View Full Version : Lords of Creation: Rise of the Demiurges [IC]

2012-08-31, 09:32 PM
In the beginning, there was the VOID. An endless expanse of nothing, stretcing in every direction, empty of all things.

Then something shifted.

It was subtle. If there had anything there to observe, they would not have seen, nor heard, nor tasted, nor smelled any difference in the eternal VOID.

But they would have felt something. A small rush of wind. And a presence, older than even the VOID itself, older than Time, older than all.

And a single word filled the VOID. A word which commands power over all things, and which pushed away the VOID by it's very existance. It was the first word, and all tongues speak it true.

For the word was


2012-08-31, 10:22 PM
Shen Hueng Di, The Centipede Dragon: The Hoard of Shen Hueng Di

From the dark void of the world without, it stirred. Perhaps a spark of creation had given it sentience or perhaps stranger still the very act of creating divine life caused the death of that spark and from it....the Centipede Dragon roared. There was little thought in it’s mind as it awoke for the first time as it lashed and screamed into the nether. It’s cries quaked and caused the very foundations of the heavens to rumble for what did death have to share with life? The void about itself caved and devoured the beast, shielding it like a pearl. The realm was empty and black, only the baleful eyes of the Centipede Dragon cast light in it’s realm. And a hunger filled the beast, it wished to fill it’s home with all it could hold in it’s many hands. It’s cold eyes gazed out at the world, it’s many tongues sliding against it’s dripping may as it extended a single massive hand towards the glowing pearl of existence only to be rebuffed by the shield that protected the mortal world from entities such as itself. But the Centipede Dragon was not one to take such slights easily, even if they were of no fault of any single being. The world in it’s eyes refused to be it and only it’s object, something to fill the void that the great beast held deep within itself.

The Beast slammed it’s mighty fist against the barrier between it and the world, howling in rage even as it’s own ichor spilt from it’s mighty hands. But it’s blood was something more, foul but infused with it’s malice as it seeped past the barrier to land on the barren world below. It popped and sizzled, re-constituting itself into something more foul still. Large serpentine forms lashing out of the pools of black blood, as hungry and cruel as their father they were the Primordials. Their scales glittered and shone like blades ready for war, their teeth as large as redwoods with claws to match. They were beasts of destruction, fighting and devouring each other until only the most wily and cunning survived. Their numbers dwindled they dug deep into the world, their massive forms tunneling ever deeper and further away from their hated kin. Each prayed to their creator who cast it’s pale eyes upon it’s creations with surprise. Perhaps this was the way, a better and more intelligent way to gain what he desired. It would work. But it’s creations would need help, they were not things who worked with their hands, much to large for fine detail and control. They would need smaller things that could crawl in the depths where no light could reach them with eyes that did not need the light nor skin that required warmth. It would create the cold things like it’s first progeny to collect the many small things in the dirt that sparkled and glittered.

From the cooling pools of blood that drenched the tunnels where it’s first children had warred with one another it spoke foul words, a million pinprick eyes like dying embers broke forth and pulled themselves from the mire. Their forms were thin and small with rounded muzzles and thin scaled flesh yet with narrow fingers prefect for the work they were created to do. Their minds were not what was needed, frightened beasts who knew to obey the words of their master, timid and possessed of all that their betters were not. They were the kobolds and they traveled deep through the tunnels to the great Primordials homes, a gift from their God. With their very creation he had instilled them the knowledge of the stone and the tools to chip it away, of how to crawl in ravines and to build crude structures to house their young. The scaled ones of the deep knew not the fine nature of buildings for they had no need. Caverns and ravines were their home. None needed the lights of the above world, the Centipede Dragon had gifted them all the sight to see in it’s darkness.

But the Centipede dragon but it was not without it’s price for Shen Hueng Di did not give freely of itself. The Primordials would hoard and collect all for the glory of their God, each coin and bauble their tithe to the Centipede Dragon who was ever watchful from the dark that surrounded them. And the kobolds, whose very life was owed to Shen Hueng Di would go to the Hoard when they passed for what was once Shen Hueng Di’s was always Shen Hueng Di’s. Their only hope to serve the great Serpent God in the afterlife the sole purpose of doing well in life. Even in the cold and lightless world, the Kobolds would care for their dead, for they were emissaries of the dark to their creator. Each would be buried with their savings and gifts so they could be carried to the true Hoard where they lay. Those not buried with their treasures were slaves, the lowest of the low in the Hoard. And when one of the great Primordial passed, they too would be buried with their hoard where they would be judged by the Centipede Dragon himself. Those who passed would be allowed to live as they had in life, masters of their domain where their hoard would be set aside from Shen Hueng Di’s. Those who had failed in life would be buried under the sea of gold and gems, forgotten.

The Hoard for now was barren, the mighty dragon laying out on cold stone. But it was it’s own stone and that was all that mattered.

Legends of the Primordials

It is said of the many beasts born from the black blood of the Centipede Dragon only six survived, ancient now if they still draw breath. Accounts were gained from kobold prisoners who were found upon the surface world though what is merely hysterical ravings of terrified minds and what is fact is difficult to determine. Tales of vast underground kingdoms carved from the stone itself, tunnels into the dark where no creature could survive if the masters of the deep so desired it. The Kobolds spoke of a tunnel that the Primordials had first used to crawl into the world below, the first tunnel to the Vaults of the Deep slicked still with the blood they claimed to be born from. None gave it’s location, a place so holy that several kobolds died of sheer panic as their hearts gave out as we tortured them for the information. Witless beasts all of them. What follows is what little information we gathered on the six surviving Primordials from the first age.

Cathratrix the Cold: Calculating and cruel, surface interactions have spoke of this dragons fury, the beast bursting from mountains in blizzards of frozen shards of rock. Eye witnesses speak of the creature raiding towns and cities though to what purpose it is unknown. Those who have seen the beast speak of a ray like body whose mouth sprays forth the very essence of cold.

Piroclistaz the Mighty: The youngest, or so said, of the mighty Primordials yet the most cunning if rumor holds. Piroclistaz is known as the Brood Queen by the Kobolds, her many eggs tended to by an entire city of the tiny little beasts. They say her heat is such that no egg has fear of growing cold.

The Centipede Dragon Reborn: No name is known for this behemoth, the kobolds we managed to gain the information from speak of the ancient monster. No kobold was forthcoming on any further information, several even taking their own life after released back into their own pen.

Alheriz the Thunderer: Dwelling in a massive underground ocean created by it’s own hand, Alheriz is said to be the oldest and wisest of his brothers and sisters. Those Kobolds we captured spoke almost reverently of the monster, claiming it had long ago forsaken cruelty to rule it’s subjects while others called him the High Priest of the Centipede Dragon.

Ilallz of the Spires: The most peculiar of the ancient Primordials, it is said that Ilallz continued to shrink from the moment of it’s birth until it was no larger than a city block. However, the Kobolds speak of it’s brightly colored flesh and the pools of lethal poison that litters it’s sculpted stone spear lined home. Bodies of it’s enemies hang from these sharp spires, killed by the lethal poison smeared on the tips as a trophy and a warning to all those who would dare attempt to breach it’s home.

Sccriax the Blood Letter: Kobolds did their best to hide their tongue on this foul being, said to be made from the very blood of the Centipede Dragon itself. With no true form ever seen even by her servants, the Kobolds spoke of the deepest point within the Vaults of the Deep, massive lightless pools even their eyes could not see into. The Kobolds of this realm were said to dump their coin and tributes into the pools themselves though for what purpose is unknown. Few tread the realm where Sccriax holds sway. Reports fro expeditions into the darkness speak of similar pools where massive jaws and teeth flood forth if disturbed.

Weave Plane: The Hoard of the Centipede Dragon -4, Create Fabled Life -4 (Primordials), Create Land -2 (The Vaults of the Deep), Create Life -1 (Kobolds), Gain Domain (Dragons) -3, Create Lesser Concept (Mining) -1: 4+4+2+1+3+1= 15 AP

Actions towards Dragons Domain with Portfolio-Scaled Things
Weave Plane: The Hoard of the Centipede Dragon
Create Fabled Life: The Primordials

2012-08-31, 10:33 PM
While the largest was born first, the smallest was born second. He awoke, on the mortal world, confused. He was a forgotten shard of the creator, a shard of a shard. And perhaps just a shard of that shard. He was unimportant. But he was a god, and he scurried throughout the world, through the tunnels, seeing and being seen - but ignored. He was beneath the notice of mortals and gods alike. He was Valeth, and he was the lord of details. The Centipede dragon was vast - too vast and even if all fell under his sight, much escaped his notice, and Valeth would care for it - regent, master - it didn't matter if he ruled it for the largest and eldest or if he ruled it because it was for him to rule. He did not presume to rule. He presumed to care. And for now he cared for those too small to think. He cared - and yet no one noticed. So he scurried onwards.

15 AP

1 Create Lesser Life: Rodents, Insects, Arachnids, Snakes - Aka Vermin. And Fungus, small plants, ferns, grass. These are all really minor - so I think 1 action suffices.

14 AP

2012-09-01, 05:06 AM
Kry-tek awakes, on the, mortal world with no magnificent palace or throne room. He needed people to work for him. He needed to change that. With all these kobolds around and a few bits of vermin, he needed to make a civilisation. But first he needed a land. He made his own huge island in which all worshippers of Kry-tek will be welcome. But then he needed followers, a species which will work for him. Hard-working followers who would do his bidding. What would be the best? He made a race of weak-minded strong bodied creatures that he named the Seldons. They are muscled and stand on two legs but they lack the ability to think individually, so he must make a group of creatures who must rue over them. He makes a race of creatures in which he can make the leaders of this world. He names them after himself. The Tekrians are great creatures who are huge but look humanoid, they look suitably regal and they will be the perfect creatures to rule this earth. So Kry-tek creates a society in which both species live and makes the heirarchy known to all of them and then slavery for the Seldons. He orders the Seldons to make a huge palace in which he shall live while he is on the mortal world. His kingdom is called the kingdom of Tek.

Create life: Seldons, Create lesser concept: Heirarchy, Slavery, Form Organization/Society: The kingdom of Tek, Create land: Kry-Tek's island, Create fabled life: Tekrians.

15 AP
3 AP

2012-09-01, 10:53 AM
From the Void itself there was light, and life.

There was Viltasa, the Evening Star. He saw there was life not, but he saw potential for growth, for everything. He raised his arms, and, with a soundless whisper, the sky blazed with gentle light. His children would soar among the stars, as their father looked down on them in joy and wonder. His boon was from age to age on all, not to just a few. The Light was gentle yet, and it should stay that way for now.


Weave Plane: Acheres
Acheres is an endless field of stars that surrounds the world. If mortals could fly into the Void, they would see it from afar. The plane also contains a few, small, yet livable worlds drifting around the stars. The main asteroid is the center of Acheres, and has an atmosphere and caves inside of it. Additionally, mortals see the stars of Acheres as tiny pinpricks that cast a barely existing, gentle light over the world.

Create Life: The asteroids of Acheres are covered with plant life, able to sustain other life forms.

AP: 15-4-1=10 AP.

2012-09-01, 11:43 AM
Shen Hueng Di was the eldest, but he was not creation. Creation struggled to bring balance. Born of the earth and stone and vermin, Chjk rose. He saw his destiny before him, to bring order to the universe where now there was chaos. In the mountains of stone to the south and west, tales are told of how he built his people with his great four arms. How he drew his hammer from the ground below, and in one swing, split the Granite Peak in twain, and from which he made them. These were the Jjaket, as they were named. They were miners, masons, workers. He taught them cooperation and respect, and they worked. It was hard, toilsome, for there was not much sustenance on this still dry, dark world, and tools were scarce and often inferior. But they were adaptable, and were safe in the mountains.

This world was bleak. Chaos had corrupted it to its core. Even the mountains the Jjaket called home were mere ravagings by the ancient turmoil of the primordials.
The world was desolate. Food was short, many of the world's denizens sustaining themselves upon vermin and grass. The only water upon the world left from the blood of primordials.
The world was dark. The sky was perpetually black, dotted with lights from above. There was much left to do.

Create Relic (-4): The Maul. With the maul in hand, Chjk's strength grows with the number of those worshipping him. -1 AP cost to alter and create land actions.
Create Life (-1): The Jjaket. They are beaked, and have sparse feathering over their chitinous bodies, possessing four strong arms and standing upon two legs.
Create Concept (-1): Cooperation

Domain Progress
Strength (Union): +6

2012-09-02, 09:17 AM
The Scrolls of Dolya-Tagi

The Scroll of the First Births

I. And from the Darkness, she awoke, roused by the sounds of the children of the planes. Smiling, she granted them her first gift. With a gesture of her arms, she sent a great cloud of rain to the world below.

II. Wherever the rains fell, new plants grew. There was a great emergence of trees and vines, bearing a grand variety of fruits. They grew, and grow now, in such multitudes that all those who live might be sustained.

III. The clouds lingered in a place, now called Dayanma. In that most blessed valley all of the fruit was sweet to any who would eat of it. A stream wound through the valley, ending in a broad pool, pure and clear, truly the most sacred and blessed place created.

Create life: Fruit trees and vines
Create land: Valley of Dayanma
1+2=3 AP Used, 12 remaining

2012-09-02, 01:38 PM
Unnoticed in the brush of the grass, through the moss and ferns, Valeth scurried onwards. Sugar was in the air, and the sweet scent attracted flies and other pests - rodents came running from the dark starving caverns to the fertile land of his sister - Dayanma. But along with the annoyances, came other small animals such as bats and humming birds. And bees. They flew from plant to plant carrying pollen fro and fro, blessing Dayanma with even more beauty, but most importantly with stability. For Valeth was the lord of the unnoticed details, but unnoticed does not mean not important. And he hurried onwards through the world, as fast as his small feet could carry him in the darkness.

For the world was dark. These plants and grass were colored red, but none could see for there was no sun, only fire as the only light. These plants needed no sun. Instead they gained their nutrients from the ground, from the blood of fallen primordials... the Bats could see through sound, and the birds and insects could taste the air ... For, again this world existed in a perpetual blood soaked night. Only by the light of a torch or forge will you be able to see - and what you see is a bustling world full of creatures adapted to the dark. This is no quite midnight world - even in the dark, bees are flying, the birds are singing. There is no solemn darkness for unlike our world darkness has no special terrors for darkness is all they know. If anything if day comes, the light would bring a hush to the world - each creature blinded by it's harsh light and afraid of what it reveals. And again, even though this world lived in darkness, but it lived. Life found a way, and when it did not Valeth was their to pick up the pieces.

14 AP

Create life 1: Pollinators (Bee's, other Insects (again), Bats, and Humming birds

13 AP

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests

The Bandicoot
2012-09-02, 06:47 PM
Simply by chance, happenstance you might say, a featureless man dressed in black steps forth when the Creator says create. No forming from the void, no inkling he was a shard of the creator, just one second he doesn't exist and the other he does. This man, governed by the force that caused his forming(chance) looks over the world and frowns, rolling his dice in the air.

Slavery is something he cannot stand by and let be. But how to help the poor saps.....he rolls his dice again, staring intently at it. Then he nods, rolling it again and again. Eventually after rolling it a dozen times he claps his hands together and just like that reincarnation is made. With another clap reincarnation spreads throughout the world.

Then he ***** his head. Rebirth, what an interesting concept. He rolls the dice a few dozen times and claps his hands once more. Suddenly, some fungi start to grow larger. Eventually the fungi become figures who look like him. Woen he telepathically tells the creatures, giving them a name. These creatures sense via vibrations in the floor, talk via telepathy, and when they die they spread out a dozen egg-spores. Each egg is implanted with a random part of the Woen's personality.

Then, with a snap of his fingers, his domain expands to include rebirth.

15AP start
-4AP Create Fabled Concept Reincarnation: When you die you are given a choice, die or roll the dice. Half of the time, you die anyway. The other half of the time you get reincarnated as a random creature. Very rarely do the creatures remember past lives.
-1AP Bless the world with Reincarnation.
-4AP Create Fabled Life Woen as described above.
-3AP Gain Domain Life(Rebirth)

Ending AP 3

2012-09-03, 05:28 PM
Snakes, Bats, Mice, Rats, Bugs, Spiders, Rabbits - these were the small creatures of the world. There were many more, but these were the smallest. No. Not quite. Under Valeth's scampering feet, he gave life to even smaller creatures. So small. Small and unnoticeable, but an important detail.

And thus germs were made. Bacteria and Viruses. As well as other microscopic life. So tiny that no other creature could see them - yet they were everywhere, as Valeth and his creations spread them around in the darkness. These creatures lived in the water - in the hot magma - on the cold dark reaches of the world. They existed everywhere. And they were vital. They maintained the cycles of the world. They existed within each other creature - they helped them digest - to live. But they also helped them to die. Some of these small animals worked in mysterious ways and brought low, those infinitely larger than themselves. For Valeth know small does not mean unimportant, nor does small mean safe.

The worst of these diseases lived within the pests of the world. A bug bite, a rat in the larder, a bat scratch. It was their defense against their own limitations. Valeth made sure that even the smallest creature had a purpose, and an argument for staying alive. This was their argument: leave me alone, or you might die too.

13 AP

1 AP: Create lesser Life: all microorganisms. (The concept of disease is also created, but this isn't supernatural disease, this is regular old real world disease - caused by germs not magic)

12 AP (plus 6 from initial roll over) = 18 AP

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes

Edit: This makes it the THIRD game it made sense for me to make germs :smallbiggrin:

The Succubus
2012-09-03, 05:59 PM
It was early in the turning of the world and the being called "Crackling Jack" had not yet come into his name.

Yet the essential spark of him had been drawn to this world of darkness and shadow and it vexed him. Was there nothing on this forsaken rock that was not dark and gloomy, fit only to be food for something bigger and nastier?

Then the newly formed god heard a sound - a sound that soothed him and gave him hope. He turned his gaze upon a valley and there, despite the perpetual gloom of the world, he saw flowers, fruitful trees and a flowing stream. In the sky above, he saw grey clouds, drenching the lands with their healing rains. He grinned.

"It's good to see something that cares for the fate of this world but why make something so beneficial grey and drab like the rest of this place?"

