAOIN might not have been such a hot idea.

You've had them crawling around A SERIES OF DINGY TUNNELS for hours now, orchestrating FIENDISH MAZES, DIABOLICAL TRAPS and endless ENEMIES OF REPTILIAN PERSAUSION for them to conquer, a grueling TEST of tour GAME-MASTERING ABILITIES. You'd like to think you've SUCCEEDED STUNNINGLY.

And now, in the closing hours of the day, your fingers stained by the residue of COUNTLESS MID-DAY SNACKS as you type away, you see they've finally reached the FINAL CHALLENGE. Even now, Irvekt battles against the GUARD IGUANA for his right to proceed to the treasure room, whilee Etaoin DUELS FOR HIS LIFE with the pair of CLOCKWORK CROCODILE-MEN you've set to defend the PRIZE. Best of all, you even have a REAL PRIZE this time, courtesy of ANOTHER FLARPING ENTHUSIAST you knew once, who's recently made a RE-APPEARANCE.

And speak of the devil, here they are now, the Trollian screen popping up over your other windows as it has AN ANNOYING TENDENCY TO DO when talking to them.

imperiousCommand is trolling mazterZorcerer
iC: Ahem.
iC: We would inquire as to our brave Heroes progress upon the quest
iC: More specifically
iC: We are interested in whether they have yet to claim the prize
iC: We feel it wise perhaps to issue a reminder, that their doing so is of CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE

It's honestly REALLY HARD to GET A READ ON THEM. They were pretty cool back when you FLARPed with them, but this whole 'royal We' thing they've picked up since is pretty durn annoying. They even refused to divulge the PRECISE NATURE of this treasure, only saying it has something to do with the GAME they've invited you to take part in.

==> Be Etaoin Burrus
The BOILING HEAT on your back grows ever more intense as you're forced another step towards the SACRIFICAL PIT, the heels of your shoes already sizzling as they hang over the precarious drop. All around the GOLDEN SNAKE STATUE'S seem to leer in bloodthirsty anticipation, the light of the LAVA POOLS reflecting off the white-marbled walls and casting them in sinister light.

The twin CLOCKWORK CROCODILE-MEN that guard this ANCIENT SANCTUM also seem to be learing, the clocks built into their chests ticking out a steady, COLD-BLOODED HEARTBEAT as they advance, stabbing and poming with their spears to drive you one last step to CERTAIN DEATH, stubby bronze feet clacking against the stone floor.*

And above, slowly lowering down towards the lava, hangs the GOLDEN CAGE that contains your PRIZE, your THINGFINDER beeping insistently in it's direction.

It's all UTTERLY FAKE of course, STAT READOUTS hover above the CROCMEN's heads and the laughing statues are mere holograms, but you have to hand it to JEMDAS; he's cooked up one hell of an ADVENTURE. Over the last TWENTY FOUR HOUR FLARP MARATHON SESSION, you've braved HELLISH LOCALES, VANQUISHED ALL MANNER OF FOES and NAVIGATED SEEMINGLY ENDLESS CATACOMBS with the aid of your THINGFINDER.

It's been a long, wearying campaign, your clothes positively matted with filth and grime from crawling through tunnel after tunnel, but now all that stands between you and VICTORY over your competitor IRVEKT are these DANG-BLASTED CROCODILES.

==> Be Gidrim Oronet
On all sides ancient, austere trees tower upwards, barren limbs reaching for the sky, the very leaves that once adorned those branches crunching underfoot. Thick vines entangle and string together the trunks, while shrubs and weeds tangle the ground.*

You are here on behalf of an OLD FRIEND, who DISAPPEARED one day and has ONLY RECENTLY RESURFACED, inviting you and some of your pals to play a GAME called SBuRB. This GAME is supposedly the REASON for you being here at this DREADFUL HOUR, the last rays of SUNSET not even faded from the sky. According to this LONG-LOST FRIEND, something important is about to happen.

And right on schedule a METEOR tears across the sky with a FEARSOME ROAR, leaving a thick TRAIL OF CRIMSON in it's wake as it DESCENDS towards the ground not far away. Being thoroughly familiar with this area, you can even guess WHERE IT'S HEADED; A small, shady clearing with a CRYSTAL POOL.

Lord Raziere
2012-08-31, 09:33 PM

Strange. You have never had a dream like this before. Furthermore, you are sure that you ever been this lucid in a dream. You float a little out the window and gaze down upon the golden, shining cityscape below, taking in the glorious brilliant wonder before you, one that you have never seen in all your life, an urban tapestry that is like a piece of art to rival the sun itself-
and flatly mutter:
"What a gaudy sp3ctacl3"
and float back inside. This place does not make sense to you. Well aside from the books. Books always make sense. What doesn't make sense to you is why you are here. You need to gather information. First, you need to find out where you are. Second you need to figure why you are here, and Third, figure out what action to take based those two pieces of information.

You float over to the books, and try to search for one that will tell you where you are. After all, its a library meant for information. You do not stock such things without including tomes about the surrounding area. That would be like living on a boat without the necessary equipment to survive in the ocean around you or something.

2012-08-31, 09:38 PM
Tassie: Look around and act quick


Well you're alarmed but not too alarmed... Now if you could just- c'mon, this flying thing doesn't seem hard you're already up there. Twist! Yes Twist! This is embarrassing! Your first contact with another species and you aren't standing... well floating triumphant like you'd imagined.

OH SWEET HORRORS OF HORRORTERRORS ITS TAKING PICTURES. You act quickly to take away the evidence. You are generally not against others taking pictures but these are already of the NIGH CANDID sort.

Whats the skill roll to jump him and take the camera?
Edit: Fighting roll :D (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3678136/) Oh and Here (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3678140/) too apparently
12*+9= 21

2012-08-31, 10:42 PM
mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: zEy are at zefinal ztage. fAcing down the ClockCrokz and ze Iguana.
mZ: i Do wizh you would tell me what ze prize iz. uNless it iz a metaFLARP zing you are zetting up like in "Ze FLARP of Doom" Trilogy.

Jemdas drinks a long slurp of a POTION OF WAKEFULNESS. He knows it isn't a POTION OF OWL'S WISDOM because of the strong taste of GROUND SHNOZBERRY mixed in with the POWDERED BANANA.
Why his friends keep referring to them as MILKSHAKES is beyond him. The addition of MILKMystical Illumunian Lusus Krud and the prompt preparation method of SHAKING IT REPEATEDLY TILL ITS FROTHY is but a single ingredient and method by which the POTIONS are BREWED.

lord pringle
2012-09-01, 12:23 AM
=====>Pallar Gotrem
Pallar groans a bit and responds to him.
allergicGambler is trolling imperiousCommand

AG: You're *Sniff* cobbaddig be?
AG: Er, Orderig.
AG: Well, who are this "we" adyway?
AG: Are you sobe sort of hive mind?

2012-09-01, 01:21 AM
==> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: Tsk tsk.
iC: Such ridiculous science fiction
iC: To use the pronoun 'We' is a declaration of righteousness
iC: A declaration that you speak for many
iC: For what you speak is the truth and thus only a fool could deny you.
iC: We hope you are not in a foolish mood today?

Also, I had meant to use gender-neutral pronouns for imperiousCommand, that is, 'the' and 'they'. Please pretend I did.

==> Be Makdan Beldin
Outside the window you see a dazzling city of gold, sweeping arches connecting impossibly tall towers in a network of bridges, all hung with colorful banners of silken thread emblazoned with the symbol of the sun. Creatures, so tiny at this distance they could be mere insects, skitter too and fronacross these walkways, their bodies a shining ivory white.

Although the tower from which you observe all is clearly the tallest, close second comes the GOLDEN PALACE situated before your window, done in the style of TROLL-AGRABAH, with golden teardrop domes and sloping, elegant curves throughout, what look to be flying ships anchored to the four towers that stand like corner posts around it.

So to do you see a planet not far above, it's lands carefully swathed and blanketed in fluffy white clouds, the patches of sky between shining a brilliant blue that seems the sweetest color in all the world.

But these glorious sights are not all. No, not all. Off, far off in the distance, against the backdrop of the lightless void, you see an OMINOUS SILHOUTTE painted in slightly lighter black than it's surroundings. It is ugly, squat, ring-shaped yet somehow calling instantly to mind images of skeletons. As you watch the tiniest flash of light bursts into existence upon it, followed by several more before darkness returns.

==> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is trolling mazterZorcerer
iC: Your casual bastardization of the language continues to displease Us
iC: We believe there is a time and place for Z's
iC: But We also recognize the use of an occasional S
iC: And the importance of choosing between them

Well, this is getting annoying fast. With the Trollian window up, you can't even see what Irvekt and Etaoin are getting up to!

==> Be Tassie Larkan

Underestimating your own STRENGTH, you end up launching yourself like at the poor SAP like a cannonball and tackling him right out the window into the night sky beyond.

He is understandably somewhat NON-PLUSSED.

Below you loom great towers of purple and black, so MAJESTIC and AWESOMELY, HUGELY OVERSIZED they make your prized Alternian architecture seem like no more in comparison than crude models, built out of blocks by a particularly dull child at play. Also worth noting is that they loom far, far below, only your hand around the INTRUDER's throat keeping him from meeting certain doom upon those distant, tiny roads, crawling with specks of black you know to be more like him.

The CAMERA, meanwhile, has no such luxury of being strangled. As it is thrown out of the INTRUDER's hand during the struggle, it makes a brief upwards arc, before gravity catches on and sends it tumbling down, down, down...

Just a note, but you don't add your roll and the wild die together, you use whichever one's better

2012-09-01, 02:14 AM
Do your wonderfully goggled eye's deceive you? This. Place. Is. Damn-Fishy-itIS Awesome! Its a bit premature for your universal conquest list, but this place would definitely be on the preserve side... pfft well that was a given of course, you'd be soo awesome at conquering you're pretty sure you'd be able to take over a planet without doing much structural damage. Eh, if you live that long- not bad for a dream though. You feel better about thing, though it still eventually makes you sad again, why is every good feeling DOOMED to be undercurrented by your innerdoubts?

She looked down to check if any of those pictures were floating down, they probably were... Naked and open to the unsuspecting public. Actually, what the- what are you wearing?!? Pajamas? What a silly thing to bother with.

Hoh-Beast Manure! This poor guy is still being held by you, atleast you're strong enough to not break a sweat holding him, "My bad, that was shellfish of me. Generally I don't tackle people taking pictures of me... Thats Okay. Actually no. Why are you taking pictures without my conseant? " From the way this guy was struggling, it didn't seem like he could float like she could- plus he didn't have one of those flimsy things like wings. Shame though, wings do make you look bigger. Situation calling and all, she probably sounded like she was interrogating him. Damn bad habit.

Anywaves, you shift around carefully so he doesn't get dropped and he can respond with what you presume is his head. Different species generally can talk from their heads right?

Lol! My bad, I'll keep that in mind haha. x3 Sorry, bit new to the system.

Intimidation Roll... Probably get some modifiers since I'm literally keeping him alive. *Not included

6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3678386/) + 3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3678387/) = 9

2012-09-01, 02:23 AM
=====>Yscton springs to a cat-like poise before drawing a weapon and hastily skulking downward, toward the intruder, a silent snarl welded to his half-ruined face.

2012-09-01, 02:27 AM
=====> Finish Trolling and check up on FLARPers
masterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: zE usage of ze Z'z are a tribute to my favorite author of the classic book "Attack of the TerrorTwins". i Will not ztop uzing zem.
mZ: i Bid you adeu as I really must get back to zupervizing the FLARPerz.

Closing the window Jemdas peeks in on the two competing FLARPers

Lord Raziere
2012-09-01, 04:31 AM
===> Lets try this again.

"What a gaudy sp3ctacl3."
You mutter in response. You then turn back around to your room, the thought of going down and asking one of those white people for information not even crossing your mind. Such a thought is nowhere near your mind. That thought is probably like sneaking into some other trolls mind and ambushing them like a ninja to assassinate a lack of inspiration, but it is very far from you and will probably remain so for a little while.

Instead you think to yourself: Two pieces of information I have to gather: one, where am I, and two: why am I here. You then need to figure out what action to take based upon those two pieces of information. So you float over to the books in this small library, searching for one that might tell you something of this place. After all, what person makes a library without including information on the local surroundings? A fool. It would be like a man designing a fortress without taking advantage of the local terrain or something.

2012-09-01, 06:13 AM
======> Gidrim: Investigate
Better track down that meteor. You set of in the direction of the clearing where you think it will land. You make sure not to get too close though, since death by meteor does NOT sound fun. Once you make your way to within viewing distance, you sit and wait, both for the meteor and for the sun to fully set.

lord pringle
2012-09-01, 11:11 AM
==> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: Tsk tsk.
iC: Such ridiculous science fiction
iC: To use the pronoun 'We' is a declaration of righteousness
iC: A declaration that you speak for many
iC: For what you speak is the truth and thus only a fool could deny you.
iC: We hope you are not in a foolish mood today?

You sigh and cast your gaze at the wonderful TENTH DOCTOR POSTER. If only he were here, and this was a real TARDIS rather than a MODEL made by your moirail. Then you could fly away from this awful place.
imperiousCommand is trolling allergicGambler
AG: I'b dot in a foolish bood, I'b id ad awful bood.
AG: I *Sneeze* didd't get ady sleep because I couldd't breathe.
AG: So if you can sdap your figers add bake me sleep, thed I could
AG: "Save my stregth." *Sniff*
AG: I would also appreciate if you could sdap your figers and sedd me sobe tissues.
AG: Besides, hive bidds are ad absolute fact.

Science Officer
2012-09-01, 11:45 AM
The challenge is certainly difficult, but not insurmountable for a prepared CONNIVING PLUNDERER player. You should be able to evade those ponderous automatons, the real trick will be grabbing the prize before it descends fully into the lava.

You examine your captchalogue for useful items:

-Flip-Top Rotary Communication Device
-6 Neat Looking Rocks
-2 Unidentified Red Potion(s) (FLARP item)
-1 Unidentified White Potion(s) (FLARP item)
-4 Padlocks
-Bag of Gold Coins (FLARP item)
-Grappling Hook (with coil of rope)
-Roughly-Hewn Ivory Statue (FLARP item)
-Roughly-Hewn Sandwich (with extra grub-sauce)

(You're pretty sure you had a lot more neat-looking rocks than that. Your GARBAGE-COLLECTION MODUS must have trashed them.)

That white potion is probably a bottle of glue or rusting oil or something. Just the thing to jam the cogs of a CLOCKWORK CROCODILE-MAN.

You try to retrieve it. The odds are 1 in ln(12+1) or ~39%

2012-09-02, 02:54 AM
Another LIZARD. Everywhere you turned there has been LIZARD AFTER LIZARD. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy the typically SMALL, SCALED VERTEBRATES, it's just that JEMDAS seemed OBSESSED with them in this CAMPAIGN. It was enough to drive one MAD, but they died just as well as anything else.

You lean against the wall, breathing heavily. This was proving to be quite the EPIC CAMPAIGN. Jemdas had promised a marathon campaign and had delivered one that wouldn't be soon forgotten. Of course, the EXHAUSTION that would inevitably follow might be able to WIPE it from MEMORY, but that wasn't likely.

You glare at the GUARD GUANA with rage. How dare it stand between you and what you are POSTIVE is the LAST, FINAL and most TREASURE LADEN room of this adventure. In a fit of rage, you decide the best way to deal with it was to BOLT it to oblivion. So you make the attempt. You place your hands to your temples and launch 3 energy bolts in quick succession.

3 bolts! Cost 3PP. I am pretty sure that an 11 gets a raise, but I am not sure what to do about that...

Roll: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3679461/) 1, 3, 11

2012-09-02, 05:09 AM
==> Tassie Larkan
The poor fellow seems QUITE CONTRITE, sweating like your SIMPLE QUESTION was a grilling to MAKE TROLL-GEORGE FOREMAN PROUD.

"Oh! Oh no! No no! Journalist! News! Newest of the new news, so cutting edge it bleeds future! Very photogenic!l

So, it would seem the chump currently clinging to your arm and babbling his guts out is not merely a DIMINUTIVE INTRUDER, but a DARING INVESTIGATOR as well!

He was still taking photos of you in your nightgown tho'. >:(

==> Be Yscton Yagmur
Stealthily descending down the stairs, with cat-like tread afoot and crude weaponry ahand, you manage to catch sight of the intruders before they espy you!

Your DEN AREA has been reduced to a mess, TWO-WHEELED LOCOMOTIVES toppled and spare AUTO-PARTS tossed around with wild abandon! And there in the center of it all is the one RESPONSIBLE for the toppling and tossing, WHALING upon your LUSUS's shell with a STOLEN WRENCH!

The creature might resemble a troll like yourself, if rather than flesh and blood you had the misfortune of being ASSEMBLED FROM SCRAP; A CRUDE SIMULACRUM of clumsily-welded steel, flailing it's EXTENDABLE LIMBS dumbly. Upon it's chest is marked a strangle symbol, an upside down pentagon bedecked by towers, a crown marked out in white within.

==> Be Jemdas Kitlec
You have just time to see Etaoin FLAILING AROUND WITH A SANDWICH before the Trollian window pops up again, obscuring your view of the MODUS SHENANIGANRY! Gah! How do they keep DOING THAT?

imperiousCommand is trolling mazterZorcerer
iC: Ahem.
iC: Such rude terseness is uncalled for
iC: Combined with your stubborn refusal to cease butchering the language, reminiscent of a squealing grubwiggler writhing in the mud
iC: It will not be tolerated
iC: Besides
iC: We have something of GRAVE IMPORTANCE to inform you of

==> Be Makdan Beldin
It seems then a TRUE MADMEN authored these books, for although their exteriors be gaudy, the pages within look to be UTTERLY BLANK!

There's a trite moral in there somewhere.

==> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: We fail to see why noses are even necessary
iC: They seem more trouble than they're worth
iC: And upon the subject of troublesome things, must you really transcribe the distortion of your voice?
iC: It is difficult to translate

==> Gidrim Oronet
Following the METEORIC TRAIL you soon find it's maker, which has indeed fallen PRECISELY WHERE YOU GUESSED IT WOULD. The ONCE-PEACEFUL GLADE and SERENE POOL have been reduced to a smoke crater, the shrubbery on all sides smoldering with the budding start of a proper forest fire.

Unfortunately, you are not the only CREATURE OF THE WILDS come to investigate. Already here awaits a HIDEOUS TRI-SQUEALER, a PORKY BEAST possessing THICK FEATHERS, a pair of STURDY TUSKS and most dangerous of all, a THREEFOLD SET OF SHARPENED HORNS.

==> Be Etaoin Burrus
Thinking fast and living faster, you reach for your SYLLANDEX with lighning speed, withdrawing from that ENDLESS REPOSITORY the one trick left in your sleeve, your ace in the hole, your last, best hope for besting these beasts!

... Or a sandwich. That works too.

The CLOKCROCS pause for a tick in stunned bepuzzlement, before resuming their assault with more fury than ever, forcing you to dance, PARRY and even employ your delicious sandwich as a shield to hold your precarious position upon the lip of the SACRIFICIAL PIT!

==> Be Irvekt Dirmin
PSYCHOKINETIC BOLTS clash against STURDY REPTILIAN BIOLOGY! The first BOLT is deflected by the GAUNA's THICK, SCALY HIDE, crashing against the cavern floor and kicking up a spray of rocks and dust! The second skims across it's skull as the BEAST turns to face you, opening it's mouth to let out a HISSING ROAR!

This attempted intimidation turns out to be it's downfall though, for it merely allows you to hurl the third and final projectile RIGHT DOWN IT's GOB! The roar becomes a fit of coughing, choking and gasping, eyes bugging out and rolling back as it tries to recover from the LOW-HANDED STRIKE.

Without warning it's BARBED TAIL comes lashing round, seeking vengeance and finding it in spades. The SCYTHE-LIKE STINGERS tears a half-dozen SHALLOW CUTS across your flesh before you can escape it's range, your health bar dropping by NEARLY A QUARTER!

One wound worth of damage is inflicted upon Irvekt, but, what with this being merely a FLARP, it only counts towards FLARP-stuff.

==> Be Dryden Salden
You dream of ABSTRACT THINGS. Of IMPOSSIBLE SHAPES framed upon a HUNGRY VOID, so HIDEOUS that they're somehow BEAUTIFUL. You dream of a DARK CITY ruled in ABSENTIA, fighting A WAR PREDETERMINED. You dream of MANY THINGS, most of which are lost forever upon the very MOMENT OF WAKING.

This is ONE SUCH MOMENT. You cannot for the life of you recall what you dreamt of this day, only that it was of such UNMATCHED URGENCY to force you awake before NIGHTFALL. Even now the sky is BRIGHT RED with the FADING SUNLIGHT... Too red for that even.

Looking out, you see a GREAT SPHERE OF MOLTEN ROCK descending towards the earth, SMALLER METEROIDS breaking away and showering down into the surrounding forests as the main mass falls strait for your PALACIAL ABODE. Even with your undeveloped skills in the FIELD OF METEOROLOGY, you can tell this is not a good situation to be in.

2012-09-02, 05:55 AM
OOC: You guys do realize Canonically you should have 5 = right? cause we have 10 players (well, 9 but Im counting (Redacted) and to even the numbers).
Like the Humans had 2 = cause they had 4 players and the trolls had 6 = for 12 players

mazterZorceror is trolling imperialCommand
mZ: i Am trying to CLOUD, I get zat you have a high opinion of yourzelf but everyone has zeir typing quirkz and telling zem to ztop is highly rude in and of itzelf
mZ: iF i do not overzee ze FLARPerz zen somezing terrible may happen, neizer could win or perhapz I would neglect to trigger ze Countdown of Duelling and zey won't fight each ozer.
mZ: zO what iz ziz GRAVELY IMPORTANT matter?

2012-09-02, 07:08 AM
=====> Scrap that heap of junk
Yscton will attempt to creep up right behind the hideous thing before showing it what a true master of the WRENCHKIND strife specibus can do!

Presumably this'll be a Stealth roll opposed by it's Notice (I'm trying to get into melee range). Do I get a bonus from the light level, and if so how much?

Then I'll be activating Raaaaage! and making an attack. I'll need to know my wrench's damage.

2012-09-02, 07:17 AM
>Gidrim: Strife!
Nice! Some local fauna! You were getting hungry, anyway. You leap at the creature, claws at the ready.

Fighting roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3679585/) (Accidentally rolled this multiple times trying to get used to the web site. I have not even looked at this latest roll.)
Damage roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3679590/)

Science Officer
2012-09-02, 11:05 AM
There is very little time for all this! This session has gone on long enough, but as much as you'd like to jump up and snatch the PRIZE from the cage, it is yet too high above you for that. And if you don't deal with these CHRONOMETRIC-CROCODILIANS soon, they'll push you over the edge before you get that chance.

Though the CONNIVING PLUNDERER class is optimised more for the acquisition of loot than the slaying of foes (the two main-stays of FLARP), you do have some tricksy combative options when backed into a corner (or towards a flaming pit).

You engage the CLANKING BOG-DWELLERS in a bid to buy yourself some time until the gilded cage comes within leaping-distance.

2012-09-02, 11:50 AM
So this situation was becoming all kinds of uncomfortable. It had been awhale, something you'd avoided since one other troll was crushed under your own faulty architecture.


You don't think he was lying, even as a figment of her imagination- everything generally enjoyed living. Maybe this was a lesson for yourself, reminding you that killing was easy... especially if it was far away... but it kind of breaks the superior seawoman's vascular system when you're right there. Not that it'd stop you from personally killing something... just that it felt more real when you did it yourself- and the burden, you suppose, shouldn't be callously tossed aside.

"I'm going to set you down in my room." Least you think its yours. Who sleeps in a room that she doesn't own? "Don't run off, I'm going to sea if I can go fish up your camera. Its your job? Right? I think your Polaroid might be broken, so I should make it up to you."

Wasn't like you were going to kill him, he and his race got too much credit from all those badbassic buildings. And it didn't seem to be one of those dreams of Conquest- There would be an army of trolls/drones/warmachines following you if that was the case. Diplomatic? Oh, sadly, none of those practice sessions you had in front of a mirror ever turned out well.

You keep your promise and set him down gingerly in your own room, "If you disappear, run off, or hide by the time I get back I'm going to be supremely cross. So don't." Giving him one last stern goggle glare you fly out and chase after what remains of the DARING INVESTIGATOR'S job materials.

Edit: ((Derpdederpty durr... this is what happens to grammer when you slapdashedly rewrite from third person to first. AUGH THE GRAMMERS. Hopefully fixed))

Lord Raziere
2012-09-02, 12:20 PM

Yes. Probably something like "don't judge a book by its cover".
Well no use letting a good blank journal to go to waste! You'll need a thing to record all the information you find in this place. You take out a pencil. You never run out of pencils. You begin to record:

"Makdan's Golden World Journal.
Entry 1.
I hav3 found mys3lf on a myst3rious gold3n world. W3aring strang3 gold3n cloth3s. Th3 inhabitants 3ith3r only hav3 gold as thi3r only building mati3rial (or what3v3r mat3rial that looks lik3 gold strong 3nough to support all this, I doubt its r3al gold as it would b3 too w3ak to support all this) or poss3ss som3 strang3 vision that only s33s gold as a color and 3v3rything 3ls3 as black and whit3, leading th3m to r3gard th3 color as holy and in high 3st33m and so on.
I hav3 no id3a how I got h3r3. Or why. This n33ds to b3 r3ctifi3d. Also: must think long t3rm if I cannot g3t back to my hiv3 soon. How will I 3at? Drink? What ar3 my chanc3s of survival? Such qu3stions can only be answ3r3d through inv3stigation. Sinc3 th3 books hav3 no information I m3an. Th3 strang3st part of all this is that I do not s33m to b3 imprison3d. I can l3av3 any tim3 I lik3 from this room. Which impli3s that I wasn't kidnapped. Strang3r and Strang3r3r. I admit, I am kind of d3sp3rat3 for som3 information at this point. It is tim3 for the last r3sort: fi3ld inv3stigation!"

You captchalogue your GOLDEN WORLD JOURNAL then float out of the window again. You then start floating in a fast manner downwards, pretending to be a NINJA in free fall. Then you land on the ground…LIKE A NINJA. You float-jump forward to question one of the ivory-white people, also LIKE A NINJA.
You land in front of them and bark:
"You. Inform m3. Wh3r3 am I? Why am I h3r3? Sp3ak."

lord pringle
2012-09-03, 12:41 AM
==> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: We fail to see why noses are even necessary
iC: They seem more trouble than they're worth
iC: And upon the subject of troublesome things, must you really transcribe the distortion of your voice?
iC: It is difficult to translate

imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
AG: We have noses because The Time Lords did and, despite all their evil, they are responsible for most races being bipedial, and shaped like them.
AG:Besides, I feel that by typig isd't that hard to read.
AG: It shows that I'b be.
Ag: Wait, why does your dose seem to be bore trouble thed id's wordh?

2012-09-03, 08:23 PM
You sigh and lean against the wall. This EXHAUSTION is ruining your ability to aim your TELEKINETIC BOLTS. Though it seems the GUARD GUANA has significant enough EXTERNAL PROTECTIVE PLATING to deflect BOLTS if you don't aim right. You decide that perhaps a- Oh SCREW IT. You just want to blast the lizard until it doesn't exist.

3 Bolts: 3PP 19/25 PP

Rolls: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3681200/) 12, 11, 9

Oh my goodness, that's a good set of rolls. So, this is the prime oppourtunity to tell me how my double-raise headband thing works. Because It makes me utterly confused to try and decipher.

2012-09-04, 03:51 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is trolling mazterZorcerer
iC: That everyone does it does not excuse it
iC: Everyone dies too
iC: Do you want to die?
iC: If so, please do remain at your computer tending to your precious clouding duties

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur

With a mighty ring you brain the worthless HUNK-O-JUNKITRON, bringing your HANDY DANDY WRENCH down upon it's CHROME CRANIUM with FAYGO-FUELED FURY and leaving there a dent that can only be compared to lesser dents in the same sense as comparing a mere ditch to the TROLL GRAND CANYON!

Sparks pour from behind the AUTOMATON's eyes and out it's ears, limbs flailing spasticly for a moment in a DERANGED BREAKDANCE before it collapses to the floor, it's animating spark clearly SNUFFED OUT.

That was easy.

=====> Gidrim Oronet
You launch yourself upon the TRISQUEALER, landing upon it's back and sinking your WICKED CLAWS into it's BACONINE MEATFATS. Letting loose it's namesake SQUEAL the beast rears up on it's haunches and bucks hard, tossing you HEAD OVER TAILS into a nearby tree.

You hit like a TON OF BRICKS colliding with a TEN-TON TRUCK, knocking the air from your lungs and the cohesive thought from your thinkpan. It's only with great difficulty you manage to stand back up, EARS RINGING with what you suspect to be a MINOR CONCUSSION.

Your SUPRISE ASSAULT was not in vain though; Even through your blurred vision you can see TWO THICK TRAILS OF RED running the beast's sides, leaving it worse from the exchange than you.

Aaaand that's a double-dose of shaken-central.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Looking ETERNALLY GREATFUL to have arrived back on SOLID GROUND at less than terminal velocities, the DARING INVESTIGATOR nods meekly at your command and sits down in a corner as you leave, thoroughly COWED MUSCLEBEASTED? TERRIFIED.

Floating down into the QUIET VOID between the towering skyscrapers you begin your search for the missing CAMERA, but in truth the odds of finding it are less than slim and closer to MONO-ATOMIC. Although there's not even the faintest of breezes in this STRANGE, DARK CITY to have wafted it astray, with the sheer length of the drop it's own trajectory could have landed it anywhere within a half mile... And in any case, it would not have survived the IMPACT.

But a few more things do come to your attention as you LOOK IN VAIN. First is simply how empty the city is. As many BLACK-SHELLED BEINGS as you saw from your tower, only now that you're close up do you realize how few there really were compared to the size of this place, so many of the TOWERING TOWERS empty except for the furniture, the bridges, streets and byways somehow lonely in their utter DESOLATION.

Second are the strange posters plastered to every wall, written in your own language no less. They range from ancient and yellowed to only a few days old, but each is identicle, bearing the same insignia of an upside-down pentagon with towers sprouting from all sides, and the same slogan;


=====> Be Makdan Beldin
The ALABASTER-SHELLED BEING halts in it's tracks as you NINJA-LEAP in front of it, blinking slowly and repositioning the heavy MILLSTONE it bears over one shoulder. It 'tis a LARGE creature, towering over you like an PILLAR OF WHITE wrapped in BRIGHTLY-COLORED STREAMERS, eyes and mouth (it lacks any other FACIAL FEATURES) so disproportionately small they seem lost upon the VAST IVORY EXPANSE of it's face, that itself undersized compared to the shoulders on which it sits.

It takes several tries for the LUMBERING HULK to answer, holding up a lone finger for silence as it mulls the question over. Several tomes it opens it's mouth, only to decide against whatever reply it was considering, until finally it says simply; "Prospit. 'cause." And then it continues on, slowly plodding towards it's goal in the tower opposite.

=====> Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: Our nose is not the issue here
iC: We shall entertain no further questions upon the topic
iC: But fear not
iC: Welcome news is on it's way
iC: We believe you requested tissues?

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
This time the beast simply cannot weather the onslaught, three well-placed shots slamming into it in rapid succession; The first striking it's gut and bringing it to the ground, the second it's tail, forestalling another strike, and the third snapping it's neck. The GUARD 'GUANA twitches it's legs, the. falls still.

Triggered by this a FANFARE sounds, shiny brass trumpets playing out a a triumphant fanfare as confetti wafts down from the ceiling and twin rows of BLUE FIRE blossom into existence at your feet, spelling out the road ahead, towards your WAITING VICTORY.

The moment is somewhat hampered by the loud BEEP informing you that one of your FRIENDS is trying to troll you.

Basically, if you beat the goal by four or more you get a bonus, like a critical. In the case of Bolt, you get an extra 1d6 damage. That's a raise. Getting up to two raises means that if you beat the goal by eight, you get a bonus of 2d6 instead of 1. Useful for someone with maxed psionics.

2012-09-04, 06:43 AM
Well. That may not have been the best idea. But there's no going back now.

