View Full Version : Good Foes for an Archivist

2012-09-10, 11:46 AM
I'm currently running a 3.5 campaign, where I have given each of my characters an arch enemy of some kind. A good recurring villain to fight. The problem is, coming up with a foe to go toe to toe with an archivist that isn't just a mirror of him is difficult a quick run down of the party.
Human Duskblade Foe: Human Ghost Faced Killer
Human Ranger/Scout Foe: Halfling Psion (He took Weakwilled so that gets him good.)
Half-Elf Wizard/Ranger Foe: Lesser Tiefling Assassin
Warforged Enchanter Foe: Half-Fiend Sorceror/Blood Mage (Fair ammount of homebrew)
Human Cleric Foe: Human Mystic Theruge (Wizard Cleric Gestalt)
Human Rogue/Fighter Foe: Human Bard

Personality wise, the Archivist is an illumian who has patterned himself a bit after Mr. Spock. For his foe's personality I think an Illumian is the way to go, and personality wise he is being paterned of the Master from Dr. Who. Problem is my knowledge of what Illumians are good at besides archivists is lacking. I've never used much beyond the core races with the notable exceptions Races of Ebberron and occassionally Faerun.

Edge of Dreams
2012-09-10, 11:48 AM

2012-09-10, 12:02 PM

I found the Artificer is more broken as a PC than an NPC as giving an NPC a ton of magic items will either end in the PCs having lots of loot when they defeat him and abilities of his own that are less interesting. The Iron Man eque concept is an interesting way to go.

2012-09-10, 12:14 PM
Hmmm, Factotum could be fun. They are jacks of all trades, archivist's are masters of all things divine.

Or perhaps you could make a summoner class(Wizard-cleric-sorcerer/Malconvoker) that can summon pretty much stuff that can counter Archivist's vast array of spells.

2012-09-10, 12:19 PM
There is the wizard, or perhaps an erudite (spell to power only if you're wearing a helmet), if you want to match him spell for spell without getting into a mirror match.

Otherwise, there are a variety of things that might work. A simple fighter (or a ToB replacement) with an anti-magic field would take a bit of planning to take down. Someone making use of purple rain (BoVD, if I recall correctly; it shuts off divine powers, including any divine magic) could make for an interesting threat.

2012-09-10, 12:27 PM
There is the wizard, or perhaps an erudite (spell to power only if you're wearing a helmet), if you want to match him spell for spell without getting into a mirror match.

Otherwise, there are a variety of things that might work. A simple fighter (or a ToB replacement) with an anti-magic field would take a bit of planning to take down. Someone making use of purple rain (BoVD, if I recall correctly; it shuts off divine powers, including any divine magic) could make for an interesting threat.

Purple Rain is that a feat? Spell? Don't think I've ever seen that one.

2012-09-10, 12:31 PM
A factotum could be a great counter as well. They can pull utility out of their ass and counter what your archivist is doing.

2012-09-10, 12:54 PM
You might want to try an Illumian Dusk-blade/Ur-Priest. Flavor-wise the Ur-Priest is a great foil to any divine caster. Dusk-blade makes a great entry class for the Ur-Priest, and Illumians can make pretty good Duskblades.

2012-09-10, 01:00 PM
What level are we talking?

Depending on the level range, Wu Jen abusing Lesser Spirit Binding for some backup Quells (the Libris Mortis ghost things that deactivate divine casting) could be fun and problematic for the Archivist without ruining the other party members' day.

And it would have some of the same elements of "Collector of Obscure magic" without just mirroring the Archivist's take on it.

2012-09-10, 01:02 PM
Don't divine casters hate them? Especially Druids, since only Archivists have access to all their spells without having to follow their teachings. To traditional divine casters, they're seen as irreverent at best and sacriligeous at worst. A particularly militant Druid could be hunting him.

Alternatively, use an arch-enemy with the ability to summon and/or turn into a large number of obscure creatures of various types, thus forcing the Archivist to rely on his Dark Knowledge to succeed.

You could even combine the two. Planar Shepherd maybe?

2012-09-10, 02:25 PM
What level are we talking?

Depending on the level range, Wu Jen abusing Lesser Spirit Binding for some backup Quells (the Libris Mortis ghost things that deactivate divine casting) could be fun and problematic for the Archivist without ruining the other party members' day.

And it would have some of the same elements of "Collector of Obscure magic" without just mirroring the Archivist's take on it.
Ah the party is around level 10 now. I don't plan on springing the enemy for another level or two.

Don't divine casters hate them? Especially Druids, since only Archivists have access to all their spells without having to follow their teachings. To traditional divine casters, they're seen as irreverent at best and sacriligeous at worst. A particularly militant Druid could be hunting him.

Alternatively, use an arch-enemy with the ability to summon and/or turn into a large number of obscure creatures of various types, thus forcing the Archivist to rely on his Dark Knowledge to succeed.

You could even combine the two. Planar Shepherd maybe?

The Planar Shepard. The god mode build. I like the way you think.

2012-09-10, 08:39 PM
Purple rain, if I recall correctly, is a weather condition. It can occur naturally in the lower planes, or can be called forth by the evil weather spell.

2012-09-10, 08:48 PM
Purple rain, if I recall correctly, is a weather condition. It can occur naturally in the lower planes, or can be called forth by the evil weather spell.

That's really cool and builds on the evil druid theory. I'm thinking of having this character be an Illumian Final Seed gone rogue (for those of you unaware of the fluff the illumian society exile members of their own race with their accumulated knowledge as a safe guard against their knowledge beinfg lost should one of the Cabals fall)

2012-09-10, 08:48 PM
Totemist? Something else illiterate?

2012-09-10, 08:56 PM
A Grisgol maybe? A lich-construct which can cast 1 spell of each level, and has golem immunities. If you can find a way to awaken it, do that and have it scheme to release its epic level master by getting itself killed.

2012-09-10, 09:28 PM
Isn't there an awaken construct spell hanging about somewhere?

Complete Mage, perhaps?

2012-09-11, 01:21 PM
Current Build is an Illumian Druid 5/Planar Shepard 10 NE
Educated (Level 1)
Nightbringer Initiate (Level 3)
Frozen Wildshape (Level 6)
Assume Supernatural Ability (Level 9)
Natural Spell (Level 12)
Dragon Wild Shape (Level 15)
Bonded to the elemental plane of fire.