View Full Version : Goblins! [D&D 3.5] (IC)

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-03, 05:34 PM
The celebration quiets down as the sun begins to set and the tribe begins to prepare for bed. Kargo, you remain busy receiving pats on the back, and even the occasional implication that you would be better suited for the position of chieftain than Blago, from the tribe elders.

Murmurs of Blago's defeat occupy most every burrow. The three of you lay down your heads, tired after a long day of battle, stomachs warm and full of coney stew.

AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! The four (still including Barkar) of you are rudely awakened by a pained shout. Blago.

What do you do?

2012-09-04, 04:12 PM
Kerchak had had a busy day so far. The spoils had been slit his foes vanquished, and that arrogant baffon Blago had been knocked down peg. Yes, things were going exactly as planned. Of course this may not be a good thing. Goblin life is never simple and if it is that means you are blind to the beast stalking your path. As per his tradition Kerchak prayed to his gods under the cover of night and began rest. Ahglet Brah Nahk Tehn Saar

The scream was loud and deep so it must have come from Blago. What ever the fool had got himself into it was Kerchak's duty to help him. If this was not important Kerchak would most certainly make a note it for the future when HE was of higher prestige than Blago. WAKE UP! We must go assist the Mighty Blago!"

2012-09-04, 08:46 PM
Gronto wakes bleary-eyed and disoriented. I wonder if that great oaf managed to get himself killed. he grumbles to himself, half surprised that his voice sounds normal once again. He had almost gotten used to the influence of Naberius, the Grinning Hound from the day before; he makes pacts with Naberius often, and such a bond changes his voice to a deep, growling one. He had buggered up the pact with Naberius yesterday, so he acted like an obnoxious **** for the day (the influence of Naberius' spirit tied to his own soul) and couldn't hide the deeper voice as he usually does. Perhaps he ought to try one of the new vestiges he discovered on the papery thing the elf, enemy of our people, reads. Haagenti, Queen of the Minotaurs. He didn't know what a minotaur was, but it sounded scary.

Was he forgetting something? Right. The scream.

He would normally be quick to defend his fellow goblin if his fellow goblin wasn't such a moron. Blago, specifically, he despised. Having played the part of Blago's lackey yesterday, Gronto thought Blago had it coming, but was still duty-bound to come to his aid. However, without a pact with a vestige, he was certainly not the strongest fighter in the mud pits like Kargo.

With a sigh, he gathered his things and set off to where he usually makes his pacts, out of sight of the other goblins. Blago's a tough guy. He won't be upset if some shmuck is a couple minutes late to the party, right?

2012-09-04, 11:26 PM
Kargo blinks slowly and blearily, lifting his head from the scattered papery things he and his talky slave had been poring over the night before. It had been a fruitful night, but he was still by and by far too anxious of reprisal to rest easily. And his progress was too slow. If he wanted to be a good warrior, he needed to be better and faster with his labor, before Blago took away his new source of information and...well, probably broke it. He glances at the elf, ensures that its foot-bindings are in place, then grabs his spear and moves at speed towards the noise. If Blago had screamed but no one else was awake, and there wasn't any other real noise, then it was likely a waste of time. Like a burr stuck in his prodigious body hair, or a caterpillar up his nose while he slept. He didn't like--"Can't hate. He'll be Chief."--Blago, but he had a duty to check and ensure he was safe from any real harm.

...For now.

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-05, 10:26 AM
You leap from your bedding and without giving pause for your weapons or armor, sprint towards Blago's hole. As you near your destination, you see a naked, red-faced Blago sprinting right at you. He nearly bowls you over as he passes, and charges at the unfortunate goblin behind you, Kargo.