An idea formed his mind and travelled down to his fingers. Bright bursts of light shot up into the clouds, filling them with flashes of energy that men would later call thunder and lightning. Yet Crackling Jack knew the secret. For these were no mere random bursts of static but living, thinking embodiments of elemental energy that frolicked and danced in the clouds and the sky.

Smiling, he watched his new creations playing and decided that needed a name. Something bright, sparky - sprites. Perhaps their antics would attract the delightful person that made this little corner of paradise. Maybe they were as pretty as their creations...

Jack leaned back on the grass as the rains fell before him, the sprites leaping and dancing through the clouds.


1 AP - Create Life.
2 AP - Divine Infusion

Sprites are semi-sentient bolts of lightning, that exist purely among the sky and clouds. They appear to mortal eyes to be flashes of lightning but through the somewhat more perceptive eyes of a god, they look almost like an elongated dolphin, with their aquatic counterparts' mischievous and playful nature. At present they lack any sort of language beyond that necessary to communicate with each other, although naturally their creator can understand their body language and gestures. Other deities may be able to guess as well.

2012-09-04, 01:57 AM
Shen Hueng Di: The Hoard of the Centipede Dragon

Shen Hueng Di gazed down at the world, all the new creations that moved through the dark may not have had his hand but they lived in the darkness. And it was his home. The Centipede Dragon however was not content to lay in his realm for it knew the other Gods would try to take his prize, to lay claim on what was rightfully his and that would simply not stand. The blood of it’s children had mingled in the deepest depths with it’s own, diluted and weak as it was but it was useful. From the cold depths it breathed life into the blood as it had with the Kobolds but what came forth was not covered in scales like it’s first creations. Covered in fur and hide the beasts stood on two legs yet moved with their hands as well, bounding and leaping through the tunnels to the surface with manic howls that sounded as if they mocked the world. The Gnolls had come to the surface, their noses primed to hunt the dark yet their eyes were no made for the darkness instead searching for the lights of the other races. Where the Primordials were the Centipede Dragon’s priests and the Kobolds it’s laborers the Gnolls were it’s hunters. Running in large packs that hunted the darkness with their lamps, they stole from others and their own kin only to send their young into the depths to offer forth their findings from the world above to their dark priests. Those things they could not take swiftly were buried deep into the ground for the earth beneath their feet was the Centipede Dragons and it would keep what it owned safe for the Gnolls.

But the Gnolls were a means to an end and in the hidden dark of the world above Shen Hueng Di the seeds were planted for what was to come. They were not strong like the gnolls nor favored as it’s children but they would be something great for it was their design. They could not see in the dark nor could they smell like the Gnolls. They were not quite so clever like the Kobolds with stone and metals and they all but paled in the sight of the Primordials or the great creatures of the world. They were pale and soft with no fur to keep them warm. They had no claws to fight and their teeth were flat and fit only to bite through flesh for food. Their homes were simple and made of mud. Massive fires were built at the center of their crude villages and tended by the young while the elders slept or hunted until food was able to be passed around. They had no name for themselves, their language merely music yet they were happy and loved one another. They were strange, to have been made by the Centipede Dragon perhaps but they were not mere mortals. They were literal seeds, each one, living on the surface for it was the firmament of that which dwelt underground. They were the seeds of great trees that would grow down as the trees of the upper world grew up.

The last stroke would be to distract the world and it’s Gods, the last remains of the first Primoridals blood and it’s owned hardened and laced through the world under the dirt and into the stone. It leaked into the waters underneath the world and grew like trees in the oceans and rivers. Even trees had the glowing mineral laced through it, if one would look in the tall forests and risk the creatures that dwelt there. It was a holy stone for the Kobolds who found it in their work, secreting it away from their masters. But like any and all things created by the Centipede Dragon, there was always a price for those who borrowed from the restless and hungry beast. But plans had to be laid properly and laid with morter for them to grow strong. If the seeds it had planted were to be the crop for it’s eventual dominion then the morter would be the Emberstone, ground fine into a dust so it would cover the world. And the brick it would use for it’s castle? It would glitter like a golden coin and when all viewed it they would know in whose land they lay. The Centipede Dragon smiled only rarely and always for a reason. None could deny the beast grinned in it’s benighted realm.

On the Properties of Emberstone

Emberstone is a strange substance, hard and faceted like crystal yet as easy to mine as dirt at times. Emberstone reflects the environment it grows in and it truly does grow as if it were alive. Sea Emberstone gives off a pleasant aquamarine light and smells of salt and iodine. Emberstone that grows in trees is much like the wood it resides in yet collects like honey. When dried and removed from it’s source it glows as bright as a bonfire even in small chunks. Most common is the Emberstone that grows beneath the earth, cold to the touch and as hard as steel even before collected, once worked into objects it is said that one always feels watched as if their reflection was a mirror into another world or another time.

Stranger still however have been the rumors of those who mine the stuff for a living. Strange dreams, more nightmares really, begin to plague those who remain in contact with the raw stuff for to long. Then the whispers start, strange and foul words in languages unknown to any tongue and far be it from me to try and pronounce a single syllable. I’ve seen em around the bonfires on their off hours, their eyes haunted and their skin pale. Is the light worth it I sometimes wonder?

Exerpt from The Dance of Emberlight: The Prophecy of Shen: As told by one of the Nameless

It was said once that should a bonfire be made big enough to cover the world we would drive all those who had dwelt in the darkness from the time before our fathers and forefathers. Shen would come from the mighty stars beyond the sky and lead us over the oceans and islands while all flee before us and the mighty bonfire.

Create Lesser Concept: Emberstone -1, Create Life: The Gnolls -1, Create Life: The Nameless -1: 1+1+1=3 AP

Working towards Earth (That which lies underground)

The Kobolds +1 (miners

The Vaults of the Deep +2 (The Literal Underworld)

The Gnolls (Made from stone and proto-emberstone) +1

Emberstone +1 (Precious Gems and Metal depending on how it’s worked)

Concept: Mining +1 (Digging for things underground)

The Nameless +1 (Seeds of Things to Come)

2012-09-04, 03:26 AM
Irotheb, Master of Deseases and Insects

Behind Valeth a insects gathered in a cloud, slowly forming into the form of a Mantis with long clawlike hands. The insects then flew off and there stood Irotheb. Preparations have been made I see. Let me improve on what you have started.

Weaving patterns in the air, Irotheb summoned a black tarry cloud. With a snap of his fingers, the cloud exploded and spread amongst the tiny flying insect, mosquito`s now carried a plague that was deadly in the long run amd inflicted great pain and suffering on its victems.

I am Irotheb and I thank you.

AP 15
Bless Mosquito`s 1 AP - Carry the Burning Plague which kills the weak and inflicts great suffering on those who attract it. - Working toward Death(porfolio unknown) domain.

AP left 14

2012-09-04, 06:35 AM
Viltasa, the Bringer of the Gentle Light

The god smiled among his many planets and stars. He saw it was as of yet incomplete. He strode to the surface of a lush jungle planet, and breathed.

Out of the fog, forms coalesced. They were forms of mist indeed, of light made solid. They walked upon the surface of the planet, bounding high as the weak gravity would let them, and he saw them and watched.

Create Greater Life: the Mistform
These creatures, like huge winged and horned antelopes, emit a gentle glow at all times. They can, as a part of their nature, create a portal from one place to another. Depending on how long their horns are, their portals can reach farther apart, even spanning the distances between worlds. They also have an innate sense for finding other worlds with life. They are very curious and actively seek it out. A normal Mistform is about the same size as an Earth antelope, but they can grow to the size of an elephant, their horn growing in proportion.

Create Orginization: Mistform Bureaucracy
The Mistform have united, save for nomadic tribes in the deepest forests, into a bueaucracy based on talent and curiosity and focused on learning, knowledge, and expansion. Most ordinary Mistform now live in a semi-organized kingdom of villages united by rough paths.

AP: 10+4-4-1=9 AP..

2012-09-04, 09:05 AM
Underneath the stars and the crackling of lightning and sprites, the world flashed red for a second and then retreated into comforting darkness - it was a pattern, repeating over and over. And in this red colored strobing world Valeth faced one of his relatives. Valeth was older to be sure, but he was not greater. He made himself appear smaller, hunching in his arms and shoulder and legs, much like a mouse would do when confronted by a large cat. He wasn't afraid, per se.... actually no, He was afraid. In a squeaking quite voice he apologized to Irotheb.

Great Lord, I meant no disrespect, nor did I mean to intrude on your domain.

If the Insects and unseen microbes of his creation had their own God, then they were too important to be ruled by him. He cared for the small - the forgotten - and they were by this god's sight, not so small - not so forgotten.

Please. They are yours.

2012-09-04, 05:53 PM
The Scrolls of Dolya-Tagi

The Scroll of the First Births

IX: While the world was young, already it was full of life. But the peoples of the world were as if children.

X: After a time, she saw some fall, laid low by plagues and diseases. Yet more cried out, despairing in bondage. And she wept to see the children suffer so.

XI: Cradling the world close to her bosom, she looked upon them all. There was so much life. Her gardens buzzed, filled with the small things, and her clouds rang out with laughter. There was more life above and below the earth, and some from very far.

XII: But who might best help her children? They needed so much help. A midwife, a nursemaid, a mother. And so she sought out who could bear the task.

2012-09-04, 06:30 PM
The blood red stalks grew from the ground. They were tough, but pliable. The Jjaket thought so too, and were soon making fine tools, the red of the wood fitting well with the red of the iron. The Jjaket were hardy workers, but they had no direction, and no vision. They worked together, but for what? Chjk saw across the mountains, at the slavers, at the furred bandits, at the light and sound flashing overhead. This world was unstable, and his people would need to protect themselves. But first they needed to guide themselves.

He called them to his side. Of them he chose those who could listen and watch. Those who were wisest became his priests, the Jjak-nu.

He returned to the masses, and chose those who could think and act. Those who could listen to the priests and put their wisdom to action became his planners, the Jjak-li.

Again he returned, and chose those who were strong and quick. Those who could fight the evil and protect their fellows with their mighty spears became his defenders, the Jjak-er.

He returned one last time. Those that were left, that were practical and efficient became his workers. They farmed the fruits and chopped the trees. They cut the stone and mined the metal. They built the homes and watched the young. The Jjak-ha.
He instructed them to build their homes in the ruins of the Granite Peak. Houses, farms, temples, and tunnels rose in and around the mountain, and he felt they were safe from harm for now, which was enough.

Create Concept (-1): Castes
Form Society (-2): The Colony. All Jjak Settlements work by the caste system. Priest > Planner > Defender = Worker
Rollover (+4)
Remaining AP: 10

Domain Progress:
Strength (Union) 8/7
Civilization: Organization 1/7

2012-09-05, 05:12 AM
Irotheb, Master of Plagues and Insects

Irotheb looked at the small god, frowning. Why is this being of power acting like a subject. The small are most often the deadliest, his Blood Plague mosquito`s were a perfect example of this. Mine? Yes I have improved on them, but you made a fine blueprint. Whats your name and why are you so humble? You and I are equal in power, why act like your lesser?

Irotheb looked at the world and the mortals who became sick with the Blood Plague. They suffered, caughing blood and scratching the itching biles with more pain as a result. Death will come, but it will come slowly. He then focused on one who was on the verge of dieing. With a wave of Irotheb`s hand, which crackled with dark energy, the body of the man instantly decayed and transformed in a tar-like rotting slush. The slush slowly formed into a wurm-like body, growing teeth. It then burrowed itself in the ground hunting for food, other corpses. With each corpse it will grow and eventually split up into a second, both growing with each eaten corpse. imbueing the wurm with more power, a second desease was born: Carrion Rot. Those bitten by the wurms would see their wounds rot within minutes, spreading through their body rapidly. Amputation would be the quickest and probably the least painfull "cure".

Pardon my little sidestep, the world seems so dull and my Carrion Wurms might make life for the mortals a bit more interresting.

Start AP: 14
Create Life: Carrion Wurms 1AP - Undead-like wurms who feast on corpses to grow and eventually split into a second wurm.
Bless Carrion Wurm 3 AP (to make the desease harder to counter) - Carrion Wurms carry the Carrion Rot desease and infect mortal with a viscious bite. Those who die because of Carrion Rot turn into a Carrion Wurm.

AP left 10

Progress to Domain Death(Decay) 5 AP
-Blood Plague 1 AP (blessing)
-Carrion Wurms 1 AP
-Carrion Rot 3 AP (blessing)

2012-09-05, 08:27 AM
Valeth raised himself, which was not that impressive and squeaked his answer, occasionally stuttering in fear, but trying to be as composed and regal as possible...

I am Valeth, lord of small things and tiny places. I rule that which is beneath the sight of other gods. You may say I am the ruler of humility. When you forget your worms and mosquitoes I will care for them again, but as long as you remember them my presence is an intrusion.

The Succubus
2012-09-05, 09:54 AM
A Storm Brews

Jack watched as the sprites danced away to the four corners of the world, leaping from cloud to cloud. They would be safe and free to enjoy the fruits of the world. Speaking of which...

Jack leaped at the branch of the the tree which towered over him and was rewarded when his nimble fingers closed around a perfectly ripe and delicious peach. The valley had given him hope that there were more interesting things to be discovered in this world and other opportunities for fun. He still hoped to meet the garden's creator one day but Jack was never the patient sort.

He drifted across the sky as a wisp of cirrus clouds and his heart began to grow heavy again. Small villages dotted the landscape and pestilence had taken root here. Those that were not dying of some truly horrific plague were fodder for grotesques that crawled in the perpetual gloom of the world. There was not much he could do to aid them but perhaps there was a way to give them hope. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the stone from the peach he'd eaten earlier. He stroked the stone and whispered a word of power before throwing it into the ground. A huge and mighty tree would grow from the stone, its leaves flickering between the greys of heavy rainclouds to the burning yellows of stars and suns. The fruit of the tree would be quite remarkable - the flesh was as sweet and juicy as any to be found in the Valley of Dayanma but the stones would glow with a soft blue light, that the terrors of the night might be held at bay.

Jack continued to drift onwards as the landscape beneath him rose into hills and then mountains. Now here was something unusual - small, humanoid figures that dwelt in the craggy peaks and valleys of this most inhospitable land. What was it they sought to find here in this cold and desolate place?

An unusual note of caution made itself heard in Jack's head and he fashioned for himself a disguise that he might walk among these strange beings without drawing too much attention. These "Kobolds", as they called themselves, were spawned by the hand of a deity called Shen Hueng Di. It was described as being a cross between a dragon and a centipede and generally "bad news". The kobolds themselves seemed pleasant enough but Jack thought tangling with "Shane" (his private nickname for this monster) would be a very bad idea...

"...and the Great Dragon sleeps upon a hoard of gems and gold that stretches as far as the eye could see. what was once Shen Hueng Di’s was always Shen Hueng Di's." said the kobold, with reverence.

...right up til that point. Jack grinned as all kinds of ideas presented themselves to him.

Create Life - 1AP: Lantern Trees. A lantern tree is about the size of the tallest American Redwoods but it's form is closer to that of a peach tree. It has leaves that are silver in the summer and golden in the winter and the fruit it bears are about the size of a small melon. The flesh is peach-like in flavour and the stone is about the size of a tennis ball. The stones themselves emit a strong yet gentle blue glow and make more than passable lanterns at night. The glow discourages Carrions Wurms and similar beasties from preying at night, although the glow has no effect on mosquitos or plagues.

Create Relic - 4AP: Jack's Travelling Hat. Woven of shadows and mists, this somewhat battered and tatty looking wide brimmed leather hat provides concealment for Jack. He moves almost silently and blends in to darkness and shadow. The brim shades his face, making it difficult to make out what he looks like.

The Bandicoot
2012-09-05, 01:27 PM
Lonel looks at his creations and is pleased. If he had a mouth he would be smirking. After all, they were immune to the plague and horrible wurms. Being fungus they had no blood for the mosquitos, and they never really died they just became spores and spread.

He rolls his dice a few times and states at it intently. Then he facepalms and claps his hands twice. Once to create gambling, and another to create Luck Sprites. Luck Sprites were tiny little spirits that took a variety of shapes and forms, never growing bigger than a square inch. These sprites make their homes in things used for gambling(dice, cards, coins, ect.), essentially possessing them. They subtly change the chance for certain outcomes depending on each sprite's personality.

Starting AP 3
Rollover from Saturday +4AP
Create Concept: The Woen gain knowledge of gambling and begin gambling -1 AP
Create Fabled Life: Luck Sprites as described above -4AP
Ending AP: 2

Progress towards domain gain Luck(Gambling) 5/7

2012-09-05, 02:22 PM
The Scrolls of Dolya-Tagi

The Scroll of the First Births

XIII: But she did not find one worthy, and the suffering increased. The children turned to petty games, ignoring the evils around them. So she wept.

XIV: Four silver tears fell upon the world. And from the sacred pool in Dayanma, four figures emerged, followed by Dolya-tagi herself. She turned to them and said

XV: Go, my daughters, and travel this world. You are to be nursemaids to all the children, so that they may live and grow strong.

XVI: Thus they went in the four directions, seeking those whom they could aid. Dolya-tagi, meanwhile, remained by the pool, awaiting those who may wish to find her.

Start: 13 AP
Create Fabled Life: The Nursemaids. Appearing as four young female humanoids in grey robes, with perpetually wet hair, they roam the earth seeking out those they may help.

Remaining: 9

2012-09-05, 02:25 PM
The Carrion Wurms were met with little anger from the vast Shen Hueng Di for what was death to the Lord of it? The Primordials seemed uneffected by the strange creatures, devouring them like anything else that moved close enough to them when not asked. The other creations of the Dragon however were less unmoved, fighting the monsters when ever they had the chance. Those who contacted the disease were burned, their bodies left at the edges of their owns save for the Nameless, who added their kin to their massive bonfires.

And from the dark places where the Centipede Dragon resided there was whispered a single line.

"Irotheb. You have been summoned."

