View Full Version : New Character help needed, ASAP please.

2012-09-07, 12:15 PM
I have a game that my current character is TO OP he's not mid maxed/nor is he power gamed either. He is a level 9 Fighter (2 weapon archetype) with 4 Levels of Hell Knight (Order of the Nail) I am crit based with +1 Adamantine, Keen Human Bane Falcatas. We had a couple of harry encounters where I had taken the most damage since I had started with him, 80dmg done to me. I had in a single round did enough damage to a adult Red Dragon to kill it and then a few rounds later did the same to a Ancient Black Dragon. Mind you I was assisted by my witch to counter what ever he had started to cast at/on me so I lucked out there, fyi my witch did the same thing to the Red dragon too. But I have stated him out for the next few levels and it looks like I soon will only be hurt by a few particular type of spells thus making it even more harder on my GM. We decided to retire my HK and let him start building a new Order of the Nail strong hold in the city we're slowly taking over. My issue is our next session is in 5 days and im lost for ideas for my Cleric (Necromancer) to use as feats/spells/items and stats. I haven't built a Cleric in nearly 3+ years and the last one I did was a fluffy healer, and with in this party a goody-to-shoe character isn't the best route to take bc....

Teifling - Magus (Black Blade) NE
Drow - Noble - Witch (?) CE
Elven - Rouge/Mantis Assassin LE
Goblin - Barbarian*ikr goblin soooo funny* (Titan Mauler) CN
*insert my NEW Character*

So I need assistance in a stat block/feats/items etc. I have 25point buy; level 13; 140k starting wealth; Race are from core and a few from bestiaries 1/2/3 not to crazy though :smallsmile: ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty... THANK YOU!!!!!!!

2012-09-07, 12:28 PM
Sounds like your last character was retired because he was too powerful.

Now you're asking the playground to help you make your new character?

Give your cleric improved unarmed combat, improved grapple, improved trip, and some spell focus.

That shouldn't be OP.:smallbiggrin:

2012-09-07, 12:49 PM
rofl hmm then i should go as an oracle instead of a cleric at least that way id be blind too :smallbiggrin:

2012-09-07, 01:29 PM
So this is what I have currently....

Human 13 Cleric (Un-dead Lord)

8/-1; 11/0; 14/+2; 14/+2; 20/+5; 25/+7

Cbt. Casting; Cmnd. Undead; Imp. Chan.; Quick Spell-Like; Quick Chan.; Selective Chan.; Spell Focus: Necro; Skill Focus: Dip; Spell Special: Poison.

+1 Human Bane, Greyflame Battle Asergillum; +1 Glamered Unrighteous Agile Breastplate; Amu Nat. +2; Belt Mighty Con +4; Jailer Ring w/ Prisoners Ring x2; Hat Disguse; HB of Mental Prowess Wis/Cha +4

SPELLS: BC of spell focus Necro. DC = Non Necro/Necro
0) bleed;l ight; spark; mending -DC15/16
1) Cause fear-MS; command; CLW; detect undead; murderous command; pro good; ray sickening -DC16/17
2) Ghoul touch-MS;CMW; darkness; pro good communal; silence; ZoT -DC17/18
3) Animate Dead-MS; MCvsGood; visions/hell; -DC18/19
4) Enervation-MS; Blessings/fervor; dismissal; poison;CCW; chaos hammer -DC19/20
5) Slay Living-MS; Curse major; curse/magic negation; raise dead -DC20/21
6) Create Undead-MS; blade barrier; word/recall -DC21/22
7) Destruction-MS; Destruction -DC22/23

I'm sorta content but it seems that its lacking something I don't know what it is though. Any good help is more then welcomed :smallsmile: