View Full Version : Pathfinder: Melee touch spells via ranged weapons?

2012-09-03, 07:52 PM
Are there any options for delivering melee touch spells via ranged weapon attacks /besides/ the Myrmidarch (Magus)' 4th level Ranged Spellstrike feature?

I'm playing a Mysterious Stranger (Gunslinger) about to take my first level of Tattooed Sorcerer (Wildblooded - Voidtouched), en route to a houseruled adaptation of Arcane Archer. Advice on other bloodlines more suited to evocation are also welcome.

Currently torn between going with regular spells and Words of Power.

2012-09-03, 08:14 PM
The only thing I can think of is Smiting Spell. However, it's not a very strong option. Also, it's 3.5, but it's not unusual to get 3.5 stuff ported right? (I've never played PF).

2012-09-03, 11:25 PM
I believe there is metamagic that can do that but it isn't worth it normally but if you are house ruling and home brewing then I would work with your gm to get a new method to do that, an idea is to modify the channeling enchantment to channel arcane spells instead of positive/negative energy