2012-09-05, 02:35 PM
The birth of Krynions

Kry-tek was living a life of luxury on his throne with his Seldon slaves and Tekrian advisors but he craved for more, he was better than this mortal life, he needed to expand his civilisation. He needed an army. The heirarchy was incomplete with only two races so he needed more, with a click of his fingers he created the Krynians, a race of creatures who ripple with muscle, can brath under water and are bred for warfare amd naval expansion, when he made them he tought them just one thing, expansion, although this island was amazing for defence he needed to attack and with that he made something to counter that problem, sailing. He had his Seldons cut down trees and turn them into peices of wood which can be used to float across oceans and seas with ease. No one could stop him with that if he controlled the oceans. But if he had an army, a leader must also be made so he got his most faithful Tekrian -Vordoth, commander of the ocean- became in charge of the army and he would become a master sailor, Kingdom of Tek would expand through the sea!

The era of Expansion

Vordoth of Tek was built a great ship for both him and his Tekrian assiatant -Xavius, the sailor king- he was given a hundered strong army of Krynians as well as many Seldon slaves. They explored the land discovering great and beautiful things such as the magnificent lantern trees whos beauty are matched only by their size and succulent fruit. But also they met terrible things, the plague that Irotheb took many Seldon lives but the Krynian immune system can prevent some diseases so luckily few of them died. Vordoth mapped down as much as he could so that he could take it back to his king who would analyse the weakest parts of the land that can be taken. The masters of the seas built minor civilisations on the shores of the closest island, rarely daring to go inland. When they arrived home Kry-tek was greatly pleased until he heard of this plague. He seethed with anger at the though of someone trying to destroy the world by tearing it apart with plague.This is probably not your plan but it's Kry-tek's interpretaion.

Rollover 3+4 7AP
Create life: Kryonians, the naval warriors, Create lesser concept: Sailing, Raise hero: Vordoth, Commander of the Oceans
Working towards Sailing(War) 6/7

2012-09-05, 03:20 PM
Mistform Bureaucracy

At the greatest grass-hut village of the Mistform, surrounded by a spiked wall of wood to keep the jungle out, a group of five incredible elders loomed.

One spoke. He was the eldest of the group, and the largest. His horn glowed with a grey radiance.
"Brethren, we have felt the other worlds long enough without seeking them out. We are the greatest of the mossy valley under the lushly overgrown mountains. But we have not investigated the other planets. We should, for knowledge shall be had, and things learned. We each shall create a mist-gate to one world."

The others were stunned. It was a revolutionary proposal, but one that would broaden their horizons. They nodded as one.

The eldest smiled. "We will go, then, to our home villages. There, we will erect the mist-gates. High-walled Sarn av Mor will house the gate to the world of darkness."
"Many-terraced Vilek av Ran will hold the gate to the world of snow."
"Stone-hewn Tas av Val will hold the gate to the world of sands."
"Clear-streamed Terna av Mol will hold the gate to the world of stone."
"And misted Cerya av Het will hold the gate to the world of swamps."
"Who shall make the gate to the world of light?"

They looked among each other, then shrugged.
"It does not matter."
"Very well then. Do that, and we shall know more. A representative from the Bureau of Roads will take you to your cities."
They bowed and left, leaving clouds of dust in the dim-lit room.

Those are the names of villages; and the portals are assumed built except the one to the 'world of darkness', which is the material plane. Av means 'of' in Mistform, and I might expand it to a full language. Worldbuilding!

2012-09-05, 07:57 PM
At the sound of the eldest voice, the comforting voice of the darkness and blood that sustained the world, the important largeness of it all, Valeth trembled and managed to get a few words out to the god of insects and disease.

Oh. Please don't let me detain you from your important meeting. I hope that you'll remember that if you forget I will be there to remember... Valeth's nose twitched at how rude that sounds - he tried to be diplomatic but ... fear and awkwardness abounded.... I mean... you know. don't worry about the bugs, if you forget them that is... I think you won't ...but just in case... ehh... goodbye?

With that the mouse god scampered away from the voices and into the darkness, his fear manifesting itself behind him, chasing him, growing legs and mouths. Hungry, howls. They chase him and then branch off and chase the small things in the world, for Valeth gave birth to the fear of the small - the predators of the world, the animals that show other animals how unimportant they were. But no they were important, for they had numbers and the fear, the wild animals, the coyote and the boar, they died like anything else. Even the Hawk which flew off with humming birds in it's talons dropped to the ground eventually. Taken in by worms and caps and germs and then given back to the moss, and the ferns. And Valeth wasn't afraid of them anymore, for they were small and his as well, for they were just part of the details. Yet he continued frantically running, giving into his instincts.

Tired Valeth came upon the ocean, and looked at the still reflection of the night sky, for nothing lived beneath the waves yet. And he felt sadness for this was important - this ocean was vast but empty, and emptiness is the lack of remembrance thus this ocean, for now was forgotten and thus his to take care of. Valeth washed his little face in the cold waters and shivered and then dived in and paddled with his paws the ripples took life. Small life, but life like any other. They were small silver fish, and little tadpoles which would become frogs. Salamanders and plankton. All the small details beneath the wave took shape and when Valeth grew tired of paddling he swam back to shore and fell asleep on the beach. Exhausted. And what did the lord of small things dream about in the warm darkness? No nightmare, for his nightmares were running and eating, and dying. He dreamed small happy dreams, him cuddled up with another mouse; but he was a god and these dreams were at best forlorn.

AP 16

1 Create: Predator animals (wolves, coyotes, boars, birds of prey, etc)
1 Create: Small Fish, amphibians, plankton, Algae

AP 14:

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes
1 Fish/Amphibians
1 Predators

2012-09-05, 11:38 PM
From the Interpretations of Tapestries, as Seen by Esmerelde

And it was in those days that Aldamane still walked the dark places, searching for something by which he could see, for this world was without light, save for the cursed light of the emberstone, and the fickle lights of the sprites and lantern trees.


It was dark in those parts of the forests, where Aldamane walked. He twisted and turned his way through the dark red trees, and though his cloak obscured his eyes, he never once caught upon a branch. Still his eyes searched across the horizon, across the ground, and across the sky. Aldamane crossed the beach, where the tiniest of the gods lay sleeping, and moved on. He crossed the ocean, and came to the Island of Tek. He beheld the ways of the Tyrant, and moved on. Aldamane crossed the ocean once more, and came to the Valley of Dayanma. He saw the plenty there, and the many new kinds of life, and moved on. He crossed the threshold deep into the true dark of the Vaults of the Deep. There he beheld the sleeping forms of the Primordials, and the hustling and bustling kobolds, and moved on. He crossed the sky, and journeyed to the stars. There he found many worlds, and the Mist-Forms which bring them together, and he did not move on. He stayed within Archeres for a time, and set about his work.

In those days, the material for weaving had not yet been made, and so Aldamane wove with the stars themselves. He shaped Archeres into forms and shapes which were pleasing to the eye, into shapes which mirrored that which he had seen. He called these shapes constellations, and ensured that the movement of the spheres from which they had been made was steady, and that at auspicious times, they would align in such ways that skilled mortals might divine knowledge from them.

Satisfied with his work above, Aldamane returned to the dark world, which was lit by no sun. There he shaped a new place, filled with trees which shone like the constellations above. And he filled that place with his own people, who were skilled with craft, and could see by both dark and light. He named them the Gwehyddion, but others would know them by another name.

The Star Elves.

15 AP.

-1 AP: Alter Land-Constellations of Archeres
Aldamane wove the stars in the heavens above into a tapestry of beauty and fate. He made these constellations in shapes which would be familiar to those below, and gave them significance in the destiny of the world. The twelve Constellations of Archeres are:
Llygoden the Little Mouse
Bren the Lantern Tree
Enau-Goeg the Kobold
Fellten the Sprite
Forwyn the Madien
Carw the Mist-Form
Blaidd the Gnoll
Bathau the Pair of Dice
Adamant the Diamond
Casewch the Damned Island
Callestr the Raven
Cyfraith the Maul
Some say that one can connect the spaces between the twelve Constellations for a thirteenth, dark Constellation. Those who subscribe to this theory call this anti-Constellation Caddug the Dark Dragon. Aldamane has remained mute on the topic.

-1 AP: Create Lesser Concept-Astrology
By the movement of the stars and the twelve Constellations, mortals have learned the art of fortune. By the interconnecting patterns of the tapestries of the sky some information about auspicious events can be gleaned.

-1 AP: Create Life-Starmoss
Starmoss lines the floor of the Silvermist Forest. It glows constantly with a soft light, bathing the entire forest in a level of light comparable to dusk on earth. The light is constant, so long as the moss lives.

-1 AP: Alter Land-Silvermist Forest
Far to the north of the Valley of Dayanma, the Silvermist Forest has grown. The forest floor is carpeted with Starmoss, filling the entire forest with a soft, otherworldly glow. Herein live the Star Elves, immortal artists and caretakers of dreams. The Silvermist Forest is said to be a place where the dream world and the world of darkness flow together, where a mortal may journey into the dream world. These are but rumors, but the forest is a strange place.

-4 AP: Create Fabled Life-Star Elves
The Star Elves are the principle creations of Aldamane, and are his agents both on the mortal coil and in the world of dreams. They are consumate artists which live to create. Their skin is darkest black, the color of the sky, and their eyes and hair glow with the soft brilliance of the stars. A Star Elf does not die, nor are they born. When a Star Elf has reached the point where they feel they no longer are able to create new art, they leave their tribe, and go deep within the Silvermist Forest. There, in the deepest reaches of the wood, a secret ritual forms a new Star Elf from the trees, starstuff, and the life energy of the old Star Elf. The new child is welcomed into the community, fully formed and ready to have new experiences.

7 AP=15 AP-1 AP(Alter Land)-1 AP(Create Lesser Concept)-1 AP(Create Life)-1 AP(Alter Land)-4 AP(Create Fabled Life)

2012-09-05, 11:42 PM
The Scrolls of Dolya-Tagi

The Scroll of the Western Nursemaid

I. The one who went towards the west was called Sherbe-yese. Long she walked, until she came to the shore, and she turned to walk along the coast.

II. With time she came to a village, and studied it from afar. The inhabitants were of three kinds. The weakest among them held in tightest bondage, the second was made for war, and the last owned the others.

III. Many of them traveled over the water, led by the strongest ones, who took the others as their property.

IV. Sherbe-yese pondered for a moment, then looked to the skies, and saw the light made by those who lived in the clouds. So she spoke:

V. "Mother, these creatures take the children of others, not with kindness but as property. The weak ones need your protection."

VI. And the skies began to darken, and a great wind blew. The seas became rough, that it might be harder for the warriors to travel, and the lords to exert their role.

Create concept: Storms [incl. hurricanes, monsoons, etc.]
Alter land: The seas around the Island of Tek shall be home to vast storms in all seasons.
7 AP remain

2012-09-06, 04:01 AM
Irotheb, Master of Plagues and Insects

Irotheb watched the tiny god scurry off. As the small left, the big called for him. He would not come directly though, the lord of desease came when it was time to come, much like those who suffered from the Blood Plague.

he broke off a small chip of his exoskeleton and held it between his fingers.
Slowly the chip became liquid and spilled on the ground. From those drops, creatures that looked exactly like him spawned.

You are the Nantuko, masters of Contagiomancy. Go and build yourself a stronghold within the forests, make the other mortals suffer from desease and dominate them to be slaves.

The Nantuko nodded and bowed, then headed into the vast forest.

Shen Hueng Di
A swarm of mosquito`s approached Shen Hueng Di and took the form of a great Mantis. When they flew off, Irotheb stood before him.
You summoned and I have answered your call. What business do you have with me? His voice was calm and Irotheb showed no sign of being lesser then much larger dragon.

AP: 10 +3 rollover = 13
Create Life: Nantuko 1 AP - Nantuko are masters of Blood Magic
Create Fabled Concept: Blood Magic 4 AP - Blood magic is used by the Nantuko to inflict desease, control a targets body or kill. In rituals, blood is the main component and the more blood is spilled, the more powerfull the ritual.
Obtain Domain Evil(torment) 3 AP - Changed the domain I was working towards for the sake of not introding on other gods their specialization.
-Blood Plague 1 AP (blessing on mosquito`s)
-Carrion Wurms 1 AP
-Carrion Rot 3 AP (blessing on Carrion Wurms)
-Blood Magic 4 AP
Totals: 9 AP

AP left: 5

The Succubus
2012-09-06, 05:34 AM
How To Make Friends and Annoy Dragons

The more Jack learned of this fabulous treasure hoard, the more he longed to see it for himself and meet its somewhat unfriendly occupant. However, as any good thief will tell you, 95% of a robbery is planning and Jack was in no doubt that his adversary was powerful.

He spent a few days walking around the mining settlement, chatting with the kobolds and learning more of their culture. As he passed through the busy market square of the town, he spied a bundle of rags in an alley. The rags stirred as he approached and a small kobold poked turned it head as he approached. The figure was on the verge of starving to death.

"Hey kid."

Jack crouched down before the kobold. "Life seems to have been pretty lousy for you lately. You look like you need a friend. Tell your friend Jack your story."

The kobold, whose name was Nimit, stared up at the strange, tall man before her. The wide hat shadowed the top half of his face yet the smile below it was bright, cheerful and carried more than a hint of mischief. She decided to take a gamble.

She spoke of life in the mines, of digging through darkness for emberstone, of hard labour and being sport for the cruelties of gnolls and worse things that lived in the dark. She spoke of those too weak to mine and how they were discarded to starve to death in the streets.

"Hmmm...sounds to me like you need more than just a friend, kid. You need a bite to eat more than anything else. Let's go get you something..."

Nimit sighed. She had nothing to trade for food.

Jack merely grinned at this. "Follow my lead and follow your instincts," he said with a smirk.

He waltzed over to a nearby stall. The tantalising smell of roasted meat filled the air and the legs of lamb looked rich and appetising. Jack gave the food a cursory glance before turning his attention to the gnoll behind the display.

"Caught these fresh this morning. Best in the town," growled the gnoll.

"Fresh? Fresh?! Why sir, these look like they've been here for weeks!" exclaimed Jack.

The gnoll glared at the figure opposite, its grin beginning to grate on his nerves. "Nothing wrong with the meat. Fresh and cooked well. Best in the town!" said the gnoll.

Jack gave the gnoll a funny look. "Cooked well? If I listen carefully, I can still hear these legs of lamb bleating and baa-ing!" he continued, sweeping his arm over the stall in an overly flamboyant gesture.

Nimit was terrified. What was this madman doing? If he was hoping to persuade the gnoll into giving them some food (a fruitless task at the best of times), he was doing a terrible job of it. Why was he complaining about the food? It looked absolutely delicious to her. Juicy, tender, tempting. It would be so easy to just reach out and take it...

Trust your instincts.

With a casual movement she picked up two of the joints of meat and slipped away from the crowd that had gathered to watch the argument between Jack and the stall holder.

"I'm not going to stand here and be insulted!" bellowed Jack. "I bid you good day sir!"

With a dramatic turn, Jack stormed away from the highly perplexed and highly annoyed stall holder and made his way back to the alley, where Nimit was enjoying the first meal she'd had in days.

"I believe a bite of that is mine," he said with a wink. Nimit handed one of the joints of meat to him and he took only a very small bite. She continued to eat while her new friend spoke.

"Sometimes the distraction isn't as grand as the one I gave you. It might only be a turn of the head or answering a call of nature. Trust your instincts and be ready for it when it happens. Teach your friends to be subtle and quick. I'll see you again soon."

He raised his hat to her and Nimit saw that the figure beneath wasn't a kobold but something else instead - a vaguely human form that crackled with energy and had a faint smell of ozone. With a ridiculously dramatic bow, he vanished in a flash of light.


He reappeared a short distance away at the entrance to a vast mine network that led deep into the bowels of the earth. He made his way silently down a maze of passages that would have bewildered anyone that wasn't a god. Eventually he arrived in the middle of a nexus, with six tunnels leading off into the deep dark. He turned and walked down a seventh tunnel that was not there before and would not be there again.

He could feel the excitement building inside and he grinned in the endless black. There was a gleam in the darkness ahead, brighter and brighter as he walked towards it.

There it was - an ocean of gems and coins, trinkets and treasures from a thousands worlds and times. Coiled in the centre of this infinitely vast cavern lay a colossal dragon - the fabled Shen Hueng Di himself. He was asleep, thankfully, and his snores were like an earthquake.

With the utmost care Jack made his way over the piles of gold until he found himself a short distance away from the great beast's snout. He reached down picked up a small gold disc on the floor. Carefully, he used a small pocket knife to carve a symbol on one face of the disc - a coin with a lightning bolt running through the centre. On the other side, a head with another lightning bolt running through it. He marshalled some of his power into the coin and began to glow brightly.

The snores stopped. Two colossal eyes slowly opened and stared blearily at the figure before them.

"Oh great Shen Hueng Di! Your hoard is indeed impressive but a little lacking in security!" cried Jack. He flipped the coin into the air and vanished, reappearing at the six passageways just outside Shane's realm. He wondered if the great dragon had noticed the theft.

A colossal roar behind him told him that he had.

1 AP - Create Concept: Thievery.
4 AP - Create Artifact/Relic: Blink Coin. The coin stolen from Shen Hueng Di's hoard, it is imbued with Jack's lightning speed. Essentially, it teleports its user a short random distance away from where they currently are, up to a distance of a mile away. The behaviour of the coin is fickle, much like it's creator.

When used by Jack, it teleports him and then changes into a smaller version only a mortal can use, essentially becoming an artifact. When used by a mortal (either by flicking it like Jack did or merely holding tightly and wishing) it teleports that mortal and the coin reverts back to a Relic.

A mortal cannot use the Blink Coin when it is in Relic form and Jack cannot use it while it is in Artifact form.

