View Full Version : Solo adventures

2012-09-04, 09:24 PM
So I'm going to be running a game for the first time in a dog's age. All new folks, starting with my girlfriend (who has RPG experience, just not D&D). I'd like to run some solo adventures with her to both get her comfortable with the game and get me back into the swing of things as a DM. We'll be playing 3rd edition (because those are the books I have).

At this moment in my life, I don't have time to world/adventure build from scratch, the way I'd like to. So I'd like to know if there are any good solo modules out there, or does anyone have any experience/tips for converting or optimizing a module for solo play?

Ideally I'm looking for something that balances RP and action, leaning more towards the RP/puzzle side of things. None of the players are really "kick-in-the-door" style folks, so I'd like something that has more narrative depth than I'm currently capable of. Otherwise, I'd just call up a random-dungeon generator and call it a day!

Thanks in advance for any tips, and I'm very excited to break my RPG dry spell! Man, I've missed it!