View Full Version : Good 4th Edition Introductory Module

The Bat-Man
2012-09-03, 09:11 PM
I will be starting a new D&D 4e game, and was looking for a good module to run for TOTAL n00bs. Preferably free, but I'd be willing to spring for one if it is really good. Level 1's about 6 players. Any pre-gen characters available for download would be great too. (already have the ones from the quickstart rules, but others would be greatly appreciated) So far I've been looking at Keep on the Shadowfell. Thanks in advance.

*edit: might be able to get my hands on some of the D&D Encounters programs too, have a friend who runs them and got extras of a few.

2012-09-03, 09:32 PM
Try running Kobold Hall from the back of the DMG to introduce them to the mechanics of the game, then it leads right into Keep on the Shadowfell.

2012-09-03, 11:03 PM
If you can find it, I think "Escape from Sembia" isn't too bad. I haven't played it personally, but at a glance it looks like a pretty solid introduction.

The module has a gradual curve in difficulty, and has a bit of political intrigue in it that can continue over into a campaign (replace the Netherese with the shadowy group of your choice), and has a pretty decent skill challenge. The PCs have ample opportunity to sneak and and surprise their enemies in a few encounters, and they can take advantage of some of the terrain too if they're crafty enough. It also has some pre-made PCs.

2012-09-05, 01:37 PM
Other good intro modules I've found are Scales of War, Chaos Scar, and Cairn of the Winter King.

I don't recommend Keep on the Shadowfell; it's not very well designed.