View Full Version : Proving myself to be a terrible person.

2012-09-09, 10:28 AM
I'm going to be running a sinister and sly sociopathic Shardmind in my mate's upcoming EVIL campaign. It kills for much the same reasons that a real life sociopath turns to murder. His emotions are so muted that the massive emotional highs are the only one's she can experience. (It got into adventuring for much the same reasons.)

However I figure that the telepathic angle gives me a new option to explore the whole serial killer thing from. He doesn't just get his own rush from killing something. She shares the targets. (The targets emotions and sensations as they die. She doesn't loan a victim to another serial killer and share in the rush. At least not until after they've reached third base.)

As such it keeps the victim on her person in a bag of holding (Buffalo Bill style I suppose.) but in order to keep the air circulating she is going to have to hold the bag open for at least some time or just have them die of suffocation. (Which would be a fine way to kill the victim. If it weren't for the fact that they would fall unconscious before they die properly. So you lose something in the whole parasitic emotional link thing.)

In any case is there any way that I can magically gag or mute the person in the bag to keep them quiet? Just leaving the bag open is the best option but then they can shout and scream for help.

I figure that he could:
-Inject their voice box with a powerful but diluted paralytic. Deadening the organ and stopping them from talking. (Not a bad choice but it would require re-administration and that's inefficient.)

-Remove the voice box manually. (Probably the best option. It would weaken the victim and silence them at the same time but it would also be fairly fine work and Fornication only has an 8 for it's dexterity score and no training in healing.)

-(The same problems hold true with this next option.) Cut the spinal cord. (But there are a couple of new issues. This would make it difficult to torture the targets and give them an extremely short shelf life. It would however also allow her to carry several victims at once. Which increases the risk of getting caught when collecting a new batch.)

-Silencing them with some kind of magic item. (Third best choice. Unfortunately I can't find any kind of item that would do the trick. I could probably ask the DM for one that would do the trick but I would need one that would work on any sentient species and that could be hard to justify. [He's hardly picky.])

-Casting the Silence Ritual on the contents of the bag every morning. (Maybe second best option. It would probably work best in a non-urban area [that we're not going to be in] but casting the same poorly defined ritual on the same object every morning would raise suspicions and it lacks utility.)

Disposing of the bodies. Is there any way that I can stop Speak With Dead from working on a corpse if it's discovered? I suppose Fornication could just feed the bodies of the previous victims to the current ones but then he's got to keep them healthy and deal with the smell of the decaying bodies as well. (I've already got a method of dealing with the smell of the excrement that they're going to be producing.)

2012-09-09, 11:23 AM
3rd ed Speak with Dead says: You can cast this spell on a corpse that has been deceased for any amount of time, but the body must be mostly intact to be able to respond. A damaged corpse may be able to give partial answers or partially correct answers, but it must at least have a mouth in order to speak at all.

4th ed Speak with Dead says: You ask the corpse of an intelligent creature questions and receive answers.

So ask your GM about how the ritual works in their games and if the body needs a mouth to talk. If it does need a mouth, then remove the jawbone (it's traditional).

2012-09-13, 06:57 AM
According to the soon to be incumbent DM it litterally revives the corpse for a short time. Allowing them to use whatever parts of the body that still function as a communications tool. So I'm going to have to totally dismember the body and hide it in several different places to keep it quiet.

Or just target the illiterate.

Thanking you muchly sir and/ or madam.

Mando Knight
2012-09-14, 02:15 PM
Burn the bodies to ash.