Free vigor roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3681645/)
Normal vigor roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3681646/)
Fighting roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3681647/), if I can act
Damage (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3681648/), if applicable

2012-09-04, 11:12 AM
You look upon the posters with bemusement. You know the word for that... pagerama? propetizing? Oh! Propaganda! It takes you a couple of tries but it comes to you after you have seen the thing several dozen times. First line was odd... Croaker? She wasn't looking forward to imagining these CARAPACIAN peoples fight some humanoid frogmen like from Pallar's Vids. They... could've done a better part about the second sentence. Better then you think? What the Unspeakable Deeps? Such ambiguity related to the passion of war even left her with a distaste in her mouth... and she didn't even know who exactly it was with! Well the last seaction was fine, no complaints- at they least they know how to end on a strong note.

You sigh, the afterfact that you still can't calculate trajectories for your life nor rely on any supernatural akin luck seems to apply even in your dreams. Already you can tell diplomasea was already headed down one set of tubers. You aren't blind, you saw how he looked at you. What was even more glubbing seasicking was if you even hint that the way people cringe and run away from you makes you upset- somehow makes them more cringy and terrified.

Looking around, lots of empty space relative to living tenants wasn't new. Reminded you of home, and you supposed it was easy to sneak here. Without much else to do (and not wanting to bump and cow anymore people by accident) you fly back up to your tower...

You take a short detour to sit at the highest point allowed. If there was one thing you've conquered easily in real life, it was any fear of heights. There was nothing like the pleasure of sitting on top, literally, looking far into the distance and feeling bigger then everything else. Yes, there were some Royal Indulgences you actually went through. Some... not so much as of late. Bullying, Culling, Demanding, Destroying, Dominating, Enslaving, Executing... Well the list could go on and on of the less then savory actions (to you) you were entitled to as a future Queen. This one activity never makes you feel like carp.

You return without much fanfare on your part, "No luck, I couldn't find it. I suppose its an obligation of mine to make it up to you. I'll let you interview me if you answer a couple of questions in return. Not to sound overly selfcentered, but the only reason you'd climb dangerously to this height was if there was something to sea, right? I'll forgive the pajama photos because apparently I obliterated the guilty inanimate party."

2012-09-04, 12:18 PM
=====>Yscton will tend to his children and see to it that none are significantly harmed, then proceed to comb through his hive seeking more of the rust-blighted demons. And any he finds? He'll tear limb from pathetically twitching limb.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-04, 12:20 PM
=====> Acquire anime-esque vein of anger upon forehead.
You have acquired one ANIME-ESQUE VEIN OF ANGER UPON YOUR FOREHEAD. You are simply feeling so much anger that you imitate your favorite ninja manga books in the process. Such monosyllabic one-word answers will not get you anywhere. Furthermore you are angry at how that brute was perpetuating the "big but stupid" cliche you see so much in your more entertaining books!
At least you know the name of this place. Prospit. Do you remember reading any books on a place named "Prospit"? You do not think so, or at least your memory doesn't think so. But then again, there is a lot of books in your library. It is very possible that its one of the ones that you haven't read yet. You may be a bookworm, but you haven't read EVERYTHING.
You captchalogue your ANIME-ESQUE VEIN OF ANGER, with how uninformative things are being today, you'll likely use this again later.

You start NINJA-LEAPING from Ivory person to ivory person, repeating the questions in the exact same manner over and over again until you get a different, hopefully more complex and informative, answer from someone.

2012-09-04, 01:32 PM
You grin, your FANG FILLED GRIMACE showing not RELIEF or HAPPY SURPRISE, but the COLD CONFIDENCE of SHEER SKILL and AWESOME POWER. The FANFARE was INNAPROPRIATELY INTERRUPTED by the sound of TROLLIAN trying to catch your attention. You debate momentarily as to whether or not you should check it or PRESS ONWARD and claim victory before ETAOIN has the chance.

You reluctantly check who's bothering you at this important juncture.

Science Officer
2012-09-04, 03:51 PM
There is very little time for all this! This session has gone on long enough, but as much as you'd like to jump up and snatch the PRIZE from the cage, it is yet too high above you for that. And if you don't deal with these CHRONOMETRIC-CROCODILIANS soon, they'll push you over the edge before you get that chance.

Though the CONNIVING PLUNDERER class is optimised more for the acquisition of loot than the slaying of foes (the two main-stays of FLARP), you do have some tricksy combative options when backed into a corner (or towards a flaming pit).

You engage the CLANKING BOG-DWELLERS in a bid to buy yourself some time until the gilded cage comes within leaping-distance.

That was a terrible idea. There's no room to maneuver on this platform. These automatic archosaurs just will not respect your personal space. Looks like you'll just have to give these clock-crocs some cracks with your flail. The time-pieces on their chests are the obvious target.

lord pringle
2012-09-04, 06:17 PM
=====> Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: Our nose is not the issue here
iC: We shall entertain no further questions upon the topic
iC: But fear not
iC: Welcome news is on it's way
iC: We believe you requested tissues?

imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGamblerAG: Yes, we
AG: Er, I did.
AG: Are you goig to sedd me sobe?

2012-09-06, 02:42 AM
=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
Shaking away the SINGING CHIRPWHISTLES orbiting your skull, you charge at the TRISQUEALER, even as it paws the ground and prepares to RETURN IN KIND.

Like the collision of binary stars you meet, CLAW AGAINST TUSK. And though you manage to score several more bloody streaks across it's hide, all are mere superficial scratches. Worse yet, in the tussle the beast manages to get it's tusks under you, and with one mighty toss of it's head THROWS YOU SKYWARD.

Aaaaand that's another double-dose, this time of equal amounts o' zip damage.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
You return to your tower -it could only be your tower, it had your bed in it, which could only be your bed, because surely you're not the type of gal to wake up in a stranger's bed?- to walk in on the DARING INVESTIGATOR daring to SNOOP AROUND on your computer.

It's PRETTY OBVIOUS he was SNOOPING, for as you float through the window he panickedly tries to close whatever he was looking at and assumes a LAUGHABLE FACADE OF INNOCENCE.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
Thankfully your CHILDREN are largely unharmed, although a few have suffered TOPPLING at the MECHANICAL MENACE's robotic hands. As you comb through your hive to ensure a LACK of further AUTOMATED INTRUDERS you soon find the SOURCE of both the CRASHING SOUND and the ROBOTROLL- A large hole has been punched through the roof of your HIVESTEM, the edges still molten with heat.

Through the break shines the FULL FEROCITY of the SETTING ALTERNIAN SUN and you cannot help but notice that today, for some reason, this light is far, far REDDER than usual, not the RED of sickly sweet CHERRY COUGHSYRUP or WHATEVER THE RED FLAVOR OF FAYGO is, but the RED of BURNING GASOLINE and OVERBEARING RAGE.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
Your next two NINJA-LEAPS bring you to no more conclusions than the last, each of the CARAPACIANS from who you demand answers providing none, seeming for all the world TOO AWED TO SPEAK.

Your third jump, however, lands you dead in the middle of a BUSY MARKETPLACE, where IVORY-SHELLED MERCHANTS hawk EXOTIC WARES from brightly painted cloth tents. All at once silent descends, the sellers ceasing their LOUD PROCLAMATIONS UPON THE SUPERIORITY OF THEIR WARES, the buyers pausing in their CEASELESS HAGGLING.

And then they all descend upon you at once, filling the air with so many EXCITED SHOUTS you cannot make heads or tails of any of it, many foisting pen and paper upon you in apparent fevor to obtain your AUTOGRAPH, others attempting to shove GIFTS of STRANGE FOODS, ARCANE TRINKETS, EXOTIC FRUITS and FINE CLOTHES into your arms.

Huh. Guess you must be KINDA A BIG DEAL round here.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
cumbrousCrux is trolling sensibleSchizophrenic


=====> Be Etaoin Burrus

With a mighty FLAILING of your mighty FLAIL you CLEAN DAT CROC'S CLOCK, smashing in the TIMEPIECE's face and disrupting the gears within. The CROC lets out a WHINING SHRIEK, pug-ugly mug turning skyward as STEAM hisses from it's ears and mouth like some kinda... steam... fountain... thingy.


Unfortunately, despite inflicting SERIOUS DAMAGE you also seem to have sent the CROC into OVERTIME! Recovering from it's FREAK-OUT FIT it begins to JAB FURIOUSLY in your direction, forcing you to DANCE LIKE A TROLL-FRED ASTAIRE to avoid being sent over the edge by the FURIOUS BARRAGE!

But wait, what happened to the second CLOCKCROC you ask? It's still there. And while your busy with it's brother, it goes and STABS YOU IN THE GUT. Where this a REAL STABBING instead of a FLARP STABBING it would probably be quite painful. As it is, the SLIGHT ELECTRIC SHOCK you receive is minor enough that you avoid losing your BALANCE, saving you from a FIERY FATE.

Dealt sum damage, took a wound, did it LIKE A CHAMP and didn't fall in the lava.

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is trolling allergicGambler
iC: We already have
iC: Noblesse Oblige, you may thank Us later
iC: Of course, they were not sent to your precise coordinates
iC: You might have to do a bit of walking
iC: We cannot hand you everything on a silver platter

2012-09-06, 04:18 AM
Tassie: Attempt to be patient
You try...

and fail horribly.


The computer was yours, the sense of which you were, suddenly and confidently, certain of. With a terse glare you move up to him to pick him up by the clothes. All in order to dramatically lift him up and hang him on somefin so he couldn't delve into more of your personals. "You can't say you're doing this for the Halibut, I'd gut you now but redecorating the place in the color of your plebeian blood would leave the wrong impression for visitors."
Fighting 11 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3684089/) Edit: GASP a ONE D: Oh... I think that makes that a failure.

((If successful at grabbing and lifting him... Otherwise you can ignore this part))
Edit2: ((it was)
"Ugh, I really should've told you to settle down and not touch anything either. Your Lusus ever teach you how to act in another person's abode? Now, if you act all snoopy, disrespectful of a woman's stuff, or just run for it... I will catch you and I will send you diving into a bellyflop you won't walk away from. Catpeesh?" There was an growing feeling that this investigator would make the front page news after this... by being featured as a recent stain on the pavement.

Yeeeah, she isn't joking. Intimidate 5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3684097/)
Haha Failz.
She seems better at stuff when she doesn't mean to.

2012-09-06, 09:58 AM

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling cumbrousCrux

You subject TASSIE to a particular brand of harshness. You told everyone not to bother you for anything less than life-threatening. Apparently you should have clarified that if they did, you'd threaten their lives.

ANYWAY, you continue onward, your path to victory illuminated by the blue flame of WIN.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-06, 10:43 AM
=====>Make a Deal.
You have NO IDEA how to respond to this situation. You never had to buy anything before, and you don't actually remember if you have any MONEY. You were after all, raised far from troll civilization in a desert and have spent all your life alone, reading books, fighting desert monsters or sparring with your nine-tailed fox lusus. You know FROM BOOKS what this place is, and what you do here….but you aren't actually sure how to proceed. Especially with this many people around. But you do have one idea of how to do it...

You say with your hands held up.
"L3ts b3 rational h3r3! I will acc3pt any gift (it would b3 irrational not too) that you hav3, as long as w3 do it in a calm, ord3rly mann3r. Furth3rmor3, for autographs, I will trad3 autographs for information about Prospit, that blu3 cloudy plan3t abov3 us, and what3v3r oth3r information that is us3ful h3r3. Ar3 w3 cl3ar? You t3ll m3 som3thing us3ful, I sign you an autograph. Hav3 w3 got a d3al? And DON'T stat3 all this information at onc3. Do it on3 at a tim3 in a calm rational mann3r, so that I can r3cord it…."

2012-09-06, 12:48 PM
=====> Yscton: Ride
Yscton will captchalogue the metal carcass of the interloper in his GEAR SHIFT fetch modus. He'll then skulk off to pick out a bike and BURN OFF all this excitement, in the spaces his hive has for JUST SUCH A PURPOSE, until the sun finishes setting. At that point he'll fuel up Zauebaeriera - a name he pronounces as a coughing fit with a "z" - captchalogue his laptop and ride out through the night toward his nearest FLARPER HUB. Even if one of those jokers didn't send this CHILD-TOPPLING MENACE as part of a game, they might know a little more about it. And if not that, then he might be able to present it as a GIFT to Etaoin, if he ends up there.

2012-09-06, 03:13 PM
Gidrim: Abscond
Yeah, OK. You're not winning this fight any time soon. Better just cut your losses and run.

Free Vigor roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3684760/)
Normal Vigor roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3684761/)

Then just gtfo.

lord pringle
2012-09-06, 07:34 PM
=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is trolling allergicGambler
iC: We already have
iC: Noblesse Oblige, you may thank Us later
iC: Of course, they were not sent to your precise coordinates
iC: You might have to do a bit of walking
iC: We cannot hand you everything on a silver platter

imperiousCommand is trolling allergicGambler
AG: Your psiodics cad reach be?
AG: Wait, how far away are we talkig here?
After typing that message you decide to grab your husktop, walk out of the MODEL TARDIS and look out the now yellow tinted windows to see if you can find the tissue box. Notice roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3684989/) plus Ace (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3684990/) plus the third roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3684991/) equals 14, or 2 raises.

2012-09-07, 01:51 AM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan

The DARING INVESTIGATOR squeaks in terror as he's pulled up by the scruff of his TABARD, looking like he's about to cry.

Sorry sorry so sorry. Couldn't help. Exclusive! Whether the DIMINUTIVE IDIOT always speaks like this or only when he's terrified out of his wits remains in doubt, seeing as the POOR SAP always seem to be terrified. Usually of you!

And in the background, your COMPUTER bleeps out an alert that you've just been TROLLED by one of your BUDS.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
The mere act of raising your hands and voice is enough to send the CROWD scuttling backwards, listening with RAPT ATTENTION to your offer. The AWFUL DIN almost returns as you ask if your clear, but your further warning not all to speak at once silences it pre-emptively.

A tick pauses, then one of the TALLER CARAPACIANS steps forward. The blue planet is Skaia. He declares with an almost comedic overdose of solemnity, then proffers a pen and notepad your way. This seems to be the signal for the rest, for no sooner does he step back then another rushes in, only to be replaced by another, then another, single file now but still so fast listening to it all is like swimming upriver.

We're ruled by a queen!
The king is off to battle!
I'm your biggest fan!
The Dersites are building something in the outer reach!
The queen's palace lies upon the main planet!
The shuttles can take you from here to the battle field!
We've all but taken the western front!

Hope Makdan can write as well as he can read, cause that's eight autographs and fast counting.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
The LANDSCAPE turns to a blur as you rev up the engine and let it run wild, the BURNING RED SKIES above, likewise. Every now and then you see SOMETHING FALL ALTERNIAWARDS in the distance, all are too far off for even you to reach. It's only logical. The IMPROBABILITY of two meteors striking within the same radius is SIMPLY ASTRONOMICAL.

Within a few minutes your FLARB CLUBHOUSE rears it's ugly head in the distance, the STUMP of a GRAND TREE you and your palls hollowed out for use as a stronghold, castle, dungeon, whatever JEMDAS' latest MODULE required. But although the lights have been left on, you can see no movement from inside.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
You hit the ground running, dashing between the trees and losing the TRISQUEALER in the DENSELY-PACKED UNDERGROWTH before the dull beast can regain it's bearings. You've a straight shot and not to long a road to home from here, but....

The scent of blood still weighs thick on your senses, overpowering everything else...

Every fiber in your being protests at the thought of fleeing, until it takes all your WILLPOWER to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Then you hear the sound of the TRISQUEALER crashing along after you and the spell is broken, your pace picking up once more. Bloodthirst is one thing, a death-wish another. Right now, BRAINS are a better asset than BRAWN.

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: Tsk tsk
iC: Such assumptions you make
iC: We happen to posses grander tools than psionics
iC: But now We are forced to leave you
iC: Other matters have conspired to occupy Our time.
imperiousCommand has ceased pestering allergicGambler

Peering through the TARDIS window, the first thing that comes to your attention is that the CURSED SUN has finally set. The second is that the sky is STILL BRIGHT CHERRY RED, almost as if it was ON FIRE. And down from the blazing MAELSTROM of light trails A SHOOTING STAR, aimed for a spot in the desert not more than HALF A MILE from your present location.

Nah. It couldn't be.

2012-09-07, 02:15 AM

You rescind your initial idea to hang him by the point of one of the tower's outside. Instead you find a corner of a sturdy piece of furniture ((Maybe the edge of a closet, bookshelf, or even the pillar of a bedframe if she has a canopy... I'm not sure if there is one, >.< If not I'm tying him up with blankets.)) and hook him up so that he's not out of sight causing trouble, "You're going to stay put until I figure out what you've done and this swell of annoyance dies down." You weren't exactly sure what kind of characteristic the DARING INVESTIGATOR was displaying that was swaying your hand from consummately ending his life. Maybe it was flattery for being a seatroll he was willing to risk his wellbeing to INVESTIGATE. Maybe it was that he was DARING enough to challenge said troll despite his obvious fear of her. Or that he was DUMB as the SQUARE STONES you use to make replicas of some of the earth domiciles, and your pity gland was getting overstimulated.

Sliding up to your computer, you peer at it with curiosity. This was certainly an elaborate dream if you were going to make up a whole conversation within it. Or maybe it'd show you something from a past chat...

But for the moment you personally don't think that, you just look at a message from another troll- simple as that.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-07, 02:41 AM
=====> Be the speed recorder. Record ALL The facts!
You think a troll so focused on information cannot take a measly eight sentences in rapid succession!? He simply NINJA WRITES the autographs while NINJA-RECORDING each sentence they say- all the while doing it UNSEEN. The autographs practically appear in their hands. The Way of the Pencil-Ninja is mysterious indeed. Well seven of them. The one the blurted out they were his biggest fan didn't get an autograph nor did they get that fact recorded when seven more useful ones were being written down.
But of course he could not sustain this for long, he simply held up his hands again.
"Ah3m. A littl3 too fast. W3 ar3 in no rush h3r3. Tak3 a br3ath all of you, calm down. Mov3 a littl3 slow3r. I m3an I'v3 only just m3t you all, how important could I possibly b3? I'm only just a guy with a library. I see that the curr3nt d3al doesn't seem fair to my sid3, as your going too fast.
From what I can currently und3rstand, you Prospitians ar3 in the middl3 of a war, judging from your talk of a king going to battle while your queen rul3s. Th3 opposing sid3 is som3plac3 call3d D3rs3. I am som3how important, 3v3n though I've just got h3r3. You all s33m to hold m3 in high r3gard, so I can't b3 a hostag3. I d3duc3, that I am som3how important to your war 3ffort. You have known of my 3xist3nc3 long 3nough to start tr3ating m3 as a c3l3brity. How3v3r, I hav3 n3v3r known of you, and my 3xist3nc3 so far has b33n only what? T3n sw33ps? and I hav3 b33n all alon3 for all that tim3, until now.
So som3how, you hav3 known about m3 b3for3 I'v3 3v3r known about you. Mayb3, for my 3ntir3 life.
So h3r3 is th3 d3al- pray I don't alt3r it any furth3r- for m3 to aid you in your war, I n33d sp3cific information.
1. Dir3ctions to the Qu33ns Palac3.
2. Why ar3 Prospit and Derse fighting 3ach oth3r
3. Why I am important in fighting your war.
The p3rson who can corr3ctly answ3r all thr33 questions slowly and cl3arly 3nough for m3 to r3cord your answ3rs first, will r3c3iv3 a LIMIT3D 3DITION SUP3R-AUTOGRAPH from m3.
The alt3rnativ3 is m3…mayb3 not b3ing able to h3lp you. An ignorant Makdan B3ldin cannot h3lp Prospit and b3 what you all 3xp3ct m3 to b3, can I?"

2012-09-07, 06:37 AM
As hungry as you may be, and as much as the TRISQUEALER might be in your way, you think you'd rather be alive. You just keep on running. When you hear the TRISQUALER giving up pursuit, you make a broad loop back to the clearing to take a look at that meteor.

Science Officer
2012-09-07, 09:44 PM
That devious wizard-nerd! You should have expected no less from Jemdas' final guardians. Strike them and they only become more formidable.
Your EARLIER PLAN to disable your foes regains its appeal.

Dropping the remnants of your sandwich from your off-hand, you once more attempt to retrieve the WHITE POTION from your cluttered sylladex.

-Flip-Top Rotary Communication Device
-5 Neat Looking Rocks
-2 Unidentified Red Potion(s) (FLARP item)
-1 Unidentified White Potion(s) (FLARP item)
-3 Padlocks
-Bag of Gold Coins (FLARP item)
-Grappling Hook (with coil of rope)
-Roughly-Hewn Ivory Statue (FLARP item)

With 11 cards, you have a 1 in ln(12) or ~40% chance of fetching the desired one.
Hey, that's marginally better than last time.

Unfortunately your SYLLADEX spits out the CALTROPS instead. (You really should have put them in a bag or something when you captchalogued them.)

The small area above the pit, which you are forced to share with two increasingly-angry AUTOMATIC ALLIGATORS is now covered in POINTY CALTROPS.


EDIT: edited to add EMPHASIS in places

lord pringle
2012-09-07, 11:36 PM
=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
imperiousCommand is pestering allergicGambler
iC: Tsk tsk
iC: Such assumptions you make
iC: We happen to posses grander tools than psionics
iC: But now We are forced to leave you
iC: Other matters have conspired to occupy Our time.
imperiousCommand has ceased pestering allergicGambler

Peering through the TARDIS window, the first thing that comes to your attention is that the CURSED SUN has finally set. The second is that the sky is STILL BRIGHT CHERRY RED, almost as if it was ON FIRE. And down from the blazing MAELSTROM of light trails A SHOOTING STAR, aimed for a spot in the desert not more than HALF A MILE from your present location.

Nah. It couldn't be.

You gasp with joy. The last time a meteor came, it brought the TALES OF THE HOLY AND GLORIOUS DOCTOR AND HIS MANY COMPANIONS. You capchalog the husktop on a TIME CARD and begin to practice the vital most vital aspect of being a companion: running. In this case you're sprinting outside to the meteor.

2012-09-09, 01:16 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is trolling mazterZorcerer
iC: That everyone does it does not excuse it
iC: Everyone dies too
iC: Do you want to die?
iC: If so, please do remain at your computer tending to your precious clouding duties

mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: "dEath iz az inevitable as a zword zat drawz blood" -Kelar Nedjok
mZ: i Do not fear death, I only wizh to prolong it az long az pozzible
mZ: nOw, tell me about zis great important newz?
mZ: aNd have you forgotten it waz you who wanted me to make thiz zezzion of FLARP? tO hand out the KILLER PRIZEZ?

2012-09-09, 10:29 AM
=====>Yscton will enter the building and find a place to set up his laptop. He'll then attempt to set up the scrap-metal corpse he took with him as a make-shift mirror. He's not having another one of the creepy things get the jump on him.

Finally, he'll try to get a Trollian connection.

2012-09-10, 05:00 AM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan
The DARING INVESTIGATOR goes very quiet, trying not to attract any more RIGHTEOUS WRATH his way as he hangs from the MODEL TROLL-EIFEL TOWER that serves as the north-western post for your bed.

Thankfully, his SNOOPING doesn't seem to have messed up anything important on your SWEET RIG. By the looks of it, all he seems to have done is sent one of your FRIENDS a gibberish TROLLIAN message, the very same FRIEND who is now trolling you back!

cumbrousCrux is pestering sensibleSchizophrenic

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
Naturally, at the promise of a SUPER-SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION AUTOGRAPH the whole crowd starts BABBLING all at once again, but they are quickly silenced once more, this time by an OUTWARDS SOURCE.

Elbowing and shoving his way through the crowd comes the FATTEST CARAPACIAN you've seen yet. If they even have fat. Who knows under those shells? He could simply have been born exceptionally BIG-BONED and ROUND, but in any case, ROUND and LARGE he is, although the latter only in HORIZONTAL REGARDS.

As if the two EXTRAORDINARILY TALL, LEAN and MEAN-LOOKING GUARDS flanking him were not enough indication of the BE-SHELLED BEINGS STATUS, his opulent clothing makes it obvious enough, crossing the line between BRIGHT and GUADY with FLYING COLORS. Perched atop his head is the most RIDICULOUS HAT in the history of EVER, more than making up for his LACK OF HEIGHT and every square inch of it plaster with GEMS and EMBROIDERY.

This TASTELESS NUMBER is quickly removed from it's ALBASTER DOME and then pressed to his chest, as the WEALTHY TRADER bows low to you. Sir Beldin, I, in my official capacity as acting Captain of the Guard, would like to humbly welcome you to our humble city, and stats that I would consider it an honor, nay, a privilege, to escort you to the Queen's Castle and answer any questions you might have personally. A low murmur of discontent and dis-ease runs through the crowd at this, but at the moment, no one dares speak up.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
The CRATER is still smoldering when you circle back around, but you somehow manage to bear the singing of your paddy paws as you DESCEND DOWNWARDS towards GROUND ZERO.

As you draw near, you manage to make out the shape of SOME MANNER OF SPHERICAL OBJECT in the center, although it's precise form is OBSCURED by the copious smoke hanging in the air.

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Off, off across the desert sands you go, beneath a BURNING SKY, your LUSUS squawking something INDISTINCT but VAGUELY CRABBY at you as you speed by.

With the sun dropped low beneath the edge of the sky the journey is easier than it could have been, most of the VICIOUS UNDEAD that roam the WASTES during sun-up gone back to their UNEASY REST. Most, but not all.

As you draw nearer to the POINT OF IMPACT you begin to see specks of teal blood flecked across the ground, growing more and more frequent as you proceed until they merge into a BLOODY TRAIL dragging over the dunes and valleys between. Worse yet, it's QUITE FRESH.

Hope those running boots are in order, cause whatever did this might still be NEARBY.

=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is pestering mazterZorcerer
IC: Had you been paying any attention at all it would already be clear
IC: But as it seems you require Us to spell it out for you
IC: You are about to DIE unless you listen to Us.
IC: More specifically, a meteor will be colliding with your hivestem shortly

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
No REPLY seems to be forthcoming.

Looks like you've been TROLLED.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
Unamused by your continued MODUS SHENANIGANRY, the CLOCKCROKS continue to STAB AWAY! This really isn't as big a PROBLEM as it sounds.

If anything, the fact you've been PRECARIOUSLY BALANCED on this ledge for a solid thirty seconds now and still haven't been PUSHED OFF proves that these MECHANICAL MORONS are even worse at FIGHTING as you are at dealing with your stupid MODUS. Continuing your EVASIVE DANCE to neatly DODGE their attacks is easy enough, except for-

Oh. Oh gog no. The CALTROPS.

Ow ow owow OW ow OUCH yeeow ow yow YOUCH!!!

-1 to further rolls till you yoink those caltrops out!

Also, I swear I did not intend this. The RNG just really seems to hate both sides of this battle. >.<

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
It looks like
cumbrousCrux and sensibleSchizophrenic are online.

Or, if you wish to use their REAL NAMES, Tassie and Irvekt.

Please keep Trollian messages within your own spoiler, I'll handle relaying them. For reasons.

2012-09-10, 05:47 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is pestering mazterZorcerer
IC: Had you been paying any attention at all it would already be clear
IC: But as it seems you require Us to spell it out for you
IC: You are about to DIE unless you listen to Us.
IC: More specifically, a meteor will be colliding with your hivestem shortly

mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: a Meteor.
mZ: rEally?
mZ: yOu aren't even going to be original in your plotz.
mZ: oH well, might az well play. oH no! a Meteor! what do I do! yOu told me to CLOUD thiz FLARP and now a meteor iz coming!!1!!
mZ: aNd I rezent ze implication I am inept at paying attention. yOu mentioned zomezing of grave importance zen refuzed to elaborate.

2012-09-10, 06:11 AM
You roll your eyes at the screen, this wasn't the way you responded to you... even by accident.

To Irveckt:
cumbrousCrux is pestering sensibleSchizophrenic
CC: jeeEEGUS. nooo999 neeEEEED too999 beEE haAARSH too999 meeEEE.
CC: iiII'LL leEET iiiIIT paaAAASS thiiIIIS tiiIIME siiIINCE iiiIITT teeeeCHNICALLY waaAASN'T meEE. heEE'S soo999RRY fooo999R doo999ING iiiIIT.

You turn and give another L99K of DISPLEASEMENT at the INVESTIGATOR, before turning back to your text.

Continue, Yes same guy:
cumbrousCrux is pestering sensibleSchizophrenic
CC: hooooNESTLY? yooo999U muuuUUUST beeEEE clooo999SE to999 theeEE eeeEEND iiiIIF yooo999UUUR ThiiiIIIS uuuUUPTIGHT.
CC: Since this is a dream I can say what I want. And what I want to say... is you're A JERK. It feels like my "Friends" all ignore me half the time with that FLARPING stuff, and all like being self-centered pricks.
CC: Do you even share your winnings anymore? When I wake up, I'm soo999 snubbing you when I'm up.
CC: glaaaAAAD tooo999 haaaAAVE thaaaAAT offFFF mmmmYYY giiiiIILLLS. theeeeEERAPY iiiIIIN beeEEEED. veeEEERY unpriiiIINCESSLY, buuuUUUT yoo999U dooo999N'T caaaAAARE.
CC:seeEEING aaAASS yooo999U diiIIDN'T eeeEEVN greeEET meeEEE wiiiITH a SCRAP ooo999F reeEESPECT.
CC: aaaAAS A FRIENEMY noo999R aaaAAS mmmmYYY prooo999PER cooo999LOR (thaaAATS ooo999kay, iiiIII'M noo999T iiIIN theeEE moo999D fooo999R heeeemoooo999TYPING).

Ahaha. 38] You kind of wonder what the real SS would react... Though if "he" doesn't, then you know your IMAGINATION is kind of P99TING 9UT on you. "Tell me about yourself" you practically askorder the DARING INVESTIGATOR. Wasn't like you couldn't listen and type at the same time.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-10, 09:13 AM
OOC: psst, Thirdemp, you messed up my spoiler. now everyone knows where I am. you might as well start reading my previous posts now guys.


Makdan raises an eyebrow. Well….

…That was convenient. you were hoping that your trip to palace would be more CLEVER and NINJA-LIKE, but this works too.
"V3ry w3ll. I am hon3stly som3what confus3d by my sudd3n arrival mys3lf. I appr3ciat3 your h3lp."
you follow the Carapacian Captain (you are just going to mentally call him "CC" from now on) to wherever he goes, completely ignoring the other Prospitians around you now that you have found a better source of information.
"Ok, I know that you ar3 at war with D3rs3. I know th3y ar3 building….som3thing. My qu3stions ar3: wh3r3 do I fit in to all this? Why ar3 you Prospitians going crazy ov3r m3? I am not from your plan3t. I do not s33m to r3lat3 to any of this. How am I possibly of any not3 to you, asid3 from b3ing this floating ali3n curiosity? Non3 of this hon3stly mak3s much s3ns3 to m3…"
Needless to stay, you stand ready to record as always.

2012-09-10, 12:18 PM
OOC: Lord Raziere, I haven't read that last entry - I just scrolled past it. I'm sure anyone who did read it is going to avoid metagaming as much as possible, so just let Third sort it out and don't encourage people to look inside one another's spoilers before the issue is fixed.

=====>reverendCounter began trolling cumbrousCrux
rC: s=dweller w=ld you happen to rrRecall anything arrR=nd the subject of a scrrRapmetal rrRobot...
rC: i have a specimen here at the flarrRp hub rrReady to be rrRecycled...
rC: the rrRuff=n having rrRENDED A HOLE IN MY HIVE WALL!!!
rC: = = =
rC: might y=rrR memorrRy hold any shrrRed of knowledge on that...

reverendCounter began trolling sensibleSchizophrenic
rC: what do y= rrRecollect on the theme of a rrRusty rrRobotic marrR=der...
rC: i have a d=d one at the flarrRp hub...
rC: = = =
rC: any inforrRmat=n y= might have w=ld be apprrRec=ted...
I thought it was a bit odd that no-one was mentioning trollian, so I erred on the side of caution. Apparently with good cause.

2012-09-10, 03:25 PM
>Gidrim: Approach
You cautiously descend into the crater to get a better look at the spherical object.

2012-09-10, 07:02 PM
You sigh. This was to be expected from HIGHER HEMOCASTES. They just expect you to take anything they decide to hand out. But you're tired and not in the mood for crap from anytroll. You follow the path that the AZURE FIRE that illuminates the cavernous hall.

lord pringle
2012-09-10, 09:58 PM
=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Off, off across the desert sands you go, beneath a BURNING SKY, your LUSUS squawking something INDISTINCT but VAGUELY CRABBY at you as you speed by.