You shuffle quietly off to your spot, a usually neglected corner of the warrens, once home to Como, the Diseased (he died a few years back). The most attention you receive is a few glances, but no one pays you much heed. As a member of the tribe, they accept you and your quirks...to an extent

You grudgingly rise to Blago's aid and trot towards him. You exit your little pit and you see a green blur rush past you. You see Blago emerge from behind the corner, and you realize how truly blessed he was. In his naked, 4 foot glory, his head hits the ceiling as he sprints at you, eyes full of rage, hands already forming large blockish fists.

2012-09-05, 01:15 PM
Kerchak was shocked by the nakedness, but not the hostility of Blago. Kargo had beaten Blago and it was bound to cause trouble. If it was any other Goblin but Kargo was intelligent and was a useful pawn to manipulate. Plus It was Kerchak who had helped Kargo cheat in the mudpits and there was a strong possibility that the small would Rat them both out under duress. Action was needed and fast.

"You stop this madness at once! Save it for the mudpits!!"With a abrupt grab Kerchak grabbed wisker from his pet wolf Fang and began chanting. "Ske Haeb Tehn Jhodda!" Soon fur began erupting from skin and Kerchak's wiry frame began to bulk out. As his hands and feet fall to the ground his arms become legs. Kerchak lets out a mighty howl as his transformation is complete, elated one soon follows from Fang. Kerchak had used a spell to turn himself into a wolf. The art of Totem forming was a very powerful tool of Druids and Shamas of all races and tribes. If this did not give blago pause then at at least he would be ready for a fight. In unison the two wolfs move to intercept Blago and Kargo.

2012-09-05, 01:29 PM
Gronto had to draw a seal to summon Haagenti. He didn't have to be as careful who saw as when he actually summoned the vestige, as any passing goblin might assume he was simply drawing in the dirt with a stick (which he was) rather than performing a ritual to summon a spirit from the place between places (which he was). He had to be annoyingly precise with the circle, as mistakes would render it useless. Hopefully, he could finish this quickly as well as accurately. He grabbed a stick, and with careful, practiced precision, began drawing the seal.

2012-09-05, 02:38 PM
Kargo adopts a defensive stance (if at all possible), and resigns himself to more verbal, if not physical, abuse. He drops his spear to be less threatening, but doesn't cower. That would make it worse, and he wouldn't be able to see the fists to dodge. If worst came to worst, the warrior could always use the newest trick he'd practiced, but he'd prefer to keep his talents hidden. "What?? What??"

I've dropped my spear and I'm adopting Total Defense. If worst comes to worst, I'll be using Fist of Stone. AC is currently 23, with the dodge bonus.

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-05, 03:43 PM
Blago charges towards you, right fist cocked back. You raise your hands slightly to deflect the blow, but his fist blasts through your guard, landing solidly on your cheek 5 nonlethal damage
You see two wolves trying to muscle their way in between you and Blago, trying to squeeze past his massive frame and separate the two of you. From the back of the tangle, Blago bellows,WHERE IS SHE!

You finish your transformation as Blago lands the first blow. and manage to rush to Kargo's aid before he can land a second one. WHERE IS SHE?! he bellows.

You painstakingly draw Haagenti's markings as goblins rush by to see the commotion. Nothing disturbs you as you work, for once, Blago's commotion is of help.

2012-09-05, 05:47 PM
"Where's who?", Kargo sputters, trying to ensure another blow doesn't land while the two wolves circle. So much for keeping things quiet. Kargo knows it's more than likely about Wimo; Blago's probably just overreacting, he tells himself.

2012-09-06, 09:46 AM
The fool Blago was more trouble than he was worth. No amount of marital prowess made up for the trouble he caused and his lack of guile. The man needed to be put in his place. Birth right be damned Blago will lead the tribe to ruin and something had to be done about it. Plus how was it Kerchak's fault if Blago was to dumb to realize he was out numbered, out gunned, and out matched. If he wanted a one on one fight he should have saved it for the mudpits.

