View Full Version : Lychantrope Barbarian

2012-09-06, 08:18 PM
I'm making an lychantrope barbarian in Pathfinder and I was wondering with a +1 CR (werewolf) and 2 levels in barbarian will I have 2d12 or 3d12 HD and will my skillpoints be that of a 3rd or 2nd level character? (Also, how will the +1 CR effect my normal, non class dependent feats?)

It's probably a stupid question, and I probably should know the answer, but it's been a very, very long time since I last added a template and at that time we were using so many houserules I don't know what was RAW and what was by the book.

2012-09-06, 08:26 PM
I can't look up anything at the moment but... +1 CR isn't usually the same as +1 LA. I'll return when I can look stuff up. Unless someone beats me to it.

2012-09-06, 08:32 PM
I can't look up anything at the moment but... +1 CR isn't usually the same as +1 LA. I'll return when I can look stuff up. Unless someone beats me to it.

Pathfinder generally treats them as the same thing; a character's ECL is equal to its CR.

The bestiary entry for Lycanthropes may help you. (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/lycanthrope.html#_lycanthrope) It appears that you would be a level 2 character for most considerations.

2012-09-06, 08:37 PM
Pathfinder generally treats them as the same thing; a character's ECL is equal to its CR.

The bestiary entry for Lycanthropes may help you. (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/lycanthrope.html#_lycanthrope) It appears that you would be a level 2 character for most considerations.
Ahh... that was me showing off my ignorance I s'pose.

2012-09-06, 10:33 PM
+2 LA And You add the natural hit dice of the animal you use. Which counts as levels.

2012-09-06, 10:37 PM
+2 LA And You add the natural hit dice of the animal you use. Which counts as levels.

Pathfinder Lycanthrope works a lot differently.

2012-09-06, 10:38 PM
I'm reading the advance bestiary. Isn't that pathfinder?

2012-09-07, 05:28 AM
I'm reading the advance bestiary. Isn't that pathfinder?

Possible 3.5 has one too since PF doesn't use LA's (thank the gods.)

Here's the lycantrope rules, http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/lycanthrope it doesn't say anything about things like hit dice and skill points, or general, non-class specific things however, so I assume they'd be mentioned somewhere else, like in some general rules for how to apply templates. The problem is, I don't have any actual PF books since so far I've only ever needed the SRD.

Belril Duskwalk
2012-09-07, 06:46 AM
I think I've found the relevant passage of rules.Rules for Monster PCs (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/races/other-races)
Werewolves have no Racial HD, so according to that, the CR+1 of Lycanthropy should mean that a 2nd level Barbarian Lycanthrope is considered to be the threat equivalent of a 3rd level character. You'll have 2d12 HD, the skills of a 2nd level Barbarian and have your 3rd level feat slot available.

In exchange for what is effectively one level without HD or Skills, you have gained:
+2 Wisdom/-2 Charisma
Lowlight Vision
Lycanthropic Empathy
Change Shape

In either Hybrid or Animal Form you also gain:
+2 Natural Armor
DR 10/Silver
Bite attack of a wolf (1d6 damage plus Trip)
The ability to Curse others with Lycanthropy when you bite them
+2 Strength/ +2 Constitution

In Animal Form only:
Base speed becomes 50 ft.

2012-09-07, 07:01 AM
You will have 2HD. As you can see in this exemple (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/lycanthrope/werebat), Level 3 werebat fighter has got 3HD.

2012-09-07, 11:50 AM
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. And Belril, thanks for breaking it down for me, that makes it much easier to work with. :)

2012-09-08, 11:30 AM
I think I've found the relevant passage of rules.Rules for Monster PCs (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/races/other-races)
Werewolves have no Racial HD, so according to that, the CR+1 of Lycanthropy should mean that a 2nd level Barbarian Lycanthrope is considered to be the threat equivalent of a 3rd level character. You'll have 2d12 HD, the skills of a 2nd level Barbarian and have your 3rd level feat slot available.

In exchange for what is effectively one level without HD or Skills, you have gained:
+2 Wisdom/-2 Charisma
Lowlight Vision
Lycanthropic Empathy
Change Shape

In either Hybrid or Animal Form you also gain:
+2 Natural Armor
DR 10/Silver
Bite attack of a wolf (1d6 damage plus Trip)
The ability to Curse others with Lycanthropy when you bite them
+2 Strength/ +2 Constitution

In Animal Form only:
Base speed becomes 50 ft.

also, when in hybrid or animal form, each ability score becomes the same as the base animal's, if it is better than your own. this is before you add in the +2 strength/con for those forms.