2012-09-06, 08:51 AM
Valeth wakes and furrows his face, his hind paws move quickly to scratch the dirt that clung to his fur while he slept. When he was done he looked unto the world and saw the small animals, yet they were not of his creation - they moved and talked and sang. He scampered from hovel to home, from room to room and hearth to hearth. He looked upon them in their bonds of slavery, and their homes in disarray. He wouldn't dare change their status, for that was how they were made and thus they were remembered by the gods who held dominion over bondage, but.... in these tiny places, these private place of home only Valeth was there for the small were his to rule. And these people were the dispossessed of the world, deprived of rights. They had been relegated into mere details - and just like the tiny places were his to remember, so to were the details. And so from home to home Valeth scurried, and ate a bit of food in each. A morsel that would go unnoticed. But he shared the table with each mortal, or at least a crumb when it fell to the floor. And thus the concept of Xenia, Hospitality, Guest-Right was born. It differed from society to society, but the home became sacred. Masters must listen to their servants when they enter their servants hovels, and the servant even though he was the master must treat the guest as the master. And from the small corners, out of the holes in the walls and the cracks in the caves Valeth looked upon them and gave his blessing and protection.

If such a concept applied to the gods, one god had just violated it, Valeth nose twitched and elsewhere a fox shrieked in anticipation of a kill. He wasn't afraid anymore since his fear had taken life - but he was nervous, even for the gods guest right meant respect and when a god disturbed that it made Valeth nervous. His hind paws move quickly to scratch the dirt that clung to his fur, except there was no dirt...

AP 14:

Create Concepts 1: Xenia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenia_%28Greek%29); Hospitality (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hospitality)
Bless 1: All societies everywhere have a form of guest right. Basic rules are, the owner of the house is the master and guest must respect him as such and the guest must be treated as if he was the owner of the house.

Domains in the works
Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes
1 Fish/Amphibians
1 Predators

Working for domain: Family (Home)
1 Guest Right
1 Bless With Guest Right

2012-09-06, 12:53 PM
The Furious King

Kry-tek is now furious at the other gods. These constelatoins were an insult to his people and his kingdom and he would not stand for it! Then someone tired to make it unsafe for him to sail! What he did with his men was his business and the villages he had made outide of the island of Tek were still part of the kingdom. No one should stop him from venturing out and if they make the waters unsafe then he will destory their very principals. And finally someone tried to make his people eaqual to him. What kind of god thinks of himself as being equal to his slaves. Kry-tek got his Seldons to prepare a huge feast fit for gods and kings, then he bellowed to all other gods. I declare a meeting of the gods!

The Bandicoot
2012-09-06, 01:48 PM
Lonel walks among his people, looking around. They had no real government or organization and though he hated people getting lost in a group he saw the need for them to be organized. So once again he rolls his dice and facepalms. The answer was so simple. A Luckocracy. Every group of Woen chooses their leader through a dice game where three hundred rolls is the minimum. That leader leads until someone is displeased enough to invoke the game again. Then everyone in the group plays the game and the dice choose a new leader. In this way a leader is chosen for every household, family, and village.

A small bird falls from the sky in front of Krytek. When it hits the ground Lonel emerges from it, growing to his full height in a matter of moments. He is silent and rolls his dice on the air in front of him, tilting his head as he does so.

Starting AP: 2
Create Organization: The Woen are organized into a Luckocracy as described above -2AP
Ending AP: 0

AP Progress Towards Domain Gain Luck(Gambling) 7/7 just gotta put the 3 AP into gaining it now.

2012-09-06, 07:10 PM
Nu Statj recounts this tale to his Nutak, his priests-in-training. This has been taken from Soren's records, translated from Jjak Tongue.
"Long ago, the wurms came to the colony. Illness spread far and fast. Defenders could keep them at a same distance, but those who were not could not defend themselves. The mines were closed, as were the farms, and our people risked their lives by living. Chjk was livid, howling in anguish. He could not comprehend those that would senselessly plunge the world back into chaos. He could not believe that others would destroy another's creation for the sheer pleasure of it. But vengeance would have to wait.

He called his priests. He gave them... he gave us true power. They began to draw from his divine essence, and hurried back to their posts. They healed the sick, and warded the temples. They cleansed the mines and revived the colony. The priests were no longer sedentary, we had been changed.

He decided that then was the time for our first contact. He called his defenders to his side and chose delegates. He chose two to meet each race, and appointed a priest to each pair. Indeed, my ancestor was among the chosen. As they departed from the Granite Peak, Chjk heard the summons from the slave master. He answered..."

Bless (-1): The priests are now divine spellcasters.
Adopt Domain (-3): Strength (Union)

Domain Progress:
Strength (Union) 8/7
Civilization: Organization 2/7

2012-09-06, 07:46 PM
Shen Hueng Di: The Hoard of the Centipede Dragon

The great serpent shifted as his guest answered his summons, hissing low as it raised it’s mighty head high into the darkness as it cast it’s cool gaze down upon the other God. “We have much to speak of...” it hissed in a thousand whispered voices, great claws clacking against golden trinkets delicately however all went still in the realm within a blink of an eye. Mighty eyes narrowed, tongues lashing in the air to smell the being who dared enter it’s realm without permission. What was worse, the foolish thing had taken that which it had owned. Mighty coils rocketed through the gloom, scattering souls and loot in a shower of hard metal and sharp gems as the beast took meticulous inventory of it’s mighty hoard. A single coin which could perhaps have gone without mention were it any other being but the Centipede Dragon did not share. Did not loan. Did not give freely of itself. Every copper was counted and polished for what was time to a God?

“We shall continue later. My apologies.” The serpent hissed as it followed the trail of the whimsical thief for inviting the Dragon upon one self was a sure way for it to come. It had not been able to reach the world below when it had been alone but the other Gods who stepped over it’s precious gem had created holes in the fabric of what ever barrier held him at bay, at least for now. Great portals in the dark rent forward, snapping jaws and glowing eyes filled with malice swirled through the entirety of the Vaults of the Deep. In the great cavern cities of the Primoridals, in the mines of any who dared to dig deep into the earth and even in the veins of the oldest Emberstone shone forth with a dark light from the Centipede Dragon’s baleful stare as it gazed at each God in turn. “You who hide in darkness. It is not your shield. Return what you stole from my hoard now and I will forgive your trespass. However.” the Dragon paused, a thousand clinging hands seeping from the dark and though they could not touch a single mortal creature they still reached to touch them and from the Vaults themselves the fearsome bellow of Shen Hueng Di roared forth. “Should you continue this insolence. I will devour you to the last shred of dripping meat.”

The Succubus
2012-09-07, 08:32 AM
Shen Hueng Di's words echoed through the twisting network of tunnels as Jack briskly walked back up towards the surface. There was still a chance for forgiveness, it said. A chance to clear up a misunderstanding. A chance to put things right. Perhaps a song would help soothe things over, he thought...

Deep below in a darkened cave,
A passage runs in a winding maze,
Along them strolled a handsome knave,
His name was Gentleman Jack

He heard tales of earth's great wealth,
Creeping carefully with haste and stealth,
For fear of hazard to his long term health,
His name was Creeping Jack

The guardless room was a great mistake,
The first of many by this unclean drake,
With his snores the walls did quake,
Too easy for Thieving Jack

Such shining gems and wealth untold,
Should not belong to one so cold,
Yet claiming only a disc of gold,
His name was Modest Jack

"Give it back!" the beast implored,
"For I am a great and mighty lord!"
Yet his mewlings went ignored,
By the thief called Heartless Jack

"Alas, I must decline to meet,
'Lest I prove to be a tasty treat
Yet if you are so swift and fleet
Then come and take it back."


It was said that Crackling Jack met with Nimmit, First Among Thieves, on the slopes of the great mountain and there they spoke long of the moralities of theft that would become the Thieves Code. In truth, the conversation was rather more abrupt.

The ground beneath his feet trembled as Jack ran out of the vast cave mouth that led down to Shen Hueng Di's chambers. So concerned with what might be approaching behind him, he didn't notice the small kobold he bumped into.

"Jack! It's good to see you again!" said the kobold as they both got back to their feet. The ground shook again and Nimmit's glad expression was slowly replaced by one of nervousness. "What's happened? Why is the ground shaking so?"

"There's three things to remember about being a thief, kid.

Rule 1: Never steal anything that will be greatly missed.
Rule 2: Don't be rude or a braggart.
Rule 3: Never steal from anyone you can't run away from."

The kobold stared at him with a questioning expression as the earth tremors intensified. Jack almost looked embarassed.

"Well, I greatly underestimated rule one, shamelessly broke rule two and I think I'm about to have a world of trouble with rule three. Here, take this and flick it in the air," said Jack, handing her the coin.

"Like thi-"


Nimmit suddenly found herself on a slope about a mile from the cave entrance and she watched in awe as a bolt of lightning shot into the sky. Jack's voice echoed in her mind.

"I'm going to want that back at some point, kid. I've given you a headstart, which is all our kind can really ask for. Run far from here because I suspect thieves aren't going to be very popular around here for a while...."

2012-09-07, 03:23 PM
The Accords of Sarn av Mor
Written by Hrun de Sarn, the third scriptor of the Land of the Valley

And in the dawning years it came to pass that we saw the stars shift, even as if they were woven, for lo: there were gods among the stars, and the mighty

For the
His call

ones walked among the Void with impunity. Now it came to pass that our greatest philosophers looked to the heavens and saw therein heard a voice, and it clearly said:
"The stars are aright now, for your greatest years will pass now as when you visit the world of darkness. Harken to the star and the dark that is not, and you shall see the words of the other races."
And we called them the star-hearers. And our greatest citizen raised his horn in accord with those words, and a mist-rift formed in the great city.

And the
Him not

Stepped we then through the gate to a strange forest, filled with moss like woven star-dust, and saw we strange shapes in the distance. And thus went out our greatest longhorns, three in number, and sought them out.

2012-09-07, 04:42 PM
From the Interpretations of Tapestries, as Seen by Nuada

And so it came to pass that the Mist-Beasts came upon the Garden of Stars, and the Ones of Starry Eyes did observe and follow them, that their intentions might become clear.


Mists were no strange thing in the Silvermist Forest. It would often be that the dew collected by the ever-present floor of Starmoss would evaporate from a passing source of heat, and cling to the ground as though yearning to return to whence it came.

To see mist shaped into a living creature and walk about on four limbs, now, that was a strange thing.

And so when Nghof the Star Elf first beheld the strange Mist-Beasts, he was careful to maintain his distance. The Star Elves had not yet met other creatures, only the small things of the forest, and the trees in which they lived. They did not know what to make of these beings made of mist, and so they hid for a time, amid the trees and pools of their homewood.

But then it came to pass that a group of Mist-Beasts wandered into a grove where a youngling was playing. She was weaving flowers and patches of moss together to make a necklace. Her name was Buredd, and when the Mist-Beasts wandered into her playing grove, she was startled. But the child found the Mist-Beasts beautiful, and placed her necklace of flowers and moss around the antler of the largest of them. Then she spoke her first words as a new-born. "You're pretty. Would you play with me?"


And so once more Aldamane walked to the Island of Tek, and he did not cease in his walking until he reached the throne room of the Tyrant King. The Weaver spoke not, for he knew the temper of the lord of Tek, and would say nothing until spoken to.

2012-09-07, 07:47 PM
The Accords of Sarn av Mor
By Hrun de Sarn, the third scriptor of the Land of the Valley

Imagine the astonishment of our brave longhorns to find a young one of that race, and to have it respond to them willingly! But that went to show innocence and goodness were universal.


The longhorn smiled, as the meaning of the message was clear, even across vastly different languages.

"Sahta vek? Ay."

The nimble almost-hooves of the Mistform scooped out some grass from the land, weaving them carefully into a chain, which he gently hung around her neck. It was embroidered with odd designs, not quite skillfully woven, but nice enough.

"Why not? Yes.


2012-09-08, 11:59 AM
Valeth smells food, his little mouth begins to water in anticipation. He scampers and scurries to where the feast is laid out for the gods. Wary, old fears returning, Valeth puffs out his chest and tries to display his bravery. The journey was long, so he created creatures to take him there faster. Humming birds and hawks populated the skies by his hand, but he filled the air with the screeches of millions of birds, birds of all types, owls, vultures, eagles, sparrows. From black crows to rainbow toucans and parrots. The dark sky, punctuated by the lightning and the wings of paradise, was alive just as the sea was with the small details.

And he gave these details, these birds of his making a home. A home for when the night sky proved too cold, so they could rest their weary wings among the lantern trees. Thus Valeth told them the secrets of migration and birds everywhere would flock to the Valley of Dayanma, whenever seasons turned. All small animals and some large would make their pilgrimage to the valley once a year.

Regardless as his small paws tired a great owl descended upon him and snatched him up it's claws. Yet the owl new this was no mouse, but the lord of small things and tiny places and thus allowed the tiny god to climb upon it's back and ride upon him, to direct him to the feast of the slave god.

The owl, dared not get too close, and thus perched upon a tree within view of the feast and allowed Valeth to depart. Valeth scurried to the feast, unnoticed among the gods. He makes his way beneath the enormous table filled with food meant for the lord of creation. Underneath the table he spied a couple of choice dropped crumbs of cheese. He scampers to them and begins the feast early. And thus underneath the table of the gods, the lord of tiny places feasted upon fallen foods.

AP 12 + 4 Rollover:

1 Create Life: Birds of all types.
1 Create Concept: Migration

AP 14

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes
1 Fish/Amphibians
1 Predators
1 Birds of all types.

Working for domain: Family (Home)
1 Guest Right
1 Bless With Guest Right
1 Migration

2012-09-08, 02:25 PM
Kry-tek waits for everyone to arrive in his palace. He slowly calms down from his innitial fury and counts the guests. "Is everybody here?"

2012-09-08, 02:41 PM
The Scrolls of Dolya-Tagi

The Scroll of Assembly

I. The great storms infuriated the Enslaver-King. He called for a great assembly of the divine, to quench his fury.

II. Dolya-tagi went, traveling amidst the clouds she had brought, to the King's vast island.

III. She strode through the gates of the palace, where near all of gods and goddesses had been assembled. She stood silently, waiting for the King on his throne to speak.

Last to arrive on time, at least if no one minds. Narrative time can resolve that.

Domain Progress:

Working on Love (Nurturing)
4 Nursemaids
1 Feeding the children (fruit)

7+4 (rollover)=11 AP

The Bandicoot
2012-09-08, 10:45 PM
Lonel rolls his dice again and claps his hands once, expanding his domain yet again. When Krytek speaks he simply shrugs and looks over all the food. What is a mouthless god supposed to do with food? Feed it to the other gods of course! So Lonel rolls his dice and picks up a small wheel of cheese, rolling it underneath the table so it comes to rest just infront of Valeth.

Starting AP: 0
Rollover: +4 AP
Gain Domain Luck(Gambling): -3 AP
Ending AP: 1

2012-09-09, 03:22 AM
The Meeting of the Gods

Kry-tek takes his seat at the head of the table and stares at each individual god. "We have recently built this world in different ways. And I have been fine with your different ways and enjoying myself on my island. But recently you have tried to stop me from doing what I wish. First someone made these insulting constelations and then. Who made those damned waves?!"

2012-09-09, 11:28 AM
That would be me, for the sake of your weakest children.

Our children are not mere toys. They are fantastically valuable creations in their own right. They create their own in turn, and often the child may be more powerful than the parent. For all that has been made, who can claim to have made something equal to, or even greater than, the power of themselves?

Though the children may not be my own, I love them as though they were my own. If you shall enslave and kill and oppress, I shall heal and protect and defend. I hope I am not the only one who shall.

2012-09-09, 12:08 PM
From the Interpretation of Tapestries, as Seen by Nhgof

And so it was that the Beasts Which Came from the Mists were welcomed by the Maker's People, and offered a place in the clans of Silvermist.


Buredd laughed as the longhorn placed the necklace around her neck. "It is good. You could be a weaver, with practice." Then she lept to her feet, and let out a long, shrill whistle. From the shadows of the trees stepped forth many more Star Elves, carrying staves and spears carved from wood, and wearing the pelts of many animals, beautiful in their patterns. One, a tall male with regal bearing, stepped forward. "Welcome, Mist-Walkers. I am Nhgof, chieftan of these people. The newling Buredd seems to have become rather enamoured with you. If she trust you, than I do as well. Will you join us in our evening meal?"


From the hooded visage of Aldamane, a chuckle slipped out. "Insulting? My dear Kry-Tek, I did not name my works. Your children had just as much a hand in their naming as the rest of the world. Perhaps that should be something to think on."

2012-09-09, 12:09 PM
Valeth gorged himself on a couple of grapes, their juice covered his face and fur, he had since rolled over to lie on his back with his paws on his belly, submitted and defeated by the food. Just then a wheel of cheese rolled by and the smell made him salivate all over again. Cheese, wonderful cheese, surely the food of the gods. He turned over and weakly made his way to the small wheel and took a bite of it, as the larger more important Gods argued above.

2012-09-09, 01:21 PM
The Meeting of the Gods

Kry-tek heard what Dolya-tagi had done and why. "You made those waves to protect the children? On board some of those ships that were destroyed because of your waves many children were on board and many died. Xavius's only son was killed by a wave that took out his bed chambers and two other Tekrian children died. And these children who are bred for work know nothing other than work. Do you think they should run the Kingdom of Tek? They can do nothing other than work and that is what they shall do! No one should pity these creatures for if they have no work then they have nothing! I think you could take an idea from me, I am willing to sell Tekrians to anyone who wants extra labour. If you refuse to follow my will in my own palace then you can be escorted out by my thousand strong army that is gathering in this town." Kry-tek then looks at Aldamane. I appreciate your work and that you had no part in the naming of it. But the island is not properly shown in your constellations. Where are the palaces and fine naval fleet that we have got for ourselves. I would very much like for you to produce something like that."

1+4=5 Rollover
Create society: Kry-tek's army, Gain Domain: Wrath (War)
0AP left

2012-09-09, 02:05 PM
{The following is a transcription from a stone tablet, found in a temple basement. It records the first communion. Evidence strongly points to this actually occurring, as most major religions have their own retelling}

As Dolya-Tagi spoke, so too did Chjk. "I agree. We create people, while you create puppets. We've been entrusted by powers higher than us to bring order to the chaos! You walk over your pitiful creations, who have dealt no crime to you, in order to satisfy your own ego! I've watched you create only so that you may destroy, your people raiding the coast, stealing from others, their possessions and their lives. We are equals, you have no divine right to be the master! I swear by the Word, that if you continue to overstep your bounds, I shall stand by the Life-Mother, and shall have no further dealings with you!"