Fang and Kerchak moved to surround Blago in a flanking position.Teeth barred and growling the entire time. If the fool was dumb enough to try and strike Kargo again his legs would be bite and he would be dragged to the ground. Kerchak was a small goblin but in his wolf form he was larger than Blago.
Kerchak and fang are readying actions to bite blago if he attacks Kargo again. If possible they are flanking with eachother. I am a medium creature as of the moment Just for the record.

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-06, 10:27 AM
You see Chief Verro emerge from his own hole, STOP! What is going on here?! I will NOT have my tribe falling apart over a bout in the mud pits!

But father, Blago backs down immediately, his thunderous roars quickly turning into pining requests for permission, Kargo's done something with Wimo.


2012-09-06, 11:10 AM
"I did nothing, Chief!", Kargo offers as quickly as possible. "I spent my night looking over the papery things...last place she was with me was the river, and Blago came along after." He looks plaintively at the Chief. "You know I'm a loyal warrior. I wouldn't take her."

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-07, 02:31 PM
"Blago, shut up," the Chief's expression is one of exasperation, "Kargo, you are a good, loyal goblin, and I know you wouldn't hurt Wimo or the tribe. Blago, don't do it." Blago had opened his large mouth to object to this last point. "Now, what exactly happened? Is this about something beyond the mud pits?"

Blago bursts forward in an unintelligible jumble, unable to contain himself any longer. "Wimo'sgoneandIknowKargodidsomethingIjustcan'tprove it."

"What?! Wimo?!" The chief dashes into Blago's hole and howls with rage. "Who?! How?! ARGGGHHHH!! Find her! Fan out, comb the warrens, search every nook and cranny, Kargo, Kerchak, Blago, find Gronto and some other warriors and search the forest above."

With that, Chief turns around and walks briskly into his hole, from where you can here him cursing the gods.

2012-09-09, 06:46 PM
Kerchak gave a bark and a nod of affirmation upon hearing the Chieftain's orders. It would be easy to find Wimo in this state and the sooner she was found the whole matter would be cleared up. Kargo was to much of a whimp to piss of blago any further than he already had. Kerchak bumped into Kargo and let out another bark before sniffing the ground looking for Wimo's trail.

[[roll0]+13= Survival check to track.

2012-09-09, 10:53 PM
Kargo heaves a little sigh of relief and wanders over to his hole to collect his most prized possession, hidden underneath a pile of leaves and tucked into a dirty hole--his backpack, pockets and pouches filled with alchemical items (or, at least colored bottles with weird fluid and powders) taken from his rummaging around the human settlement and in helping Urgo.

He shoves the papery things into the backmost pouch a tad carelessly, and asks another tribemember to watch his talky slave while the search is on. Something tells him they could be wandering for awhile, and something in the pack could come in handy. Spear in hand, he sets off after the Chief's foreign druid, joining the group.

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-10, 11:13 PM
@Kerchak & Kargo:The warren has burst into activity, each and every goblin trying to find Wimo or otherwise look busy, no one wants to invoke Chief's wrath. You see a few goblins climb through the portal into the sunlight, Dumo, Zargo, Hodo...and Forro? Since when was Forro strong enough to be considered a "warrior"? No matter, no time to worry.

@Gronto:The warren bursts into activity around you. You see Hodo run by, Good work Gronto!...but I don't think you'll find her in the dirt. He speaks slowly and clearly, as if talking to a child. He opens his mouth as if to continue, but then closes it and continues running by. As you complete your circle and the rites necessary to summon the spirit, Gronto! Cmon! What are you doing! We're supposed to be looking up there! Hodo points upwards with a crooked finger before running off.

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-10, 11:21 PM
@Kerchak & Kargo: You follow your fellow warriors out into the sun in time to see them split up into two groups and run off. Dumo, Zargo, and Hodo run off in one direction, while Forro runs off after an already faraway Blago. You see Gronto come up behind you and adopt a different path.

@Gronto: From the hubbub around you, you discern that Wimo has disappeared and that Kargo may or may not have a hand in her kidnapping/murder/something else. You climb up into the sun, brushing the dirt off your shoulders, and join Kargo, who stands adjacent to two wolves.

