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2012-09-02, 01:19 PM
In the core rules, spells can have any of six components. Verbal, Somatic, Divine Focus, Arcane Focus, Material and Experience.
I know that there are others; I know that the Tome of Magic has some spells with a Truenaming component (I don't mean the truenamer's powers, actual wizard and bard and druid and etc. spells), which overlap weirdly with Somatic but which are actually an extremely good idea in at least one case. Actually, most likely in exactly one case.

Anyway, does anybody have a list of similar "extra" components introduced in other books?

And in a barely related question I thought about while writting the above; does anybody know any spell that doesn't have ANY component?

2012-09-02, 01:23 PM
Book of Vile Darkness introduced corrupt (casting the spell deals state damage (and drain in one case), fiend (you must be an evil outsider from the lower plains, also had separately demon and devil) undead (you must be undead), drug (you must be under the influence of said drug), location (must be in that specific location), soul (must use a stored soul as a material component) and disease (you must be suffering some said disease).

I am sure they were mirrored at least somewhat in book of exalted deeds.

2012-09-02, 01:56 PM
That is quite a lot more than I thought. Specially considering it's from a single book.
But in that case, what is the difference between a Soul: component and Material: 1 soul?

2012-09-02, 01:59 PM
That is quite a lot more than I thought. Specially considering it's from a single book.
But in that case, what is the difference between a Soul: component and Material: 1 soul?

Not really, but BoVD expanded on ways to acquire souls. Using them to cast spells is always evil, so they decided make it a new category, but they could just as easily have listed it as a material component.

And BoED added the following - Abstinence (refrain from a specific indulgence for X period of time prior to casting the spell), celestial (caster must be a good outsider (also presented seperatly in the form of requiring the eladrin, archon and guardinal subtype)), location (same as before) and sacrifice (same as corrupt, but good).

2012-09-04, 03:41 PM
There are several racial components scattered through books.
And Eberron has the Dragonmark component: requires either a true or abberent dragonmark.

2012-09-04, 03:49 PM
I wonder if there's a way to modify current spell components to any of the alternative varieties...

2012-09-04, 09:48 PM
A few books (I think it started in Complete Mage?) have "power components" that will boost a certain type of spells if added. IE a sunflower of Pelor boosts light/sun related spells.

2012-09-04, 11:33 PM
MoI has a couple. There's [Incarnum], which requires you to have the Incarnum Spellshaping feat, and there's [Essentia], which allows you to invest essentia into the spell. I don't think you're ever required to invest essentia, though of course the spells are often useless or near-useless without it.

2012-09-05, 08:00 AM
A few books (I think it started in Complete Mage?) have "power components" that will boost a certain type of spells if added. IE a sunflower of Pelor boosts light/sun related spells.

The Eberron Campaign Setting has eight or nine of these.

2018-12-22, 03:08 PM
Does anyone remember what book the Astral Sand material component was in? I can't seem to find it anymore.

I remember the stats for it, though.

"A pinch of Astral Sand may be used in the place of any material spell component up to 100Gp in value. For spells with components costing more that 100Gp, for every increment of 100Gp (i.e 1-100Gp, 101-200Gp, 201-300GP, etc) you simply add another pinch of Astral Sand. 2 pinches for 101-200Gp, 3 pinches for 201-300Gp, etc. Casters who can afford it prefer to carry around pouches of Astral Sand over carrying hundreds of pounds of material components"

But I can't find the book that it's in. I can't remember how expensive it is, what volume it comes in for the Gp it costs....

2018-12-22, 04:55 PM
From memory the blood magus prc has as its first level let you spend blood (1 gp=1 damage) as components. So if you have a meaty tank in the party, hi walking magical battery, allow me to take samples of your blood for my magic!

Geometer has as its first level spellglyphs- you can spend gold to make sheets of elaborate patterns with rare inks that substitute for the equivalent price in material components. It also makes all spells you cast with a spellglyph to be silent, so if you've got a bit of gold handy you effectively have bought a metamagic feat for that spell.

I think Complete Divine had a few 'alternative components', I think a phoenix feather could replace a diamond for resurrection magic maybe?

2018-12-22, 05:26 PM
Speaking of racial components, several spells in DotU have a "Drow" component.

I believe some spells in BoVD have an "Undead" component.

2018-12-22, 09:22 PM
Frostburn introduced frostfell and coldfire components.

2018-12-22, 10:57 PM
There are several racial components scattered through books.Races of Eberron is one such example, with racial components of shifter or halfling.

2018-12-22, 10:58 PM
To make it more clear

Animate Thread has the focus of 'one search engine'.

Does 'search engine' count as a component for the Necromancy school?

2018-12-23, 04:43 AM
Does 'search engine' count as a component for the Necromancy school?

You can try Googling spell components, but I've so far found nothing outside of the explanation of the different base Spell Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material, XP, Focus and Divine Focus

2018-12-23, 12:03 PM
He’s referring to thread necromancy could we get a mod to close this thread?