With the sun dropped low beneath the edge of the sky the journey is easier than it could have been, most of the VICIOUS UNDEAD that roam the WASTES during sun-up gone back to their UNEASY REST. Most, but not all.

As you draw nearer to the POINT OF IMPACT you begin to see specks of teal blood flecked across the ground, growing more and more frequent as you proceed until they merge into a BLOODY TRAIL dragging over the dunes and valleys between. Worse yet, it's QUITE FRESH.

Hope those running boots are in order, cause whatever did this might still be NEARBY.

You grab your dice and walk more cautiously. You aren't even trying to be stealthy, because now that you're outside you're sneezing like every five seconds.

Science Officer
2012-09-11, 01:13 PM
That cage better get here soon. Deciding that DIRECT COMBAT may yet prove the most efficient means of dispatching your opposition, you raise your FOAM-FLANGED FLARP-FLAIL and swing it at the offending FLAPSTRACTION.

You miss and HIT YOURSELF, idiot. The impact doesn't hurt much, but the powerful electric shock across your face rather smarts.

You sigh and wait for the cloud to report the damage. Seems your character, VEGNOR BITTAKER, has wounded himself and is SOMEWHAT DAZED. You try to look for that blasted, GILDED CAGE, but the cloud reports that your character can't see for the blood in his eyes.

Today is a great day.

EDIT: Forgot that the 'F' in FLARP stands for "Face-contorting electric shocks"

2012-09-13, 05:41 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is pestering mazterZorcerer
IC: The announcement that We had important news, coupled with the query on whether you wished to die, was more than enough information for you to extrapolate from
IC: Your failure to do so is not Our problem
IC: Nor is the supposed unoriginality of your impending doom
IC: Although We would point out that before you go attacking the threads of anothers tale, you should look more closely at your own
IC: The plot of this FLARP module you've worked up to distribute Our treasure is flimsy at best.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Me? Me. I'mma journalist investigator for Derse Daily. Won prize. Very famous. Doing story on dreamers, personality profile, fluff piece. Big winner with readers. Well that's somewhat better than his previous terrified babbling, although still terrified and babbl-y.

Can I get down now?

And hey, here's ANOTHER FRIEND trying to TROLL you. Well, another FIGMENT OF YOUR DREAMS. But still!

reverendCounter is trolling cumbrousCrux
rC: s=dweller w=ld you happen to rrRecall anything arrR=nd the subject of a scrrRapmetal rrRobot...
rC: i have a specimen here at the flarrRp hub rrReady to be rrRecycled...
rC: the rrRuff=n having rrRENDED A HOLE IN MY HIVE WALL!!!
rC: = = =
rC: might y=rrR memorrRy hold any shrrRed of knowledge on that...

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
Oh, yes, the war with Derse. Terriblething, terrible tragedy, really a shame. Hooking his SAUSAGIAN FINGERS on the hem of his ostentatious robes, the WEALTHY MERCHANT-slash-CARAPACIAN CAPTAIN leads the way down the market road and towards a long bridge stretching out over the seemingly ENDLESS FALL, his HIRED MUSCLE keeping the crowd from following via some very THREATENING LOOKS.

It's a tragic conflict really. Here we are, practically brothers, yet fighting over mere triviality. And now we've gone and dragged you and yours into it. What a pity, what a shame. You really don't want to be a part of it all. No good can come from all this dreadful business.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
It appears to be a TROLL-MADE device of some kind, a PERFECTLY SPHERICAL ORB of solid metal still glowing orange with heat from it's METEORIC DESCENT. This glow makes quite visible the INSIGNIA stamped on it's side, that of an UPSIDE DOWN PENTAGON, a CROWN within, bristling on all sides with TOWERS.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
The rough medley of dirt and rocks beneath your feet gives way to smoothed stone as you progress down the tunnel, then to cold marble as you leave it, stepping out into an ENORMOUS CAVERN even larger than the one you've just left. Below looms a GUT-CHURNING DROP ending in a lake of LOVINGLY-RENDERED MAGMA, the simulated heat pouring up from the boiling mix enough to bring sweat rolling down your brow.

Ahead the BRIDGE connects to a CENTRAL PLATFORM suspended above the FIERY LAKE by thick chains, ringing by GOLDEN SNAKE STATUES belching forth yet more molten rock. The PLATFORM is in the SHAPE OF A RING, the GOLDEN CAGE holding your PRIZE steadily descending down from the ceiling above down towards the SACRIFICAL PIT in the center. And it is on the very lip of this PERILOUS DROP that you espy ETAOIN, fighting to keep his BALANCE and locked in MORTAL STRUGGLE with a pair of CLOCKWORK CROCODILE MEN intent on forcing him back into the LAVA.

He's also apparently in a MORTAL STRUGGLE with his OWN ARMS too, 'cause he just smacked himself in the face with a flail.

The grand effect of all this is SOMEWHAT MARRED by your COMPUTER-DEVICE letting out another EAR-SPLITTING BEEP to inform you that Tassie's finally gotten around to replying.

cumbrousCrux is pestering sensibleSchizophrenic
CC: jeeEEGUS. nooo999 neeEEEED too999 beEE haAARSH too999 meeEEE.
CC: iiII'LL leEET iiiIIT paaAAASS thiiIIIS tiiIIME siiIINCE iiiIITT teeeeCHNICALLY waaAASN'T meEE. heEE'S soo999RRY fooo999R doo999ING iiiIIT.
CC: hooooNESTLY? yooo999U muuuUUUST beeEEE clooo999SE to999 theeEE eeeEEND iiiIIF yooo999UUUR ThiiiIIIS uuuUUPTIGHT.
CC: Since this is a dream I can say what I want. And what I want to say... is you're A JERK. It feels like my "Friends" all ignore me half the time with that FLARPING stuff, and all like being self-centered pricks.
CC: Do you even share your winnings anymore? When I wake up, I'm soo999 snubbing you when I'm up.
CC: glaaaAAAD tooo999 haaaAAVE thaaaAAT offFFF mmmmYYY giiiiIILLLS. theeeeEERAPY iiiIIIN beeEEEED. veeEEERY unpriiiIINCESSLY, buuuUUUT yoo999U dooo999N'T caaaAAARE.
CC:seeEEING aaAASS yooo999U diiIIDN'T eeeEEVN greeEET meeEEE wiiiITH a SCRAP ooo999F reeEESPECT.
CC: aaaAAS A FRIENEMY noo999R aaaAAS mmmmYYY prooo999PER cooo999LOR (thaaAATS ooo999kay, iiiIII'M noo999T iiIIN theeEE moo999D fooo999R heeeemoooo999TYPING).

Oh, and Yscton too apparently.

reverendCounter is pestering sensibleSchizophrenic
rC: what do y= rrRecollect on the theme of a rrRusty rrRobotic marrR=der...
rC: i have a d=d one at the flarrRp hub...
rC: = = =
rC: any inforrRmat=n y= might have w=ld be apprrRec=ted...

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
It's not hard to find the CRASH SITE. If FOLLOWING THE BLOOD TRAIL didn't make it easy enough, the TOWERING PILLAR OF STEAM rising up from where the METEOR landed can be seen for miles, rising up on he flat desert horizon like a MOUNTAINOUS CLOUD.

Where the FALLING STAR touched the earth, the sand has been FUSED into GLASS by the sheer heat and force of the impact, A MOLTEN SCAR left upon the earth. The sturdy cacti all around have been uprooted and thrown aside like bowling pins, else fried to a cinder, the crispy UNDEAD REMAINS scattered about suggesting that it STRUCK A HIVE of the foul beasts.

The BLOOD TRAIL dips down over the edge of the crater, continuing down for as far as you can see from your present vantage point.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
Your THING FINDER informs you in a SERIES OF LOUD BLEEPS that the GOLDEN CAGE is almost level to the platform you stand on now, with perhaps FIFTEEN or TWENTY SECONDS before it dips into the LAVA BELOW.

Sorry for the short post, didn't think checking your thing-finder merited a full round of combat.

2012-09-13, 06:01 AM
mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: wHat iz wrong wiz ze plot? Go zere, get zis iz ze entire zing. wEll, except for ze zubplotz and zidequeztz.
mZ: bUt enough about my plot. tEll me how I muzt play your metagame. tO ztop ze 'meteor'.
mZ: i Gazer it would require me to ztop watching ze FLARP or you would not have interrupted me.

2012-09-13, 08:23 AM
What's with this weird symbol? You try to think of what it might mean...
Rolling Knowledge (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3693495/), even though there is basically no chance of success.

2012-09-13, 12:22 PM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Me? Me. I'mma journalist investigator for Derse Daily. Won prize. Very famous. Doing story on dreamers, personality profile, fluff piece. Big winner with readers. Well that's somewhat better than his previous terrified babbling, although still terrified and babbl-y.

Can I get down now?

"Juuuuust... a moment. You have to learn a lesson first. Usually I'm not all that preachy, but you could've been krilled. And not by accident. I donno if any of these 'dreamers' your talking about are other trolls, like me- but we usually don't like strange visitors looking at our respiteblocks. Useally our Lusus keep other trolls away when we're asleep but if another troll is hovering over you when you wake up- it generally means your lusus is dead and the invader is going to Krill you next. Its Kill or be Culled out there." You give him a moment to mullet over and took that time to answer your chat message.

reverendCounter is trolling cumbrousCrux
rC: s=dweller w=ld you happen to rrRecall anything arrR=nd the subject of a scrrRapmetal rrRobot...
rC: i have a specimen here at the flarrRp hub rrReady to be rrRecycled...
rC: the rrRuff=n having rrRENDED A HOLE IN MY HIVE WALL!!!
rC: = = =
rC: might y=rrR memorrRy hold any shrrRed of knowledge on that...

Huh... That, was unexpected. rC calling Y9U up on robots! 38D What a silly dream sequence this was!

cumbrousCrux is trolling reverendCounter
CC: nooo999T reeEEELLY, cooo999LD yoo999UUU beeEEE mooo999REEE speeeEEECIIIFIIIC?

You channeled a bit of TROLLCOPS in that one- nooo waaay you'd sound this smart on the fly. But again, in dreamland, you can act as smart as you want to.

You turn around and sit up to get the DI down from your bedpost, "I didn't want to be demeaning of you like that." You blush, "Besides seeing a stranger in a strange place, I'm in my pajamas..." Uhhmb >.< Bluh, this was hard... Reeell hard *guh* you know you don't have to ask nicely for favors. But. Its... The Right? Thing.... to do? "I'm a princess." Less abrasive! C'mon, "And, even if that paper has a teeny tiniest chance of reaching their eyes- I can't let them know about my Nicer... softer side... or else I'm in trouble. So please- you can say I viciously attacked you- I crushed your spirit- or whatever. Just don't say I helped you."

There was nothing too exciting about letting him down, and setting him on her bed. You cough and move onto another subject, "So whats up with 'dreamers' that sleep here being such a big deal to write about?

Lord Raziere
2012-09-13, 12:46 PM

"Y3s, but why?" Why hav3 you dragg3d m3 and…what3v3r this "and yours" is….into this war with D3rs3? Sur3 y3s trag3dy what3v3r, but th3r3 has to b3 a r3ason why y3s? 3v3n if its on3 of thos3 stupid r3asons lik3….I don't know….l3ts s33 if I can find som3thing suitably stupid umm…..oh right, lik3 b3li3ving I'm on3 of thos3 proph3si3d h3ro3s from som3 bad fantasy nov3l who had som3 humbl3 b3ginning lik3 b3ing a farm boy or som3thing, whos3 arrival has b33n for3told for som3 tim3, and now you all 3xp3ct m3 to do th3s3 3pic things that will go down in l3g3nd! Wouldn't THAT b3 idiotic? I m3an who b3li3v3s such things? Pr3dicting or s33ing th3 futur3 is impossible aft3r all with it b3ing sup3rnatural, so any proph3cy would b3 at b3st a shot in th3 dark, an 3ducat3d gu3ss with no r3al accuracy."
He chuckled at this.
"But s3riously, what is th3 r3ason your dragging m3 into this?"
Ah, science. Making people able to accept that your walking among white carapaced aliens on a planet of gold, yet still deny that seeing the future could ever be possible at the same time, truly a work of art upon perception from this noble practice.

Science Officer
2012-09-14, 04:02 PM
Well that's good news at least. As soon as Vegnor can act again, you're going to take a standing leap and pounce on that cage.

The Cloud reports that your character has recovered and can act next round. Now to weather the blows of these two lug-heads until then...

2012-09-14, 04:18 PM
GASP. You somehow let ETAOIN get to the TREASURE ROOM first. Such an act is unforgivable to a PSIONIC PLUNDERERER as yourself. It seems as though your opponent could use some assistance of a POWERFUL EXPLORER such as YOURSELF. Or you could take the treasure and ABSCOND with it as would be easier. The second one sounds better. But the first one is more heroic...

You decide to steal the treasure first and then help your POOR FRIEND. As it is the best thing to do on all sides! Well, the ones that matter in FLARP. You use your TELEKINETIC PROWESS to pull the GILDED CAGE off the chain and to yourself. Or, you try at least try to.

I rolled (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3695223/) a sucess... But I don't know if it's enough to pull it off the chain.

lord pringle
2012-09-14, 05:32 PM
=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
It's not hard to find the CRASH SITE. If FOLLOWING THE BLOOD TRAIL didn't make it easy enough, the TOWERING PILLAR OF STEAM rising up from where the METEOR landed can be seen for miles, rising up on he flat desert horizon like a MOUNTAINOUS CLOUD.

Where the FALLING STAR touched the earth, the sand has been FUSED into GLASS by the sheer heat and force of the impact, A MOLTEN SCAR left upon the earth. The sturdy cacti all around have been uprooted and thrown aside like bowling pins, else fried to a cinder, the crispy UNDEAD REMAINS scattered about suggesting that it STRUCK A HIVE of the foul beasts.

The BLOOD TRAIL dips down over the edge of the crater, continuing down for as far as you can see from your present vantage point.

Pallar descends into the crater while still looking around him.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-16, 04:32 PM
In the Past...

--->trinityElectrifier opened a memo. (anyone can join)

TE: Hello, pieces of data.
TE: Why are you typing in colors, with such rampant misspellings and grammatical errors?
TE: This confuses me.
TE: It seems to serve no purpose that I can ascertain.
TE: From my observances, you all seem to be a new form of information.
TE: An evolution if you will, over the books that have already been recorded, and the various other information found online that will not captured yet within books, are still easily recorded so that it does not free.
TE: You update yourselves incredibly fast, and even seem to escape from my books easily. I ask you, pieces of data: explain how you do update yourselves like this, how do you escape from the books, where you belong?

2012-09-16, 05:09 PM
=====> Got to the past

mazterZorceror is typing in the memo
mZ: Greetingz trinityElectrifier
mZ: i Am not information dude, I am Jemdaz Kitlec, Blueblooded Troll.
mZ: wHat makez you zink I am a piece of changing information rather zan another form of you?

Lord Raziere
2012-09-16, 06:37 PM


TE: Impossible. You cannot be me. Me comes from inside my head, Not outside.
TE: Furthermore, all that I have observed in my world- has been visual information upon a flat surface. I have observed myself of course, but I am a unique construct of the universe. I have observed nothing else in all the world that is similar to me.
TE: I have labeled myself "Makdan Beldin" for purposes of ownership and to make sure there is no confusion as to what I am.
TE: However, the reason why I think your information, is because honestly I have read many books similar to your style of speaking- namely books that label themselves journals, speak in a first person tone and call themselves various labels that make no sense- "Redglare", "The Sufferer" "The Mindfang"
and so on and so forth. Only they are static. Stories that stay frozen in time, captured in the pages.
TE: however you, seem narrate yourselves in a similar manner- you have already labeled yourself "Jemdas Kitlec" but you seem to update yourself. Even as I record your responses in my journal, you seem to update yourself more and escape from my journal despite my journal having recorded you. somehow you can escape, somehow you cannot be frozen in time by books.
TE: My current working theory is that therefore, you have evolved from books, or the information contained in books. You still have similarities of course. For some reason all the information is focused on the subject of Trolls. Whether this is informational inheritance, coincidence or just how Troll information behaves, I do not know yet.
TE: However the strangest part, is that you have somehow evolved in a way where you blatantly misspell things and type in strange colors- already you show this by typing with "z"'s instead of s's, while typing in blue. This confuses me, as none of the books are filled with such colored misspelled information
TE: Therefore, I repeat: Why do you communicate like this? It does not seem to serve any logical or evolutionary purpose. Furthermore I am confused as to why such pieces of information refer to blood when they have none. Perhaps they think the color that makes up their text, their blood?
TE: or perhaps, you are not aware that you are sentient text, and are actually some form of self-narrating story, that thinks its a troll, whatever that is? None of the more story-centric books seemed to be aware that they were books and information either, claiming to be various people doing fictional things.
TE: But enough, I repeat: inform me why your text is blue and misspelled. I'm curious as to why you communicate like this.

Science Officer
2012-09-16, 07:13 PM
Be Past-Etaion:

--->plagueHoarder is typing in the memo:

PH: so how did you get this address
PH: who are you & what do you desire
PH: oh I guess you said you were askig who we were
PH: we like erry1 who reads this
PH: well I type with this kolor 'kause thats the kolor of the plood I have
PH: ^flip that 'p' upside dow
PH: & I type this way 'kause there are keys this keypad has & there are keys it lakks
PH: so i hae to spell thikks stragely or use differet words if I lakk the key
PH: why should I tell you this who are you

2012-09-16, 07:50 PM
=====> Debate Philosophy in the past

mazterZorceror is trolling the memo
mZ: wHich iz more likely. zAt you and you alone are ze only 3D creature zurrounded by information
mZ: oR zat you are not completely unique in your 3D-nezz and I am anozer type of you named Jemdaz and we communicate through wordz.
mZ: bEcauze zink of it like zis: hOw do you appear to me?
mZ: yOu input wordz onto ze internet to be tranzmitted to me and read off ze zcreen like a book.
mZ: aLzo: hAve you ever cut yourzelf and bled a colour? zAt iz your blood. mIne is blue and so I write in blue to denote zat to the information which zeemz to clazzify ozer information by that type.
mZ: zE typing quirk iz a tribute to my favourite Auzor (the beingz zaid to have made the bookz you find information inzide. yOu are the auzor of ze journalz you trap information inside). hE replacez "s" and "th" with "z" and zo I do too.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-16, 08:29 PM

TE:….That is a possibility….but unfortunately there is no proof of that.
TE: I am a scientist. Claims, must be back up by evidence. You could be another person on another screen…but its also a possibility, that the universe is smaller than I have been lead to believe by my books. That it had only enough energy to create me as a 3-D sentient being, my lusus and various pieces of information? After all I cannot trust everything that I have been told by my books. Often, information is contradictory, tells various different stories, some information is fictional, some not, and only through testing and observation have I proven that certain physical phenomena from my science textbooks are real.
TE: However, despite all this information, there is no book that tells me who I am. Why I do not know. The books have information one everything, why do they not have information on me?
TE: However you both do raise a good point: I do not know what blood I bleed. I know of your blood castes, but not if I am myself a troll. Lets test this…

Makdan uses his pencil to pierce his thumb, its bleeds jade

TE: I seem to bleed jade. I changed my text color so that it would be comfortable to your sensibilities. I do not believe this proves me a troll however. It is possible that I am simply something very similar to a troll.
TE: The text color now seems to make more sense at least.
TE: plaguehoarder I shall repeat: I have labeled myself "Makdan Beldin" for purposes of ownership and to avoid confusion between myself and other things.
TE: So yes, Jemdaz, it is very possible that you are another troll, given certain assumptions about how the universe works. However, I cannot assume that the universe works in a way that would allow that. So far, I have merely proven that universe works in a way that allows me, this library, my lusus, this computer and all the information on it, and the surrounding desert to exist.
TE: So that is all I can assume the universe allows to work for, see?
TE: Besides, I have read that trolls are nocturnal due to the detrimental effects of your sun upon trolls while I have gone out in the middle of the day without any harmful effects whatsoever, further casting doubt on whether I am a troll or not- or whether trolls exist at all! They could easily be just as fictional as all the other story-books.
TE: and finally, I have science books that speak of virtual reality. You might be a program inside a virtual world, programmed to think that you are a troll, inside a virtual troll society of other fake virtual trolls.
TE: Certainty is not a luxury for a scientist.

2012-09-16, 08:44 PM
=====> In the past

mazterZorceror is trolling the memo
mZ: pErhapz ze information in your bookz iz created from a previouz univerze? oNe zat zis univerze is bazed on.
mZ: zE energy needed to create all ze physical lawz and information expended mozt of ze initial energy leaving you all alone with some zlight changez to ze template to conzerve energy?
mZ: zEn az ze energy tricklez in from ze dying former univerze ze world expanded and created ze rezt of uz.
mZ: zO you are not Troll but Not-Quite-Troll zat have zubtly different phyziology zuz explaining your weird zun-abzorbing zkin.

Science Officer
2012-09-16, 09:27 PM
---> In the past:

plagueHoarder is trolling the memo

PH: Pheugh
PH: you two talkig of the uhiwerse & ehergy
PH: you said thigs egsist 'kause you see those thigs
PH: & you are uhsure of other thigs 'kause you kaht haweht hewer
PH: 'kause the opposite of already see those thigs
PH: solutio: esplore see other thigs
PH: if you trust your eyes that is the solutio
PH: look I'd like hate to talk all day of a prioris & a posterioris
PH: howewer this keypad lakks the wokapulary for philosophikal depate

2012-09-16, 09:28 PM
=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
cumbrousCrux is trolling reverendCounter
CC: nooo999T reeEEELLY, cooo999LD yoo999UUU beeEEE mooo999REEE speeeEEECIIIFIIIC?

=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is pestering mazterZorcerer
iC: Precisely
iC: It is simplistic to the point of idiocy
iC: Sad for you then, that your own situation is equally simple
iC: There is no stopping the meteor
iC: You must gather what you can and escape
iC: Within the next, oh, fourty, fifty seconds

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Oh! Yes yes, mean vicious terrible warlady, that's you! The DARING INVESTIGATOR concurs, nodding so vigorously in his eagerness to avoid being krilled that he nearly slips and tumbles from his perch.

Maybe if I answer your questions, you'll give me an interview? And let me down?"

=====> Be Gidrim Oronot
You have NO CLUE. You have NO CLUES AT ALL.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
The WEALTHY MERCHANT tosses back his head and laughs, a deep belly-laugh that has him shaking head to toe with MIRTH. "Oh! Oh yes, that would be quite the jape, wouldn't it?"

And then the SAP collides with your skull, a million tiny sparks of PAIN blooming into existence and dancing before your eyes. Barely an instant later the second BODYGUARD joins in, MAKESHIFT BLUDGEON colliding with your GUT and chasing the air from your lungs in a SPUTTERING COUGH that nearly has you hurling from PAIN.

The WILLY TURNCOAT simply smirks an ABOMINABLE, HORRIBLY SMUG SMIRK as his THUGS continue to BEAT THE EVERLOVING STUFFING out of you, the DISHONORABLE CADS not even giving you time to regain your footing, like any proper gentleman would.

Shaken and a wound. Shame Madkan's VISION THREEFOLD cannot see what evil lurks in the heart of men carapacians.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
Try as you might, the THEORETICAL DICE are simply NOT IN YOUR FAVOR this round. One, two, the OVERCLOCKED CLOCK-CROC's attacks come to no avail, but once again it's companion's AIM proves TRUE and a spear strikes your leg, the SHOCK nearly taking it out from under you.


As your turn ROLLS around, the DICE are also ROLLING, this time, in your favor. With a MIGHTY LEAP you clear the edge of the pit, slamming into the GOLDEN CAGE and grabbing into it for all you're worth. Good that you did, for a second later it LURCHES VIOLENTLY, even more so than when you collided with it, an UNSEEN FORCE pulling it to the end of it's chain.

A glance towards the FAR ENTRANCE confirms the WORST.

IRVEKT's caught up.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
Putting your MAGNIFICENT THINKPAN to work, you seize hold of the GOLDEN CAGE with your TELEKINETIC POWER and pull it towards you.

But just as you do, ETAOIN turns and LEAPS, grabbing onto the cage as you pull it across the PIT. Whether it's due to the ADDED WEIGHT or simply a BAD ROLL you manage to pull it to the OPPOSITE EDGE of the LAVA POOL and no further, the CHAIN stopping you there.

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Your feet sink into the MOLTEN GLASS and the sheer heat rising up BURNS them terribly, even through your SHOES. The place is an INFERNO, a PIT OF FIRE fit for occupation by even the FOULEST DEMON, a WITCH'S CAULDRON stirred up with the most WICKED OF BREWS.

And lurking at the bottom is the beast which left the bloodtrail here, the RESIDENT DEMON. Not an undead but a BEAST so ferocious it prays upon them, the CORPSE CRAB, it's shell composed of a hundred ROTTING CORPSES impaled on wickedly sharp SPINES, all that remains of it's MANY VICTIMS.

And clenched in one TERRIBLE PINCER it holds what could only be the METEOR you SEEK, a ball of iron still glowing WHITE-HOT from it's descent.

2012-09-16, 09:39 PM
=====> Return to the present to deal with the Meteor

mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: nO time to wazte zen.
mZ: wHat do I need?

Lord Raziere
2012-09-16, 09:49 PM

TE: That is a strange theory, but then we can't make any assumptions about the universe, so I guess that is a good a guess as any.
TE: Keep in mind that the virtual reality might be possible for me as well.
TE: As for the authors of said books….well it is also possible that someone else can do things that I can do I guess….
TE: It would make a lot of sense if they have the same intelligence and appendages and so on and so forth…
TE: So yes, what you speak of, makes sense assuming certain parameters are in place about the world. However until I actually meet a troll or prove that these parameters about the universe are in place, I cannot really prove that I am a troll myself. Is it not ironic that the only way to discover oneself is through the discovery of everything else? If nothing exists, you might as well be nothing as well.
TE: Speaking of this typing quirk you speak of, if it makes you more comfortable I shall also adopt that in the interest of good relations with the data I consider the most fascinating and interesting of all. Your constant updates are more interesting than the static books after all, and I can actually discuss thing with you.
TE: Books don't answer back after all.
TE: I shall r3plac3 all my "e"s with "3"s, is that acc3ptabl3?

=====> Strife!
The First thing you do is try to get into the air, for the aerial advantage, obviously, they can't kill you if your out of range of their weapons.

Assuming you do that successfully, you equip your THIRD EYE GOGGLES to see their physical weaknesses, then throw a pencil LIKE A NINJA at the merchants bodyguard.

OOC: ok, how do we do the rolling thing here?

2012-09-16, 09:57 PM
mazterZorceror is typing in the memo
mZ: zAt zounds like a good quirk. i Hope you have fun wiz it and in dizcovering ze univerze and it'z rulez and originz.

2012-09-17, 12:10 AM
=====> Be Current Irveckt Dirmin
You GROWL at the PITIFUL WORM with his GRUBBY MITTS all over the PRECIOUS TREASURE. Normally, you wouldn't be so TERRIBLY ANGRY about EVERYTHING EVER. But you're tired, dirty, and fairly certain that THEY have been watching you for the last couple of hours and MORE LIZARDS. " 0_o Release my treasure you MINISCULE MISCREANT! Your PUNY STATURE could never handle its MAGNIFICENT AWESOMENESS. 0_o" You pull on the cage more, trying to shake him loose. "0_o Plus if you don't, I'll just dunk you into the lava and the treasure is mine anyway. 0_o"

You push the cage, and the attached troll, over to the other side of the pit. The side where the AUTOMATED AGGRESSORS still were. He made a memo to himself to get back to Tassie and Yscton after he was done with the FLARP session.

I don't think I need to make another roll, but tell me if I do.

=====> Be Past Irveckt Dirmin
sensibleSchizophrenic is typing in the memo
SS: 0_o What is this madness now?
SS: A troll who is telling us he doesn't think he's a troll because he's never seen another troll?
SS: What, you never were a grub?
SS: What do THEY want now?
SS: Couldn't settle for THEIR usual methods of information collection?
SS: Don't make me find you and force the information out of you.
SS: I will, and THEY won't be able to stop me this time.
SS: ...
SS: ......
SS: ..................
SS: We could just be dealing with an idiot.
SS: I mean, who doesn't even know their own hemocaste? 0_o

Lord Raziere
2012-09-17, 12:44 AM

TE: 1. Your t3xt is annoying.
TE: 2. You call3d m3 an idiot.
TE: 3. You sound unr3asonably paranoid.
TE: Alr3ady, w3 ar3 not on good t3rms, Schizo. Might I sugg3st you tak3 a st3p back, b3for3 w3 g3t off on th3 wrong foot?
TE: And for your information, I hav3 no such m3mori3s. Who would possibly r3m3mb3r such young days? My 3arli3st m3mori3s ar3 of my lusus bringing m3 to what you trolls call a hiv3, or my library. It was not built by my own hands like you trolls do. It was for som3 strang3 r3ason, alr3ady th3r3. I do not know who built it.
TE: and I have n3v3r actually 3xp3ri3nc3d your soci3ty, if it 3xists. I hav3 only r3ad it in books. Out h3r3, I am alon3.
TE: My h3mocast3 by your trollish r3ckoning is Jad3-Blood3d, if I am ind33d a troll.
TE: I am mor3 conc3rn3d about your paranoia, Schizo. Th3r3 is no on3 out to g3t you. If th3y w3r3, wouldn't th3y alr3ady hav3 gott3n you?
TE: Furth3rmor3, who is…"Th3y"? What p3opl3 do you sp3ak of? P3rhaps if you d3scrib3 th3m, you can mak3 som3 progr3ss towards th3ir d3f3at by t3lling us what w3 can do to stop th3m and you can liv3 in p3ac3….

2012-09-17, 12:59 AM
=====> The Past

mazterZorceror is writing in the memo
mZ: dOn't argue wiz ze deluzional infopackz.
mZ: yOu won't win. iT'z like trying to make a POTION OF ZMARTY-PANTZ without any HORNED QUADREPEDAL milk.
mZ: zE goat milk iz ze main ingredient, and ze ability to zink rationally about zreatz iz ze firzt key into changing zeir mindz

2012-09-17, 01:40 AM
=====> Be Past Irveckt Dirmin Some More
sensibleSchizophrenic is typing in the memo
SS: 0_o 1. I am not delusional Jemdas
SS: 2. My text color is the glorious gold color of by blood. It looks the nicest if I say so myself. And I do
SS: 3. I am perfectly, reasonably paranoid. You just all seem to think it's nuts to see the conspiracy
SS: So, you have a LUSUS, JADE blood and I'm going to go on a limb and say you have horns too
SS: You're a troll, dude
SS: As for why THEY have not gotten me, my LUSUS protects me
SS: It eats anyone who tries to come and get me
SS: That's why I never have to feed it
SS: And believe me, THEY are out there
SS: They use trolls like you to suck information out of me
SS: But I've seen the signs, the methods.
SS: You may not remember being a grub, but I certainly do 0_o

2012-09-17, 01:58 AM
You feel all kinds of silly. The bluh bluh, this is dumb kind. Didn't have to ask, its still obvious that you scared the clams out of him. Though he wasn't much smarter, already offering you a deal you'd suggested earlier. "Yeah, the trip up wasn't nice was it? I doubt you want the one down to be several times worse." 38/ Rather dark of you at this point to imagine maiming him in such a way or another to give credence to your terrible warlady story. Probably an aftereffect of having your last question being missed- again another bad habit- shouldn't get upset if the reason for why a question wasn't answered was because you made him flip the f*** out.

"So first would be... where is this place? And why are you risking your life to interview me?"

2012-09-17, 03:49 AM
=====>rC: the rrRuff=n b=rrRs a currR=us marrRking upon its torrRso...
rC: two towerrRs s=ted on a pentagon p=nt down...
rC: know y= =ght of this...

Past reverendCounter has begun typing in the memo:rC: if ind=d y= be a trrRoll trrRinity y= arrRe well advised to prrRactice hemotyping...
rC: i am cerrRt=n y= have r=d that bl=d caste is a key signif=r of posit=n in trrRoll soc=ty...
rC: even if that soc=ty be obserrRved thr=gh the interrRnet singularrRly...
rC: wherrRe is y=r librrRarrRy abode might i inquire...
rC: i have neverrR come acrrRoss it in my trrRavels...