2012-09-12, 02:22 PM
Kargo shifts his weight, the pack settling with a vague tinkling noise into a more comfortable position. "Going to search?", he asks Gronto. "I think Kerchak is trying to sniff her out...don't know if he can talk back, though."

2012-09-13, 11:26 AM
Kargo was right in this form Kerchak could not speak, at least he was pretty sure... This was a spell that Kerchak had not used up until this point and he had yet to really experiment with it, weather the inability to speak was a side effect of the spell or him not knowing how to use his vocal cords in this form had yet to be fully determined. Lacking a better method Kerchak let out a large bark and a nod of affirmation to Kargo's statement.

2012-09-14, 01:24 PM
When Gronto finished binding Haagenti, his bulk expanded immensely. Thankfully, he suppressed the sign as quickly as possible before heading outside. He was right, though. Minotaurs are scary. His conversation with the spirit showed him what he would be capable of after the binding, and now he knew how to use a few weapons as well as shields. He didn't know if this would be useful. Ever. But it was something he couldn't do before. Gronto kicked the dirt to get rid of the seal before heading up.

Gronto heard Kargo ask him a question. He turned to face Kargo and nodded. Perhaps it would be better to refrain from speaking as much as possible. After all, he had spoken with these two nearby for an extended period of time while influenced by Naberius. His voice suddenly being normal might raise some questions. Or they would think he's crazy like all of the other goblins do.

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-17, 06:37 PM
You follow the wolves without question in your search for Wimo. With their noses lowered to the ground, they lead you after Blago and Forro. Eventually, you reach the river, downstream from where the clan takes their annual baths. The wolves stop. The trail has been lost. You look around you for any clue as to where Wimo might be, but to no avail. Nothing.

AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! You hear a goblin shriek further downstream.

2012-09-17, 11:33 PM
Kargo picks up the pace, bolting downstream towards the caterwaul. "Move!"

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-18, 01:54 AM
The three of you race down the river, branches whipping at your faces. You burst through the brush and emerge onto a rocky clearing by the riverside. You hear the river raging beside you, just a few more minutes and you'd have reached the waterfall, where too many a goblin has fallen to their unfortunate deaths. You put that outside your mind as you turn your attention to the goblin in front of you...Forro. He stands there panting, hands on his knees, clearly on the verge of collapsing. He raises his head, and you can see the relief in his eyes. As he limps closer, you can see that he is uninjured, other than the typical bruises and cuts typical of a "lesser" goblin. He casts his eyes skyward; between hungry gulps of air, he says, "Thank the Darkfae."

Kargo! I've never been so happy to see you...
GARRGGHHHHH!!! Blago's distinctive baritone interrupts Forro's squeaks.
Forro's face contorts into an expression of horror, "I'VE LEFT BLAGO BEHIND!! The trolls! Quick! You must go help Blago! Follow me!" Forro races off into the forest, away from the river.

Gahh! A beam of sunlight hits your eyes. You shake your head, and the pain dissipates. You look around and see...across the river, in the trees, something shiny...Something shiny being held by a small grayish figure.

2012-09-18, 12:48 PM
Kargo spares only a moment to glance behind and ensure his tribemembers are following before bolting off after Forro. He was no coward (well, no more than any normal goblin, honestly), but trolls? Tightening a grip on his spear to keep his hands from shaking, he desperately tries to recall anything at all the Chief or the other warriors have mentioned about trolls and how to fight them. Or, at least how fast they can chase a fleeing goblin.

2012-09-19, 08:19 PM
Kerchak let out a growl. This was bad. He had fire spells and Healing magic but but in the wolf form he could not cast any of his shamanistic magic. However luckily for Kerchak in this form he was far faster than any regular goblin so if thing went bad he would be able to leave the rest to die. Or if things got really desperate He would Conjure wolfs or Flame. Hesitantly he followed Kargo.

