View Full Version : Iron Man in Eberron [3.P]

2012-09-04, 10:40 PM
So I want to make a Human Artificer & a Warforged idk what class.

Tony will be a Favored of House Cannith, maybe a Renegade Mastermaker, maybe Dragonmarked

Jarvis will be a warforged that is essentially Tony's butler/battle suit

The idea is that Tony makes some kind of augmentation to Jarvis so that he can climb inside yet maybe retain two separate people doing separate things. Jarvis using Wand Bracelets & wands of some force spell as his "repulsers", Tony using flying boots & infusing/controlling homonculi/doing whatever else he could on his turn.

I was thinking arballist homonculi either sitting on his shoulder or flying around (Improved Homonculi with flying)

So can anyone help me maybe piece them together?

2012-09-04, 10:42 PM
By chance did i inspire you?
I Have a detailed build somewhere you could adapt it

Dusk Eclipse
2012-09-04, 10:47 PM
If you want to "climb into" the suit I would think a Synthetist summoner is a better option, the other is making the Iron Man armour piece by piece, enchant different items and perhaps making it something like a set (MIC). As they say Tony Stark is an Artificer Iron Man is a Warforged Warlock.

2012-09-04, 10:50 PM
If you want to "climb into" the suit I would think a Synthetist summoner is a better option, the other is making the Iron Man armour piece by piece, enchant different items and perhaps making it something like a set (MIC). As they say Tony Stark is an Artificer Iron Man is a Warforged Warlock.

Well I was thinking, would Golem armor work? That way the Warforged does his thing, the artificer makes it all come together adding to the combined action economy. Granted with the warforged being the general workhorse, Tony actually fills the AI role, I would find that a bit interesting

2012-09-04, 10:54 PM
Make a full plate into a medium construct.
Its about 3000 gp
Rules here
It can fly.
And if you are in it they must kill it before you.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-09-04, 10:55 PM
Sorry I am not familiar with the Golem Armour, do you have a link or something?

2012-09-04, 11:13 PM
Sorry I am not familiar with the Golem Armour, do you have a link or something?

Sorry my mistake, not Golem armor. Follow the link that metabolicjosh posted. Construct Armor

2012-09-04, 11:14 PM
I love the idea of a Synthesis Summoner being Iron Man. It'd be hard to simulate Repulsor Blast and Unibeam though. We can give an eidolon some SLAs, but only limited times per day.

2012-09-04, 11:20 PM
Make a full plate into a medium construct.
Its about 3000 gp
Rules here
It can fly.
And if you are in it they must kill it before you.

I would do this.... but then I can't have a warforged butler named Jarvis :(

2012-09-04, 11:24 PM
Leadership? Get a super tiny intelligent construct that has levels. theres jarvis...

Or Turn Jarvis ,a warforged, Into the construct armor!

2012-09-04, 11:28 PM
Leadership? Get a super tiny intelligent construct that has levels. theres jarvis...

Or Turn Jarvis ,a warforged, Into the construct armor!

This is my initial concept. But Construct Armor only makes him a breastplate. That is some very weak armor. Do you think it would be acceptable to instead be mithral fullplate? (If Jarvis was a mithral warforged) & would Tony be able to access Wand Bracelets? (edit Sorry everyone I mean Wand Sheaths)

2012-09-04, 11:53 PM
Jarvis in my campaign is a Docent component. A Docent is an Intelligent magic item warforged component introduced in the Eberron Campaign Setting that has its own Int Wis and Cha scores, communicates with its Warforged via telepathy, and grants some handy abilities, like a +10 to Sense Motive, a continual Detect Magic effect, or an ongoing Status effect, plus it has Darkvision out to 60ft, which is handy for a Warforged who doesn't get it. Useable only by a Warforged, but if you're WEARING him...

2012-09-04, 11:57 PM
Jarvis in my campaign is a Docent component. A Docent is an Intelligent magic item warforged component introduced in the Eberron Campaign Setting that has its own Int Wis and Cha scores, communicates with its Warforged via telepathy, and grants some handy abilities, like a +10 to Sense Motive, a continual Detect Magic effect, or an ongoing Status effect, plus it has Darkvision out to 60ft, which is handy for a Warforged who doesn't get it. Useable only by a Warforged, but if you're WEARING him...