Lord Raziere
2012-09-17, 04:44 AM

TE: I don't know about that Schizo, it s33ms w3'v3 b33n lump3d into th3 sam3 rol3 of what3v3r social group you hav3. Which m3ans 3ith3r I hav3 b33n promot3d to th3 status of "d3lusional infopack fri3nd" or d3moted from "strang3r" to "on3 of thos3 d3lusional infopacks" Mayb3 3v3n both.
TE: and how can you possibly know that I have horns? You hav3 had no
pictur3s or 3vid3nc3 to draw that conclusion from! You mad3 too many assumptions and l3aps of logic!
TE: And how do you know "Th3y"'s plan isn't to k33p you paranoid? Mayb3 "Th3y" want you paranoid and seeing a conspiracy 3v3rywh3r3. You know, int3ntionally playing mind gam3s with you to s33 shadows everywhere? Or….
TE:….or you know what scr3w it, I can alr3ady t3ll your paranoia won't acc3pt m3 actually b3ing not a part of "Th3y" so…..
TE: Yea, you caught m3. I was sent by th3m.
TE: "Th3y" want you Schizo. "Th3y" want you badly.
TE: "Th3y" want you with butt3rsauc3 and cr3am on top, "Th3y" want to 3at you, and hav3 s3nt m3 a m3ssag3 to t3ll you Schizo….
TE: "Th3y" say to watch your back around your lusus, and that th3 p3opl3 you always k33p clos3st….is your 3n3mi3s….h33h33h33…..

TE: count3r, it is som3wh3r3 in a d3s3rt. Thats all I know. Of all the things my library does not hav3, its books on g3ography.
TE: and if you ask, I hav3 alr3ady tri3d finding my location onlin3. All th3 sit3's to do so were block3d off from me for som3 r3ason.
TE: whil3 my library is my only known sourc3 of food and water. I can't r3ally stray far from it to go 3xploring, not that th3r3 is much to 3xplor3.
TE: Som3tim3s I think its almost like som3on3 want3d m3 to stay h3r3, but if I 3nt3rtain thos3 kinds of thoughts too oft3n, I'd b3 no b3tt3r than Schizo. |:\

2012-09-17, 07:07 AM
> Years in the past...
But not many.
auroraChaser is typing in the memo
AC: um wow
AC: i just saw this memo
AC: i'm kind of confused...
AC: like
AC: what are you guys even talking about with the data and stuff?
AC: i don't even know
AC: i guess i will introduce myself though
AC: my name's gidrim oronet

> Once again, in the present...
Welp. Got a mysterious sphere with a mysterious symbol on it. Even you can tell that it's important somehow. The question is, how?
You go back to your hive, which is to say your cave, and troll one of your friends.
auroraChaser started trolling trinityElectrifier
AC: um
AC: one of those shapes with the five sides?
AC: um
AC: i forget what you call those

Science Officer
2012-09-17, 09:17 AM
---> Past

PH: lusus just dragged this
PH: idk gross thig
PH: right here so
PH: gotta go

plagueHoarder ceased responding to memo

>Be Present Etaion:
You run your hands over the surface of the cage looking for it's LOCK. You aren't much good with such things, but Vegnor is a master lockpicker.

Best get this done quickly; Irvekt is close behind (though he'll have some trouble with the CROCS and CALTROPS) and the motion of this pendulous prison is entirely disconcerting.

this is a bit of a puzzle. Etaion has no lockpicks (actual or FLARP item) in his sylladex, but he does have several (actual) locks which he somehow acquired over the course of this FLARP. oh well.
in any case, going to try to unlock this cage (assuming it is locked?) by whatever means is plausible.
that's a failure. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3698827/) even before what modifiers there are for swinging on the end of a chain and still having (FLARP) caltrops in feet (which are still a little sore from stepping on the actual, blunt caltrops).

lord pringle
2012-09-17, 11:40 PM
=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Your feet sink into the MOLTEN GLASS and the sheer heat rising up BURNS them terribly, even through your SHOES. The place is an INFERNO, a PIT OF FIRE fit for occupation by even the FOULEST DEMON, a WITCH'S CAULDRON stirred up with the most WICKED OF BREWS.

And lurking at the bottom is the beast which left the bloodtrail here, the RESIDENT DEMON. Not an undead but a BEAST so ferocious it prays upon them, the CORPSE CRAB, it's shell composed of a hundred ROTTING CORPSES impaled on wickedly sharp SPINES, all that remains of it's MANY VICTIMS.

And clenched in one TERRIBLE PINCER it holds what could only be the METEOR you SEEK, a ball of iron still glowing WHITE-HOT from it's descent.

Pallar gives a little squeak before composing himself and shouting at the beast, "In accordance to the laws set forth by the Shadow Proclamation I demand you hand me that meteor!"

2012-09-18, 04:36 AM
In the past:
rC: i s=... such a locat=n is past even my considerrRable j=rrRneys...
rC: and i have neglected to intrrRoduce myself...
rC: how verrRy rrRude...
rC: yscton yagmur...

2012-09-19, 01:40 AM
=====> Be Past Irveckt Dirmin Some More
sensibleSchizophrenic is typing in the memo
SS: 0_o I think...
SS: Maybe I have over reacted a little?
SS: It seems that perhaps you actually have no idea that you're not alone in the universe and that actual flesh and blood things exist outside your hive?
SS: Also, considering you are using the TROLL-INTERNET, have JADE BLOOD and a LUSUS, it wasn't hard to draw the conclusion that you likely have horns as well
SS: Not every conclusion needs all the steps lined up perfectly logical
SS: Also, you basically just admitteded to having horns
SS: Perhaps I was hasty on judging you...
SS: But whenever there is a chance THEY (You can use the words that still mean THEM, you know. THEY is just a reference point) are involved in something, it's better to err on the side of caution
SS: Even if you are with THEM
SS: It's rude not to give my name
SS: THEY already know it, so it's not even something to be worked up about
SS: My name is Irvekt Dirmin
SS: Also, since you adopted a typing quirk, your grammar is going! 0_o

lord pringle
2012-09-19, 05:52 PM
=====> Past Pallar Gotrem
AG: Hello various trolls.
AG: Have you ever heard of The Doctor?

2012-09-19, 06:05 PM
>Past Gidrim: Respond to memo
AC: um
AC: i don't really know any doctors personally
AC: but
AC: um
AC: i know what they do
AC: if that's what you're asking?

Lord Raziere
2012-09-19, 07:31 PM

TE: Th3 grammar was not th3 point. Th3 point was that I was curious as to why you w3r3 n3gl3cting it.
TE: And y3s it n33ds to b3 in st3ps! Thats what logic and sci3nc3 ar3 all about! Th3 st3ps! I b3t you can't gu3ss th3 r3st of me.
TE: What3v3r, you k33p your d3lusions of paranoia, I'll k33p my rational assumption that I'm alon3 until prov3n wrong.
TE: Yscton, its b33n a pl3asur3 m33ting you.
TE: Irv3kt, its b33n a…som3thing m33ting you.
TE: and who is this lim3 on3? I don't think h3 is talking about an ordinary doctor. I d3duc3, that du3 to th3 capitalization and th3 "Th3" at th3 front, mak3s this Th3 Doctor a special doctor. P3rhaps a c3l3brity or figur3 of l3g3nd, a paragon gr3at3r than most doctors. P3rhaps h3 inv3nted a particularly r3volutionary form of m3dicin3 that chang3d troll civilization or som3thing?
TE: but to answ3r your qu3stion, lim3 on3, no, I cl3arly hav3n't.

2012-09-20, 02:59 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlect
imperiousCommand is trolling mazterZorcerer
iC: A computer and a weapon
iC: You might also wish to retrieve your lusus
iC: But We suggest leaving a few of your excess Z's behind
iC: And before you leave, you must take a picture of your room and send it to Us

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
Roll Spirit for the Threefold Vision and then throwing for the pencil, plus Strength + 1d4 for damage. If you're doing all this in one round, you take -2 to the attack and vision rolls.

I'll address the message sent to Makdan in a later post.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
This is Derse! Or moon of Derse. Good moon, best planet. I'm ace reporter for Derse news. You're news! Good news! Players waking up, everyone wants to know about them, so I sneak up here to get pictures for story. Great story, gonna win prizes for it.

And maaaaybe I broke a few laws doing it? The REPORTER grins sheepishly, scratching the back of his EBONY DOME.

No response from Yscton yet. Odd. He's usually so punctual. Or real-Yscton is. Who knows what dream-Yscton's like.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
With a PSIONIC PUSH you send the CAGE swinging over to the other side of the lava pit, back to where the CLOCK-CROCS are. Or were. It seems your DRAMATIC ENTRANCE has ENTRANCED their attention, for both AUTOMECHANICAL AGGRESSORS are now hightailing it in your direction, one coming from EITHER SIDE of the ring platform.


=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
In desperate haste you attempt to PICK THE LOCK despite completely lacking TOOLS OF ANY KIND, in the hopes that by some miracle of luck, VIGNOR BITTAKER's lockpick skill will prove enough to compensate.

MIRACLES are not forthcoming.

The CAGE lurches beneath you once more, forcing you to abandon the lock before you can even figure how it works and devote all attention to HANGING ON as Irvekt sends it SWINGING ABOUT in an effort to DISLODGE YOU from the PRIZE. When it stops, your BACK TO SQUARE ONE, hanging over the very same spot where the CLOCK-CROC's were harassing you moment's before!

Those WRETCHED REPTILES are gone however, having abandoned their attempts on your life to rush at the newly present target, that is, Irvekt.

Hah! Let him deal with them for a bit!

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
Almost IMMEDIATELY after you hit the SEND KEY a NEW MESSAGE pops up on your screen. Not a reply from TASSIE though. No, this one's from A DIFFERENT FRIEND. Or a SORT-OF FRIEND.

You knew them a while back as part of the FLARP TEAM, a real JOKER with a deadly repertoire of SMART-BUTT REMARKS. Pretty COOL PAL though, all told. At least until the disappeared for a while. When they showed up again, they were decidedly less COOL and more, well;

imperiousCommand is pestering reverendCounter
iC: Ahem.
iC: Might We inquire how you are today?
iC: Oh, wait.
iC: How silly of Us
iC: The answer is angry
iC: The answer is always angry
iC: But how would you like to put that anger to good usage?


=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
The SUN is fast falling beyond the HORIZON as you head home, taking the last of the BLESSED LIGHT that grants you your WOLFING-OUT POWERS with it. Soon it will be time to TRANSFORM back into a mere troll.

Which is PRETTY DARN INCONVENIENT, cause you're pretty sure you might need those WOLF-POWERS soon. For as you arrive at your CAVE, your KEEN NOSE immediately detects something amiss. The SMELLs of OIL, STEEL and MISCHIEF hang heavy in the air. An INTRUDER lurks within!

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Needless to say, the CORPSE CRAB is not impressed.

Roll initiative! Corpse Crab got the eight of spades, so better'n that and you get the first strike.

2012-09-20, 03:47 AM
=====> Retrieve weapon

You look around your Room, quickly spying the WAND OF FINITE POWER on the 3rd bookcase from the left. Quickly Captchalogueing it under W before setting it into your Strife Specibus you return to your seat and open a TrollCam link (webcam) from your laptop set on the desk.
mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: hEre iz ze link to my trollcam, take az many photoz az you like.
mZ: trollcam.org/mazterzorceror/413612
mZ: i Have my Wand of Finite Power az a Melee Weapon
mZ: mY Luzuz iz off doing Newty Thingztm. iT'll zhow up when it needz too

2012-09-20, 06:35 AM
Seriously? You're going to have to fight someone else? Well, doesn't seem like you have too much of a choice... But you think you'll sneak up and take a look first.

If I am still Shaken, rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3702558/)to deal with that
And Stealth (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3702559/)

Lord Raziere
2012-09-20, 09:13 AM
Then I'll just roll for throwing and the pencil, forget the three-fold vision.

Throwing + Agility:

Strength+1d4 for damage:

2012-09-20, 11:45 AM
"Eh.. You'll be fine. If they think something's fishy about you having pictures its not like theres going to... a few of them floating down in public." Your own fault, those were going to be out there whether you like it or not, "Rules are sometimes there for your safety, but a couple are absolute carp." You grin mischievously, "So why are we dreamers celebrities? We supposed to do somefin?"

lord pringle
2012-09-20, 10:03 PM
=====>Past Pallar
AG: It's Pallar Gotrem *Sniff* by the way.
AG: The Doctor is a man who is going to save our world someday.
AG: But probably only those of us who throw of the empire's violent ways.
AG: He doesn't really like violence.
AG: Did I mention He's an alien?
AG: Here, check out this (http://apublicdefender.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/tenth-doctor-who-785475.jpg) picture of Him and one of his many matesprits.

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Needless to say, the CORPSE CRAB is not impressed.

Roll initiative! Corpse Crab got the eight of spades, so better'n that and you get the first strike.

I got a 2 of clubs (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3703510/) I think.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-20, 11:09 PM

TE: ….
TE: You m3an h3 is basically going to sav3 no troll in the world 3xc3pt you?
TE: Caus3 I kinda committ3d a lot of viol3nc3 LIK3 A NINJA against various d3s3rt cr3atur3s that com3 attacking my library
TE: and I hav3 r3ad r3p3at3dly throughout my books, that all of troll civilization is in som3 way viol3nt du3 to th3 fact that th3y live3 on a world of d3adly 3nvironments and pr3dators. R3alistically, it is lik3ly that almost 3v3ry singl3 troll in all of 3xist3nc3 has committ3d at l3ast on3 act of viol3nc3 in th3ir lif3
TE: By his standards, w3 ar3 all guilty and th3r3for3 w3 will all b3 ov3rthrown.
TE: Assuming both trolls and Th3 Doctor 3xists of course. This Doctor in qu3stion clearly looks lik3 a troll with his horns cut off and his skin paint3d pink, obviously fak3. A d3dicat3d actor who mad3 a gr3at sacrific3 to play the rol3.
TE: R3al ali3ns probably look compl3t3ly diff3r3nt from trolls, with 3ntir3ly diff3r3nt body structur3s, ways of thinking and m3thods of communication and r3production and so on and so forth. It is doubtful that r3al ali3ns would 3v3n b3 capable of communicating 3ff3ctiv3ly with trolls.
TE: So far, Pallar, you'v3 d3monstrat3d that you think a fak3 ali3n is going to com3 and som3how nonviol3ntly ov3rthrow all of troll civilization with th3 help of on3 troll-probably you- and his mat3sprit.
TE: 3v3n if this Th3 Doctor is r3al, and 3v3n if th3 Trolls ar3 r3al 3nough to b3 ov3rthrown, I highly doubt that h3 would succ33d with such im3ens3 odds stack3d against him, 3sp3cially when h3 isn't 3v3n using viol3nc3 to ov3rthrow th3 trolls.
TE: that and 3v3ryone that you can't ov3rthrow anything without viol3nc3. Thats like common s3ns3. Lik3 trying to make an om3l3tt3 without br3aking 3ggs.

2012-09-20, 11:26 PM
>Past Tassie: Respond to memo
CumbrousCrux is typing in the memo

CC: iii'D liiiIIIKEEE tooo999 imaaaAAAGIIINE a wooo999LD wheeeEEEREEE aaanythiiiIIING is pooo999SIBLE.
CC: thiiiIIINK heeeEEE meeeAAANS viiiIII999LENTLY agaaaIIINST ooo999THER TroLLS.
CC: i agreee its nooo999T SAFE. but he's stiiiIIILL ALIVE SO THERE IS MERIT.
CC: or experiencing super LUCK. i'm sooo999 JEALLY OF HIM.
CC: TASSIE LARKAN, please don't expect my appeeeEEERANCE TO MEAN MUCH.
CC: thooo999GH I AM AWESOME.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-21, 02:46 AM

TE: Y3s.
TE: My kitsun3 is som3wh3r3.
TE: I consid3r my lusus the only oth3r uniqu3 thing in my library. Th3 d3s3rt cr3atur3s ar3 invading pr3dators, and don't really count.
TE: My kitsun3 is th3 on3 who taught m3 to b3 LIK3 A NINJA in the first plac3 so…th3r3's that. But my lusus is….I don't know, kind of a myst3ry? My lusus com3s and go3s, shows up th3n disapp3ars, my lusus will oft3n hide som3wh3r3 in th3 library, or stalk m3 for a whil3 befor3 pouncing on m3 to Strif3.
TE: K33p my ninja-n3ss sharp and such I gu3ss. My lusus isn't r3ally bad though….just…not good at Th3 P3opl3 Thing, what3v3r that is.
TE: and Tassi3, don't b3at yours3lf up about you app3aranc3. If you do 3xist, you probably app3ar as a guy who is compl3t3ly d3c3ntly looking at th3 v3ry l3ast!

2012-09-21, 12:16 PM
>Past Tassie: Respond again
CumbrousCrux is typing in the memo

CC: 38D
CC: iii'D saaaAAAY iI looo999K preeeEEETY deceeeEEENT.
CC: not the one who maaaaAAAKES EVERYTR9LL SW99N TH9UGH.
CC: and why no ooo999NES STUMBLED ACROSS Y9U.
CC: what secrets ARE Y9U GUARDING? just CURIOUS.

Science Officer
2012-09-21, 04:35 PM

Irvekt should be busy for a while. Still, no time to lose.
You once more attempt to use your IMAGINARY CHARACTER'S lock-picking skills to open the cage.
Here's hoping your DISMAL FAILURE didn't JAM THE LOCK.

Huh, that's a bit better. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3704660/)
if this doesn't work, I might have to take a new angle.

lord pringle
2012-09-21, 06:08 PM
=====>Past Pallar
AG: Heeeeeeeey Tassie, how are you doig?
AG: The Doctor is a Time Lord who travels across the universe.
AG: He saves the universe all the time.
AG: If you follow his advice he might be willing to take you with him to beautiful and far away places.

2012-09-21, 10:17 PM
=====> Stop Being Past Irvekt Dirmin for a Bit
sensibleSchizophrenic is typing in the memo
SS: 0_o My LUSUS is howling at something
SS: I'll be in and out for a while
SS: We must discuss this mysterious Doctor in detail
SS: Sounds like someone I want to be talking with
SS: ... I think my LUSUS is going insane 0_o
sensibleSchizophrenic has ceased typing in the memo, for now

=====> Be Present Irvekt Dirmin With GUSTO
You be yourself again with GUSTO. What in Alternia's seas is gusto? You have no time to consider where this mysterious word has come from as the AUTOMATON ASAULTERS are advancing rapidly! And Etaoin is still not off your precious LOOT CAGE. You think slowly, for if you were to think quickly, the sheer power of your thoughts could destroy something with little effort.

You decide the cage is enough like a yo-yo that... You know what, that's a silly idea. Just hit the ATOMATONS with Etaoin's grub sized body attached to the cage.

Ok, STRIFE TIME. I need to roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3705009/)... An Initiative: 21 (6 of something), A telekinetic attack roll: 5, and the Wild: 5. Hope I did that right.

2012-09-22, 11:19 PM
>Past Tassie =====>
CumbrousCrux is typing in the memo
CC: gooo999D PALLAR!
CC: going to try building that biiiIIIG METAL, F9UR LEGGED, SKY SPEAR
CC: from one of yooo999R VIDE9 EXCERPTS 9F THE HUMAN PLANET.
CC: i doooOOON'T waaaaAAANT a reeepeeeAAAT ooo999F LAST WEEK.
CC: 38( kiiiiIIIND ooo999F reeeaaaAAALIZE THAT N9W
CC: you think you can handle it sometimes...
CC: ooo999H PALLAR we've gooo999NE oveeeEEER thiiiIIIS alreeeEEEADY.
CC: weeeEEELL heeeEEE iiiIIIS niiiIIICE, buuuUUUT yooo999U'LL geeeEEET iiiIIIN trooo999BLE wiiiiIIITH puuuUUUBLIC memooo999S liiiIIIKE thiiiIIIS.
CC: shooo999ULD ST9P (aaaaAAAND taaaaAAALK aaaAAAB9UT iiiT PRIVATELY wiiiIIITH otherTR9LLS)

edit: Was edited XD

2012-09-23, 07:21 AM
=====>reverendCounter is trolling imperiousCommand
rC: g=d day imp...
rC: ive alrrR=dy vented suffic=ntly for now...
rC: so unless y=d acqu=ce to sharrRing some inforrRmat=n on a rrRampant =tomat=n...
rC: i have no business with y=...
rC: th=gh perrRhaps y= s=k to rrRile me with y=rrR rrRelentless prrRtent=n...
rC: a waste of y=rrR considerrRable ego if therrRe everrR was one...

2012-09-24, 04:30 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is trolling mazterZorcerer
iC: Why are you still typing?
iC: Get running
iC: NOW.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
Calling upon the SUPER-STEALTHY PREDATOR INSTINCTS of the mighty, noble yet humble WOLF, you stalk into your CAVERNOUS ABODE in search of the INTRUDER who dares INTRUDE.

Creeping from rock to rock you soon find him, hidden within the deepest recesses of the cave. The regular FLASHES OF LIGHT and CLICKING NOISES this INVADER makes help somewhat in that regard. A ROBOTIC MINION, slightly smaller than you and made of metal in the rough shape of an IMPISH CREATURE, it's eyes glowing with an ODD LIGHT as it surveys the walls of the cave.

It doesn't appear to have NOTICED you.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
Shielding your PRECIOUS THINKPAN from the THUGS' BLUDGEONINGS with your hands, you kick out and launch yourself skyward, far above and out of reach of the NEFARIOUS HIGHWAYMEN. With a casual flick of your hand you take your revenge, sending it forth at lightning speed in the form of a WEAPONIZED PENCIL aimed with DEADLY PRECISION for the first thug's EYE.

Your SWEET NINJA SKILLZ once again SHOW TRUE, the HIRED MUSCLE letting out a choked, gargling DEATH RATTLE and collapsing to the ground as the IMPROVISED KUNAI cuts into his BRAIN for an INSTANT KILL.

You reach for ANOTHER PENCIL to slay the SECOND GUARD, but are cut off as the WILLY TURNCOAT himself whips out a STRANGE ALIEN GUN and OPENS FIRE, the BRIGHT PURPLE RAY that lances forth grazing against your THROWING ARM and sending a shock of EXCRUCIATING PAIN running up it.

You're now Shaken, requiring a successful spirit roll at -2 plus another -1 for the Wound to shrug off fore you can attack again.

Also, sorry for not explaining this to ya earlier, but; You don't roll Stat + Skill Rank for skill checks. Just Skill Rank + Wild Die, then roll a die again if it maxes out. So I made a new set of rolls for you, so I wouldn't have to skip your turn. Hope that's not a problem.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Ohhh yes. Very important. The little fellow nods in agreement with himself, glancing 'bout the room with ACUTE NERVOUSNESS before nodding to the window. Close blinds. Others could be watching. Spying. Observing. Like that TABLOID SCUM from DERSITE NOW. Ooooh how he hates them.

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Before you can even will your legs into working, the CORPSE CRAB is upon you. With a RASPY, ULULATING CRY that sounds almost like a LAUGH it sweeps out it's GIGANORMOUS RIGHT CLAW, the world suddenly twisting out from under you as you're thrown head-over-heels into the CRATER WALL.

The MOLTEN SAND stings your flesh and singes your clothes, but before you can even pull yourself free of it's WARM EMBRACE the CRAB is upon you. The MORBID MOLLUSK moves incredibly FAST for a creature of such GIRTH, making a GRAB for you with it's SMALLER RIGHT PINCER, but this time you manage to DODGE, rolling out of the way and SCRAMBLING TO YOUR FEET.

Whoo boy. This is gonna be TOUGH.

All praise be to the Doctor! You have escaped with neither wound nor shaken, fit to kick the rear end!

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus

Pure ****** MIRACLES is the only explanation. With next to no time left on the clock before Irvekt steals your prize, you jam one of your stubby little claw-nails into the LOCK and desperately try to find a PIN, a TUMBLER, anything. Suddenly you feel something give beneath your touch and you press upwards, rejoicing in the GLORIOUS CLICK as the PIN pops into place.

Working like a demon you manage to set the SECOND PIN, then the THIRD, and then, yes, the FOURTH and FINAL, not even noticing as the CAGE begins to swing, picking up speed at an alarming rate. At the very moment the lock SNAPS OPEN and GOLDEN LIGHT pours forth from the seams, you SLAM BACKFIRST into the OVERCLOCKED CLOCKCROC.

Your HOLD on the CAGE slips, both you and the CLOCKCROC landing in a heap upon the floor. Little birdies carrying GOLDEN POCKETWATCHES dance before your vision, but so does the CAGE, hanging still barely within reach. You try to STRUGGLE BACK UP to make another LEAP, but the CLOCKCROC grabs your ANKLE and pulls you back down, it's MECHANICAL ARMS fastening around your NECK for the CHOKING.

At least you've got a pretty good view of Irvekt getting pummeled in a similar manner. That's always fun to watch.

CLOCK-CROC's got you grappled! Strength or Agility roll (your choice) to break free, or ya could just try to attack at a -2 penalty.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
Indeed, the CAGE does SWING LIKE A PENDULUM, slamming Etaoin right into the ANGRIER-LOOKING CLOCKCROC and finally loosening his hold upon the treasure. But what's this? If your EYES DO NOT DECIEVE, he's managed to open the CAGE? The PRIZE is up for the TAKING and you've got it right in your PSIONIC GRASP!

But all silver clouds have a gray lining. In this case, it's the SECOND CLOCK-CROC bearing down upon you, it's spear SWEEPING LOW to knock the legs out from under you and send you TOPPLING to the GROUND.

Not a good day to be a LITTLE BIT OF A WEAKLING.

Takes an action to stand, can't make called shots for the CLOCK-CROC's CLOCKHEART and take a -2 to all physical actions till ya do!

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
imperiousCommand is pestering reverendCounter
iC: And if We do possess this information?
iC: What then?
iC: After the insult you've paid us, We can hardly be blamed should We choose not to be generous.
iC: You must learn to mind your manners
iC: That and to type in a more legible fashion

2012-09-24, 04:43 AM
=====> Run away very fast

mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: yOu have yet to zet a deztination for my running.
mZ: bUt fine, I zhall get out of my hive right now.

You grab your laptop, keeping it open and waiting for the sound of an INCOMING MESSAGE as you run down the stairs trying not to trip.
Past the BOOKCASES OF RPG BOOKS, the VAULT OF MYSTICAL ARTIFACTS and hitting the GIANT DOOR LEVER so you don't have to WASTE TIME in exiting the DARK TOWER-HIVE

2012-09-24, 12:19 PM
"What was that? No one gets the paper pinnable information panel I am announcing on apparently. I dislike. all. this. snooping." Seriously, who did they think they were? Common curtesy People!

You walk over to your windows and other open portals to the outside world and drop the drapes, "Uhh... but how are they even finding an angle to see us from?" You take a moment to peek through one of the linens both up and down to satiate your personal desire to answer that question.

Edit: xD same basic structure, but I made it better :p. Cuz I could

Science Officer
2012-09-24, 02:51 PM
Gah! To be snatched away when soo close. Now you have to deal with this dumb thing again.

You wind up and get ready to swing your--

You seem to have dropped your FOAM-FLANGED FLARP FLAIL while perched on the swinging cage. You only have so many hands...

Nevermind, you can just slip the grasp of this FUMBLING FAUX-FAUNA and still beat Irvekt to the PRIZE.

Your tags slipped a little.
Also, do I know the name of Irvekt's FLARP character?
Anyways, here goes. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3708392/) And since this is a Trait test, and I am a PC (a Wild Card), I get to roll a d6 as well and keep the better of the two, I think.
In any case, it is not better. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3708393/)

So, I'll see if that does it.

2012-09-24, 03:26 PM
>Gidrim: Attack!
You leap at the creature claws ablaze!

Fighting roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3708425/)

2012-09-24, 03:35 PM
That ETAOIN is still closer to obtaining the PRECIOUS LOOT than you is an ABOMINATION of the WORST KIND. So many EXCLAMITORY WORDS! You glare HATE STARES into the face of your WOUND-UP WASTREL. How dare he knock you off your feet! You certainly roleplay your characters agression well. Must be all the lizards.

You summon your mighty mental powers to lift the ANIMATED AGITATION from the COLD STONE FLOOR. It wasn't living, so you could do that. If it weren't so heavy anyway. Stupid limited psychokinetic powers. You can't wait until you grow into them fully. With the ULTIMATE POWER of the ANCIENT GOLD BLOOD fully manifesting into its AWESOME STRENGTH. At least, that's what you've been led to believe.

It is with a HEAVY MIND, that you decide to SMASH the CLOCK-CROC with the GILDED CAGE, solving two problems at once!

Attack Roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3714547/): 4

2012-09-25, 05:56 AM
=====>reverendCounter is trolling imperiousCommand
rC: fine then imperi=s...
rC: i apologise for my rrRudeness...
rC: but as y= p=nted =t i c=ld be assumed to not be in the best of spirrRits...
rC: l=st of all now i assurrRe y=...
rC: is that suffic=nt to balm y=rrR soc=l injurrRy...
rC: =ther way y= arrRe perrRfectly awarrRe i can harrRdly help the w=kness of my lungs...
rC: so id rrRecommend y= c=se compl=ning ab=t the l=st underrRstandable p=ce of my quirrRk...
rC: it is a waste of time for both of us...

Lord Raziere
2012-09-25, 03:37 PM
OOC: nope, it ain't….
Spirit Roll to shrug off wound:
[roll0]+ Wild Die: [roll1]

If Failure:
You find that you can't shake it off, and try to get away and hide somewhere safe to recover.

If normal success:
With a great mastery of will gained from drawing upon your ideal of BEING A NINJA, you recover from this strange guns powers!

If raise:
With your NINJA-STRONG spirit, you break free from this strange guns powers and throw a pencil at the person who fired it- if its the other bodyguard its to kill, if its the merchant its just in the hand so that he can't fire it again.

lord pringle
2012-09-25, 07:22 PM
=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Before you can even will your legs into working, the CORPSE CRAB is upon you. With a RASPY, ULULATING CRY that sounds almost like a LAUGH it sweeps out it's GIGANORMOUS RIGHT CLAW, the world suddenly twisting out from under you as you're thrown head-over-heels into the CRATER WALL.

The MOLTEN SAND stings your flesh and singes your clothes, but before you can even pull yourself free of it's WARM EMBRACE the CRAB is upon you. The MORBID MOLLUSK moves incredibly FAST for a creature of such GIRTH, making a GRAB for you with it's SMALLER RIGHT PINCER, but this time you manage to DODGE, rolling out of the way and SCRAMBLING TO YOUR FEET.

Whoo boy. This is gonna be TOUGH.

All praise be to the Doctor! You have escaped with neither wound nor shaken, fit to kick the rear end!

With a cry of Geronimo! Pallar tries to brain (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3709903/) the Crab with his dice. Should I add the penalty for allergies or not?

2012-09-29, 04:47 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
As you tear down the SPIRAL STAIRCASE that connects your towerly abode, taking the faux-ancient stone steps two at a time, just what iC was hinting about becomes DREADFULLY CLEAR. Although the SUN has SET by now, a FIERCE RED LIGHT pours in through the windows, painting bloody shadows in the gloom. The SKY ITSELF seems to have been put to the flame, and here and there you can see, far off in the distance but not far enough for comfort, the BLAZING TRAIL of a METEOR DESCENDING.

From one window you catch sight of a NEARBY FOREST, the tree's capped with SMOKE and rooted in FLAMES. From another you can see the SEA, churning with a TERRIBLE STORM and LASHING OUT at the shoreline. Somewhere along the way your LUSUS joins you, slithering out of his hidey-hole and down the stairs with a few of his favorite SHINIES clutched in mouth.

Ahead the MAIN DOOR has swung open on the behest of the previously pulled lever, the PAGES of your BELOVED BOOKS rustling and shaking in the VICIOUS WIND.

imperiousCommand is pestering mazterZorcerer
iC: Location?
iC: Are We expected to plan everything for you?

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Perhaps the DISMAYED INVESTIGATOR is simply paranoid without cause? Tassie's TOWER does seem to be the tallest building in sight, so it would be rather difficult to spy on it from any of the nearby-


As Tassie goes to close the BLINDS, her keen eyes spot something fly past, out in the dark expanse.

