View Full Version : Stripped naked.

2012-09-05, 02:47 AM

I was wondering if you can share your opinion on loosing all the equipment and how game changing that can be.

My players are level 8, two of them (others appear occasionally), and they just had their first TPK (yey!). But since they like their characters a lot and since it fits the campaign, one of them had a Dark Awakening In The Shadowfell book, you return to life somewhere in Shadowfell without any equipment, of course, since Raven Queen isn't through with you yet. and another is held captive. To reveal where some scrolls are hidden, but he has a chance of escaping or being rescued.

They have lost their stuff without much chance of regaining it. So far, I have followed what DMG says in treasure tables and gave them the proper amount. Should I continue to do so now, or should I give out more, to compensate for their loss? Thanks in advance!

2012-09-05, 02:58 AM
At level 8, a normal character will lose 2-4 to hit, and anywhere from no AC to 10 AC, depending on class for having no gear. NADs will generally be 1-2 points lower.

A fighter with no armor is in sad shape, but a vampire can pretty much do without any equipment fairly easily.

So really, it depends on the class how well they will do without any gear.

As for getting their WBL back up to snuff, if you were to start a character at level 8, you'd start with a level 9 item, a level 8 item, a level 7 item, and a level 7 item worth of gp (to be used to buy less expensive things or another level 7 item).

I'd use that as the guideline of where to get them back to. Since it was a TPK I wouldn't worry about shooting them back up to their previous levels of wealth immediately, but get them their necessary equipment first.

For example, someone who wears medium or heavy armor should get a suit asap, if someone has spent two feats on a superior weapon/implement + expertise, getting them a replacement should happen soon, because the alternative is feats that do absolutely nothing, which is not very fun.

So, hypothetically, let's say the Dark Awakening character is a Melee Striker. Get him his weapon 'as a gift from the Raven Queen' upon awakening, maybe with a suit of armor as well. Then, as treasure, get them another item as a reward, and that's pretty much good I'd say.