2012-09-22, 01:19 PM
Something shiny? Excellent! Perhaps it will be something of use to himself or the tribe. Gronto moves up to the river bank to see what it is. Hopefully, he can call out to Kargo and Kerchak if it's something of note before they're out of earshot.

Cookie Nomster
2012-09-23, 02:40 AM
@Kerchak & Kargo:
You rush into the brush. Trolls were something to be feared for sure, but Blago's well-being comes before your own. Ducking under branches, leaping over roots, you dash into the fray.

You break into a small clearing. You see Blago on the ground, one of his swords lies ten feet away, while he drags the other one behind him as he crawls away from a large, 6 foot creature lumbering towards him. He sees you and cries out, "HELP ME!!!"

You take a few steps closer to the river, trying to get a closer look. The figure detaches itself from the nearby rock and begins a hasty retreat into the forest. You turn around to tell your compan-where'd they go?
You turn your head back across the river and you watch the figure ascend up the slope. He flails his arms wildly, futilely grasping at the air, struggling to find something to hold onto. He grabs a vine just as he slides off the rocks into the current below. GAHHH!!!! GRONTO, HEL-*glub* HELPPP!!

You follow your ears eastward. The distant rushing of water sounds from ahead of you. Good. Even at a leisurely pace, it would only take you an hour to reach the Bear Camp's warrens. "GAHHHH!!!!" You hear a deep cry of pain ahead. You pause for a moment, and continue with a quickened pace.
"HELP ME!!!" This time, the cry comes from right in front of you. You squint your eyes, and through the brush ahead, you see the glint of metal, and two - no, three figures; two goblins stand to the right and twenty feet ahead, a large figu- A TROLL?!

2012-09-29, 03:24 PM
Looks like someone needs help. Unfortunately, trolls were a problem. Even if Blago was there, he was worried his companions might not make it out. If he showed up to help them, perhaps he could have a couple allies despite his "condition".

Cookie Nomster
2012-10-06, 11:37 AM
The troll looks up from his prey, startled by your sudden appearance. His eyes glittering with bloodlust, he looks at you for but a moment before throwing his spear at the nearest of you (Kargo). It nicks your cheek as it flies by your head. The troll doesn't move, instead staring at you, as if issuing a challenge.

2012-10-13, 11:37 AM
Kargo lowers his head, cries out in fear, and rushes towards the troll. Unfortunately, between the shaking of his hands and the wet moss beneath, his spear goes wide...leaving him within arm's reach of the most frightening creature he's ever locked eyes with, still recovering from his fruitless charge.

Cookie Nomster
2012-10-13, 02:58 PM
A spear hurtles out of a nearby tree, narrowly missing its mark and embedding itself deep within the ground behind Kargo. You turn and see the second troll, no longer hidden, taking up another spear from its back.

Cookie Nomster
2012-10-13, 03:36 PM
This is Kerchak.

Kerchak moves around the troll to attack, but despite his superior positioning, his teeth gnash uselessly at the air. However, the other wolf adopts simpler tactics, and simply charges the troll, sinking its teeth deep in its leg. With a jerk and a hop, the troll crashes to the ground, floundering against unexpectedly competent foes.

8 damage

Overlord Rion
2012-10-13, 08:10 PM
Attack Roll: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

To the goblins, a blur comes out of the forest, a chain whips out past Kargo's head, wrapping around one of the troll's limbs. Almost immediately the chain tightens, spikes ripping away flesh from the troll.

"Come on , let's show this namby-pamby the real power of goblins!"

Cookie Nomster
2012-10-16, 12:48 AM
The troll, realizing its disadvantage, flies into a frenzy slashing wildly at its foes, and managing to land a blow on each of those nearby.

5 damage to Kerchak
3 damage to Kerchak's wolf
4 damage to Kargo

Kerchak and his wolf need to roll fort saves.