It's hard to tell just how far away it is, here where the cold, black sky gives way to cold, black space with no dividing line to tell between, but it moves too fast to be terribly far off. It could almost be mistaken for a bird, except that for a moment, it catches the light of that BLUE PLANET in the distance, and shines with a METALLIC GLEAM.

The ministry has it's ways. Many, many ways. Can never be too careful.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
The CLOCK-CROC grabs at your LEG with it's METALLIC DIGITS, but as strong and unyielding as it's CLOCKWORK GRIP might be, it has little in the way of DELICATE MOVEMENT, allowing you to deftly beat it in a match of DEXTERTY and slip from it's GRAPPLE into the next square.

But alas, the CAGE is cruelly pulled away once more, as Irvekt brings it swinging back across to the other side of the put, to bludgeon the CLOCK-CROC attacking him with it. At least he hasn't gotten his grubby little PSIONIC MITTS on the actual PRIZE within yet, as the CROC is troubling him even more than you, ducking under the IMPROVISED PENDULUM and STABBING himright through the HEART.

I'm not really sure if he even has one. Hasn't mentioned it IC at least..

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
You murder that 'bot.

You murder it so fast your claws are set ABLAZE by the friction of their movement on the air, in accordance with sound scientific principals of badassery.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
The CLOC-CROCK ducks. The CAGE swings overhead, harmlessly. And then the CROC rises back up, grabs his spear and STABS downwards at you. The first strike, you avoid, rolling aside. But the CLOCKWORK REPTILE is moving deadly fast, it's inner gears spinning with such speed the click-click-clicking blurs together into a high-pitched whine, and it attacks again before you can regain your footing or muster your psychic powers for a counter-strike.

This time it does not miss. This time it drives it's spear right through your YELLOW HEART.

All this is merely SMOKE and MIRRORS of course, holograms set up by he DATABATS. So you survive. The ELECTRIC SHOCK that accompanies being struck to SIMULATE DAMAGE though, that is quite real and for a wound of this magnitude, quite painful.

TWO wounds in one hit. That's not too good. Also, your telekinesis spell's been on three rounds now, so every further round you maintain your grip on the cage is a power point spent. All in all, not your finest hour.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
imperiousCommand is pestering reverendCounter
iC: Simply because you possess a verbal tick does not necessitate transcribing it.
iC: But you've already made enough apologies for one conversation, so, We shall indeed overlook it
iC: Especially as we've no time to waste
iC: Note the capitalization
iC: In that We were referring to Us and you as a collective, rather than merely Ourselves
iC: As you have no time to waste either.
iC: There is a spider that needs to be crushed underfoot and it is your foot destined for the task

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
Small mercy that it is, whatever the RAYGUN did to your ARM does not last long, the cold burning sensation fading away as you regain some degree of controll over the limb. And now that you have tha you'll have revenge!

Seizing another PENCIL, you draw back you hand and-

Another BOLT slams into your chest, bringing with it that horrible, confusing sensation of both freezing and frying all at once, your veins turning to icewater even as every nerve ending in your body screams with burning pain. Your eyes begin to unfocus and you can see, vaguely, black spots begin to creep at the edges of your vision.

Aaand that's why some people don't like Savage Worlds. Combat can be swingy as hell. Like in this case, where you got critted for three wounds, which combined with your previous one put you at four. Thankfully, the damage was non-lethal, but that's still a K.O.

Now, you can spend a benny to roll your vigor and try to negate some of that damage. Or, you can save your bennies for later and pray you live long enough to spend them.

=====> Be Pallar Gotrem
Drawing a HANDFUL OF DICE from your STRIFE SYLLABUS you HURL them at the foe, aiming the DEADLY D4s precisely so that their VICIOUS POINTS will stab the enemy, then fall to the ground where it will no doubt STEP ON THEM!


WITHDRAWING it's SENSITIVE EYESTALKS, the creature shakes violently, dislodging a pair of FRESH CORPSES from it's MORBID SHELL. Although quite assuredly DEAD AS DOORNAILS, as soon as they hit the ground the CORPSES begin to twitch, rising up on DECAYING LIMBS to stumble towards you, MURDER in their blank eyes.

No allergy penalties, you're far enough into the desert that there's none in the air

Past imperiousCommand is typing in the memo
iC: *The high king of Alternia doth deign to speak to a select few of the mere peons that inhabit his glorious domain*
iC: *And in his most wise of wisedoms, with foresight and cunning that might make lesser trolls weep, thus he doth say;*
iC: "Wassup with y'all?"

2012-09-29, 07:46 AM
Now that that robot's ben dealt with, you guess you should take a look at it.

Notice or investigation roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3714794/)... not sure which applies here. Luckily I roll the dame ide for both.

Lord Raziere
2012-09-29, 10:57 AM

OOC: Yes I spend a benny. I am not taking the chance that his dreamself will die, and deny me the god-tiers.
Vigor:[roll0]+Wild Die [roll1]

If failure:
You go unconscious. What a productive day!

Any kind of Success:
You abscond as much as possible. Its clear this is a battle that cannot be won, and a NINJA does not fight battles that can't be won. Ninjas are smarter than that.

2012-09-29, 08:29 PM


You close the blinds and leave em, "Should I be worried? This ministry have somefin against me?"

((Sorry its short XD Not much else to say...))

2012-09-29, 10:34 PM
You put a hand to your chest, clutching where the HOLOGRAPHIC SPEAR sent FORM WRENCHING SHOCKS through your chest. You GASP IN PAIN, the realization that your FLARP character might die at the cusp of his GREATEST TRIUMPH. Your eyes start glowing the vibrant gold of your blood as to glare at your AUTOMATED AGRESSOR.

"0_o I AM THE MIGHTY AND POWERFUL TYRIAN HALEMOAT! YOU SHALL NOT KILL ME THIS DAY FOUL BEAST! 0_o" You shout, announcing your mighty, powerful and much respected FLARPing name. You fire a trio of MIND BOLTS at the creature.

Current PP: 12/25 ((That includes used for this round))

Maintaining hold on Cage right now, not doing anything with it.

Attack Rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3715768/): 11, 7, 3

Lord Raziere
2012-09-29, 10:49 PM

TE: Up is a r3lativ3 t3rm, and do3s not hav3 any intrinsic valu3. So I cannot say "what" is "up", your Suppos3d Maj3sty.
TE: Hm, strang3, this on3 s33ms to think that h3 is th3 rul3r among th3 t3xt-trolls.
TE: I wond3r, do any of th3 oth3r trolls agr33?

Science Officer
2012-09-29, 11:11 PM

Wow, those things actually seem pretty dangerous. You might consider engaging one if you had any sort of USABLE WEAPON. As it is, you have no means of defending yourself, or aiding your fellow FLARPer. Though you don't know why you'd ever consider helping a competitor...

You'll have to find some other means of securing the PRIZE, or making yourself secure until you can get at it. You check your sylladex.

-2 Unidentified Red Potion(s) (FLARP item)
-1 Unidentified White Potion(s) (FLARP item)
-Bag of Gold Coins (FLARP item)
-Roughly-Hewn Ivory Statue (FLARP item)
-Grappling Hook (with coil of rope)
-Flip-Top Rotary Communication Device

What!? That lousy GARBAGE-COLLECTOR trashed your rocks, your locks, and your sap. Supposedly it can predict what items you won't need, but what does it know?

Those un-identified POTIONS might buff you, or hurt your foes, but you can't really know for sure. The GRAPPLING HOOK might help pull the cage away from where Irvekt has it, but that would leave you exposed...

Well, you'll try to use the hook, but, as always, you can never be sure it's what you'll get. 7 sylladex cards makes for 1 in ln(7+1) odds. The best yet.

Retrieval attempt. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3715817/) Success!

It works! For once.

You toss the newly fetched GRAPPLING HOOK and try to snag the cage.

Attempt (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3715820/). Not bad.

2012-09-29, 11:27 PM

mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: hOw do I ztop ze meteor!
mZ: i Am NOT lozing all my potionz and bookz and FLARP things!
You run out of the DARK TOWER HIVE with EXTREME HASTE through the main doors, looking up at the approaching METEOR. You move towards the CHURNING SEA, believing it to be safer than the SMOKY FOREST

2012-10-01, 04:48 AM
Past Tassie =====>
CumbrousCrux is typing in the memo
CC: leeeEEETS saaaAAAY "Yeah Sure."
CC: heeeEEE caaaAAAN ordeeeEEER uuuUUUS "Text Tr9ll" style
CC: The Imperiousness, please... never met 'im.
CC: IT IS AN H9N9R, shooo999LD I knooo999W yooo999U?

2012-10-01, 03:16 PM
imperiousCommand is typing in the memo
iC: psst, dude, it's roleplaying. I totes ain't really the king of everything, just pretending.
iC: *The king pauses for a moment, perplexed, then bursts out in bellowing guffaws of laughter*
iC: "Why, surely you have heard of the king of all Alternia, who I most certainly absolutely am!" *He chuckles in good natured mirth*

2012-10-01, 03:32 PM
Past Tassie =====>
CumbrousCrux is typing in the memo
CC: ooo999H nooo999... i knooo999W thaaaAAAT
CC: i just thiiiIIINK ITS FUNNY
CC: if i was roleplaying, my choice wooo999ULD BE ANYFIN BUT THAT
CC: "Oh please, most Wondrous High One. Tell us of Your Magnificence. Feats of Grace, Awe, and Inspirement!"
CC: :) "Or a good way to not lose glass underwater... It is most distressing to suffer multiple lacerations when you swim in certain areas."

Lord Raziere
2012-10-01, 08:20 PM

TE: What is this nons3ns3?
TE: What is "rol3playing".
TE: 3xplain! 3xplain! 3xplain!

Hehe, three by three. Three lines, three "3xplain!"s. Always means something, three. Past-present-future, mind-body-soul, Naruto-Sasuke-Sakura, first act-second act-third act, threes are everywhere. Its gotta mean something. and you will someday find out what.


You try to dart behind some buildings to hide and find cover, then strike the man wielding the strange gun from the shadows with another pencil throw.

roll for stealth:
[roll0] (stealth)+[roll1] (wild die)

roll for attack:
[roll2](throwing)+[roll3] (wild die)

2012-10-01, 08:58 PM
=====> mazterZorceror is typing in the memo

mZ: rOleplaying is pretending to be zomeone you are not.
mZ: lIke if I started calling myself Zir Dinklebottom Ze Zird
mZ: iT iz razer fun, which iz why I Cloud for FLARP, a game all about roleplaying.
mZ: zOugh I cannot play az often az I would like az ze Clouder zimply zetz thingz up and almozt noone elze wantz to do it.

Science Officer
2012-10-01, 10:59 PM
Past plagueHoarder is typing in the memo:

PH:I haf retured
PH: you guys are still talkig huh
PH: yeah roleplayig is good
PH: you pretehd you are other thah what you are
PH: & you akwire all sorts of sweet loot
PH: hold it; I'll add all you to the trolliah lists i got

2012-10-01, 11:15 PM
=====> Be in the Past Again
sensibleSchizphrenic is typing in the memo
SS: 0_o Roleplaying is a type of acting, usually performed in a group
SS: Or at least, a pair
SS: My Roleplaying name of choice is Tyrian Halemoat
SS: I like to FLARP too, but there doesn't seem to be any good Clouders out there
SS: Nor much time for actual play it seems
SS: Been ages since I was out treasure hunting
SS: But that is neither here nor there or anywhere inbetween

SS: *Tyrian bows before his king*
SS: "To what do we owe the honor of a vist from his Majesty?" 0_o

Lord Raziere
2012-10-02, 08:15 AM

TE: This rol3playing sounds lik3 th3 voluntarily acquir3m3nt of multipl3 p3rsonality disord3r.
TE: and kl3ptomania.
TE: what us3 do3s it s3rv3?
TE: Nothing that I s33.
TE: Irv3kt, do you not alr3ady hav3 3nough m3ntal probl3ms with your paranoia and schizophr3nia? Why add to th3m. You ar3 insan3 3nough alr3ady. I alr3ady am satisfi3d with a paranoid schizophrenic for an object of study. Pr3t3nding to b3 som3on3 you ar3 not is just going ov3rboard with your d3lusions.

2012-10-02, 09:35 AM

mazterZorceror is typing in the memo
mZ: iT iz zo we can do thingz we would not normally do.
mZ: hAve you ever fought a rampaging dinozaur? oR made fair maidenz zwoon? yOu can when roleplaying.
mZ: bAzically it'z living a different life for a day, or an hour.

Lord Raziere
2012-10-02, 09:52 AM

TE: Y3s I hav3 fought a rampaging dinosaur. It was coming for my library, and I had to 3j3ct a boulder at it from my sylladex to slow it down and th3n finish it off LIK3 A NINJA.
TE: If you r3ally want to fight a rampaging dinosaur- no matter suicidal that sounds- go out and find on3 and enrag3 it, but fighting a rampaging dinosaur isn't really that fun. You hav3 to avoid the f33t and th3 mouth whil3 figuring out som3 way to g3t through its scal3s. Its why I had to 3j3ct th3 bould3r at its h3ad thus dazing it and cracking its skull to giv3 m3 a point so that I could throw a p3ncil into its brain. Aft3r that, I r3comm3nd using th3 dinosaur for food. That much m3at shouldn't go to wast3 aft3r all.
TE: As for r3scuing maid3ns- no, I'v3 had no 3xp3ri3nc3 with that. I hav3 n3v3r 3v3n s33n a r3al woman in my lif3.

and no matter how much you wish Hinata was real and that you could someday meet her and be friends with her, possibly rescuing her like a maiden, SHE NEVER WILL BE. But you'd never tell anyone that. You'd be too embarrassed! After all, no one admits that they are Naruto fans.

2012-10-02, 11:47 AM
Past Tassie =====>
CumbrousCrux is typing in the memo
CC: ooo999H duuuUUUUDE!
CC: 38'] dooo999N'T knooo999W iF I shooo999ULD bE haaaAAAPPY oR saaaAAAD
CC: yA reaaaAAALY haaaAAAVE grooo999WN ouT oF beiiiIIING A KID.
CC: srs iTS simple, yooo999U wouuuUUULD nooo999T bE botheeeEEERING wiiiIIITH thiiiIIIS memooo999 unleeeEEESS yooo999U weeeEEERE wiiiIIILLING t9 roleeeEEEPLAY A situaaaAAATION wheeeEEERE yooo999U aren'T AL9NE iN thE wooo999LD
CC: you should still try iT 9NCE AND SEE IF Y9U LIKE IT
CC: its TRUE
CC: but yA caaaAAAN'T puuuUUUSH dooo999UBT oN yooo999URSELF aaaAAALL thE tiiiIIIME

Lord Raziere
2012-10-02, 03:59 PM
TE: Hmm…v3ry w3ll. I will rol3play b3ing a v3rsion of m3 that thinks you ar3 r3al. Is that acc3ptabl3?
TE: H3llo r3al trolls.
TE: I am Makdan B3ldin.
TE: How is our civilization doing today?
TE: I mys3lf am doing fin3.
TE: Just stuck in th3 middl3 of th3 d3s3rt. Though it is g3tting kind of t3dious h3r3.
TE: Might consid3r figuring out how to g3t out of h3r3 som3day. Assuming it is possibl3.
TE: Might hav3 to somehow mak3 my library mobil3, lik3 putting robotic l3gs on it.
TE: So I can go study th3 r3st of civilization.
TE: While sharing all my knowl3dg3 with the real trolls.
TE: If of cours3 I can find th3 n3c3ssary mat3rials in a place highly unlikely to contain them.
TE: and figur3 out how to mak3 th3m into robotic l3gs. Th3n attach th3m.
TE: Assuming that I can mak3 a system to attach said robotic l3gs to, and a comput3r syst3m to control said l3gs.
TE: and assuming of cours3 that I hav3 suffici3nt pow3r from my solar pan3ls to g3t th3m moving.
TE: and that said viol3nt troll civilization do3sn't mistake my walking spid3r-library for som3 sort of thr3at3ning v3hicular w3apon.
TE: assuming furth3rmor3 that I do not run into som3 Alt3rnian monst3rs that scr3w all this up whil3 the library walks that ar3 too strong or too many for m3 to handl3.
TE: Assuming I can 3v3n find you or any troll civilization without any g3ographical knowl3dg3 or map.
TE: and various other risks, limitations, issu3s both for3s33n and unfor3s33n that pil3 up into a giant mountain of improbability that stands in my way of actually m33ting you r3al trolls so high as to b3 n3ar impossibl3.
TE: M3aning my situation is unchanged from a hypoth3tical Makdan who do3sn't believe that you ar3 r3al but do3sn't consid3r you a thr3at and is consid3ring calling you "datafri3nds" becaus3 you ar3 fri3ndly data.

Best humor the data-friends. Its not like you have anything else to do around here.

2012-10-06, 03:34 PM
=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
The robot is LARGELY UNREMARKABLE.... You know, for a robot. It's main body is a clunky, barrel-like chassis of shoddily welded metal, a hodgepodge of gears and fizzing circuits visible where your claws have torn right through. The limbs aren't much better, jointless tentacles of overlapping bands ending in simplistic three-pronged claws for the hands, solid blocks of metal for feet.

There are two points of interest though. First, clutched in one of the robot's now severed hands is a camera. And second, stamped on it's chest is the same insignia you found on the meteor.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
With monumental effort you force yourself back from the BRINK of UNCONSCIOUSNESS, shaking the growing dark spots from your blurry eyes. Just in time to see the TURNCOAT lining up another shot, the silly little RAYGUN in his hands suddenly seeming worse than any hellforged engine of destruction.

You dive for safety as two more rays of purple cut through the air, going for the only source of COVER available and swinging under the bridge itself, hiding with NINJA SKILLZ amongst the tangle of support beams keeping the structure suspended above the HEAD-SPINNINGLY DISTANT ground below.

You stay there for a moment, flat against the bridge's underside, sucking air into your lungs and listening as, above, the TRAITOR and his remaining THUG flip the freak out.

Aw, aw gee, boss, that no-goodnik got Jimmy! What we gonna do boss, he got Jimmy!

"Shaddup and keep your eyes peeled! We can salvage this, just keep your eyes peeled. The kid has to be around."

Oh, how right he is. Like a VERY ANGRY SHADOW (A book which your LUSUS read to you every night when you were a wee little grubwiggler) you rise from beneath the bridge, hurling a PENCIL DART towards the WILLY TURNCOAT and ducking back out of sight even before the FAT BASTARD can scream.

Unfortunately, him screaming like a stuck porksquealer would seem to indicate HE ISN'T AS DEAD AS YOU WOULD LIKE.

Boss! Boss, let's get outta here!

I'm enjoying writing for the THUG waaaay more than I should.:smalltongue:

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Oh yes. Yes and double yes. Surprised they haven't killed you. Nod nod nod. They control things now the queen's away. Plaster the place with propaganda, kick in doors, disappear people... They even censored my column. Which is the real problem here. Obviously. He'd stamp his foot in rage if both his feet weren't currently dangling several feet above the ground.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
The CLOCK-CROC draws back it's spear for the coup-de-grace, but your volley of psychic blasts throws it out of step, bolts of concentrated mental energy striking against armor and going whirring away in a shower of sparks.

And when all the hubbub's cleared, the CROC is no longer moving, a hole punched clear through the CLOCKHEART set into it's chest and then out the other side, a few gears still ticking away hopelessly like a beetle flipped on it's back.

Just in time too. Once again Etaoin's making his play for the PRIZE, using a GRAPPLING HOOK to swing across the divide and land atop the CAGE. He even pulls a backflip at the end, the SHOW-OFF.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
Swinging the GRAPPLING HOOK in a swift circle above your head, you fling it towards CAGE, pulling back sharply on the rope as it flatters against the GILDED PRISON. One hook catches against the ornamental crenellations decorating the edges, another tug verifying that your grip is secure.

As the CLOCK-CROC scrambles back to it's feet behind you, you take the leap, swinging so close to the lava you can almost feel your hair sizzle, then up, up and away, managing to curve your reversed arc so that you end it with a backflip onto the CAGE

Let's see Irvekt try to beat THAT.

=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is pestering mazterZorcerer
iC: What was that?
iC: We are afraid We didn't quite catch it
iC: With all those Z's clogging up the place.

Above your TOWER OF DARKNESS, the soot-black clouds have begun to split, drawing into a spiraling vortex with veins of lightning crackling in and out of existence in a sharp drumbeat of thunder. And from the very eye of the storm the coming APOCALYPSE glares down like a spotlight upon your HUMBLE DWELLING, smaller meteors the size of hail already beginning to rain and rattle across the roof.

2012-10-06, 04:02 PM
reverendCounter is trolling imperiousCommand
rC: ill say no morrRe on the matterrR...
rC: if haste is of imporrRt i shall ask only what y= m=n by this talk of destin=s...
rC: therrRes a single prrRophecy i h=d and i play no parrRt in it...

2012-10-06, 08:15 PM

mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: hOw do I stop it!
mZ: tHe meteor, is there any way in this game to stop it hitting my Tower?

2012-10-07, 12:17 AM
Past imperiousCommand is typing in the memo
iC: "Oh ho!" *The king bellows, stroking his kingly beard in deep thought*
iC: "Indeed, I would be glad to regale you with tales of my many adventures! But which? Maybe the time I suplexed not one, but two dinosaurs at once? Or perhaps why trolls have blood of many colors?"

2012-10-07, 02:29 AM
You tsk in indignation, "Sounds like a group of upstart Tyrants have stolen the throne. I will not let this swim!" You help him off the bed and back on the solid ground of your floor, "I'm not going belly up any time soon. And y'know what? Even if this is a dream I'm doing somefin. This Ministry oppressing the peoples? I mean, if you're an award winning reporter no one should hold you back." Honestly, this was all you needed to hear to know it was bad. You kind of glaze over the phenomenal difficulty to overthrowing a regime but who cares? If you planed to survive and do it in real life, why not here in your dreams?

You pretty much do the opposite of the usual response to being told "you're a wanted woman" "Hey, does this mean I get to go underground? Like, spread the real word and maybe see if I can do anything to fix whats happening here? Like topple the governing body and rebuild it back to what it should be?"

Past CumbrousCrux is typing in the memo
CC: truuuUUUST mE iT isn'T eaaaaAAASY
CC: haHA i'M beiiiIIING haaaAAARSH
CC: but you could actuaaaAAALY haaaAAANDLE thaaaAAAT iN REAL LIFE iF yooo999U wooo999RKED aT iT.

CC: "Suplex'd you say?"
CC: "What form of misbehavior deserved such from High Punishment to two such SAURIANS?"
CC: "Not that I am some sort of FAUNA PRESERVATIONIST... and most certainly the ruling of WRESTLING MANIA was JUSTIFIED."

Lord Raziere
2012-10-07, 04:41 AM
=====>Stop them
A Pity that you won't be playing them for very long then

You narrow your eyes. You can't have them escaping. the turncoat must be caught, and brought to the White Queen. bringing in a turncoat after all, will score him good in getting the white queen to trust him.

First, deal with the thug. Then capture the turncoat.

You dart out of the shadows once again to throw a pencil, this time at the THUG, to make sure that the turncoat no longer has any help so that you can capture him without interference.

roll for attack:
[roll0] (throwing)+[roll1] (Wild die)

Whether you succeed or fail:
You dart back into the shadows (namely under the bridge) trying to evade the ray gun.

roll for stealth:
[roll2](stealth)+[roll3] (wild die)

2012-10-07, 10:39 PM
=====> Be Present Irvekt Dirmin
You waste no time patting yourself on the back. Or you would if there weren't more pressing matters to attended to. "0_o THAT IS MY TREASURE YOU RUNT! HANDS OFF THE PRECIOUS LOOT! 0_o" You flip the cage around with you mind and move it towards the lava. You keep moving it towards the lava before slamming it, Runt first, towards the remaining CLOCKWORK SCOUNDREL.

Attack roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3725818/): 10, 4

2012-10-08, 03:55 PM
>Gidrim: Investigate
Again with this symbol. You really have no idea what if means. Better ask someone who might.

auroraChaser started trolling trinityElectrifier
AC: um
AC: one of those shapes with the five sides?
AC: um
AC: i forget what you call those

Science Officer
2012-10-08, 07:48 PM
>Fondly regard ornamental crenelations

That move right there was so slick. You've got slickness in spades.

After hours of effort and frustration, the PRECIOUS PRIZE is free and within your grasp... You can't help but proclaim to all in earshot:

PH: Another choice morsel seized by Vegnor Bittaker!

Ok. That was lame. Seriously lame.
Whatever, Irvekt probably can't hear you over the sound of battle. Besides, you still win.

You lie down on top of the cage and reach into the open door, hands searching for the final PRIZE...

Did you want me to decide what the prize was? I wasn't sure. Should my character know?

2012-10-10, 03:00 AM
=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
imperiousCommand is pestering reverendCounter
iC: Excellent.
iC: Head north of your present location and you will find the remains of an ancient temple
iC: Beneath that temple you will find ancient machines in dire need of activation
iC: Don't worry about powering them, another of Our agents is handling that side of the task

=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
imperiousCommand is pestering mazterZorcerer
iC: Oh, We suppose there is one way
iC: And you're in luck
iC: We also may have overstated your lack of time, in order to motivate you
iC: There are a few minutes on the clock yet for your precious home.
iC: Now, as for what you must do
iC: An observatory can be found in the center of the forest nearby your hive, which We currently believe to ablaze, yes?
iC: Go there, and the way shall present itself.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Yes yes! The little fellow agrees, although he does glance tearfully at the window once more before continuing. Definitely revolutionize, yes! Get the ministry out of power! I can help, moral support! But, uh.... Hoo boy. By the way he's getting fidgety again, this is gonna be a rather important but. There aren't really any other rebels. They all died already.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
Well, it worked once, let's see how it fares a second time!

Again you pop up from beneath the bridge, pencil in hand, from the other side and farther back this time to keep them off-guard. The two COWARDLY CONNIVERS are already in flight, so pre-occupied with running away from you that they don't even notice as you take the time to line up the PERFECT SHOT.


And at the last moment, your uPhone ruins everything with it's ear-splittingly loud 'message recieved' tone, the TURNCOAT turning towards the noise just in time that your PENCIL flies over his shoulder. Letting out a shout he starts firing at you again with the RAYGUN, forcing you back beneath the bridge once more, but not before another BOLT wings you and takes the movement from your shoulder.


=====> Be Irvekt and Etaoin
And now a lot of things happen.

Etaoin reaches down from perch for the open door to the cage and PRIZE BEYOND, already congratulating himself over his hardwon victory.

Across the room, Irvekt shoves the smoking scrap of the defeated CLOCK-CROC aside and focuses his psychic energy upon that same cage, bringing down the full might of the lower hemospectrum.

And the shouting. Oh, so much shouting.

PH: Another choice morsel seized by Vegnor Bittaker!


And which brave treasure hunter will have his way?

Etaoin feels his questing fingers brush against something, although he cannot see what beyond the obscuring GOLDEN GLOW OF TREASURE. And at the same time, Irvekt sets the CAGE spinning round and round like a twister, hurling it across the golf like a WRECKING BALL to smash into the last CLOCK-CROC, Etaoin sammiched between the weapon and it's target.

It's all down to this. Does he hang on long enough to SEIZE VICTORY, or does the intrepid Vignor Bittaker meet a bitter end in the lava pits at the hands of his arch-nemesis Tyrian Halemoat?

Irvekt's psionics roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3728784/)


Etaoin's Agility roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3728785/)

Etaoin slams into CROC with enough force to make his head spin and thieving magpies dance before his eyes, his grip upon the cage failing, both him and the MECHANICAL MENACE rolling head over heels across the platform and beyond, tumbling over the EDGE and plummeting down towards the waiting LAVA.

But clutched in his grasp, held with a fervent and desperate strength, is, yes, the very prize he'd sought.

And as Etaoin or Vignor or whatever you wish to call him falls, the LAVA, the CLOCK-CROCODILE, the LEERING STATUES looking down all fade, leaving him lying on the cold stone floor of a dark cavern, alone except for Irvekt. And his PRIZE.

2012-10-10, 03:22 AM

mazterZorceror is trolling imperiousCommand
mZ: zO long az you keep 'overztating' ze time I'll be happy.
mZ: i Zhall be looking over my FLARPERz while I walk.
mZ: i'Ll contact you when I arrive.
mZ: zOrceror out.

You change direction, heading towards the BLAZING INFERNO OF A FOREST.
If you weren't ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN it was a game you likely would have been scared. But everyone knows following the instructions of the Clouder will never lead to GRIZZLY DEATH. Unless you had ANNOYED THEM BEYOND COMPARE.
Which you doubt you have... Well except for THE Zs!
Still, onwards into the NOT VERY EXPLORED FOREST toward the OBSERVATORY you are told is somewhere there.

While you do you decide to check up on your little mini *ahem* FLARP players.

Lord Raziere
2012-10-10, 09:03 AM
=====> >:(
You set the [NINJA-CENSORED] uPhone to [NINJA-CENSORED] vibrate!

Stupid [NINJA-CENSORED] Pineapple product! Messing up your NINJA-THROW, giving you AWAY. This is a [NINJA-CENSORED] genin mistake! Unforgivable in a ninja! Maybe you should switch to Macrohard while you still can, before this fruity company makes you get the uPad III (since everyone knows that the uPad's I and II got released so fast and in such close rapid succession that they might as well be the same product).
Why are Pineapple products in your library anyways!? Who put them there! Whoever did so won't probably be forgiven if they do not a reasonable explanation for doing so!

…..Your getting distracted though. you have to focus on apprehending- wait. [NINJA-CENSORED]. They are already gone and blending into the white crowds of Prospit aren't they? The stupid uPhone ruined everything and now you probably won't be able to find them, while YOU will stick out like a sore thumb. Just fr3aking gr3at.
You might as well answer. You just hope that that whoever is calling you had a good reason for doing so and isn't just some telemarketer or something as you check the message.

2012-10-10, 02:11 PM
You RAGE! How could you let that pathetic scrub beat you to the prize which is so rightfully yours? And how could the game end after he grabbed it? That doesn't even allow you a chance to swipe it from his grubby little hands. Well you could, but beating up people after the game has ended for treasure is rather unsportsman like. Not that you really care, but it might hurt chances of being invited back to something as fun as this was.

It seems that Etaoin has won fair and square. There really isn't much you can do about it.

You want to rip his limbs off and feed them to him.

But maybe another time. You walk over and offer a hand to your fellow TREASURE AFFICIANADO, to help him off the ground. After all there was no reason not to be a good sport about this. You feel the urge to tear his horns off. "0_o I suppose that Vegnor has gotten the upper hand, this time. Next time, I'm going to make this much rougher on you. I can't have Trolls thinking that Tyrian is going soft. 0_o"

2012-10-10, 08:25 PM
=====>reverendCounter is trolling imperiousCommand
rC: will i n=d to contact y= ag=n...
rC: or is this y=rrR last instrrRuct=n forrR the time b=ng...

Yscton takes a moment to scan for anything that might be useful to take from the room while waiting for a response, his deep-set eye flickering from corner to corner as a flame in the wind.

2012-10-11, 03:30 AM


The audible and apparent self induced forehead smack says all the speechlessness for you.

After a pause you kind of take a second look at him... Y'know an actual look. 38( He looked sad, you hate it when others look sad. Specially if he had friends in said Rebellion. Cod! You swear...

You pull on one of your fins to snap away from any negativity, "Well then... Lets not call it a rebellion. Sounds Cliche anyways. Reformists? Maybe. But... how'd it happen? How do you know all the rebels were killed?" It kind of hits you asking about their demise probably wasn't going to instill good moral a bit after the fact. Oh boy! Aren't you an ace at this?

Science Officer
2012-10-11, 08:48 AM
>Take Offered Fore-Limb
You let Irvekt help you up, clutching the PRIZE to your chest with your other arm. That was quite the ordeal, but it's moments like this that make FLARP worth it.

That's your problem Tyrian, always too direct. You need to be clever if you want to win.

And to the winner go the spoils. You haven't even gotten a good look at this PRIZE yet. You hold it out, but can't see a thing past the glowing golden glare.

What is this thing, anyways?
Maybe I should dial up Jemdas...

2012-10-11, 10:15 AM
=====> Give a sly grin
You grin evily at Etaoin. "0_o Ahhh, but if I were truly being clever, would you know it? There's nothing that says I can't just let you do the hard work and then beat the prize out of you afterwords. Wouldn't that be something? 0_o" You laugh. "0_o Nah, I'm just irritated you won. Next time, I'm just dunking you in the lava off the cylindrical sphere-beater like I should have. 0_o" You eye the glowing prize with unhidden envy.

