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View Full Version : D&D Documentary Needs Your Support

2012-09-10, 02:31 PM
There is a kickstarter project (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/andrewpascal/dungeons-and-dragons-a-documentary?ref=live) for a D&D documentary. It looks alike a good project and deserves the fanbase's support. PLease go there and take a lok.

Note I have no affiliation with any of the people working on this project. I just think it is important that the heritage of D&D be preserved.

2012-09-12, 12:26 PM
Hm... looks interesting, but I'm not sure I like the direction they're taking. Claiming that D&D is the #1 reason for roleplaying and communication in today's society is a huuuuuuge stretch.

Same goes for video game mechanics. I cringed when they said Skyrim had the same exact mathematical mechanics as D&D.

Now, granted, there was never an established gaming medium for something like Dungeons and Dragons before, but this documentary seems like a huge exaggeration and a lot of pulling at straws.

I'd be interested in the stuff about Gygax, Arneson and TSR, most of which I already know, but yeah. Not so interested in the "hey look, D&D changed everything in the world.... (maybe, just believe us)!"

Totally Guy
2012-09-12, 01:03 PM
It's setting off my propaganda sense.

I received the link from a paizo email and decided to unsubscribe.