What would be the point in having an A.I. inside a creature that is already an A.I.? I don't understand why the Warforged itself cannot be Jarvis (as then it could also be the butler, like in the comics)

This does touch on my current conundrum though. Will the rules of Construct Armor allow for the use of embedded components?

2012-09-05, 12:36 AM
I would rule that if you were granted full use of the construct's abilities that yes, any weapons, upgrades, components or enhancements that construct armor possessed would be yours to amnipulate, pending approval by the Warforged itself. Also, a Warforged as an AI? You picked an AI not known for spectacular Wisdom or Charisma scores, so the Docent can help out by subbing its own scores, adding to the Warforged's scores in the same manner as an assisted skill check, as well as providing Darkvision and much-needed assessment abilities on the battlefield. The detect magic effect all by itself is totally worthwhile.

2012-09-05, 12:47 AM
I can also see Jarvan flavored as a Psi crystal :smallamused:

Kol Korran
2012-09-05, 01:00 AM
I'm really not good with items and builds and such, but assuming Tony is of high enough level, why not a full plate that is made intelligent (intelligent item). I just see it very weird climbing into the warforged. I think they kind of need their innards to function... no?

Or perhaps a homonculus armor? seems more befitting, perhaps cheaper to create (and earlier entry) than intelligent armor.

Oh, and i'd suggest putting the "called" enchantment on it. easier to put on fast in D&D rules.

2012-09-05, 01:09 AM
As they say Tony Stark is an Artificer, Iron Man is a Warforged Warlock.
This. So much this. You might want to add some homebrew, perhaps allowing him to spend an invocation or two picking up DFA breath (flamethower) and associated goodies, and maybe a missile attack somehow, but the core is Human Artificer and Warforged Warlock. Smart and makes gadgets, vs flies and shoots lasers. Pretty straighforward to me!

2012-09-05, 04:41 AM
Jarvis would be an Intelligent (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm) suit of mithral fullplate in my campaign

2012-09-05, 07:30 AM
Well if Psicionics are open there is the spell fusion. turns two people into one for short periods of time.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-09-05, 07:37 AM
Iron Man is an Artificer of roughly 9th level with a set of +3 Called Clockwork Armor (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070212a), with myriad other lesser enchantments or Artificer infusions providing DR/adamantine, cold resistance (he solved the icing problem... Sorta), and other abilities. Additionally, Tony Stark has two wand bracers, and perhaps wand chambers wherever he can fit them, with wands of Magic Missile or Scorching Ray (CL 9 or CL 11, preferably maximized or with a Metamagic wand grip of maximize), Orb of Force, Fly (provided his boots are not already a use-activated item of the same, and they very well could be; if not, the wand has a Metamagic wand grip of extend), Bull's Strength (preferably cast when he calls the armor), Shield, Silent Image, Shivering Touch (Metamagic wand grip of reach), and any other miscellaneous abilities powered by the Arc reactor (not covered: the beam he fires directly from his chest). But I'm away from my books, and can't give a comprehensive list of spells that best apply.

2012-09-05, 08:28 AM
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9623431#post9623431) might be of interest to you.

2012-09-05, 08:44 AM
It's not a two-person build, but how do you feel about third-party psionics? Because I'm totally putting together a build for an "Iron Man" character (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=254762) using the Soulbolt and Aegis from Psionics Expanded. Soulbolt is a soulknife archetype that lets you make ranged attacks instead of manifesting a weapon, and the Aegis allows you to cover yourself in a field of enhancing armor.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-09-05, 09:13 AM
Now that I think so Person_Man has a homebrew class based on Iron Man, IIRC it is called Magitech Templar or something like that. It might be worthwhile for you to check it.

2012-09-05, 10:10 AM
The Magitech Templar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176276)

It's a really cool design, basically a "build your own armored superhero". It's super flexible and allows for all sorts of different tactics and play styles at a tier 3ish balance point.

I'd recommend it have access to homebrewed feats like:

1) Extra Magitech Upgrade
2) Additional Armored Sense
3) Newfound Armored Expertise

That you can take once each to give an additional Magitech Upgrade, Armored Sense, and Armored Expertise to help flesh a concept out at low-mid levels.