2012-10-22, 03:56 PM
Emboldened by his allies' success, and the newcomer goblin, Kargo whips his spear about and plunges it into the downed troll's side. "Get the other one!"

Cookie Nomster
2012-11-06, 06:38 AM
The troll makes an attempt to stand, raising his arm to block any incoming attacks. But one of the wolves sinks his teeth once again into its knee, adding to the small pool of brackish blood beneath you and bringing it back down. The creature flails, lashing out towards the wolf, but the blow glances off its tough hide.

I've taken the liberty of rolling the AoO for Kerchak's wolf, seeing as how its outcome affected the troll's actions. Everyone else gets an AoO as well.

Also, here's the initiative order again:
Troll 1 (on ground)
Troll 2 (in tree)

EDIT: The wolf did 6 damage, with a 20 to hit (21 trip attempt).

2012-11-10, 01:20 PM
Kargo lashes out with his spear, the point driving home just as the troll falls to ground. Perhaps trolls weren't to be feared...or, at least, not as much as he'd been told.

"Press the advantage!"

Overlord Rion
2012-11-14, 08:26 AM
Since nobody else seems to be posting...I'll go ahead and get my AoO going.

The troll, allowed to get up? Stitch didn't think so. Stitch thought he should stay down, and keep taking hits. His chain agreed.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2013-06-18, 01:59 PM
[roll0] If I hit then trip [roll1]

2013-06-18, 02:00 PM
Damage [roll0]

Cookie Nomster
2013-06-25, 01:03 PM
The fallen troll bellows in pain, clutching at its wounds, desperately trying to keep more of its blood from spilling onto the already stained floor beneath it. He lashes out wildly, a cornered animal, desperately fighting to survive.



4 Damage each headed to Kerchak's Wolf and Kargo.

I skipped everyone in initiative. It's now Kargo's go. followed by Troll 2, who has yet to enter combat.

EDIT: Initiative Order:
Troll 1 (on ground)
Kargo Bold means it's their turn.
Troll 2 (in tree)

2013-06-27, 10:35 PM
Kargo lifts his spear in what he hopes is an intimidating manner, preparing to drive it into the troll.

"Surrender, or the wolves eat you--slowly!"

Intimidate: [roll0]

Cookie Nomster
2013-06-28, 09:09 PM
The fallen troll doesn't even hesitate at Kargo's words, continuing to flail about. He pauses only for a moment to look at his companion observing from above, who promptly leaves, swinging through the branches with an agility defiant of its size.

Initiative Order:
Troll 1 (on ground)
Troll 2 (in tree)

2013-06-28, 09:18 PM
[roll0] and damage [roll1] and if i hit then I attempt to trip [roll2]

and same for my pet wolf if We can move into flanking give a +2 to the to hits [roll3] and damage [roll4] and if i hit then I attempt to trip [roll5]
Kerchak circles his foe and bites at its legs and his wolf does so also.

Overlord Rion
2013-06-28, 09:42 PM
Stitch, ignoring most of the others around him, decides to whip the troll with his chain.

Attack Roll (Power Attack for full) [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-01, 05:54 PM
The thrashing figure on the ground rolls about, letting the chain slam on the ground beside it.
As its companion disappears through the canopy, the felled troll spins its head wildly, spit flying from its mouth. It focuses its attacks on the only one that's been able to continuously injure it. The accursed wolf.


Troll 1 (on ground)
Troll 2 (in tree)

Note to Kerchak:
You take 7 damage.
Make two fortitude saves for yourself and one for your wolf.

2013-07-01, 08:07 PM
Kargo stabs downwards irritatedly. "We need to kill this one and move!" At this rate, they'd never find Wimo. At least, not alive!

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-01, 08:21 PM



Karl just action pointed on behalf of his wolf in my presence and got his wolf to hit for 3 damage.

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-01, 08:26 PM
@Kerchak: Your injuries burn with renewed vigor, and your blood seems to boil as it seeps out of your wounds.
6 Con damage.