Then, you turn and pull out your personal folding computer and bring up the messages you were sent. You would have used the digital interface, but the CLOUDING BATS were off. It seems a pair of trolls have left you messages. Good as time as any to respond. "0_o Yeah, you do that. I have to cater to the Princess and the Mechanical Mistress. 0_o"

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling cumbrousCrux
SS: 0_o Sorry about that
SS: I was right at the end and the message caused a delay that might have cost me my treasure
SS: I mean, Etaoin did infact get the treasure so yeah
SS: And what do you mean therapy in bed?
SS: This isn't a dream
SS: Are you trolling me again?
SS: As for being A JERK
SS: I warned everyone not to message me until after this was done!
SS: You try staying up for two days and tell me how good of a mood you'd be in
SS: Also, I had no idea you were interested in sharing my winnings
SS: This is something you should say
SS: Tell you what
SS: Now that we're done with this
SS: You wanna go get some FROZEN DAIRY DELIGHTS?
SS: My treat
SS: You're right that we haven't seen each other in a while
SS: It'd be nice to catch up 0_o

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling reverendCounter
SS: 0_o I can honestly say that I know nothing on the matter
SS: This is the first I've heard of such a thing
SS: Keep me updated if you will
SS: I'm curious why robots would assault your MECHANIZED MOUNTS 0_o

Science Officer
2012-10-12, 07:34 PM
>Rummage Sylladex
He can think what he likes. You're the one with a golden PRIZE in his hand.

After several moments retrieving wrong items and re-captchalgouing them, you finally retrieve your Fliptop Rotary Communication Device from your Sylladex.

It looks like one of those antiquated rotary speaker-horns, only there's no horn and instead of numbers there's a series of incomprehensible symbols. You have them set up to speed-dial the people you know.

You dial up Jemdas and flip open the textual display.

plagueHoarder is trolling mazterZorceror:
PH: so I got the thig
PH: I guess you already saw that
PH: so
PH: what is it
PH: I lakk a klear pikture of it
PH: it is rather hard to see

2012-10-15, 12:35 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
It doesn't appear you'll be getting a response out of iC anytime soon. They're still online, their TROLLIAN icon lit up and merrily declaring them to be 'scheming' as if to mock you, but no answer to your last troll is forthcoming.

In short, you're on your own. And it's not a good day to be alone.

As you pull out your LAPTOP and try to pull up Trollian's VIEWPORT program, a BURNING TREE groans it's last and topples, falling right towards your path. Only at the last moment do you see your impending DOOM and leap aside, landing upon a bed of SMOLDERING LEAVES and scrambling up again as the buried flames bite at your skin.

Your laptop was dropped in the panic, left lying facedown in the dirt, although mercifully still WORKING. But that's the least of your WORRIES. In your happy little sphere of obliviousness, fiddling with your computer and that drat VIEWPORT PROGRAM, the WILDFIRE has crept upon you.

Now CRIMSON FLAME licks at the trunks of the trees all around, climbing up to bite at the dry leaves on their boughs, flaring up the ones already fallen into FUNERAL PYRES for the forest. The HEAT has grown INFERNAL, the air thick with SMOKE and the slightest breeze throwing STINGING EMBERS at your face.

But don't worry, it's all just a SILLY GAME, right?

=====> Makdan Beldin
It seems it's GIDRIM who robbed you of your vengeance. TYPICAL.

auroraChaser started trolling trinityElectrifier
AC: um
AC: one of those shapes with the five sides?
AC: um
AC: i forget what you call those

=====> Be Irvekt and Etaoin
The GOLDEN GLOW slowly fades away from the PRIZE, revealing the hard-won TROPHY in all it's... glory?

A pair of PROGRAM-GRUBS, both of a bright, almost-gold yellow, entertained like the SPIRALLING HELIX of a DNA STRAND.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
Nothing much. A few FOAM SWORDS you guys used to smack each other around with, cheap CARDBOARD ARMOR, those little MINIATURE BEANBAG-CHAIR thingies Jemdas uses for spells because he just had to play a spellcaster....

The one thing you can see being any real use are the potions, colorful little tinctures in fancifully shaped glass bottles brought back from various FLARP campaigns. Some of those are the real deal, but you aren't quite sure which.

imperiousCommand is trolling reverendCounter
iC: When We have need of further services, We will contact you
iC: Do not bother Us without outstanding cause.

Oh, and it would seem Irvekt's finally seen fit to message you back.

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling reverendCounter
SS: 0_o I can honestly say that I know nothing on the matter
SS: This is the first I've heard of such a thing
SS: Keep me updated if you will
SS: I'm curious why robots would assault your MECHANIZED MOUNTS 0_o

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Taking off his cap, the REPORTER holds it to his chest, looking down at his feet. They got sold out. Traitor, horrible little snitch gave them to the Ministry, Ministry chopped 'em all up, burned 'em. He pauses, sniffling a little and taking in a deep, shuddery breath before going on. Half the newspaper got gotten, but at least my editor went with 'em. Guess it ain't all bad. Only most of it. Really, really bad.

Good grief. No wonder the poor fellow is nervous.

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling cumbrousCrux
SS: 0_o Sorry about that
SS: I was right at the end and the message caused a delay that might have cost me my treasure
SS: I mean, Etaoin did infact get the treasure so yeah
SS: As for being A JERK
SS: I warned everyone not to message me until after this was done!
SS: You try staying up for two days and tell me how good of a mood you'd be in

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet

A shudder echoes through the ground, the whole cave shaking and chips of stone raining from the ceiling. The TROLLIAN SIGNAL flickers, going from four, to one, to zero, back to three. Something has very definitely gone wrong.

2012-10-15, 12:41 AM

SILLY GAME or NOT FLARP is DANGEROUS! There is a reason it has Fatal as the first letter. You grab the laptop, shutting it and running as fast as your legs can take you, trying to avoid the burning trees

2012-10-15, 02:39 AM
"Hey, hey, hey... You can sit here and let it all out. Probably don't have anyone to lend a gill about this stuff all that often now." You kind of sit next to him awkwardly, giving him the softest of pats you can. A glimpse catches a late response from Irveckt, "I'll do what I can for the whole... situation going on here. Go ahead and use my blankets if you need to, have to glub to a frienemy. Say what you want I'll be listening."

You get back over to your husktop and reply back, mixed feelings at the moment playing a small part on the response.

cumbrousCrux is trolling sensibleSchizophrenic
CC: then SLEEP
CC: 38/
CC: 38]
CC: shooo999W yooo999U hooo999W COURTESY IS D9NE.
CC: C9NQURED, DECIMATED, and as gamers say: 9WNED.
CC: hahaaaAAA yooo999U MUST BE tiiiIIIRED iF youuuUUUR taaaAAAKING thaaaAAAT tooo999NE wiiiIIITH mE aND thiiiIIINKING I ain't CALLIN yooo999U oN iT LATER.
CC: pSH "caused a delay"? admit iT, WHETHER Y9U W9N 9R L9ST WAS UP T9 Y9U. N9T S9ME BLIP THAT WAS A FRACTI9N 9F Y9UR TW9 DAYS.
CC: but yeah, lets back up to the cornerstone of the conversation.
CC: i'M SORRY T99. I really didn't know, or worse, maybe I forgot.
CC: Don't get whats so great about fighting each other about things. Do enough fighting as is.
CC: I... guess? Its better then being alone.
CC: Eh, I have company right now. Even though he's mellowing me out, still better then working around my respite block.
CC: Sidenote: I bet Etaoin did something underhanded to win too, that little half-fluid unit can't fight for his life.

2012-10-15, 06:49 AM
>Gidrim: Investigate
Oh dear. You should probably figure out what that was. Luckily, your hive cave is not that big, so you can search it pretty easily. Which you do.
Investigation or Notice, whichever applies (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3734439/)

Science Officer
2012-10-15, 09:05 AM
Your eyes are suddenly given rest as the GOLDEN GLOW subsides to reveal two grubs. Huh. That almost raises more questions than it answers.

plagueHoarder is trolling mazterZorceror
PH: ok
PH: so prog-gruhs huh
PH: thats kool I guess
PH: what do they hawe koded
PH: 'ways gg & all
PH: i'll head out

-plagueHoarder has ceased trolling mazterZorceror-

That was a looooong FLARP session. You'll be glad to head back to your grungy old sewer nest with your spoils and get some rest.

You can't let Irvekt see these grubs, he'll probably be unreasonable and demand to have one of them.

Lord Raziere
2012-10-15, 05:58 PM

trinityElectrifier responds:

TE: Ok.
TE: l3ts br3ak this down:
TE: You found a robot and what I am going to assum3 is som3 kind of spac3ship, becaus3 that sounds lik3 th3 most lik3ly possibility
TE: and on both the robot, and th3 spac3ship…
TE: ...you found this strang3 mark, that is 3ith3r a fiv3-point3d star or a p3ntagon.
TE: and it also has this crown and tow3rs d3sign on it.
TE: I r3commend trying to communicat3 with th3 robot. It might know som3thing.
TE: How3v3r if th3 robot is not fri3ndly, r3strain and int3rrogat3 it inst3ad.
TE: Worst cas3 sc3nario, you might hav3 to destroy it for your own survival.
TE: and som3how figur3 things out without it.
TE: But y3ah. d3t3rmin3 wh3th3r th3 robot is a thr3at first. For all you know, it could b3 som3 robot 3xiting from its spac3-to-ground orb s3nt to scout out troll w3akn3ss3s or som3thing. A c3rtain l3v3l of suspicion is warrant3d h3r3.

2012-10-16, 01:05 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
More trees fall as you run, the forest alive with their creaking protests at the injustices heaped upon them, with the crackle of the fire eating them away and the panicked cries of animals. Twice you TRIP upon the roots that snake their away across the ground, but no sooner do you fall then you're back on your feet and running once more, ducking and weaving through the reaching FLAMES.

And then it's over. The woods and fire spreading through them fall back behind you and you're struggling uphill now, upon rocky, dry ground that provides no purchase for the flames. The OBSERVATORY looms up just ahead, rounded dome of gray marble squatting on the hilltop, it's door adorned with runes of the ANCIENT TROLL DIALECT. The goal is within sight.

But your TIME's run out. A crash of THUNDEROUS PERCUSSION and the night sky is lit up as if it were DAY, the air whipping up into sudden a maelstrom and dull rumbles spreading underfoot. A glance over your shoulder confirms the WORST.

Where your DARK TOWER once stood, there is only a cauldron of smoking ash.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Thanks. The DARING REPORTER sits down on the bed, but doesn't seem to have much more to say. Not about the Ministry or himself at least. So, uh, what's it like where you're from?

=====> Gidrim Oronet
Your humble CAVE is fine. The woods outside, less so. FIRE has caught on the far side of the FOREST and is fast spreading, the treetops ablaze like TORCHES and birds fleeing them like rats from a sinking ship. The source of the crash cannot be seen, but it's aftermath is clear; A great plume of SMOKE rising up somewhere nearer the coast.

trinityElectrifier is pestering auroraChaser

TE: Ok.
TE: l3ts br3ak this down:
TE: You found a robot and what I am going to assum3 is som3 kind of spac3ship, becaus3 that sounds lik3 th3 most lik3ly possibility
TE: and on both the robot, and th3 spac3ship…
TE: ...you found this strang3 mark, that is 3ith3r a fiv3-point3d star or a p3ntagon.
TE: and it also has this crown and tow3rs d3sign on it.
TE: I r3commend trying to communicat3 with th3 robot. It might know som3thing.
TE: How3v3r if th3 robot is not fri3ndly, r3strain and int3rrogat3 it inst3ad.
TE: Worst cas3 sc3nario, you might hav3 to destroy it for your own survival.
TE: and som3how figur3 things out without it.
TE: But y3ah. d3t3rmin3 wh3th3r th3 robot is a thr3at first. For all you know, it could b3 som3 robot 3xiting from its spac3-to-ground orb s3nt to scout out troll w3akn3ss3s or som3thing. A c3rtain l3v3l of suspicion is warrant3d h3r3.

=====> Be Dryden Salden
For the second time tonight you AWAKEN from foul dreams, this time around nursing a VICIOUS CONCUSSION that makes the world lurch and spin beneath as you fight your way back to your feet.

Your PALATIAL ABODE lies in ruins, the entire WEST WING fallen upon itself and slowly sinking, the ocean's embrace extinguishing the last of the guttering fires. Even the CORAL ISLAND upon which it stands is decimated, the ancient reef that grew here over the millennia cut nearly in half in the blink of a sight-bulb.

Standing atop the wreckage you can see more METEORS falling in the distance, striking the ocean like burning raindrops and kicking up ROLLING WAVES to break against what remains of your shore. The POWER is flickering, faultering, the generator sealed beneath rubble, along with much of your possessions, including the one you prize above all else; Your BLADE.

Things are bad already, yet, somehow you can already tell that they'll be EVEN WORSE soon enough.

2012-10-16, 01:15 AM
"NO!" You shout in abject denial, all your books, all your potions. EVERYTHING gone! You kind of wish you could TIME-TRAVEL like the CHRONOMANCERS of the books.
But the FIRE is getting closer so you hurry into the OBSERVATORY, ignoring the ANCIENT TROLL RUNES on the door for now. Plenty of TIME to study them LATER.

2012-10-16, 02:34 AM
You let Irvekt take his time to answer. Maybe it wasn't him just your dreams taking their own sweet time to come up with what he'd say, "Ehh... better... and worse then yours. Everyones free to go out and do what they want- but its so amazingly dangerous out there most trolls kind of stay home. Theres wild musclebeasts, dragons, nasty Lusii... Doesn't bother me at all, if I come across something I'm the one that makes them think about fighting or fleeing first." You shrug, such a commonplace fact never really was talked about, "So we have a queen and I guess a sort of hierarchy. The highbloods should feel superior but really, I don't see all that much of a difference. We all have our own strengths I guess... even the most seemingly useless ones." You spin around in your chair, not too interested in divulging things, "There are rules though, looming and invisible as they seem. You get caught, you get executed. But mmm... that shouldn't be new to you. Whats it like here for you?"

2012-10-16, 06:38 AM
auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier
AC: and
AC: um
AC: i can't really talk to it
AC: i kind of
AC: um
AC: broke it
AC: already
AC: i did not think about talking to it
AC: D:=
AC: !!!

Lord Raziere
2012-10-16, 03:44 PM
trinityElectrifier responds to auroraChaser

TE: First:
TE: *Fac3palms*
TE: S3cond: Then 3ither g3t out of th3 woods so you won't get burn3d, or put out the fir3! Or y'know, you'll g3t burn3d to d3ath?
TE: I m3an for som3on3 is a s3lf-proclaim3d w3r3muscl3b3ast, you r3ally don't hav3 a good s3ns3 of survival.
TE: Wh3r3 is your animal instincts? Mor3 3vid3nc3 that you might not actually b3 r3al, and just data.
TE: But y3ah. G3t out of th3r3. P3rhaps quickly go to your hiv3, pack up what3v3r you can into your syllad3x r3ally quickly, th3n g3t out of th3r3 and find a new hiv3.
TE: Caus3 yours is probably going to burn down with th3 woods.

2012-10-16, 03:53 PM
Attempting to shake off the pain in your head you observe your surroundings in an attempt to gain a sense of what possessions, like your computer you have nearby and where, most importantly, your armory is in relation to your current position.
Notice: 5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3736705/)

2012-10-17, 02:16 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
The inside of the OBSERVATORY is dark, dank, smelling of old pages long since rotted to dust and lit only by the dim glow of the STARS painted on the sloping ceiling in a meticulously accurate recreation of the ALTERNIAN SOLAR SYSTEM. The furnishings are sparse, a rickety old bronze ORREY, with sagging bookshelves shoved to the sides.

But at least the lack of elaborate decor makes the way ahead clear; The only DOOR besides the one you came in through is set on the opposing wall, a plain metal gateway. How to open it is the real dilemma, for not only does it lack handle and or lock, but an ancient AUTOMECHANAMATON stands before it, unmoving, a single red BUTTON set on it's chest.

=====> Tassie Larkan
Uh-huh. Seemingly from thin air the REPORTER has requisitioned for himself a QUILLl and NOTEPAD, scribbling away furiously as he jots down Tassie's answers and his own comments beside.

[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Here, it's, uh... He waves the quill in the air for a second, trying to conjure up the proper turn of phrase. Here-ish? And failing. War war war, all the time it's war. Join the fight or help the fight or die fighting, likely all of the above.

So, what's a Lusii?

=====> Be Dryden Salden
Okay. Think. The edge of broken PICTURE FRAME stuck in the debris over there is from one of the REPLICA OLD MASTERS you collected,meaning you were in the HALLWAY when it happened, so, from here, you're COMPUTER should be..... Over there!

Which is not a good place for a COMPUTER to be, OVER THERE being buried under a small hill of shattered coral and the broken remnants of your HOME. Which would put the ARMORY only a little ways away, also buried, although likely to have fared better in terms of destruction, being the strongest built room in the place.

Not good. But the EAST WING is still standing, including your BACK-UP ARMORY and the guest rooms, one of which should have an OLD-MODEL COMPUTER. That gives you some options at least.

2012-10-17, 05:00 AM

Clearly the answer is to POKE the BIG RED BUTTON.
You move over and poke it, before taking several steps backwards

2012-10-17, 04:23 PM
You look up from your portable flip top to see the bright light fading from the room. Turning around you see that the glow has faded greatly and left two, count TWO, PROGRAM-GRUBS. It was obviously a sign. "0_o You should give me one of those. You don't need two do you? 0_o"

2012-10-17, 04:33 PM
"Huh? Don't have any of those here? Well they're our caretakers, a Lusus will protect you, teach you, and in my case ask for food all the time. How do you guys survive if you dont have one?" You raise a brow inquisitively. It was kind of unimaginable like... saying you didn't need to eat.... Though it would explain his obvious lack of manners. "Oh and I hope not civil war... But seeing as this place isn't on fire and bodies aren't littering the streets the war is happening somewhere else... Right?"

2012-10-17, 05:05 PM
auroraChaser responds to trinityElectrifier
AC: oh yeah
AC: that would make sense
AC: i should have thought of that D:=
AC: ok hold on i'll let you know when i'm safe
You then proceed to captchalogue your belongings (and also the remains of that robot) and get out of there.

2012-10-18, 02:41 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
With a faint hum of electricity and clicking of gears the AUTOMECHANATRON's eyes flick open. A finger twitches. A foot taps against the floor. Dust showers from the robot's hinges as they creak into life, rusty and sorely injured by the years but still working nonetheless.

It holds up eight fingers. It leans down and holds a hand parallel and only a few inches from the floor. It raises one hand and grips at something in mid-air, lifting a leg at the same time, before lowering both back down and repeating the gesture on the opposite side. It places one hand on it's hip and holds the other arm out in a figure S. And then it stops.


=====> Be Tassie Larkan
No no. We're fighting Prospit. A name which the REPORTER pronounces in the same way a design major might say Comic Sans. Prospit is a terrible place, where there's no food and everyone starves and is miserable and lives in their own filth all day and no-one and nothing ever works. They worship a FOUL GOD and must be stamped from the face of the universe for their own good. Although if all this is true, one must wonder why the war's not already over with.

=====> Be Irvekt and Etaoin
Irvekt's PHONE bleeps.

cumbrousCrux is trolling sensibleSchizophrenic
CC: then SLEEP
CC: 38/
CC: shooo999W yooo999U hooo999W COURTESY IS D9NE.
CC: C9NQURED, DECIMATED, and as gamers say: 9WNED.
CC: hahaaaAAA yooo999U MUST BE tiiiIIIRED iF youuuUUUR taaaAAAKING thaaaAAAT tooo999NE wiiiIIITH mE aND thiiiIIINKING I ain't CALLIN yooo999U oN iT LATER.
CC: pSH "caused a delay"? admit iT, WHETHER Y9U W9N 9R L9ST WAS UP T9 Y9U. N9T S9ME BLIP THAT WAS A FRACTI9N 9F Y9UR TW9 DAYS.

Sorry for how short this is, don't have much to work with.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
Ah, but go WHERE? The forest is AFLAME, the land beyond TREACHEROUS and largely UNKNOWN to you.

2012-10-18, 02:52 AM
"S... um, Jemdas...Kitlec? Jemdas Kitlec?" You try several combinations in the hope that it would work. Fairly sure it wouldn't, but why not.

2012-10-18, 03:24 AM
"Well yeah, if everyone agrees they deserve it you go to war. But if its worse there then here... why haven't you gone over, defeated them, and called it a day?" What DI had said was a huge over generalization, it was like saying all blue bloods were treacherous or you couldn't sleep outside recuperacoons. Probably meant the majority was true, just not all of it. "Like seriously, if peeps are being dragged out and press ganged to go to war somefins wrong. I mean, you don't have to want to fight, but wheres the drive? The ambition? Propaganda is a start... But wheres the spark? They attack your familes? Take your stuff? Like seriously, I don't give a carp about things if its... We beat the bad guys. Hooray..." You make some faux gestures to emphasize your sarcastic whooping in that statement. "So whats so bad about this FOUL GOD thats ... uhm... making it so FOUL?"

2012-10-18, 06:36 AM
You take the least on-fire path through the woods that you can find. You don't really care where it's going, just that taking it won't cause you to burn to death.

2012-10-18, 01:30 PM
Wars are won with information and with that mantra in mind, you decide to head towards your OLD-MODEL COMPUTER to do some reconnaissance and lay down the parameters of this situation. Though you can not help but wonder as to the fate of your lusus.

2012-10-20, 12:31 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
The AUTOMECHANAMATON shakes it's head slowly, then repeats the strange DANCE.

So, it is programmed to receive AUDIAL INPUT, but Jemdas's name isn't the PASSWORD. And why is it DANCING?

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
It steals the skies! Our gods are driven back and back until there's nowhere to go. And the Prospitians praise it, worship it, fight for it! Why, DI's gotten so STEAMED UP at the very thought of it he's gnawing on his hat, chomping big ol' bites out of the fabric.

Which doesn't taste very good at all, BLUH. If we don't fight, who will?! That's some serious NATIONAL PRIDE right there, for someone who's friends were culled by his own government, by all accounts a SHADOWY and SINISTER organization.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
You run and leap and weave through the flames, finally reaching the SHORE just as the last sliver of the SUN sinks down below the horizon. The SPHERE you retrieved begins to rumble, shaking up your SYLLANDEX.

=====> Be Dryden Salden
It's PAINFUL to walk through your house now, seeing it all thrown about, disarrayed and damaged. Pictures hang crooked, if they still hang at all, antique vases fallen from their perch and shattered on the ground, dust and flakes of stone from the ceiling crunching beneath your feet.

It's a small mercy that your BACK-UP generator is even providing enough juice to boot up your SECONDARY COMPUTER when you reach it, but you suppose keeping this OLDER MODEL around does have some perks, including reduced power draw. Your SWEET RIG could never have run on this measly pittance of watts.

By the looks of it, nearly ALL of your FRIENDS are currently on TROLLIAN.

2012-10-20, 01:30 AM
You frown at your phone. What was she going on about now? You apologize and ask her to FROZEN DAIRY DELIGHTS and she goes on some rant?

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling cumbrousCrux
SS: 0_o GIRL
SS: I apologize and ask you to catch up of FROZEN DAIRY DELIGHTS on my treat
SS: And you spout back some nonsense and insult me?
SS: I was trying to be nice
SS: We haven't hung out in a while and I thought it'd be a good way to catch up 0_o

2012-10-20, 03:51 AM
"Aaah... Got it." She really didn't. The line of thought that went, 'how about your gods do that?' crossed her mind. Not like there was much up in the skies either... all she saw were ships and darkness. Kind of crazy talk, meh... it wasn't her job to test the mental faculties of aliens, "So.... have any idea how I got here?" it was a quick an easy way to change the subject to pass the time.

2012-10-20, 04:06 AM

"wHy are you dancing?" you ask the OBVIOUS QUESTION, before moving bck to examine the DOOR WITH ANCIENT WRITING

2012-10-20, 04:42 AM
=====>Plunder and fly:
Yscton swipes up all of the potions into his GEAR SHIFT fetch modus. He'll sort out what works and what doesn't when he has some more time.

reverendCounter is trolling sensibleSchizophrenic
rC: ind=d i shall...
rC: if y= aquirrRe any waywarrRd facts of the matterrR i expect y= to inforrRm me...
rC: with as much haste as can be musterrRed to that end...

Once he's finished typing, he grabs up his laptop, swings into the seat of his motorcycle and roars from the building, scanning the horizon.

2012-10-20, 06:48 AM
You retrieve the sphere from your sylladex and see what all the commotion is.

Lord Raziere
2012-10-20, 10:56 AM
=====> Time to Move

You captchalogue your uPhone back into your JOURNAL MODUS, by writing an entry on the uPhone, its description and the date it was put in. To take it out again, you must write an entry where you are taking it out of the journal and the date of which you are doing so
Of course, this is not your ONLY Modus of your SYLLADEX. You have three MODII in total. The other two are your CLOTHING MODUS which you can only store things you can wear on yourself but can switch around with other things in the Modus quickly. However it doesn't seem to work on Prospit, keeping you stuck with this golden pajama outfit. (Though you admit its kinda growing on you, you wonder absent-mindedly if you could somehow figure out a way of keeping it while awake.)
The last is your REVOLVER MODUS. It has only six captcha-cards, arranged in like a revolver's load of six bullets, but it is designed for quick captchalogue-and-eject combat, a must for any thrown weapon specialist, for the use of for example, ejecting a boulder at a dinosaur to crack their skull.
Why three MODII? because thr333. you like thr333. thr333 is cool.

But, you have been distracted long enough. You must see the White Queen and inform her of this the Turncoat's betrayal. You decide to forego the false ninja leaping for now in favor of the more pragmatic and simple flight, ascending past the golden buildings into the sky so that you can get a better look at all of Prospit, perhaps to find a clue of where the Queen's palace might be.

2012-10-21, 12:34 PM
regalChief has started trolling CumbrousCrux
rC: Greetings, I Would Humbly Request Thy Help On A Problem Quite Suited To Thy Area Of Expertise
rC: Firstly, There Would Appear To Be A Number Of Meteors In My Vicinity, Would Thou Have Any Knowledge On That Matter
rC: Additionally, I Do Not Suppose You Would Have Any Suggestions On The Excavation Of Rubble?

2012-10-24, 02:47 AM
=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
You try to quickly HIDE the GOLDEN PROGRuBs from Irvekt and head for the exit, but too late! Those greedy, beady little GANDERBULBS of his have already gotten a full helping of the sweet, sweet vision of lovely, shiny, TREASURE, his shrill voice assaulting your AURICULAR SPONGE-CLOTS.

"0_o You should give me one of those. You don't need two do you? 0_o"

But wait! He's DISTRACTED by his PHONE. Maybe you can sneak away?

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
cumbrousCrux is trolling sensibleSchizophrenic
CC: 9H, puh-leeeAAAZE

reverendCounter is trolling sensibleSchizophrenic
rC: ind=d i shall...
rC: if y= aquirrRe any waywarrRd facts of the matterrR i expect y= to inforrRm me...
rC: with as much haste as can be musterrRed to that end...

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
The DI stops SCRIBBLING for a moment, QUIRKING an EYEBROW at you. You've always been here, sleeping. Ever since Derse came to be you've been here.

regalChief has started trolling CumbrousCrux
rC: Greetings, I Would Humbly Request Thy Help On A Problem Quite Suited To Thy Area Of Expertise
rC: Firstly, There Would Appear To Be A Number Of Meteors In My Vicinity, Would Thou Have Any Knowledge On That Matter
rC: Additionally, I Do Not Suppose You Would Have Any Suggestions On The Excavation Of Rubble?

Sorry this is so short. >.<

=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
The AUTOMECHANAMATON cannot answer, lacking a mouth or any sort of SPEECHIFYING APPARATUS with which to do so. It can only DANCE, going through the same routine of ODD, SYMBOLIC MOTIONS, again and again and again.....

The DOOR is ENGRAVED with runes in the ANCIENT DIALECT of ALTERNIAN, forming a spiraling pattern that loops around and around and finally ends in a rune you've never seen before, like a supremely complicated pentacle.

A slight BUZZ from your computer alerts you to incoming messages;

plagueHoarder is trolling mazterZorceror:
PH: so I got the thig
PH: I guess you already saw that
PH: so
PH: what is it
PH: I lakk a klear pikture of it
PH: it is rather hard to see

plagueHoarder is trolling mazterZorceror
PH: ok
PH: so prog-gruhs huh
PH: thats kool I guess
PH: what do they hawe koded
PH: 'ways gg & all
PH: i'll head out

-plagueHoarder has ceased trolling mazterZorceror-

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
CRACKS have begun to spread through the COOLING METAL, like a HATCHING EGG, oily smoke pouring through the fissures. As you WATCH, more BREAKS spread outward from the initial crack, spiderwebbing their way across the smooth bronze surface.

And then it stops. Not quite open. Dang.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur

NORTHWARDS lies the FOREST, past that the hills, rising and falling like GRASS-ENCRUSTED WAVES. You step on the GAS and with a ROAR OF MECHANICAL THUNDER all that's reduced to a colorful blur in the rearview mirror, allowing with a melted trail of BURNT RUBBER.

There's AN OLD HUNTING TRAIL through the WOODS and you follow that, creatures small and somewhat-less-small fleeing as fast as they can on their furry little forepaws to avoid falling beneath your WHEELS, some of them without success.

Soon you can see the TEMPLE, rising up on the HORIZON as you clear another hill in a DEATH-DEFYING LEAP to the next. It's a PYRAMID, four staircases leaned against one-another and leading up to a central dais, the grand effect somewhat ruined by centuries of vines and moss afflicting the stone.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
You set your sights skyward and rise, noiselessly and without effort; like zooming out on a MICROSCOPE. The BRIDGE vanishes to a PENCIL-THIN LINE bellow you, then to nothing, the CARAPACIANS to ants and the GOLDEN CITY to a pattern of squiggly shapes, a MAP rolled out on a table to be PERUSED. Even the TOWERING SKYSCRAPERS begin to fall away, until finally you've escaped even the faintest tug of gravity, hovering out, above the planet and in the VOID.

But it isn't a PLANET. You can see that now. It's a MOON, golden and encrusted with a city in miniature, tethered to the real planet below, each looking like a copy of the other on a different scale at this height. Or, maybe that's inaccurate as well. Yes. The MOON has four towers, each tall enough to be obvious even from here. The PLANET, at least the side you see, has none.

2012-10-24, 03:03 AM

You IGNORE the DANCING ROBOT for now. Opening your laptop, very glad you had the charger plugged in so it has FULL BATTERY. You hope, stupid SHODDY TROLLWORK fails 1/2 the time.

mazterZorceror is trolling plagueHoarder
mZ: i Don't really know what it iz.
mZ: zAt "imperiouzCommand" guy gave it too me and I couldn't look at it for zome reazon, ze screen didn't zhow it.

Turning to examine the ANCIENT ALTERNIAN RUNES, you pull up your MANY HOURS STUDYING FAKE LANGUAGES knowledge to try and LEARN ABOUT THIS WRITING.

2012-10-24, 03:19 AM
"Huh... What a weird thing to think about. I... don't think we should be talking about where I come from then. I think it'll just drive me crazy." you kind of wonder about how you've survived no food or water... but it felt like you didn't need either really,

"Is it up to me to figure out where to start? Y'know making things better... especially if its going to help with your war right? And well, wheres the biggest problem area if thats the case?"

At the Husktop you had another message, this one actually struck you as unreal... Meteors? Pfft, you were pretty sure any Rocks heading towards the planet were blasted by the fleets as they went out to conquer the universe... and whatnot.

CumbrousCrux responding to regalChief
CC: sooo999? dooo999 yooo999U waaaAAANT mE tooo999 stuuuUUUDY theeeEEEM?
CC: 38[ I dooo999N'T knoo999W hooo999W t9
CC: i'M nooo999T A METER9L9GIST
CC: seeeEEEMS pretty EXTREME and SILLY, but if its a FLARP thiiiIIIING I CAN F9LL9W
CC: aS fooo999R EXCAVATI9N, have some DR9NES or R9B9TS around?
For somefin you do routinely, you get the nagging feeling your forgetting alot. Like... Getting a cart or DEBRIS CARRYING FLOOR CONVEYOR... or what tools would be helpful... You even forget to mention that pulling from the bottom of the pile tends to get you buried. Which you also forget that other trolls have a tendency to be trapped and bruised when you would be mildly irritated.