{Soren's Note: It is said that Chjk is an angry, rash god, but this is no more true than saying that they favor any other emotion. They feel strongly for their ideals, and are quick to defend them. No doubt much of the later conflict could have been avoided if they could have kept their heads (though they had but one at the time) better.}

Rollover: 6 + 4 = 10AP

2012-09-09, 02:20 PM
There will always be Death. It was first among us, after all. But there need not always be violence. What purpose do your fleets serve if not to bring slavery and violence to the rest of Creation?

You built an island, and craved the sea. You took the sea, and began seizing more land. I suspect nothing any could concede to you would leave you sated for long.

If we let you do as you will, how long before the great northern forests burn? Before each kind our kin have created must submit to you? Will all we have created so far even be enough to whet your appetite? If some die in order to restrain you, it is only to save many more.

You speak of life as a commodity, to be bought and sold. Of course your creations can do little else but work, for you do not let them. Life is not simply carved. It grows and improves, but you restrain yours, so that they may not blossom.

I came here not in deference, nor out of any courtesy or obligation to you. I did so our peers might see your actions, your greed and your petty rage, and know well whom you truly are.

2012-09-09, 02:35 PM
Shen Hueng Di: Giving Chase

And come for it the great Serpent did, roaring from the pools of the deep in great coils and snapping jaws. There was no place to run in the world for the Thief for darkness covered all things. There was little more to say, the God of Death and Darkness was not a subtle thing. It's prey ran. And it gave chase.

Roll Over: 0+4= Gain Domain: Earth (Things Buried Underneath)- 4-3=1 AP

The Kobolds +1 (miners

The Vaults of the Deep +2 (The Literal Underworld)

The Gnolls (Made from stone and proto-emberstone) +1

Emberstone +1 (Precious Gems and Metal depending on how it’s worked)

Concept: Mining +1 (Digging for things underground)

The Nameless +1 (Seeds of Things to Come)

2012-09-09, 03:00 PM
The Accords of Sarn Av Mor
By Hrun de Sarn, third scriptor of the Land of the Valley

It was with a shock our three explorers beheld the mighty ranks of the star-elves. If we had been more cruel, like some we now know, we would have been thrice dead, and the world of darkness would have been shunned forever. As it was, we did not know their tongue, but we could easily get out of there. So our adventurers went with the star-elves.


The longhorn waved his horn, and the other two mistforms came out of the bushes. Their horns were long and sharp, and in their not-hooves they held stone axes.

"Ave desarn. Nes va ave sakam."

The longhorn bowed, then nodded towards the elves.


"We're pleased to. With you we're coming.


2012-09-10, 02:44 AM
Ord sat in the Void, content to observe and learn of his fellow gods as they bickered over something or other. They each had set forth from their birthplace, eager to carve their own mark upon the world below, to imprint their own visions upon it, and they grew angry over interference? Foolish. Though understandable. Outside variables did complicate things had they not been properly accounted for. He saw little reason to join them. His experiments had yet to begin, and the godling had no intention of seeking their approval for any.

If anything, the time to begin his work was now, free of interference. A race was needed, one of his own creation. And a place for them to grow powerful enough to survive in this world. Ord turned his gaze to the earth, concentrating the power he felt burning inside himself onto a desolate patch of earth, far away from the bustling life of the other god's creations. Cracking and ripping, earth surged upward from below, forming tall, jagged peaks, safe from the caverns of the Primordials. Even then, he could feel their blood still permeating the mountain range, feeding the fauna that dotted its slopes. Anger arose inside his mind, as his experiment already was being tainted by another deity. The god pooled the emotion swirling inside him together, balling it into fury incarnate, and cast it hurtling towards earth. Where it hit, the mountains burned, scorching the land and igniting the blood held within its confines. With nowhere to escape, it built up pressure as Ord's emotion made manifest burned. Occasionally, the boiled blood would find a way to escape, bursting forth from its tomb to envelop the lands, showering it with ash and dust.

A harsh home for a harsh race. They had to be, if they were to survive. And there would only be more danger in the world as time passed...

Starting AP: 15
-2 Create Land (Ord's Fury (Alternately known as the Ordic Tairns) (Volcanic mountain range)
= 13 AP

The Bandicoot
2012-09-10, 04:24 AM
Lonel looks around between the argueing gods and then pockets his dice before picking up a handful of mushy food. It was made from some vegetable or fruit but that didn't matter. What mattered was that it was sent flying straight for Kry-tek's face.

The Succubus
2012-09-10, 05:01 AM
A Grand Entrance

Lightning streaked across the sky and fire and darkness followed. How was the damned dragon so fast? Jack moved as swift as lightning itself and yet Shen Hueng Di was slowly closing the gap between them. His angry roars echoed across the clouds and Jack no longer felt as confident as he had when teasing the wretched thing. At least the Beast was chasing him rather than Nimmit and he shuddered at what the foul dragon might do to her if he ever discovered the coin in her possession. He had to get it back...

For now though, he still had to get rid of his pursuer, who was getting ever closer and closer. Still surging ahead, Jack turned slightly and hurled a thunderbolt over his shoulder in the rough direction of Shen. A growl behind him told that his bolt had struck home but not with sufficient force to damage or deter him.

A bank of thick stormclouds was approaching on the horizon. Maybe he could elude Shen in amongst the clouds. Jack looked over his shoulder and was alarmed to see the dragon was just a couple of metres away from him. A colossal talon swiped at him and it's claws raked into his back, leaving three deep scratches that began to bleed. Still flying towards the bank of cloud, Jack turned again in mid air and hurled thunderbolt after thunderbolt at the head of Shen Hueng Di. Yet the dragon was very strong and each bolt had little more effect than a single wasp does on the back of a bear.

Suddenly Shen surged forward and Jack found himself between the beast's gargantuan jaws. Standing as tall as he could, Jack summoned every last scrap of his strength to prevent the fangs closing down and crushing him. The storm clouds surrounded them as they continued forward. So preoccupied with their struggle that neither god noticed the dark, conical shape looming out of the clouds...


Shen plowed through the wall of the tower sending glass and masonry flying into the room. The shock of impact knocked Jack out of the dragon's mouth, sending him hurtling into one corner of the room and Shen into the other. Dazed and still bleeding from his earlier wound, Jack slowly got to his feet and looked around. A feast had been laid out here and various figures were standing or sitting at the table.

Other Gods.

He gave them a briefly glance, still mindful of Shen's presence in the room. They seemed to be gods of all kinds here, including what appeared to be a very small god under the table itself looking up from its meal. A very pretty goddess held his attention briefly and he wondered if she had been the one behind the garden he'd found. Some of the gods looked surprised at their entrance. Some looked exceedingly angry. All of them looked powerful.

Shen had also gotten to his feet and Jack glared at him with loathing.

Listen you stupid reptile, he thought. I will more than happily continue our little argument later but these guys and girls are quite capable of tearing us to pieces. More than one of them has that as Plan A in their heads.

He hoped Shen was smart enough to realise this as well.

2012-09-10, 06:19 AM
Irotheb, Master of Deseases and Insects

The Nantuko were developing quickly and doing well. First they enslaved the animals of the forest, then all the tresspassers and slowly turned to the outlying villages. The Blood Magic did its work, making to subject lose control of his body in a painfull way. When arriving at the Nantuko encampment, they were locked up in cages and served as slaves, experiments or food.

Irotheb was pleased but it was only a start. He picked up a large boulders with both hands and started to squeeze while trickling energy into the stone.
The large builder become more and more dense until it become a blood red diamond. He cast it down into the Nantuko camp and the Nantuko swarmed around it to study the gem. This is the Soul Gem. All mortals who die within a mile of the stone will have there soul pulled into the Diamond. The souls will suffer the pains of there death over and over again until you use it to fuel your magic.

With a wave of his hand a creature appeared before the Nantuko. It was transparent, like a ghost and blood red in the shape of the Nantuko. This is a Blood Wraith, created with the souls of the suffering which are captured in the Soul Gem. They will spread and possess the mortals.

Irotheb then dissolved in a swarm of mosquito`s and flew off.

Meeting of the Gods

A swarm of mosquito`s appears at one of the chairs, forming the outlines of Irotheb before he solidifies. There has been a lot of calling lately, what is it that you want? When he sees Shen and Jack had just crashed into the tower he speaks: Aah Great Dragon, is this pest the one who interrupted our meeting. How rude and stupid of you to interupt a meeting of gods...twice.
Irotheb glared at Jack while he summoned an black tar-like orb that flooted a couple inches above his claw.

Start AP: 6 +4 Rollover =10
Create Artifact: The Soul Gem 4 AP - The Soul Gem collects the souls of any creature that dies within a mile of the stone. They relive there last painful moment over and over again until used by the Nantuko to create a Blood Wraith of to empower their blood magic and rituals in other ways.
Create Fabled Life: Blood Wraith 4 AP- These creatures attempt to possess other non-nantuko mortals and cause disturbing dreams and take over the body to perform "evil" acts.

AP left: 2

Progress towards Dominion(Blood) Domain: 8/7

2012-09-10, 09:55 AM
The Meeting of the Gods

Kry-tek, sat on his throne at the head of the table suddeningly felt some food go straight into his face splattering his expensive clothing and his beard had food in it. Kry-tek gets to his feet about to bellow at whoever had done that was then sprayed by masonary. He looked round and saw a huge dragon and a humanoid deity fighting. "ENOUGH! I will not be insulted and have food thrown at me in my own palace! Does no one else think that what I have asked for is decent. I want those waves stopped and people to accept my people in your world without turning me down as an evil tyrant. Does no one think that is a decent request." Kr-tek then looks towards Jack and Shen Hueng Di. "What do you think you are doing? You have destroyed the entire second western tower and sent masonary flying everywhere. You are both gods in my eyes so you can take a seat, but do not expect my favour."

2012-09-10, 12:16 PM
Shen Hueng Di: Meeting of the Gods

Shen Hueng Di smashed through the tower as if it were paper, fangs inches from the thief who had taken the single coin from its lair. The other divine sparks were but a trifle but it could already feel it’s tenuous grasp on the mortal plane slipping away. It wouldn’t do to have it’s power drained fighting all of them. “Yes.” the Beast hissed at the Vermin Lord, not letting it’s baleful gaze slip even once from Lightning Jack. That is until the lord of the manor spoke up that was. Ever slowly the great Dragon turned it’s head and gaze to Kry-Tek, a deep rumbling growl issuing forth as it sized the God up.

“Mewling little thing.” it hissed, shifting slowly to place it’s taut coils around the sprawling castle. "Simpering foolish thing. Then build it again and better. Simple waves are enough for you to call forth the entire Host of Creation to plead peace? Pitiful Conqueror. None should fear you. How can you hold a single island if waves are enough to bring you low? Even my hate for this loathsome thing.” it points with one of it’s many arms to Lightning Jack. “Could not even begin to compare to how disgusted I am by you. If the waves give you trouble. Build bigger boats. Build a bridge to the land. Overcome. Do not beg. What you have is not decent. What you have asked is weakness.” The Centipede Dragon slowly slid away from the castle and the meeting of the other Gods, rearing up over the castle. “Do not presume to call forth to Gods and expect their answer when you yourself are a step away from the mortal trash you seek to rule.” The Beast gave forth a single mighty roar before launching back beyond the Mortal World to its Hoard, eyes blazing in fury to find the single coin that had been stolen.

2012-09-10, 12:20 PM
Valeth's fur prickled at the tension at the feast, he knew something was wrong and it was his duty to speak up. He didn't want to, but everyone else was forgetting about it, so it was up to him to rule over it. He mournfully looked at the cheese, took one final bite, and then scampered up the table leg onto the table itself. On the table top he was surrounded by the greater larger gods, even the largest. It was a terrifying experience, but he had purged himself of his fear (or so he thought... in actuality nothing of the sort had happened), so he puffed up his chest, his fur standing on edge and in his loudest voice, which was only a squeaking whisper to everyone else pronounced:

Hello...eh... I don't mean to interrupt, but... a sudden trembling of the terrors of public speaking overtakes him, but he continues..how do you say... we're guests. We must respect that, as he must respect us. Please...

2012-09-10, 01:25 PM
After the great dragon departed, and the dust began to settle, Dolya-tagi spoke again,

Do not worry, Smallest. I for one shall do no harm while I am on this island. Should he request it, I shall go without complaint. Whether our esteemed host is of the same mind is another matter. Look outside,

Gesturing at the new opening in the wall, and the assembled army, she continued.

Do you see this host below? Shall they respect guest right? If I did believe that the Slave-King's intentions were good, the seas would be still.

She turned to Kry-Tek,

Can you guarantee, now and in perpetuity, that you and your creations shall not wage war on the children of any deity, be they present here today or not, and that your creations shall be able to be free? If you could I would calm the skies at once, and help your creations be numerous. Welcoming your peoples into the wider world is one thing, welcoming their blades is another matter entirely.

2012-09-10, 02:55 PM
The Meeting of the Gods

Kry-tek feels something he had never felt before when the dragon spoke, fear. He did not speak to it but watched it go. Then, regaining his former superioriety, he looked over to Dolya-tagi. "I will not partake in any wars if you do not start one, but you seem to be almost wanting to have me send thousands of Krynian warriors to kill everything you hold dear. You are a god, why do you want to help those that are weak mortals and not make them do your work for you. You stand for fertility and love, I have birthed these creatures and I love my Seldons, each one is important to me, yet you have killed eight and three were children. I can promise not to kill you or destroy any god's creatures, but my creatures are my business. How would you like it if I took your nursemaids and made them prostitutes? I think I have made a society that has not failed me and you say I should destroy everything I stand for? I think that that is blasphemy to say that what I do is wrong. Who stands with me to say that what we create should not be made to be what they are not, if the Seldons ran the Kingdom of Tek it would be anarchy, none of them know ANYTHING, yet you think they should be equals? That is what I think would make hell, I stand for order not Anarchy, I stand for strength in the kingdom, not one that collapces, I stand for the perfect kingdom, not a hole in which I can live while a stupid weak creature lives in luxury!"

The Succubus
2012-09-10, 03:07 PM
The Jester In The Court

As Shen Hueng Di departed, Jack gave a very small shudder of relief. His clothes were shredded from the dragon's earlier attack. The beast's jaws and subsequent attempt to laminate him to a stone wall had done little to improve matters either. His back burned with pain and he could still feel blood trickling from the wounds.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am Jack, the Lord of The Sky and King of..." he paused. It would probably not be a good idea to declare himself as a thief, even though the major threat had departed. "Well, suffice to say, like our small furry friend on the table, I also take an interest in small, unnoticed things."

"The scaley fellow that just departed goes by the name of Shen Hueng Di and as you can see, he's not a very agreeable sort." Jack's emphasis on the word "fellow" suggested a number of other adjectives that could be used to describe him. "We had something of a disagreement and things were said that were later regretted. I do apologise for the wall but in fairness it's now a golden opportunity to have a window put in."

Jack turned his attention to the God of Pestilence and the rather menacing black orb that hovered above his hand. "Do be a good chap and put that away. I've had rather enough maltreatment for one afternoon."

He removed his hat and for a brief moment his light filled the room as he bowed. "I find myself in rather esteemed company. Perhaps you would be so kind as to introduce yourselves."

Finally, he turned his attention to the corpulant god at the head of the table and the rather more comely goddess that had been speaking to him. "It would appear that I am not the only one who has been the victim of a misunderstanding. Tell me the nature of your quarrel and perhaps," he said with a slight wince of pain and a smile, "I can shed some light for the both of you."

The Bandicoot
2012-09-10, 11:59 PM
Lonel makes no move nor reaction as the two come crashing through the wall. Nor does he react to the other gods argueing. It is only when Jack asks for introuductions does he end his silence with words coming from no particular place. In reality the voice comes from the front of each god's mind. Lonel, Gentleman Luck, Purveyor of Gambling , Rebirth, and Individuality......which is why I seem to be in a slight conflict with you he turns to Kry-tek You say they are your children, but how can a father allow a child to lose THEMSELVES in such a system that you have created? You the reason I created reincarnation, so that in the next life your children can find themselves under a better father. Even if they are reborn as mice.....EXPECIALLY if they are reborn as mice. he makes a small bow towards Valeth.

2012-09-11, 04:26 AM
Irotheb, Master of Deseases and Insects

Meeting of the Gods

Waving his hand the orb dissapeared and Irotheb looked at Jack with his big insect eyes. Shen Hueng Di spoke the truth. If you summoned me just because some waves stopped your pathetic mortals then heed my warning. Call me again for such non-sense and the suffering of your children will know no end. As for you Jack, you should think twice before angering other gods with you petty little games.
Irotheb bowed slightly before dissolving into a swarm of mosquito`s which flew off.

Shen Hueng Di, when your ready summon me and we will speak.

2012-09-11, 08:32 PM
Valeth nervously grabbed on to a strawberry, he wasn't expecting to be praised or paid respect and it made him ... happy and slightly embarrassed. He had only meant to say that each god should respect the domains and interest of each other. Regardless he knew that he had to pay these greater gods his respect in kind... he bobbed his head and squeaked some response to Lonel, Jack and Dolya-tagi all in turn. Yet he knew this wasn't enough - they honored him by noticing him, and he should pay them back with more than mousey gestures.

So Valeth took notice of the small people of the dice, the luck sprites. They were small, small like himself, yet unlike the wurms and insects, they were a people. They lived in the dice and card of the Woen. Valeth thought hard about how he could help them, and he created clovers.. they grew out of the moss in the darkness colored red from the blood of the world. Yet he also made four-leaf clovers. According to legends passed down from this day, such leaves bring good luck to their finders, especially if found accidentally. According to legend, each leaf represents something: the first is for faith, the second is for hope, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck. Each four leaf clover would serve as a place of peace and safety for the Luck Sprites. If they were ever in danger, they could flee to the leaves, and within their embrace they could not be harmed. Valeth knew the dangers of larger creatures, everything needed a place of safety.

Valeth then though of Crackling Jack and thought of how to honor him, and squeaked in delight. It was perfect. Small yet... and his fur stood on edge as a shock of electricity ran through him. The small surge made him yelp in surprise and pain. Yet the smell of electricity was unmistakable. Static Electricity was his gift to the Jack's friendship... for Valeth never imagined he would be called friend.