Overlord Rion
2013-07-01, 08:36 PM
Well...this was quickly turning into something straight out of a comedy. Apparently, none of them could hit the damned troll. Hopefully Stitch could fix that.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-01, 08:47 PM
The newcomer shows his skill, swinging the chain down low, allowing the end to smash into the troll's exposed neck, where it sticks with a quiet thud. The troll's arms fall limp, ragged strips of goblin flesh hanging from its now still claws. It's jaw twitches once, twice, droplets of grayish spit still flying from its mouth, driven by its heavy, desperate gasps for air.

Congratulations. Everyone gets 800 exp. Thanks for the rapid posting.

2013-07-01, 08:50 PM
Kargo stares at the chain-wielder for a moment, sizing him up, before cautiously turning his back on him to check on Blago. "What happened here?" The warrior gestures to the leg injury, careful to keep his look of joy off of his face. The wound could mean that Blago would leave himself and the shaman to continue the search on their own.

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-01, 08:57 PM
Kerchak breaks out of wolf form and frantically searches through his pack, pulling out herbs and applying them to his and his wolf's wounds, but notably not Blago's.

Forro's useless head pops out from a nearby shrub, "Is it over?...And who in the blazes are you?" He points a trembling finger at Stitch, his eyes fixated on the long chain in his hands.

Blago struggles to his feet, leaning most of his weight on the tree nearby, "Shaman! Attend to me!"

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-01, 09:22 PM
@Stitch:The large injured brute appears to be the leader of the motley crew, since the rest are, albeit unhappily, doing as he commands. This goblin is HUGE. He stands head and shoulders above everyone else here, and his weapons are seem to be even larger than him. The blood shines like oil on his rippling muscles, not quite managing to hide his manly chest scruff. Ignoring you, he turns to the spear wielding warrior, "What do you think happened? I was ambushed by a pack of trolls. After hurting a few, they outnumbered me and chased down here, where I decided to make my stand. Your loyal service was not needed, but- CAREFUL, YOU WRETCH!" He raises his hand at the shaman tending to his wounds before throwing a glance towards your way, his eyes narrowing to mere slits, and baring his teeth as he talks, this was a test. Should you back down, he would be established as alpha. If you didn't...you're not sure what he might do (or try to do) to you. Clearly this goblin was used to getting his way, and with his stature and apparent strength, had the ability to get it. "Who are you supposed to be?"

@Everyone Else: Blago glares at Kerchak as he finishes tending to his own wounds as well as his pet's before moving on to Blago's. Only then does he address Kargo's question, "What do you think happened? I was ambushed by a pack of trolls. After hurting a few, they outnumbered me and chased down here, where I decided to make my stand. Your loyal service was not needed, but- CAREFUL, YOU WRETCH!" He raises a hand at the shaman tending to his wounds before throwing a glance at the stranger, as if noticing his presence for the first time. His eyes narrow, a look you two know all too well. The last time you saw him like this, Kargo had just triumphed over him in the mudpits. He opens his mouth, peeling his lips back to show his sharp teeth, "Who are you supposed to be?"

2013-07-01, 09:54 PM
Kerchak's hands glow with positive energy as blago's wounds close shut. Without a word he mounts his wolf and rides off. Murming "Go **** yourself" under his breath as he rides off back to base. He should have let the bastard die.

Overlord Rion
2013-07-02, 01:51 PM
Stitch was not a big fan of backing down. Back in the day, Stitch had been respected. But unlike most of his kin, Stitch was not a fool, and he promptly backed down. "I-...I am Stitch."