Don't worry, :P All of them have been short lately. I don't mind.

Oh and for Hilarity sake
Architectural Knowledge Roll: 3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3748045/)... xD

2012-10-24, 07:10 AM
You open the sphere up the rest of the way. You want to find out what's inside, darn it!

Lord Raziere
2012-10-24, 08:26 AM
=====> Zoom back in.

You find this interesting: did you not come from one of those towers? Wait thats kind of distracting, need to let the Queen know-very-very-important-root-out-turncoat-business needs to be done.
So you fly back down to the PLANET PROSPIT, to go flying among the city below to perhaps maybe find a building that looks a little different from the rest, which will hopefully be the Queen's palace.

Science Officer
2012-10-24, 04:42 PM
>Attempt Subterfuge and Misdirection
Some FLARPers are more of a hazard when out of character...
You're going to have to be a bit sneaky if you want to retain your disproportionate share of the booty.

"Sure, I'll just leave one here. Catch you later."

But of course you're not going to do that. You captchalogue all your assorted junk and prepare to make a stealthy retreat from the immediate area.

And then slip on the slime of the progrub you forgot to grab.
Irvekt notices. Guess you're just going to have to actually leave it here. You're still the one with all the VICTORY today. You begin the hike back to your hive under the city.

Stealth roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3748742/) failed. I played it as being caused by its consequence, but it makes sense in the end.

2012-10-24, 10:35 PM
You stare at your phone bewildered. Was there some kind of connection issue? Tassie was missing a large chunk of what you sent her. Or blatantly ignoring it.

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling cumbrousCrux
SS: 0_o I am sorry for blaming you for my loss
SS: It was both uncouth and rather childish
SS: I would appreciate it if you join me for FROZEN DAIRY DELIGHTS
SS: It's been a while since we've caught up
SS: And I really do feel I've been neglecting my friends
SS: Especially you
SS: I would be honored if you accepted my apology and joined me to hang out 0_o

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling reverendCounter
SS: 0_o Indeed I will
SS: With all the rapidity that my glorious mind can muster
SS: Which is a lot
SS: Strong mind you know 0_o

2012-10-25, 12:11 PM
Yscton will hop off of his motorised two-wheel device to take a look around, tearing away plant growth where necessary. If nothing in particular catches his interest, he'll set his laptop down and check for messages before leaving and screeching off across a different horizon.

2012-10-25, 04:18 PM
You know you lack the time to do so, but you better dignify your superiors with a proper response else they make trouble for you down the line.
regalChief is trolling CumbrousCrux
rC: Thank Thee For Thy Advice, It Shall Be Taken Under Consideration
Now back to more important matters, the highblood was right, excavating rubble like this could take a great deal of time without heavy machinery and time is of the essence. You attempt to remember whether there was a window near the armory. If it is sinking into the ocean, you may be able to swim inside and retrieve your BLADE.

2012-10-28, 02:52 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
Lessee now. That symbol's kinda like a rectangle, so, a door, maybe? And this one looks a little like MR. DANCY-PANTS, and if you really crane your head, the one over there looks kinda mouth-ish with little wavery speech lines coming out of it.


This CLUE would probably make a lot more sense if you had a CLUE how to read it....

The ROBOT is now named MR. DANCY-PANTS. 'cause that's the only name fit for a dancing robot of his caliber.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Yes! That's exactly what you're supposed to do! That's what heroes are for. Maybe it's only the INVESTIGATOR's tendency to EXAGGERATE a little, but when he says 'heroes' it's with the same awful reverence as on might say 'gods'. And you must start with the Ministry! Even before the Prospitians! I can help! Maybe. If it's not too dangerous....

But they're horrible and must be stopped! For the good of everyone! Especially the good of a certain DASHING INDIVIDUAL. And I might know how to start? I wrote this story, it was really good, but they wouldn't let me publish, it was about how they've been stealing up all the weapons and hiding them. And I know where! Excitedly, he jots down an ADDRESS in his notebook and tears out the page, holding it out to you.

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling cumbrousCrux
SS: 0_o I would appreciate it if you join me for FROZEN DAIRY DELIGHTS
SS: It's been a while since we've caught up
SS: And I really do feel I've been neglecting my friends
SS: Especially you 0_o

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
Bite and claw and struggle as you might, the SPHERE shows no signs of weakening. Even CRACKED as it is the SPHERE is far too tough to be broken by hand.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
At a thought you cease to hover in place above the GOLDEN PLANET, sinking slowly down through the ether towards the GOLD-PAVED STREETS below. Too slowly. Now that you're not in motion, not fighting for your life or enjoying the adulation of the crowd, a sudden EXHAUSTED falls upon you. For the third time today BLACKNESS gnaws at the edge of your vision, numb weight pulling at your eyes and fingers, this time, without the rush of adrenaline that saved you before.

If you don't want to awaken, roll Vigor.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
Your FLIPTOP ROTARY COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE buzzes violently within it's CAPTCHACARD, causing your SYLLANDEX to SPIT it out involuntarily, as earlier models have been known to do.

It's MECHANICAL INNARD clack and grind, stamping colorful letters onto a sheet of paper as it comes rolling out the INCOMING MESSAGES slot.

mazterZorceror is trolling plagueHoarder
mZ: i Don't really know what it iz.
mZ: zAt "imperiouzCommand" guy gave it too me and I couldn't look at it for zome reazon, ze screen didn't zhow it.

And no sooner do you read that then the DEVICE starts up again, spewing out another CORRESPONDENCE, this one from the very DEVIL just named.

imperiousCommand is trolling plagueHoarder
iC: Ahem.
iC: We would like to be the first to extend Our sincere congratulations to you upon your victory
iC: A display of cunning suitable for a champion
iC: Mayhaps even a hero.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
A loud YELP briefly distracts you from your typing and you look up in time to see ETAOIN land flat upon his SEMI-CIRCULAR PADDING BULGES, having slipped on PROG-GRUB slime in his devious attempt to sneak away while you were busy.

"Sure, I'll just leave one here. Catch you later." He grumbles, trying to make as if he hadn't just been caught trying to sneak away with both halves of the prize and setting one of the PROG-GRUBS down at your feet before departing post-haste.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
Oh, there's plenty to spark an interest here, depending on what Yscton's looking for. Would runes of ANCIENT ALTERNIAN DIALECT be enough to catch his eye? RUST-RED BLOODSTAINS upon the steps, old but nowhere near as old as this ANCIENT MONUMENT? Or maybe the break in the eastern wall, revealing the structure to be hollow, an odd buzzing, humming energy permeating the air around this breach?

=====> Be Dryden Salden
WINDOWS. Windows windows windows.

The ARMORY itself didn't have any, that would have been silly, it was meant to be as SECURE as possible. But the next room over was the TRAINING ROOM, nearly it's entire northern wall given up to glass panes so that you could have some MOONLIGHT during your SPARRING SESSIONS with the COMBAT BOTS there. If the whole room hasn't collapsed on itself, there'd be your best bet.

CumbrousCrux responding to regalChief
CC: sooo999? dooo999 yooo999U waaaAAANT mE tooo999 stuuuUUUDY theeeEEEM?
CC: 38[ I dooo999N'T knoo999W hooo999W t9
CC: i'M nooo999T A METER9L9GIST
CC: seeeEEEMS pretty EXTREME and SILLY, but if its a FLARP thiiiIIIING I CAN F9LL9W
CC: aS fooo999R EXCAVATI9N, have some DR9NES or R9B9TS around?

2012-10-28, 03:33 AM
You come over and swipe up the address excitedly, "Brill-iant! This is what you call a lead right? Hey if I jack these weapons do you know where I could reallocate them? Y'know... a good place for a secret base or unnoticed abode? Like, I can carry an arsenal... Think my specibus is pretty empty... but I need a place to come back too... and I think if I keep floating in and out of my tower they're going to notice." You were ready to swim over there and clam your first victory over the ministry. "Firepower first then followers later! This is a real opportunaty! Gives me a starting point before it gets ofishal. Mmm but, any clue why they're stashing weapons?"

Your good mood carried onto your response to SS's message. Though you'd probably forget when you woke up- plus maybe these messages were getting crazier as time when by... Fishy that Irvekt was suddenly being nice. But who cared, you could indulge. Plus, you were never really interested in pinning down the kind of crazy everyone said he was. Didn't matter really.

CumbrousCrux responding to sensibleSchizophrenic
CC: awwwWWW thaaaAAAT iS s9 sweeeEEET.
CC: weeeEEELL I neveeeEEER spiiiIIIT iN thE faaaAAACE ooo999F honeeeEEEST treaaaAATIES
CC: caaaAAALL mE afteeeEEER yooo999U geeeEEET sooo999ME SHUTEYE
CC: dooo999N'T bE tooo999 EXCITED TH9UGH
CC: i forget at times

Lord Raziere
2012-10-28, 04:46 AM
=====> Awaken.
Unfortunately you are TOO TIRED to keep yourself asleep.

You AWAKE with a start. What a weird dream! You dreamt that you wore silly golden pajamas (that you still want somewhere deep down in your cold logical soul) flew around a golden planet, talked to a bunch of white-carapaced people, fought some betrayer to their Queen, and most outrageous of all, enjoyed the adoration of a crowd. oh and, that Gidrim called in the middle of all this and said that his hive was on fire because of a robot and a UFO.
Oh well! it was just a dream, weird things happen in dreams, mostly because they are not within the world of logical, sane reality of books, data-trolls and a library in the middle of a desert inhabited by a ninja-scholar-maybe trollpire and his nine-tailed fox parent. You are pretty sure nothing in that dream at all will matter in any way, shape or form in the coming future.

You look around, where are you again, hopefully in the library? Furthermore, you try to remember: what were you doing again?

2012-10-28, 05:05 AM

Clearly you need to go and FIND A CLUE.
You SEARCH the place from top to bottom, ignoring the Dancing Robot MR DANCY-PANTS

2012-10-29, 03:12 AM
If he has anything on which to do so, copying down the RUNES will be his first preoccupation (assuming he can't read them with a moment's effort). The BLOODSTAINS he'll ignore, at least for now. Might be from an out-of-the-way FLARP session, for all he knows, and RUST RED HERRINGS are not the subject of his current chase. The BREACH in the structure's perimeter, however, seems worthy of investigation. He'll toss a wrench into it with all due caution, and watch for any sparks or other effects on it. ELDRITCH ENERGIES are not often the safest of things. If nothing shows, he'll hop in and skulk through the place, recovering the tool as a readied weapon.

2012-10-29, 06:49 AM
Well. So much for that plan.

auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier

Science Officer
2012-10-29, 08:50 PM

This guy?
plagueHoarder is trolling imperiousCommand:
PH: yes you kould say that
PH: i played wery well yeah
PH: so you're the 1 gifted us the prises
PH: i refer to the glowy progruhs
PH: kool thigs yeah
PH: so what do they do

You scratch your head and try to remember. This guy posted in that memo way back? A bit pompous but maybe useful, you guess.

Hmmm. I envisioned the Rotary Communication device as being like a rotary telephone (http://trendycellular.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/sparkfun_rotary_phone_1.jpg) without the handset or cord. Instead of numbers, it has the symbols of the other trolls for speed-dial. It ridiculously flips open like a more modern flip phone (http://www.gadgetreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/d-link-phone.jpg) to reveal two rows of keys and a display medium. A little visual joke that's rather wasted by the fact that no one will actually see it. Adding some elements of type-writer to it just adds to the absurd anachronicity. I like it.

2012-11-02, 12:57 AM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Nope! Well, at least it's bad news in a good way. I couldn't weasel a word outta them, their lips were buttoned and zippered and locked and guarded by some very burly individuals who said some very unkind things right before they threw me out.

But, I, uhm, uhm... There's obviously more the INVESTIGATOR wishes to say, but equally obvious that some sudden thought's stayed his tongue. Why, his shell's practically turned, if not WHITE, at least significantly closer to GRAY than it was moments before, eyes darting about the room with fright. Y'know this was all kinda silly and you really shouldn't try overthrowing the Ministry I was just joking ha ha and didn't mean any of thatreallyitwasstupidbye.

And like a bat outta hell he makes a dash for the door, trying to ESCAPE before you can stop him!

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
The LIBRARY. Not only OBJECTIVELY the BEST PLACE in the hive, but SUBJECTIVELY the BEST PLACE FOR NAPPING, although your SILLY LUSUS seems to prefer a BED for some weird reason. It is a MYSTERY.

But, anywhoo, LIBRARY. Yup, LIBRARY, probably the biggest on all ALTERNIA, if not the only. Bookshelves carved of dark and ancient timber rise up like ONYX MONOLITHS, laden down with COBWEBS and PRECIOUS, SWEET KNOWLEDGE reposited in LITERARY FORMAT. BRIGHT MOONLIGHT shines in through glass-paneled SKYLIGHTS set in the corners of the ceiling high above, illuminating within their searchlight beams the ever-present cascade of DUST that fills the air and inundates it with that ANCIENT, HALLOWED ATMOSPHERE, silent and unmoving.

At least until your BOOKTOP starts buzzing like an angry, NOT-AT-ALL-NINJA-ESQUE WASP and totally ruins the whole vibe. Stupid Gidrim and his stupid getting-hit-by-meteors.

auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier

Wait, hold on a second. Wasn't that all supposed to be a DREAM? You are AWAKE right now, aren't you?

=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec
MR. DANCY-PANTS does not take kindly to being IGNORED, sticking out a foot as you walk by to bring your SEARCH to an ABRUPT, LANDING FLAT ON YOUR FACE STOP.

Then he points at YOU, holds up two fingers with which to indicate his EYES, then points at himself.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
Almost immediately the sound of METAL striking against STONE is returned to you, then, after such a wait that you almost think it has stopped, the sound of another collision comes echoing up from the breach, METAL on METAL and much further away.

An odd breeze seems to roam near the break as well, tugging at the edges of your apparel, beckoning, pulling, whispering in a sing-song rush and ebb of movement.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
imperiousCommand is pestering plagueHoarder
iC: Tsk-tsk.
iC: We are not in the habit of rewarding intellectual sloth
iC: Are you not masquerading as a brave adventurer?
iC: Are you not even going to take the relatively minor risk of being incorrect in your assumptions and make a guess as to the prize's purpose?
iC: We find Ourselves oddly disappointed.
iC: We had thought the challenge would have weeded out such infirmity of heart.

2012-11-02, 01:02 AM

"Hey! I neither understand your Dancing Mr Dancy-Pants nor can I decipher the writing on the door, if you want me to do something you have to say it in good old Troll."
Jemdas gets up, looking in MR DANCY-PANTS' EYES

2012-11-02, 01:36 AM
You curse under your breath"Calf of a BEACHED WHALE." You give him a little of a head start, taking a moment to capchalog your husktop before leaving your room behind. But Trolling can wait, you had a DI to chase and excitement to burn. "Ya better hope whatever made you think ditching me was a smart idea is worth it."

Sports(Agl) Roll: 5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3762815/) Keep up but not stop

2012-11-02, 01:47 AM
You pick up the prog-grub reveling in a share of the loot. Even though you did not win you are still victorious! You captchalogue the creature and start heading out yourself. You were tired and it was a fair distance to walk to your hive. Maybe you could get Yscton to give you a ride home on one of those TWO WHEELED DEVICES.

2012-11-02, 07:58 AM
=====>Yscton isn't sure what to make of what he's heard, and the queer winds around the entrance should advise caution. But those metal spawns of scrap messed with his bikes. This thought ended, he throws caution, and himself, to the wind - hopping through the opening with another wrench in hand.

Lord Raziere
2012-11-02, 09:32 AM
=====>What the grub?

Hmm…..well you HAVE read books on people sleepwalking, where such actions are made during the sleep normally used in full consciousness, so it might be possible that you simply sleep-phoned your response.
BUT….sleepwalking is often characterized by simple repeated behaviors, nothing so complex as something that can respond to a text.
FURTHERMORE….if your eyes were closed and asleep, how did you see the text from Gidrim in the first place? your eyes couldn't possibly see anything while you were asleep, could they, even if they opened but you were still asleep! You doubt the eyes are capable of interpreting such information while unconscious.

and the possibility that you just so happened to have a dream with the same message, just so happened to sleep-grab the uPhone, and just so happened to have typed out the response that you did, is so astronomically improbable that even contemplating the scenario is sheer ridiculousness.

So. What do you know?
1: that you couldn't have possibly answered that text while asleep.
2. Therefore somehow that golden world was real

However that raises a different question: how did you get there? you went to sleep, woke up on Prospit, then you went to sleep and woke up back here! Maybe you have the power to teleport to other worlds in your sleep?
….No, that doesn't work, they have been expecting you on Prospit for some time, furthermore you aren't wearing golden pajama's, you wearing your normal green shirt with black caste sign, black pants, vest and fingerless glove combo you got going here.
…..so….maybe the golden pajama's was like some suit you teleport into? or perhaps Prospit has some kind of transmutation field that morphs clothes into golden versions, but snaps back to normal when off-world? no, that doesn't work they were wearing all kinds of colors, not just gold, and it still doesn't explain how they knew you.
….maybe you have some weird second body on Prospit that the Prospitians gave a golden set of pajama's (you have a horrible mental image of some Prospitians forcing a naked you into the clothes while your asleep for a moment) for some reason?
that explains a lot, but why is a second body of you on a completely different planet in the first place!? are they some kind of aliens that for some reason like watching your life on some golden television set, and so made a second body for you and made this room for you, not understanding why you read books, giving you only blank pages, but replicating your BOOKTOP and uPhone perfectly?
would explain why your a celebrity there. perhaps they made the second body so that you could go visit them and they being aliens, forgot that you didn't know anything about them. still doesn't explain how they replicated your uPhone so well yet didn't replicate your books, as if they skipped that "writing things down" section of civilization advancement….

wait, this is getting too complicated and assuming too much. use TROLL OCCAM'S RAZOR: You are still dreaming, idiot. (perfectly accordance with Troll Occam' Razor, which is thus: the simplest explanation is the most probable idiot. the idiot is not a superfluous self-addition, it is actually a part of Troll Occam's Razor.)
Therefore? play along. waking up is obviously just apart of the dream. sure it doesn't make any sense, but dreams often don't. you are sure that when you wake up for real that everything will be normal and that gidrim won't be spouting any of this UFO nonsense.

TE: Ok, don't tamp3r with it.
TE: you hav3 no id3a what'll do, p3rhaps it going through som3 w3ird proc3ss that hasn't b33n compl3t3d y3t.
TE: which 3ith3r m3ans you should stick around to s33 what happ3ns, or g3t away before som3thing dangerous pops out of it and kills you.
TE: I hon3stly have no id3a.
TE: though l3ts try just sticking around to s33 what happ3ns…
TE: or on s3cond thought, tamp3r with it, you'll probably g3t som3thing to happ3n fast3r that way, I'm still thinking that I'm dr3aming right now is the most probabl3 sc3nario for the curr3nt situation, so what do I know? or not, what3v3r.
TE: b3caus3 I just wok3 up from som3 strang3 dr3am wh3r3 I was on som3 gold3n world where I was a c3l3brity and trying to foil som3 plot against its qu33n. what mak3s m3 think that this is a dr3am to, is that I answered you the first tim3 whil3 on that gold3n world...

Science Officer
2012-11-02, 11:16 PM

plagueHoarder is trolling imperiousCommand
PH: ha
PH: kourage is a poor quality for adwehturers
PH: ought to awoid risk at all ways
PH: kourage gets you dead quik
PH: howewer just like you say this is hardly a risk

You examine the prog-grub. (The one left on the ground for Irvekt, not the one safely stowed in your sylladex.) It looks fairly... normal? It's got eyes, thorax, pseudopods...
You don't know enough about this imperiousCommand guy or the bio-computational sciences to make any sort of educated decision. You'll just have to guess.

Hmmm. Code for another FLARP? This guy takes an awful interest in role-playing.
Maybe it has some kind of game or puzzle you can run on a analytical-terminal.
You decide to be vague and non-commital.

plagueHoarder is trolling imperiousCommand
PH: it is a
PH: a
PH: lookig for wordssss
PH: a ludik dewise
PH: ahother opportuhity to play hero
PH: that's what you'd giwe as a reward

"Ludic device". Yeah. That was real clear.
You could wait for a repsonse, but consider just clipping your teletypephonwriter to your belt and getting up to leave again.

Name Origin time! because I have noticed in the memo posts that some players like adding OoC addendums to their posts. And because I feel like spilling the story behind them.

'Etaion' is (misspelled) from an older equivalent to QWERTY. ETAOIN SHRDLU would actually make a fine troll name by itself...
R. Burrus is known as the Nonsense Rat, which is really one of the greatest names ever bestowed on an animal species.

'Vegnor' is a little rearrangment from R. Norvegicus, the Norwegian or Brown Rat.
'Bittaker' Doesn't fit the form of troll names, but I guess it could be an epithet, like 'Mindfang'. The name comes from the The Battle of the Mice and Frogs, where Bittaker is a celebrated hero of the mice, whom even the gods can not defy. It sounds a little cooler than 'Morselthief', but comes to about the same meaning...

What colour is imperiousCommand's name/text? I don't think it's 'Olive', which I had been using.

2012-11-03, 01:58 AM
=====> Be Jemdas Kitlec

Mr. Dancy-Pants is DONE with this hoofbeast excrement young man! With patronizing, almost sarcastically exaggerated slowness, he raises EIGHT fingers. EIGHT. As in, one more than SEVEN. EIGHT.

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Beyond the door is exactly what you'd expect in a tower. STAIRS. Spiraling stone stairs twisting down into the distance, step after step after step, SO MANY GOG-DURN STAIRS, descending towards a seeming infinity.

Not that you have to climb down all of them. Or even run to keep up.

You find the DI sprawled upon the very first landing below, lying in a heap with his face planted firmly on the ground, groaning. Poor fellow can't catch a BREAK today, save for maybe a BROKEN LEG from that fall.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
It's INFURIATING how much easier the return trip is, minus the MAZES within MAZES and endless REPTILIAN HORDE to confuse your path. Still a long, boring walk through the dark caves, made all the worse by already being EXHAUSTED, but not nearly the TWO-DAY MARATHON it was.

And maybe not so boring either. What are FRIENDS for, if not for TROLLING?

CumbrousCrux responding to sensibleSchizophrenic

CC: weeeEEELL I neveeeEEER spiiiIIIT iN thE faaaAAACE ooo999F honeeeEEEST treaaaAATIES
CC: caaaAAALL mE afteeeEEER yooo999U geeeEEET sooo999ME SHUTEYE
CC: dooo999N'T bE tooo999 EXCITED TH9UGH
CC: i forget at times

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
Your auricular sponge-clots POP as you leap through the breach, the very air seeming to fall away from around you as you head through onto the other side, leaving only a stale, thin approximation behind. Your landing kicks up flurries of dust a thousand years in the building, nearly making you break down coughing.

While the EYES of a LESSER BEING might waver in the dim light inside the temple, your GANDERBULBS take no more than the space of a single blink to adjust, revealing all the MOLDERING GLORY of this abandoned monument. The walls are carved with more of the ANCIENT RUNES inscribed upon it's outer edge, cracked and crumbled into illegibility or consumed by a creeping, bulbous MOSS in most places.

You've landed yourself in some sort of HALLWAY, or rather a juncture between three of them. Two, leading LEFT and RIGHT, continue for a good distance between curving off to the NORTH such that you can see no further, while the third is more direct in it's NORTHWARD ROUTE, stopping short in a deadfall almost immediately. But, wait... Something's awfully odd about this. Set in the wall of the THIRD HALLWAY is some sort of... Metal box? A surprisingly modern METAL BOX.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
imperiousCommand is trolling plagueHoarder
iC: 'Ludic device'
iC: A commendable turn of phrase
iC: Almost enough to beg forgiveness for the atrocious way in which it's been transcribed.
iC: We would gladly extoll upon the merits of the letters C, V and N
iC: They are needed, you see, for proper discussion in the written format.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
trinityElectrifier is pestering auroraChaser
TE: Ok, don't tamp3r with it.
TE: you hav3 no id3a what'll do, p3rhaps it going through som3 w3ird proc3ss that hasn't b33n compl3t3d y3t.
TE: which 3ith3r m3ans you should stick around to s33 what happ3ns, or g3t away before som3thing dangerous pops out of it and kills you.
TE: I hon3stly have no id3a.
TE: though l3ts try just sticking around to s33 what happ3ns…
TE: or on s3cond thought, tamp3r with it, you'll probably g3t som3thing to happ3n fast3r that way, I'm still thinking that I'm dr3aming right now is the most probabl3 sc3nario for the curr3nt situation, so what do I know? or not, what3v3r.

2012-11-03, 02:17 AM
Well yeah, floating down would've been easier, but it wouldn't have felt faster at all. But Duuuude... What a lame way to end a chase. "Did I not say I would escargourt you down?" Somehow the DI had made STAIRS a difficult venture... hard to see how this same guy managed to climb your tower. Well it felt kind of pointless to threaten him with violence, he kind of was maimed already, "Sheeeze. I'll get you back to somewhere safe, or if you still think I'm silly... I'll even get you down there and beat you in public so that peeps don't think we're associated. All you had to do was ask."

Science Officer
2012-11-03, 12:52 PM

plagueHoarder is trolling imperiousCommand
PH: people keep sayig this
PH: howewer I lost those keys quite a while ago
PH: they were all sort of useless
PH: that's really all there is to say for that topik
PH: for you I would proffer the letter 'I'
PH: useful to refer to the self
PH: all I desire to hear is: was I right or wrog

2012-11-03, 06:09 PM
You walk and type at the same time, not needing the full attention of your mind for such a simple task.

sensibleSchizophrenic responding to CumbrousCrux
SS: 0_o It's a date then
SS: What time do you want to meet?
SS: I mean, I'm typically free
SS: So it's really up to you
SS: And don't worry
SS: It won't be a disaster
SS: Just...
SS: Leave your sculptures at your hive XD 0_o

2012-11-03, 07:35 PM
auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier
AC: i tried that
AC: i couldn't get it to open
AC: D:=
AC: so i'm not sure what do now...

2012-11-05, 12:45 AM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Er, uhm, no thanks? He'd really rather avoid being BEATEN, nearly as much as he'd like to avoid being MURDERED. I think it would really be best if you didn't help me at all. In fact, I've got to get away from you! The Ministry prolly ha the room bugged, I've got to pack my bags, get the hell out of town!

sensibleSchizophrenic responding to CumbrousCrux
SS: 0_o It's a date then
SS: What time do you want to meet?
SS: I mean, I'm typically free
SS: So it's really up to you
SS: And don't worry
SS: It won't be a disaster
SS: Just...
SS: Leave your sculptures at your hive XD 0_o

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
imperiousCommand is trolling plagueHoarder
iC: We are not unaware of I, nor incapable of it's use.
iC: We simply do not find it an appropriate appellation
iC: And unlike your chosen, ahem, 'quirk'
iC: Our use of the royal 'We' does not require the butchering of all proper spelling.
iC: But yes, you are correct.
iC: What greater reward for a HERO than another chance at bravery?

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier
AC: i tried that
AC: i couldn't get it to open
AC: D:=
AC: so i'm not sure what do now...

2012-11-05, 01:41 AM
You still smile, though it certainly does not give off the friendliest of overtones, "Well... Sitting here with a broken leg means your life is forfeit already. So I'm going to do you the disfavor of doing whatever the Hell I want with it for the Haibut." This was the nice thing about being a princess and owning your own tower, you didn't have to ask people to leave. You made them. "I suggest you don't struggle, but either way doesn't make a difference to me."

Fighting roll to pick him up and float him all the way down the tower at a fast pace: 8= 6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3768030/) + 2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3768031/)

Lord Raziere
2012-11-05, 03:04 AM

You sigh. figures.

TE: W3ll….mayb3 its lik3 a Grubix cub3? or som3 oth3r form of puzzl3, and you hav3 to solv3 it som3how?
TE: or p3rhaps th3r3 is som3 sort of plac3 wh3r3 you put in a cod3 or you sp3ak a password and it op3ns?
TE: or mayb3 its n33ds som3 kind of k3y compon3nt that your missing, so you'd hav3 to find th3 "k3y" to "unlock" it.
TE: the bl3ak3st possibility of cours3 is that it only op3ns to a c3rtain p3rsons DNA or thumbprint. it could b3 som3 ali3n's s3cr3t box of childhood memori3s for all w3 know. and th3 possibility that it might op3n for your DNA, is so ludicrously astronomically improbabl3 that th3r3 isn't 3v3n a numb3r for it.
TE: B3tter hop3 its not anything DNA r3lated th3n. and that it do3sn't r3quir3 th3 afor3mention3d k3y compon3nt, which in all probability, could b3 anywh3r3 du3 to th3 crash and th3 burning for3st, you probably won't find it.
TE: so l3ts b3 optimistic, and assum3 that its som3 sort of puzzl3 that you ar3 capabl3 of figuring out, and isn't som3 w3ird riddl3 thing in som3 ali3n languag3 that you have no cont3xt or knowl3dg3 of, som3thing r3quiring limbs or s3ns3s you don't have, or som3thing d3signed so that only a g3nius can figur3 it out.
TE: ar3 th3r3 any patt3rns on it you can disc3rn?
TE: By th3 way, I'm not a g3nius.
TE: I'm just a smart guy who has r3ad a lot of books, and knows ninja combat.
TE: just so that you don't go "but your g3nius!" in some pr3dictable way.
TE: I'm compl3t3ly different from g3nius's.
TE: also, I'm thinking that 3v3n if I'm still in a dr3am, and 3v3n if your just a datafri3nd….
TE: th3r3 is still a possibility that I am wrong on both accounts and that this is not a dr3am and that you are r3al.
TE: so I am morally obligated to tr3at you as if you ar3 r3al no matter how slight the chanc3.
TE: m3aning….you might as w3ll b3 r3al. th3r3 is no r3al practical diff3r3nc3.
TE: which m3ans…..hav3 I b33n cold and h3artl3ss all this tim3?
TE: do I 3v3n know what m3ans?

2012-11-05, 07:02 AM
=====>Wheezing for a moment, Yscton approaches the third hallway with a halting, cautious gait. He'll attempt a single blow on the ANACHRONISTIC CUBE and leap backward. Assuming no disaster is forthcoming, he'll attempt to PRY IT FROM THE WALL - simmering thoughts of the earlier malefactor's metal hide triggering his INCOMPARABLE RAGE. If there's no space between the wall and the box to get a grip or fit a lever, he'll MAKE ONE.

2012-11-05, 08:30 AM
You decide it is worth the risk to try and get down there. Doing your best to navigate through the rubble, you make you way as close to the where the armory would be, braving the waters in necessary, and if they are calm enough to swim in. Sports: 3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3768247/)

Science Officer
2012-11-05, 09:59 AM
plagueHoarder is trolling imperiousCommand:
PH: thats kool I guess
PH: so where will it take plase
PH: spase-wise & klok-wise
PH: you hawe other "heroes"
PH: or is it just Irwekt & I
PH: 'ways it's awful late
PH: I gotta get safe 'fore the day-star rises

2012-11-09, 12:57 AM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan

The DARING INVESTIGATOR is pulled up by his shirt collar, suddenly finding a new breath of life to protest with. But- But I'm gonna diiiee! I'm gonna be shot and beheaded and thrown into a ditch to rot with all the other losers! He whines, kicking at the air with two very much UNBROKEN legs and wriggling helplessly in your grasp. There's no helping me now, I'm doomed, doooomed, a dead man talking!

=====> Makdan Beldin
Sadly, even the most SCINTILLATING CORRESPONDENCE is still easy prey for cruel circumstance. A flare of CRIMSON BRILLIANCE floods through the skylights, moments before they shatter, a vicious TREMOR catching the LIBRARY and shaking it like a HOOFBEAST's bell.

Books tumble from their places, joined in descent by chips of stone and great downpours of plaster from the ceiling. The MONOLITH SHELVES themselves tremble mightily and for the barest moment seem poised to fall, but then as quickly as it happened, it is over. The ground is thick with dust and debris and the light pouring in still a SICKENINGLY BRIGHT CHERRY RED, but the ground has stilled.