He couldn't imagine how to honor Dolya-tagi, he already intruded too much and made her valley the home of all his creations - birds, bats, bugs and hungrier larger animals. Wait! That was it, he would hate to turn her beautiful valley into a jungle, so he created a small pool of water in the center of the valley, a watering hole, where no animal would attack another. She was the mother and the animals would not bloody her home with their simpleness.

Valeth bit into the small fruit, the fur around his mouth wet with juice, and almost bit his own lip in shock. He totally forget about Irotheb! He had intruded on the aspects of the god of insects and disease, and he should pay him back for his slights. So Valeth looked at the wurms carrying the plague of blood, and hoped that he wasn't too presumptions when he made some of them smaller and more insidious. He made parasites. They would live unseen in animals, in fish, in birds, in the peoples of the world. They would survive, and they were an important detail, for he was the lord of details, and yet despite being life, they themselves were a sickness. He hope that it would be understood as a gift.

And with that Valeth continued nervously eating his strawberry.

AP 14

1 Create Four Leaf Clovers
1 Bless Luck Sprite; Luck Sprites can not be harmed if they within a foot of a four leaf clover. (Legends that say a four leaf clover is lucky are true, simply cause Luck sprite congregate near them)
1 Create Static Electricity
1 Create watering hole
1 Create Parasites

AP 9

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes
1 Fish/Amphibians
1 Predators
1 Birds of all types.
1 Parasites

Working for domain: Family (Home)
1 Guest Right
1 Bless With Guest Right
1 Migration
1 Bless Luck Sprites
1 Static Electricity
1 Watering hole
1 Four Leaf Clovers

2012-09-13, 06:43 AM

He was alone, for he would always be that. He would never accept worship, but would benevolently smile down upon his people and the worlds. He would stay hidden, for who knows what he would see.
The world was his experiment, and he did not want to contaminate the results.

Create Greater Concept: Mistshaping
Mistshaping, which runs on the power from a Mistform's horn, is a powerful magic. It can be used to make oneself surrounded by illusions or invisible, weave incredibly light materials out of mists, or mist a creature's mind. With more powerful abilities, one can step between fog in different parts of the world or different worlds, make a creature entering the mists you control lost forever, or even form beings out of the mists themselves. The masters of Mistshaping can coat something in fog and make it vanish, teleport, or wither, use the energy of the mist to power someone or something, and seal a massive amount of mists in a tiny canister. Every Mistform can use it, and if another takes one's horn, they can use it as well.

Gain Domain: Civilization (Space)

AP: 13-4-3=6 AP.

2012-09-13, 08:38 PM
From the Interpretations of Tapestries, as Seen by Buredd

And so it was that Aldamane departed the halls of the King of Flesh, and ascended into the sky, to meet with the lord of the Mist-Beasts. And the Mist-Beasts and the Children of the Weave ate as one people, and a great feast would be held on that day for all time in celebration.


And so Nghof, who was chieftan of the Star Elves in those days, led the Mist-Beasts back to the place in which the Star Elves lived. A camp, made from the very trees themselves, with homes carved from the living wood. And in the very center was a massive table, with seats enough for all who lived within the camp. Upon the table was laid much food, from berries to fruit to meats of all sorts. A horn was blown, and from the tree-homes many more elves dropped down, and came to the table to eat. The three Mist-Beasts were urged to sit at the head of the table, nearest to Nghof and Buredd.

Then, once everyone was settled, Nghof stood. "Brothers and sisters, we are here tonight to welcome a new sibling into the clan. Our brother Angau recently chose to depart, returning to the center of the forest where we all have come from. But in his place, Buredd has come to our family. Let us rejoice, and give praise to the Weaver!" There was a great clapping and cheering at this, but Nghof raised his hand for silence. "We are also blessed this night with three strangers. We shall treat them as our guests, for they have treated our youngling with grace and kindness. Treat them as you would me."


Aldamane shook his head and chuckled. He rose, having touched none of the food prepared. "My dear Kry-Tek. Art is art. It will be as it is, and no one may command an artist to produce that which their hearts do not will them to. Anything else is merely pretty objects. And while your system will, I have no doubt, produce many pretty objects, I forsee little in the way of art." Coming to the doors of the hall, Aldamane turned, and bowed. "A pleasent evening to you all. My home, once it has been crafted, will of course be open to you." And with that, the Weaver was gone.

Aldamane danced amongst the stars, marveling at their craftsmanship and splendor. Truly, the maker of such things had art in their soul. And through the VOID he danced and spun, until he found a lone watcher over the world of darkness. "And is it you, watcher, who crafted the stars and the creatures which dwell between them? Is it you who orchestrates the meeting of two peoples?"

2012-09-14, 09:27 AM
The Accords of Sarn av Mor
As recorded by the third scriptor of that city

We found ourselves welcomed into a feast as honored guests! It was a surprise, yet it was wonderful in opportunity.

The longhorns bowed. "<Thank you, friends, for giving us this feast. We honor you, and we hope we can remain allies until the stars decay.>"

The largest of the three pulled out a small canteen of water, raising it. "<A toast to Buredd!>"

The others echoed him.


The lone watcher nodded silently. He raised a finger and beckoned the Weaver towards someplace in the depths of Acheres.
He set off, waiting for the Weaver as he leaped from star to star.

2012-09-14, 04:01 PM
The cacophony.
The Maul colliding with the ground.

Chjk leaps from his seat, and exclaims, "What do you know of order? Your people are weak by your hand! They cannot strive to be equals when their limbs are shackled from conception! They exist as your playthings. Your law is unjust and your order is corrupt!

And further, you threaten us? You, the coward, who would hide behind your armies to keep harm from reaching you! You are... you are... bah..." He calms down. "There are many things you are, but we shall be civil about this, as we are still equals here. We will decide through a vote. Those who will, stand, and make your thoughts known."

2012-09-14, 09:21 PM
I hope it shall surprise none, but I am of the mind that my storms should stay. I fear our host's behavior only confirms my misgivings about his followers. However, should the majority of my esteemed peers disagree, I shall stand down without resistance.

I must warn you all one final time to consider the suffering his armies might bring to your creations. I shall always do my utmost to avoid needless suffering, so rest assured there shall be no ill will towards those who disagree with my assessment.

The Bandicoot
2012-09-14, 10:52 PM
Lonel rolls his dice and picks up another handful of the mushy food. Looking as if he will throw it at Chjk he pulls his arm back.....and quickly throws it at Krytek. My thoughts are known. is the telepathic message he sends to everyone.

2012-09-15, 12:06 AM
Valeth saw that the other gods didn't acknowledge his gifts. Oh, boy, did he make a mistake? Did he intrude too much on their domains. He dearly hoped he didn't make them mad at him. Should he apologize? Probably... but for what? Where the gifts not grand enough or were they mad that their were gifts at all? In the end all he managed was a quite nervous:


Just then food was tossed, again. At least this, was his domain. The food quickly stops as if physics stopped being a real force and falls down in mid flight. Which coincidentally happened to be right about Valeth. As so he was covered from ear to tail in mushy food. It didn't taste half bad... but it was embarrassing, mostly though he was frightened that the gambling god would take offense.

Sorry...again...eh.. you shouldn't be throwing food around.. it's not polite and it's his house. And because it's his house I think...eh...we should not attack it. You may protect your own homes but not attack anothers.. not that ...I ...you know...eh...commanding you... just my suggestion. Sorry...

Valeth looked embarrassed and nervously began licking the mushy food off his fur... It was quite the feast.

The Bandicoot
2012-09-15, 12:49 AM
Lonel bends down and frowns Sorry his dice rolls of its own accord and comes to a stop in front of Valeth. A mouse-like Luck Sprite crawls out and scampers over to a small four-leaf clover sprouting out of the ground. Thank you it meeps What he said

The Succubus
2012-09-15, 08:20 AM
A Mouse Amongst Men

Jack listened with only passing interest to the discussion between the goddess and the corpulant god at the head of the table. He was far more intriuged by the little mouse on the table. He most certainly had noticed when the small chap had glowed with a strange light, a sign that a miracle had changed the world in a small way. He rubbed his fingers together and a small spark jumped between them. He smiled delightfully as he felt the static tickle the fine hairs on his arms.

The strange, voiceless god again attempted to throw something at...Kry-tek, was it?...and frowned as the food paused in mid air and fell on top of the mouse god. Listening carefully, he heard Valeth speak.

Sorry...again...eh.. you shouldn't be throwing food around.. it's not polite and it's his house. And because it's his house I think...eh...we should not attack it. You may protect your own homes but not attack anothers.. not that ...I ...you know...eh...commanding you... just my suggestion. Sorry...

Jack stared at Valeth as the argument got ever louder and finally he snapped. He raised his right arm and clenched his fist as a colossal rumble of thunder filled the room, bringing with it a brief moment of silence.

"Foolish. So very foolish."

He turned to Dolya and Kry-tek. "You each seek to sway the other with words, saying this may be, that may come to pass and dance around in circles. You will never agree with each other because you are so fundamentally different and while you argue, ships dash themselves to pieces on the rocks and lives are lost. You both claim to speak for others but I have met only one being here today that truly looks out for those in his care."

He walked over to Valeth, slowly as not to startle him and very gently knelt before him. "Little Lord, you did for me a small kindness a moment ago and I graciously accept your gift, though I know not what I did to deserve it. In their argument, our two companions over there have forgotten those in their care. I beg you, tell me what you suggest we do and I shall lend you my support."

2012-09-15, 10:48 PM
Shen Hueng Di: The Hoard of the Centipede Dragon

The great dragon had moved to his realm after his great chase and for a time the darkness was silent. In the dark places the whispers of the Emberstone could not be heard. The Primordials and their followers slumbered and even the raids of the Gnolls had lessened on the above ground world. But it was a calm that was doomed to be broken for the great Dragon was only deep in thought. Something had been taken from his hoard and was lost. But he would get it back. The world did not aid him in gaining his rightful treasure...and the world would be punished. From it’s great maw the Centipede dragon bellowed forth a mighty cry for all to know he had not left and from the darkened realm it coiled out into the stars that enveloped the world. It’s world. “Heed me.” it whispered from the emberstone. “Heed me and receive my blessing. To the depths you must run. In darkness you were born. In darkness you are safe. No longer will you live on the lands that gaze at the stars, you will wonder at my creations. Forever.” With another mighty breath the great Beast let forth it’s most fearsome weapon, black flames that could burn even another god were it to touch. And the black flames boiled and popped and in the starry planes they leeched their power. The bounderis of the void and creation shook and the shock waves echoed out for all to see and hear. For though the days had yet been made, today was the first. A sun rose above the horizon and cast it’s glimmering light on the grounds below. The first dawn had risen and at least in the camps of the Nameless the light was welcome.

With it’s work done the great Shen Hueng Di moved back to it’s home, it’s eyes gazing through the mighty structure it had forged with it’s will alone. But the Sun would be no blessing, for the mighty thing that hovered and granted it’s light to the world below was a beckon not just for the souls of those it had forged from it’s blood but the souls of all those who lived and died upon the planet. It was content to let the cycle of reincarnation continue, the mighty orb a mere resting place for the souls of the dead. It was even a pleasant place, as bright and comforting as a Sun could ever be. But now with it’s work done, there were other matters to attend. “You may return.” it whispered to Irotheb

The Songs of the Sun

The world had been covered in darkness as long as could be remembered. It is said that the first of our people looked into the star filled sky and saw naught but the void between those points of light. The world about the village was awash with strange lights but it was never enough or worth the cost. Old women who sat around the fireside always spoke of the coming light with reverence, as if they knew for certain that one day the darkness that forever clung to the outskirts of our homes would be washed away in glorious light. The Great Bonfire they would call it and it would warm our bones and the foul tasting foods of the world we were born into would burst to smoke. All the beasts of the world would be driven underground and we alone would stand to take what we needed. I never believed them. Who could? We buried our dead in the darkness and burned our chieftains in the great Bonfires. We ate around the warming flames and in the darkness of our huts we made our children who were born in the gloom. We called the old women loons, fools who raved and ranted. We were wrong.

The world was still, and that day of collecting firewood went as any other. The emberstone shone brightly as we went about our work but the Stonewhispers were silent. Even the birds and the insects of the world seemed on edge. And then from over the horizon where we dared not travel there came an orange glow. Yellows and reds soon followed before in that starry void a mighty orb of light rose. We hunters sat in awe for the entire world was awash in the light it cast, our skins were warm and for once we could see the mighty trees and plains with our own eyes unaided by fire. We put out our torches, we sang and danced for we knew not what else to do. Like children we ran to our village with our songs only to find our homes had erupted in celebration. The old women at last had been vindicated and a great feast was held. News from the other villages came for they too danced and sang the songs of the Great Bonfire. Never had we met with the other tribes but in the plains we greeted one another with food and song, great fires were built in honor to the Great Bonfire above us but in our revelry we did not notice it travel across the blue sky.

At first there was fear, clinging to the bonfires, we had not prepared for the Great Bonfire to run out of fuel and as ours swiftly did the same we feared. We could travel home in the darkness but how many would we lose? How many would die for our carelessness? Our pride? We dared not, we could not face the darkness when we had seen such beautiful light. It was better as a people to go and meet that Great Bonfire than to suffer in the bitter darkness one more time. But the Great Bonfire returned, blazing just as bright from over the horizon. Celebrations began anew for the Gods themselves must tend their own fire in the worlds above. We sang songs to the Gods to let the great orb to not go out as we made our way home but in time it sank beneath the world once more. But that second night we knew. We knew it would return again. We had not been cast into darkness forever.

Weave Plane: The Sun

Rollover 5 + 1= 6 AP : 6-4 AP=2

Actions for the Time (Time) Domain (Portfolio)

Weave Plane: The Sun -4

2012-09-16, 06:26 AM
The Void

Viltasa roared as if scalded, his first speech. This should not be.
His hand flew to the world of the centre, the empty world of Acheres, and molded it together, forming a gentle counterpart to the evil day. It could block the day sometimes, as it made its rounds, causing righteous darkness, but mostly it gave gentle light on the evil world below.



Create Plane: The Moon

Create Relic: The Mists' Eye
Through this well, the viewer can see any misty place or any place near mist. Mistforms that die have their souls sucked into it, so it can create mists where the viewing god needs to scry. This well is in the center of the Silver Moon.

AP: 9+4-4-4=5 AP.

2012-09-16, 09:32 AM
Valeth cowered in the great shadow of Crackling Jack. It was a soothing shadow, hiding the light of the torches behind it, but it covered the table and the small mouse, enshrouding him and consuming him. Almost by reflex he covered his head beneath his little paws and closed his eyes... and heard words of thank... and words of sorry, as the dice of Lonel read. An even smaller mouse bearing a four leaf clover nuzzled against his fur and said thank you as well. Valeth perked up and looked at the lightning god directly. Did he deserve to look at divinity directly? The little luck sprite, edged him on, it's wet nose soft against his belly. Valeth was happy, almost enough to break the spell of anxiousness and fear. Just then, the sun came out.

The world before had lived in darkness. It knew darkness. Light was different and different was terrifying. In this world the night was full of noise, the birds flew, the animals hunted, swam, played. The day brought with it silence. Bugs went to their hives, birds to their nests and smaller animals to their hovels. Light brought silence to the red nocturnal world. Light was scary. And the great shadow of Jack grew more comforting and darker. Yet Valeth was the god of small places, those nests, eyries, dreys, vespiarys, nides, forms, hives and setts.... were his to take care of... and he needed to take care of them now in this brightest moment, for this brightest day was the worst day of their little lives...

I'm sorry... I'm too small to advise you great gods, I only suggest that we take care of those in our care... it's a bright day... and the light is scary. I'm sorry I have to go help...

The Great Owl... perched on a tree overlooking the meeting of the gods swooped in, he heard the tiny lord's needs and grabbed him in his talons and swooped away.

It's funny, in some of the Myths of this night, the Owl was called Valeth, for some it became custom to carve owls on their houses to alert their neighbors that they followed Xenia. The part of the story where the Owl picked up the small mouse, well... some people thought it meant that mice were meant to be despised, the lowest of the low... other cultures however thought the opposite. They say the mouse was the kindest god, while the Owl was the destroyer of hope... regardless...

The Owl carried Valeth far and wide, beneath the new born angry sun, as Valeth whispered to the animals and the people beneath the promises of shade and safety. Promises of comfort and darkness. And so they animals returned to their homes... those so called nests, eyries, dreys, vespiarys, nides, forms, hives and setts... while the peoples of the world returned to their caves, huts and houses. This was their home, the place of safety from the light. And in these homes they may sleep during the day and wake during the night, so that the day was a forgone terrifying memory, and to help them he whispered from beneath the talons of the Great Owl the secrets of dreams - small dream, unimportant, but pleasant...

Finally the Great Owl landed and let the Little lord go, and then it returned to it's parliament to roost - for it too partook in the little mouses dreams... and Valeth found a small shadow, given by a lone fern. He took shelter from the sun there, and half slept and half cowered... He dreamed... about Jack and Lonel, the gods who looked at him with respect... but why... did it matter... it made him happy and warm. So he slept and drempt of mousy things.

AP 9 + 4 (13)

1 Create Lesser Concept: Dream. This isn't the grand malleable dreams of Armanthlis. There is no dreaming. No dream land of the fey. This is simply... dream. What animals and people do during the night...

1 Create concept: Night and Day. Day is when you go to sleep in this world (every animal is nocturnal) while night is when you wake... Most species are adapted to see in the dark since they grew up in the dark... torches help them see...but the sun blinds them! This doesn't count for all society...for example the Nameless view it the other way... This action though divides the day into two distinct parts....

AP 11

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes
1 Fish/Amphibians
1 Predators
1 Birds of all types.
1 Parasites

Working for domain: Family (Home)
1 Guest Right
1 Bless With Guest Right
1 Migration
1 Bless Luck Sprites
1 Static Electricity
1 Watering hole
1 Four Leaf Clovers

Working for domain: ? (?)
1 Dream
1 Night and Day

2012-09-16, 01:08 PM
The Void

Waiting for the weaver, Viltasa peered into the well of mists. His vision extended, seeing a meeting between gods...
Much better.

