View Full Version : Ideas for Magitech Mecha [3.P]

2012-09-04, 10:16 PM
Hello, guys. In my game there are magitech mechas. They are similar to MagiTek Armors from FF6 (ranging between Large and Huge, never Colossal like Gundams and stuff) and I'm using some rules from d20 Future and changing it (I know Pathfinder has Golem Armor, but it unfortunately works more like armor than a mecha).

For now, only drow and dwarves have mechas. The dwarven mecha are all elemental-powered (as in elemental binding, a la Eberron) and drow mecha are all powered by demonic possession. What I need help with is ideas for more advanced mecha. Right now I only have two:

The Brick - Dwarven base model. Made of stone, slow, armed with dual mace-fists.

Mithral Spider - Drow base model. Made of mithral, eight legs, armed with nets and poisoned darts, weak in close combat, very agile.

Basically everything I think about ends up too similar to these models. Any help?

2012-09-04, 10:22 PM
Turn This into a construct. Give it the called enchantment first.

2012-09-04, 10:24 PM
Turn This into a construct. Give it the called enchantment first.

That's not what I'm looking for, but thanks for the advice.

2012-09-04, 10:29 PM
Just giving a starting point...
Just wait until you get to give it elemental type templates.
Or extra legs, arms, heads. Its just the base model.

You could end up with a Mech with 4 arms and 4 great swords. Just spin

2012-09-04, 10:30 PM
Ooops sorry

2012-09-04, 10:33 PM
Just giving a starting point...
Just wait until you get to give it elemental type templates.
Or extra legs, arms, heads. Its just the base model.

I'm using very different rules. My mechas follow the d20 Future rules, they look more like vehicles than power armor. This article (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20061020a) explains the concept a bit better.
I've got the rules covered, basically. I'm brainstorming ideas for how to design mecha that fits the races while being different from those I mentioned in the OP.

2012-09-04, 10:40 PM
Wow that is cool! I still like my demon bot

2012-09-04, 10:41 PM
The Digger: Dwarven model mech which uses concealment instead of armor to protect itself. It usually uses Earthglide to accomplish this, coming up under enemies and striking as an ambush predator. Different from the Drow weapons in that it doesn't dance away, but instead uses manuevers like grapple or trip to keep the enemy from escaping while it beats them to death, and then once it has killed an enemy it disappears again to wait for an opportunity.

2012-09-04, 10:44 PM
The Dwarven Brewer's Keg.

Build of 5 barrels (a massive one for a body, 2 for feet, 2 for hands), and a wide array of hydrolic pistons powered by bound up water elementals. Taller and faster than the brick, but made of wood. Armed with a steam powered mortar, and a hydraulic flail.

Grand Master's Tomb:

Made of marble with gold ball joints, this rare machine is powered by both elementals and the bound dead spirit of great dwarven warriors who refused to retire to a peaceful afterlife. Carries a great two handed axe, and many massive throwing axes.

Drow Matriarch:

Made of hundreds of thousands of mythral chain links that flow and shift in the pattern of a tall, beautiful drow (a rose of many thorns as it were), the Drow Matriarch moves with a cat like agility, and can easily shred its way through entire hordes of enemies. Unlike other mecha, spells can be cast through a complex series of arcane channels, letting the pilot use their spells freely from within. Powered by dozens of chain devils.

Soul Hunter:

Made of Thinaun silver (a special material from complete warrior that traps souls) this many bladed vessel is powered freely be devils in exchange for the souls collected of it. Shorter than even a mythral spider, this fragile machine swarms rapidly over the enemy in great waves shredding them to pieces with their many poisoned blades, dragging many along behind in spider silk nets.

2012-09-04, 11:31 PM
Rise of Legends had some pretty cool robots. Although more steampunk in flavor, you could probably re-do the guns as elemental cannons, magic ballistae, or something similar.

Clockwork man (http://mimg.ugo.com/200910/15293/clockwork-man.jpg)- Lighter minimalist human-shaped structure makes them less resilient than other mechs, but great for mass production. They prefer to engage at mid-range with their arm-mounted lightning guns, but can do a decent job in melee if required, usually backhanding foes with their arms. They can also serve as workers if need be, one arm being equipped with a functional hand. (Non-combat models often have two hands, but no lightning cannon, making them excellent miners and workers, but useless in combat)

Vaguely AT-ST-like walker things. (http://riseoflegends.com/NR/rdonlyres/52E291C5-0B8C-4DB6-8FBA-892ADD7DC925/0/vinci_concept_02.jpg)- Essentially a tank on legs, with huge revolver-cannons mounted on the side, or on arms coming off the side. Their thick armor makes them resilient, heavy, and slow. The design could easily be made into artillery: make the guns bigger and the mech slower.

2012-09-05, 12:47 PM
Wow, I specially like the Soul Hunter and the Digger. Thanks a lot for all the suggestions, folks.

2012-09-05, 02:47 PM

The shieldman: Made of obsidian and covered in blue glowing runes, this large statue has little offensive power, but is able to defend, empower and rapair other dwarven Mechas.

The Behemot: Incredibly slow and large, this Mech is considered to be almost invulnerable, thanks to his massive stone plating reinforced with adamantium. Armed with long-range catapult and ballistas, when placed in the right position it's able to dominate the battlefield.

The Hammer: This peculiar Mech, build out of darkwood and mithral, is quite agile for dwarven standards. Armed with a massive thwo-handed hammer, it has the ability to freely rotate it's upper torso, spinning so fast that everything neraby gets crushed by the reinforced hammerhead.


The Banshee: Fast and light armored, this Mech can quickly dispose of most troops. Able to become ethereal for short times and to emit a terrible wail that confuses and icapacitates living creatures, it's a true nighmare for anyone unable to counter it with golems or Mechas.

The Wasp: This tiny unmanned Mech is entirely powered and controlled by the bound spirit of a lesser demon and can be commaned by it's parent Mech (see: the Hive). With almost no armor and a very lightweight frame it's fly speed and manouvrability are unparalled, and an swarm of those abominations can litteraly torn it's target into pieces with razor-sharp blades.

The Hive: This large and unusually armored (at least for drow standards) mech has no weapons, but contains and controls hundreds of Wasp mechs, releasing them in a swarm of death and destruction upon the enemy.