View Full Version : [PF] Need help with support/heal Cleric

2012-09-03, 10:24 AM
Ive never played a Cleric before and this will be my first Pathfinder character. I need help building a support/heal Cleric. My group is running the KingMaker adventure path. Stats are based off rolling. Here are my stats and figures:

Race: Human

STR: 12
DEX: 13
CON: 13
INT: 15
WIZ: 18
CHA: 18

Deity choices: Erastil and Gorum

Starting gold: 10,500 gp (25% on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear)

Party: Elf Wizard, Human Fighter, and Halfling Rogue.

Any help is appreciated :]

EDIT1: Seems like I forgot to mention that I'm starting off at level 5.

EDIT2: DM says all archtypes allowed and im not restricted to Erastil and Gorum

2012-09-03, 11:46 AM
That's some excellent stats you've got there!

One of your bigggest choices is that of domains. Unfortunately the lists for Erastil and Gorum don't seem that fantastic, but there are some good choices. I particularly like Heroism (Glory subdomain) and Tactics (War subdomain) - they also get you some useful buffing/support powers, such as the Heroism aura and the power to make your allies win Initiative more often. Law also gives a nice buffing power at level 1.

Healing in combat is hard to do effectively, and many would tell you that it can be a waste of actions. If you do want to heal, and wish to rely on Channel Energy (which you'll have many uses of thank to your godly cha), selective channeling becomes a priority, to avoid healing the enemy. Quick Channel can be nice later on, as it allows you to heal without spending precious standard actions.

Your stats are most geared towards being a caster cleric, so keep focusing on your wisdom and use both buffs, heals and offensive spells (conversedly, don't bother investing heavily in a weapon) Summoning can also be a powerful option for any cleric.

2012-09-03, 11:50 AM
Ive never played a Cleric before and this will be my first Pathfinder character. I need help building a support/heal Cleric. My group is running the KingMaker adventure path. Stats are based off rolling. Here are my stats and figures:

Race: Human

STR: 12
DEX: 13
CON: 13
INT: 15
WIZ: 18
CHA: 18

Deity choices: Erastil and Gorum

Starting gold: 10,500 gp (25% on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear)

Party: Elf Wizard, Human Fighter, and Halfling Rogue.

Any help is appreciated :]
Wands for things like Cure [blank] Wounds are typically a good investment, but your mileage may vary.
Lesser Restoration Wand is one of the best investments around as you can get rid of Stat damage quickly and easily instead of having to waste time resting. It also cures a few status ailments.
Remove Disease and Cure Poison are sometimes better in Wands as opposed to having to take up one of your prepared slots to cast it.
Any buff spells which do not scale with level are excellent choices for Wands and Staves.
A Metamagic Rod of Reach Spell can be very useful. Turns your touch spells to short range spells. Handy for emergencies where you can not actually get to the party member who needs a fix right now. A Quicken Rod is expensive but highly recommended.

If you JUST want to focus on Buffs, Healing, and generally fixing the party, I would recommend picking an Oracle with the Life Mystery selected. Take Haunted as your curse, and you get some fun support spells like a few Illusions and Telekinesis, and even Reverse Gravity which can be rather fun to play with. Plus you get very relevant class features to heal with. But, you don't get a Domain.

2012-09-03, 03:50 PM
Take the feat Selective Channeling. That will allow you to heal all your party members without healing bad guys in the process.

Always prepare the spell Bless. That +1 to hit makes all the difference. You will lose count over the campaign how often a player hit just because you had cast Bless. Level is irrelevant. Bless is always useful.

As a tactic, Sanctuary is useful. It allows you some freedom to buff and heal allies in combat as well as summon a monster or two. It's not a guarantee, but it's something you can do for yourself if you can't get access to Invisibility by some means (item, cast on you etc.) It only lasts 1 round per level, so don't prepare Sanctuary until 3rd level at least to get good use of it.

Reach Spell is a good feat to cast healing and touch buff spells at a range at a cost of +1 spell level. Helps keep you out of harms way while you cast.

2012-09-04, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the help guys! Seems like I derped and forgot to mention that I'm starting off at level 5.

Cleric Cromwell
2012-09-04, 02:35 PM
another idea for a healer would be to take the merciful healer archetype, the only problem would be that you would have to either worship a god that has the healing domain or worship no god, and you'd only be able to draw from the healing domain, which while not bring you a ton of buffs would give you more cure spells to draw from, plus not drawing AoO when making heal checks and dropping cure spells would make you pretty solid, on top of that at 6th lvl all your cure spells are permanently empowered which is really nice
plus as you progress you can remove afflictions with your channel energy, or at 8th rerole any 1s you roll for channel energy
plus you can take any feat that would affect a paladin's mercys, which after reading the mercy feats, isn't that impressive
but still, you could really keep a party alive with this, since you're just planning on being support anyway

2012-09-04, 02:47 PM
Have you considered playing an Oracle with the Healing mysteries?

Cleric Cromwell
2012-09-04, 03:11 PM
Have you considered playing an Oracle with the Healing mysteries?

seems pretty meh, i'd go cleric over that

2012-09-04, 04:50 PM
My DM has outlawed the non-standard classes (classes not in the core book) so Im stuck with Cleric. Not sure if he allows archtypes so Ill ask.

EDIT: Talked to my DM...he says that he allows archtypes and Im not restricted to Erastil and Gorum.

2012-09-05, 01:51 AM
In that case, a lot of cool domains option are open to you.

I am particularly fond of Luck (esp Fates subdomain) and Liberation. Luck gives you or your allies some rerolls, and even the 1st level bit of luck power can be well worth the action if you use it to buff the party fighters before a full-attack. Fates has the additional advantage of giving you access to the Borrow Fortune spell off the Oracle list.
Liberation gets you automatic Freedom of Movement, and later on you get a fantastic aura that can get your allies out of all kinds of sticky situations.

Travel is also popular, an excellent spell list and some very useful powers. Especially the teleport, which can help you reach allies in trouble to cast touch spells.

For Archetypes, the Evangelist is quite interesting. It gives you the power to inspire like a Bard - useful for the support role - but you lose a domain and a few other things.