Feast of the Gods

Tendrils of delicate mist wrapped themselves around the corners of the room. Most good or good-leaning gods heard a delicate minor chord, and Kry-tek and Crackling Jack heard a tiny whisper.

The Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

Valeth saw a wisp of mist appear next to him.
"Greetings, small one. I am the Lone Watcher."

2012-09-16, 03:51 PM
The Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

Valeth slept beneath the furn tree, till the light and heat of the blazing angry sun subsided a tad bit. Too be honest he could have continued sleeping and dreaming about the murder of crows and ostentation of peacocks and barrels of cheese, and a small little mouse with flushed cheeks who sung to him of warm cuddling in a dark burrow.

Yet it had gotten damp and uncomfortable so Valeth woke sleepily, still in the shade of the fern, while the sun beat down on the helpless ground, light and heavy with sullen silence. Valeth wrinkled his nose and sniffed at the damp mist. He was dreaming, so he didn't hear it speak. But he was awake now, but already his eyelids we closing and his paws slowly going limp as his body began to drift back to sleep...

2012-09-16, 03:59 PM
The Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

"Hello, smallest. I have seen you and marked you for your knowledge and wisdom in many good things. May I know your name? I am the Nameless Watcher."

The voice sounded curious, as if he had not spoken to another before. Maybe because he had not.

2012-09-16, 04:17 PM
The Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

Valeth was on the verge of sleep when the mist spoke to him, he knew it spoke to him and that he wasn't just dreaming. He yipped in terror, the fur on his back standing on edge, and he was just about to scamper and run as fast as he could, when he recognized that this mist was another god. Not that the realization made him any less scared, no his fur was tingling even stronger now, but he knew better than to run away from another god.

Valeth heard the words from the mist, the words were carried on the wind, emanating from nothing, it was like the words were mist themselves and the mist the words of this nameless god whose name was nameless. It was all very confusing, he rubbed his left eye with his claws scratching away the last vestiges of sleep from his being. Lately he was being praised and consulted - he found himself full of pride, he puffed out his chest to show this, but he also felt worry. He didn't want to be noticed - he cared for the forgotten, those objects taken for granted - but if everyone was watching him... then what was their for him to take care of?

Regardless he squeaked:

Um, hello Great Eternal Watcher, my name is Valeth, lord of small things and tiny places.

2012-09-16, 04:53 PM
The Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

The mist laughed gently. "Hello, Valeth. You don't have to call me that. Call me... Viltasa."

He was surprised, having come up with such a good name on the spur of a moment.

"You are the god of the small and forgotten? I wish you to come to my home and tell me what I could improve. I have created only one type of animal and plants, and I wish to know which of your forgotten creations would best grace my worlds."

2012-09-16, 06:27 PM
The Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

Valeth's nervously combed down his fur with his small claws.

Um... you see, Viltasa...the Great Eternal Watcher... sorry... it felt wrong to just use your name. Eh... so, you see I would love to visit your worlds.. but you are thinking of them right now. I care for those and that which is beneath or just outside the view of other great gods... like you. As soon as you begin to lose track of them, and they start to slip from your memory, just on the very edge of recall, that's when I help and remember the details..

Valeth didn't want to be rude however; but he already started talking and in his anxious state the words came out like a high pitched jumble

But... eh... you could spread the life here, the bird and fish, the bug...wait no they aren't mine to help anymore.... eh... the larger animals to your worlds... and um... then I can take care of them there.. if that's alright of course. I mean they're your worlds and as I said...you remember... I mean...yes... obviously you remember, I just said it... sorry. What? Yes, eh... yes... I mean if you want you can share this life with your worlds and leave the the rest to me as soon as you turn your mind to larger things...

Valeth embarrassed looked around, flitting around in a circle at the mist surrounding him.

The Bandicoot
2012-09-16, 07:18 PM
Lonel looks at Jack and thinks of Valeth before snapping his fingers. A new race of small ferrets, smart as humans with a penchant for kleptomania. Could you teach me? How to thieve. he asks Jack

Starting AP: 1
Rollover:+4 AP
Create Life: Ken, sapient kleptomaniac ferrets -1AP
Ending AP: 4

2012-09-16, 08:33 PM
The eruption of brightness had brought even more chaos than the Centipede Dragon's initial arrival. Noise, owls, such a commotion.

I must depart, and see what this change has brought. Do what you will with my storms. This is an altogether more important development.

11 AP remaining
Returning to holy text format with the next post, which is why this is so short.

2012-09-17, 06:43 AM
Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

The mists gently soothed Valeth. "Thank you, little one. I will do so. In the meantime, do as you please. Know that you're welcome in my home anytime."

The mists vanished with a minor chord.

As they did, small creatures felt portals opening up beneath them, bringing them to worlds that best suited them. Owls felt themselves on high crags in the planet of stone; newts crawled into the deeps of a swamp, and the portals vanished. Their work was done.

2012-09-17, 07:38 AM
Irotheb, Master of Deseases and Insects

Irotheb walks around in the home of the Nantuko. They already had some slaves and the bloodwraiths were slowly replacing those who were missing in the surrounding villages. Those wraiths lived liked those they replaced but slowly started to turn the lives of their loved ones up-side-down as they started to spread their evil. It was time to leave this place, the world if for the fledlings and he was about to ascend. Focusing on the blood magic and the ways to control another, Irotheb`s form changed to a blood red and slightly transparent one. Then he dissapeared....

The Hoard of Shen Hueng Di

...and reappeared in his Blood Wraith form before the great dragon. You had business to discuss? Irotheb`s voice was now haunting and unnatural, fitting for his new form.

AP: 2 +4 Rollover =6
Gain Domain Domination(Blood) 3 AP
Actions to gain domain:
Create Artifact 4 AP The Soul Gem
Create Fabled Life Blood Wraith 4 AP
AP left = 3

Irotheb is now a lesser god.

2012-09-18, 02:13 PM
Darkness in the Shade of a Fern

As soon as the Great Eternal Watcher, Viltasa, left, and the mists dissipated, Valeth was left alone in the shade of the fern. Although it wasn't shade anymore and the cooling safety of the familiar darkness had returned. Valeth rubbed his eyes, and got readjusted to the dark, for the sun had robbed him of sight and even now when he blinked he could see it in the sky glaring down at the world unforgiving and cruel. And so Valeth traveled the world, from nest to eyrie, cave to lodge, hut to home - looking after the details and the unimportant and the forgotten. The great Watcher had took some of the little ones and even the great ones; panthers prowled the jungle of Acheres, great hawks now flied in the skies of Acheres' cliffs. The lions growled and chased their prey along the Savannah, and even scorpions did battle against the wasps in the desert.

Yet here in the world of darkness, the people of the world, the small and forgotten, those people who weren't heroes, their day to day lives consisted of hunting and gathering - a hard life. And Valeth created another detail. He made animals for the sole purpose of sustenance and showed the peoples of the world the secrets of taking care of these animals. It was beneficial, these animals would be protected, and in the end they would feed their protectors who would protect their children. And Valeth squeaked this secret through out the world, running tirelessly with his smalls feet, and he peeped a small laugh as he realized it wasn't a secret any longer...

AP 11

1 Create: Domestic Farm Animals
1 Create Concept: Animal husbandry

AP 9

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes
1 Fish/Amphibians
1 Birds of all types.
1 Parasites
1 Four Leaf Clovers

Working for domain: Family (Home)
1 Guest Right
1 Bless With Guest Right
1 Migration
1 Bless Luck Sprites
1 Domestic Farm Animals
1 Animal husbandry
1 Watering hole

As of yet Random:
1 Static Electricity
1 Predators
1 Dream
1 Night and Day

2012-09-18, 06:49 PM
The First Communion.
Chjk addressed Kry-tek one last time. "It has been decided then. We shall remove the storms. However, you are on your honor, for you have given me no reason to distrust you outright. If you overstep your bounds even once... there will be no place you can hide to flee my wrath."

He held his great hammer skyward, drawing from the eternal well of gods and men. The mighty clouds began their retreat... and the first rays of light shot through the sky. There was panic around the island. The mortals could not comprehend this, and the gods themselves were baffled. How long had this been while they argued in the shade? He left without a word.

The Granite Peak
It was at this time Chjk returned to calm his panicked flock. They had retreated to their homes and caves, to await their patriarch. The light was fearsome but his solution was simple. At night, they would go out into the world, to build and farm, while at night, while the farmers and builders slept, the miners and diggers would work in their caves. He taught them that the cycle would make it easier to discern the passage of time, so they made calendars.

He now realized that while his people were industrious and hardy, they had no goals, nothing to work for. The Granite Pillar was conceived at this point. From the earth he raised the mighty stone, and instructed them to carve his own Word, as well as the original, into its face.

Rollover: 10 + 4 = 14 AP
Alter Land (-0): The storms surrounding the Isle Tek have been removed
Create Lesser Concept (-1): Calendar
Alter Land (-0): The Granite Pillar
13 AP

Domain Progress
Civilization (Organization): 2 +1 (Calendar) = 3/7

2012-09-18, 08:30 PM
The Smallest Mercy

It came to pass one day that Valeth was scurrying around a small town. There was food and the smell of cheese in the air. Off the corner of his eye he saw her. She was even smaller than he was, and fur as white as the frost upon his red moss in the middle of the night, her ears were slightly pink from the cold, and her nose as black as the sky above. His little heart began to beat and he ran to her and she ran away.

Most other gods didn't know that a whole world existed in plain sight upon the mortal realm, but Valeth was the lord of these small places and behind the wooden wainscots of all the old houses of the little village there are little mouse staircases and secret trap-doors; and the mice run from house to house through those long narrow passages; they can run all over the town without going into the streets. And through these passages he ran after her, this was who he made dreams for, this is who he dreamed of. And eventually he tumbled over her and they tumbled down those secret little places together. And for a time, he forgot that he was a god.

Who knows how long they lived together... actually Valeth does.. it was one year. For you see no matter how beautiful she was, she was a mortal and he was a god. Even though he was a mouse he would live forever while she grew old beside him and his heart broke. As she lay in some forgotten corner of existence, she squeaked to him to allow her to die still young and free with him, so he shed a small tear and created a small leaf and chewed it up and kissed her... and she died painlessly and quickly. For Valeth was not the god of death and would not bring her back, that wasn't for a small god like himself, and he would not save her for she was just a detail, and details could not be constant facts and yet...

They say that was how hemlock was created, each leaf the tear of the smallest god, and it kills with his grief. Mice know to avoid it, although each year one can find a Hemlock plant surrounded by old mice seeking it's embrace. They say that Valeth would avoid his fellow mice from then on... a lonely life remembering the forgotten.

AP 9

1 Create: Hemlock

AP 8

Working for domain: Life (Small)
1 Pollinators
1 Vermin and Pests
1 Microbes
1 Fish/Amphibians
1 Birds of all types.
1 Parasites
1 Four Leaf Clovers

Working for domain: Family (Home)
1 Guest Right
1 Bless With Guest Right
1 Migration
1 Bless Luck Sprites
1 Domestic Farm Animals
1 Animal husbandry
1 Watering hole

As of yet Random:
1 Static Electricity
1 Predators
1 Dream
1 Night and Day

The Succubus
2012-09-19, 05:15 AM
Gremlins, Goodbyes and Glowing Orbs

The group of gods dispersed, the appearence of the sun causing much commotion. As he turned to leave, a voice floated into Jack's mind.

Could you teach me? How to thieve.

Jack turned to look at Lonel. "Thievery? Why sir, I know nothing of thievery! If there were thieves in here, I would most certainly raise hue and cry and have them lynched!"

Putting an arm around Lonel's shoulders, he walked very briskly away from the big angry Slave God with an army of soldiers below and into the corridor outside.

"Lesson number one - if you wish to learn about thievery, do not draw attention to the fact in a room full of folks that may not take kindly to lightfingered activities." Jack gives Lonel a slow appraising look.

"Hmmm. I sense your hand in my previous ventures on more than one occaision. You are a deity of Fortune, are you not? Why do you wish to learn my trade?"


Some time later, Jack found himself roaming in the city of Tek. The military force was quite impressive, with crude siege weapons and soldiers marching everywhere. Such a force would undoubtedly be bad news for anyone that crossed the somewhat selfish God that ruled this island. He could not directly slow them down without going into direct conflict with Kry-tek and as Shen Hueng Di had so capably showed, direct fights were not Jack's strong point. A more subtle approach might be better...he smiled his luminous smile and his hands glowed.

"HAUL, YOU WORTHLESS WRETCHES!" yelled the Tekrian slavemaster and his whip kissed the backs of the nearby Seldons. They were hauling up a large stone slab from the quarry on a series of wooden rollers. The Seldons did not know why the slab was needed. Maybe it was for a new building or yet another statue of their God. All they knew was the pain of the whip and the searing heat of the newborn sun. The slavemaster stood behind the block, beating the wretches whenever they showed signs of flagging.

Unseen by all of them was the small, shimmering, chimp-like creature sitting on the front of the block. It was bored and restless and began picking at the knot of rope around the great slab. Suddenly the knot slipped and the great slab went sliding back down the hill. The creature was delighted at the much faster ride the block was giving it and laughed when it saw the stunned and horrified expression of the Tekrain, shortly before the stone pulverised him. The slaves fled in every direction and eventually the slab slid to a halt. The unseen gremlin bounded off to look for further amusement.

Created Fabled Life (4 AP) - Gremlins. Small invisible creatures about half a metre high, they resemble a chimp with thick white fur, long pointy ears and even pointier teeth. Passing completely unseen by mortals, they are restless and look for amusement wherever they can find it. This generally results in accidents and other mischief.

The Bandicoot
2012-09-20, 12:42 AM
A Bright Gloomy Day

The sun is high in the sky, most beasts and men are in their huts asleep. However, a single small figure wearing robes covered in shiny bits and bobbles scampers through the city street, a coin grasped in his mouth. As he dives into a small hidey hole he trips over a sleeping god. But this Ken doesn't know who he just tripped over and he squeaks out angrily Hey watch where you're sleeping bub! Right at the entrance to my hidey hole! What are you trying to do kill me?

Hey Jack

Fortune? Yes. As to why......why not? An interesting skill that some of my creations are already consumed by.

2012-09-20, 10:01 AM
The Palace of Perfection

With the gods and storms gone, Kry-tek was pleased with himelf, he'd got what he wanted. And this new source of light, illuminated the great kingdom of Tek in it's full glory, but now he knew that he was worth more than just this island and if he wanted to keep the gods at peace, he couldn't take more land, so he created his own extraplanar palace. The palace of perfection. In this palace everything was made of gold, the throne room was vast and the courtyard outside was, well... perfect. This would be suitable for a god king like him to live. He teleported their, he knew now he could not be head of the Tekrian concil, so he appointed Vordoth, ruler of the oceans as temporary leader before he could find another devine servant.

0AP +4
Weave plane: -4AP

0AP left
Working towards Pride (Perfection) 4/7
Palace of Perfection

2012-09-20, 11:07 AM
The Void

Waiting for the weaver, Viltasa peered into the well of mists. His vision extended, seeing a meeting between gods...
Much better.

From the Interpretations of Tapestries, as Seen by Esmerelde

And then, through the trees, the Great Light rose.


Silvermist Forest-the Hall of the Star Elves

As the collected Star Elves clapped at the longhorns' toast, the first rays of light flew through the trees, gracing the head of Buredd. The assembled company let out a collective gasp as Buredd's hair glowed silver in the morning light. For morning had come, and as Shen Hueng Di's creation rose into the sky, the light seemed to spread from Buredd's head and envelop the Silvermist Forest. The Star Elves seemed to freeze, and even Buredd was mouth agap in amazement.


The Void

As the Sun rose, Aldamane finally caught up to the watcher. "Oh my. That's new. I don't suppose you're the one who put the big ball of black fire in the sky? Because if you did, I think it'd be better if you turned it off."

2012-09-20, 02:49 PM
Hall of the Star Elves

The Mistforms tensed. Their world had one, but the world of darkness having a sun? Bad thing.

The Void

Viltasa spoke in a quiet voice that boomed off the walls of Acheres.

"Not my work, weaver. The dark dragon, he whose zenith is glow and nadir is negate. Things squirm and shake in the light darkness, and a slave lord's claws are free."

He pointed to the Eye of the Mists. "See, weaver."

2012-09-20, 09:50 PM

The Hoard of Shen Hueng Di

...and reappeared in his Blood Wraith form before the great dragon. You had business to discuss? Irotheb`s voice was now haunting and unnatural, fitting for his new form.

The Centipede Dragon slowly shifted from the darkness of it's home, gazing down at the other God in the gloom. "I did. Before we were interrupted." it hissed, sliding about in the hoard before plucking a goblet from among a practical mountain of cups. "The time will come when the other Gods seek to put us down. Disease, death, destruction. They find these things unpleasant. It is prudent, in our strength, to perhaps entertain the idea of an alliance."

2012-09-22, 01:11 PM
A Bright Gloomy Day

Valeth was sleeping in a quite tunnel he had found during his travels... it was raining and he wanted to keep his fur dry. God or not, he rarely used his powers and merely kept a silent vigil over the small and forgotten. So he slept till he was woken up and yelled at by what seemed to be a ferret. He knew he didn't make this creature so he automatically assumed that this creature was made by another god. Not so much assumed as logically concluded. As such if this small animal was made by another god, it was not forgotten, not yet, and thus not his to rule and care for. Valeth squeaked an apology.

eep! sorry so sorry, I didn't mean to. I mean I meant to sleep, but not to harm you...sorry...

The Bandicoot
2012-09-22, 11:49 PM
A Bright Gloomy Day

The ken sniffs Valeth You smell funny.....who are you and what makes ya think you can just nap in MY tunnel without MY say so? his fur is ruffled and he pushes the coin behind him. His paw grabs a shiny sharp hook and pulls it from his robe, brandishing it like a weapon.

Now is when Valeth might notice the other Ken stealthily crawling through the tunnel behind him.