Still, there is one grave consequence of this spontaneous plunge into disaster.... Your INTERNET CONNECTION has gone and died.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
One sharp rap is all it really takes.

Ancient hinges, slowly devoured by rust and simple age, give way in a creak of metal beneath the sudden assault. The front panel of the box falls to the ground, revealing beneath a BUTTON, flakes of RED paint still clinging desperately to it's surface.

=====> Be Dryden Salden
The SEA is your HOME and it's waters fill your veins. It calls to you, welcomes you as kin. It would be a lie to say it holds no challenges, no peril for you, but those are mere tests, given so that you might reaffirm your strength and right to rule.

On a good day.

TODAY isn't very good.

TODAY the SEA thrashes like a wounded beast, striking at the shore with reaching tendrils and rising up to meet you with a great wave as you dive into the surf. Below, it's no calmer. The water almost seems to boil today, compared to it's usual cool calmness. A thousand different furred spill and tug you in all directions, miniature whirlpools spinning down into the depths. In the distance, you can see the ponderous bulk of some great AQUATIC MONSTROSITY struggling towards the surface.

This CLUTCHING UNDERTOW leaves no room to maneuver and makes swimming near impossible, forcing you to instead cling to the broken foundations of your once beautful MANSION to avoid being swept away. You advance slowly, inch by inch, crawling down the CORAL SHELF like a snail towards the wreckage below. The last leg of this journey is the toughest, as there's no handholds to cling to for the last few feet, requiring a leap, or rather, SWIM OF FAITH to reach the bisected half of your home, sweet home.

Circling the building you find the WINDOW upon which your plan hinged, thankfully intact thanks to the SUPERIOR NATURE of your hive's WORKMANSHIP. You'll really have to thank Tassie for the architecture tips. But your TRAILS are far from over. As you squeeze through the window into the TRAINING ROOM beyond, your eyes are immediately drawn to three sets of GLOWING EYES, each attached to a metallic body floating idly through the flooded room.

Looks like your SPARRING PARTNERS were activated by the shock....

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
imperiousCommand is trolling plagueHoarder
iC: Oh-hoh.
iC: But don't you see?
iC: We've already begun the game.
iC: In the grub you hold only a fraction
iC: With no governance over the whole
iC: So We would suggest you hurry along
iC: Lest you be overtaken by events already in motion.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
No response. Hopefully she just forgot to tack 'goodbye' on that last message. 'cause the other option is that you might've OFFENDED HER.

Or that she's playing the FLIGHTY DAME. Can never rule out that possibility.

In any case, there's LIGHT on the HORIZON. To be exact, seeping in through the TRAPDOOR ahead and illuminating the ladder beneath like a spotlight. One short climb later you're in the CLUBHOUSE, the meeting place, planning room and headquarters for the FLARPing ESCAPADES of you and your PALHONCHOS.

Which looks to have been sacked recently. Someone's been searching the place, strewing props and valuable (i.e. FAKE) artifacts around the place with disgusting carelessness. That's bad enough. What's worse is that the POTION COLLECTION, including the only REAL artifacts in the place, have been swiped, from HEALING DRAUGHTS to DEADLY POISONS!

And trail of ONE-WHEELED MOTOR-DEVICE TRACKS leading away from the scene brings one PARTICULAR NAME to mind as the culprit in this fiendish case.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
trinityElectrifier is pestering auroraChaser
TE: W3ll….mayb3 its lik3 a Grubix cub3? or som3 oth3r form of puzzl3, and you hav3 to solv3 it som3how?
TE: or p3rhaps th3r3 is som3 sort of plac3 wh3r3 you put in a cod3 or you sp3ak a password and it op3ns?
TE: or mayb3 its n33ds som3 kind of k3y compon3nt that your missing, so you'd hav3 to find th3 "k3y" to "unlock" it.
TE: the bl3ak3st possibility of cours3 is that it only op3ns to a c3rtain p3rsons DNA or thumbprint. it could b3 som3 ali3n's s3cr3t box of childhood memori3s for all w3 know. and th3 possibility that it might op3n for your DNA, is so ludicrously astronomically improbabl3 that th3r3 isn't 3v3n a numb3r for it.
TE: B3tter hop3 its not anything DNA r3lated th3n. and that it do3sn't r3quir3 th3 afor3mention3d k3y compon3nt, which in all probability, could b3 anywh3r3 du3 to th3 crash and th3 burning for3st, you probably won't find it.
TE: so l3ts b3 optimistic, and assum3 that its som3 sort of puzzl3 that you ar3 capabl3 of figuring out, and isn't som3 w3ird riddl3 thing in som3 ali3n languag3 that you have no cont3xt or knowl3dg3 of, som3thing r3quiring limbs or s3ns3s you don't have, or som3thing d3signed so that only a g3nius can figur3 it out.
TE: ar3 th3r3 any patt3rns on it you can disc3rn?
TE: By th3 way, I'm not a g3nius.
TE: I'm just a smart guy who has r3ad a lot of books, and knows ninja combat.
TE: just so that you don't go "but your g3nius!" in some pr3dictable way.
TE: I'm compl3t3ly different from g3nius's.
TE: also, I'm thinking that 3v3n if I'm still in a dr3am, and 3v3n if your just a datafri3nd….
TE: th3r3 is still a possibility that I am wrong on both accounts and that this is not a dr3am and that you are r3al.
TE: so I am morally obligated to tr3at you as if you ar3 r3al no matter how slight the chanc3.
TE: m3aning….you might as w3ll b3 r3al. th3r3 is no r3al practical diff3r3nc3.
TE: which m3ans…..hav3 I b33n cold and h3artl3ss all this tim3?
TE: do I 3v3n know what m3ans?

2012-11-09, 02:46 AM
You roll your eyes, "Wow. You're really doing a disfavor to yourself right now... It took me... What? Three sweeps? To get over my imminent death." This was fun, you never got to keep captive audiences often, "We all die. Everyone. So either buck up fast and learn how to live for yourself or Keel over 'n die. Don't ya want your Pulzsomething Prize winning article to get out? Tut tut." You shake your head, No fight in this one, You shake him for good measure, "Or is it going to be the easy way out? Boooooring. Like, I'll wake up from this and then tell my friends about this dream... And the moral will be, if they give up like this: I WILL LITERALLY HANG 'em on HOOKS. 'chet, if you're going to be a waste of space like that- you can be a decorative waste of space."

With all this squirming unfortunately, you can't look at your Husktop on the go. Irvekt was just going to have to be patient on this one. Ugh Carp! Was there any way to send a message without the lout ping? Next time you were going to answer him, he'd probably be asleep.

2012-11-09, 11:52 AM
=====>Yscton: Do something really stupidIn the grip of his desperate fury, Yscton SMASHES THE BUTTON WITH HIS WRENCH.

2012-11-09, 03:43 PM
auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier
AC: um...
AC: ok...
AC: i don't really know what you're talking about now...
AC: but i guess i will work on seeing if it's a puzzle...

You then proceed to figure out if it is a puzzle.

Rolling Investigation, I guess? (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3775387/) If that's not what I need to roll, let me know.

Lord Raziere
2012-11-09, 04:37 PM
====> Now what?

You just got used to the idea that maybe a golden world with white-carapaced aliens, a queen a king and traitor where gravity doesn't seem to apply to some weird second body you might have, could possibly not be some mad dream.

Now you have to deal with whatever crashed outside, which is sounding suspiciously a lot like what Gidrim was talking about. It does not take a genius to link the two crashes: obviously its another probe, probably a scout for the eventual alien invasion. maybe. probably.

But your aren't concerned about that. what your concerned about is how the aliens crashed so near your library! either that was catastrophically weird luck at work, or they know where your library is!
and if they know where your library is, that means they have navigation, maps, and other such tools of location! which means if you can recover and figure out the technology to navigate and what not, you could finally find other people, and civilization! Finally, you will be able to get out this desert and learn more about the world!
That and you are also just plain curious. Everything demands investigation, as everything has information in it be obtained and recorded. You run towards the direction of the crash while whipping out a journal and a pencil from your sylladex.
This of all things, surely needs to be recorded.

Science Officer
2012-11-09, 05:26 PM
Oh wait, now you remember why you never talk to this guy.
Because he makes no goddamn sense.

You tear off the printed conversation, adjust the spool, and fold your phone back up. You decide to clip the phone to your belt. It's kind of bulky, but if someone calls it will be easier than having to get it from your sylladex.

You continue your hike to the city.

2012-11-10, 06:19 PM
You look around at the mess that has been brought down upon the FLARPing CLUBHOUSE. Why on Alternia's dirt would Yscton come in and ransack the place? And the POTION COLLECTION! The thievery commited here today! It is enough to drive anyone into a rage.

Especially considering you're exhausted and you know you won't be able to sleep until justice is visited upon the culprit. With a HEAVY SIGH, you start following the tracks to whereever they might end.

2012-11-13, 04:36 PM
You freeze in place hoping the bots failed to notice your entrance given the sound of the storm, but you quickly cast your glance around for any weapon nearby that might have been knocked loose from a weapon rack by the storm.

2012-11-14, 02:30 AM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Meep! is not a noise generally attributed to sapient beings. Those weird little PURRING FELINES maybe. But not creatures of near-trolloid intellect.

And yet somehow the 'DARING' INVESTIGATOR finds just such a sound to sum up his thoughts on your latest, no doubt fishing it up from his seemingly BOTTOMLESS WELL OF COWARDICE.

Nononono! Please don't! I think I feel a sudden urge to live coming on, a desire to live and breath and roll around in flowers and be oh so happy and cheery and not waste any space whatsoever! I think I'll defect to Prospit, they're not really so bad afterall haha!

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
Something RUMBLES far overhead, the STEADY CLANK of MACHINERY. Then, a loud SNAP. Something hurtles past the open shaft before you, clanging and crashing against the walls as it goes, the barest hint of sunlight leaking through the breach and reflecting upon the metal as it passes by, a chain trailing behind it.


=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
Yes, this is a puzzle.

In the same way cracking a PYREPTILIAN EGG is a puzzle.

Which is to say, the puzzle is finding a way to hit it REALLY, REALLY HARD. More so than you could even achieve in werebeast form!

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
STAIRS. Stairs stairs stairs and then more stairs. Your entire HIVEBLOCK wrapped around and strung together by a single central stairwell, stretching up and down for a seeming infinity, the void beside the plain stone steps a black abyss. Your LUSUS didn't even want to live here. It was the only option, but he still fought against it.

He WARNED you about those stairs bro.

By the time you've reached the surface, the CRIMSON BLAZE has begun to die. It's source is far from the RUINS in which you make your home, out in the vast, harsh desert Unlike Gidrim's (hypothetical) forest, there's nothing to burn, no plant life, nothing for fire cling to.

But cling it does, the PILLAR of SMOKE and dancing FLAME visible from here, even as the wind picks up in a mighty roar and it begins to gutter. It's been a long time since you've ventured that far out into the WASTES. Even for a NINJA the foes that await upon those sands are fearful indeed.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus

You smell your HIVESTEM long before you actually see it, the ground growing damp beneath your feet as you approach. Lucky for you there's a drain that runs directly from the sewers into this cave system, that was how you found the burrows in the first place. Without you, all your palls would be stuck FLARPing topside with all the other losers.

Which would also stop Jemdas from running these friggin' two-cycle MARATHON GAMES. Guess it's true; Every silver cloud has a dark lining.

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
Uhm, you sure?

It's an alright course of action, it's just that Yscton kinda drove a long way. As in, several posts worth of away without a vehicle.

=====> Be Dryden Salden
You FREEZE, ceasing to kick your legs and letting the light current within the room pull you along. To your relief the SPARRING BOTS continue to do the same, remaining inanimate, those beady red eyes failing to suddenly focus upon you.

Thank gog you didn't go spend the extra buck for improved optics systems.

As for weapons... Your own GANDERBULBS search the room as best you can without turning your head, finally alighting upon a CUTLASS bobbing along near the top of the room, near the tiny bubble of air collected at the roof. But alack, alas, it's out of reach. Going for it would surely ALERT the BOTS.

2012-11-14, 06:24 AM
=====>Not so terrible, then. Yscton jumps down the shaft after the OUT-OF-PLACE CONTRAPTION, slowing his descent as best he can by planting his boots firmly into the ANCIENT MASONRY and attempting a downward (and much more plausible) variant of the WALL-HOP.

Science Officer
2012-11-14, 06:09 PM
>Return Home
You think you hear your lusus scurrying about somewhere as you approach that part of the sewers where you've made your squat. Although surrounded by twisting passages, all alike, you never get lost in here. In any case you always have your trusty THING-FINDER.

Well, most of the passages look the same. This one has piles of your stuff everywhere, and the channel down the middle of it has been dammed off at one end. It still stinks though, even if you're used to it. You turn on your LOFI SYSTEM and play some blaring tunes. Somehow, it's harder to notice the smell when there's loud music playing.

Both walls are plastered with NEWSPRINT, OLD ALTERNIAN MOVIE POSTERS, and ALTERNIAN MILITARY PROPOGANDA. Along one is a set of shelves, each holding a row of jars. This is your collection of diseases. Since you first took up the hobby, you've learned that taking dead animals and putting them in jars of formaldehyde is not always the most efficient or successful way to preserve the interesting and exotic pathogens that killed them. However, it might be the most efficient and successful way of getting yourself evicted from a communal HIVESTEM. Still that may have been a blessing in disguise, and anyways you've decided to continue your collection in this manner just to keep it uniform.

The only other piece of furniture present is your desk, directly across from the shelves. On it rests the UNITARILY FENESTRATED TERMINAL for the formidable computing machine beside it. You hook up your FLIP-TOP ROTARY DEVICE which serves as the keyboard, and plop the mysterious prog-grub down beside it.

You also toss your FLARP regalia and assorted equipment in the FLARP pile of stuff. Pile-based organisation of collections is really made feasible by your THING-FINDER.

Hmm, one more thing.

You're still curious about that imperiousCommand guy and his game. Who would know about him?
You seem to remember Makdan talking with him in that one memo, and that guy remembers everything.
You decide to dial him up and see what he knows.

plagueHoarder has begun trolling trinityElectrifier:
PH: hey akda
PH: you rekall this guy kalls hisself iperiousKoad
PH: isperiousKowwahd
PH: regal type; says 'we' a lot; real pretetious; always speaks like karakter
PH: well if you do possess data for this fellow
PH: or self replikatig data type or whatewere you thig we are
PH: i'd like to hear it

You turn down the LOFI a bit and try to get just a little bit of rest in your RECUPERACOON before something needs your attention again.

2012-11-14, 07:28 PM
auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier
AC: um...
AC: um
AC: it looks like i just need to hit it really hard
AC: harder than i can hit it
AC: D:

Lord Raziere
2012-11-14, 08:10 PM
=====> Review your options

Being a ninja, you aren't an inflexible fool. You consider a few options: you can try the martial art of CAPTCHA-JITSU, which is basically the art of refining captchalogue-ing and ejecting things from your sylladex to the level of a fighting style. One of the techniques is captchalogue-ing things from a distance, but you might not be able to do that for some reason.
However, you also the have option of putting on your DESERT CAMOUFLAGE SUIT in your CLOTHES MODUS and sneaking around the desert in a crawling manner, a far more slower but more reliable option, also more realistically ninja-ish.
Your stupidest, most impractical option that is least likely to work, is tying one of your shuriken (that you unfortunately can't wield as weapon because your strife modus is already set to pencil) with a rope, then throwing it out into the desert to hopefully somehow wrap around the thing, then use the rope to pull it in.

Yea, the first and third options sound stupid, you put on your ninja desert camo suit and start crawling through the sands to your destination, hopefully avoiding the dangerous desert creatures around you.

[roll0]+ Wild Die [roll1]

2012-11-15, 01:37 AM
I had no idea. Utterly clueless. I'm not reading the other posts, you see, I have no idea where Yscton is.

You reach the doorway and decide this is a STUPID IDEA. Yscton and his TWO-WHEELED DEVICES could move him far faster and farther, with less effort, than your feet could. Maybe you should learn how to fly. That'd solve a lot of problems.

Instead of following your MORONIC THOUGHT, you decide to throw yourself on the couch and tidy up TELEKINETICALLY. It was getting light out anyway and it hurt to be outside during the day. It'd be smarter to rest, then head back to your hive, clean up, and go meet Tassie. While half your mind cleans, you get back on your phone to AGGRESS the CLUBHOUSE CLUTTER and THIEF.

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling reverendCounter
SS: 0_o You rapscallion!
SS: What is the meaning of coming to the clubhouse
SS: Throwing everything into a state of disarray

I don't know if I really need to roll for something so silly as cleaning, but I will for the Just in case: THE ROLL WAS A 9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3785034/)

2012-11-15, 01:53 AM
"Weeeeeeeeaaaaaak." the built up statement modeled your sentiments exactly. "When you think you're gonna be killed, don't say you'll settle for a fate worse then death. Seriously, thought you hated those guys." You pause for a moment and then state the obvious once it hits you, "Hey why would I even care if you defect? Cod, if you think they'll keep you safer and happier for longer do it." You shrug, "Glub. I'd be more interested if you sounded like you wanted to do somefin with your life. Like searously I like the stories where they go out in a blaze of fire instead of a wimpering heap. I think it'd sound cooler for people to come across your remains and say 'This guy was famous and brill-iant. Said what he meant- died with pride.' But bluh... if you don't want to see me topple a ministry, your loss."

Then you snicker, did he seriously say he'd like to frolic in flowers?

2012-11-18, 09:56 PM
Well no time like the present, except for the past. You try to slowly move towards the CUTLASS, an appropriate piraty implement, dashing towards it as soon as any of the bots notice you. Sports: 3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3791807/)(If necessary)

2012-11-20, 04:30 AM
=====> Be Ystcon Yagmur
You land hard, nearly losing your balance when your feet finally slam into the mangled wreckage of the elevator. Your legs feel like they'll never forgive you for that little excercise, and as the brutal aching protest causes you to look down, you notice something clinging to the rough fabric of your pants.


On closer inspection the soles of your boots are coated with it to the point they're nearly sticking to the ground, the broken lift likewise tangled with long threads of spidersilk. It's entirely possible that, if you hadn't triggered it's meteoric descent beforehand, you might well have gotten CAUGHT trying to leap down.

There's not really a scenario where that could be construed as a good thing.

Now, the room around you. It somehow manages the clever paradox of being at once eerily vast and uncomfortably claustrophobic, the walls too far away to see but the ceiling so near overhead that it seems it would crash down upon you if not for the stocky pillar rising up from the floor to hold it. The air here is stale, ages old, but not still- No, it buzzes, motes of dust dancing along frantically to the tune of the same ELECTRONIC HUMMING you heard before.

And now you can see the source of that piercing noise, or at least another side-effect of it- A PALE GREEN GLOW emanating from further on into the room near where you'd imagine the center to be. A GLOW who's contrast also allows you to see the strands of COBWEB strung between the pillars, like the tripwires of a hunter's snare....

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
The lukewarm slime of the RECUPERACOON welcomes you like an old friend, the sound of the LOFI player fading to a dim mumble as you rest your head upon the slightly grungy but more than comfortable foam of the pillow. TWO DAYS... TWO DAYS of solid FLARPing. That's gotta be a record. And if ain't than whoever's making it not a record should be culled. Who FLARPS for three days at a time? Freaks, that's who...

You're ASLEEP before you know it.

And in that sleep, you dream. You DREAM of the impossible silhouettes found in the shadows of things without shapes, framed against a GREEN INFERNO a thousand times worse than any of the horrors it illuminates. In this dream the things speak and so do their shadows, with more than one voice or one mouth apiece, whispering so many things that they drown themselves out in a gibbering chorus.

But you understand anyway. You understand, vaguely, through the fog sleep casts upon your mind, that they're trying to warn you. Caution you against... Against... Your FOOT's cold.

You have a FOOT?

Yes, you look down and see that you have a foot. Two, even.

But you can't.

You can't have feet because there's nothing in the void, nothing but the inferno and shapes and their shadows, singing, the inferno singing too now that you. You're not there. So where are you?




You wake up. Something's WRONG. You know it even before you realize why you know it- The SOPOR SLIME's gone cold as iced water, your fingers and toes half-white from the chill. There's no light coming in from the porthole either, although the pitch black doesn't inconvenience your superior troll senses. Something is definitely WRONG here.

=====> Be Makdan Beldin
You slink into the desert like a shadow in the night, evading the notice of a thousand imaginary watchers, each wishing you greivous harm, if not death or a fate even worse. You dart between cacti, vanish behind rock formations, become one with the tiny LIZARDS the scurry across the cooling sands in your mutual pursuit of PERFECT OBSCURATION.

Naturally, your phone rings again. Twice.

plagueHoarder has begun trolling trinityElectrifier:
PH: hey akda
PH: you rekall this guy kalls hisself iperiousKoad
PH: isperiousKowwahd
PH: regal type; says 'we' a lot; real pretetious; always speaks like karakter
PH: well if you do possess data for this fellow
PH: or self replikatig data type or whatewere you thig we are
PH: i'd like to hear it

auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier
AC: um...
AC: um
AC: it looks like i just need to hit it really hard
AC: harder than i can hit it
AC: D:

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
You CLEAN THAT CLUBHOUSE. You give a full NINE worth of cleaning, striking a decisive blow in the battle against FILTH, MOLD and all that is FOUL and WRONG. Only once do you falter, only once and then you cannot be blamed, for any troll would rightly be struck dead at the atrocity you discover.

Seriously, who the heck's been sticking their GUM under the FLOORBOARDS? 0_o

=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Yes. Indeed he did. Because apparently that's what you do when you're glad to be alive and in possession of all your limbs.

But- But- But it doesn't work that way. Whatever DYNAMIC ENGINE OF FEAR has kept the reporter going seems to have finally run down down, his protests dying to a sniffling whine. They don't let you die heroic and defiant anymore. They find the heroics and the defiance and they cut it out with sharp little knives and stick it in a jar and stitch the rest of you into some creature.

They don't play fair at all either. They've got the room bugged. I know they've got the room bugged and they know you're coming and they'll have guards and then you'll be dead as sure as I'm dead when they find me...

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling reverendCounter
SS: 0_o You rapscallion!
SS: What is the meaning of coming to the clubhouse
SS: Throwing everything into a state of disarray

=====> Be Dryden Salden
Six glowing red eyes snap onto your movement instantly, three metal skulls swiveling to follow as you kick against the floor of the submerged room and rocket up to grab at the CUTLASS.

The one nearest doesn't even wait for your hand to close around the blade before it too kicks off, launching itself fists first towards you. Luckily, you're close enough to a wall to maneuver more quickly than it, flipping around, planting your feet on the ceiling and launching yourself down and out of the way. Which leaves you unharmed, but surrounded on all sides, the other two flailing about in the water, trying to clumsily swim close enough to attack.

Lord Raziere
2012-11-20, 09:38 AM
=====> Begrudgingly Answer. Stealthily.
First, you put this darn uPhone on rumble before it causes you anymore problems, like you should have done two rings ago.

Second you answer Gidrim. he will be easier to respond to.

TE: hm.I sugg3st you g3t v3ry cr3ativ3 th3n.
TE: as in, try hitting it with som3thing oth3r than your fist.

Now you answer…plaguehoarder. geh you forgot his real name, AGAIN. and its a kinda annoying to figure out what he has to say….

So he wants info an imperiousCommand? Doable.

TE: Whil3 I am not at library now, as I am busy r3ti3ving a wr3ckag3 from a UFO, and th3r3for3 cannot look up all my r3corded conv3rsations with ImperiousCommand, I can how3v3r t3ll you all that I r3m3mb3r of him at th3 curr3nt mom3nt. Will that b3 acc3ptabl3, or do you wish to wait until I am back in my library?

2012-11-21, 02:47 AM
"See... That helps." You say brightly, "I do... Like better odds, but still. The two options I see so far are: sit around or go." You count off two fingers, "Whats bugged? And what makes you think that?" you tilt your head curiously as your husktop blips at another message.

A message which you would've noticed was sent to the wrong recipient (and not you). Lets just hope the actual recipient didn't need to read it until you actually get to it later.

"Well.... will you be less squeaky if we find a place for you to hide first? Maybe get you off Derse? Doesn't have to be prospit... like there are other places right?"

2012-11-21, 03:08 AM
You finish cleaning up the clubhouse. Now, you are both tired AND bored. You don't dare actually let yourself fall asleep outside your RECUPERACOON. You haven't yet, and you dare not attempt it. Without your computer and most of your friends likely in bed already, it seems you will have to find a way to entertain yourself.

This will not end well. You can never entertain yourself for very long. You always get more bored and get on your computer. You decide the first course of action is to examine the PRO-GRUB you obtained. You also vow to beat Vignor the next time you meet.

You extract it from your SYLLADEX, which uses the TELEKINETIC GRAB modus. Which means only those who are Psionically gifted with telekinesis can use the modus. Some kind of weird sensor. You don't bother with it some days, just easier to pick stuff up and place it down again.

PRO-GRUB in hand, you try and figure it out.

No idea what to do hear. Just killing time, trying not to fall asleep

Science Officer
2012-11-21, 08:51 PM
Not good. You might enjoy finding strange things out in the caves and wilds, but strangeness in your own home is something you don't like one bit.

You've got a bad feeling, and it's pitch black. How long were you out for? Did the power get cut? Is something there? You reach for a blunt instrument and try to avoid being seen.

You realise you've grabbed your FLARP flail. Whatever. It's probably nothing anyways.

Stealth roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3796413/), for skulking about in the dark, trying to determine if there is an intruder.

2012-11-26, 02:31 PM
Barely pausing to think you move towards the closest bot, while hopefully gaining some distance on the others and swing out with your recently at hand CUTLASS Fighting: 2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3802546/). Though you suspect your recent acrobatic maneuvers may have left you somewhat dizzy.

2012-11-27, 11:19 AM
=====>Yscton begins messing with his GEAR SHIFT fetch modus, eventually retrieving a small can of oil. Equipped with this and a long-handled wrench, he creeps toward the light, marking each thread on his path with a few glistening drops - to better see them in such lighting and to mitigate any adhesion they might have if he touches one. His objective is whatever is causing that emerald illumination.

2012-11-29, 02:04 AM
=====> Be Tassie Larkan
Your room. Your room's bugged because they bug everything. One can only hope he's exaggerating when he says 'EVERYTHING' is bugged. I- guess I could go to the neutral zone? There's no-one there, so maybe I wouldn't have to deal with Prospitians or the Ministry! Yes! I'll be free of the whole lousy bunch! He starts kicking again, not to escape but to do a little mid-air HAPPY DANCE.

It's somewhat hilarious.

Oops. Forget that ever happened, kay?:smalltongue:

=====> Be Irvekt Dirmin
Curious, you flip over the squirming PROGRUB and check for the serial number stamped on it's underside-


HUH. You're fairly sure that isn't a valid code. Prolly some shady fourth-party software cooked up by Jemdas. Only real way to figure out what it does is to plug it in.

imperiousCommand is pestering sensibleSchizophrenic
iC: Ahem.
iC: We extend Our sincere greetings
iC: Coupled with equally sincere condolences over your defeat
iC: We were pleased to note that it was a close match, even if your opponent triumphed in the end.

=====> Be Etaoin Burrus
Like a SHADOW among SHADOWS you nimbly clamber out of the RECUPARACOON, grabbing the first weapon available and padding silently through the darkened halls of your HIVE. One by one you stalk through each corridor in search of something that could have caused this, but no answer presents itself, nor any invader- The only movement besides your own is your LUSUS, scurrying back to the RESPITEBLOCK. Poor little guy's practically NEUROTIC.

Finally, you find SOMETHING. You only wish you could call it a good something. Having searched every one of the inner corridors you move outwards, towards the edge of your HIVEBLOCK and the start of the normal sewer system. It's at the very dividing line that you smell it- Your nose isn't too good after many PERIGREES spent living besides and in filth, but the STENCH is unmistakable- BLOOD.

Looking down you can see it mixed in with the normal run-off of the cities, enough that it couldn't be just one culling. There's bits of twisted-up metal and splinters of timber float along on the tide as well. No, this isn't some everyday killing. Something big's happening uptop. Something BIG and decidedly UNPLEASANT.

=====> Be Dryden Saldin
A FENCING FOIL springs from the SPARRING-BOT's wrist and it parries your CUTLASS aside without missing a beat, bringing it's fist crashing into your face as vengeance. The water slows the punch and dulls the impact, thankfully, but your nose is still bloodied and leaking purple into the water:

Now the next two lunge in, each slashing with their own foils. One taps you and feel a vicious shock run through your shoulder, but you fight it off, even as the pain brings sparks to your eyes.

Lucky you, no wounds.

=====> Be Yscton Yagmur
You creep closer to the brilliant GLOW, each step forcing you to push your way through a dozen tiny snares of spidersilk, each thread letting out a single note like the song of a harp before it's broken, so that the romp ECHOES with a sort of clumsy music.

The GLOW is long way off though- Even after a solid minute of walking it still seems far away. Then you hear it. A SCUTTLING. Something MOVING in the dark. Something MOVING right towards YOU.

Three guesses what it is, and the first two don't count.

=====> Be Gidrim Oronet
trinityElectrifier is pestering auroraChaser
TE: hm.I sugg3st you g3t v3ry cr3ativ3 th3n.
TE: as in, try hitting it with som3thing oth3r than your fist.

2012-11-29, 07:40 AM
auroraChaser is pestering trinityElectrifier
AC: oh yeah
AC: that might work
AC: i guess i'll try that

You then proceed to look for anything to hit the sphere with.

2012-11-29, 09:31 AM
=====>An arachnid assailant, joy. Ystcon rids his immediate surroundings of silken snares and peers into the dust-thick twilight, weapon readied.

Science Officer
2012-11-30, 08:17 PM
>Retreat In Horror

It's never a good day when blood runs thick through the sewers. A feeling of DREAD descends upon you. Or maybe it never left. Is this what your DREAM was warning about? (What DREAM?) You can't remember.

Still, it's at least good to know the danger is up top and not DOWN HERE. You decide to follow your lusus's lead and head back to your RESPITEBLOCK. There's no way you're heading to the surface without more information.

You try to think of who you know that might have seen something. Most of your friends are goofs or jerks that live way the heck away from everything. What a bunch of hermits. You're not even sure if Irvekt has any fixed abode, but he was (relatively) nearby, so maybe he saw what happened. You resolve to ring him up, after checking your messages.

It occurs to me that Etaion's lusus simply being a rat would be far to ordinary for Alternian fauna. I was thinking perhaps it ought to be a two-headed rat. This is, of course, why Alternia evolved two-mouthed cats. Of course, in that traumatic episode in which it nearly lost it's life, it did lose one of its heads. So it's a one-headed two-headed-rat, which accounts for its addled demeanour.

2012-12-01, 01:47 AM
"Neutral zone it is. And if your fears are true and I see unfriendlies hanging around my tower... it won't be some civvy like yours problem to deal with." You relax a bit, somewhat coming in sync with DI's sudden happier feeling, "But I'm still escorting you there. Kind of feel that since I woke up, I'm the one responsible for making you a fugitive. So I'm helping you out, Deal? Even if we have to hijack a ship or disguise me ... ehh maybe not go through some sewers tho..."

You pause for a moment after trailing off, "Hey... once your all settled in the neutral zone... It doesn't sound like a place for much action. Sooo...." You kind of try to offer up one of your secret- well not-so-secret life agendas, "Could I tell you about my adventures? Before I go belly up I'd like to have a physical copy that I was around tucked somewhere for anyone to find. I'd give you somefin to write about. I'll even tell you news bout other stuff if you ask too."

2012-12-02, 01:07 AM
You are just to pull your, admittedly not as powerful, HUSKTOP from your SYLLADEX and hook the PROG-GRUB up to run the program, when you are interupted by a message on your U-PHONE. Someone is trolling you again! What is it now? When did you become such the SOCIAL WINGED INSECT?

Oh, it's IC. Fun!

sensibleSchizophrenic is trolling imperiousCommand
SS: 0_o Your Highness!
SS: I bow before your Majesty.
SS: It is an honor to hear from you again.
SS: As for my defeat
SS: I can only blame myself for stopping to respond to external distractions
SS: Had I not delayed, I'm sure the full treasure and victory would have been mine. 0_o

2012-12-07, 08:03 PM
Backing into the corner of the room, you attempt to shake off the blow, but you have paid the price for your recklessness and can not gather your strength Spirit Roll: 1 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3816263/) :smallfrown: