View Full Version : Quick Rogue ACF Question

2012-09-01, 03:36 PM
OK so in Complete Champion there are some Rogue ACFs.

The way I read Death's Ruin and Holy Stalker is that they would work together.

I'm correct in my thought?

Thanks in advance!

2012-09-01, 04:31 PM
I don't think so- Death's Ruin lets you sneak attack, but at reduced effectiveness. Holy Stalker only works when you *don't* roll SA dice; if you're using Death's Ruin, you aren't meeting Holy Stalker's trigger prerequisite.

2012-09-01, 06:02 PM
This is something you should ask your DM, as it really depends on how you (want to) read it. Tyckspoon's interpretation makes perfect sense and is I think the strict RAW way to go.

However, were I the DM and a player would ask me this question, I would toss him a little bone. The rogue gives up trap sense (a so-so abilty) and crippling strike (a rather good ability) to focus on fighting undead. If he chooses to do so, I would have them stack, but not 'fully'. A rogue with 6d6 sneak attack could deal 3d6 sneak and 3 times 2 positive energy damage. In other words, the Holy stalker only kicks in for the SA dice Death's ruin does not grant. Mind you, I think this is rules as I like to interpret them, and not necessarily RAW.

I like to toss lower tier characters such bones, as I believe this is a much more sensible and flavourful way to specialize in fighting undead for rogues than just picking up access to the Grave strike spell in one way or another.

2012-09-01, 09:00 PM
Or you could just take Penetrating Strike ACF from Dungeonscape and be able to sneak attack for half damage against not only undead but other things that are immune to sneak attack.