2012-09-23, 12:52 AM
A Bright Gloomy Day

Valeth is positively terrified, so he does what any small animal would do when surrounded by predators. First he nervously and quickly cranes his neck left, right, back and forward looking for an escape route. The concept of using his godly powers... never crossed his mind. When no escape route presented itself, Valeth did what any other small animal would do - which is to make itself seem smaller and less threatening. Also given that Valeth was capable of speech... the ken were treated to a nervous quick squeaky apologetic babble.... it was unclear any could actually tell individual words apart.

ohmyohmyohmyimsosorryididn'tmeantopleasesorryillju stbeleaving nowsosorryohmyreallyitisallterriblymyfaultsosorry!

The Bandicoot
2012-09-23, 01:04 AM
A Bright Gloomy Day

The robed ken with the hook leaps over Valeth, tackling the other ken out of sight. The sounds of a short tussle followed by a squelch and a couple seconds of dragging is all that's heard. The robed ken comes back with a bite mark on his snout and no hook kidkidkidkidkid slow down. I'm not going to hurt you. You being here distracted the one that was following me enough that he didn't get the drop on me. So as far as I'm considered you saved my life and can stay here as long as you want. My names Ralph.

2012-09-23, 07:41 PM

The god suddenly laughed. "This sun will not last."



Gain Domain: Power (Mists)

AP: 5+4-3=6 AP.

2012-09-23, 08:02 PM
From the Interpretations of Tapestries, as Seen by Nuada

And by the rising of the Great Star, a new order was born, in the sight of the Mist Beasts from another world.


The Halls of the Star Elves

Slowly, as the light spread, each of the Star Elves rose from their chairs, facing Buredd. Then, as one, they knelt in the grass before her. Finally, Nhgof spoke. "All hail the Sunlit Queen, Buredd, who brought with her the light of the whole world."


The Void

Aldamane smiled. "Your toy is very interesting. But what makes you so sure the light will not remain?"

The Succubus
2012-09-24, 03:48 AM
No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

Jack peered intently at Lonel, trying to figure out what was passing through his mind. Why would a God of Luck, capable of generating everything he could wish for with a roll of dice want to learn to thieve? And what were these creations he spoke of? He shrugged his shoulders and then smiled wryly as a thought entered his head.

"Well, I can't say I fully understand your reasons for wishing to learn my trade. If you do though, prove it to me. Show me, either yourself or through your creations, what you think it means to be a thief and I will teach you what I know. It will need to be something grand or spectacular to draw my attention but believe me, I will know."

With a sweep of his hat, Jack bowed before Lonel before surging away across the sky in a bolt of lightning. He stared at the new found sun...and was troubled.

2012-09-24, 10:05 AM
With Kry-tek in his new palace he needed just one more thing to make it truly perfect. A throne. So he crafted himself a golden throne which he could use to teleport him all around the world. When he sits on it he can choose to project his image through the kingdom of Tek over any replicas of his thrown. So golden throwns were built over the kingdom. And he gave his first command using it. "I shall never return to the mortal world. Any who wishes an audience must pray for me, then I will summon you. I have built a new palace and that is where I live now. Farewell!" And with that he stopped bring projected across the kingdom.

0AP +4AP rollover
-4AP The golden throne Relic
Working towards Pride (Perfection) 8/7
The palace of perfection 4AP
The golden throne 4AP

2012-09-24, 11:14 AM
A Bright Gloomy Day

Valeth at this point had his paws over his eyes, but when the Ken extended some kindness towards him he opened them and tried to puff out his chest and make himself bigger (unsuccessfully). It was strange that the Ken didn't wonder why this mouse talked... mice didn't talk....

Oh... thanks...you know...for not killing me. I won't stay long I just fell asleep. Thanks! um.... my name is Valeth... lor... um...just Valeth.

Valeth was more than happy to share his titles with the gods, but he thought better than to share with mortals... he didn't want the attention.

The Bandicoot
2012-09-24, 09:35 PM
[A Bright Gloomy Day]

Ralph digs his claws into the ground and flips up a dull coin that was buried just underneath the surface. Where the coin was is a small hole that leads to what looks like a storage space for things, some shiny and some dull. Well Just Valeth, can I interest you in some food? I think I have a bit of salted pork and some cheese... Ralph picks up the gold coin he ran in with ans turns it around, looking at it. He shows the coin to Valeth, one side has a coin with a lightning bolt through it and the other has a human head with a lightning bolt through it. What side looks better?

2012-09-26, 02:25 AM
Irotheb, the Blood Wraith, Lord of Domination and Suffering

Irotheb listens to the words of Shen Hueng Di and nodded. Yes there are those who would work against us. We have little to fear if their all as pathetic as the Slave Lord. They seem eager to vote and talk instead of taking action. But I agree, us working together might give them more reason to fear us. Fear, what a lovely concept it is. He should do something with that. My friend, see the world and look at this. You will enjoy it. As the mortals in the world went to sleep and avoided the sun, Irotheb entered their minds and embedded fear in its purest form. Those who slept were plagued by nightmares.

He then focused on his Blood Wraiths and altered some of them slightly. They vanished for a moment only to appear in some of the nightmares. These Dream Wraiths would grow stronger with each nightmare they enter as they feed on the fear of their host. When strong enough, they will possess the host and start their campaign of evil.

Let the others show their worth and see how they deal with this. The Blood Wraiths hunt during the night and the Dream Wraiths during the day. None will be save and soon more and more mortals will be possessed. Let them feartheir own friends and family, let them fear sleep.

Ap 3 + 5 rollover=8
Create Fabled Life: Dream Wraiths 4 AP
Curse Mortals with Nightmares 3 AP.
Progress towards Fear(Nightmare) Domain 7/7
AP left: 1

2012-09-27, 10:44 AM
A Bright Gloomy Day

Valeth perks his nose up at the mention of cheese. Cheese! The food of the gods. As he shakes his head in a clear definite affirmative, he looks at the coin and remarks

um..the one with the head and bolt looks nice...shinny...that's good....

Valeth remembers a kind but vast shadow, one he made a gift to, that made the fur on his back stand at attention, not out fear however:

reminds me one somebody i used to know...

The Bandicoot
2012-09-27, 10:44 PM
A Bright Gloomy Day

Ralph scratches his ear and reaches into the hole, pulling out a hunk of cheese almost as big as Valeth. He bites off a chunk and passes it over to Valeth. He flips the coin so the heads side is up and puts it in the ground so it covers the hole. When Valeth mentions that it reminds him of someone a look of sadness washes over Ralph.

Hope it don't remind you of someone who owned it. I got that from a room where they stored stuff from prisoners. More of a kinda dungeon place. Not very nice, nor easy to get into. a sly grin slowly forms on Ralph's face But a clever Ken always has his ways......

2012-09-28, 03:44 PM
Kry-tek sits in his palace whatchingthe Kingdom of Tek, he is pleased with how it is going, so far 25 giant golden throwns have been built and his presence is rapidly expanding, but then something through him. These creatures, the Gremlins, they were causing trouble to the whole of Tek and it must be stopped he commanded for the Krynians to exterminate these creatures and then sat back down in his palace of pure luxury.

2012-09-29, 11:49 AM
From the Ccords of Sarn av Mor

That was when we first saw the evil sun, roaring in flames down over our heads.


The longhorns backed off slightly in awe. "<Praise Buredd.>"

One of them opened a tiny portal, slipping a written note into it. At that moment, about fourteen other Mistforms were in the Forest of Starlight.

There they would stay, for something would happen, very soon.

The Void

Viltasa laughed again. "Look. The sun is dying, even as we speak. It will take longer than we have to do that, but... I see a way to speed it up."

Kingdom of Tek

A lone Mistform was wandering around in the Kingdom, admiring the palace from afar, when he spotted other creatures. He walked up to them.

"<Who are you? Who made you?>"


The Mistform is Viltasa, who is testing what slavery and Kry-Tek are like. Is this okay with you?

Rollover: 5 AP + 4 = 9 AP.

2012-09-29, 01:00 PM
The Void

Ord had waited for his Tairns to properly ferment. The proper number of layers of volcanic ash, the volcanoes slowly growing from repeated eruptions. But the longer he waited the more outside variables continued to arise. The blasted flame in the sky could be compensated for simply enough, but the wraiths that the godling could see flitting across his lands... Those would need a more tailored approach. He gazed down upon his lands, feeling the power pulsing deep within the earth. The blood he had burned for eternity, ever flowing within its tomb. It could be harnessed.

Focusing his divine will, Ord began to shape the lava. Weaving the natural power of the Primordials together with his own, it slowly began to take shape. A towering humanoid form, armored in sheets of stone and flame, wielding weapons of obsidian. The Ignians were born, forged with the purpose of purging the Tairns of the Wraiths, the Carrion Wurms, and whatever else would devastate Ord's future children. The mortal races his civilizations must deal with on their own, but fables must be fought with fables.

13 + 8 (Past 2 Rollovers) = 15 (Cap)
-4 Create Fabled Life (Ignians)
= 11 AP
+4 AP (This rollover)
= 15 AP
Progress toward Fire (Protection possibly? Or Life)
2 Create Ordic Tairns
4 Create Fabled Life (Ignians)

2012-09-29, 02:25 PM
The Kingdom of Tek

When the mistform speaks a Seldon is about to speak up when a Krynion stops him with the tip of a whip, he howls with pain and carries on working. The Krynion then speaks to the mistform "If you want information, the lord of this land, Drexany, is in his manor to the north. He will answer any questions you have."

The Palace of Perfection

Kry-tek fills his land with perfection and takes absolute pride in his creations. His land is not only filled with slavery, but now it looks perfect.

0AP+4 Rollover

Gain domain: Pride(Perfection)
Becomes a lesser deity.

2012-09-29, 07:36 PM
Kingdom of Tek

The Mistform tilted its head. "<I wish to work for the glory of your lord. If you would accept me as a worker, that is.>"

The Void

Viltasa raised his arms and smiled beatifically. "The Champion comes. Listen to his footsteps, shod in the armor of righteousness."

A light, small and dim but growing bright and into a humanoid form, rose from the Eye of the Mists.

2012-09-30, 06:58 PM
The Champion rose out of the Eye of the Mists as his body formed. He looked around, uncertain to why he was now just barely made...

But then he looked towards the mortal world and sensed.... wrongness coming from it and then, he looked around the mists remembering something he had just learned. "I... am Valdyr and you are my father, yes? There is wrongness in the mortal realm and in the realm of dreams and I have come to make those wrongs right." He then kneeled before Viltasa as the mist surrounding his form shot off from him, revealing clothing made of fine things pattered in classy designs and worn in a causal manner. The only piece of armor he wore was a shoulder plate that seemed more stylistic than functional. But, a sword made of glowing red light rested in his hand that promised vengeance for all the wrongs enacted on the mortal races of the world.

15 AP
4 AP Create Relic
Sword of Vengeance
This blade only has effect on those who have done what the wielder sees as wrongs by their own choice. It has no effect on those the wielder sees as victims of wrongdoing, the innocent, and even those who the wielder is unsure if they have performed any wrong doings of by their own choices.

Progress towards Vengeance (Justice)
4 AP: Sword of Vengeance

2012-10-01, 10:08 AM
The Kingdom of Tek

The Krynion looks the mistform up and down then speaks. "You don't seem at all muscular and your no Seldon that I've ever seen, I think the lord would be interested in seeing you. Now clear off or I'll have you killed." With that, he ends his threat with a particularly hard whip on a Seldon which holws in pain then lifts up a huge hammer and chisel and starts to carve out the base of a statue made of pure gold, it looks to be another throne.

2012-10-02, 11:27 PM
From the Interpretation of Tapestries, as Seen by Nuada

And with the new light, the Star Elves would become a new people, under the blessed rule of the Sunlit Queen. It would be for them to be caretakers of the dreaming world.


The Halls of the Star Elves

As the light from the first rising sun graced the Silvermist Forest, and touched the head of Buredd, the light grew brighter and brighter. Sparkling points of of crystalized light formed around her head, and coming together, they formed a crown of diamonds and gems of all colors. It shimmered and swirled in the dawn light, almost unreal. Buredd's eyes glowed with a brilliant white light, and when she spoke, her voice echoed with the power of authority. "The light of the Great Star has chosen me, the youngest among you. I will lead you, my people. Though I may not be the wisest, or the strongest, or the most clever, but I will do this as best as I can." She then smiled to the longhorn, and laughed, and her laughter was like the twinkling of crystal chimes. "If your people would wish to, I would enter a covenant with you, beings from beyond the night sky. On behalf of my people, I would extend the hand of friendship."


The Void-Birth of a New God

Aldamane gazed in wonder as a new deity walked from the Eye of Mists. His clothing, well-fashioned yet practical. His armor, less metal and more righteousness. His blade, formed of pure beautiful vengeance. Aldamane smiled, and extended a hand in friendship to this new deity. "Welcome, and well met Valdyr the Champion. I am Aldamane, the Weaver. It is a glorious day, and the world has needed you sorely."

15 AP from rollovers.

-4 AP: Raise Hero-Sunlit Queen Buredd
Chosen by the light of the new-born sun(and so, oddly, by Shen Hueng Di), Buredd has become queen amongst the Star Elves. Though law is something still not understood by them, they defer to her judgement on matters which concern the whole of the Star Elves, and it is to her they turn to deal with disputes.

-4 AP: Craft Artifact-The Crown of Sunlight
Formed by the divine energy of the first sunrise, the Crown of Sunlight is the physical manifestation of Buredd's authority on the material world. While wearing it, her voice becomes filled with power, and those who hear it know they speak with one who has been chosen by the Tapestry of Fate.
It also supplies a +2 to RCR during social situations-but not during physical combat or the like.

7 AP=15 AP-4 AP(Raise Hero)-4 AP(Craft Artifact)

2012-10-06, 07:25 AM
The Halls of the Star-Elves

The longhorns bowed, and the first one too meet Buredd extended his not-hoof in a friendly gesture.


The Eye of the Mists

Viltasa smiled at his son. "Rise. I know you are the bringer of justice. Bring justice therefore to the lands of the evil Kry-Tek. There is slavery in abundance there, and cruelty. If you want justice, go there and uphold it."

The Slaver and the God

The longhorn smiled. Then, with a burst of starlight, he vanished.

2012-10-13, 02:29 AM
The Birth of a hero

After centuries of enjoying his life in luxury with the golden thrones being erected all around the kingdom of Tek. Kry-tek decides that he needs a different leader. Vordoth is good but he thinks only og war and wrath. He needed someone he could rely upon to take the surrounding areas as his own. Someone who always strived for more, who was always jealous of other before he took there things. He raised the Lord Drexany, the envious king to be a hero of the land. Vordoth returned to his boats and order was once again restored.

1AP+5AP=6AP from a rollover ages ago
-4AP Raise hero

Progress towards Envy (Taking) 4/7
Raise Hero: Drexany 4AP


2012-10-13, 08:56 PM
The Eye of the Mists

Valdyr nods and a red light surrounds him before he suddenly shoots off into the void like a comet.

The Material Plane, Kingdom of Tek, A Plaza near the Docks

A red comet streaks out of the sky, burning brighter as it passes through the atmosphere. It impacts a grand tower with a golden throne on the tip, toppling it into the middle of the army's training grounds, before impacting and coming to rest in the middle of a plaza. Miraculously no Seldons were harmed in the whole catastrophe, but the other races of Tek weren't so lucky.

Valmyr stands up in the impact site and raises his sword into the air, blessing the Seldons and granting them the strength of mind and desire to break free from their captors. He then calls out with a booming voice that echoes throughout the city. "Hear me Seldons! Hear me the downtrodden! Hear me those who have been abused! Follow me and I will lead you to freedom!"

11 AP + 4 Rollover + 4 Rollover = 15 AP (Max)
1 AP Bless: Seldons with strength of mind and the desire to break free from slavery.
14 AP

2012-10-14, 02:43 AM
The new leader of that area, Drak is allerted of the trouble being caused by a strange being that is not from Tek. He is taken there where he stands face to face with Valmyr. "How dare you try to turn my land into a land of anarchy. I shall have you tortured and executed for this. No one does that to my land!" With that, twenty Krynions surround Valmyr, weapons drawn.

OOC: I don't see how no Seldons would have died. Tekrians barely ever walk the streets, Krynions just whip Seldons to make sure they work hard enough and Seldons are everywhere. You would not have killed a single Tekrian with that, because they all live in huge palaces and never mix with Seldons.

2012-10-14, 01:34 PM
The new leader of that area, Drak is allerted of the trouble being caused by a strange being that is not from Tek. He is taken there where he stands face to face with Valmyr. "How dare you try to turn my land into a land of anarchy. I shall have you tortured and executed for this. No one does that to my land!" With that, twenty Krynions surround Valmyr, weapons drawn.

OOC: I don't see how no Seldons would have died. Tekrians barely ever walk the streets, Krynions just whip Seldons to make sure they work hard enough and Seldons are everywhere. You would not have killed a single Tekrian with that, because they all live in huge palaces and never mix with Seldons.

Valdyr pointed his red lightsaber glowing blade at Drak. "And who are you to stand in the way of a God and deny freedom to those who need it sorely?" In a red flash all of the Krynion's blades have shorn in half, sizzling lightly where they were cut. "Get out of my way or die. The Seldons will have their freedom as will all the other races of this world!"

Not too far away, a Seldon takes the hammer and chisel he's holding and stands up slowly. His taskmaster whips him, "Get back to work!" The Seldon replies, "No!" He then brings down his hammer on the taskmaster's head, killing the taskmaster as his eyes glow red. "To me my brothers! To the docks!"

OOC: :smallsigh: Well, I guess whatever Seldons were in the tower I toppled died. I more was trying to disrupt the army than anything with that.

14 AP
4 AP Raise Hero: A Seldonian Mason, as of yet unnamed.
10 AP

Domain Progress
Vengeance (Justice) 4/7
Freedom (Rebellion) 5/7

2012-10-14, 01:44 PM
After the start of a civil war, the leader of the army-Vordoth-is allerted, he, Xavius and an army of 5000 Krynion warriors and 200 Tekrians is recruited, they are sent across the land to where the city in control of Drak is now in complete anarchy. After twenty years of a now completely Seldon controlled city, Kry-tek demands that it be taken down.

OOC: I'm kind of just skipping a couple of decades when there's a civil war. I assume that is what you were trying to acheive.