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-02, 07:36 PM
"Stitch," he says the name slowly, as if feeling out the letters with his tongue. "How are the Fox nowadays? I mean, after the unfortunate deaths of Pebble and Bark, I suspect that you're suffering. After all, with your tribe so few in number, the loss of each and every warrior must be especially painful." He leans on the tree behind him, taking the tension out of his arms and relaxing his injured leg. "Of course, by now, you're probably wondering who the strong and handsome goblin in front of you is. Well you won't have to wait any longer, for I will tell you myself! I am...BLAGO! He says the name with clear emphasis, holding his hand out with dramatic flair. In the moment of silence, he looks your way, clearly expecting some sign of recognition.

To Stitch:
You've heard of Blago, who hasn't? With the volume and frequency of his boasts, it would be a miracle if the trees themselves didn't know his name. Here he stands, the giant fool himself. In fact, many trees in the forest have been scarred with his name, forced to bear his name for eternity. A mighty warrior to be sure, but lacking the virtue or wisdom to ever be anything more.

To All:
Kerchak is finishing patching up Blago and starting to head out.

2013-07-02, 08:35 PM
"Kerchak!" Kargo gestures for the shaman to return to the group before turning to Blago. "And you shouldn't have shouted", he adds in a lower tone. "Gronto still hasn't shown, and one troll escaped us. There may be more lurking."

2013-07-02, 08:52 PM
Kerchak doesn't turn to address kargo and continues to get onto his mount. "If you worry about trolls so much then I suggest you leave the troll wood. More things will be coming out of the woods to see what all the noise is. Anyone smart would be leaving right about now and I am in no mood to deal with fools or strangers."

Despite his best efforts to reduce the poison Kerchak was feeling pretty ill. The claws were one thing but he could tell that he was only a short sick and a hop from death he wasn't cautious. The smartest move was to go back home and then heal the poison when he got up in the morning.

2013-07-02, 09:00 PM
The warrior emits a low hiss, baring his fangs. "You're our tracker, ice-skin. You intend to leave before we've found Wimo? How will you face the chief?"

2013-07-02, 09:13 PM
Kerchak rides his wolf up to Kargo with a stern experssion on his face, not one of anger but almost of just nihilistic indifference. "The trail was already cold when we go to the river, even with the nose of a wolf I couldn't follow it furthe Plus Who ever took her would be long gone after hearing the commotion. I don't try to heal dead animals, nor will I cast a net in an empty river."

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-07, 07:31 PM
Blago picks up his swords, "so you're willing to abandon wimo to whoever took her? You're disobeying the chief, westerner, which means you deserve anything that I do to you." He raises his weapons threateningly, giving the druid his full attention.

2013-07-11, 12:35 PM
Kerchak turns to blago reading to ride of if the bastard came any closer with his weapons. "Normally in this situation I would reccomend that we form a grid and search fanned out but seeing that this place is filled with trolls its a bad idea. If anyone wants to say anything before I go back to wolf form say it now.

Overlord Rion
2013-07-14, 04:06 PM
Stitch backs up a bit as the large goblin begins threatening the shaman. "You wouldn't happen to have need of a warrior, would you?"

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-15, 09:14 PM
Surprised by the sudden shift in Kerchak's attitude, Blago shares a rare moment of wisdom. He reaches deep into his loincloth, rummaging around before pulling out a few scraps of cloth. These are pieces of Wimo's coverings, I know them by their smell. I was following these before I was ambushed by the goblins. The trail ended about here. Try searching for her scent here.

He seems to be ignoring the newcomer completely.

2013-07-15, 09:18 PM
Kerchak nods and then chants and turns himself back into wolf form and begins sniffing the cloths and looking for her scent.

survival check [roll0]

Cookie Nomster
2013-07-15, 09:23 PM
Despite the rank stench of troll, you manage to find the distinct smell of bloodberries and mint, Blago hadn't been lying, Wimo had indeed been here.

2013-07-15, 10:13 PM
Waving his hand nervously at the surrounding forest, Kargo focuses his attentions on their newcomer. "We're probably surrounded by trolls, and one of our tribe went missing. Er, two." Glancing over at the wolf and his 'fearless leader', the warrior goes on to add: "We need all the help we can get if we want to get out alive."